#Ardian and Rezar Fic
kayah16 · 5 years
First Valentine’s Day
Valentines Day was coming up and honestly Little Ardian didn’t understand the point of it. His teacher decorated the classroom with a bunch of hearts. Each day they had to write something nice to a classmate which was hard for Ardian. He only liked one person and that was Haleigh even when she annoyed him. It was worse at home cause each day Rezar was sending Tasha flowers which confused Ardian.
Why was he sending her flowers? Why so many hearts? He didn’t understand the day, but he was ready for it to be over with. Hearts. Being Nice. He couldn’t do it for much longer. Haleigh was a special cause because she wouldn’t leave him alone and he was tired of fighting with her. Then his teacher decided to throw a valentine’s day party and they had to wear pink.
As soon as Ardian seen Rezar he began to fuss about the party. Rezar scratched his beard listening to his son rant. He sounded so much like Tasha it scared him at times. In order to stop his sons, rant he took him to Kandice bakery to get him a cupcake. It was cute how Little Ardian’s cheeks flushed as soon as he seen Kandice.
She always pinched his chubby cheeks and told him to smile. Like Haleigh did every day when they were in school together and sometimes when they did their homework together. He didn’t understand why they liked pinching his cheeks and telling him to smile. For them and the women in his family he would smile.
After Rezar and Kandice talked for a few Rezar took a fussing Ardian home. He thought him getting a cupcake would end the fussing, but it didn’t. Ardian continued to fuss as Rezar drove them home and he truly didn’t know how to react. When they arrived home Rezar carried Ardian who had his signature frown plastered on his face. Tasha met them at the door and she laughed at Rezar’s expression and Ardians frown.
“Bad day?”
Rezar planted a kiss on Tasha’s lips which made Ardian fuss even more.
“That my Mommy!”
Rezar tried to argue but he couldn’t he just laughed as he put Ardian down and went to prepare for his week away from home. Ardian took his bookbag into the living room and plopped down on the floor mumbling. Tasha looked at her son and decided to entertain his mean self.
“What’s wrong?”
“Mommy. Me neva wan’ a girlfriend.”
“Lot of work. Me otay by meself.”
Tasha laughed harder than she should have and went to sit down by her son.
“Are you talking about Valentine’s Day?”
“Yes. Hearts and bein’ nice.”
Tasha ruffled her son’s curly hair kissing the side of his head.
“I hear your teacher is planning a valentines day party. You weren’t going to tell me?”
“No. Me not wanna go.”
“Well too bad you are going. Are you getting something for Haleigh for Valentine’s day?”
“Me not like her. Her me friend.”
“Okay and? Friends get each other gifts for V day. Get her a teddy bear and I make cupcakes for the class.”
Ardian twisted his mouth and silently talked to himself thinking over his Mommy’s words. After a few minutes Ardian looked up at his Mommy.
“Otay me get her a bear an’ only make cupcakes for me an’ pigtails. Me no like everybody. Only for me an’ pigtails.”
Tasha laughed loudly again even though she knew her son was serious as hell.
“I can’t make cupcakes for you and Haleigh and not the whole class. Wouldn’t that be mean?”
“No. But fine Mommy. Me be back.”
“Where are you going?”
“Play wit’ Daddy. Me lub you.”
“I love you too. What kind of cupcakes for your class?”
“Pigtails like the pink cupcakes. White cupcakes for me class. Me an’ pigtails get both.”
Tasha watched her son walk out the living room and shook her head. She was starting to wonder where he gets being stubborn and mean from? She knows he didn’t get it from her, she was nice.
 AN: Something cute lol. When Ardian was little. Fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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iamknicole · 2 years
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kayah16 · 5 years
Scared (AU)
Rezar watched his son closely as he softly talked to King. The big man didn't know what he could say or do to help his son. Every few minutes Ardian would wipe his eyes from crying. Rezar was disappointed in his wife and Kandice on how they were treating Ardian and Haleigh.
Yeah, he was pissed but he realized that it could happen to anybody. He was proud of them because they was taking the steps to make sure King was taken care of properly. Lightly knocking on the door he stepped in to see his sons face full of tears.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm scared Dad."
Ardian sniffled as King grasped his index finger in his little hand.
"Scared of what?"
"What if something happens to him? It be my fault like this whole thing is my fault. I couldn't be there to help Pigtails with him and now we in the hospital."
Ardian sniffled some more as he looked at his sons tiny body. Rezar slowly approached his son wrapping a big arm around his shoulder.
