#Are they really your friends if they don't gossip about you in hearing range
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Day 3: Larger circle @silvergiftingweek
"The both of them are still joined at the hip apparently-"
"It is good to see Lord Celebrimbor so happy-"
"Why must it be Annatar though?"
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wifeyoozi · 5 months
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boyfriend jeonghan headcanons (sfw and nsfw) because no man will possess the same amount of beauty as him
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boyfriend!jeonghan who's the prettiest thing and likes to be so for you.
boyfriend!jeonghan who unironically acts extra cute to get your attention all the time, will call you noona even if you aren't older than him.
boyfriend!jeonghan who's always teasing you and loves getting on your nerves because he thinks you looks so cute when you are all whiny and pouty like that
boyfriend!jeonghan who always carries extra lipbalm, hair ties and sanitizers for you whenever you go out knowing these are your top necessities, just in case you forget yours some day
boyfriend!jeonghan who'd be so sulky and cranky if you so much as talk to another man he gets sooooo jealous so easily
boyfriend!jeonghan who still teases you for having a crush on him after all the years you've been with him and will continue to do so till the end of the eternity
boyfriend!jeonghan who is so shameless about pda he NEEDS to be holding hands and kissing you and clinging on you like a bug whether or not you guys are in public.
boyfriend!jeonghan who is not too sneaky about sliding a hand in your back pocket and groping you not-so-discreetly
boyfriend!jeonghan who will have you crying and begging for his cock, literally invented the genre of mean!dom
boyfriend!jeonghan who can eye-fuck the shit outta you if you wear anything slightly provocative (t-shirt and sweatpants)
boyfriend!jeonghan who always wait for you to come home, even if you need to work overtime till quite late, literally refuses to eat if he's not eating with you
boyfriend!jeonghan who would hug you and listen to you rant and complain about your shitty company and your shitty boss
boyfriend!jeonghan who'll only nut on your ass and literally nowhere else
boyfriend!jeonghan who loves fingering you and edging you and teasing you and just watching you fall apart, begging him for release.
boyfriend!jeonghan who texts you constantly, will let you know all the work gossip and tmi's ranging from just dark coffee to dk burnt down the building lmao
boyfriend!jeonghan for whom you have a whole folder in your storage saved with all the wierd noises and self-invented words he keeps sending you on voice chat
Boyfriend!jeonghan who'd, at 3 pm on a random Tuesday, will send you a dick pick while you are at work and will literally whine on phone/text if you don't instantly send back a nude even if it has you embarrassingly running to the ladies room at work.
boyfriend!jeonghan who bickers with you a lot but its all friendly until one night when you had one serious fight and he walked out of the house, only to return the next morning with flowers, your fav breakfast and apologising continuously, no matter who'd be at fault because he simply hates being apart from you
boyfriend!jeonghan who would always hear out you had his friends and all his loved ones rant and complain to me about their problems but finds it really hard to open up about his own emotions, especially negative ones, until you pried him open after seeing him in distress and from then on the only person he really feels as comfortable to talk to about his emotions is you and he cannot tell you how grateful he feels to you for it.
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 7
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 1
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It was the sleepover you never had. Although there was no pillow fights and a little too much Tom Cruise, you had the best time you've had in a while. "God you sound like Billy." Sydney laid back in her bed toying with her hair nervously. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be hateful. It's not just scary movies either, you haven't seen any classics?" Tatum snickered throwing her stuffed animal in the air, catching it as it fell back down. "Well you haven't seen any new movies. It's like for the past 6 years you've been locked in grandmas basement."
"Maybe you're right." You sat on the floor organizing your bag. "Do you have any songs or movies you like that your dad or someone else in your family doesn't like?" Sydney asked genuinely curious. You thought about it for a second but your silence answered the question for them. "You've been totally brainwashed babe." Tatum quipped in a way that made you feel a little ashamed. "Y/n there's nothing wrong with liking the things you do, but you should be doing it because you like it and not because someone else does."
"Yeah you need to take notes from Syd here. She is thee feminist. Billy and her have been dating for over a year and she still hasn't slept with him." The brown haired girl looked upset at her friend's honesty. "What'd I say wrong? I wish I could do what you do. I know If I left Stu to his own devices he would just find someone else to help him out." You looked to the floor ready to throw up at a moments notice. That's what this was. You weren't special. Billy took an interest in you because he thought you would put out unlike his girlfriend. "Y/n?"
"I should break up with my boyfriend." You said flatly, all the moisture from your mouth disappeared at the realization. "Huh?" Sydney asked confused by the switch up but Tatum however was your number one cheerleader. "Hell yeah kick that bastard to the curb! What did he do?" Dylan wasn't even that good of a boyfriend back home you weren't sure why he wanted to keep things long distance. This whole discussion though made you want to change some things. "He still lives back home and I just really want to start over now."
You rang up your boyfriend and called it quits. The yelling on the phone was a surprise but Tatum quickly took the phone from you saying something you weren't really sure you were allowed to repeat. Sleeping in a house that wasn't your's was hard especially when you kept thinking about the two men you knew a little too well. Sunday morning was a blur, it consisted of cereal, the news going on about the murders, and school gossip. Eventually you and the girls made it back to Tatum bedroom.
"Hello you must be Y/n." The cop held out his hand for you to shake, which you did. "I'm Dewy." He said. His awkward presence was somehow comforting. "Ew dipshit don't flirt with my friends." Tatum complained making Sydney crack a smile. Red sprinkled his cheeks as he tried to defend himself. "You're fine. It's nice to meet you, Dewy. So you're a cop?" You point to the badge just trying to make conversation. "Here we go." Tatum whispered and Dewy smiled. "I'm actually a deputy." He tapped his badge with pride.
"He's just like Arnold Schwarzenegger... In kindergarten cop." Tatum made fun of him again almost making you crack a smile. "I think it's cool." He looked over at Sydney noticing her quietness. "How are you Syd?" She nodded with a fake smile. "Yesterday was hard so today has to be better." Dewy nodded. "I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents." Tatum's brother looked at you as he spoke. The word "grandparents" made you look up. "Oh um... Thanks." You weren't quite sure what the appropriate response to that was. "I'm going to use the bathroom." You excused yourself leaving the three of them together.
"Why would you bring that up?" Tatum scolded. "What happened to her grandparents?" Sydney asked. Dewy leaned on the door frame looking down the hallway making sure you were out of ear shot. "They committed suicide together. Both of them took a handful of sleeping pills, and she found them." The two girls felt bad hearing the information. Tatum remembered a commotion happening at the house down the street but she never knew what exactly had happened. Just that you moved in shortly after.
You walked back to the bedroom once you dried your face off from the water you threw onto your skin. "Well I've got to get going. Do you girls need anything?" He asked and everyone said no. Dewy left with a wave shutting the door behind him. "Sorry he's not very socially aware." Tatum apologized but you just nodded. "It's fine. Really." They didn't believe you but they dropped the discussion anyhow.
The day went on with Tatum doing your nails and trying on half the clothes you brought over. You offered Sydney to join in but she declined. Later on you and Sydney talked about what books you had read which Tatum was not interested in at all. It was much harder keeping them two entertained than it was with Billy and Stu. There didn't seem to be much common ground between the girls. You slept much easier than the night previous. Maybe you were finally settling in.
"Wake up girls." Tatum's mom beat on the door making everyone but Tatum jump up. You groaned as Sydney went to wake up her friend. You pulled a pair of bell-bottoms from your bag along with an old band shirt. It wasn't what you'd normally wear to school but you didn't have the time nor energy to doll yourself up. "I like the grunge look on you." You felt partially offended by Tatum's compliment because there was nothing "grunge" about your look. The outfit consisted of jeans, a shirt, no makeup, paired with hair you hadn't had the chance to fix.
"You look comfortable." Sydney chirped meaning well. Their back handed compliments made you want to crawl in a hole. You sat down with the girls in the kitchen, quickly eating breakfast before Dewy came to take you to school. You offered to just get your car but Dewy refused saying he was fine to drive. The thought about skipping the day completely had crossed your mind multiple times.
The moment the car stopped at school you said goodbye to your friends. "I've got to go grab some things from my locker I'll catch you at lunch." You didn't give them time to protest. Unfortunately for you Stu was at your locker waiting patiently for your appearance. "Yo Betty Crock- Pants?" You weren't in the mood for either one of their antics. "You look lovely today." He said like a kid with a crush. Stu swayed back and forth on his heels waiting for you to acknowledge his existence. "Did I do something wrong?" You slammed your locker shut making him jump.
"I'll take that as a yes." You turned to walk away but it never did any good with Stu. "I can't fix this if you don't tell me what's wrong." You stopped, looking at him with tears stinging your eyes. "We can't do this Stu." You pulled him to the side out of everyone's way. "You and Billy are my friends." The emphasis on friends made his heart shrink a little. "I would hope so after everything-" He tried to crack a joke to make you laugh but he didn't realize you felt like the joke was on you. "Would you just listen!" You cut him off grabbing the attention of some bystanders. You waited a moment for people to pass by before speaking.
"This cannot happen. Me, you, and Billy, can no longer happen. No more hanging out at my place, no more ambushing me in public bathrooms," He smiled at that not being able to take a single thing seriously. "No more hanging around at my locker. Tatum and Sydney are sweet girls who don't deserve what we did to them. As long as they are in the picture I'm not going to be, understand?" The bottom line was you weren't a plaything and you weren't a homewrecker. Stu however took it the way he wanted to.
"I understand. I'm sorry if we overstepped." You were ready for him to get on one knee and embarrass you into forgiving him. This was a nice change. "Thank you Stu." He smiled. "Will you still hang with us at lunch?" Damnit. "No Stu, I won't. I've got to make new friends. Since day one all I've known is you and Billy. And now that I've gotten to know Sydney and Tatum, I realized I need my own thing." The bell rung ending the conversation prematurely. "See ya Stu."
"Shit, Shit, Shit," Stu repeated the word over and over like a small prayer. He walked the halls quickly finding Billy's first period class. Stu waved like a mad man trying to get his friend's attention through the window. "May I go to the bathroom?" Billy asked already getting up from his seat. "You may Mr. Loomis." The boy wasn't too happy with the sudden distraction. "This better be good." Billy started walking towards the bathroom with Stu in tow.
"Y/n is dropping us." Billy stopped in his tracks at the confession. Calmly he took a breath saving his anger for a secluded spot. He picked of his feet once again heading towards the restroom. Stu was terrified not only of losing you but also of his friends short fuse. The moment the bathroom door was locked he exploded. "What the fuck do you mean?" Billy cursed as he pushed open each stall checking for anyone. "She said it was wrong what we were doing to Tatum and Syd and as long as they were in the picture she wasn't going to be." Billy grabbed Stu's shirt by the collar. "This shit wouldn't have happened if you didn't call Sydney the other night."
He pushed his friend backwards letting Stu's back hit the wall. "How many times do I have to tell you I didn't do it man?" Billy didn't believe him. Stu was always doing something he shouldn't be. "We'll go back to our plan. Do everything exactly the same way just a little later than we hoped." Billy breathed out thinking of how to pull this off. "Syd's mom's anniversary was Saturday."
"You think I don't know that dipshit?" He pointed in Stu's face. Running his hands through his hair he tried to calm down. "Neil killed Casey and Steve on Wednesday night. That's when he told Syd he was leaving town." Stu just nodded along listening to Billy. "With all the publicity of the murders he wasn't able to kill anyone's else so he calls his daughter Friday night."
"How does he know she's with Tatum?" Billy paced back and forth. "Neil's been stalking her because she's his next victim. He sees Syd leave his house with Tatum. Anyway he scares the shit out of his daughter Friday night laying low till Monday. Ghostface will make a guest appearance today to meet Syd. Himbry will have to close shop because of the killer. You'll tell everyone you're throwing a party to celebrate the break. Invite Syd and Tatum since Y/n is such good friends with them now she'll have to go with them."
It was like watching a genius at work. Stu really believed Billy could pull it off. "Neil kills Himbry. They went to school together back in the day it could be old revenge. At the party I'll take care of Tatum first but you'll have to send her to the garage and make sure no one goes with her." Billy looked at Stu waiting for him to promise to do his job. "Yes Sir." Billy looked at his boots piecing together the rest of the puzzle. "Neil kills Tatum after that I show up to apologize for being a shitty boyfriend. I'll take Syd up to your room that's where you'll have to "kill" me. You'll grab Sydney and bring her to the kitchen. We'll reveal everything blow her daddy's brains out and then Syd is the cherry on top of a really fucked up cake."
It was a good plan in Stu's eyes. "Where does that leave Y/n?" Billy smiled "She's going to rescue us. Neil's dead and so is his daughter. We've been stabbed left for dead but poor Y/n comes along and calls the cops helping us live to see another day. All we have to do is hit her hard enough to keep her out for awhile. Which means before I show up late I'll need you to get her alone in a room. I'll show up dressed in black and knock her unconscious. You'll go back to the party and I'll show up fashionably late."
"I could kiss you." Stu said happily throwing out his arms. "Don't make me stab you early." Billy threatened. Stu's smile dropped. "Now I'm going back to class I'll see Syd later today just keep being your bubbly self. You got that?" Stu nodded happy everything was going to work out after all.
"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh." Tatum tried to convince Sydney. "She's right Syd I mean those assholes were running up and down the hallways with masks." Sydney shook her head at you sure of what she saw. "It was him. I know it." You walked down the steps right next to your friends. "From now on you are not to be alone. You pee, I pee." Tatum added. Stu ran up spouting some gibberish giving you and the girls a flower. "Darling, I don't know what you did Sydney but on behalf of the entire student body we say thank you!"
Tatum tapped her boyfriend with the flower. "Stop it Stu." She gritted trying to tone down his behavior. "You know I say," He picked Tatum up throwing her over his shoulder. The very cute display made you advert your eyes. You didn't know why you were upset this is exactly what you asked him to do. But it still somehow felt he was going out of his way to upset you.
"Impromptu party tonight, my house. To celebrate this little scare storm, what do ya say?" You and Sydney kept walking while Stu trailed behind. "Are you serious?" Sydney questioned the insane kid. "Parents are out of town." He smacked Tatum's ass causing her to sqeek with a laugh. "If this little vixen doesn't invite the whole world we'll be fine. Mix in with the gathering, mix in with friends." He sat Tatum down letting her talk to Sydney.
You watched Stu trying hard to convince Sydney to go. "What do you say Syd? I mean Pathos could have it's perks. Y/n's never been to one of Stu's parties." Tatum said dragging you into it. "I don't really have party clothes plus what if the killer is there?" You questioned. "I'll totally protect you. Yo I am so buff, I got you covered girl." Tatum laughed at her boyfriend. Sydney whined not liking the idea at all. "I mean come on Syd. For me? It could be fun." Stu proceeded to kiss Tatum's neck bringing back all too fresh memories. "Okay, whatever." Tatum squealed.
"Nice!" Stu said "Make sure you girls bring some food when you come over." Stu left you and your friends to go run off somewhere. "I think I'm just going to head home for tonight." Sydney piped up. "No way. If I'm going you have to go." You threw your head back with a groan. "I don't even have clothes for a party." Tatum spun around. "Now that I can help with."
You raised your hand in protest. "You're not dressing me up like a prostitute." Sydney smiled knowing exactly how Tatum would've dressed you. "You're no fun." Tatum teased as you walked back to Dewy's car. Sydney looked at the ground while you and Tatum discussed what you'd wear. Something wasn't sitting right with her but she wasn't sure what it was.
