#Arthur H. Halloran
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writtenbyloperty · 1 day ago
Auradon was created as an alliance of fourteen kingdoms in the year 2000. After three kingdoms were attacked by Villains in one year, Grand Duke Adam Nicodemus Basile and his wife, Grand Duchess Belle Susanne Basile née Poirot, hailed the heads of the Ruling Royal Families and established Auradon as we know it today. Now crowned High King Adam established a rank of peerage of the kingdoms.
AURADON Auradon City. Population 83,736. Most common language English. Sovereign [High King] Adam N., of the Noble House of Basile (2000-2020)
ALBION Camelot. Population 90,017. Most common languages Latin (ruling class) & Celtic. Sovereign [King] Arthur, of the Royal House of Pendragon.
OLYMPUS Olympus. Population 41,868. Most common language Greek. Sovereign [King] Zeus Astrapaeus Limenoscopus Zygia, of the Royal House of Komnenos.
ATLANTICA Atlantica. Population 31,401. Most common language Latin. Sovereign [King] Triton Proteus, of the Royal House of Komnenos, [Crown Princess] Attina Eudora, of the Royal House of Komnenos.
OCCITANIA Tolosa. Population 104,671. Most common language French. Sovereign [King] Maximillian Godfrey L. L. S. F. J. De Rege, of the Royal House of Capetian (1982- ), [Crown Prince] Christopher Rupert W. V. K. A. F. R. L. H. G. J. De Rege, of the Royal House of Capetian.
AGRABAH Constantinople. Population 355,880. Most common languages Turkish & Arabic. Sovereign [Sultan] Yasmin bint Hamed Burakgazi, of the Imperial Ottoman House (2008- ), [Vali Ahad] Aziz bint Yasmin bint Hamed Burakgazi, of the Imperial Ottoman House.
PROVENCE Istres. Population 54,429. Most common language German. Sovereign [Queen] Edel "Snow" Oelberg, of the Royal House of Piast (1993- ).
CEREDIGION Deheubarth. Population 81,643. Most common language English. Sovereign [King] Hubert Leon II, of the Royal House of Dunkeld (1984- ), [Crown Prince] Philip Burke Leon-Hier, of the Royal House of Dunkeld and Stuart.
GWYNEDD Caernarfon. Population 43,962. Most common language Gaeilge. Sovereign [King] Stefan Hier III, of the Royal House of Stuart (1979- ), [Crown Princess] Aurora Burke Leon-Hier, of the Royal House of Stuart and Dunkeld.
BURGUNDY Auxerre. Population 209,341. Most common language German. Sovereign [King] Fredrich "Fritz" Koenig, of the Royal House of Hohenzollern (1995- ), [Crown Prince] Florian Oelberg né Koenig, of the Royal House of Hohenzollern and Piast.
CORONA la Vella. Population 272,144. Most common language Spanish. Sovereign [Queen] Rapunzel Halloran, of the Royal House of Plantagenet (2009- ), [Crown Princess] Sophia Halloran, of the Royal House of Plantagenet.
FRANCIA Théroganne. Population 171,660. Most common language Danish. Sovereign [Konge] Eric Holm I, of the Royal House of Estridsen (1991- ), [Kronprinsesse] Melody Holm Pontoporea I, of the Royal House of Estridsen and Komnenos.
MALDONIA Chennai. Population 83,736. Most common language Tamil. Sovereign [Aracan] Priyan "Ralphie" A. Iyengar, of the Royal House of Rajarun (2009- ), [Piratiniti/Ilavaracan] Naveen A. Iyengar, of the Royal House of Rajarun.
DUNBROCH Skara Brae. Population 73,269. Most common language Gaelic. Sovereign [King] Fergus, Head of Clan DunBroch (1979- ), [Crown Princess] Merida, Heir of Clan DunBroch.
The Following Kingdom was introduced to Auradon in 2014.
15. CHINA Luoyang. Population 460,551. Most common language Chinese. Sovereign [Huangdi] Liu Wuhuai, of the Royal House of Liu (1974- ), [Chang Gong Zhu] Liu Guiying, of the Royal House of Liu.
If you got this far, why not read the fic on Ao3?
