#Armand brought it up in the first place after Louis asked to see the redacted journal pages
astrabear · 3 months
It was Armand who said that the boy from San Francisco was still in there, and that he and Louis could work together to get Daniel to say what happened next.
The same Armand who brought Lestat to his coven because he knew Lestat would blow it all up.
And so (I am guessing, for now, with the knowledge that this show may go somewhere completely different) it's not "hey I'm back from chasing down my lunch, oh no they have found me out!" so much as "this is taking too long, why don't I give them some alone time so they can speed things up." I don't know why Armand wants to blow things up with Louis, although I can certainly think of possible reasons. But I'll be very surprised if this wasn't entirely intentional.
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