#Ariel Gabena
Gabena Family Trivia
Serena’s Trivia:
~Serena lived with her father Colress instead of Grace, she got sent to Kanto late and had met Ash when he had met Anabel.
~After she left to go back to Kalos, her, Ash and Anabel kept in touch.
~Serena was aware of Ash’s crush on Anabel and would try to be a wingwoman for Ash.
~She was happy to hear that Ash and Anabel became a couple and would often double date with Aria when they all had time.
~Serena really loved science when she was little, but a group of girls she used to call friends said that boys wouldn’t find her cute if she kept up her love of science.
~Colress had suggested that Serena become a Pokemon Performer, Serena decided to give it a try but wasn’t sure where to start.
~When she heard Aria was looking to train a student, she applied and for the chance.
~When she was chosen to be Aria’s student she was very excited and relieved to be Aria’s student.
~Serena gained a crush on Aria after a spending a lot of time with her.
~She officially confessed her feelings before the Master class competition, she was discouraged when Aria didn’t say anything and thought she ruined their relationship.
~Serena then got a surprise when Aria announced that she was dating her, she was embarrassed but happy that Aria accepted her feelings.
~Serena was the one who carried Ariel.
Aria’s Trivia:
~Aria didn’t know how to react nor did she know how to feel when Serena confessed to her.
~After talking to Palmero, she understood how she felt and accepted Serena’s feelings.
~The reason she choose Serena as her student was because she was the only one who didn’t want to be her student for bragging rights, she wanted to be her student so she could learn how to be a performer.
~After accepting Serena’s feelings and going on a few dates, Aria felt a lot happier than she had with any other boy she dated before.
~Aria doesn’t regret accepting Serena’s feelings and is happy to be with her.
Ariel’s Trivia:
~Ariel’s hair is naturally honey blonde, she dyes her hair pink.
~Ariel really likes playing video games that would be classified as for boys, she hides that fact about her due to how she hears stories about how girl gamers get harassed if they get found out.
~She gets around this by having a male username for streams, not showing her face and editing her voice to sound more like a boy’s voice. The only one who knows she likes playing video games is her adopted brother Dominique.
~Ariel is really happy when she bakes and often bakes for her friends and family.
~She also pays close attention to what certain Pokemon like and will bake according to their preferred flavors.
~Ariel’s crush on Lazarus was formed when he complimented her for her performance, saying how she looked amazing and how she and her Pokemon looked like they were having a lot of fun. 
~Her crush on him grew as she got to know him as the mature yet reckless boy who has a clear dream in his mind.
~Ariel thought about becoming a Rhyhorn racer but after riding on one, she decided it wasn’t for her.
~Ariel’s favorite color is pink.
~Ariel’s favorite food are Profitetoles and her favorite drink is strawberry Moomoo milk.
Dominique’s Trivia:
~Nick prefers to go by his nickname.
~Nick was chosen to be a magician after remembering an episode from the original series where Ash, Misty and Brock met a Pokemon magician.
~Nick’s team was based on Pokemon related to magic or similar to magic.
~Banette was chosen both because it’s his signature Pokemon and because they’re based on Voodoo dolls.
~Espeon was chosen because they’re able to predict the future to protect their trainers and they can predict the weather.
~Salazzle was chosen due to their pheromones being based around love potions.
~Nick’s Salazzle not wanting to create a harem was put in for creative for fun.
~Mismagius was chosen because of how they’re known to create illusions.
~Murkrow was chosen both because they’re based off of witches and because the Pokemon Magician had a Murkrow for a partner.
~Alolan Meowth was chosen because witches are seen with black cats.
~Nick did have a wizard hat, but he only wears it when he’s doing a spell because to him it looks stupid. He keeps wearing the cape though.
~Nick really loves watching romantic comedies, he watches them with Ariel and the two of them play video games together.
X’s Trivia: 
~X had gotten out of his loner behavior as he got older, which is when he confessed his feelings to Y.
~X actually really liked Serena and saw her as a younger sister, often wishing he had a younger sibling like her.
~X has a soft spot for kids, which is why he adopted Emma as his and Y’s other daughter. Y didn’t mind.
~X didn’t participate in the Pokemon League as he didn’t want more attention on himself.
~X competed in the Battle Chateau and his rank is a Grand Duke.
