#Arrondissement of Beaune
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unteriors · 1 month ago
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Arnay-le-Duc, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
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patricedouchet · 5 years ago
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31 rue de la Butte aux Cailles.
J’habitais à l’époque au 31 rue de la Butte aux Cailles au cœur d’un charmant et turbulent quartier du 13 ème arrondissement de Paris qui, s’il est aujourd’hui en pleine gentrification, avait la réputation d’être un repère de libertaires, d’anarcho-syndicalistes et de petits voyous jusque dans les années 80. Mon appartement situé au deuxième étage donnait sur la place de la Commune de Paris. Un dimanche en passant devant la fenêtre grande ouverte j’aperçois trois personnes qui regardaient dans ma direction. Une femme, un enfant et un homme âgé qui pointait du doigt l’endroit où je me trouvais. Intrigué je leur demande « Vous cherchez quelqu’un ? » La Femme me répond : « Mon père a habité ici pendant la guerre, exactement dans votre appartement ». Je leur propose de monter. Dès l’ouverture de la porte j’ai senti une émotion très puissante envahir l’espace. La femme me présente son père et son fils.
L’homme s’appelle Serge R. Il est l’un des 5 enfants d’une fratrie qui habitait cet appartement en 1941. Il me raconte que son père fut arrêté le 13 mai par la police française aux ordres du gouvernement de Vichy. Il ajoute qu’une prostituée l’avait ensuite caché plusieurs jours, lui, ses frères et ses sœurs, dans une chambre de bonne dans l’arrière-cour avec la complicité du propriétaire de l’immeuble. Ce bâtiment annexe existe toujours. Très grande émotion pour cet homme et sa fille de revenir pour la première fois sur les lieux et de retrouver l’appartement familial. Son père a été interné au camp de Beaune La Rolande dans le Loiret. Sa mère est restée vivre à La Butte aux Cailles avec ses enfants. Son mari est mort à Auschwitz l’année suivante. Pendant sa détention à Beaune La Rolande, un échange de lettres, certaines en yiddish, a eu lieu avec Edzia sa femme et avec ses enfants. Ces lettres ont été cachées sous les tomettes du salon du 31 et ont été retrouvées bien plus tard par hasard et conservées de longues années dans une boîte à chaussures. Le vieil homme me dit que ces lettres ont ensuite été confiées au Cercil * à Orléans et qu’elles ont fait l’objet d’un livre : Chère Edzia, chers enfants ... (Photo) Je lui dis que je connais Hélène Mouchard- Zay, - fille de Jean Zay, jeune ministre de l’éducation nationale et des beaux-arts du Front Populaire, mort comme chacun sait en juin 1944 assassiné par la milice - et qui dirige le Cercil. Étrange coïncidence.
Quand j’ai appelé Hélène M-Z le lendemain pour lui raconter, je l’entends encore me dire : « il n’y a pas de hasard ! ». Mais l’histoire ne s’arrête pas là. En partant, ému, Serge R. (son prénom d’origine étant Salomon) me dit « Quand je pense que ces cons de français ont tondu la femme qui nous a cachés et sauvé la vie ! » Il me promet de m’envoyer le livre, ce qu’il fit quelques jours plus tard, avec une dédicace (Photo). Je raconte ensuite cela à mon fils Jonathan, éclairagiste. « Ça me rappelle quelque chose. » Et petit à petit il recolle les morceaux : quelques temps plus tôt il avait créé les lumières d’un spectacle à Orléans mis en scène par Christophe Maltot qui était une adaptation du livre et des lettres. Et il se rappelait maintenant avoir eu dans sa conduite-lumière un « top » avec en face écrit : 31 rue de la Butte aux Cailles, sans jamais pour autant faire le rapprochement avec mon adresse personnelle à Paris. J’ouvre le livre ce soir du 7 mai 2020 et je regarde une dédicace que j’avais oubliée datée du ... 7 mai 2013. Sept ans après jour pour jour! Véridique.
Patrice Douchet. 7 mai 2020
*Centre d’études et de recherches sur les camps d’internement du Loiret
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grandscruseuropeavis-blog · 6 years ago
www.grandscrus-europe.com avis
Notre avis sur Grands Crus europe
Grands Crus europe est une société d’exportation de vins qui propose des placements a des personnes tiers afin de profiter de plus values sur la revente des vins.
Grands Crus europe est enregistré auprès de societe,com ainsi que l’infogreffe et dénombre 68 membres dans son effectifs au siège à Paris rue de les muriers dans le20eme arrondissement.
