#Aricka x Steve Binder
Comfort in the hard times…
(Aricka Penbury x Steve Binder)
(After finding out Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, five months pregnant Aricka and her husband Steve find comfort and solace in each other.)
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Aricka was shocked. Frozen. Hand over her stomach, the other cupping her mouth in horror. Steve was staring pensively, somberly at the television screen, open grief and tears in his eyes and on his face. She crossed the room, wading through the crowd in the dressing room; making her way to her husband, seeing Elvis with his fiancé - also named Aricka- huddled together, her on his lap rubbing soothing circles on his back while he had his face nuzzled again her shoulder.
It was good they had each other, just as she had Steve. And speaking of- she slid her hand slowly up Steve’s arm; across his shoulder, and leaned against him. He jolted at her touch, but quickly leaned into her as a source of strength. Her other arm slid around his waist and she squeezed. “We need to do something,” she murmured.
“I know,” he whispered back. “He needs to do something. The nation needs comfort.”
“He’s just a man, Steve. Seems like the Colonel has him on such a tight leash he can’t do nothing for nobody without express approval.” Steve clicks his tongue. Instead of replying to her, he turns to address the room at large, a heavy sigh slipping free,
“Listen, I ah, I just wanna say that- that this nation is hurting. It’s lost you know-? It needs a voice to help it heal.” He sighs, a pained laugh escaping him. “We have to say something.” Those blue eyes-bright with the sheen of tears and the weight of his emotions-darken, deepen, and he locks eyes with Elvis, “You, you have to make a statement, EP.”
Aricka nods, moving to take his hand, “He’s right.” She glances back at the Colonel, who was chewing his cigar hard enough to snap it in half. “The nation loves you, we wouldn’t ask you to do anything if we didn’t think it wouldn’t be received well.”
Aricka- Elvis’s girlfriend Aricka- smiles assuringly when the King of Rock and Roll looks at her. “They’re right. It’s about time someone else saw in you what I always have. Your voice is powerful- and I don’t just mean your singing voice.”
“Mr. Presley doesn’t make statements,” the Colonel finally objected, having gathered his jaw off the floor. “He sings “Here comes Santa Claus,” says Merry Christmas, and goodnight.” And to punctuate his words, he flicks the tv off.
“You might not make statements, Mr. Parker, but we do. We always have. And the decision is Elvis’, at the end of the day.” Aricka didn’t know where her bravery came from, but it was there.
Now all they could do was wait for Elvis to decide.
Back in the control room, it was just Aricka and Steve. The man sank heavily into the nearest chair, grief heavy on his face, seeming to weigh him down physically. Aricka went to join him, kneeling before him, one hand on his arm, the other on his knee. “We’re alone, baby. I locked the door. Bones is downstairs helping set up for tomorrow.”
At those words, her husband of three years leaned forward, and collapsed in her arms. Tears stained her dress sleeve, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Her own tears fell silently as she held space for Steve to feel his emotions. “I know…” she whispered. “Just let it all out. I’m here to hold you through this.”
They sat like that for what could’ve been hours but really was more than likely mere minutes, and Aricka continued to hold Steve even as he came back to himself, wiping his eyes and looking sheepish even though he knew Aricka would never judge him for his feelings. “I-,” he starts but she puts a finger to his lips,
“Hush, my love, you’ve held that in for a while now, haven’t you?” He nods, a bit abashed. “It’s okay to cry, you know I’m a firm believer in that. I’m five months pregnant, I cry when my food isn’t brought to me quickly enough, does that make me weak?”
“No-!” He protests. “You’re carrying my child, you have every right to- oh.” He blushes. “Yeah.” He leans forward again, kisses her forehead. “You always know just what to say when I’m like this. How?”
She smiles, leans forward to properly kiss him. “Because you’re my Steve and I love you.”
His hand makes its way to her stomach, gently rubbing the spot where their child was growing. “I hope they get their momma’s compassion and love,” he says.
“And I hope they get their daddy’s deep feelings and sarcastic streak, ” she whispered.
Steve’s forehead rests against hers, and they both allow themselves the opportunity to close their eyes and soak in the warmth of each other’s presence. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered back. The man stands, and pulls her to her feet, before wrapping his arms tightly but carefully around her, encasing her in a famous Steve Binder hug. She sighs happily and hugs him back, as tightly as her pregnant belly would let her hold him to her, rubbing his back and nuzzling his shoulder.
“We should wrap this up and head home- I want to show my wife how much I appreciate her constant support and love.” She giggles, but then the piano catches their attention.
A sad, slow version of, “Here Comes Santa Claus,” plays, and Aricka shares a Look with her husband.
He walks over and hits the switch allowing him to communicate with the stage from the box, “We’re pretty set for the number tomorrow, right, E.P.? It’s pretty familiar territory…”
Elvis looks up at them, as Bones comes in the room to grab his jacket. “A reverend once told me… “When things are too dangerous to say…Sing.””
Aricka, Steve and Bones exchange a Look, a smile blooming on Aricka’s face as sweet as a blossom after rain.
“Let’s get to work, then,” Steve says, and then proceeds to help Elvis create his statement.
Italicized script is taken from the movie script.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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