Y’s Trivia:
~Y always hated how Grace tried to force Serena to be a Rhyhorn racer and thought that was the only reason why she had Serena in the first place.
~Y is very close to Serena and always helped her when her face was scratched up from Rhyhorn racing training.
~Y didn’t inherit a love for science like Serena did, but she still gets along with her father.
~Y honestly only wanted to become a Sky Trainer to get back at her mother but once she actually tried it, she genuinely enjoyed it.
~Y doesn’t understand a lot about Pokemon Showcases but she does respect Serena’s choice and supported her all the way.
Angelique’s Trivia:
~Angelique likes being called “A” more than her real name.
~Angelique being a Dark type gym leader came from a video I watched about if all the rivals became gym leaders, Calem and Serena were chosen to be Dark type gym leaders because of their mega Absol.
~Angelique is considered to be a hard gym leader, a lot of trainers have trouble when she uses her seven badge team.
~Angelique does have other Pokemon for trainers with less than seven badges.
~Angelique’s no badge team is a Alolan Grimer and a Alolan Meowth.
~Angelique’s one badge team is a Sneasel and a Stunky.
~Angelique’s two badge team is a Nuzleaf, a Alolan Raticate and a Inkay.
~Angelique’s three badge team is a Galarian Linoone, a Thievul and a Morpeko.
~Angelique’s four badge team is a Shiftry, a Crawdaunt, a Krokorok and a Scrafty.
~Angelique’s five badge team is a Krookodile, a Umbreon, a Malamar, a Sharpedo (can mega Evolve) and a Skunktank.
~Angelique’s six badge team is a Mandibuzz, a Incineroar, a Drapion, a Tyranitar, a Bisharp and a Gyarados. (can mega evolve)
~Angelique thought about being a Rhyhorn racer as well but with how her mom and aunt described it, she decided against it.
~Angelique’s favorite color is black.
~Angelique’s favorite food is Flamiche and her favorite drink is lemonade.
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Ariel Gabena
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Ariel is the daughter of Aria and Serena. As a little girl, she always loved everything that delt with performing on a stage and greatly admired both of her moms for being amazing Performers, that was when she decided to follow both of her moms and becoming a Performer herself. She trains under both of her moms and is quickly making a name for herself and her Pokemon, she mostly does freelance performances for Showcases as she doesn’t feel ready to compete in actual Showcases yet, she also competes in Pokemon contests in case Showcases don’t work out for her. Ariel is a lot like both of her mothers but both sides show up at different times. While she’s on stage, she’s joyful, energetic and cheerful and she strives to make others smile in her performances like Aria. When she’s not on stage, Ariel is kind and polite to others, as well as a little shy when she’s talking to others, especially boys. While she is very skilled in performing, she still has some self-doubt and is insecure. She also cracks when she’s pushed into a wall and starts to lose herself when that happens. Despite that, when something or someone truly gets under her skin Ariel will respond strongly with a lot of sass toward anyone who happened to make her angry, it’s a side of her that no one expects so anyone nearby is rather surprised when she lashes out at someone. Much like Serena, she loves fashion and has developed a lot of skills in tailoring and sewing, she also loves to bake for others and her Pokemon. Ariel is a bit of a neat freak, she hates getting dirty and hates it when she sees any kind of mess. Ariel has a crush on Lazarus as he’s confident, mature and how he has a heart full of justice, she also finds his battle style to be interesting as she’s never seen someone battle like him before.
Ariel has a Key Stone fitted into a gold ring that goes on her finger.
Her Pokemon:
Sylveon- Sylveon is the first Pokemon that Ariel had received as a child and when Sylveon was an Eevee. As an Eevee, Sylveon was a lot more shy around others with the exception of Ariel and her family, she also was insecure of herself due to many people making fun of Ariel for having an Eevee or when they would call Eevee weak because she was unevolved, as such Eevee felt like Ariel deserved a better partner Pokemon that her and slowly stopped practicing with Ariel. That feeling only increased when Ariel had gotten more Pokemon to join her team and was convinced that it was time for her to just give up and leave Ariel. When she did leave she found a small hiding spot and just stayed there, it wasn’t for another while that she heard Ariel calling for her, surprised that Ariel wanted her back she went off to find Ariel, only to find her about to be attacked by Dragon-type Pokemon. Seeing her trainer in danger, she rushed in and joined the battle, however, they were losing and after she had gotten knocked down and being cradled by Ariel who was telling her that no matter what she would protect Eevee for all the times Eevee would protect her, after hearing that Eevee had started to evolve into Sylveon and learned how to use Fairy Wind which got rid of the Dragon-type Pokemon. After evolving, Sylveon tearfully apologized for leaving Ariel and they became even closer. Now as a Sylveon, she’s more confident in herself and her skills as both a battler and as a performer, she’s still shy but mostly when male Pokemon flirt with her. Sylveon loves to wrap her feelers around Ariel’s wrist while they walk together and she always comforts Ariel when she’s feeling down. She’s always seen out of her Love Ball.