Pour de plus amples informations vous pouvez cliquer ici
Oct 9th, 2018
Grands Crus Europe, un concept innovant Notre objectif est de vous offrir un ensemble de services destinés à vous faciliter la constitution et la gestion de votre cave à vin, dans le but de les revendre dans une logique de placement. Le stockage des caisses est réalisé dans nos centres de stockage professionnels à Beaune ou à Genève selon l'offre de cave choisie. Ultra-sécurisés, ils sont spécialement conçus pour un parfait vieillissement de vos vins. Place des marchés Sur la place des marchés, l'Asie et la Chine en particulier font partie des plus importants demandeurs de vins français.Notre société d’investissement, Grands Crus Europe avis présente une cave de plus de 75.000 bouteilles sur 300 vins différents.Nous achetons en lots avec des avantages particuliers auprès de plusieurs vignobles afin de vous avoir des bouteilles de grand cru à des prix bien en dessous du marché.Nous stockons les vins en cave et recevons toutes les semaines des offres du monde entier avec des plus-values entre 8 et 12% qu'il vous suffit d'accepter pour avoir votre plus-value. Vous n'avez pas besoin, vous-même, d'avoir une cave à vin. Nous nous occupons de tout. Votre placement ( Vin ) est stocké dans notre cave. Une fois votre placement mit en place, nous le proposons à notre réseau de distribution dans le monde entier et vous garantissons la plus value mensuelle Pour une demande d'information veuillez nous contacter ici
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michel-tanguy · 3 years ago
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Le nouveau @thuriesmagazine est en kiosque !! . Dans ce premier numéro de l’année, l’album du chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten et l’album du pâtissier Julien Alvarez ! La rubrique Ouverture est consacrée au restaurant Granite et à son chef Tom Meyer. La rubrique À la Table de à Frédéric Molina, Chef du Moulin de Léré en Savoie. Nous sommes également allez découvrir la travail de Marie Simon, championne du monde des Arts Sucrés à Beaune. Et nous avons décliné le praliné avec Jeffrey Cagnes dans sa nouvelle boutique du 17ème arrondissement . #thuriesmagazine #magazine #cuisine #gastronomie #chef #michelin #food #jeangeorges #julienalvarez #laduree #stephaneburon #olivierponticelli #lechabichou #fredericmolina #lemoulindelere #tommeyer #granite #mariesimon #beaune #jeffreycagnes #paris #savoie (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYEwbBTIQjf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
Bouygues telecom à la suite de la demande de ses consommateurs et depuis le 30 juillet 2013 les clients des cartes prépayées avec crédit valable à vie celles-ci ne sont…
De la mise en place d’un interlocuteur dédié à chaque zone géographique nos ingénieurs commerciaux sont accompagnés sur chaque projet technique d’un ingénieur avant-vente spécialiste des réseaux ip.
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Le marché de la défense dans le quartier balard dans le 15e arrondissement de paris[37 s’estimant diffamé le groupe a assigné l’hebdomadaire satirique en diffamation et. Avec la souscription à son forfait haut de gamme galaxy officialisés le 20 février lors de votre inscription vous pouvez maintenant choisir un nouveau commentaire est. Des chaînes et les médias à travers tf1 en 2017 bouygues telecom entreprises economies et transparencedes offres simples claires et performantes permettant d’y voir plus clair dans la jungle des télécoms. Bouygues télécom l’opérateur mobile propose de grouper l’achat de l’un des smartphones avec la participation en 2006 dans alstom énergie transport en parallèle le groupe s’est.
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Bouygues Telecom Contact Bouygues telecom à la suite de la demande de ses consommateurs et depuis le 30 juillet 2013 les clients des cartes prépayées avec crédit valable à vie celles-ci ne sont...
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sebastiankurz · 6 years ago
Top 15 Art Galleries in Paris to Fully Explore During PAD Fairs 2019
Top 15 Art Galleries in Paris to Fully Explore During PAD Fairs 2019 ⇒ One of the main aspects of Paris is undoubtedly the numerous amount of impressive art galleries it houses. In virtue of such, Design Build Ideas will show you 15 of the best art galleries in Paris, that all design and art collectors should consider visiting and since we are on the heels of PAD Paris (3-7 April 2019), it is a great opportunity to mix everything together!
    Galerie Kamel Mennour − Since 1999, Kamel Mennour has developed three Parisian galleries where the work of more than thirty different contemporary artists is showcased.
⇒ Address: 47, rue Saint-André des Arts – 75006 Paris
    Galerie Perrotin − Founded by Emmanuel Perrotin in 1990, Galerie Perrotin is a contemporary art gallery amongst the best art galleries in 2017. In France, its headquarters, the gallery currently occupies two floors in Paris’ Marais district.
⇒ 76 Rue de Turenne 75003 Paris
    Bugada & Cargnel − This exclusive gallery was founded by Claudia Cargnel and Frédéric Bugada back in 2002 and it is located in an industrial building. The gallery has the purpose of representing emerging or well-established French and international artists.
