#Ariki/Crea talks haha
Is it normal that I really see Keeper as a real mother figure now? She feels so warm and safe! I just wanna hug her a lot!! 😭
Boop ! Creator answering for once !
Aaah this is gonna be long ! Sorry in advance
This is a funny ask to me, because well, that's somewhat the intent on Keeper !
I wanna talk about it a little actually, I think I mentionned it before, but my main inspiration behind Keeper was... Seeing the world in total chaos and all the edgy AUs
We are in an era where everything is just worse case scenarios, one after the other, all the time
It's exhausting
Add to that the high number of edgy aus that where born in the past few month
So much violence ! So much angst ! So much sadness !
I wanted to make a character to "restore the balance"
Provide pure comfort (at least out of the Out of Bound storyline, get your mug of tears ready for that)
Something that make people feel like they have somewhere to go mentally to rest. You can imagine yourself right there, in Keeper's space ! And Keeper will be there taking care of you ! Giving you hugs !
It's totally okay to see her as a mom or a friend or that nice little old lady neighbours that gives you cookies sometimes
She's a big giant ball of fluff ! And it makes me happy to know that some find comfort in this AU
Even if in the end my AU won't be that well known by everyone, providing comfort to the mind what the intent of Keeper, she's the Multiverse Mom and you are all her Little Ones !
My my, I talk a lot, but I don't get to extend my thoughts that much about her haha, because of the twitter limit yk
Tho, while I'm here, I'd like to remind that this is simply an AU, and the original concept of Poppy still belongs to Clown !
I am just having fun giving a source of comfort to the fandom... I often use my friends characters in the asks, such as Messenger, Courier, Scripter, Filantes to help tell the little stories
So this is also a little reminder that only Keeper, Nyxie and Triskell belong to me !! Only those three ! ( And the fourth character that is coming soon of course ~ )
Thank you thank you for reading it all ! Have some doodles for your troubles
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