Given in a Love Ball.
Ability is Cute Charm.
Moves are Fairy Wind, Swift, Misty Terrain, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Psyshock, Double Team and Wish.
Spritzee- Spritzee is the daughter of Aria’s Aromatisse and was given to Ariel a little after she had gotten her Sylveon as an Eevee. Spritzee is joyful and loves to flutter around, spraying her fragrance around Ariel to help her calm down or just to make her smell good for when they’re going on a walk. Spritzee enjoys performing in contests more than performances but she still loves performances all the same and will give everything her all, even if she is a lot slower than her teammates she doesn’t let her speed get her down. Spritzee loves to let others around her smell the scents she creates but she can control it to let only certain people smell her scents mostly to spite those who make fun of Ariel. Spritzee also acts as an older sister to Ariel’s other Pokemon, she also tells them the plans that Ariel makes for performance routines.
Given in a Heal Ball.
Ability is Healer.
Moves are Fairy Wind, Calm Mind, Attract, Draining Kiss, Aromatherapy, Trick Room, Gyro Ball, Sweet Scent, Thunderbolt and Dazzling Gleam.
Mawile- Ariel had found her Mawile while she was exploring a cave, when she first saw Mawile she was afraid of her, thinking that she was going to attack her at and her Pokemon at any moment but when she saw that Mawile looked upset at how scared she looked, Mawile was going to leave. Ariel stopped Mawile and offered her a place on her team and Mawile was happy to join Ariel’s team. Mawile is a very kind Pokemon but she’s also sensitive as many people are afraid of her due to her jaws and how many people know her as a deceiving Pokemon and will cry if she hears people call her scary or evil when she isn’t. Mawile wasn’t sure about performing but after seeing Ariel’s Pokemon in a performance while she was training under Angelique she wanted to join in and would often do performances while she was with Angelique, Angelique had noticed and asked Mawile if she wanted to join Ariel’s team, much to Mawile’s excitement and after the trade was complete she started to practice routines with her teammates and her trainer. Angelique had given Ariel Mawile’s Mega stone Mawilite, making Mawile able to Mega Evolve. While Mawile is glad she can Mega Evolve, she doesn’t enjoy Mega evolving unless it’s for an emergency or if her opponent can Mega evolve as well, she also doesn’t like how she looks as she thinks she looks even more scary.
Caught in a Friend Ball.
Ability is Hyper Cutter, changes to Huge Power when Mega Evolved.
Held Item is Mawilite.
Moves are Play Rough, Iron Head, Fake Tears, Ice Punch, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Crunch, Psychic Fangs and Magnet Rise.
Shiny Bellossom- Ariel had found her shiny Bellossom as a Gloom where she was seen trying to dance in a field of flowers, when Gloom had spotted Ariel watching her she quickly ran away in fear knowing full well how trainers react to seeing a shiny Pokemon. However, after a while she was watching Ariel training for a performance and after seeing that Ariel was a performer she was happy to join Ariel since she won’t have to battle. After a while, Ariel was given a Leaf Stone and a Sun Stone so Gloom can choose her evolution. While going over her options, she eventually chose to go with Bellossom because of how much she loved to dance. As a Gloom, Bellossom was very insecure about herself mostly because she didn’t see herself as cute as Ariel’s other Pokemon and she was still a little clumsy when it came to dancing but after talking with Ariel’s Sylveon, she learned not to feel so bad about it. Now as a Bellossom, she’s much more cheerful and is always happy to dance. She also doesn’t mind battling as she figured out that she can dance as she battles which gives her an advantage as most people don’t know how to counter her dance moves.