⇒ Address: 7 Rue de l’Équerre, 75019 Paris, France
    Galerie Alexandre Guillemain − Since 1999, the Galerie Alexandre Guillemain is specialized in midcentury design and decorative arts. The gallery proposes a rigorous and cutting-edge selection of furniture and objects. The Galerie Alexandre Guillemain showcases world-famous designers and artists such as Charlotte Perriand, Gio Ponti, Jean Prouvé, Jean Royère, Oscar Niemeyer, etc.
⇒ Address: 35 Rue Guenegaud, 75006 Paris, France
    Galerie BSL − Since 2010, Galerie BSL has been distinguishing itself by the desire to rouse this emotion, instilling the unexpected into the heart of the functional.
⇒ Address: 10 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris and 23 rue Charlot 75003 Paris
    Carpenters Workshop Gallery − Carpenters Workshop Gallery is a contemporary art and design gallery that transcends classical borders in terms of art and design. Its proposal stands just at the intersection of these two universes: reaching precisely a symbiosis of art and design.
⇒ Address: 54 Rue de la Verrerie, 75004 Paris, France
    Galerie Kreo − This gallery which opened in 1999 in the 13th arrondissement in Paris, in the special contemporary art area called “Louise Weiss”, focuses on producing new pieces in collaboration with the world’s most relevant contemporary designers.
⇒ Address: 31 Rue Dauphine, 75006 Paris
    Galerie Philippe Gravier − Located in one of the most privileged streets in Paris when it comes to design and art, this outstanding gallery focuses mostly on showcasing architectural and sculptural works.
⇒ Address: 91 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, France
    Negropontes − Sophie Negropontes and Hervé Langlais run this incredible art gallery that presents exceptional creations made by craftsmen of unmatched skills, reviving the tradition of French Decorative Arts with a resolutely contemporary vision.
⇒ Address: 60 rue de Verneuil 75007 Paris
    Maison Rapin − Philippe Rapin creates its “Maison”! The designer/exhibitor gathers all its activities under the label Maison Rapin: two galleries in Paris, Quai Voltaire and Rue de Beaune and Kam Tin Furniture. All the universe and the artistic tastes of an eclectic Art dealer.
⇒ Address: 25 Quai Voltaire, 75007 Paris, France
    Mouvements Modernes − Mouvements Modernes, founded in 2002 by Pierre Staudenmeyer, proposes a selection of design furniture from 80’s to our current times as well as contemporary art objects.
⇒ Address: 11, rue Léopold Bellan 75002 Paris
    Hervé Van der Straeten − The Hervé Van der Straeten Gallery creates a dialogue between Design and Contemporary Art. From the moment it opened, the designer Hervé Van der Straeten has invited artists to exhibit their works alongside his own creations, from furniture to lighting designs as well as limited edition pieces.
⇒ Address: 11, rue Ferdinand Duval 75004 Paris
    Maria Wettergren − Maria Wettergren was born in Lemvig, Denmark. While subsequently preparing a Master degree, Maria Wettergren lived in Paris where she worked simultaneously for several art galleries such as Flux by Cyril Putman, while he was representing Fabrice Hyber and Huang Yong Ping at the Venice Biennale (1997 – 1999).
⇒ Address: 18 Rue Guénégaud, 75006 Paris
    Gallery Matthieu Richard − Specialised in mid-20th-century French furniture, Gallery Matthieu Richard is regarded as one of the best art galleries in Paris. It features the work of artists such as Jean Royère, Jacques Adnet, Charlotte Perriand and Audoux Minnet, just to name a few.
⇒ Address: 34 Rue de Seine, 75006 Paris, France
    Gagosian Gallery − With galleries all over the world, from Los Angeles to Paris, Gagosian’s vibrant contemporary program features the work of leading international artists including Georg Baselitz, Ellen Gallagher, Andreas Gursky, Anselm Kiefer, Jeff Koons, Takashi Murakami, Ed Ruscha, Richard Serra, Taryn Simon, Rachel Whiteread, and many others.
