#Arturo Vermi
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pikasus-artenews · 10 months ago
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ARTURO VERMI. Opere 1960 – 1975
Autodidatta Arturo Vermi ha vissuto l’atmosfera e la vivacità del dopoguerra a Parigi e a Milano raggiungendo obiettivi di riconoscimento anche nel mercato dell’arte 
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cupofmeat · 3 years ago
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Untitled, Arturo Vermi.
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mybeingthere · 4 years ago
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ARTURO VERMI (1928-1988) was a self-taught Italian artist who started painting in 1950s. His inspiration then was German Expressionism.
In 1956 he met avant garde artists in Brera district in Milan and his art became more conceptual. From 1959 he spent two years in Paris where he learned from Luigi Guadagnucci, Andrà © Blok, Szabo and Ossip Zadkine.
In 1967 he attended workshops with Lucio Fontana and his concept of space took central part in his work.
1975, which Vermi called "the year of Lilit"  was a milestone in his life and in work: this is when his proposal of happiness led him to creation of the first issue of "Azzurro" and the "Manifesto del Disimpegno".
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gdbot · 7 years ago
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Arturo Vermi, Diario, 1973 http://ift.tt/2hKnMzh
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viendiletto · 7 years ago
Maria Bellonci wrote many history books as well as historical fiction. Her Lucrezia Borgia is the best biography you can read about her. Her Milano Viscontea and Segreti dei Gonzaga are also excellent history books, while Rinascimento Privato is an excellent historical fiction about Isabella D'Este. I also recommend you Tu vipera gentile, three fictional stories set in 17th century Mantua and 15th century Milan.
Another historian I deeply love is Carlo Ginsburg. His I Benandanti, about the agrarian cults and witchcraft in 16th/17th century Friuli is one of my favourite books. He also wrote Storia notturna - Una decifrazione del sabba, about the history of witchcraft and the Sabbah. Il formaggio e i vermi is an essay about a Friulan miller, Menocchio, who was accused of heresy by the Inquisition because of his views on the cosmos and the soul.
Additionally, beloved paleontologist, writer, journalist and science populariser Alberto Angela (if you like documentaries I highly recommend Ulisse - Il piacere della scoperta, which he presents) wrote Una giornata nell'antica Roma, Impero - Viaggio nell'Impero di Roma seguendo una moneta and Amore e sesso nell'antica Roma about ancient Rome, I tre giorni di Pompei - 23-25 ottobre 79 d.C. - Ora per ora, la più grande tragedia dell'antichità, about Pompeii's last three days before the eruption, Viaggio nella Cappella Sistina - Alla scoperta del più grande tesoro artistico di tutti i tempi, about the Sistine Chapel, San Pietro - Segreti e meraviglie in un racconto lungo duemila anni, about Saint Peter's basilica, Gli occhi della Gioconda - Il genio di Leonardo raccontato da Monna Lisa, about Leonardo da Vinci's works and La Gioconda and Alberto Angela racconta i Bronzi di Riace - L'avventura di due eroi restituiti dal mare, about the Riace bronzes.
Andrea Carandini is a professor of archeology you should check out if you're interested in ancient Rome as he wrote many monographies about it. His La nascita di Roma - Dèi, Lari, eroi e uomini all'alba di una civiltà, Remo e Romolo - Dai rioni dei Quiriti alla città dei Romani and Roma - Il primo giorno are good works you can start with. I particularly liked his Il fuoco sacro di Roma -Vesta, Romolo, Enea, about the cult of Vesta and Her priestesses, the Vestals, and Rome's sacred fire.
Mario Torelli is a scholar of Italic culture and has written many works about Etruscan and Roman history and culture. If you're interested, I'd recommend Necropoli dell'Italia antica, about Italian necropolises, Storia degli etruschi, about Etruscan history, L'arte degli Etruschi, about Etruscan art, La Società etrusca: l'età arcaica e l'età classica, about Etruscan society, and Studi sulla romanizzazione d'Italia, about the Romanisation of Italy.
If you're interested in Italian classics some of my favourite authors are Gabriele D'Annunzio (his three trilogies: La Trilogia della Rosa, La Trilogia del Giglio and La Trilogia del Melograno), Antonio Fogazzaro (Malombra, Piccolo Mondo Antico), Ugo Foscolo (Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis), Dante Alighieri (La Divina Commedia, Vita Nova) and Emilio Salgari.