Caught in a Heal Ball.
Ability is Chlorophyll.
Moves are Petal Dance, Double Team, Teeter Dance, Nature Power, Bullet Seed, Magical Leaf, Sunny Day, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam and Quiver Dance.
Azumarill- Ariel had met Azumarill while she was at a Pokemon summer camp and everyone was assigned to do a report on a Water-type Pokemon in the lake, Ariel was approached by Azumarill and the two became very close to the point where Azumarill stuck by Ariel even after the assignment. Seeing their bond, the professor let Ariel keep Azumarill much to both Ariel’s and Azumarill’s joy. Azumarill is a very happy Pokemon who loves to be with Ariel and who enjoys swimming and being near any kind of body of water. Azumarill is a good battler and is always ready to battle for Ariel as well as perform with Ariel and her teammates. While Azumarill is cheerful and nice to Ariel, she can be rather fussy or not as welcoming to anyone who Ariel doesn’t give the okay to and will often spray them with water, especially if someone insults Ariel when Azumarill is around. Azumarill also has a sweet tooth and very much enjoys Ariel’s baking, though she’ll only eat Ariel’s baking or she’ll eat it if Ariel gives it to her, otherwise she won’t eat any other kind of sweet.
Caught in a Love Ball.
Ability is Sap Sipper.
Moves are Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Bubble Beam, Ice Beam, Swift, Future Sight, Charm, Mud Shot and Draining Kiss.
Braixen- Ariel had received Braixen when she was a Fennekin from Professor Sycamore, while she wasn’t sure if she wanted Fennekin after Fennekin showed a lot of promise for performing and for contests, Ariel had agreed to let Fennekin join the team. As a Fennekin, Braixen was determined to prove herself worthy of being on Ariel’s team and had to train herself a lot to get on par with Ariel’s other Pokemon since they were more experienced than her. After evolving, she had calmed herself down but at times her temper will flare up and she’ll end up getting angry at someone if they make her angry enough. Braixen had adopted some of Ariel’s characteristics, such as Ariel’s love for being clean and at times her insecurities. Like Ariel, Braixen loves to dress up and bake and will often be the one who enjoys wearing clothes the most out of Ariel’s Pokemon, as such she wears a vest that Ariel made for her that fits her body style when she’s not battling and she keeps a ribbon tied around her branch simply because her trainer gave it to her and because it looked cute. Braixen can be rather picky and she has an eye for clothing for Pokemon so Ariel often goes to Braixen for advice for clothes for her Pokemon.
Given in a Pokeball.
Ability is Blaze.
Moves are Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Psychic, Psyshock, Light Screen, Wish, Fire Pledge, Return, Iron Tail, and Shock Wave.
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Dominique “Nick” Gabena
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Dominique, or Nick as he’d rather be called, is the adopted son of Serena and Aria and is Ariel’s adopted younger brother. While his mother had given him up for adoption when he was a baby, he was raised by a clan of magicians due to how they all felt how he had magic inside of him and they trained him how to use his magic as well as gave him a spell book to learn about spells. When Nick was old enough to leave the clan, he was sent to different foster homes though he found many of them to be more annoying instead of warm and friendly like his clan, which made him bitter and untrusting around others, especially when his foster families would find out that he knows magic, they either try to use him to use his magic for selfish reasons or they become so scared that they kick him out, which led to even more bitter feelings towards others. When he was adopted by Serena and Aria, he was disgruntled because he was in a house full of girls and honestly thought that they would kick him out or he’d be stuck with a bunch of girly girls, it wasn’t until he actually got to know his new family that he actually enjoyed being with them and when he came clean about his powers he was relieved and happy when his mothers and sister didn’t want him to use his magic for selfish reasons and that they weren’t afraid of him to the point they’d kick him out. Nick isn’t a very trusting person, he keeps his heart shut towards others unless they prove to him that they can be trusted, despite that he’s still a nice kid and is happy to use his magic to help those in need or just to make someone smile. Nick does have a soft spot for his family as they are the only ones who let him in and kept him after he revealed the fact he’s a magic user. Nick doesn’t have a long term goal in mind, he’s content with just using his magic and learning new spells to use. 
He has a Key Stone attached to the clip on his cloak. 