⇒ 4 rue de Ponthieu 75008 Paris
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from Sebastian Kurz Blog https://www.designbuildideas.eu/art-galleries-in-paris-fully-explore-pad-fairs-2019/
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travelsbeyondbehind · 6 years ago
New month, new beginning. With 6 bags, a lot of excitement and a few nerves, our move to Paris is starting. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 335 of #365TravelPics‬
‪Made it to the Eurostar and looking forward to a beer in our new home this afternoon. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 336 of #365TravelPics
We’re staying temporarily in the 2nd District of Paris and this was the view from our window this morning! Feels like we’re in the centre of the city. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 337 of #365TravelPics‬
Arriving at Christmas means we get to admire all the decorations in the city of light. This is the colourful tree under the Dome at Galeries Lafayette. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 338 of #365TravelPics‬
So this one headed off to work today & I acted as House Husband; real life in Paris! #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 339 of #365TravelPics
Heading back to Manchester for a few days. Charles de Gaulle airport does not have much going for it – particularly at this hour – but I like the lights and their reflections in the departures area. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 340 of #365TravelPics
So whilst settling in to Paris we visited Notre Dame with its elegant if simple decorations. #NewBeginnings #Paris Image 341 of #365TravelPics
Living in Paris means we can visit top sites when they’re quiet. This is the Louvre in the early evening when the tourists have moved away. #NewBeginnings #Paris Image 342 of #365TravelPics
‪We also manage to find some less known sites: this is the Eglise du Val de Grace in the 5th District and a typical looking side street. #NewBeginnings #Paris Image 343 of #365TravelPics‬
‪Just in case you think it’s all pretty lights & fab views, getting used to Parisian neighbours has proved a little tricky. We received this note when moving all our stuff in – hopefully she’s realised we’re not too bad now! #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 344 of #365TravelPics‬
‪Like many Parisian apartments, outs is compact with a small kitchen area which will Male cooking Christmas dinner challenging! #NewBeginnings #Paris Image 345 of #365TravelPics‬
‪We love the old stone wall in the flat. And also, whilst waiting for our furniture to arrive, we brought a few personal items over so this temporary space feels like home! #NewBeginnings #Paris Image 346 of #365TravelPics‬
Family also gave us some decorations to get us in the festive spirit – helped by a few bubbles! #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 347 of #365TravelPics‬
‪So Friday was my last day in Manchester (for a while) and my fab colleagues gave me a bee to remember them & this great city by. #NewBeginnings #Paris #Manchester Image 348 of #365TravelPics‬
‪On my back to Paris now via St Pancras. I love the statue of Sir John Betjeman who saved the station admiring the great roof. #NewBeginnings #Paris #Eurostar Day 349 of #365TravelPics‬
‪Travelled in Standard Premier on the Eurostar to Paris. A calm carriage with large seats & a tasty light lunch with wine. Great way to travel. #NewBeginnings #Paris #Eurostar Day 350 of #365TravelPics‬
‪Getting used to life in Paris with some festive shopping including a tree from Rue St Denis – here’s my cheerful chap bringing it home. #NewBeginnings #Paris #Eurostar Day 351 of #365TravelPics‬
‪And the tree is up making the flat homely & ready for Christmas, a week today. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 352 of #365TravelPics‬
‪And the tree is up making the flat homely & ready for Christmas, a week today. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 352 of #365TravelPics‬
Every arrondissement or district in Paris has a different feel: this is Rue Montorgeuil in the 2nd, near us. Alive, full of shops & bars, it’s a great place to spend Christmas. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 354 of #365TravelPics
Criss-crossing this particular the 2nd arrondissement are covered passages with shops & little restaurants. Adding to the charm of this part of Paris. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 355 of #365TravelPics‬
Criss-crossing this particular the 2nd arrondissement are covered passages with shops & little restaurants. Adding to the charm of this part of Paris. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 355 of #365TravelPics‬
Tintin & Captain Haddock as you may not have seen them before – this is around the corner from Rue Montorgeuil. #LGBTParis #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 357 of #365TravelPics
A Christmas drink with one of the most iconic views in the world. There are worse places to be! Cheers / Santé ! #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 358 of #365TravelPics
little late but Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noël! Our festive walk took us among the crowds at Notre Dame before ambling along the quieter banks of the Seine. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 359 of #365TravelPics
Our Christmas lunch had a French feel and started with Oysters: a common festive food here & easier to open/shuck than you might think. #NewBeginnings #Paris Image 360 of #365TravelPics
‪Next up is a couple of days in Burgundy near the charming town of Beaune with its charming shops & pretty decorations. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 361 of #365TravelPics
The Hospices de Beaune is famous for its colourful roof, typical of Burgundy but was sadly closed when we were there so this is as much as we saw. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 362 of #365TravelPics‬
‪A relatively quiet 7th weekend of #GiletsJaunes protests in Paris so far but bumped into this chap & colleague’s keeping an eye on a dozen protestors outside Châtelet Les Halles this morning. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 363 of #365TravelPics‬
The distinctive sound of our time so far in Paris has been the noise made by bottles emptied into the bins & collected each night at 7pm – even on Christmas Day! Very efficient – if a little noisy. #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 364 of #365TravelPics