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transdiffusion · 7 years ago
Something new, by Arthur H. Halloran
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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The Naked City (Jules Dassin, 1948)
Cast: Barry Fitzgerald, Howard Duff, Don Taylor, Dorothy Hart, Frank Conroy, Ted de Corsia, House Jameson, Anne Sargent, Adelaide Klein, Grover Burgess, Tom Pedi, Enid Markey, voice of Mark Hellinger. Screenplay: Albert Maltz, Malvin Wald. Cinematography: William H. Daniels. Art direction: John DeCuir. Film editing: Paul Weatherwax. Music: Miklós Rózsa, Frank Skinner. This hugely influential police procedural won two Oscars, for William H. Daniels's cinematography and Paul Weatherwax's film editing. Which is as it should be: What excitement and interest the film has today, after years of derivative movies and TV shows, is in the documentation of New York City streets and landmarks in the years just after World War II and in the brilliantly paced chase scene that comes at the climax, when the murderer scales the Williamsburg Bridge to evade the cops pursuing him. The script now feels clichéd, even if some of the clichés were new, and the dialogue sometimes banal and over-expository. Nor does producer Mark Hellinger's occasionally pretentious voice-over narration sound right to the ear. Barry Fitzgerald overindulges his leprechaun schtick as Lt. Muldoon and Don Taylor is a bit too determinedly callow as Halloran. On the other hand, the supporting cast is convincingly real. It's fun to watch today for some faces that became familiar later, many of them performing on Broadway at the time the film was made and rounded up for bit parts. Look for Paul Ford, Kathleen Freeman, James Gregory, John Marley, Arthur O'Connell, David Opatoshu, Nehemiah Persoff, Molly Picon, and John Randolph among them. The director, Jules Dassin, and the screenwriters, Albert Maltz and Malvin Wald, were among those who fell afoul of the witch hunters of the blacklist in the 1950s.
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thisissparta789789 · 6 years ago
A Joseph Agnello, Lad.118 Lt. Brian Ahearn, Bat.13 Eric Allen, Sqd.18 (D) Richard Allen, Lad.15 Cpt. James Amato, Sqd.1 Calixto Anaya Jr., Eng.4 Joseph Agnello, Lad.118 Lt. Brian Ahearn, Bat.13 Eric Allen, Sqd.18 (D) Richard Allen, Lad.15 Cpt. James Amato, Sqd.1 Calixto Anaya Jr., Eng.4 Joseph Angelini, Res.1 (D) Joseph Angelini Jr., Lad.4 Faustino Apostol Jr., Bat.2 David Arce, Eng.33 Louis Arena, Lad.5 (D) Carl Asaro, Bat.9 Lt. Gregg Atlas, Eng.10 Gerald Atwood, Lad.21
B Gerald Baptiste, Lad.9 A.C. Gerard Barbara, Cmd. Ctr. Matthew Barnes, Lad.25 Arthur Barry, Lad.15 Lt.Steven Bates, Eng.235 Carl Bedigian, Eng.214 Stephen Belson, Bat.7 John Bergin, Res.5 Paul Beyer, Eng.6 Peter Bielfeld, Lad.42 Brian Bilcher, Sqd.1 Carl Bini, Res.5 Christopher Blackwell, Res.3 Michael Bocchino, Bat.48 Frank Bonomo, Eng.230 Gary Box, Sqd.1 Michael Boyle, Eng.33 Kevin Bracken, Eng.40 Michael Brennan, Lad.4 Peter Brennan, Res.4 Cpt. Daniel Brethel, Lad.24 (D) Cpt. Patrick Brown, Lad.3 Andrew Brunn, Lad.5 (D) Cpt. Vincent Brunton, Lad.105 F.M. Ronald Bucca Greg Buck, Eng.201 Cpt. William Burke Jr., Eng.21 A.C. Donald Burns, Cmd. Ctr. John Burnside, Lad.20 Thomas Butler, Sqd.1 Patrick Byrne, Lad.101