"This whole thing is my fault. Pigtails is going to hate me if something happens to King. She have every right to cause I couldn't be there."
Rezar felt himself tearing up as he stared at his grandson.
"It's not your fault Ardian. I promise you it's not. King is a fighter like you are."
Ardian shook his head as more tears fell.
"I need him be okay Dad. I need King to be okay. Can you promise me he's going to be okay?"
"I can't promise you that Ardian but I can promise you whatever happens you have me and Roman. We going to be by you and Haleighs side."
Ardian laid his head on his Dad's arm and sobbed softly. Rezar really was at a lost for words. He silently prayed that his Grandson would be okay. That's all he could do was pray.
AN: Angst. Sucks. Sorry
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kayah16 · 5 years
Talk to Her (AU)
Ardian really didn't know what to say to his girlfriend to make her feel better. He didn't think him and Haleigh having a baby would affect the relationships with the adults. It did though and everyday Ardian felt it.
Kandice hardly had anything to say to him when he would visit King and Haleigh at her parents house. Tasha was being mean to Haleigh whenever she would come by. Roman and Rezar wasn't no help either and he was sick of it.
Heading downstairs to his Dad's mancave he sat on the sofa next to him with his arms folded across his chest. Rezar looked at his son from the corner of his eye and paused his game giving him his undivided attention.
"Talk to Mom."
"About what?"
"She's treating pigtails like she's a stranger and it's not right!"
Ardian slightly raised his voice which caused Rezar to look at him sideways.
"We made a mistake. I put the condom on and I thought it was on securely. We can't change the past. King is here. Y'all treating us different and it hurts."
Rezar softened up a little bit seeing his son becoming teary eyed.
"I'm sorry for not being more careful. I'm sorry. No reason for everybody to treat me and Pigtails the way y'all have."
Ardian stood up leaving his Dad's mancave continuing to wipe his eyes. Rezar looked at his sons retreating figure and sighed going upstairs to go talk to his wife. She was in the kitchen playing reggae music cooking lunch. King was watching his Grandma with a smile Rezar picked the baby up kissing his cheek.
"We need to talk."
Rezar remarked sitting down with King in his lap.
"About what?"
"The way you treating Haleigh and Ardian."
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"Don't give me that look. They made a mistake Tasha. You can't continue to treat them the way you have. Matter of fact none of us can. Ardian has two jobs and he's going to school."
"They doing their best for our grandson. Yes, they shouldn't have had sex. They should have waited but we can't beat them over their head. Your son is hurting and so is his girlfriend. I think all four of us need to sit down and talk to them."
Tasha sighed rolling her eyes at her husband. It was always like Rezar to want to be the peacemaker.
AN: Angst. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
Best Dad Ever
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Wiping the sweat from his forehead Rezar let out a deep breath. He was setting up the twins room. He already painted the room one side was mint green and the other side was aqua. He had set the cribs up as well in each crib was a stuffed animal. He also had a air mattress set up in the corner.
Two babies with the woman he loves. She maybe a little mean but he wouldn't trade her. She made him happy. They have come a long way since the night they met at the diner. Her not wanting to date him but ended up dating him.
They have been stuck together ever since much to the annoyance of Tasha. Feeling like he was being watched he turned around to see his son standing there looking around.
"Hey Dad. Damn, this what I have to look forward to when Hae is pregnant?"
"Yep. And all the hormonal changes she's going to be going through."
Ardian chuckled to himself and grabbed a stuffed bear sitting on the floor. Putting the box he had in his hand down Rezar sat next to him.
"I never thanked you Dad."
Rezar raised a brow at his son waiting for him to continue.
"When I was little you was my superhero. I always wanted to be like you. Do what you did."
The bigger man smiled softly remembering when Ardian was a little boy. Hyper and always causing mischief.
"Even though I'm grown with a family of my own, you're still my superhero. If I could be half the dad to Lito that you are to me, I think I be doing a damn good job."
"You are a good dad. I see how you are with him. Never doubt yourself Ardian."
"I know you was gone a lot and sometimes I had temper tantrums because I didn't want you to leave. Thank you for being my Dad. I lucked out with you and Mom as my parents."
"You mean having a mean Mama and a teddy bear for a dad?"
Ardian laughed nudging his dad's shoulder.
"I love you, Dad."
"I love you, too. Come finish helping me with your siblings room."
Ardian nodded taking his flannel shirt off leaving him in his gray tank top. For the next few hours father and son added more things to the newest Bekims room. As well as adding another coat of paint to the wall.
