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moddsblog · 2 years ago
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SAVE THE DATE 📸 TOMORROW ! EXPO 🙌🏻 VINCENT FERRANE Seconde édition de la résidence d’artistes de « L’hôtel Amour » @hotelsamourparis @vincentferrane Une douzaine des photographies de #vincentferrane issues de son dernier livre « Inner » publié chez @artpapereditions seront exposées à cette occasion. A l’articulation entre une image mise en scène et une photographie vernaculaire, le travail de Vincent Ferrané, interroge et propose un regard renouvelé sur des représentations que l’on croyait évidentes ou triviales. Exposition & vernissage, jeudi 23 mars 2023 à partir de 18h au Bookbar Paris 18, rue de la Fidélité Paris 10e. Entrée libre. @vincentferrane @bookbarparis @hotelsamourparis @thomaslelu https://www.instagram.com/p/CqFleEpgkQk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nicokrijno · 2 years ago
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Nico Krijno Collages 2020-2022
14,5 x 19,5 cm, 448 p, ills colours, paperback ISBN 9789464660678 design and edit: Jurgen Maelfeyt
edition of 1000 November 2022
€45 First edition pre-order
Every order comes with one free unique photo print, 11×15 cm, randomly picked. Only available in pre-order.
On paper, a book may seem a peculiar object to accommodate Nico Krijno’s work. By virtue of its form, a book is finite, a neat vessel that lends itself to those narratives with a beginning and end. Krijno’s work, however, is not finite; it has no resolution or discernible moments that can be easily pointed at, bound and labelled. And neither does it ebb or flow in tidy rhythms but accumulates, constantly and relentlessly. If anything, Krijno’s work feels — as it always has — more akin to some outpouring of seemingly blithe, childlike play: disorientating and fantastical, and at times almost absurd, but wondrous nevertheless. It is this outpouring though that puts Krijno’s work at odds with the book.
Yet for all of this, the book, of which Collages 2020-22 is the latest and most generous, feels a necessary endeavour. When seen in this way, en masse yet contained, it is arguably when we can best understand Krijno. Here we can understand the gravity of performance and process; understand how his work is always more than the sum of its parts; understand how he drifts in one direction to unravel new forms and ideas before returning to a more familiar albeit now different path. And we can understand that for all the similarities his work has with unbridled play, there is something more pointed, more intentional; a kind of persistence and eagerness to exhaust all possibilities that does not exist in the wholly innocent play of a child. Seen in an exhibition or online, one fragmented and the other truly endless, these characteristics and intentions feel more hidden, less tangible. It could be said then that Collages 2020-22 is necessary on two fronts. First, as a way to better understand Krijno, and second, as a way to hold onto something that otherwise is inevitably fleeting.
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3standardstoppage · 4 years ago
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Counting Until Ten Isabelle Wenzel @isabelle.w.e.n.z.e.l @artpapereditions In ‘Counting Till Ten’, Isabelle Wenzel plays a game. A game where she challenges herself as well as the viewer. Improvisation is an important element in this game. Things happen by mistake. Wenzel questions the role of the camera and the one of the (female) body. She makes use of her own body as a model in order to convey an image by movement. Wenzel works in a fast, direct and very spontaneous way. Photographer and model become one. Performance is always present in her work. She sculptures an image by use of her body, gravity and the environment. She makes the viewer conscious of his or her own body, while narcissistically being occupied with that of her own. What is it like to be a physical being? Design and edit by Jurgen Maelfeyt @jurgenmaelfeyt #countingtillten #isabellewenzel #artpapereditions #3ssbookselect #3standardstoppage #3ssstudios (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRFK2XFFcoT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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akolabuzi · 4 years ago
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1099 / Sybren Vanoverbergue / Art Paper Editions / 2020 Thanks to @vanoverberghesybren & @artpapereditions #1099 #sybrenvanoverberghe #artpapereditions #photobook #photobooks #photobookjousting #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/CJDubo_Hie8/?igshid=1ownfsv46sour
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laraverlinde · 8 years ago
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New Art Paper Editions publication 'The Great Cape Rinderhorn', with the support of Be-Part and with a small contribution by yours truly. Available at Be-Part, Riot bookshop Ghent, Hopstreet Gallery in Brussels and in the online shop of Riot and Art Paper Editions.