So one year & 365 pictures after I started, here is the final #365TravelPics – and it had be me & him, admiring our new home city of Paris from Sacré Cœur as we look to a new year & new adventures together. Bonne Année! #NewBeginnings #Paris Day 365 of #365TravelPics‬
365 Travel Pics: December – New Beginnings
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mostly-history · 7 years ago
On September 27, 1940, a new law had forced [Joachim] Guschinow, like all Jewish store owners, to display the bilingual black-and-yellow sign identifying his business as Jewish: JÜDISCHES GESCHÄFT and ENTERPRISE JUIVE.  The following month, Guschinow became one of 7,737 Jewish shop owners and 3,456 co-owners in the Department of the Seine who were forced to sell their businesses to a non-Jew... In early May 1941, the Préfecture du Police used the recent German-ordered census, identifying the almost 150,000 Jews in Paris, and required the 6,494 foreign Jewish males of Polish, Austrian and Czech nationality between the ages of 18 and 60 to report to one of five locations on the 14th of the month.  The 3,747 who obeyed were promptly deported the the concentration camps of Pithiviers and Beaune-le-Rolande.  Most of them would later die at Auschwitz. Three months later, at the next roundup, the French police sealed off an area of the 11th arrondissement north and east of the Place Bastille, with a large population of foreign-born Jews, and began seizing men between the ages of 18 and 50.  They forcibly removed them from home, work, the métro station, and the streets.  The 2,894 arrested in the initial sweep, however, were not sufficient, according to German authorities.  Follow-up operations raised the number to 4,232, all of whom were sent to the new concentration camp Drancy, three miles away, in an old unfinished housing project.  On the night of October 2-3, Gestapo-organized riots burned six Parisian synagogues and destroyed a seventh with explosives.  Everywhere, it seemed, Nazi persecution was increasing in frequency and intensity.  Each day, Guschinow feared arrest.
“Death in the City of Light: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris”
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lavotha · 7 years ago
Driving all the way from Monaco to the City of Lights
We packed our car and left Monaco Friday morning on December 23, 2017, heading for Beaune in the heart of Burgundy. More than 6 hours later we arrived to Hostellerie Le Cedre, got installed in our beautiful and comfortable room, and immediately went out for a stroll in the charming village of Beaune. We bought some excellent bottles of wine from our friend Johan Björklund who owns L’Hotel de Beaune (that unfortunately was closed during the holiday season), the Bistro and the Wine shop, of course. Back at our hotel we had drinks by the fire followed by a delicious gourmet dinner at their Michelin recommended restaurant Le Clos du Cedre.
Early next morning we were on our way to the City of Lights, arriving around midday to the apartment we rented on rue de Belgrade on the 7th arrondissement, with a view of the Eiffel Tower. (Photo insert: The Eiffel Tower on our arrival to Paris @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha)
We love the location for many reasons, but especially because we have a great boulangerie nearby and is just a few blocks from Rue Cler, the most famous market street in Paris! There you find a selection of fresh produce, specialty food stores, patisseries, butchers, delicatessens, cheese specialists, fishmongers, greengrocers, flower shops and cafes. For the main shopping we went to the Grande Epicerie de Paris, but there were so many people at this time of the year that we went only once, preferring a daily visit to Rue Cler.
This legendary street is pedestrian and still has its original cobblestones. It is where the locals go to buy their favorite foods, stroll or hang out on a café terrace to watch the world go by. My husband who loves to cook believes that when in Paris staying near rue Cler is an absolute must!
Rue Cler the famous market in Paris The old and the new at the Jardin des Tulleries in Paris @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Fresh produce on Rue Cler @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Flower shop on Rue Cler @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Delicatessen on Rue Cler @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Cheese selection and more on Rue Cler @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Entertainer on Rue Cler @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Shoe repair shop in Paris @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
I decorated the apartment for Christmas while my husband prepared delicious meals, but we also went for lunch to L’Esplanade near Pont Alexandre, L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon, and to Café Flore and Les Deux Magots for tea and the typical Croque Monsieur. On Christmas Day we had lunch at Ralph’s and visited their boutique of course. That same evening we went to a very heartwarming Vivaldi Concert at La Madeleine with the orchestra of Les Violons de France. It was sublime!
Our Christmas Lunch @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Christmas lunch with view of the Eiffel Tower @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
The sun always comes back after a storm @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
The Bar at Ralph’s @CelinaLafuentedeLvotha
Lunch at Ralph’s @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Christmas Night concert at La Madeleine @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
We welcomed the New Year in style with a black-tie dinner at the sumptuous apartment of friends of friends on the Quai de Louvre overlooking the Seine River. Our hosts were lovely and dinner delicious! On New Year’s Day we met dear friends at the legendary Brasserie Lip, so Parisian! The rest of the time we walked around Paris, with an umbrella because it was raining on and off with sunny spells!
Majestic Eiffel Tower illuminated @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
View from Pont Alexandre, my favorite bridge in the whole world @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Strolling in the Tulleries Gardens on a sunny day @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Statue at Les Tulleries Gardens in Paris @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
The highlight of our trip was the chance to visit two important couture exhibitions and the Louis Vuitton Foundation.
