#Arlecchino: an eclipse dynasty Khaenri'ahn?
kaeyachi · 14 days
firm believer that if signora found kaeya as a child (and with the HC/theory that he looks like rostam) she would have claimed him as her son (and she would have somewhat healed mentally and emotionally too)
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Since Arlecchino is a Khaenri'ahn, does that mean her red X shaped pupils are symbols of the Crimson Moon dynasty while the four pointed star pupils are symbols of the Eclipse dynasty?
And could Arlecchino's curse be related to Khemia, that advanced form of alchemy Khaenri'ah used? The Crimson Moon dynasty was said to be a time when alchemy was at its peak after all.
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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Last ramble for tonight (that I may expand more with the release of Arlecchino's SQ), but what was said in the Perinheri books about an existing orphanage in Khaenri'ah where macabre ritual-like tests were done to children and the desire to rise them in hopes that one of them will become a Descender (none became one eventually neither in during the Crimson Moon nor the Eclipse dynasties) are too on the nose to not draw a reasonable parallel with the House of Hearth and their methods to rise a King as per Arlecchino's animation short and the 4.6 trailer. Which in itself... may actually be possible, as we see the Fatui / Harbingers poking their noses in Khaenri'ahn things such as the Field Tillers; Scaramouche was created via Khemia as learned by Ei and replicated by Dottore for his own segments; and lastly we have Pierro who is the director of the Harbingers and he's a Khaenri'ahn himself.
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reginrokkr · 5 months
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✧ Anonymous asked: what do you make of arlecchino's connection with khaenri'ah, mod? (if you don't mind the asking!)
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It's perfectly fine to ask, nonnie! I will preface that my answer may be underwhelming in view of what I read many people take for granted or maybe wish it was the case, but at the same time that in reality, I know as much as the next person and this is speculative on my part.
To be completely frank with you, I don't think that Arlecchino is from Khaenri'ah nor that she's any nobleman of the kingdom. And by this I mean Arlecchino per se, not what she's tied to. From the material we got of her, it's safe to assume that the sanguine flames she uses are unique and tied to her blood and bloodline and that this same bloodline is responsible for a great extent of Arlecchino toppling the fate successfully waiting for her. As for what fate I'm talking about is that there is potential in the thought that she belongs to a long lineage of ancestors that abandoned their god and, as non pure-blooded Khaenri'ahns "blessed" with being unbesmirched by fate, she bears the curse of wilderness.
Keeping in consideration her weapon lore, I have no doubt that besides being part of a lineage of ancestors that abandoned their god, she's also from a race that existed during the Crimson Moon dynasty. Being from this race while not being from Khaenri'ah per se aren't incompatible things and in actuality, it's quite feasible because once the Crimson Moon dynasty fell, the survivors of that race wanted nothing to do with the Eclipse / Blacksun dynasty, so they were in the hiding elsewhere we don't know about if they didn't return to any of the seven nations, which I'd find unlikely. Furthermore, we don't know for how long this race survived on its own until this days, but Arlecchino herself is proof that it did for thousands of years even if there is a high chance that they have forgotten what their origins were like or stopped following the same traditions they did back in the day, which could explain why she didn't know anything about herself concerning the crimson moon until Pierro told her to read Perinheri.
tldr; While she may not be a Khaenri'ahn in the literal sense of the word or a nobleman from the Crimson Moon dynasty, she is a descendant of the race affiliated with the crimson moon and possibly affected by the curse of wilderness.
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