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(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
Part 8
Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @imobsessedreader @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant
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mikachacha · 9 months
𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚜 (𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛! 𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: Bada has a reputation for sleeping with her students that she likes. So when she asked you to stay back after class, you knew what that meant and you wouldn't say no to her offer.
Warnings: smut, totally nsfw, riding, choking, a bit of hair pulling. MDNI. R18+ only
(A/N: so this is from a req from my good friend @jhopes-whoopee-cushion who's unfortunately on leave or idk if they've got another account but yeah, this request is from last year 😅)
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One of the Girls
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"I heard she slept with Nika a week ago.."
"Really? I also heard she slept with Hana.."
Hushed whispers from students gossiping inside the studio greeted you as you entered. It's your first day being in this class and you're already hearing wild gossips about the instructor. Now, you haven't personally met your instructor, Bada Lee but if the rumors are true, she might be really good looking or good at what she does basing from the things you're hearing.
"I'd gladly have her ruin me.. She's so hot!" you heard a girl squeal out and some laughed. Since you didn't know anyone, you mostly kept to yourself until the instructor walked in. You looked at her, she's tall, she exudes both masculine and feminine energy at the same time that seems to drive most people wild. Well you could definitely see why so many people are going crazy over her. She's absolutely gorgeous and that gorgeous being just looked at you, gave you a smile and even winked at you. You could pass away happy right there and then if you were being honest.
"Good morning everyone! I see that everyone's here, especially our Y/N, the latest addition to our little group here. Why don't you stand up, Y/N and show us some moves?" Bada's voice rang through the spacious studio and you got up from where you were seated, bowing to everyone and saying thanks to the others who wished you luck.
Of course you didn't come unprepared so you asked Bada for a bit of help so you can connect your phone to the speakers to which she gladly helped. She's also curious about you. You looked quite confident as you stood there in front of everyone, ready to perform. To say that Bada was only mildly impressed is a huge lie. As soon as you began dancing Water, she knew she wanted you. She would stop at nothing to get a taste of you even just for a night. The way you moved hypnotized her, just watching you dance made a fire inside her burn.
After you were finished, the room erupted with cheers and applause and you were glad, smiling and thanking them. When Bada personally praised you, you couldn't help yourself but blush though you knew that you'll just end up like one of her girls. The others could also sense it and they kind of felt bad for you considering you're just a newbie and Bada has already set her eyes on you. On the other hand, they're also a bit jealous since they've been trying hard to get Bada's attention for so long but a newbie took her attention instead.
It went on for weeks, Bada blatantly flirting with you when she's not teaching. Of course, she still needs to keep it a bit professional but she just couldn't resist you. She thought you were easy but she didn't expect you to give her a run for her money when you played this little cat and mouse game with her. You'd lead her on and shoot her down, you'd give her hope that she might get a taste of you but then tell her you're just playing. If she's gonna make you like one of the girls she slept with, might as well play with her was your mindset the whole time. Of course you wouldn't deny the one and only Bada Lee if she wants to get a taste but only if you want.
"You're quite good at keeping me coming, Y/N.. So alluring, and so playful.." Bada whispers as it was only you and her left at the studio. Everyone has left already after the class considering that it's Friday and a very nice night to go and have a drink with friends. You would've done the same but you had other plans.
You turned to Bada, a sly smirk on your lips as you played with her hair. You're shorter than her though some would comment that you got her so wrapped around your finger and that you're the boss now. You wanted to test out that theory tonight.
"Oh? But I was barely doing anything.." you looked up at her, feigning innocence but both of you know that you're far from being one.
"You know my reputation, don't you? I'm curious as to why you're playing this game with me, Y/N.." Bada had pinned you against the wall, her lips just hovering above yours and waiting for you to tell her to stop and say that you're just messing with her but you didn't. You had a mischievous glint in your eyes and even initiated a kiss with her that stunned her a bit.
It was slow, sweet yet it also mixed the lust and desire that you have for each other. Today, you have decided to finally give in and be one of Bada's girls even just for a night. You don't care if she pursues someone else right after. You just want to have a taste and the feel of Bada fucking you like how she fucked those other girls before you.
"I'm completely aware and Bada, I could hardly give a shit if I'm just a game to you. Someone you could toy with until you get what you want and discard right after. I don't give a fuck about all those things. What I care about right now is you, fucking me and making me one of your girls.." your bold statement shocked Bada but she'd be a fool to deny you. You're literally telling her that you want her the same way she wants you.
"Yeah? You want to be fucked, Y/N? So pretty yet so filthy.." Bada chuckles and pulled on your hair, tilting your head back so she can have easier access to your neck. She placed kisses there before giving you a small nip which stung a bit but also turned you on so much. You couldn't wait to feel more.
It didn't take long for Bada to take you home. Both of you couldn't keep your hands to yourselves as the anticipation is becoming too much. You just wanted her to take you right there and then in the living room but Bada managed to usher you inside her bedroom, where the real fun started.
Her kisses felt like tiny bolts of electricity coursing through you while her long fingers pumped in and out of you, playing and preparing you for what's about to come. Her mouth trailed south, kissing and suckling on your breasts that got you gasping for air and arching your back for more. It was so good. It felt too good to stop and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Just as you were about to reach your peak, Bada stopped and pulled her fingers out, placing them in your mouth and letting you have a taste of your own juices.
When she was done lapping up each and every drop, she lets you recover and grab the strap on from her drawer. You looked at the size of it, it was fairly big and when Bada asked you to ride her, you could've sworn you got wetter. You climbed on Bada's lap, straddling her while she slowly guided you down to the strap on waiting below. It went in smoothly as Bada did add enough lube so you wouldn't hurt yourself and you appreciate the care she's put into this intimate moment.
"Look at you, pretty girl.. So good taking it all down like a champ.." Bada praises that got you blushing madly as you started to bounce up and down, riding her with the best that you can. It was pretty hard keeping your rhythm as the pleasure began to take over your senses as every time you came down, the tip would hit all the right places that makes you see stars and your knees to quiver.
"Fuck.. Bada.. Feels so good!" you moaned out as she held you by the waist and began to control your speed. And the way she would thrust her hips to meet yours just made your moans louder and more pleasure build up until you couldn't hold in your orgasm much longer. You came while Bada continued to fuck into you, prolonging your pleasure.
"That's right, baby.. Moan for me.. You're so pretty when you moan my name as you cum. Makes me want to do it more and more.." Bada says as she lightly choked you while you continued to bounce up and down. You couldn't form a coherent thought or could even remember when Bada has flipped you on to your hands and knees and began fucking you from behind. Every thrust made you see stars, your knees are weak from all the sensation you're feeling but Bada's holding you by the waist. The position made her go even deeper and reach places that you never knew felt good and Bada's making sure to let you know that only she touched those areas and basically ruining you for other men and women alike.
"Bada! Bada.. Fuck.. I'm gonna cum!" you moaned out, your knuckles going white from how hard you were gripping the sheets beneath you and Bada only responded by pulling on your hair, forcing you to rise until your back was against her chest. She placed kisses along your neck and even placed some bites along the way. You could hardly care especially when your third orgasm rolled it. It was the third and strongest one of all three that it knocked the air out of your lungs and you could swear that you passed out for a few seconds from how good that was.
Bada lets you calm down and regain your breath before she pulls out and sets you down gently. She leaned against the headboard of her bed, playing with herself as she watches how fucked you currently looked. It was a proud moment for her seeing you looking to dazed, seeing those marks she made on you and how your legs quivered from all the orgasm she gave you.
Seeing that she was playing with herself, you crawled between her legs and began to help her reach her own orgasm. You suckled on her breasts while your thumb fiddled with her clit. You matched the pace of her fingers and soon, Bada was reaching her own climax. She flashes you a smile before pulling you in for a sweet kiss, a complete opposite of her kisses from earlier.
"You're so great, Y/N.. I hope this isn't just a one time thing for us." Bada says as you were snuggled against each other. You turned to her, kissing her cheek.
"From how many times you've made me cum, I sure hope this isn't a one time thing. You fucked my brains out and I would love to experience that again.." You said and Bada could only chuckle, nodding her head. You may be one of her girls now but you sure are her favorite among them.
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satrs · 1 year
blue lock boys you think would be exes who do everything to try to get you back? to add on they’re your baby daddy so they have a reason to see you and speak to you.
ᥲ/ᥒ ꜝꜝ ✎ hiiii nonnie! thx for the request! I got some boys in mind, and the first one that I could picture was Shidou LMAOOO
also, I didn't specify the child's gender, so you can fill it in for yourself^^
Still Your Best
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TAGS; suggestive content. MDNI!. mention of sex. mention of kids. angst. hurt to comfort. some crazy/toxic guys. nicknames(baby, princess).
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He would never directly admit that he wants you back but find excuses, your child for example.
It was true that he visited your place to see his child more, spend time with them, and be as good of a father as he could be. But, he wouldn't miss taking this as an opportunity to get near you. Even if that meant doing it the harsh way.
"Rin? You already had your time with-" "I'm their father, Y/N. You can't stop me from interacting with them." "Rin, look. I'm tired of you just showing up at my doorstep unannounced and-" You sighed, too tired and not in the mood to fight with him or alarm the neighbors to feed them any gossip, so you step aside, motioning him to enter your home.
He stood in the living room awkwardly, scanning the apartment for his little one - no where in sight. " already in bed." You cleared up his confusion, throwing yourself on the couch with an exhausted sigh, "That desperate to see them? Go wake them up. But you'll take care of them then."
He didn't respond, causing you to look up at him in suspicion as he sat beside you on the couch, an unreadable expression on his face as he breathed out, searching for the right words. "If it's about that same topic, then drop it." He sighed at your reaction, a pleading look on his face. "Just hear me out for a second." You stay silent, waiting for him to continue, averting your gaze to anywhere but him. "I've been telling you this for some time now and I think it's time for you to consider it."
You eyed him before averting your gaze around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. You know what he meant. He was laying in your ears with that stuff since both of you separated. "We should try it again. For the little one." Yes, for them. But also for you. He can't deal with this 'still friends for the child' - bullshit. He wants you back in his arms with his child- be the happy family you once were.
"For the child," you reminded, repeating his words as you looked at him, a promising look on your face. His heartfelt smile startled you for a second, reminded of your happy years with him floading your mind and maybe another try wouldn't hurt.
"Yes, for the child. And for us."
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"Why don't you go play for a bit, hm? Me and Mommy have to talk." You turned at the man at that, unsure of what he meant, a raised eyebrow accompanying your confusion.
Once your child disappeared into their room, you eyed him in suspicion, waiting for him to clear the fog. "So, you got a boyfriend now, hm?" Your heart sank in realization, you child must have likely babbled it away to him. "And what about it?"
He chuckled at that, shaking his head in a scolding manner. "Y/N, a new man in our child’s life would be confusing. I think it's really selfish of you to-" "No, I don't think so. But you know what I think? I think you're just jealous that I moved on." You intervined, ready to walk off until his words rang your ear. "Yes, I am. You can't just 'move on'. That's not how it works, baby."
You flashed him a look of disbelief. "Yes, I can, as you can see." You walked off the scene, only to hear footsteps right behind you. "You sure as hell didn't. He's just a playdate to you. He could never replace me, and you know that damn well."
You stood still, tint of guilt filling your stomach because he was right - you've never and will never find anyone that could replace the hole Bachira left in your heart, your lips formed into a thin line as you turned around to get a good look at him.
A smile crept its way up to his lips at that, his feet moving on their own as he stood before you, taking your head in his hands. "But I'm here, you know. We can try again."
You looked up at him, eyes sparking with hope. "Are you serious?"
"I'm always serious about you, baby." He caressed your cheek with adoration, his eyes showing nothing but love for you.
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"Where's (child's name)?" You questioned, impatiently tapping your feet to the ground, arms crossed in front of Shidou's doorstep. He returned a smug grin at that, leaning against the doorframe, shamelessly looking you up and down. "Went out clubbing baby? You look gorgeous, as always."
You roll your eyes at his statement, waiting for him to answer you - to no avail. Finally, your patience snapped, face adored by an irritated expression. "Can I come in?" You motioned at the door in a sarcastic manner.
"But of course, princess." He stepped aside, grin only growing bigger as he animated you to come in, quick to steal a quick peak at your behind. “So, did you had fun?” He tried to stirr up a conversation to keep you with him for a bit longer.
You ignored him, walking around the house in search of your child. “Where-“
“Asleep.” He answered quickly, smirk on his face never wavering. “You knew that I’d come to pick them up.”
He chuckled at that, nonchalantly walking into the kitchen to get you your favorite drink (he remembered every detail of you, even so small) “C’mon, make yourself at home.”
You scoffed at his sarcastic voice. ‘Make yourself at home’. What a bummer. This was your home some time ago.
“What do you want?” You asked as he sat beside you, waving the drink he offered off. “Why don’t you relax a bit? It’s not like we’re strangers.” He shrugged your decline off, drowning his own drink down. “Also,” his face twisted at the aftermath of his quick gulp down, “it’s to late for you to drive home with my child at this hour anyways, can’t allow that.”
You understood what he was getting at, taking the drink in hand as you prepared yourself for the night. He took note of that, triumphant grin on his face as he poured himself more of it, bumping his glass against yours. Tonight will be the night you’ll get back to him, he was sure of it.
“Now that’s the spirit, baby. Cheers. To us.”
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He is desperate for you but has no better idea of winning you back than seducing you into bed with him, covering his intentions up with 'I'm the only one who makes you feel good or 'Just some stress relieve, nothing else'. But little did he know that those actions would bite him in the ass one day.
"Stop this? But why?", he sat up straight from his side of the bed, eyeing you as you put on your clothes. "Don't you feel good? Because I know that I do. It's just like back then."
You sighed at that, throwing on your shirt as you looked at him. "That's the problem. You don't see this as just some pastime, do you?" He didn't say anything, lips forming a thin line. "That's what I thought."
He sprung to his feet and jumped into his boxers and shirt swiftly once you made your way out of the door. "Wait, can we at least talk about it?" You waved him off, stepping into your shoes at the doorstep, ready to throw on your jacket and leave. "I gotta pick our child up now. Got no time for chit-chat-"
He snatched your keys from your hand, ignoring your bickering as he stepped into his shoes himself, opening the door to head over to your car. "Raichi you're in fucking boxers! Are you out of your damn mind?"
Your curses fell on deaf ears as he sat in the driver's seat, waiting for you to enter the car. "Now we can talk and pick them up. Two birds with one stone."
You mumbled curses under your breath but seated yourself either way because, if you were being honest, you were kind of curious about what he had to say.
"What the hell do you want to talk about?" You spat, earning a chuckle from the man as he drove off on the street. "I want us again, Y/N," he said after stopping at a red light. "Raichi, but you got me. Not how you wish to be but still-" You silenced yourself once his hand comfortably rested on your thigh, innocent gaze on the road ahead.
You sighed, lingering in the comfortable silence. You knew how he was never really good with words, even back when the both of you were still together. So you let the silence speak for itself, dwelling in his touch.
Maybe you should hear him out for real this time, he got out in boxers for you after all, that's a story to tell.
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He tried anything in his power - beg, shower you and your child with gifts- expensive ones at that- trips, and anything else you could think about. And even tho you waved him off every single time, he didn't lose hope and kept on trying. You were his treasure after all.