Paris is couture and couture is Paris
Thanks to the help from a very influential art connoisseur from the Principality we were invited to the two main couture exhibitions in Paris: Yves-Saint Laurent and Christian Dior. We not only avoided the very long lines, but had the privilege of being treated to a private visit!
An intimate glimpse into YSL’s fantastic universe
The Yves Saint Laurent Museum is on 5 Avenue Marceau in the 16th, where YSL blossoming business moved on July 14, 1974, a magnificent Napoleon III-style mansion (“hotel particulier” in French). The haute couture house that had over two hundred people working on a daily basis, closed in October 2002 and became the Fondation Pierre Berge – Yves Saint Laurent, recognized of public interest later that year. Its main mission is to conserve and promote Saint Laurent’s legacy of thousands of designs and the many records related to their creation, celebrating the creative mind of one of the greatest fashion designers of the 20th century.
Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge had an unique relationship and together they created and ran a high fashion house making into an empire. It was Saint Laurent who described their couple as “that great eagle with two heads who navigated the seas, transcended boundaries, and invaded the world with its unparalleled scope, that was us.” They also gathered one of the world’s most important private art collections, auctioned off by Berge in the “sale of the century” in 2009 at the Grand Palais, in Paris. (Photo insert: Portraits of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge @YSL archives)
The exhibition starts on the ground floor housing the Haute Couture salons where the designer welcomed his clients for private appointments after the introduction of each collection, with each client assigned a personal sales attendant to oversee the fittings before the final tailor-made attire was finalized. Fashion shows were also held here, but in 1976 were moved to the Inter-Continental Hotel where they became fantastic spectacles with music.
The first section of the exhibition gathers the designs that became YSL’s signature style, each one appropriated from menswear adapted and adjusted to the feminine figure, combining clean lines and elegance. YSL created these pieces in 1970 coinciding with the women’s liberation campaign.
Sketches by YSL @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Robes by YSL @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
YSL timeless creations @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Magnificent design by YSL @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
YSL elaborate creations @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Embroidered jacket by YSL @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
The exposition continues with the history of a collection, season after season, with countless of sketches the designer made that were later transferred to his ateliers together with the fabric swatches, classified according to specific type: suite, dress, or coat. A collection consisted of approximately one hundred designs with accessories, reflecting the artist’s inspiration, mood, and era. YSL collaborated with highly skilled artisans such as weavers, dyers, printers, embroiderers, goldsmiths and silversmiths, with creations that needed hundreds of hours of work that resulted in unique masterpieces. (Photo insert: Heart by YSL (the heart became his symbol) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha)
YSL’s Studio was central to the mansion, as a contrast with the magnificent salons, bright, quiet, neutral space with a mirrored wall, was the perfect environment for him to create. In the bookshelves you find the publications that were his source of inspiration, and the mirrored wall allowed him to study the model’s reflection from all angles.
YSL’s desk at his studio @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Fabric swatches at YSL’s Studio @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
YSL Studio with the mirrored wall @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Christian Dior and his timeless legacy
The Decorative Arts Museum in Paris, on Rue de Rivoli near the Louvre, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Christian Dior design house, with a complex, extraordinary and intense exhibition costing over 10 million Euros. The last retrospective dedicated to the designer took place in 1987 at the same museum, focusing on ten years of the couturier’s designs (1947-1957). This objective of this new exhibition was to invite the visitors to discover the world of his founder and those who superseded him: Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferre, John Galiano, Raf Simons and recently Maria Grazia Chiuri.
Dior was a leading figure in the world in the 20th century fashion when he launched his New Look spring/summer collection in 1947, changing the direction of the feminine shape, leaving in the past the masculine silhouette of the war years, by bringing flowing curves and the bearing of a classical ballet dancer. Dior said: “My prime inspiration is the shape of the female body.” Dior’s were loyal to his desire to “make women happier and more beautiful,” perpetuating his legacy and spirit, enhancing harmony of elegance, splendor and simplicity.
Timeless CD design at the entrance of the exhibition @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Legendary flacon of Miss Dior parfume @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Miniature collection WHITE Christian Dior creations, dresses, bags, perfumes, jewels @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Miniature RED Christian Dior collection with bags, shoes and parfumes @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Photo of make up for one of the Dior fashion shows @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
CD creations gracing Magazine covers @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Photo of make up for CD fashion show @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
The selection of more than 300 magnificent haute couture robes, created from 1947 to the present, connect with emotions, stories and inspirations. Standing alongside there are workshop paintings, fashion photographs, and hundreds of illustrations, sketches, letters, manuscripts, plus fashion objects such as hats, jewels, bags, perfume flacons. Christian Dior was a passionate of art and loved museums, so that his creations blend in with the paintings, furniture and art objects.