C George Cain, Lad.7 Salvatore Calabro, Lad.101 Cpt. Frank Callahan, Lad.35 Michael Cammarata, Lad.11 Brian Cannizzaro, Lad.101 Dennis Carey, Hmc.1 Michael Carlo, Eng.230 Michael Carroll, Lad.3 Peter Carroll, Sqd.1 (D) Thomas Casoria, Eng.22 Michael Cawley, Lad.136 Vernon Cherry, Lad.118 Nicholas Chiofalo, Eng.235 John Chipura, Eng.219 Michael Clarke, Lad.2 Steven Coakley, Eng.217 Tarel Coleman, Sqd.252 John Collins, Lad.25 Robert Cordice, Sqd.1 Ruben Correa, Eng.74 James Coyle, Lad.3 Robert Crawford, Safety Lt. John Crisci, H.M. B.C. Dennis Cross, Bat.57 (D) Thomas Cullen III, Sqd. 41 Robert Curatolo, Lad.16 (D)
D Lt. Edward D'Atri, Sqd.1 Michael D'Auria, Eng.40 Scott Davidson, Lad.118 Edward Day, Lad.11 B.C. Thomas DeAngelis, Bat. 8 Manuel Delvalle, Eng.5 Martin DeMeo, H.M. 1 David DeRubbio, Eng.226 Lt. Andrew Desperito, Eng.1 (D) B.C. Dennis Devlin, Bat.9 Gerard Dewan, Lad.3 George DiPasquale, Lad.2 Lt. Kevin Donnelly, Lad.3 Lt. Kevin Dowdell, Res.4 B.C. Raymond Downey, Soc. Gerard Duffy, Lad.21
E Cpt. Martin Egan, Jr., Div.15 (D) Michael Elferis, Eng.22 Francis Esposito, Eng.235 Lt. Michael Esposito, Sqd.1 Robert Evans, Eng.33
F B.C. John Fanning, H.O. Cpt. Thomas Farino, Eng.26 Terrence Farrell, Res.4 Cpt. Joseph Farrelly, Div.1 Dep. Comm. William Feehan, (D) Lee Fehling, Eng.235 Alan Feinberg, Bat.9 Michael Fiore, Res.5 Lt. John Fischer, Lad.20 Andre Fletcher, Res.5 John Florio, Eng.214 Lt. Michael Fodor, Lad.21 Thomas Foley, Res.3 David Fontana, Sqd.1 Robert Foti, Lad.7 Andrew Fredericks, Sqd.18 Lt. Peter Freund, Eng.55
G Thomas Gambino Jr., Res.3 Chief of Dept. Peter Ganci, Jr. (D) Lt. Charles Garbarini, Bat.9 Thomas Gardner, Hmc.1 Matthew Garvey, Sqd.1 Bruce Gary, Eng.40 Gary Geidel, Res.1 B.C. Edward Geraghty, Bat.9 Dennis Germain, Lad.2 Lt. Vincent Giammona, Lad.5 James Giberson, Lad.35 Ronnie Gies, Sqd.288 Paul Gill, Eng.54 Lt. John Ginley, Eng.40 Jeffrey Giordano, Lad.3 John Giordano, Hmc.1 Keith Glascoe, Lad.21 James Gray, Lad.20 B.C. Joseph Grzelak, Bat.48 Jose Guadalupe, Eng.54 Lt. Geoffrey Guja, Bat.43 Lt. Joseph Gullickson, Lad.101
H David Halderman, Sqd.18 Lt. Vincent Halloran, Lad.8 Robert Hamilton, Sqd.41 Sean Hanley, Lad.20 (D) Thomas Hannafin, Lad.5 Dana Hannon, Eng.26 Daniel Harlin, Lad.2 Lt. Harvey Harrell, Res.5 Lt. Stephen Harrell, Bat.7 Cpt. Thomas Haskell, Jr., Div.15 Timothy Haskell, Sqd.18 (D) Cpt. Terence Hatton, Res.1 Michael Haub, Lad.4 Lt. Michael Healey, Sqd.41 John Hefferman, Lad.11 Ronnie Henderson, Eng.279 Joseph Henry, Lad.21 William Henry, Res.1 (D) Thomas Hetzel, Lad.13 Cpt. Brian Hickey, Res.4 Lt. Timothy Higgins, S.O.C. Jonathan Hohmann, Hmc.1 Thomas Holohan, Eng.6 Joseph Hunter, Sqd.288 Cpt. Walter Hynes, Lad.13 (D)
I Jonathan Ielpi, Sqd.288 Cpt. Frederick Ill Jr., Lad.2
J William Johnston, Eng.6 Andrew Jordan, Lad.132 Karl Joseph, Eng.207 Lt. Anthony Jovic, Bat.47 Angel Juarbe Jr., Lad.12 Mychal Judge, Chaplain (D)
K Vincent Kane, Eng.22 B.C. Charles Kasper, S.O.C. Paul Keating, Lad.5 Richard Kelly Jr., Lad.11 Thomas R. Kelly, Lad.15 Thomas W. Kelly, Lad.105 Thomas Kennedy, Lad.101 Lt. Ronald Kerwin, Sqd.288 Michael Kiefer, Lad.132 Robert King Jr., Eng.33 Scott Kopytko, Lad.15 William Krukowski, Lad.21 Kenneth Kumpel, Lad.25 Thomas Kuveikis, Sqd.252