"Look, baby! I got you some toys." Your child reached out their hands for their father, a beaming smile on their face. "Enough, Reo." Your voice interrupted the joyful moment, bringing him back to reality.
"What's all this for?" You motioned around the room, various expensive gifts for you and the little child. "Do you think I'll just jump back into your arms if you buy me stuff?" His silence was answer enough for you as you let out a scoff, turning to gather all of his gifts into a bag, and shoving it into his hand right after. "Go fuck yourself and your gifts."
He ignored your venomous words, dropping the bag to the ground as his hand swiftly grabed you by the back of your neck, smashing his lips against yours with passion.
You were taken aback, gasping into his mouth as you returned the gesture momentarily before tearing yourself away from his grasp, ready to let the curses fall.
"Mommy and Daddy are back together!" Your childe cheered on, clapping their hands together with joy. Your head snapped into your offspring's direction, about to clear the confusion, but Reo beat you to it.
"Yup!," He threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer with a bright smile on his face. "Daddy will stay the night today, what do you say?" He threw the question into the room, eyeing you.
You desperatly wanted to decline, but the way your child's eyes sparkled in pure excitement and joy caused you to give into the offer, agreeing in defeat.
The little childe jumped up in joy while Reo began to pepper your face with kisses. Your expression was bitter but deep down, you enjoyed his touch and affection.
Just for tonight, you said to yourself, then it'll be back to how we were yesterday.
Yesterday? Oh no, it'll be back to how you used to be.
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He couldn't take it anymore. You and your child- the only people he adored and loved so much away from him. It's been months since you put an end to your relationship and he is suffering from the consequences.
"Y/N, please." You ignored him, taking your small child from his arms, flashing your little bundle of sunshine a bright smile. "C'mon let's go home, yeah? Mommy already-"
"Y/N." He took your unoccupied arm in his hold, a sigh of relief filling him once you finally turn your attention towards him. "You can beg as much as you want, Ness. When will you finally understand that there is no us anymore?"
"Never.", he replied, "We belong with each other, don't you get it?" A crazed look on his face as he followed you behind to your car. You seated your child in the child seat before giving your offspring a toy to get their focus away from what was happening.
"You're crazy." "Crazy over you." You sighed, turning around with crossed arms. "Can you give it a rest?" "Not until I have you back in my arms." You let out a laugh in disbelief, hopping in the driver's seat and about to slam the door, only for him to stop you from doing so.
"Just this once," He whispered, for only you to hear, "Just hear me out this once. Let me come over and talk about this- about us. I miss you." Your expression softened, an exhausted sigh leaving your lips as you rubbed your temple. "Alright. But don't get your hopes up. I'm alone at ten tomorrow. You can come over then."
A triumphant smile played across his lips as he bid his goodbye to the both of you and you swore you saw him do an attempt of an air jump as he happily stepped back into the house.
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©︎𝐊-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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nishloves · 1 year
sweater; jeon wonwoo
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pairing - wonwoo (svt) x f!reader
words - 3k (approx)
part 1 | part 2
theme - angst 🌩️ fluff ☁️
warnings - just a mention of bullying, implied chubby reader in the past (you can imagine them as anything you want in the present!), jealousy and insecure reader.
• based on the song "heather" by conan gray
wonwoo was your best friend, your first love and probably the last for that matter, in front of him you could love no one, sure you had your crushes but, when you realised how obliviously in love with him you were, your heart broke with every single of his endeavours, yet you will always stand by him, he was your wonwoo after all.
i still remember, 3rd of december
me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you.
your hands were buried under the ridiculously large beige sweater your best friend had thrown over you, you cursed yourself for not checking the weather and leaving your house in a plain shirt, if not for wonwoo, you would have froze to death, but, what will wonwoo wear now?
"wonwoo— what about you? won't you feel cold?" you asked, your eyes— full of worry, yet you couldn't help but admire how the sunset carved his face so gently, how his kind smile shut down any murmur of how strict he looked, how his glasses rested on top of his nose.
"don't worry y/n, my home is nearer, you have to go farther, plus," he buried his hands in his bag and took out a thin jacket, "i have this."
"but that's so thin... you can give me that and take this sweater back," you said, holding the hem of his sweater, ready to take it off as he gently tapped on your hand, motioning a no.
"believe me, i really don't feel that cold; also at least you look better than me in it, you're doing that ridiculously expensive sweater justice," he grinned as he turned around, not hearing any of your arguments.
"call or text me when you reach home or i will get worried, alright?" he said as he spun around, walking backwards for a while as he waved you a bye, his other friend mingyu soon jogged to catch up with wonwoo and you still stood there on the university grounds, burying your face deeper in his high neck sweater, hiding how red your cheeks had become.
only if you knew,
how much i liked you.
you talked to wonwoo about everything, you were friends since high-school, it was natural. you vaguely remember telling him about your most recent crushes and his nose would scrunch up as he talked about all their negative qualities, but he would shake them off and cheer for you, you never confessed to anyone of them though, you just couldn't, not when you didn't understand how happy you felt when he cheered for you for the slightest of things, and how your smile would widen as his usually inexpressive face would express emotions on your questionable choices.
"hey you! heard your boyfriend broke up with you because you're a fatty!"
"don't you know? that's why no one likes her!" the school boys laughed as you averted your eyes from them, you were in your first relationship ever in your junior year and your supposedly boyfriend broke up with you in less than a week, you felt ashamed, you felt scared, you felt—
"hey! who said no one likes her?" a very familiar voice rang around you as wonwoo's arm wrapped around your shoulder, everything he said to those bullied went out from your one ear to another, skinship was something wonwoo was not at all comfortable with, you didn't mind it yet, you didn't particularly prefer it either.
you remember how glorified the best friends are on tv shows, partying, gossiping, hugging, pecks on cheeks; you and wonwoo were nothing like that, you both maintained distance, hugs were on special occasions such as birthdays, holding hands were to either reassure each other or for guiding, so when you felt wonwoo's hand wrapped around you in such protective stance, you melted. you melted in deep abyss of his mannerism, his voice his behaviour, his everything.
everything was black for you, and he seemed like a small trinket of white paint over your black canvas, highlighting the hidden details which were hidden by your emotions, your insecurity, he made sure to remove all of them, piece by piece, slowly and steadily, just like how a craftsman works on his craft, he helped work on your personality.
you soon realised why you weren't able to feel any deep feelings for just any other boy, you were madly in love with your bestfriend.
but i watch your eyes as she walks by,
what a sight for sore eyes.
when you had seen 'her' from the first time, your mouth hung open, she was beautiful, adeptly smart and most of all humble and kind, she would welcome anyone with open arms, help anyone who talked to her and didn't even ask for anything back, she would laugh with her friends and still have a faraway look in her eyes, it was hard to understand what she felt deeper than her surface and sadly for you, it made her more mysterious.
wonwoo had never been interested in anyone romantically throughout high school, but when you saw him tongue-tied on 'her' slightest of touch when she laughed, you felt something crack in your chest, you didn't complain, you just smiled, smiled at whatever sarcastic remark wonwoo had mistakenly announced in the class, making even the professor laugh.
even after seeing everyone joyous you couldn't help but notice a newfound twinkle in his eyes which you had never seen before.
brighter than a blue sky,
she's got you mesmerized;
you plopped yourself next to wonwoo on the park bench, a lunchbox in your hand as you grinned and opened it, wonwoo almost instantly stealing your food made you chuckle.
he rambled about his day, about how he felt he was taking all these classes for no reason when they had practically no use and you just listened with a smile, a thing about you and wonwoo was, you both got each other, you both had very similar personalities yet different shortcomings, he felt perfect to you, very imperfectly perfect.
and then you saw his attention divert from his rant to something— or someone behind you,
while I die.
you saw her wave at you both, which was odd because she was a relatively a well known person, and you were just you. people knew wonwoo because of his intellect, but you didn't think you had anything special for others to want to get to know you.
you saw wonwoo shuffled slightly, his face visibly flustered as you nudged him as if you were teasing him,
"hush— it's not like that!" wonwoo pouted, as he looked at you, "she...she just asked me to be partners for this project, do you mind?" he asked, his eyes skeptical and accepting of anything you said.
your breath hitched slightly as you blinked, it wasn't as if wonwoo was your only friend, but he was your dearest friend and you did every assignment together so—
"I don't mind at all, i will just partner up with mingyu," you smiled as you patted wonwoo on his back, you saw his smile widening but didn't see the glow of his eyes diminishing.
you knew he would say no to her if you said you wanted to partner with him, you knew he would reach any bounds to make you comfortable but you couldn't, you just couldn't...
why would you ever kiss me?
i'm not even half as pretty.
you were on your phone as mingyu turned on his computer for the research, you didn't even bother to check the topic and sensing your foul mood, mingyu didn't ask you to either.
"hey, do you need water?" mingyu asked as he stared at you with worry and concern, you looked sad and you didn't want to look sad but, you weren't able to hide it.
"that will be good, yeah," you whispered, passing a small and tired smile towards mingyu, as he went up from his seat you stared in space and wondered exactly why you were so affected by him hanging out with her? surely it wasn't because you were in love with him since five years? not at all, that... wasn't possible.
"y/n, are you okay?" mingyu asked, as he handed you the glass of water.
"you don't have to answer if you don't want to, you just look so down..." mingyu said, crouching in front of you, like a puppy.
you couldn't help but chuckle at his actions, he was a sweetheart and you understood why wonwoo became his friend instantly.
"just... something's on my mind— nothing much," you said as you gulped down the water.
"is it about wonwoo? i know it must be a little uncomfortable to work without him but—"
"no mingyu you're sweet, i really feel comfortable working with you," you reassured him as he got up, understanding that you don't want to talk about the actual thing right now.
"alright, join me whenever you want," he grinned as he trotted towards his computer, making you giggle.
soon you heard a ting from your phone and looked at a post shared by her, she and wonwoo had posted a picture of themselves, near a café, you felt a pang in your heart as you got up from the sofa,
"how should I help you, mingyu?"
you gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
but you like her better
I wish I were heather
watch as she stands with,
you holding her hand
with your arm around her shoulder,
now I'm getting colder,
"what are you writing?" you heard your bedroom's door close as your eyes found your best friend, his game on his other hand as he gazed at you.
you closed your diary and put it away from yourself, "nothing really," you whispered as you gave him a half smile, he just nodded and sat on the edge of your bed.
"y/n, are you okay? you seem down these days," he asked, his eyes full of concern, on one hand his concern made your heart full yet your head reminded you again and again that he only liked you as a friend.
"just studies...nothing much," you replied averting your gaze away from him.
the way he hummed, you understood that he didn't trust a single word out of your mouth, but you were thankful that he didn't press further, you were afraid that you would tell him everything, and then you would lose the one good thing you have.
"wanna go and eat something?" he asked, getting up from your bed and taking your coat off the hook, you merely nodded as you stood up, slipping on the coat he picked out for you.
as you walked towards the café you remembered this is where he and her met up, which ended up leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, you didn't say anything, you never would, you didn't have any right over wonwoo and you weren't allowed to feel jealous.
"their cakes are awesome, let's have a dessert night today," wonwoo beamed and ushered you to go in the cafe, in past whenever you felt down, this is what you both did, dessert nights, where you both would only have desserts for dinner, it wasn't healthy for sure, but it made you happy so wonwoo always went with it.
"wonu, I—" you had just begun but then you heard another voice.
"wonwoo!" you heard her voice, how could someone look so pretty in such basic outfits? you stomach churned but you stayed silent as wonwoo looked back at the girl, and you imagined his smile widening, when he was still there standing worrying for you, the only thing you saw was his twinkle in the eyes, which he always had whenever he was with you. and then you noticed the jacket which was draped on her— it was wonwoo's leather jacket.
she came forward and greeted you and then proceeded to talk to wonwoo while sending numerous smiles towards you, trying to initiate a conversation with you but you were too far in your jealously to respond appropriately, she understood that you were out of it, and didn't pressure you.
but how could I hate her?
"hey wonwoo, y/n! on sunday i have a dance performance on the left block stage, i would love it if you attend," she smiled warmly, inviting you both.
you pursed your lips, on sunday was your singing performance too, in the right auditorium,
"i am sorry but y/n's performance is on that day too—," wonwoo said, patting your back, you flinched and looked up at him, surprise visible in your eyes.
"oh then you don't have to attend at all! it's alright, you should attend hers," she said, clapping her hands as she cheered you and wished you for your performance.
even though you felt good your heart felt heavy.
she's such an angel.
"wonwoo, you have attended so many of my stages, i think you should go to hers," you smiled.
"it's no problem, I'm not your only friend," you gave him a painful smile and walked away, not willing to talk any further.
"i'm sorry I just remembered about my pending assignment, let's have dessert night tomorrow wonwoo," you smiled pulling closer to your coat, you made a mental note to give wonwoo his sweater back tomorrow, which has been in your wardrobe for weeks.
you sat on the back stage, your head in your hands as you tried to remember the lyrics word by word, it was your new song, based on heather, by conan gray and on your own feelings, about how unrequited your love was and how you couldn't look at him in that way, he was out of bounds, always out of bounds.
but then again, kinda wish she were de—
"hey y/n!" you heard his voice as your head snapped up, you looked around frantically for him and there he was panting and out of breath,
wasn't he to be attending her stage?
"wonwoo? what are you—"
"gosh, you really thought I would miss this?" he asked, a smile lacing his features as your cheeks brightened, he was here, he really was here.
"but what about her—"
"she urged me to attend it the most, i called her yesterday to tell her that i wouldn't make it and instead she was the one asking me to attend yours," he said, almost in haste, as if he didn't want to explain anything.
she really is an angel, what am i infront of her? a jealous gorgon?
"you didn't have to—"
"ofcourse I had to y/n, you didn't practice in front of me— at all, i have attended every single one of your stages since middle school, though it was compulsory to attend festivals in middle school but that doesn't matter, I didn't want to miss it, I don't want to miss any of your performace," he said, sitting in front of you.
"I felt you were drifting away from me, and I don't want to lose you, did i do something wrong?" he asked, his eyes wavering while his lips quivered, you cursed yourself for making him feel this sad.
"no wonwoo, you didn't do anything wrong, I was just out of it—"
"please tell me what's on your mind, it's making me insane," he pleaded, genuinely.
"y/n, you're up," someone called out to you as both you and wonwoo stood up.
"all the best, y/n, i know you will do well," wonwoo smiled as he moved towards the wings, "i will take a video so remember to look at my side."
you smiled, he always really had been supportive of you and you couldn't wish for anymore, he chose your showcase over hers, and that made you realise that wonwoo would always stay by your side, so you must be honest to him.
the lights blinded you as the orchestra played their music, you couldn't see anything, you couldn't see anyone. you just poured out your heart in that self written song where all your confessions to wonwoo were recorded, all your emotions were pen down and your heart was expressed. you don't know if it was just your imagination or anything, but you saw a glimpse of her in the audience, her smiling at you and showing you a thumbs up.
she's an angel.
and then your eyes landed on wonwoo who stood on the left wing, his phone recording you as his mouth hung open slightly, you couldn't wait to tell him everything. you would tell him everything.