His Pokemon:
Banette- Banette was the first Pokemon that Nick had befriended when he was little. Nick was getting picked on by a bunch of other kids when suddenly the kids felt pain in their bodies, much to their confusion. They had thought Nick was causing the pain and ran away in fear of him, that was when Banette revealed himself and showed Nick that he was the one who was causing the bullies to feel their pain due to his body being like a voodoo doll. Nick had caught Banette after telling his guardians what had happened. Banette is a loyal Pokemon to Nick, he’s also very protective and will not hesitate to poke his body with needles to bring pain to anyone who messes with Nick or his adopted sister Ariel. Banette has a temper, he often has to remind himself to calm down when certain situations come up, he’s also very vengeful and will always avenge his trainer or his trainer’s adopted sister by pranking the heck out of whoever hurt either of them and taking pleasure in how upset they are after they get pranked. Banette is very close to Ariel and allows her to hold and cuddle him, he also sews with her and it’s because of Ariel that Banette knows how to make voodoo dolls of others, he’s always proud of the voodoo dolls he makes.
Caught in an Ultra Ball.
Ability is Cursed Body, changes to Prankster when Mega Evolved.
Held Item is the Banettite.
Moves are Phantom Force, Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond, Ominous Wind, Shadow Claw and Curse.
Espeon- Nick was given his Espeon as an Eevee by his guardians to see if he can bond with Eevee to have him evolve into Espeon. Both Nick and Eevee had no issue with him being an Espeon and spent their time training and bonding with each other, Nick always felt at ease around his Eevee and soon he had evolved into an Espeon. Espeon is very loyal to Nick and uses his ability to see the future to protect Nick from harm which makes Nick happy and thankful to have Espeon with him. Espeon is also one of Nick’s strongest Pokemon, he also cares about his teammates and will always fight back just as much if he finds out his teammate had fallen in battle. Espeon gets along with Ariel’s Sylveon, acting like an older brother figure to her and he protects her from male Pokemon who try to flirt with her and from Operetta's Umbreon who constantly teases Sylveon. 
Given in a Luxury Ball.
Ability is Magic Bounce.
Moves are Future Sight, Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Retaliate, Dazzling Gleam, Zap Cannon and Heal Bell.
Salazzle- Nick had caught his Salazzle when she was a Salandit, she was known to be the odd one out of other female Salandit who would attract male Salandit to do what they wanted, Nick’s Salandit refused to attract others to do what she wanted, instead wanting to keep to herself and ignore any male Salandit. This lead to some disagreement toward a female Salazzle and she ended up getting kicked out of the group, Nick had offered her to be his Pokemon to which she agreed because she didn’t want to be alone. Salandit always tried to keep herself from evolving in hopes of not wanting to bring unwanted attention to herself, which lead to her getting tired more often than other Pokemon on Nick’s team. Soon she had evolved in her sleep and was horrified when she evolved, after a pep talk from Nick and her teammates she learned to accept herself and decided to not fit into the stereotype of other Salazzle, instead using her gas to help Nick create love spells and to help create perfumes for his family to use. Salazzle is a kind Pokemon, but if she hears someone ask if she had a reverse harem before getting caught, she will get angry and will growl at the person for the assumption that she’s like other Salazzle. Salazzle is a bit of a hopeless romantic and wants to be with someone who truly loves her and she doesn’t want to use her pheromones to get them to fall for her.
Caught in a Love Ball.
Ability is Corrosion.
Moves are Fire Lash, Poison Fang, Toxic, Venoshock, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Cross Poison, Sweet Scent, Heat Wave and Sludge Wave.
Mismagius- Nick had caught Mismagius at the same time he caught his Murkrow. When she was a Misdreavus, Mismagius would always scare others while Murkrow would steal whatever possession they had on them. They had managed to do the same to Nick, stealing his Key Stone in the process. In his rage, he had battled the two of them in a double battle and caught both of them. Misdreavus wasn’t pleased with having a trainer and took a lot longer for her to warm up to him than Murkrow did, after a while she did get used to being with Nick and started being okay with him, especially after hearing he was a real magician. Misdreavus expressed a desire to help Nick and wanted to evolve, however the magic clan only had one Dusk stone, Murkrow was willing to let Misdreavus have it because she didn’t want to evolve into Honchkrow. Now as a Mismagius, she takes great pride in herself, especially now that she can put curses and incantations on others. Mismagius is also very helpful when Nick needs her for one of his spells, often assisting with spells to cause illusions on others for a short time. Mismagius will often put others in an illusion to get a laugh out of them due to being able to see their illusion and mess with them when she wants, she always does it to anyone who messes with her trainer. 