L David LaForge, Lad.20 William Lake, Res.2 Robert Lane, Eng.55 Peter Langone, Sqd.252 Scott Larsen, Lad.15 Lt. Joseph Leavey, Lad.15 Neil Leavy, Eng.217 Daniel Libretti, Res.2 Carlos Lillo, Paramedic Robert Linnane, Lad.20 Michael Lynch, Eng.40 Michael Lynch, Lad.4 Michael Lyons, Sqd.41 Patrick Lyons, Sqd.252
M Joseph Maffeo, Lad.101 William Mahoney, Res 4 Joseph Maloney, Lad.3 (D) B.C. Joseph Marchbanks Jr, Bat.12 Lt. Charles Margiotta, Bat.22 Kenneth Marino, Res.1 John Marshall, Eng.23 Lt. Peter Martin, Res.2 Lt. Paul Martini, Eng.23 Joseph Mascali, T.S.U. 2 Keithroy Maynard, Eng.33 Brian McAleese, Eng.226 John McAvoy, Lad.3 Thomas McCann, Bat.8 Lt. William McGinn, Sqd.18 B.C. William McGovern, Bat.2 (D) Dennis McHugh, Lad.13 Robert McMahon, Lad.20 Robert McPadden, Eng.23 Terence McShane, Lad.101 Timothy McSweeney, Lad.3 Martin McWilliams, Eng.22 (D) Raymond Meisenheimer, Res.3 Charles Mendez, Lad.7 Steve Mercado, Eng.40 Douglas Miller, Res.5 Henry Miller Jr, Lad.105 Robert Minara, Lad.25 Thomas Mingione, Lad.132 Lt. Paul Mitchell, Bat.1 Capt. Louis Modafferi, Res.5 Lt. Dennis Mojica, Res.1 (D) Manuel Mojica, Sqd.18 (D) Carl Molinaro, Lad.2 Michael Montesi, Res.1 Capt. Thomas Moody, Div.1 B.C. John Moran, Bat.49 Vincent Morello, Lad.35 Christopher Mozzillo, Eng.55 Richard Muldowney Jr, Lad.07 Michael Mullan, Lad.12 Dennis Mulligan, Lad.2 Lt. Raymond Murphy, Lad.16
N Lt. Robert Nagel, Eng.58 John Napolitano, Res.2 Peter Nelson, Res.4 Gerard Nevins, Res.1
O Dennis O'Berg, Lad.105 Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan, Lad.4 Douglas Oelschlager, Lad.15 Joseph Ogren, Lad.3 Lt. Thomas O'Hagan, Bat.4 Samuel Oitice, Lad.4 Patrick O'Keefe, Res.1 Capt. William O'Keefe, Div.15 (D) Eric Olsen, Lad.15 Jeffery Olsen, Eng.10 Steven Olson, Lad.3 Kevin O'Rourke, Res.2 Michael Otten, Lad.35
P Jeffery Palazzo, Res.5 B.C. Orio Palmer, Bat.7 Frank Palombo, Lad.105 Paul Pansini, Eng.10 B.C. John Paolillo, Bat.11 James Pappageorge, Eng.23 Robert Parro, Eng.8 Durrell Pearsall, Res.4 Lt. Glenn Perry, Bat.12 Lt. Philip Petti, Bat.7 Lt. Kevin Pfeifer, Eng. 33 Lt. Kenneth Phelan, Bat.32 Christopher Pickford, Eng.201 Shawn Powell, Eng.207 Vincent Princiotta, Lad.7 Kevin Prior, Sqd.252 B.C. Richard Prunty, Bat.2 (D)
Q Lincoln Quappe, Res.2 Lt. Michael Quilty, Lad.11 Ricardo Quinn, Paramedic
R Leonard Ragaglia, Eng.54 Michael Ragusa, Eng.279 Edward Rall, Res.2 Adam Rand, Sqd.288 Donald Regan, Res.3 Lt. Robert Regan, Lad.118 Christian Regenhard, Lad.131 Kevin Reilly, Eng.207 Lt. Vernon Richard, Lad.7 James Riches, Eng.4 Joseph Rivelli, Lad.25 Michael Roberts, Eng.214 Michael E. Roberts, Lad.35 Anthony Rodriguez, Eng.279 Matthew Rogan, Lad.11 Nicholas Rossomando, Res.5 Paul Ruback, Lad.25 Stephen Russell, Eng.55 Lt. Michael Russo, S.O.C. B.C. Matthew Ryan, Bat.1
S Thomas Sabella, Lad.13 Christopher Santora, Eng.54 John Santore, Lad.5 (D) Gregory Saucedo, Lad.5 Dennis Scauso, H.M. 1 John Schardt, Eng.201 B.C. Fred Scheffold, Bat.12 Thomas Schoales, Eng.4 Gerard Schrang, Res.3 (D) Gregory Sikorsky, Sqd.41 Stephen Siller, Sqd.1 Stanley Smagala Jr, Eng.226 Kevin Smith, H.M. 1 Leon Smith Jr, Lad 118 Robert Spear Jr, Eng.26 Joseph Spor, Res.3 B.C. Lawrence Stack, Bat.50 Cpt. Timothy Stackpole, Div.11 (D) Gregory Stajk, Lad.13 Jeffery Stark, Eng.230 Benjamin Suarez, Lad.21 Daniel Suhr, Eng.216 (D) Lt. Christopher Sullivan, Lad.111 Brian Sweeney, Res.1
