#Arthur's just asleep..he's gone. He wouldn't realise
the-heaminator · 6 months
“Kirkland” A low rumble floats through the room, the protective growl of a bear concerned for his mate. A fluffy paw bats at Arthur’s arm, shaking him from his half-unconscious state. 
“Kirkland” Another paw — no, those are arms — grasps at his other side. A warm hand settles on his forehead, the heat broken only by a thin band of coolness. A ring? It feels metallic. Who around him wears a ring?
“Kirkland, wake up,” Oh, he’d know that dull voice anywhere.
“Ivan, y’bastard, m’ try’n sleep” Arthur grumbles, batting halfheartedly at the arms around him. He manages to dislodge the heat from his head 
“Kirkland, it is 3:35” 
“Don’t matter. Don’t needa be up till 5” 
“Kirkland. 3:35PM”
“Oh FUCK” 
Arthur bolts upright, colliding into Ivan’s chest. Normally, being bodyslammed by a 40-something-odd man would have some effect, but the disparity in height and weight means that Ivan is not affected at all. Instead, it’s Arthur who is pushed back into the couch due to the force of his movement. It’s then that he realizes what is going on. 
Ivan stands next to the couch, leaning over so far that his face is practically parallel to Arthur’s. His hand still grips Arthur’s arm, staring down with concerned eyes. His other hand is raised, the wedding ring catching the sunlight in a way that sends silver streaks through Ivan’s hair. Right. The wedding ring. 
“Get off of me, you oaf,” Arthur grumbles, using his small size to wriggle out of Ivan’s arms and to the side, which unfortunately means falling flat on his face onto hardwood floor. 
Or he would have, had Ivan not caught the collar of his shirt and left Arthur suspended pitifully a few inches from the ground.
“What did you forget?” Ivan asks sternly. 
Arthur sighs. “To pick the kids up from school,” 
“Correct. You are lucky I did that for you,” Ivan uses his frankly absurd strength to place Arthur back onto the couch. 
“Thanks” Arthur mumbles, attempting to regain his composure. 
“What was that?” Ivan asks sternly. 
“Thank you” Arthur says loudly, scowling at nothing in particular.
“And,” Ivan says, gesturing to white plastic bags sitting on the ground. “I brought you food,”
“I don’t need food,” Arthur protests, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
“You’re passing out around noon daily. Do you know what most people do around noon?”
Arthur doesn’t respond, only giving Ivan a tired look. This isn’t the first time Ivan has tried this trick and it won’t be the last. Ivan ignores the look and takes out a white styrofoam cartoon, opening it up and letting the smell of Indian food waft throughout the room. And it does smell really really good, causing Arthur’s stomach to rumble. Unwilling to let Ivan win this, he turns away and bites on his lip. 
“Kirkland. Eat” Ivan shoves the container onto Arthur’s lap and okay fuck it does smell really really good. 
“Eat and I will let you sleep,” 
“Fineeeeeee” Arthur exhales. Ivan shoves a fork into Arthur’s hands and he takes a bite of the savory food. He can’t taste much, but his stomach appreciates it so so much. He scarfs down the rest of the plate as fast as he possibly can and sets the container to the side. 
“Sleep” Ivan affirms. Arthur goes to lie down on the couch but is caught off guard when Ivan scoops him up bridal style. 
“Put me down, you oaf!” Arthur protests. Ivan doesn’t listen, walking to their room and tossing Arthur onto their shared bed. The reminder of Ivan’s pure strength brings unhelpfully lewd thoughts to Arthur’s mind as Ivan towers over him and he feels his heart rate skyrocket. What the fuck was wrong with him?
Ivan walks around to his side of the bed and clambers into the bed, the mattress creaking under his weight. Using one arm, he scoops up Arthur and places the smaller man onto his chest. 
Arthur has to admit, Ivan’s chest is very warm and-
His eyes fall shut. 
Sleeping on ivan's tits is enrichment for Arthur
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Second time I've written this (thanks tumblr), but here goes.
So I just rewatched The Death Song Of Uther Pendragon and I have some thoughts.
And maybe a reason why Merlin wouldn't have used the Horn of Cathbhadh to speak to Arthur (or any of the others), and why it was never mentioned again.
So Gaius tells Merlin that in the days of the old religion, priestesses would train for years before entering the spirit world. But given what the episode actually shows us, that doesn't make an awful lot of sense. Sure, I don't doubt that Arthur was somewhat lucky, and that other dangers could have been there, but it still doesn't seem worth years and years of training. I mean, Arthur, who has neither magic, nor any knowledge on it, can use it, and all he supposedly had to know and remember is "don't turn around".
Which leads me to wonder if there was more that Arthur should have known, if the priestesses would have been taught far more than just to use the Horn. And as I was watching the episode, I think I might have had some ideas.
I don't think the Uther that Arthur found in the spirit world was quite the same Uther he knew.
I believe it was Uther, as opposed to, like, a completely different entity entirely. But as much as Uther was a terrible person, his actions as a ghost didn't seem to quite add up. He did things that even for him, seemed a little off.