Caught in a Dusk Ball.
Ability is Levitate.
Moves are Mystical Fire, Power Gem, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Ominous Wind, Hyper Voice, Mean Look, Perish Song, Hex and Psychic.
Murkrow- Nick had caught his Murkrow at the same time he caught his Mismagius as a Misdreavus. Murkrow would work with Misdreavus to get anything shiny that their victims had on them while Misdreavus would scare them. They had managed to do the same to Nick, stealing his Key Stone in the process. In his rage, he had battled the two of them in a double battle and caught both of them. Murkrow didn’t mind having a trainer as she always wanted to be with one but not many people wanted to catch her so she warmed up to Nick rather quickly. While Murkrow is Nick’s trainer, she’s more close to Ariel due to both of them sharing an interest in fashion, Nick doesn’t mind it if Ariel and Murkrow spend time together as he thinks the bond they have is cute. Murkrow does enjoy Nick’s company and will loyally go with him when he’s searching for specific items for potions and spells, as well as protecting him from harm. Murkrow has no interest in evolving into Honchkrow, so when given the chance to evolve she gave that chance to Misdreavus who evolved into Mismagius. Murkrow has a keen eye for finding shiny things and always gives what she finds to Ariel.
Caught in a Dusk Ball.
Ability is Super Luck.
Moves are Wing Attack, Sucker Punch, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Sky Attack, Psycho Shift, Air Cutter, Feint Attack, Dark Pulse and Mirror Move.
Alolan Meowth- Nick had caught his Alolan Meowth after she was abandoned by her former trainer for being too much to handle and care for, Nick felt bad for her and had taken her in as his Pokemon. Alolan Meowth was very fussy when it came to being with Nick, but she soon warmed up to him and started to be less fussy around him and his family. Alolan Meowth acts very prideful and she’s very smart when it comes to certain things, to the point she knows how to read spell books, often acting as a companion for Nick as well as a helper for gathering specific items he needs for spells much like Murkrow. Meowth takes great pride in her fur and often demands to be groomed or petted, but only by someone she’s close to instead of a random person she sees and will scratch anyone who tries to pet her without getting her approval first.. While she is cunning, prideful and selfish, she does have a soft side that she shows toward Nick because he saved her when her former trainer abandoned her and like Murkrow, she will give him anything shiny she happens to find.
Caught in a Luxury Ball.
Ability is Pickup.
Moves are Pay Day, Hyper Voice, Night Slash, Play Rough, Thief, Attract, Charm, Dark Pulse, Payback and Lash Out.
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Angelique “A” Gabena
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Angelique is the daughter of X and Y. When she was little she was always amazed by how her father and mother were Mega Evolution Successors and she wanted to get a Mega Ring as well. After putting a good word in with Gurkinn, he had given Angelique and her cousin Ariel a Mega Ring and had them both take part in the ceremony to become successors. While Ariel was more focused on being a Performer like her moms, Angelique didn’t know what she wanted to do at first and mostly spent her time just battling. It wasn’t until she approached by someone who suggested that she could take over the Coumarine city gym after Ramos had passed away, seeing as she didn’t have much else to do and no one else had taken over the gym, Angelique agreed. However she changed the gym from Grass types to Dark types because her starter was her Houndoom and made some changes to it after she got approved for the gym leader position and for going through the paperwork for changing the gym, the badge and type she would be battling with and she’s pleased with the changes she made. Angelique is a big introvert, she would rather spend her time by herself in her house or with her cousin when she’s home. Angelique doesn’t have a lot of friends but she does get along with Lazarus, Jewel, Danica, Golda, Lapis, Arvin and Chand and she admires them for all of their goals and wishes that she could find a goal for herself, for now she’s happy being the new gym leader of Coumarine city. Despite Angelique being an introvert, she can be rather sassy when something annoys her enough or if her patience runs out enough. 
Angelique has a Key Stone that fits into a black Mega Ring like the one her parents have.