T Sean Tallon, Lad.10 Allan Tarasiewicz, Res.5 Paul Tegtmeier, Eng.4 John Tierney, Lad.9 John Tipping II, Lad.4 Hector Tirado Jr, Eng.23
V Richard Vanhine, Sqd.41 Peter Vega, Lad.118 Lawrence Veling, Eng.235 John Vigiano II, Lad.132 Sergio Villanueva, Lad.132 Lawrence Virgilio, Sqd.18 (D)
W Lt. Robert Wallace, Eng.205 Jeffery Walz, Lad. 9 Lt. Michael Warchola, Lad.5 (D) Capt. Patrick Waters, S.O.C. Kenneth Watson, Eng.214 Michael Weinberg, Eng.1 (D) David Weiss, Res.1 Timothy Welty, Sqd.288 Eugene Whelan, Eng.230 Edward White, Eng.230 Mark Whitford, Eng.23 Lt. Glenn Wilkinson, Eng.238 (D) B.C. John Williamson, Bat.6 (D) Capt. David Wooley, Lad.4
Y Raymond York, Eng.285 (D)
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nemesisbinxartifactseries · 5 years ago
Artifact Series W
W.B. Yeats's Glasses
W.C. Field's Juggling Balls *
W. D. M. Bell's Mauser C96
W. G. Grottendieck's Stones
W. Heath Robinson’s Boiler
Wabi-Sabi Rock Garden Singing Sand
Waldemar Haffkine's Vaccine
Wallace Hartley's Violin
Wall Mounted Bottle Opener
Wally Schirra’s Insignia Patches
Walt Disney's Paintbrush *
Walt Whitman's Chalkboard and Chalk
Walter Chrysler's Building Spire
Walter Frederick Morrison's Cake Pan
Walter Freeman's Orbitoclast
Walter H. Thompson’s Telegram
Walter Halloran’s Crucifix
Walter Potter's Taxidermy Knife
Walter Potter's Taxidermy Wire
Walter Raleigh's Smoking Pipe *
Walter Schlage's Lockpick *
Walter Winchell's Tie Clip and Cufflinks *
Wang Mian’s Plum Tree
Wangari Maathai's Seeds
Wanksy's Spray Paint Cans
Warehouse 13.1 Diorama *
Washakie's Rattle
Washington Irving's Saddle
Washington Roebling's Caisson
Watergate Scandal Lock Picks
Watson Monitor
Wat Tyler's Lance
Wat Tyler’s Money Sack
Waverly Brown's Police Badge
Wax Crocodile
Way Bandy's Tie Clip
Wayne Gretzky's Hockey Puck
Wayne Wheeler's Hayfork
The Web of the Tsuchigumo
Webb C. Ball’s Railroad Chronometer
Wei Jingsheng’s Ballpoint Pen
Wendigo Mask
Wenham Wykeman-Musgrave's Plank
Werner Thomas' Accordion
Wes Craven's Freddy Krueger Glove
West Side Story Debut Playbill
The Western Jin's Hunping Jar
Where'd-It-Go Garden Gnome
"Where's the Beef?" Lady's Dress
Where's Waldo Misprint
Whip from St. Mary of Bethlehem Asylum
Whistler's Mother's Rocking Chair *
White Fan
The White Kiswah
"Whose Line is it Anyway's" Scenes from a Hat's American Hat
Wicked Bible
Wickham Family Dollhouse
Wild Bill Hickok's Playing Cards
Wiley Post’s Pressure Suit
Willem Jansz's Boomerang *
Wilhelm Kühne's Glasses
Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster *
Wilhelm Rontgen's Monocle
Wilhelm Voigt’s Army Uniform
Wilhelm Wundt’s Laboratory
Will Eisner's Unfinished Comic Book
Will Wright's Emerald
William Abner Eddy's Kite
William Allen White's Notepad
William Batty's Ringleader Bullhorn
William Beadle's Carving Knife
William Beaumont, 2nd Viscount Beaumont's Battle Armor *
William Beebe's Umbrella
William Bickford's Safety Fuse