(do you all want a part 2 for this? edit : there's a part 2 now ;))
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i4bellingham · 2 years
PLS can I request! I really love ur fics💓💓 can I request Trent going on a date with very shy reader and he finds it kinda cute but then she starts to speak up as they get to know eachother? pls pls pls pls pls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DEAREST : trent alexander-arnold x reader
note: match games don't necessarily align with what happens in real life so you can ignore that 💀 we're trying to be on the good vibes here so ofc liverpool wins 😤 + tried a different writing style with this one. thank you so much to anon for requesting! i know this took me a while to post so i would like to apologize for that and i feel like the outcome isn't what you exactly asked for but here it is 😭 i’m still in a writing slump but i’m starting to push myself to write again at the very least wskdbsjsj
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You're very adorable, Trent thinks so as he stares at you from across the table during your first date.
You can’t look him in the eye properly, let alone hold a conversation without stuttering over your words. But Trent thinks that it's okay. It's very cute of you. He doesn't mind that so long as you're not actually intimidated by him.
Trent knows that he can come off as deadpan most of the time. With a face that looks like everything had left him, like he's not happy and enjoying although that's just how his face really is. He's not bothered by that but he is concerned that you're terrified of him in reality. That's something that he can't live by.
But your second date comes by and although the situation with you being unable to look at him properly without stumbling over your sentences wasn't entirely fixed, Trent at least knows that you like him the same because if that's not the case, then why would you agree to a second date with him. Right?
During that, you with your best tries to explain why you can't withhold conversations with him without your stuttering, or how you get so flustered easily by a single glance at Trent.
He almost laughs at your explanation, but kept himself from doing so because he doesn't want to come off as obnoxious; even though his supposed laugh is the embodiment of how much he wanted to cuddle you right then and there for being so adorable.
“I-I know you already notice that I-I you know... st-stutter a lot during conversations and I j-just uh want to apologize for that I swear to you I uh I uhm I’m not like this every time... it's just you're-you’re very gorgeous and I just feel flustered whenever I look directly at youㅡplease don’t smile or I’ll literally pass out right here-”
Trent nods his head understandingly but the smile on his lips doesn't fade. Not even until three days after your second date.
The third date came easily after that, a week right after the second date which was prompted by you asking the scouser for an Italian dinner night over at yours. And Trent of course doesn't let the opportunity pass to get to know you better.
The dinner, although you've told him that you'll prepare everything for your three course meal, was cooked with his help, hence reducing the prepping for a shorter amount of time than what would it have been had you not let Trent helped.
The conversation during that dinner went a lot more smoothly. He can't exactly tell what changed but he assumed that maybe it's because of the light banter and jokes being exchanged while cooking for your dinner date.
You managed to look at him in the eye for more than 20 seconds, a relevant and significant observation for Trent, and you countered his playful jabs with your own and even responded with a few sarcastic quips that Trent knew were something out of your zone. He appreciated the invite for the dinner date but he appreciated that you're learning to warm up to him more, most of all.
Third time’s a charm some may say, and Trent thinks so too because as your fourth date came by, he couldn't have been more surprised to hear you initiate conversations with him ranging from topics about your Uni to the latest gossip in your friend group that definitely piqued Trent’s interest. He was amused, enticed and hooked all at the same time as you rambled on how your week had gone sour due to a conflict within your friends.
He had offered some of his remarks that almost immediately you entertained, mainly agreeing with his points of what should have been done as you nod your head accordingly to his words.
Fifth date came by easily as it was initiated and Trent couldn't have been more excited to see you a week after the last date.
You were supposed to meet up over coffee three days after the fourth date ended but unfortunately, you had some things going on at Uni that occupied your schedule for two entire days. Hence why when you told Trent about a specific vacant date in your calendar (which fortunately and coincidentally aligned with one of his games), he had immediately asked for you to come visit Anfield to watch their football game live.
You certainly did not receive a package that exact afternoon after Trent had asked you to come watch their game in the mail. It was a football kit, Trent’s kit to be exact with a hand-written letter from the man himself.
Game day comes by and donned your red Liverpool kit, you're sat on the reserved seating arrangement for you and the other family members and friends of the other Liverpool players.
You managed to meet some of the girlfriends and wives of Trent’s teammates and was even invited in a coffee date out with some of them the very next week. You proceeded to watch the entire game with them after that, clutching on your red scarf the entire time as the play progressed, only letting go of it temporarily during the half time before holding it like your life depended on the fabric when the second half of the match began.
Luckily enough, the game ended on Liverpool’s win. But instead of going home directly, Trent, despite playing nearly the entire game actually asks you if he can come over. Just for the win, you tell him yes as you celebrate their victory by popping a champagne bottle open with some finger snacks you have in store.
What cozy night it should have been became a chaotic one as the both of your drunken state started a dance battle in the middle of your living room before transitioning into a failed attempt at karaoke that woke most of your neighbors.
The next morning after that is spent on your bed with Trent and your raging headaches and hangover; simply put, it was a memorable date night that would be reminisced even five years later as you're both saying your wedding vows in front of your families and friends.
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Since when...
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Warnings: Light Smut. Sebastian touching himself thinking of Y/N.
Description: Of course all aged up. There are two segments the first one is more an introduction and the secound one a light smut. Last year of the school. Sebastian being the narrator of this ff.
Please give me some feedback it is my first writing, I would love to know where I could improve. And maybe write a next part to it.
Starting a new year and also the last year at hogwarts felt great, knowing that less than 365 days are apart until I can start a career, maybe traveling for awhile or just staying with my dearest twin Anne and with my lovely friends Ominis and Y/N. I wonder how their summer break went?
Speaking of I just seeing them standing at the great hall, "Hey Ominis! Y/N!". "There you are Sebastian, good to hear you again. Hopefully with less trouble than the last years", said Ominis, being cocky as ever. "Hey Sebastian good to see you again, totally missed you on my adventures.", as Y/N greeted me she put her arms around me to hug me thight for a moment.
Even after I spoke the death curse against my own uncle, and Ominis being mad at me, which was understandable, Y/N could manage to make him speak to me again. Not only him, she also convinced Anne to send me owls, she might even want to see me soon again. Y/N was really a true friend, after all I put her through and even after cursing that damned cruciatus curse to get out of the scriptorium, she still kept up with me and my problems. I should give it to her back somehow. Pleading of liking having friends in my debt, I'm surely forever in her debt.
Speaking of feeling her hug I noticed something different, it felt more softer and wasn't she usually bit closer? Merlin. It is her wider chest, which puts us apart, she definitely didn't had them the last two years, what was she drinking- STOP IT! I shouldn't think so inappropriate about her like that. I love her, as a friend, maybe even like a sister or even like a brother since she acts sometimes like one, maybe it was our influence, tho.
But still I shan't think of her like that, even if she truly grew more mature. Who am I to ask her out? She would be definitely better off with someone like Ominis. I must admit the thought of it feels off. Even if both of them deserved to be happy.
I gently got off of her hug, "We should go to the table, shall we?" She smiled at me with a wide grin as she went forward to the end of the slytherin table. Ominis and I followed her, he placed himself next to her and I sat towards her. Unfortunately Imelda Reyes joined us, placed her gossiping ass right next to me. Merlin help me to survive her annoying being. I always wondered how Y/N can be so friendly with her, but thinking of it since she also has no problem with my sorry ass, it might be even a greater superpower to keep up with difficult people than the thing with ancient magic itself.
As the three of us sat outside, waiting for the transfiguration class to begin, a sudden dark cloud rain above us. I actually enjoyed the water drops running down my face, but I noticed the couple of Ominis and Y/n moving fast under the stone roof right before the classroom. "Sebastian please join us under the roof before you're getting a cold, my dear." her softly well sounding voice filled with concern rang through my ears and I followed them, like she was a siren calling a sailor of his boat.
"Are you getting cold? Your clothes are soaking wet.", she asked. "Don't worry, I just know the right spell to dry myself up." I used the hot air charm on myself. "That is a nice spell, do you mind drying my clothes too?"
Even tho she wasn't staying long in the rain, her blouse got a bucket or two full water on her and I could see her skin through it- damn it. Feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks and some other part, I also cast that spell towards her and maybe a bit to much than it needed to be. But it even made it worse, since her blouse got more pressed against her, which defined her gorgeous body even more. Merlin. Would she ever think like that of me too?
The class started and we sat- of course she had to sit next to me. It made it somehow worse, I think Ominis could start to tell that I was all over for her.
"Professor Weasley?", I raised my hand. "Ah yes, Mr. Sallow.", as she answered. I asked, "May you excuse me? I need to go to the toilet right now." - "Mr. Sallow the class just started.", she sighed. "But before an accident happeneds you're dismissed."
I stand up slowly hiding something with my cloak as much possible, I needed to go out of here, these thoughts of her wet skin... these silky fabric touching her nice silhouette, where I deeply wished she would want me to touch her- Merlin, since when had I developed such a desire for her?
I went of to a toilet stall, as fast as I shut the door and locked it. I began to unbotton my trousers and grab my little devil, starting to rubbing it. I pictured every inch of Y/n, her lips oh her sweet shaped lips.. imaging her to bite them because she would see something at me she also desired for so long. Her doe eyes which innocently hide her true nature of being a freak in the sheets.. I bet she isn't innocent at all. And Merlin these breast, what I would give to just get another glimpse. I moved my hand faster as I got more and more scenarios of her, like her blouse get lose and I could see her shoulders, she definitely would get aroused and start moaning if I could kiss them until she get bruises, enough bruises so that anyone knows she enjoys me, only me. I pressed my right hand against the door, thinking of how she would loved being pinned at it while her legs would perfect wrap around me, she would scream my name while I thrust my devil inside of her warm, wet witchhood until she can't walk or even say a word anymore. I would love to see her face while she comes, knowing that I could do that to her- "Merlin, Fuck. Y/N!"
I groaned her name a bit too loudly for a public toilet as I came in my hand. I have luck that no one was around. I cleaned myself in exhaustion and walked back to class. Y/N grin at me, when I rejoined the class.
Merlin, stop smiling at me like that again.
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lionlena · 1 year
We don't love each other (PedroPascalxreader) angst! Part II
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A/N: I can't believe I wrote ANGST. It breaks my heart. All because of this one gif. In my imagination, Tyler looks like Tyler Hoechlin.
Summary:  You and Pedro are: friends with benefits, for many years. Your layout is simple and clear. You don't love each other. You're friends on a daily basis, you take care of each other... Sometimes you sleep together. You go on dates with other men and Pedro doesn't mind. Everything is simple until you accidentally hear Oscar say that Pedro loves you. Then you decide to tell him the truth and you ruin everything.
Warnings: angst!!! smut, mentions of sex, friends with benefits, sad, broken hearts, age difference (reader is 15 years younger than Pedro)
A/N: This part is shorter and please... Don't be angry. I know some of you want a happy ending and I promise you will get it, but not yet.
Part II
It is said that mourning has 5 stages. Of course you knew Pedro was alive, but you felt you had lost him forever. So you started going through each stage one by one.
1. Denial
That's what you felt right after the fight with Pedro, when you cried alone. You didn't believe what he said. He was just drunk and didn't mean it at all. It was the alcohol fault.
You knew it was a lie. You've seen him drunk many times. He was the type to just get sleepy and cuddle more. He was never aggressive and was always aware of what he was saying.
2. Anger
You felt it as soon as you entered the house. You threw your suitcase furiously against the wall and started screaming.
How the fuck was he dare acting like this?! Fucking selfish. His age argument was ridiculous. The difference between the two of you wasn't that large. You were an adult. Damn, you were a mature woman! Leave that point for Leonardo!
And his fucking fame! There have been times in the past that your photos have appeared on gossip sites. You didn't care too much about it. But maybe it was him, he didn't want to ruin his image with someone like you.
3. Bargaining
Once you had calmed down, you sat down on the couch and while you drank another glass of wine, you began to analyze everything. It didn't have to be the end. You don't have to love him and he doesn't have to love you. You can still be friends without sex... Or with sex. Sometimes. Once a year. For so many years your system has been running like a well-oiled machine. You can still undo everything, right? If only you'd stayed at the door a few minutes more. If you had heard Pedro's whole conversation with Oscar.
4. Depression
You decided to spend all your holiday crying. For three days you lay on the couch and hardly moved. A pile of used tissues has gathered around you. There were two empty wine bottles and an ice cream wrapper under the table. There was a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. But you really didn't care. You wanted to disappear. Just turn to dust like the people in "Avengers: Infinity War" after Thanos snapped his fingers.
You remembered how you made Pedro watch all the Marvel movies with you. He was teasing you so much about your crush on Captain America.
"You'll see, one day, I'll deliberately star in some movie with Chris Evans  to make you die of envy!"
Another loud sob escaped your lips. You were about to hide under the blanket when the doorbell rang. You were surprised. You didn't order food, you didn't wait for anyone... Your heart jumped like crazy.
It's Pedro! Of course "your" Pedro would come to you eventually. You quickly ran to open the door and your heart dropped to your feet.
"Hey, Y/N." Your ex-boyfriend looked worried at you. "Can I go in?"
You were so shocked that you just shrugged and let him in. You sat on the couch and watched Tyler. The man scanned your living room and finally sat down on the coffee table, across from you.
"Y/N are you okay?"
You swallowed the lump in your throat. You just didn't believe it was Tyler. And of course he had to be nice and worry about you. What did you expect? You've been together for seven fucking months.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to apologize to you."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. You were even more surprised when Tyler grabbed your hands.
"I understand that my proposal might have overwhelmed you. I shouldn't have done it like this. You had the right to feel pressured. I'm so sorry Y/N. I would have come earlier if I had known you were suffering so much."
One sec! Tyler thought your current state was the result of breaking off an engagement. Oh shit! Did he really have to pick the worst moment of your life? You felt like someone hit you on the head, with a hammer.
"Yes?" you asked with weak voice.
"Yes, baby. I'm not angry anymore. I missed you so much."
Your brain has really stopped working. Tyler unfortunately found it cute and chuckled slightly.
"Yes! We've had so many wonderful moments. How about starting over? Slower this time. Maybe instead of getting engaged, you'd agree to move in together. But I'm not pushing. No pressure this time."
You nodded your head and just like that you were pushed into stage 5: acceptance.
You've lost Pedro. He will never come back to you. You couldn't turn Tyler down again. You had to come to terms with the idea that you would end up with someone you couldn't love. For the rest of your life. At least you won't be alone.
With Tyler's help, you cleaned the apartment and agreed to go for a walk with him because he said the fresh air would do you good. As you walked down the street with him and holding his hand, you still felt a huge emptiness in your chest. That's when you realized you'd never make it to Stage 5. You'd stay "depressed" forever.
(Pedro pov )
1. Denial
As Pedro stood on the beach and watched your taxi vanish into the horizon, he just couldn't believe it. All night he denied everything. It didn't happen. He misunderstood you. You didn't mean it. You were drunk. Only he knew you and knew you were serious. Both about loving him and about to leave you alone.
2. Anger
He wiped his tears furiously. Why did he have to be so stupid?! Why did he have to screw everything up? He didn't want to yell at you, he didn't want to break your heart, and most of all, he didn't want you to leave. And at the same time, he had enough. He hated every guy he had to share your lips with. He hated it when you came back to him for another dose of love. For years he told himself he could handle it. That it's better in this way. You didn't love him and you deserved someone better.
He was so consumed with anger that he didn't notice Oscar standing beside him. Well, his friend really had no timing.
"Hey man, what happened?"
Pedro glared at him angrily.
"It just fucking happened that you had to pick the worst possible day to talk about morality!"
"Whoa, slow down!"
Oscar held his hands up, but Pedro continued to press against him.