Other important authors and novels every Italian knows even if they haven't read them are Alessandro Manzoni (I Promessi Sposi), Giovanni Boccaccio (Decameron), Francesco Petrarca (Canzoniere), Ludovico Ariosto (Orlando Furioso), Torquato Tasso (Gerusalemme Liberata), Giacomo Leopardi (Operette Morali), Giovanni Verga (I Malavoglia, Tigre Reale, Novelle Rusticane), Luigi Pirandello (Il fu Mattia Pascal, Uno, nessuno e centomila), Italo Svevo (La coscienza di Zeno), Umberto Eco (Il nome della rosa), Elsa Morante (La storia, L'isola di Arturo), Edmondo De Amicis (Cuore), Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (Il Gattopardo), Primo Levi (Se questo è un uomo, La tregua), Italo Calvino (Le città invisibili), Grazia Deledda (Canne al vento), Sibilla Aleramo (Una donna), Alberto Moravia (La Ciociara, La Romana), Cesare Pavese (Dialoghi con Leucò) and Dino Buzzati (Il deserto dei Tartari). Vamba's Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca, Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio and Gianni Rodari's Le avventure di Cipollino are three children's books.
Hey Emma! I'm learning Italian and I was wondering, are there any Italian books which you or your followers recommend? Preferably history books or historical fiction, but anything at all would be great! I love your blog, hope you're well (and if you do get to go to London I hope you enjoy it! I'm from England and I love visiting the capital!) 💕💕
Hi anon!  So the first book I read in Italian was the translated Le Petit Prince, which I thought was a really good way to start.  As for historical fiction, there are two books in Italian by Bruno Nardini about Michelangelo and Leonardo - I haven’t read them yet, but they’re supposedly very good.
Maybe @francescadaferrara and @viendiletto have some more suggestions - and to my other followers, please comment if you have anything to add~
Also thanks!  I’m sure I love it when I come!
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mimiminimal · 2 years ago
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Arturo Vermi (1928 - 1988) - Untitled, 1960.  Oil on canvas / 100 x 70 cm.
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garadinervi · 4 years ago
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Arturo Vermi, Diario azzurro, n.d. [Private Collection]
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abstrakshun · 10 years ago
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Arturo Vermi senza titolo (figura nello spazio tempo) - 1964
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marcogiovenale · 4 years ago
dal 26 giugno: emilio villa e l'appia antica. mostra a capo di bove (roma)
dal 26 giugno: emilio villa e l’appia antica. mostra a capo di bove (roma)
da https://www.parcoarcheologicoappiaantica.it/mostre/prossime-mostre/un-atlante-di-arte-nuova-emilio-villa-e-lappia-antica/ Roma, Complesso di Capo di Bove sull’Appia Antica26 giugno – 19 settembre 2021 1957-1960: un breve arco di tempo in cui si dipana una storia poco nota ma straordinaria dell’arte del Novecento, che vede protagonista l’Appia Antica, narrata dalla voce ispirata di Emilio…
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mybeingthere · 4 years ago
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ARTURO VERMI (1928-1988) was a self-taught Italian artist who started painting in 1950s. His inspiration then was German Expressionism.
In 1956 he met avant garde artists in Brera district in Milan and his art became more conceptual. From 1959 he spent two years in Paris where he learned from Luigi Guadagnucci, Andrà © Blok, Szabo and Ossip Zadkine.
In 1967 he attended workshops with Lucio Fontana and his concept of space took central part in his work.
1975, which Vermi called “the year of Lilit”  was a milestone in his life and in work: this is when his proposal of happiness led him to creation of the first issue of “Azzurro” and the “Manifesto del Disimpegno”.
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mybeingthere · 4 years ago
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Arturo Vermi  The moon at the sunset, 1977  Silver and gold leaf on canvas.
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mybeingthere · 4 years ago
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ARTURO VERMI (1928-1988) was a self-taught Italian artist who started painting in 1950s. His inspiration then was German Expressionism.
In 1956 he met avant garde artists in Brera district in Milan and his art became more conceptual. From 1959 he spent two years in Paris where he learned from Luigi Guadagnucci, Andrà © Blok, Szabo and Ossip Zadkine.
In 1967 he attended workshops with Lucio Fontana and his concept of space took central part in his work.
1975, which Vermi called "the year of Lilit"  was a milestone in his life and in work: this is when his proposal of happiness led him to creation of the first issue of "Azzurro" and the "Manifesto del Disimpegno".
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mybeingthere · 4 years ago
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ARTURO VERMI (1928-1988) was a self-taught Italian artist who started painting in 1950s. His inspiration then was German Expressionism. 
In 1956 he met avant garde artists in Brera district in Milan and his art became more conceptual. From 1959 he spent two years in Paris where he learned from Luigi Guadagnucci, Andrà © Blok, Szabo and Ossip Zadkine. 
In 1967 he attended workshops with Lucio Fontana and his concept of space took central part in his work.
1975, which Vermi called "the year of Lilit"  was a milestone in his life and in work: this is when his proposal of happiness led him to creation of the first issue of "Azzurro" and the "Manifesto del Disimpegno".
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gdbot · 7 years ago
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Arturo Vermi, Diario, 1972-1973 http://ift.tt/2zZseob
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gdbot · 7 years ago
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Arturo Vermi, Diario, 1985 http://ift.tt/2hM65j4
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gdbot · 7 years ago
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Arturo Vermi, Atto unico, 1964 http://ift.tt/2zuxOjC
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