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thinkingimages · 4 years ago
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Frido Troost, An Educational Archive of 3135 Slides | This publication is composed of all the slides Frido Troost (1960-2013) used for his classes at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Troost, art historian by trade, was a pioneer in collecting photography of all sorts. In his store ‘Institute for Concrete Matter’ many types of photography were represented, varying from da-guerreotypes to albumin prints, stereo photos to family albums. The images in this book come from all kinds of sources: paintings, advertisements, erotica, art objects, portraits, etc. They form a new collection that represents Frido Troosts associative way of looking. The slides are presented in blocks of nine, in the same construct as Frido Troost gave his classes, a non-hierarchal set up that invites the viewer to link the images freely. A controversial mix that covers a big part of the history of photography. Co-published with @rietveldacademie @artpapereditions #artpapereditions
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rickyadamphoto · 5 years ago
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Thanks to @erik.kessels & @paulkooiker for including ‘M1’ in the ‘Highly Uncomfortable Photo Books’ publication: Highly Uncomfortable Photo Books is the third publication in a sequel of Kooiker's and Kessels's collection of unconventional photo books. After 'Terribly Awesome Photo Books' and 'Incredibly Small Photo Books', this publication focusses on books that are barely watchable because of its controversial nature. Available from @artpapereditions #m1 #photobook https://www.instagram.com/p/B88fXYEHmwZ/?igshid=1j0fqqnnbdi7p
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inspirimgrafik · 8 years ago
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gdbot · 8 years ago
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#publishing@artpapereditions http://ift.tt/2nfmJsr
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sawakofukai · 8 years ago
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Paul kooiker "Tokyo" both European and Japanese version are in Le Bal now! Thank you @elililauliola ♡ #tokyobypaulkooiker #artbeatpublishers #artpaperedition #lebal (at LE BAL)
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moddsblog · 2 years ago
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New BOOK @vincentferrane INNER @artpapereditions Is the title of this series the first segment of a phrase such as inner circle, inner room, or inner light? Looking at these images made of fragments of a body, a face and daily gestures that a permanent sun cuts out and includes in a room of a living space, we will simply understand that it is a question of interior, interiority and intimacy that can be shared with someone. Vincent Ferrané (°1974, France) lives and works in Paris. After following medical studies, he turned to photography in 2004. He regularly works for french and international press magazines, does assignments in portraits, fashion and advertising. In parallel to this work, he develops personal projects, where the real adorned with signs opens to symbolic and sensitive interpretations 22,5 × 32,5 cm, 48 p, ills colour, hardcover ISBN 9789493146945 design and editing: Jurgen Maelfeyt edition of 750 April 2022 #photographybook #photobook #vincentferrane #inner #artpapereditions https://www.instagram.com/p/CjP1AKFAyed/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thinkingimages · 4 years ago
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Frido Troost, An Educational Archive of 3135 Slides | This publication is composed of all the slides Frido Troost (1960-2013) used for his classes at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Troost, art historian by trade, was a pioneer in collecting photography of all sorts. In his store ‘Institute for Concrete Matter’ many types of photography were represented, varying from da-guerreotypes to albumin prints, stereo photos to family albums. The images in this book come from all kinds of sources: paintings, advertisements, erotica, art objects, portraits, etc. They form a new collection that represents Frido Troosts associative way of looking. The slides are presented in blocks of nine, in the same construct as Frido Troost gave his classes, a non-hierarchal set up that invites the viewer to link the images freely. A controversial mix that covers a big part of the history of photography. Co-published with @rietveldacademie @artpapereditions #artpapereditions
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moddsblog · 2 years ago
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New BOOK @vincentferrane INNER @artpapereditions Is the title of this series the first segment of a phrase such as inner circle, inner room, or inner light? Looking at these images made of fragments of a body, a face and daily gestures that a permanent sun cuts out and includes in a room of a living space, we will simply understand that it is a question of interior, interiority and intimacy that can be shared with someone. Vincent Ferrané (°1974, France) lives and works in Paris. After following medical studies, he turned to photography in 2004. He regularly works for french and international press magazines, does assignments in portraits, fashion and advertising. In parallel to this work, he develops personal projects, where the real adorned with signs opens to symbolic and sensitive interpretations 22,5 × 32,5 cm, 48 p, ills colour, hardcover ISBN 9789493146945 design and editing: Jurgen Maelfeyt edition of 750 April 2022 #photographybook #photobook #vincentferrane #inner #artpapereditions https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci0DsymK9JC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3standardstoppage · 4 years ago
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SISTER SISTER by Liv Liberg @livliberg.hello Published by @artpapereditions Started from 10 years old, Live Liberg photographing her four years younger sister Britt. It was a game between two sisters in which fashion, dressing up and photography were in line with each other and in which Liberg was in charge. What started as child play developed into a serious passion and obsession. The archive of images show a girl developing into a young woman, being increasingly aware of herself and the outside world. Liberg directs her sister in different settings, over a timeframe of fifteen years, mostly wearing their mother’s clothes. The work emphasizes the almost obsessive attitude that resulted in an abundance of photos. "It's A Must-Have Book" - #3ssstudios #3ssbookselect #livliberg #sistersister #APE #artpapereditions #3standardstoppage (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRADLHVlt19/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thinkingimages · 4 years ago
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Frido Troost, An Educational Archive of 3135 Slides | This publication is composed of all the slides Frido Troost (1960-2013) used for his classes at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Troost, art historian by trade, was a pioneer in collecting photography of all sorts. In his store ‘Institute for Concrete Matter’ many types of photography were represented, varying from da-guerreotypes to albumin prints, stereo photos to family albums. The images in this book come from all kinds of sources: paintings, advertisements, erotica, art objects, portraits, etc. They form a new collection that represents Frido Troosts associative way of looking. The slides are presented in blocks of nine, in the same construct as Frido Troost gave his classes, a non-hierarchal set up that invites the viewer to link the images freely. A controversial mix that covers a big part of the history of photography. Co-published with @rietveldacademie @artpapereditions #artpapereditions
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thinkingimages · 4 years ago
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Frido Troost, An Educational Archive of 3135 Slides | This publication is composed of all the slides Frido Troost (1960-2013) used for his classes at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Troost, art historian by trade, was a pioneer in collecting photography of all sorts. In his store ‘Institute for Concrete Matter’ many types of photography were represented, varying from da-guerreotypes to albumin prints, stereo photos to family albums. The images in this book come from all kinds of sources: paintings, advertisements, erotica, art objects, portraits, etc. They form a new collection that represents Frido Troosts associative way of looking. The slides are presented in blocks of nine, in the same construct as Frido Troost gave his classes, a non-hierarchal set up that invites the viewer to link the images freely. A controversial mix that covers a big part of the history of photography. Co-published with @rietveldacademie @artpapereditions #artpapereditions
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