"Y/N overheard us! She came to me at night and confessed that she loved me, and I..." His voice broke. "I yelled at her... I told her I didn't want to love her..."
"Then why the fuck are you mad at me?! Remember what I told you when I  discovered you have agreement with her?"
"That it's sick and we're both going to suffer."
"Exactly! And now you're standing here taking your anger out on me. I didn't come up with this! You guys got yourself into this. It's not my fault you don't know what you want. How I was supposed to know she loved you... Ok, sometimes I suspected it, but..." Oscar sighed heavily as he saw his friend crying. He pulled Pedro into a hug. "I'm sorry. I know you're hurting, but maybe it's better this way."
Pedro clenched his hands on Oscar's shirt.
"I want her back," he mumbled.
3. Bargaining
Pedro couldn't just stay with the others and keep playing. He apologized to everyone, explaining the sudden need to shoot some scenes for The Mandalorian. Only Oscar and Sarah knew the truth.
When he got to his apartment, he was still analyzing everything. After all, he could still fix everything. You two will go back to your old layout. Eventually you'll realize that you don't love him. He will be able to have a part of you again. He will suffer and he will listen to Oscar's lectures again, but at least his heart will not be so empty.
After three days, he made a decision. He grabbed his car keys and cell phone and decided to go to your place. He parked near your apartment and was about to leave when he saw Tyler come out. You were right behind him. Your ex reached out to you. You smiled slightly and grabbed his hand. He realized that apparently you two are together again. And he hated him. Hated Tyler's square jaw, chiseled stomach, biceps... And he hated himself for being such a pathetic pup who lay down at your feet.
4. Depression
He spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch drinking beer and looking at pictures of you together. He felt as if someone had ripped his heart out of his chest. He had years to tell you the truth and he wasted it. So many times he could have tried to change something, but he was too late. He lost you and he was never going to accept that.
* Amor fugado,
( Run away love,)
Me tomas, me dejas, me exprimes, y me tiras a un lado
(You take me, you leave me, you squeeze me and throw me aside)
Te vas a otro cielo y regresas como los colibrís
(You go to another heaven and come back like the hummingbirds)
Me tienes como un perro a tus pies.
(You have me like a dog at your feet)
Labios compartidos, labios divididos
(Shared lips, divided lips,)
(mi amor)
Yo no puedo compartir tus labios
(I can’t share your lips)
Y comparto el engaño y comparto mis días y el dolor
(That I share the deceive and I share my days and the pain)
Ya no puedo compartir tus labios
(I can’t share your lips)
Oh amor, oh amor, compartido
(Oh love, oh shared love)
Mana - Labios Compartidos
@creedslove​ I probably listened this song a hundred times while writing Pedro pov <3
Part I
Part III
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j-onedrabbles · 1 year
𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒉 𝒔𝒊𝒙: 20 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 cw: cursing wc: 0.8k
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Y/n quickly dug through her closet to find something to wear. She didn’t plan on going out so she didn’t bother getting out of her pajamas this morning. Now she was going on a date? Utter panic.
“Pick up your goddamn phone Jisung,” Y/n muttered as she searched through her shirts.
“What do you want?” Jisung finally picked up his phone
“What do I wear?” She asked as she looked over at her phone she had propped up against near her closet while the video call rang.
“Y/n, baby, he’s not gonna care what you wear.”
“I was dressed damn near like a whore last night. I don’t wanna show up in sweats.”
“He’s already seen you at your sexist. Go with your comfiest. If he doesn’t like it, I’ll fight him.”
“I feel like I was better off calling Jinnie.”
“Rude! Minho’s one of my best friends, I know him best!”
“Then what do I wear?!”
“Something comfy and cute! It’s just coffee!”
“I know but still!”
“Don’t make me go to your place.”
“You don’t want to get out of bed and you know it.”
“You know me so well.”
Y/n grabbed a few items and showed them to her friend. Ultimately it was decided on jeans and an oversized T-shirt and sweater. Y/n slipped on a pair of sneakers as she grabbed her wallet and keys and made her way down the coffee shop, only hanging up with the changling when she got to the door.
Minho was standing in line and turned when he heard the door. He offered her a smile as she walked in and saw him. Y/n joined him in line, offering the same smile.
“Waiting long?” She asked as she stood next to him
“No. Got here a couple of minutes ago,” Minho shrugged, “How’s your morning been?”
“Quiet. Kind of planned to have a lazy day before this so I rushed to get ready,” Y/n laughed
“You're not doing anything over the break?”
“Not really. I have some work for courses I need to do but other than that I don't have much.”
The two followed the line as the next person stepped up to order. “No work?”
“I kinda quit my job so I'm looking for another one. I'm living off my savings at the moment.”
“Can I ask why?”
“After we get our drinks I’ll tell ya,” Y/n said as they stepped up to the register.
The two ordered their drinks before going and getting a seat at a table, “you didn't have to pay for mine,” Y/n commented
“I asked you out, I pay,” Minho replied, “back to what you were saying.”
“What were we talking about before?”
“Why you left your job,” Minho reminded her, thinking it was kind of cute that she had forgotten their previous topic.
“Oh yeah! It was a toxic work environment and I just didn't feel fully comfortable there,” Y/n explained
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay. My boss was this older lady who made it worse. It's the small boutique up the street and she never really like me because of me being a Fae and coworkers made it worse.”
“But she knew you were a Fae when she hired you?”
“No. She was out of town when I got hired. Her daughter was super nice to me. When the boss came back the dynamic shifted, so I left.”
“Is it hard finding a job as a siren?”
“Sometimes? It really depends. Small businesses usually will take any employee they can get in my experience so they don't care if you are human or fae. Corporates are a hit or miss.”
“Sounds kinda rough,” Minho sighed as one of the workers brought over their drinks. The two thanked them as they left.
“It's a little stressful. I'm just using this break to relax and hang out with my friends.”
“Are you going to any more parties?”
“Probably, I don't know. I just tag along with the guys. After the last one, I think we're all up in the air about frat parties.”
“Jisung told me about the rumor and why the guys left early.”
“Surprised you are only now hearing it,” Y/n chuckled as she sipped her drink
“I don't pay attention to the gossip. Seungmin likes knowing things so he brought it up.”
“I'm just surprised it made it here.”
“Bin said he wants to be invited next time we drink together. Not at a party.” Minho didn't want to dwell on the subject any longer
“I’ll let the guys know. They’ll be excited to have some more people over,” Y/n smiled
The two sat at the cafe for a bit longer talking and finishing their drinks. Minho offered a walk around the city which Y/n took him up on. The two walked and talked until the sun went down. Minho walked the girl back to her place before saying good night.
“Text me when you get home,” Y/n called before shutting her door. Minho smiled to himself as he made his way back to his own apartment.
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a/n: triple update today I guess 🤭
taglist: @xxoche3erryxxo @iadorethemskz @maeleelee @morningstardada @sungookie @mistlitmoonlight @junebug032 @m111nho
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the-nova-council · 1 month
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Picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/582810
We're the Council, nice to meet you! Here's a quick introduction to each of us:
Apollo ☀️ The head of the Council, our beloved leader and older brother figure. He gets shit done and we love him for that! He also keeps us functioning and we tend to fall apart when he's in the void for a long time.
Felix 🐈‍⬛ That's me, author of this post! And reluctantly the host for now. I'm the researcher and compiler of information, but I also get really sad a lot, sorryyyyy
Artemis 🌙 Our social butterfly and hair dye expert, sk8er girl, skin care routine, taker of showers and brusher of teeth. And a gossip! She does, in fact, want to hear about your friend's mom's crush who works at the drugstore, and your neighbor's beef with the mailman, please spill the tea. (Also took co-front to help write these so I'm here now, Hiiii! -Artemis)
Cora 💜 Our middle and a major component of our mask- she was the host throughout childhood! Loves to be colorful and messy. A free spirit and creative artist and poet!
Wyldfire 🔥 On all levels but physical, he is a wolf. Awooo - For real though, he has a teen form and a wolf form and is quick to anger. He likes loud, bass-heavy music, will bite people in a mean way, and has a strong sense of justice.
Elias 🪞 The only non-asexual member of this system. Has his own separate Tumblr account because he's a bit of a freak /affectionate. He is allowed to post friendly things here but if he's in a mood he will be banished to his private account and/or horny jail.
Mino ⭐ Our little! Beloved baby boy, he rarely fronts and doesn't type so good, but he is a sweetheart.
Eerie 🌀 Local gatekeeper is the only member of this system who doesn't like coffee, more at six. Eerie stays near front the majority of the time and helps things run smoothly, despite being our most recent split Apollo considers her his assistant and right hand man. (I'm his left hand man :3 -Felix)
Epsilon ⏰ Our only known fictive, so far removed from her source she is unrecognizable! A Time Lady of Gallifrey, survivor of the Time War, medic and mechanic, she is our mother figure, caretaker, and favourite backseat driver. When she fronts, we don't emote much and speak in a freakishly flat tone, and she doesn't experience many emotions! We love that for her /gen
Angel 🪽 Self-identified persecutor, he is also our oldest friend. Angel is the only member of our system who isn't atheist/agnostic, which is indeed a little weird. Nonhuman, a little creepy, rarely fronts, suspected trauma holder... Being of divine love and divine justice. And catholic Guilt. Whoops.
Additional system info: The body is 22, we collectively use they/he pronouns (individual intro posts will be made by those who want to make one when they come to front!!), we are an undiagnosed traumagenic OSDD system, we have other mental health issues we will not be listing here, English is our only language, we are American, we are queer, we don't tolerate hate or exclusion, and we are quick with the block hammer. We don't have time for discourse. We welcome any and all friendly interaction though!
Bastion 🛡️ Rare fronter, high memory barriers, low communication. He has recently begun sharing more, and even spending time in the headspace! He likes hiding (but not seeking), and bunnies. He is an age slider similar to Cora, within the 6-12 range.
Merricat 🌸 Clone of a fusion of Felix & Cora! They chose their name from We Have Always Lived In The Castle and has many traits from each of the original components of her fusion, but has grown into an individual since then and even co-fronted with Felix!
Main Blog, which existed long before we had our syscovery, and will continue to be run as usual: @apollo-zero-one
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twistedtavern · 2 years
So for your swap au how do you think do they react to their canon selfs
Ooooo now THIS is a good question. I don't have all the really precise details down, but here's the list
Riddle: Probably finds Swap!Riddle uncanny, but eventually they'd come to an understanding. He just deals with Swap!Riddle the same way he deals with Cater.
Cater: These two would end up on lawn chairs wearing shades and sipping some trendy drink together by the end of the day, trust. They're both just realizing how happy they both are to be away from their sisters. I just want them to be friends ok
Trey: A bit confused, because Swap!Trey is probably directly behind him with a pencil and notepad 24/7. But, when he asks why he finds the reason kind of endearing. If the other him wants to be a good brother so badly, he wouldn't stop him. Most likely ends up showing him the ropes in making small treats his siblings or underclassmen enjoy.
Deuce: Oh they'd fight. Lawful Good himbo vs Chaotic Good himbo. No notes
Ace: Typical highschool boy asshole vs uptight preppy asshole, no notes.
Leona: Swap!Leona would ong be disappointed by his canon self, but ends up leaving him with some ideas on how to build his support and reputation at home. Overall, they'd be decent with each other after a while.
Ruggie: Oh they're SCHEMIN. Friends, but only because they're both about to commit some crimes together. Not a single madol in NRC is safe.
Jack: At first thinks his swap self is cool, but ends up disappointed. He's not a "lone wolf" as much as he is just crabby, apathetic, and friendless. Probably tries helping him out, and it depends on whether or not his efforts are successful that he deems his other self a lost cause or not.
Azul: This boy is FLABBERGHASTED by his swap self's business practices. How the FUCK, over the span of a WEEKEND, did he change industries? One minute, Swap!Azul is running a miniature factory, the next minute a god damn BANK, all in the same area?!? Somebody's gotta pick his jaw up from the floor. FURIOUSLY taking notes on this man's work ethic. Everyone in the dorm has resumes half a mile long, and Azul honestly applauds him. Although on a personal level, he dislikes Swap!Azul's Floyd-like tendencies, but tolerates him.
Jade: There is not a force in Wonderland that can shut these two up once they encounter each other. All anyone is gonna be hearing until whatever interdimensional rift that brought him here closes is mushrooms, mushrooms, MUSHROOMS. Good GOD the MUSHROOMS. They're like the painting of the two scholar dudes talking to each other. Instant bond.
Floyd: For a twin, he sure does hate when someone else looks like Jade. He tries to get him to be fun, but Swap!Floyd is too much a mix of himself and Jade to be palatable to him. Not friends.
Kalim: Tried walking up to Swap!Kalim, but he assumed he was an assassin taking his shape to kill him and take his place without suspicion. So basically, BONK. Not even a chance to explain, just BONK. On sight, no questions asked. Next thing you know, Kalim's being chased down every hallway in Scarabia by a maniac trying to beat him over the head with anything in range. It would take Jamil intervention to get Swap!Kalim to save canon Kalim from getting choked out Bart Simpson style. After everything is cleared up, Swap!Kalim just ends up feeling annoyed by canon Kalim. Probably chews him out about his carelessness being the reason why he can't defend himself and tries taking canon Jamil to 'protect' him.
Jamil: I think they'd have somewhat of a mutual understanding and just vent to each other. I think they'd initially be like "man I would honestly prefer your Kalim over mine" but eventually they'd reach a part that's a deal breaker and agree to stick with their actual Kalims. They'd cook and gossip together ^w^
Vil: Oh. Oh no. Vil has never seen the purpose of carrying crosses and other such 'protection from evil' trinkets, but now he DOES. Swap!Vil makes canon Vil want to become a nun at Noble Bell, the vibes are THAT bad. However, he cannot seek his newfound passion for divine protection because he's trying to prevent his Rook from being tied up and dragged into a dark hallway every 5 seconds. Despite canon Vil's ADAMANT desire to be as far away from Swap!Vil as physically possible, Swap!Vil is actually very interested in canon Vil, MUCH to his dismay. Somebody save him please
Rook: Two jungle boys, chilling in a hot tuuuub, five feet apart so they don't fight. Tbh they'd get on each other's nerves after a while if things don't go right, but otherwise I think they'd be somewhat okay. They have so many contrasting opinions that canon Rook would find interesting, but Swap!Rook just thinks he's weird. All in all could go both ways
Epel: Oh they hate each other's GUTS. Nary a note in sight, there is nothing that will change that INSTANT hate.
Idia: He is nerding OUT over Swap!Idia's tech, but the sort of okayness between the two of them is INSTANTLY soured when he gets near Swap!Ortho and immediately gets a murder lazer pointed square at his head. Maybe they'll patch up, but I severely doubt it now that I think about it. There is definitely potential for a dynamic between canon Shroudbros and swap Shroudbros though
Ortho: Would probably be friends with Swap!Ortho because they'd hit it off pretty quick. Ortho is naturally friendly and Swap!Ortho just instantly trusts robots. It's cute, really. Until Swap!Ortho meets canon Idia and they both just cling to each other and leave canon Ortho feeling like he was abandoned. Very much like that one song in Corpse Bride where Emily is sad because Victor only loves Victoria for the fact that she's alive. They might have a chance to patch up, but only if the right things happen.