I mean, Uther's ONE good quality was that he truly cared about his children, even if he was bad at showing it. Perhaps the best example is in one of the earliest episode, where this conversation happens...
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He tells Arthur that he values him more than his whole kingdom. He was willing to risk his life and his honour, he was willing to die, and in doing so put Camelot at great risk, to save his son. Arthur means more to him than anything else. For all his faults, he loved him.
And this carries on. Later, he asks Gaius to use magic to save Arthur. He believes magic to be evil, that its use is a threat. He would never agree to its use for any other reason. But for his son's sake, for the love he has for his son, he is willing to risk all that he has done being a waste. He is willing to threaten his kingdom.
And yet, when Arthur finds his spirit, it says this...
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Of course Uther wants to do right by Arthur and his kingdom, but when a choice needed to be made, he put his son's life above all else while he was alive. His ghost doesn't do that.
And Arthur, who arguably does know him best, struggles to understand or believe his actions.
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Yes, Arthur has always been blind to Uther's evils, but I believe him. At least partially.
And even if Uther would have killed Percival and Gwen, he would never have hurt Arthur, at least not severely. He would never have risked Arthur's life. He would have allowed Camelot to fall before he would let Arthur die.
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He knocks Arthur out.
He is happy to fight him, happy to hurt him. And he walks towards Arthur like he was willing to do worse. Merlin stopping him means we'll never know, but I believe his spirit would have killed Arthur.
Something that Uther would never have even dreamed of.
And I also think that, completely accidentally, Merlin says exactly why.
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A ghost is the imprint of someone who once lived. A ghost and a soul might not even be the same — it may be that Uther's soul has moved on, and the spirit is just residue, something left behind that is a close copy, but not quite the same. Either way, a ghosts priorities will be entirely different to that of a living soul, because a ghost no longer fears death. At least, not the death of the body.
Uther has nothing to fear from dying. He has nothing to fear of Arthur dying. These things don't hold the same weight, because he knows a physical death. He has nothing to fear from it, and by this time he's been dead for a while. He may have even forgotten what mortality feels like.
So what matters most to someone who's already dead? The answer, I think, is holding on to life.
While alive, Uther held great influence and power. The best way to remain in touch with what it is to be alive is to hold on to that, to avoid his memory dying with his body. As long as he is remembered, as long as his influence is still felt throughout his kingdom, he will never truly be gone. As long as his legacy stands, he doesn't have to face what it is to be forgotten and powerless.
After even just a short while in the spirit world, his ghost becomes fixated on this.
He is willing to do things he never would otherwise have done.
He has only one goal in mind, and that is to be known. Arthur's life pales in comparison.
It was no longer Uther that met Arthur in the spirit world. The Uther that had lived had passed on; the ghost was but his shadow, the part of his soul that could not fully accept what death must mean, and shaped in time to fear it.
And that is what I think the priestesses were trained to learn and know. Those they meet in the spirit world will be changed, they will not be the same, because life and death have different needs. A life desires only for them and their loved ones to live, a death demands to be remembered and avenged. The souls have passed on, a ghost is but an imprint.
Death is a complicated and dark magic, there were things Arthur was bound not to know.
Perhaps the priestesses could have retrieved the true souls of those who had passed on. Perhaps the Horn of Cathbhadh was only a door, and the spirit world Arthur saw was only the very first room.
But for someone without that training to use it, they would meet with someone quite different to who they had known. Uther had not been dead long, and his soul was tarnished and cruel enough that the difference was not significant. But even the ghosts of the most pure of heart would, in the numb darkness that is death, fear what it is to lose everything they were. And that fear would grow as time passed and their legacy faded.
Merlin would have realised, after Arthur's death, after he finally had freedom to explore his magical potential, that death is not so simple as the Horn of Cathbhadh made it seem. Perhaps he could have, in time, passed through the spirit world. Perhaps he did. But he would, I think, have known better by the time he was able to do that. And, of course, there was no one left to train him.
So he would have, I believe, let the dead be. Their souls belong somewhere else, somewhere Merlin, for all his power, doesn't know, because he is not dead. And only the dead can know what it is to die.
But none of that matters, because The Horn of Cathbhadh wouldn't have let him see Arthur anyway. Arthur never truly passed on to the spirit world, his soul never left an imprint on this world, because it never truly left.
He is only asleep.
And Merlin will see Arthur again, one day.
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sinister-cipher · 5 years
In the night
Something very short I wrote based on the idea of John struggling to cope with Arthur's death
Read here or on A03
John gasped for air as he was abruptly awoken. His chest hurt. He couldn't see, where was he? Where was… Arthur. Arthur… He was gone. John was too suddenly reminded me of that fact. His lungs felt tight as he struggled to draw in air. His face felt damp, was he crying?
Shit! He was crying. He desperately tried to wipe his face clean of tears but they kept coming. Soon his tears turned to uncontrollable sobs. Arthur, he wanted Arthur. He wanted to feel him once more, be held in his arms, or pressed against his back on his horse, or squished between him and Abigail in bed. He needed to feel that warmth again. He didn't realise the noises he was making until his wife began to move.