Her Pokemon:
Houndoom- Angelique caught her Houndoom after she had found him injured and sick as a Houndour, while he was being stubborn and distrustful at first he soon warmed up to her after she had helped him recover. Houndour then decided that he wanted to stay with Angelique and she let him stay with her as her starter Pokemon. Houndour had started training with Angelique as soon as he recovered and he was doing great as he trained with his new trainer. After he had evolved while battling in a competition, he had sensed a Houndoominite and lead Angelique to it where it was cut and fitted into a collar for Houndoom to wear. Houndoom acts as the leader of Angelique’s team and is the one who trains with everyone and makes sure each of them are ready for a battle. Houndoom is obedient and loyal to Angelique to the point he’ll only listen to her orders, anyone else he’ll ignore. This is because of the fact that she saved him when he was on the verge of death and he got stronger because of her help, he’ll also drive off anyone who bothers her by growling or sending fire in their direction as a warning shot. He’s mostly seen out of his Pokeball.
Caught in a Pokeball.
Ability is Flash Fire, changes to Solar Power when Mega Evolved.
Held Item is Houndoominite.
Moves are Inferno, Beat Up, Flamethrower, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Dark Pulse, Iron Tail, Swift, Throat Chop and Sunny Day.
Greninja- After catching her Houndour, Angelique was given a Froakie by Professor Sycamore for her to raise as her own. With a lot of training, she managed to get her Froakie to evolve into a Frogadier and later Greninja. As a Froakie, Greninja was carefree and laid back, however he would still train and battle the best he could and when he could thanks to Angelique’s training regimens and it all paid off when he evolved into Frogadier. As a Frogadier, he had lost his carefree nature and would always train himself to get stronger and faster as a result of his training with Angelique and her Houndour, he also would start taking a leadership role along with Houndour and would try to keep new members in line. His leadership role increased more when he evolved into a Greninja and would only get stronger the more he trained with Angelique. Greninja is a calm and serious Pokemon that would always focus on training with his teammates and even leading his teammates when it came to training with them to get stronger. Greninja is very loyal and protective over Angelique to the point he’ll quickly rush to protect her when she’s close to being in danger. Greninja enjoys meditating when he isn’t battling and he takes advantage of how much he meditates and is able to pinpoint anyone trying to sneak up on him inside and out of battle with ease. Greninja is used for trainers with seven badges.
Given in a Pokeball.
Ability is Torrent.
Moves are Water Shuriken, Night Slash, Quick Attack, Smokescreen, Double Team, Hydro Pump, Dark Pulse, Surf, Aerial Ace and Scald.
Shiny Liepard- Angelique’s Liepard was caught after one of her previous trainers abandoned her. As a Purrloin was caught by multiple trainers but all of them eventually would release her after a while. Getting released by new trainers made her hate humans and she hated her shiny fur because that’s the only reason they wanted her in the first place, she had evolved after her last trainer had used her in a battle before she released her because she wasn’t cute anymore. Angelique was nearby and offered Liepard a place on her team, Liepard was slightly reluctant but she agreed as she felt she should try at least one more human before she decided to find somewhere else to live. After getting used to being with Angelique for a few weeks, Liepard had gotten used to being with Angelique and slowly started to come out of her shell but when she heard that she would be with a gym leader she thought that she could prove herself to any trainer that had abandoned her in the past that they made a mistake in releasing her instead of keeping her. Liepard is a bit of a needy Pokemon who really wants to be petted or given affection by her trainer, she can be very picky about who pets her as she had a lot of trainers before Angelique. She felt really close to her latest trainer but after she was released for evolving she fell into a deep depression that lasted for a long time before she had enjoyed being with Angelique and her other Pokemon. After getting to know Angelique and her Pokemon, she started to open up more and started to get into battling and she was given some emotional support Pokemon, notably a normal Purrloin that later was evaluated to be part of Angelique’s no badge team. She’s a very motherly Pokemon to that Purrloin and is always happy to care for her when she isn’t battling or training, Liepard also enjoys getting groomed or pet by Angelique. Despite her looks, she’s also a strong and capable battler when she knows what’s she’s going up against and she knows how to use her speed to her advantage, as well as various tricks to hinder her opponent such as using Fake Out or Attract. Liepard is used for trainers with seven badges.
Caught in a Luxury Ball.