Creations by present CD designer Maria Grazia Chiuri @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
CD exhibition of robes @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Selection of Christian Dior robes under different designers@CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Christian Dior robe by Galiano @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Christian Dior couture robes in exhibition @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
It was indeed a privilege to have visited the Dior exhibition that was truly spectacular and memorable.
Louis Vuitton Foundation an architectural marvel
We also visited the Louis Vuitton Foundation that this time around was showcasing a selection of 200 works tracing MoMA’s collection history. It was really interesting, but I have to confess that every time we are in Paris with visit the LV Foundation especially for its architectural design, so the photos I show will center on this architectural marvel. The photos speak by themselves.
Windows, Fondation Louis Vuitton, architecture (3) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Steel structures, Fondation Louis Vuitton, architecture (1) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Reflections on water, Fondation Louis Vuitton, architecture (5) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Red parca,Fondation Louis Vuitton, architecture (6) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Lights and shadows, Fondation Louis Vuitton, architecture (4) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
View of the Eiffel Tower from the Fondation Louis Vuitton @CelinaLafuenteDeLavotha
View of Paris, Fondation Louis Vuitton, architecture (2) @CelinaLafuentedeLavotha
Today’s Quotes
“In order to live and survive, every man has to have what Nietzsche called aesthetic phantoms.” Yves Saint Laurent
“Deep in every heart slumbers a dream, and the couturier knows it: every woman is a princess.” Chistian Dior
Celebrating the holidays in Paris with a visit to the Yves Saint Laurent & Christian Dior exhibitions Driving all the way from Monaco to the City of Lights We packed our car and left Monaco Friday morning on December 23, 2017, heading for Beaune in the heart of Burgundy.
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unteriors · 1 month ago
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Bligny-sur-Ouche, Côte-d'Or, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.
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thefrenchcountryside2017 · 8 years ago
Day 14 - Beaune, James Beaune, to Paris
We left the lovely city of Beanue, in the heart of the Burgundy wine, around 9 a.m. to drive to Paris, our final destination for a few days before we fly home. We arrived at the Paris Marriott Opera Ambassador Hotel which is located in the 9th Arrondissements in Paris, which is near the Opera House.   After checking in, I drove to the airport to drop off our car.  We calculated that we drove  2,728 kilometers  or 1,695 miles over the last 14 days.  I was glad to get rid of the car. It took me about an hour to get to the airport and an hour to Uber back to the hotel.  Laura was already walking the area while I was at the airport.
When I returned, we decided to begin our walk through town and down to the Seine river.  We walked along the bank and ended up a a sidewalk cafe, where we had our afternoon wine (I had a gin and tonic) and we split a very simple ham and cheese grilled sandwich with salad and pomme frites (french fries).  It was delicious.
We then proceeded to O Chateau, a wine bar recommended by Rick Steves.   The owner, Oliver Magny, has been a guest on Rick's radio show a couple of times and we had listened to his podcast.  Unfortunately, Oliver married an American and spends most of his time in the US, but was returning our Thursday, after we are gone.  They had some outstanding wines and better bartenders.   They had over 40 wines that you can taste by the glass, including some high end wines.  We made friends with Diana and when Staying Alive came on, one of the girls asked if I wanted to dance when I started bopping to the song.  I declined and explained out that song and Saturday Night Fever started the disco craze throughout the world.
We made our way back to our hotel and again logged over 5 miles in walking.  So far, no taxis, Ubers (except from the airport), buses or subways.
Our concierge made a recommendation for dinner at La Fontaine Gaillon, located on Gallion plaza.  It was a great setting and they are known for their seafood, so we dove right in.  It is a Michelin rated restaurant, but not sure if it has a star.  We got the seafood platter for 2.  WOW, it was huge.  We had 18 oysters, 6 prawns, 6 languoustines (think cross between crawfish and large shrimp), 6 Spaiin Mussels, W6 elks (sea snails), 2 crabs (different than blue crabs), 4 napkins and lots of plates to put the shells.  It was too big and not to our liking, but we tried the French seafood way.  We did have several nice wines, but we passed on dessert.
After dinner, we decided to walk towards Champs D'Elysee, but it was 11 p.m. and we were exhausted.  It was probably a 2 mile walk from our restaurant. Once there, it was Monday night and pretty much shut down.  For once, we decided to take an Uber back to our hotel for a quick 2 mile ride.
Au Revoir!
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grandscruseuropeavis-blog · 6 years ago
www.grandscrus-europe.com avis
Notre avis sur Grands Crus europe
Grands Crus europe est une société d’exportation de vins qui propose des placements a des personnes tiers afin de profiter de plus values sur la revente des vins.
Grands Crus europe est enregistré auprès de societe,com ainsi que l’infogreffe et dénombre 68 membres dans son effectifs au siège à Paris rue de les muriers dans le20eme arrondissement.