Malleus: Goodness, Swap!Malleus is LOUD. But, when it comes to their dorm members, they both can agree that they’re the best ever ^w^!! Fast friends, these two. Despite their differences, they both talk about gargoyles together and enjoy having the company of someone new. They compare and contrast their lives and families, and find that really, they’re not so different after all. I’m sure there is absolutely nothing that can break this friendshi- Wait a minute- NO THAT'S MY CHILD OF MAN! PUT THEM DOWN YOU BASTARD
Lilia: Ah, yes. Two old men just chilling together, sharing war stories and being proud of their babies. Wholesomeness incarnate, no notes.
Silver: Would probably get dragged into one of Swap!Silver's pranks, either as an accomplice or a target. Other than that, I think he'd admire how his other self had learned how to master many fae abilities, and try to learn from him. They are friends, very nice.
Sebek: Oh Sebek is SO jealous of Swap!Sebek, it's unreal. He wants to feel the young lord's protection as well!! I think he'd be jealous on more than one front, because his swap self has a much calmer and more approachable disposition and appears more disciplined and mature. Meanwhile all of this goes completely over Swap!Sebek's head. They're kind of hilarious
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wellpresseddaisy · 1 year
Long Ago (and far away) pt. 23
And now for something a little different. I thought we could use a bit of a palate cleanser before we have to deal with more emotions.
Monday evening, Diagon Alley
A shadowed figure darted across cobbled streets, bootheels ringing against the stone. A fine mist curled and wafted about the figure, flaring with cloak and skirt at each sharp turn.
It turned down a dimly lit alley and scurried through the pooling gloom. Finally, it pushed open the door of the Queensmark Teahouse and slipped inside.
"Eggers? Are you done for the night? It's an absolutely foul one." Eglantine Carruthers pushed back the hood of her cloak and removed her gloves.
"Nory? Is it just you, dearest?" Came a voice from the back.
"Just me, darling. I don't think anyone else has even stirred yet." She took off her cloak and laid it in a booth. "It is perishing out there."
"I have tea and a light supper ready. You're always ravenous after the theater." Eglantine Dunwoodie exited the kitchen, but it wasn't an Eglantine any but her friends recognized.
Gone was the soft pompadour and sensible dress of her everyday persona. In their place, she wore her hair in a short, cropped cut and the trousers and waistcoat of a three-piece suit. She wore a soft, collarless shirt under the waistcoat with her sleeves rolled up.
"Oh, Eggsy." Eglantine sighed. "One day…"
"Mother's been such a brick about me not wanting to be married and settle down with giving her grandbabies, after she calmed down at least." Dunwoodie managed a soft smile, though it twisted a bit. "I can't…not yet. She loves the girly things on me so."
"Well, you'll just have to bring home a pretty girl who likes to be fussed over and who wants to have children. Not to mention that you being handsomer than all your brothers would put their noses out of joint." Eglantine waved a hand and spoke airily. "How is that sweet little librarian you’ve been stepping out with, by the by?”
“Eglantine Honoria, what have you done?” That perfectly casual tone immediately raised suspicion in everyone who knew her.
“Nothing at all, darling. Just supporting a venerable institution. She’s ever so helpful. I suppose she can’t help being named Marion.”
“It’s a perfectly lovely name.” Dunwoodie raised an eyebrow.
“Maaaarion…madam libraaaaaarian.” Eglantine sang. “It’s from a non-magical musical, quite popular at the moment though the male lead doesn’t really have the range he ideally needs. Too used to G&S, I suppose.”
“Not everyone has an encyclopedic knowledge of musical theater, dearest.” Dunwoodie smiled.
“Well they should of they’re going to be producing librarians. She really is sweet. She found ever so many books for me and it was happenstance that she helped me at all. I just went to do a bit of research for a book and I didn’t realize she was your librarian until we were halfway through the history section.”
“She isn’t mine, dearest.”
“Not yet she isn’t. And when she is then we’re going to have a party for you.” Eglantine did not mention a certain tea and gossip date set for the next week.
"You just want an excuse to throw a party, you horror." Dunwoodie laughed. "How are you doing, though, without the house elves?"
"Oh, we're doing brilliantly. I felt so guilty that they were with us because Hal's the eldest when his sister has nine children and no help. Well, some help, but not nearly enough, not for nine. Really they were just dying for house elf assistance. Nanny — the head elf — was so very kind and helped us find Nanny Jameson and Nurse. And both of them get on famously with Nanny, so Nanny can pop by whenever she likes and make certain everything is up to her standards. And oh, I've been such a goose, darling. You really wouldn't believe." Eglantine waved her soup spoon as she spoke.
"Eat your soup, Nory, and then tell me. We haven't had a good long talk in so long." Dunwoodie set a soup plate before her. "I want to hear all about your doings."
"Thank you. I really am famished. One eats before the theater, of course, but opening night is such a marathon. And then people want to speak to one after and suddenly it's closing in on so very late and one is just dead." Eglantine stopped speaking long enough to refresh herself. "Now that I'm no longer in danger of just wasting away…oh, I've missed this too. I must make more time for my friends. Hal…you know, he's really such a darling man."
"That's the only reason he gets invited to our dos, you know." Dunwoodie smiled gently. "It's because he makes you wonderfully happy. Putting your mother's nose out of joint may have helped."
"And she can't even complain because his family is so unimpeachably correct." Eglantine giggled, her eyes alight with mirth. "In any case…do you know, we should have a party to celebrate how brave we all are, really. But, me being a goose. Mother—don't make that face darling, you'll be wrinkled up in no time and Mother isn't worth it—got it into my head that I should take more interest in the boys' primary education. That I was somehow a Bad Mother because I was leaving it to the professionals."
"That," Dunwoodie pointed with her toast. "Is precisely what a bad mother would say."
"In any case, Hal was away and I got myself so worked up over it that I tried and tried to take an interest. By the time he got home I was pacing in the foyer, convinced that I was the Worst Mother Ever because I was about to go mad if I had to listen to a child limping through the alphabet one more time. Do you know, he's never laughed at me? Not once? Not even this last time when he dropped his valise in the foyer and found me doing a fine impression of Lady MacB, all wringing hands and agonized eyebrows?"
"Of course he hasn't. He's a good man."
"Between him and Nanny they got me calmed down enough to see sense and it is funny now. The pacing in the foyer part, not Mother. Hal said life would be terribly flat if he came home to a quiet house and no dramatic scenes in the foyer. It really is a lovely place for a good scene." Eglantine smiled down at the table. "He also said that while spending more time with the boys is good, I can't neglect my friends or my work. That having outside interests makes one a better parent."
"Precisely. It isn't as if you shunt them off to Nanny and only see them an hour at teatime or leave all the hard bits to Nanny and Nurse. But you have to be able to work, as well."
"Nanny was very firm that we hired her on because she's a professional and can start the boys on their educational path. And that working parents need help, and also could we please keep my mother out of the nursery? We may have to ban her from the house altogether and won't that be a merry to-do?" Eglantine sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to keep ranting about Mother."
"She's just so rantable, dearest. One day, when she and your Aunt Eulalia are no longer with us, you're going to write a best-seller about your family."
Eglantine snorted. "Dad would buy innumerable copies and hand them out to everyone. He loves her, but…"
"Yes. But. Now, I asked you to come before everyone else for a reason, and I think we could both use a bit of a palate-cleanser after your mother." Dunwoodie refilled their teacups.
"Oooh, you have the best gossip, darling. You hear simply everything here." Eglantine settled into her chair.
"Guess who was in here Saturday afternoon?" Dunwoodie started.
"Oh, who? Don't make me guess, darling. I've used all my brain and borrowed some from Hal today. I'm working on some very dodgy credit."
"Alright, you goose. It was Professor Snape, and he wasn't alone."
Her tone had Eglantine gasping. "Oh, really?"
"He's bonded. Well, he was, just that morning at Gringotts."
"Ooooooh. Who?"
"The new head of the Slytherin family. He had the signet and the bonding bands. Didn't get his name, though. I expect it'll be in the papers in the next few days."
"No!" Eglantine fairly squeaked in delight. "Oh, this is too utterly wonderful. What was he like?"
"He seemed…normal? Protective. I think he might get called domineering and overbearing with some regularity, to be perfectly honest. Professor Snape was in a right state when they came in, like he was that one Potions lesson. Do you know…sometimes…it was like they were meant to be together, dearest. Like you and Hal. They were just right together. And he has a face like one of those collar advertisements. Handsome as anything, and there I was looking like a hazel angora rabbit."
Eglantine's mouth twitched. "You don't remind one that much of a fluffy bunny in your girly things. And certainly not now, darling."
"I, er, overreacted a titch when they came in." Dunwoodie bit her lip. "Held him at wand point until he showed the bands and his signet."
Eglantine snorted. "Well of course you did. It was Professor Snape. But darling, this is too blessedly funny. It would make a wonderful book. The schoolmaster plucked from his everyday life and hurtled into Society. Mmm…domineering husband…oooh, perfect aristocrat…he doesn't need to be taken to the shops…not with Mrs. Malfoy's influence, but…I wonder if Professor Snape will have a Moment of Triumph?"
"You are not using this in your work." Dunwoodie managed to sound stern for a moment. "And Professor Snape's moment of triumph would be making Dowager Prewett laugh inappropriately at a presentation."
"He would, wouldn't he?" Eglantine had that far away look her friends recognized as 'author at work'.
"He got such a ticking off from her at one of the last presentations because he spent the night trying to make either Professor McGonagall or Mrs. Malfoy lose their composure." Dunwoodie confided, mostly to get Eglantine's brain off the writerly track.
"Someone…well, no, she might actually be more frightening than Professor Snape."
"I was standing by the tea table thinking cook-like thoughts, so they didn't even notice me. She told him that he could stop being a towering brat and that he was going to sit by her until the Malfoys took him home because she couldn't trust him to behave otherwise. To his credit, he really did his best to amuse her after that."
"She called Professor Snape a…no. I won't believe it. She couldn't! She didn't! Not Professor Snape!"
"She did. She is ancient. I suppose we all must seem like children. I rather saw her point, though. We never saw it at school because he'd rather remove his own liver than be a bad influence on us, but I think his natural inclination is to tease a bit, push the boundaries. He's really not that much older than we are. What…seven years? Same as Eccles, really."
"Well, it is pleasant sometimes when your partner takes a firm line on pushing boundaries." Eglantine waggled her eyebrows. "Hal's dreadfully good at firm."
"Eg-lan-tine! What have you been getting up to?" Dunwoodie couldn't help the scandalized question. Usually, she tried to ignore Eglantine's more outrageous moments.
Eglantine just grinned wickedly. "You know, I learned so much about myself on the trip backafter we married. So…educational."
"You really are a horror, you know." Dunwoodie chuckled.
"Yes, I've rather a lot of practice." She snickered. "But…once he'd come back, Professor Snape, that is…he was taken care of?"
"Oh, yes. I think it might be good for him. He needs to be looked after, I think. He's got dreadfully thin."
"Has he? I used to think he toyed with his food more than ate it, you know? Nerves. But with all the layers it's so hard to see. And even I wasn't impertinent enough to ask. He made such a difference for us, though, those last few years. I don't think anyone's ever done the same for him. And…you're certain sure this one is a good one?"
"Yes." Dunwoodie answered firmly. "He reminded me of Hal. And Professor Snape reminded me of you after you'd found Hal. You used to go around, well, cranked right up, and no wonder with your mother. I think Professor Snape is more like you than not, dearest, only he internalizes everything. Funny how we never noticed."
"That would explain why he always knew exactly what I was up to." Eglantine sighed. "Couldn't get anything over on that man. And children are self-centered as gyroscopes, by and large, even mine."
"You still can't get anything past him." Dunwoodie grinned at her. "I asked everyone to come out tonight because I didn't want them surprised, as much as possible. I just wanted a good confab with you, first."
"We're definitely having more parties. I mean it, darling. We don't see near enough of each other. And we are going to make a standing date, whenever is most convenient to you. I won't fall out of touch with all my friends, and especially not you. Eglantines have got to stick together."
"Speaking of sticking, dearest, how's young Teddie?"
"Edwina is…coping. The collective family name took rather a hard knock with Mother's reaction to…well, me taking a powder. And then when I came back married…and started writing plays and things…what a frightful time. Poor girl is finding it a bit hard in Slytherin. Aunt Eulalia siding with mother didn't help. They've both lost their vouchers. Dowager Prewett apparently thought them giving me The Cut was beyond acceptable. Mother's tried to make nice again, though, in her own way. I just feel so for poor Teddie. She doesn't deserve to be a scapegoat."
"I can have a word with my cousins in Ravenclaw. She's a bright girl; they should be able to do something for her. It's certainly been long enough."
"You'd think people would forget, but not Slytherin. Not when it comes to committing Social Crimes. I've been trying to take her about with me as much as possible, since Uncle Wallace put his foot down. He and Dad have been the saving graces, really."
"Well, we'll do what we can. Some of my cousins are friends with some of the current crop of Morningsides. I'll see if they'll have a word. She won't be lonely forever."
"Thank you. If I knew five years ago…"
"We would still have put you on that steamer, dearest, if we had to drug you. You needed to get away. And you met Hal, who really is the nicest man I know."
"He is, isn't he." Eglantine went a bit pink.
"And how are Eurydice and Ecclesiastes?" The glint in her eye had Eglantine sniggering.
"Dicey's just fine. She's at Oxford and she's beating the pants off everyone in terms of scholarship. Poor old Eccles, though, she really can't help it. And we shouldn't call her that, but honestly, if you're going to proselytize…and your own family at that!"
"She sent me a Bible. With all the bits she found important highlighted."
"She didn't! Oh, you know I don't mind anyone being a Christian or anything, plenty of them are the loveliest people, but it seems like she's doing it just to be a trial. She does have to live with Mother, though, which I imagine is a complete misery, and Mother keeps saying how it's so unfortunate Poor Ethel is On The Shelf. What can you expect with a personality like a wet Monday?"
"Is she still, er, doing Good Works for the Unfortunate?" A rather unsteady voice betrayed Dunwoodie.
"I shall never live that down. Mrs. Weasley, thankfully, has a sense of humor. She collared me at the Simcox's tea, you know, and was just so delightful. She completely understood that you can't choose your blood relations. Eccles is moving into absolutely potty territory, I'm afraid. She wanted to wear the most ghastly frock to my parents' anniversary party. This…shapeless sack in the most putrid shade of mauve. It wasn't even nice shapeless, like one of those artistic dresses or the nineteen-twenties. She had a whole speech about modesty and not causing your brothers in Christ to stumble all while staring at my red velvet which was a bit décolleté. But in a tasteful way because it was a formal affair. Dad told her any stumbling wasn't her problem and she was to go change her dress immediately. She still wore something appalling but it wasn't actively embarrassing, at least."
Dunwoodie could barely speak for mirth by the end of it. "I really oughtn't laugh." She gasped.
"Someone should get some enjoyment out of this. Merlin knows Eccles isn't!" And Eglantine dissolved into giggles herself.
"Does she enjoy anything?" Dunwoodie managed after a few moments.
"Honestly, I think she adores her own misery. She's addicted to piousness." Eglantine sighed deeply. "Thank you, darling. You've been an absolute pillar, you know." She managed to pull herself together enough to clasp Dunwoodie's hand. "I think I hear—"
The bell tinkled over the door and Dunwoodie squeezed Eglantine's hand.
"Thank you, dearest. I couldn't ask for a better friend." She spoke quietly before moving to greet the rest of her guests. The 1983 and 1984 seventh year Slytherins (or at least cohorts of each) had rather banded together in the last several years.