William Blake's "Ugolino and Sons in Their Cell"
William Bleckwenn's Stethoscope (canon)
William Burke’s Quill
William Byke's Top Hat
William Chaloner's Groat
William Chaloner's Lottery Ticket
William Charles Pitcher's Costume Trunk
William Coffin Coleman's Arc Lantern
William the Conqueror's Scabbard
Sir William Cornwallis Harris' Epaulettes
William Dampier's Eyeglass
William Edward Parry's Inukshuk (canon)
William Etty's Canvas
William Frank Carver's Glass Ball
William Garrow’s Wig and Bands
William Gilbet's Lodestone Amber *
William Golding's Pen
William Hanna and Joseph Barbera's Pens
William Harvey’s Lens
William Henry Harrison's Podium
William Hornaday's Zookeeper Cap *
William Howard Taft's Bathtub Valve
William Irving's 'Bowling Pins'
William J. Simmons’ Klan Cloak
William James Sidis' Bookcase
William Jennings Bryan's Gold Certificate
William Kempe's Pipe and Tabor
William Kent's Twelve Guineas
William Kidd's Chest
William Kogut's Playing Cards
William L. Allen's Leather Helmet
William Makepeace Thackeray's Gravy Boat
William Masters' Stethoscope
William Mulholland's Clipboard
William Murdoch's Boiler
William Newton McComb's Infantry Sword
William Oughtred's Slide Ruler
William Penn's Hat
William Randolph Hearst’s Bulletin Board
William Redington Hewlett's Printer
William Robinson's Chest
William S. Graves' Lighter
William S. Sadler's Chaise Lounge
William Safire’s Apollo 11 Speech
William Schwenck Gilbert's & Arthur Seymour Sullivan's Top Hats
William Seabrook's Cookpot
William Shakespeare's Chair from the Globe Theatre *
William Shakespeare's Lost Folio *
William Shakespeare's Neck Ruff
William Sianis' Goat Horns
William the Silent's Helmet
William Sommer's Marionette
William Still’s Notes
William Stoughton's Gavel
William Sydney Porter's Watch Chain and Comb
William Tell's Crossbow *
William Tell's Rabbit Foot *
William Thomas Stead's Pocketbook
William Thompson's Preserved Scalp
William Wallace's Claymore
William Whewell's Lab Coat
William Wordsworth's Necktie
William Wymark Jacobs’ Monkey Paw
Willis Conover’s Microphone
Willy Wonka's Golden Tickets
Wilt Chamberlain's Basketball
Wilt Chamberlain's Shoes
Wilton Ivie's Notebook
Winchester Mystery House
Wind Forming Leaf Blower/Vacuum
Windscale Fire Milk Bottle
Wine Barrel used for George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence
Wine Transforming Decanter
Winfield Scott's Coat Buttons
Wings of Daedalus *
''Wings'' Oscar Award
Winslow Homer's Boat Cleat
Winston Churchill’s Flask
Winthrop Kellogg's Plexiglass Pool
Winter Koi Painting
Wire Spool from the Dingo Fence
Witch Hat
Witold Pilecki's Auschwitz Jail Clothes
Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Gum
The Wright Brother's Wright Flyer
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Conductor Baton
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Flute
Wong Fei-Hung's 'Gun' Staff
Wooden Doll from Croton
Wooden Dragon Priest Mask
Wooden Fence from Dealey Plaza
Wooden Grail from Jerusalem
Woodrow Wilson's 'Peace in America' Badges
Woodstock Speakers
Woodstock Tie Dye Shirts
WWI-era Nieuport biplane
WWII Tessen Fan *
WWII Viewmaster
Wyatt Earp's Lariat *
Wyatt Earp's Sheriff Badge *
Wyrd Water
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