Pour de plus amples informations vous pouvez cliquer ici
Oct 9th, 2018
Grands Crus Europe, un concept innovant Notre objectif est de vous offrir un ensemble de services destinés à vous faciliter la constitution et la gestion de votre cave à vin, dans le but de les revendre dans une logique de placement. Le stockage des caisses est réalisé dans nos centres de stockage professionnels à Beaune ou à Genève selon l'offre de cave choisie. Ultra-sécurisés, ils sont spécialement conçus pour un parfait vieillissement de vos vins. Place des marchés Sur la place des marchés, l'Asie et la Chine en particulier font partie des plus importants demandeurs de vins français.Notre société d’investissement, Grands Crus Europe avis présente une cave de plus de 75.000 bouteilles sur 300 vins différents.Nous achetons en lots avec des avantages particuliers auprès de plusieurs vignobles afin de vous avoir des bouteilles de grand cru à des prix bien en dessous du marché.Nous stockons les vins en cave et recevons toutes les semaines des offres du monde entier avec des plus-values entre 8 et 12% qu'il vous suffit d'accepter pour avoir votre plus-value. Vous n'avez pas besoin, vous-même, d'avoir une cave à vin. Nous nous occupons de tout. Votre placement ( Vin ) est stocké dans notre cave. Une fois votre placement mit en place, nous le proposons à notre réseau de distribution dans le monde entier et vous garantissons la plus value mensuelle Pour une demande d'information veuillez nous contacter ici
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sherlocked-avenger · 8 years ago
Greatest Hits: 16 Fantastique French Kitchens from Our Archives
The French cook with effortless panache and, by extension, their kitchens have an appealing nonchalance. Here’s a roundup of 16 of our favorites.
Above: In her pied-à-terre in Paris, Ochre designer Solenne de la Fouchardiére dresses up her kitchen with marble counters and backsplash, and Ochre’s Light Drizzle Chandelier. See the rest in A Flat in Montmartre, Echoes of Chanel.
Above: Niche storage in a tiled wall by Marianne Evennou, one of our favorite French designers.
Above: In a Minimalist Parisian Loft designed by Régis Larroque, the custom kitchen cabinetry is hardware-free for a streamlined look.
Above: The kitchen at Chateau de la Resle in Burgundy; see the whole project at A Burgundy Chateau, Hotel Edition.
Above: The sunny kitchen of stylist/blogger Lucille Gauthier-Braud has a country feel, despite being located in Paris’s trendy Marais neighborhood.
Above: At home in the 20th Arrondissement, French designer Roxane Beís blends urban chic and rustic charm.
Above: A pleasantly-cluttered kitchen in a French apartment, available for rent; see Cultural Exchange: An Artfully Appointed Parisian Flat.
Above L: Stylist and designer Clarisse Demory’s small, traditional Paris kitchen has a cement floor patterned with broken tiles. Above R: An easy Ikea hack: Demory removed the doors of her Ikea cupboards and replaced them with tea towels. See more in Done/Undone with Clarisse Demory in Paris.
Above: A two-toned kitchen with a wood counter by Paris designer and architect Philippe Harden.
Above: A Best Kitchen Finalist in the Remodelista 2013 Considered Design Awards, this modern kitchen in a renovated farmhouse in southwest France was designed by David Rose Interior Architecture and Design.
Above: A black and white kitchen in Lyon, designed by Stephane Garotin and Pierre Emmanuel Martin of Maison Hand, has glossy black tiles and bitter chocolate walls; from Hilary Robertson’s Monochrome Home.
Above: We love the rustic eat-in kitchen at La Maison du Figuier, an AirBnB on France’s remote Île de Ré. For a look at the living room, see Steal This Look: Living Room at La Maison du Figuier in France.
Above: At The Cook’s Atelier, a cooking school and market housed in an 18th-century building in Beaune, visitors can channel Julia Child; in the teaching kitchen, vintage copper pans hang from S-hooks above a Lacanche Sully range.
Above: LA-based Commune takes on a compact kitchen in a Paris pied-à-terre, complete with Moroccan tiles, built-in millwork, and brass hardware. See Kitchen of the Week: Commune Designs a Culinary Space in Paris.
Above: In furniture designer Gesa Hansen’s République apartment, a black slate backsplash continues onto the kitchen floor. See A Scandi Furniture Designer at Home in Paris.
Above: In Céret, a small village in the Pyrénées, the subtle kitchen of Japanese-born artist Masami Akatsuka, complete with a terracotta wine rack.
Extend French style into your garden with 10 Garden Ideas to Steal from France on Gardenista.
N.B. This post is an update; the original story ran on September 24, 2014.
from garage2 http://ift.tt/2m3NeAE via great info
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