"Neither could I." Eglantine said on a sigh and stood to help. Sometimes she really missed those last years at Hogwarts.
"Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why I asked you to come out on a night I've been assured is perfectly foul." Dunwoodie did such an excellent imitation of Eglantine's italics that everyone snickered.
"It is, and you know it." Eglantine laughed.
"I have news that I'm certain you'll want to hear."
"Doc is joining the landlubbers again?" Maurice called out from where he lounged by the fire.
"Not on your life." Doc laughed at him. "I'll be buried at sea, my good fellow."
"Suhani's back?" Niniane asked hopefully.
"This next summer, I think." Maurice said. "She's nearly done with her course."
"Balls!" Niniane muttered. "Is there going to be another baby, then?"
"In the next twenty-four hours, if all goes well." A tall man answered as he slipped into the shop. "Annabeth is in labor. She was cursing the baby's timing when I left."
"Derry, you left?" Gwendolyn gave him A Look. As she was a librarian, it was an effective Look.
"She told me to go! In any case, Howard is with her and she told me she certainly didn't need an audience. I waited until her healer got there and then she shoved me out." Howard defended himself. "I promised to bring the news back, though."
"Be serious!" Dunwoodie scolded. "Although I'm sure Nory is already planning the welcome baby party. Professor Snape is bonded. He was in here right after. I didn't want anyone to be surprised and, well, we need to come up with a present."
The sensation was magnificent.
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plscallmeeren · 1 year
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Platonic Logan Howlett x OC
Summary: just a lil Drabble from a fanfic I never finished and hardly started
Warnings: ……swearing maybe?; unedited bullshit
Stares fell on me inevitably like I was the magnet and their eyes were the iron as I crossed the school grounds.
Some things never change, I guess.
The looks had a wide range though: Most were dirty or hungry stares, some held fear, others were laced with pure curiosity.
I was the newest thing to be thirsty for, the circus, the best gossip in the past months, and to those who looked on with fear - the next danger in their fucking hell of a life. And it made me wonder how much must have happened to those that their trust issues reached a paranoia that warned them of a single individual casually walking through their heavily guarded home.
A part of me didn't want to know.
But perhaps they should have been relieved they couldn't see all the weapons I was carrying. I probably didn't need them, but one could never be too careful.
Silently I thanked the gods I hadn't brought my swords, which I couldn't hide so easily. I could've caused someone a panic attack.
Logan stood waiting for me at the entrance, and my guess told me that was an abnormality in itself and that just that might have saved me from even more fear, but granted me more attention.
I'm not one to complain.
His face was stern and cold, and he gave out warning looks to the boys and some girls looking at me thirstily.  Why does he hide his smile? It's the only acceptable part of him most of the time...
I pondered whether he felt the need to look tough in front of his students and maybe even coworkers. He definitely made himself that image when it came to the outside world. And that made me wonder if he was ever himself here. Did he even smile with Jean? The thought of his smile being such a rare occurrence around here made me sad for those who missed it, but I understood. I understood but I wished... I wish he wouldn't. Then again, it gave me a sense of pride I immediately felt guilty for. So I'm the only one who always gets to see it.
Yet I ignored every thought and placed a smirk on my face as I approached him. More heads turned and the whispers grew heavier as I crossed my arms and looked at him mischievously as always.
Even though he was 6'2 and I was 5'2 I towered over him in our eyes. I may never know how other people perceive it. If for them I look like the small one next to him. But he seemed small for me, perhaps because I knew how small he had been so many times. And for him I was the biggest person he knew, because I, and I quote, 'have a big personality'.
"What are you looking at me like that for?", he growled, already feeling he knew the answer.
"Oh, I am going to have such a great time here. I will meet all your little friends and students you've told me about, tell them stories about you, show them baby pictures-"
"There are no baby pictures of me", he said it so triumphantly I almost believed him. Kidding. A grin plastered on my face, I stayed silent, just long enough for him to realise his mistake.
"Really? Is that what you think?" My eyebrows raised provocatively as I twirled a strand of hair between my fingers.
A glimpse of unimportant fear flickered in his eyes briefly, before narrowing them and glaring at me in a 'don't-you-dare' kind of a way.
It was a comforting thing in my eyes. That someone who had gone through hell and back could still be scared of things as simple as his coworkers and students seeing their baby photos. Mind you, he knows damn well if anyone would actually do it it would be me.
"It's nice to finally see you again", he broke the silence, his gaze softening as the act fell and for a moment I caught his smile red-handed. Even here.
I could have sworn a few students gasped at his expression and I could hear talk of us being together. Let them gossip. They won't find news as hot as us for a while.
"I dare say you missed me", I smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck and gave him half a hug. A real greeting would have to wait 'til later.
Beside us, someone cleared their throat and I stood back again, allowing my eyes to fall upon a red-haired woman who I immediately recognized.
"Jean!", I cried in delight, and confusion spread over her formerly grim face, "It is so wonderful to see you, hon."
The look on her face... priceless.
"I... What? Do I know you?", she stammered in bewilderment as Logan seemed to be sinking in a sea of dread.
As he should be.
Even though I would recognize her anywhere at this point, she looked different than how Logan saw her. His mind coloured her in such endless beauty she looked amazing, but seeing her with my own eyes... she just looked normal. As normal as any other out there. And I imagined how much love it would take to change a person's appearance so much in one's mind. Perhaps I would never know, for that's how I would always see the person after all.
"No. But I know you so well. Oh my fuckin', god you have no idea how many stories I've heard. I feel like I've already met you, darlin'." Next to me Logan looked like he just wanted to disappear as Jean looked over at him and I grinned. He needed that humiliation every now and then. Most of us did.
"Also, your hair would look nicer short in my opinion. Make of that what you will but I stand by it."
Jean looked thoroughly taken aback as I showed her my sweetest smile. Something in me was singing Kill her, kill her not, kill her, kill her more because of all the things Logan had told me she had done by him, but yet another part found deep respect appropriate. She looked like someone who could deserve both. Maybe she was conflicted, too. Maybe she's like me.
But the thought quickly vanished with the usual counter-argument: I'm one of a kind. That's good. One more me and the world would be too dark and complicated to live in.
"Logan, who is this?", the way she said it made her more dispicable than before. She played with her victims; I could tell.
I love you. But not like that. I'd die for you - but don't text you back. I choose him. But only in the softest of voices do I speak to you. In the most loving ways do I treat you. But you're not the one for me. That kind of person.
"This is... an old friend. One who I regret introducing to this school", he replied grumpily, and suddenly I was the extra. The one too many. The third wheel instead of her. Fuck this.
"You speak too soon, honey. I'm sure everyone here will love me", I repressed any hurt in my voice and looked back at Jean. Such a stunner, right?
"Yes... I'm sure the boys will", Jean muttered venomously. I'm not sure if she intended for me to hear or not but my blood was boiling. Well, I tried.
"Logan, where's your room?", my eyes didn't leave Jean's as I asked him innocently, letting a dangerous undertone find its way to my words, and I could almost hear Jean gasp internally. Ha. Not the only mind-reader, are you.
"Up two floors, down right corridor, third door, no name", he said quickly, but not hurriedly. I bet as soon as I go he'll tell Jean 'it's not what you think'. Yeah, hon. Sure.
"What makes you think you can just barge into this school and it's okay?"
You just had to push it, didn't you.
"I didn't barge in. I got invited, sweetheart."
Bestie here was getting nervous. Me against his crush in a fight? Good luck with that.
And no. By fight I don't necessarily mean physical. Although that's not out of the question, either.
"And if you don't wanna talk to me then fucking don't. I sure as hell won't feel like I'm missing out."
"Yn.", Logan said in a reprimanding tone, that only to me sounded like a plead.
"Okay, I'll spare her. But please tell her to mind her manners with me. I don't fair well with... people I don't like or who mistreat me." I finally looked away from her and the look I shot Logan wrote miles. He nodded solemnly and added: "Go on, then. I'll let you watch."
I smiled again and strutted past him into the building, leaving silence and looks of awe in my wake. I'm a performer, and all of life is my spectator.
I did feel like that sometimes. I was forced onto stage straight out of a brawl so I could put more emotion behind my stage name. My audience was a demon that had decided to build me, purely for entertainment and as much drama as possible. I always grant you that, don't I?
I reached the corridor that Logan had advised me to go to, only to be distracted by two students near the end of the hall who were making out.
"Guys, isn't this the teachers' section? I mean hey, I won't tell, but a little risky, don't ya think?" Look who's talking.
The two teenagers fell apart in seconds and started sharing excuses and questions at a speed even I could hardly decode.
"As I said. You don't have to make excuses to me, but slogan will be coming up soon and I don't think you would've liked that confrontation."
One of the two guys looked like he was about to faint and the other had put on a resolute facade but was practically trembling.
"I- Look, can you please- no one knows we're- yknow. Please don't be a bitch about it, either", the one of them said, looking at me with so much intensity it was impressive.
The other slowly added: "Calling her a bitch probably won't help..." He said it in a very loving and caring manner, almost like an old habit of bickering, which only they understood and knew to be a tease. Sweet.
"No big deal, and I wouldn't. I love a bit of gossip but we are one of a kind and we do have to stick up for each other. Now hurry on. I can hear Logan coming", I gave them one last smile before opening the only unnamed door and entering his room. In truth, Logan had just set foot inside the mansion after talking to Jean, but that way they had some time to escape at least.
Now, for the record, I did know what Logan's room looked like. He's not too old for video-call - but being being here is something else entirely.
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adeadhorse · 1 year
thank you for answering my ask!! i was unsure whether to send because sharing concepts is a subjective, often personal thing, so thank you for being so receptive and kind!
yeah i definitely think making things dark for the sake of just being dark is overdone and unnecessary (cue Riverdale), but that if it touches on an undercurrent that already exists in a storyline or character trait then it could be worth exploring.
i always felt chase got away with way too much in regards to him harboring such a crush & at times obsession, with zoey, because as his behavior continued, it was like the whole friend group and PCA campus was aware except for her. it didn’t seem considerate or respectful to her, and obviously this was because Nickelodeon writers notoriously disregard female characters and the depth/range they can bring if given the chance, but i still would like there to be a certain consequence to chase parading around with his emotions about a girl who may have her own desires and thoughts on the matter, too. zoey didn’t know at all that he was going to such great lengths to be her best friend, paired with her, know her secrets, or just how she may feel in a romantic sense about him.
my idea is definitely grittier and sexier than the typical scenarios between chase and zoey, but i think it weaves together the objectification of women and girls in that dicey time of the early aughts, where things like this may’ve happened more frequently and the gossip would be quite juicy. if anyone could tap into that version, it’s you! you’ve got a great sense of reality, infused with just the right amount of dreamy, for the setting of each story you’ve created. this is merely a suggestion and it’s been so great getting to hear your thoughts on this! thank you
Thank you for the kind words and for sharing your concept with me - it can definitely be daunting! I'm always really happy to discuss different ideas and interpretations.
On that note, I apologise for how long this reply is.
I do actually fundamentally disagree with your reading on Chase's character and how he fits into the wider context of mid-2000s and wider Nickelodeon/Dan shows as a whole. Yes, Dan & co are absolutely not interested in Zoey's feelings, which is the main flaw of the show and is based both in misogyny and the fact that Jamie Lynn cannot act. Chase is, functionally, the main character which is why you are supposed to root for him and places Zoey in a kind of old-fashioned love interest role where you literally don't know her feelings until her big confession of love (or a very half-hearted "I love you too" in Trading Places and kiss in Chasing Zoey). Think a Jane Austen character like Mr Knightley or Captain Wentworth, or really any repressed English male, but in a shitty Nickelodeon show with dreadful fashion and an (un)healthy sprinkling of sexism.
That said, disinterest can still be disrespectful and it doesn't change that Chase is the problem here. I make it no secret that Chase is my favourite character and I'm biased, but specifically I like S3 Chase. In some ways that's when he's at his worst; certainly it's when he's most emotional because he's allowed to be angry at Zoey instead of just bearing the brunt of hers, but he's also just meaner to everyone. Plus he's older and he should know better (though if anyone genuinely believes that I think they should meet a sixteen-year-old). But it's the shift from S1 to S3 that I find so interesting. So to me a lot of your characterisation of Chase reads as him in S1, where he is much more of a baby Ross Geller type (or it reads as his character in that absolutely garbage 2015 short that I will not speak the name of and IS NOT CANON).
Saying that, even in the worst episodes (The Play, School Dance) Chase's actions aren't framed as being inherently good or acceptable, he is punished for them within the episodes: he gets sick and he pisses Zoey off and has to apologise. I want to emphasis this because contextually this is when The Notebook and yes, Friends, are having grown men unapologetically pull worse stunts and also because Dan's others shows also stop having this kind of moral framing after Season 1-2 of iCarly. Then you get to S2 and you have the (once again, not good) Time Capsule episode and Chase gets to keep his status as a "good" character because he does not go through with invading Zoey's privacy by watching her DVD, and by Spring Break-Up he doesn't even want to tell Zoey about his feelings. "Friendzoning" always comes up with this show and by now we should all know the sexist connotations of that word, but Chase is not put into the friendzone, he friendzones himself. Michael says "what if Zoey loves you back, then you'll be happy Chase forever," and Chase says, "it's not worth the risk," and then you write a 21,000 word fanfic about how Chase is never going to be happy because he has perpetual depression. The point is that, except for maybe the first few episodes of S1 (and it's explicitly encouraged by Logan in New Roomies), he thinks being best friends is enough.
I find it really interesting that you described him as "parading around with his emotions" because I tend to characterise him as being utterly mortified by said emotions. From memory, the above conversation in SBU starts by Michael doing the "people on Mars know you love Zoey" joke and Chase says he doesn't want everyone to know. I touched on it a bit in my aborted S4 AU but to me the public intrigue of their romance would have been a real challenge for both of them, and if you look at all their 'moments' all of them are private, compared to Quinn/Logan where their arc culminates in a public display of affection.
Again, you get to S3 and he actually is more unreadable - not completely, just less of an open book because his emotions aren't explicitly stated all the time. I think Dan thought he had actually written Chase a season-long arc (I'm not calling it that) because he starts off the season saying that he thinks the universe only wants him and Zoey to be friends (Chase's Girlfriend, also where he seems embarrassed by sending the text message in SBU), tries to publicly deny that he ever had a crush on her (Zoey's Tutor, where from his perspective ONLY Michael should know that he did because he never discussed it with Lola or Quinn), only gets minorly jealous (mainly Son of a Dean but even in episodes like Zoey's Tutor and Quarantine it's either played as being 'overprotective' or dropped relatively quickly), and actually pursues other girls, i.e. Rebecca and the girl he tries to flirt with in Favour Chain. This all then "culminates" into him actually coming to terms with and admitting that he's still in love with Zoey in Goodbye Zoey instead of denying it or ignoring it (and there's a whole thing here about how S3 is arguably when he actually is in love with her, because he's really started to see her as a person with flaws and not just a girl on a pedestal or an object of desire and lol). Even if you don't think that you still only really get glimpses of old Chase, rather than entire episodes dedicated to it (e.g. Chase and his desire to know Zoey's secret is not the villain in Zoey's Balloon, where it probably would have been in S1).