"John? What's wrong?" Her voice was soft and brought John back to reality.
John shook lightly and choked out a sob, it was the best reply he could give at the time. Abigail understood though, she knew what troubled him. "It's okay. I miss him too, it's hard, I know." She shifted so that she was sat up and pulled John into her lap, John instantly clung to her.
She stroked his hair gently, giving him time. It took some time for John to calm down enough to talk. Abigail held him through it all.
"I miss him." Was the first thing he managed to say.
"I know. We all miss him but I know how hard it must be for you."
John could only sob in response, he started to get worse again, unable to form any more words.
"Oh John." Abigail tried her best but she knew she wouldn't understand just how difficult things were for John right now. She felt horrible, she wanted to take all of her husband's pain away. She was struggling too, she lost one of her closest friends but John, John had lost a lover, someone dear to him.
Abigail and Arthur had grown to be some of the closest of friends because of their mutual love for John Marston, but she couldn't begin to image how it felt to lose a loved one. She couldn't imagine what it would feel like to lose John or Jack. He tears were a lot more hidden and quiet.
"You loved him, I know, it hurts. We should visit him tomorrow." As she whispered this she ran her hand through John's hair.
John nodded lightly and clung to her closer. They stayed like that for hours until John fell asleep in Abigail's arms. He didn't want to sleep more but he grew tired, running out of tears to cry, he passed out on himself. Abigail didn't mind, she was happy to see her husband at peace. She was happy to sit for hours comforting John and making sure he was okay.
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preachyblinders · 6 years
3. Tenacious pt2;
Tommy POV ~
I shook hands with the boy, and leant over and kissed the girl on her cheek. 'Well didn't she have nice soft lips', her lips brushed across my cheek. What am I thinking? We're here for business and business only.
"This is Arthur and John and--" Mr Marchetti cut me off.
"Your Thomas Shelby. War hero and gang leader, we know who you are." They sat opposite us and the boys lit cigarettes. "As you know we are going to make this quick. Not only are you in debt but we also have a business proposal for you," He breathed out some smoke; and before he could carry on I threw some money onto the table.
"That should cover it," I took another drag and so did they. The girl however sat in silence.
"Thankyou now back to what I was saying before I was rudely interuppted," Lorenzo grabbed the money and placed it into his pocket. "We have a proposal, we would like you to help us bring our business over to England. Now obviously our stores would only be in the places where people could afford them, but when the money begins flowing in you will get your fair share. You would help make sure no one tries to fuck about in there, and you would help get the word out to people."
"And why would we do that?" Arthur asked tensing up.
"Because Mr Shelby you have no fucking choice," Spitting the words out at us I knew this wasn't a joke.
"It's alright brother we give the man what he wants ok?" I forced a smile onto my face and turned back to the man, who also sat grinning like a cheshire cunt. But then the girl whispered something in her brothers ear, whilst still staring us up and down.
"My sister would like to know if any of you have any snow?" Lorenzo questioned.
"Does your sister not speak for herself?" John asked glaring at them both. He just laughed softly then glared back.
"Oh she does you just wouldn't like what comes out of her mouth," The words were slowly said and before John said something irrational, Arthur passed a small bottle over the table and she smiled back. Unexpectedly she tipped at least half of the bottle out, and then grabbed my cap from across the table. I didn't hesitate though I just let her. Undoing some stiches she pulled a razor of and began to cut the substance up.
"So we have a deal Mr Shelby?" I said nothing back, I just spat on my hand for him to shake and he did. My eyes were fixed on Francesca who snorted the cocaine and handed Arthur back his bottle and paper, but not my razor. She slid that into her dress, above her breast, and just gave me my hat. A tease. Thats what she was.
"Add this deal Mr Marchetti would your daughter fuck me?" Those words slid of my tongue, and she suddenly looked scared.
"Well then my Son can fuck your sister."
"Fuck you," I raised my voice and realised he was trying to play games.
"Then lets leave your ridiculous offers aside then." Soon enough they all stood up, and the girl kept her eyes on me. Lorenzo lifted a case onto the table. "Here are some of the things we shall be selling. You can look, wear do whatever the fuck you want with them and I expect to be seeing to soon." And with that they were gone. Not a word more and not a word less just gone.
"You can get a fuck whenever you want Tom," Arthur said as we walked back into the hotel. I only smirked and reached into my pocket for my room key, leaving the other boys to their night. Arthur was right though, I'm Thomas Fucking Shelby; I get what I want. Pouring some whiskey I called up two maids, not giving a fuck what they thought, and it only took them two minutes to arrive before they were both lying in my bed.
Every move I made Grace rushed through my head, I was fucking someone that wasn't even there but then something was blocking Grace. It was Francesca. Stopping, the girl collapsed and got under the sheets. Why was I thinking about her? An Italian bratt who wears her daddys money, and couldn't give a fuck about someone like me. These thoughts took over and I fell asleep with her thoughts instead of shovels.
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