Ability is Prankster.
Moves are Hone Claws, Fake Out, Sand Attack, Night Slash, Play Rough, Attract, Iron Tail, Lash Out, Burning Jealousy and Fake Tears.
Zoroark- Zoroark was caught by Angelique while she was in the Pokemon Village. Zoroark was one of the Pokemon who was mistreated by a previous trainer, he didn’t trust Angelique at first but when he saw that she had a strong bond with her Pokemon he opened up to her and soon joined her team. Zoroark is a very strong Pokemon, but he’s also not sure if he would trust just any other human unless he can tell they have a strong bond with their Pokemon, otherwise he’ll just growl at another human and will only be calmed by Angelique or Liepard. Zoroark is very close to Liepard as both of them have dealt with trainers who mistreated them, the two of them would often talk with each other in their down time and soon they became mates. Zoroark, like most Dark types, enjoys playing some pranks on others but he’ll mostly use his illusions to make someone think they’re somewhere else which Angelique incorporated into her gym puzzle which is something Zoroark takes pride in. Zoroark also has a soft spot for kids and will often make himself look like a smaller Pokemon so they can play with him without getting afraid, he also will let younger Pokemon into his mane and he doesn’t mind having them in his mane. Zoroark often uses his illusions during battle as well but only for skilled trainers mostly so he can test to see if they are worthy of getting a gym badge from his trainer. Zoroark is used for trainers with seven gym badges.
Caught in a Ultra Ball.
Ability is Illusion.
Moves are Night Slash, Night Daze, Double Team, Flamethrower, Extrasensory, Sucker Punch, Mega Punch, Foul Play, Calm Mind and Dark Pulse.
Honchkrow- Before being caught by Angelique, Honchkrow was a big bad boss Pokemon who would get his Murkrow cronies to steal food or anything that seemed valuable by his standards. He soon became a problem that some trainers had to take care of and Angelique managed to figure that if she could take out the leader, the Murkrow wouldn’t know what to do. She had taken charge of all kinds of trainers and had them battle to keep the Murkrow busy while she would fight against their boss and when she weakened him enough she managed to catch him, putting an end to the Murkrow gang. Honchkrow was very rebellious when he first joined Angelique’s team and he would mostly spend his time roosting instead of training with his new trainer and teammates, it took a long while but he did eventually open up to his trainer and ended up following her commands, though he mostly follows her because he realized that she was a strong leader despite her looks and he came to respect that part of her even if he refuses to admit it. He still hasn’t opened up to anyone in the team, still preferring to just roost on his own instead of talking with anyone. Honchkrow’s battle style involves him sometimes playing dirty and not giving his opponents any room to breathe or fight back, he’ll also use intimidation at times and will occasionally use moves like Pursuit so his opponent will let their guard down. He’s used for trainers with seven badges.
Caught in a Ultra Ball.
Ability is Super Luck.
Moves are Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Foul Play, Sky Attack, Air Cutter, Steel Wing, Confuse Ray, Double Team and Shadow Ball.
Pangoro- Angelique caught Pangoro as a Pancham, Pancham had seen Angelique’s team and wanted to be part of it as he thought her team had a lot of cool Pokemon. Angelique had no problem with having him join and caught him. As a Pancham, Pangoro was very easy to please, he always did his best when he was training and would constantly continue to improve himself any time he lost so he could get stronger. When he evolved after being with his teammates and trainer, he grew a bit more aggressive but he was still the same Pokemon that loved to please his trainer. He would often blush when he got complimented by Angelique or any challenger back when he was a Pancham, but after evolving he would puff up with pride anytime he won against someone and they would compliment his strength. Pangoro cares a lot about his teammates and his trainer and will always glare and growl at anyone who makes fun of them, especially anyone who does that to Liepard like her previous trainers, he also doesn’t like it when his teammates will fight among each other, especially the Pokemon part of their trainer’s lower badge team and he will often act as the peacekeeper between them and give them bonding exercises so they can learn to get along better and work together. Pangoro doesn’t have a set battle style like his other teammates, he just battles them as they come.
Caught in a Ultra Ball.
Ability is Iron Fist.
Moves are Bullet Punch, Storm Throw, Crunch, Darkest Lariat, Mega Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Dark Pulse, Reversal and Focus Punch.
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