So where does this leave us other than with confirmation that I am certifiably insane? Well, this is fanfiction so still with me being insane, because as you can tell I have thought about this critique a lot. In my head, it is something Chase himself would have to reconcile with. I don't know if you've read if there's anyone in the sun (and fair enough if not because it's long and potentially triggering and lots of other things), but a lot of that is specifically about Chase still beating himself up for what he did as a shitty, hormonal, hyper-emotional (and, in my version) a clinically depressed teenager:
Chase starts to ask for her forgiveness. He tells her about trying to sabotage Logan so he wouldn’t kiss her during the play, about digging up the time capsule, why he stole her TekMate, how he thought about not coming back from England, that he’s sorry for his reaction when she kissed him. And Zoey doesn’t know all of it, can hardly even believe some of it
Zoey forgives him but she's also had the distance of a decade, so it could be interesting to to delve a bit deeper into her reactions like we saw in School Dance, The Election, SBU etc. It might not be something like objectification though, just because I always liked how Chase didn't really objectify her (with some exceptions). In general I think it's something that anything featuring the characters as grown-ups should, at least in the sense of showing that your characters have actually changed since they were fifteen, so naturally I have zero faith that the upcoming movie thing will do any of that.
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oneirataxiahiraeth · 3 years
hi could you please do a really dirty smut with kai with a poc reader. where she passes out it’s all like really hardcore and rough thank youuu :)
Fashionably Late
Pairings : fem!reader x kaiparker
Warnings : swearing, smut, body worshipping (fem.), oral (fem. Receiving), morning sex, p in v, unprotected sex, fucking while otp
Word Count :
A/N :
Clearing out my inbox before I start with the google docs. I got all of your answers and usernames(if you submitted) so just know that when I start, I have my tag list all set!!!! Ily guys, and thank you for being so patient with me😮‍💨 I hope you enjoy
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"OMG, yes, and did you see- YES!" You giggled into your phone, trying to whisper as quietly as you can as you're boyfriend struggled to sleep behind you.
Bonnie and Elena were on the line, they called you just to gossip over the newest CarolinexStefan drama going on. Your other two friends still struggling to admit how they felt for one another, making it way easier, and very entwining to tease both of them daily.
"Babe." Kai groaned, his voice monotoned and raspy, but you could still hear the slight annoyance in his tone. It was just a bit earlier than noon, and he had woken up a few minutes before your phone had rang. He had been trying to get your attention for about 10 minutes or so. Trying to signal that he was ready for you to hang up. Mainly because he was horny and knew you wouldn't do anything with him while you were gossiping with your friends.
"If I have to spend one more day watching them pretend like they're not in love with each other I'm going to flip my shit-"
"-and if I have to listen to you talk about how badly Carolyn and Steven want to bone, I'm going to flip mine." Kai grumbled into you neck.
You eyes rolled, as his arm pulled you in closer to his body. Keeping you steady against him as he complained. Bonnie making a slide comment about hearing laid voice which made you giggle, only to get another squeeze from your boyfriend who could very well hear what statement you were giggling at.
"Alright, well, I'm going to shower and head over, and help set up over there." You sighed, kai pushing the boner he had against you ass, making sure you were vividly aware of his current predicament. "I'll see you guys later, love you." You sent a quick kiss noise through the phone before hanging up. Kai smiled into your neck, hand reaching out, leaving your waist, and grabbing the phone from your hands before tossing it on the floor. Your mouth propped open for a second, only to shut it when you get his lips press into your neck.
"Omg, love you" he mocked your voice, the vibrations tickling your skin. "Finally," he breathed out. "I have you all to myself." His Hand moved back to your flesh, hand cupping your boob, squeezing it a bit making you giggle.
"You made me hang up the phone so you could fondle my boobs?" You spoke, as his hand kneaded the soft flesh.
"Precisely. Glad we're in the same page." He pressed another kiss into your neck. "Now be a good girl, while I fondle all of your other bodily anatomy." He hummed, hand sliding down your waist, finding it way to your naked core, thighs closed tight, as you felt him trying to pry his way in.
"Stop it, we need to get up. I promised Caroline we'd help set up the dinner for tonight." You mentioned but he didn't seem to care. "We only have like an hour."
"It's barely even 1, we have plenty of time." He tongue kitten licked the clean porcelain smooth skin on your neck. "Don't you think?" His middle finger pressed against your clit, immediately beginning to rub circles along the precious bundle of nerves.
"No, we can't-" you cut yourself off with a moan you just couldn't hold in. "Not today, kai, you know if we start we won't stop in time to help set up." You whined, but he didn't seem to care. You squealed, as you felt his teeth nip against your sensitive skin. "Kai I swear to god, you better not leave a hickey on me."
He smirked, and ignored every word you said. allowing his one hand to work on your clit while your body relaxed into him, allowing his leg between both of yours, giving him good space to work his magic. His boner was still pressed into you ass, causing an ache deep in the pit of your stomach. You had just had sex less than 24 hours ago. Twice. Your body was sore, and you were beyond exhausted. But something about him... and the way he touches you... and the way his lips felt against you skin... it was all so intoxicating.
"Okay, fuck, 30 minutes. That's it." You wind, feeling yourself absentmindedly grinding your hips against his fingers pressed against you clit. He chuckled at the thought of you having control over the situation.
"As you wish, malady." He chuckled, hiking his leg up a little further, spreading your legs further apart. His middle and ring finger slowly working your clit in small precise circles, breathy sounds escaping from your mouth as you're hips pushed into his fingers at a steady pace.
His tongue running over the soft skin on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. His lips sucking darker bruises in the hardest spots to hide. The soft moans and the way your hips rutted against him only spurred him on further. He removed his fingers from you clit, his hand running down you thigh, before lifting your leg, and keeping you there while he held to the back of your knee.
His eyes peered down the blanket a bit. Watching as he moved his hips so his length could slide easily through your folds, coating himself in your arousal.
"Already so wet, and I've barely even touched you." He spoke, ego soaring through the roof as he pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance earning the most sinful noise from you.
"Please." You whined, hips pushing against him.
"Shhhh," he hushed, lips right next to your ear, pulling your leg up a little further causing a burn in your inner thigh you knew you were about to enjoy. Slowly he pushed into your entrance, your jaw falling slack letting out the most pornographic moan you've ever made, as he split you in half so gently. "Good Girl, taking me so well." He moaned into your ear. You walls welcoming him in with no hesitation, an immediate bliss fogging your brain as he slowly rocking his hips into your ass, pushing himself further and further into your cunt with every stroke.
What started off slow and passionate, sloppy kisses along your ear and neck turned into something a little more greedy. Your hips pushing back against his, his fingers digging bruises into your flesh as his hips picked up the pace, soft sweet moans were turned more sinful and erotic. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours filling the empty air, your body hot and sticky from already being enveloped from the warmth the blankets were providing for you.
    "s-so good" you moaned.
   His chest pushed against your back, making your chest press into the mattress. His dropped you leg, moving to his knees, lifting yours ass up as he continued to pump himself into you. Your nails digging into the sheets as you felt him push deeper into you, hitting just the right spot.
   "feel so good, sweetheart." He moaned, his stroke long and strategically planned. There were moments he couldn't  help but snap his hips into yours just to hear the purely sinful moans escaping your lips. Other times he wanted to focus solely on the way way your breaths left your lips when he plunge slowly into you cunt, feeling every spasm of the muscle as he pushed inside of you. There was no reason he could have both... he could easily have you both ways in just 30 minutes....
You could feel that coil of pleasure spiraling in the pit of your stomach. With every stroke you were brought closer and closer to you edge. Back arching, hips pushing back against his strokes. His moans hitting your ears as a sound of praise, only making this all the more enjoyable. Knowing it was you and your body drawing such delicious noises out of the brown haired siphon above you. His hands gripping onto your hips, trying to keep himself together, until you came undone.
"You close?" He groaned, and you nodded vigorously.
"So fucking close- I'm gonna cum baby." You whined, walls clenching his length as you felt it harder to keep yourself under control.
"Cum for me baby." He urged. He felt how your muscle tense, and for a second your body went tense before a series of loud moans of his name, and the gripping of the sheets. He stroke didn't stopped as he get you spasming around his cock. Arousal creating the most lewd sounds. You're breathing shaking as he pulled out of your count completely, flipping you onto your back, watching the way your back arched off the bed, still slowing the pressure to flow through you freely. "So pretty." He hummed, leaning down to press a kiss on your neck.
"Baby, you didn't-"
"I know, just lay back." He shushed, a hands traveling up your body.
The sunlight was shining through the pale yellow curtain over your windows. You bare skin being lit golden, creating the purest piece of art he'd ever seen. His eyes scanning over your body, fingers tracing over your nipples as he simply forgot about the time limit you set onto him. You watched the focus on his face, as he made sure to note ever detail on your skin. His hand kneading away at your breasts, causing your cunt to ache at his simple touch.
"Babe, we don't have time and I want you to-" he shot you a glare, warning you to be quiet while he examined you. Seconds later your phone rang. Caroline's name and picture flashed across your phone screen. Both of you stared for a second before kai reached over and picked up the phone. He answered the call, putting the phone to your ears as you furrowed your eyebrows.
"H-hey, Care. What's going on?" You asked, confused form the devious look in his eyes. He just looked back down, eyes and hands returning to your body, making sure to the touch you everywhere. Soft kisses placed all around your chest, his tongue flicking over you erect nipples, causing your breathing to get a little heavier.
"So, I already sent Bonnie and Elena off with their own groceries lists for dinner tonight, but I have no idea where the hell they are. Elena texted me this morning but it was totally cryptic so I don't think she'll be much help." Caroline groaned into the phone, the state of panic she was in very dominant in her tone.
Kai moving further down your body as you sent him a glare which he chose to ignore. His lips trailing towards you beat, leaving a trail of love bites and nips in his wake, until you felt the soft kiss he pressed to you clit. Your legs were spread widely for him, arousal already costing your sex from your previous orgasm, cunt still sensitive, even the air making your hole clench around practically nothing.
"Oh, uhm, what do you mean?" You sucked in a deep breath as kai licked a bold strip. Your arousal coating his tongue.
    You went on to listen to Caroline rant about how Elena asked her to get Stefan to fulfill all the duties she was supposed help Caroline with. You're throat burn with every 'mhm' and 'wow, really?' Trying to keep in the sinful noises you so desperately wanted to make as your devious boyfriend explored every crevice and licked up every bit of you. Your lip caught between your teeth as you kept in the noises, back still arching off the bed as he took his time making sure you felt everything you deserved.
    "Long story short, I need you here... like asap." She sighed, and you let out a little gasp as you felt kai licking up your entrance. Tongue fucking you at an incredible speed. The lewd wet sounds of his tongue piercing your hole undetected by your phone microphone but that was all you could hear.
   "O-oh" you moaned, a hand gripping the sheet besides you.  "I uhm- you know I just woke up and I-it might take me a while to get over there-” a hand flew over your mouth as your back arched off the bed.
“Ugh, fine! Can you get here in an hour?” You hummed a response and received a sigh in return. “Ugh, okay, I have to go, I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Uh huh, of course.” Your eyes squeezing together and your hips bucked into Kai’s mouth.
“And if you hear from Elena or Bonnie, let them know; they are dead.” She threatened through the phone.
“Yeah, yeah, for sure.” You hummed, trying to keeping your cool. “Bye, Care.”
“By-” you hung up the phone quickly, tossing it somewhere on the floor, letting out every noise you were keeping back as you felt your orgasm begin to ripple through you. Your toes curling, back arching off the bed, breathing ragged and legs quivering as you cried his name out.
After you came down from your high, hips still grinding against his tongue, you tried to move. Tried. Kai’s hands holding you still in place while he continued. Tongue lapping up all of your juices and starting another stir in the pit of your stomach, clit still sensitive and not prepared to handle another orgasm so soon.
“Kai please, I can’t-” he pushed his face deeper between your thighs. “I can’t handle it kai” you whined, but he wasn’t ready to let up just yet. “Kai” you moaned loudly, he licked a bold stripe up your slit before pressing a kiss to your clit. His lips and tongue leaving a wet trail up your body, until you felt him on you neck, body wedged between your legs, and him moaning into the kisses he was leaving on your skin.
“We have to head over in a bit.” You said breathlessly. His lips still dancing over your skin, and taking in the scent of your soft dewy skin. “We have like an hour to get ready.” You inform and he hums in response. “Meaning we have to get up, babe.” You giggled as he nipped at your neck.
“It hasn’t even been 30 minutes yet.” He whined, the vibrations tickling your skin.
“Babe, I promised.”
“Well, unpromise.”
“That’s not even a word.”
“I’m not done yet.” He groaned, lifting his head from your neck. “One more round.” He spoke, the tip of his nose brushing against yours.
“We don’t have time-”
“We’ll have time, it’ll be quick,” he spoke, grinding his crotch into your earning a desperate moan from the unexpected friction against your sensitive sex. “See, your practically already there.” He joked, but you glared at him.
“I hate you so much.” You’re eyes rolled as you gave in making him smile.
“Good.” He bent down pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. You legs hiked up on each of his sides, still quivering from the recent activities. The sound of the sloppily kisses filling the room. You tasted yourself on his tongue,it was a moment so sensual you never wanted it to end…. Until you realized all the fire play might make you guys late.
“Mmm wait, wait, wait” you moaned into the kiss, pulling away a bit, earning a confused look from the siphon above you. “What if we did it in the shower… we could kill two birds with one stone.” You hummed innocently, smile fading a bit as kai basically laughed in your face.
“Y/N, I’ll gladly fuck you in the shower, but I know how you don’t like how slippery in gets.” He smirked, the tip of his cock pushing against you clit. Bare chest pressing against each other, heart beating almost in sync.
“Oh” you voice squeaked a bit higher.
“Now be a good girl and make those pretty noises for me, alright?” He asked and you nodded quickly. A soft moan escaping as he slowly pushed to your cunt, his own pleasure filled sounds joining yours in perfecting harmony. You hands going up to hold onto his biceps, nails latching onto the skin as his hips moved slowly.
He was already close, just eating you out had done a number on him, he was just trying to keep it together enough until you’ve come undone for the 3rd time. You weren’t too far away from your orgasm, you just waiting for him to give you the word. Staring each other dead in the eyes as his hips set a merciless pace for both of you. Moans sulking the space, drowning out the skin hitting skin. The look of pure bliss and erotica crossing your features with every stroke that he made. Your quivering legs became shaky, eyelids becoming heavy and a lightness taken over you.
With pure ecstasy flowing through you and the moans your boyfriend was letting loose so raspy and lustful, it tipped you over the edge. You nails dig into his a little too harshly, you cunt convulsing around his cock as you you put his name. Kai feeling the changes in your body as you came around him caused his own demise. His thrust grew sloppy and every stroke became deeper until his was spilling his seed deep into your cunt. His face falling into your neck as he jumbled your name.
“We’re going to be so late” you murmured, and kai chuckled, the vibrations sending goosebumps through your body.
“It’s barely been like 25 minutes.” He breathed out, a bit out of breath but his words were clear. “We can still hop in the shower, and head over.” He offered, and you would’ve shook your head if you had the energy too.
“I think I need a nap.” You slurred, eyes barely open and voice so low kai could barely hear you.
“Caroline will kill you if your not there on time.” Kai smiled.
“I’m already dead.” You replied, body slowly giving up on you as you tried to fight the fatigue.
“She’ll kill me if I let you sleep through this…” he spoke and you just replied with a hum before slipping away into your slumber. Kai smiling at he easiness that fell over you.
You were both dead meat.
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