dwarvencoalhome · 10 days
🐋 New Character Designs! 🦢
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I’ve started to do some fantasy worldbuilding between me and some friends for a world called Arhundra, a name for a world that I thought of when I was much younger. This is going to be an incredibly fun project for me, bringing in some of my childhood ideas and mixing them with newer ideas and inspirations, as well as help from some friends that I admire the perspectives and ideas of.
🐋 Wyurah
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Wyurah (she/her/hers) is an Uhruwun, otherwise known as the narwhal folk. Not terribly different from a selkie in mechanics, she is able to use her narwhal-skin cloak to transform into a cetacean form. She was one of the approximately 15% of Uhruwun females to be born with a tusk, though it was broken off in an altercation that left her disgraced and fleeing the kingdom she once served as a phenomenal military captain. Now, she is traveling the world with her companion Araiciqhu, trying to find her place.
🦢 Araiciqhu
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Araiciqhu (she/her/hers) is an Inchet Arqathi, otherwise loosely translates to “one who is born naturally with feathers” in the Arqathi tongue. She is one of many dromaeosaur-like folk belonging to the Arqathi, nomadic cartographers and trailblazers that encircle the world on lifelong journeys. Arqathi faith and spirituality is deeply rooted in this perpetual movement around the circumference of Arhundra, and Araiciqhu is deeply traditional in many of her beliefs. She is a poet who has long traveled alone, but upon meeting Wyurah, she believes that she has finally found her ‘companion’—even if this companion is not Arqathi, Inchet or Anchet.
Both Wyurah and Araiciqhu are lawful good with an affinity for the water (though one prefers salt water and one prefers freshwater,) having met in an estuary-like region of marshes and deltas. Their upbringings and worldview vary widely, but the essence of their beings and values are largely the same.
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