Tasha was watching them with a smile and rubbed her stomach as her two new editions started to kick her. She enjoyed moments when Ardian wasn't mean. Her teddy bear husband and her mean ass son. What a combination.
AN: Fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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kayah16 · 5 years
Rezar rubbed his temples as he tried to fight the headache he knew was coming. A peaceful birthday party went left just that fast. He wasn't expecting Ardian and Haleigh to want to double team Jeremy and Nick.
Just his luck he was the only man there. His six year old son was stronger than he looked. It was cute seeing his son being nice to Haleigh. Ardian looked to make sure the coast was clear before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
His Mama told him no more cupcakes but Ardian being the child he was had to have one more. Trotting into the kitchen he smiled seeing the cupcakes. Rezars back was turned so Ardian tried to climb in the chair but kept slipping. Mumbling to himself he went over and tugged on his fathers shirt. Turning around Rezar gave Ardian his full attention.
"Need help."
"No, me tryin get cupcakes!"
Rezar couldn't help but to laugh at his sons facial expression. Ardian was truly Tashas child.
"I thought Mommy said no."
"She did but it not for me. It for me and pigtails."
"Oh, how many for Haleigh?"
Ardian looked at his Dad confused.
"Two fa me and two fa her."
Rezar nodded going to the cupcakes he set 4 aside for Ardian and Haleigh. Rezar decided to give Ardian a cupcake to snack on while he ate one. Sitting down in the chair Rezar picked Ardian up sitting him in his lap. Father and son started eating their cupcakes Ardian doing a little dance in his daddy's lap.
"Tank you. Me hab to be strong."
"Yeah? Why, you have to be strong?"
"To protect pigtails like you protect Mommy."
Rezar nodded his head in understanding.
"You and her are friends?"
"Yeah we friends. That my best friend."
"I thought she was annoying?"
"Her is but her still my best friend."
Rezar chuckled taking another cupcake and handing Ardian another one.
"I like that you protect her. Are you going to protect anybody else like that?"
Ardian shook his head no eating his cupcake.
"For you want to protect her, she must be really special."
The six year old gave a small smile that showed his dimples.
"How long you plan on protecting her?"
"Foreber! Me not goin let nobody bother her."
"She's going to really appreciate you for that. You know she has a dad, uncles, brother, and cousins to protect her?"
"Me know. But me hab to protect pigtails. Me not like when people bother her. Her get sad."
"You don't like when she's sad?"
"No me not like it. Her smile a lot. Me like when she smile."
"You a good friend, Ardian."
"Tank you, Daddy. Me learn from you."
Rezar ruffled his sons curls before standing up with Ardian in his arms.
"Bath time my little fighter."
Ardian kissed his Daddys bearded cheek laying his head on his broad shoulder. Yeah, Ardian was like Tasha but Ardian was also like Rezar and he was proud of it. Just to work on that short temper he got from Tasha.
AN: Lil Ardian and Rezar. Fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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kayah16 · 5 years
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kayah16 · 5 years
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Ardian was not good with words. Never have been and probably never would be good with words. Everytime he felt he had the right words down for his vows. He would end up ripping the paper out the book. Everyday he looked at Haleigh he felt his heart race.
Each time she smiled he couldn't help but smile back. She gave him those annoying ass butterflies the same way she did when they were younger. She didn't make fun of him for having ADHD. She was the first person he showed his braces to when he got them.
Even though she gave him the nickname brace face it made him feel better that it was coming from her. Watching her be Mommy to Carlito let him know that she was the perfect one for him. Yet, here he was stuck on another blank page of trying to write. He can think of all the good but he can't seem to write it down.
Hearing a knock at his door he got up and unlocked it being met with Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and Rezar. The four older men walked inside the house and made themselves comfortable. Jey and Jimmy went into the kitchen and grabbed Ardians snacks. That wasn't no surprise to Ardian, they always took his snacks.
Rezar and Roman was looking at the scattered papers on the floor and looking at Ardian talk to himself. Once Jey had the box of Honeybuns and Jimmy had the box of Oatmeal creme pies they went back into the living room. All four watched as Ardian mumbled to himself and ripped another piece of paper out the book.
"You killing trees."
Jimmy remarked as he took a bite out of his small snack cake. Ardian finally gave them his attention.
"Sorry, I'm having trouble."
Ardian replied as he sat on the floor and played with his hands.
"How long you been having trouble with your vows?"
Rezar asked as he took a Honeybun from Jey.
"For about a week. I can think of every good thing about Haleigh yet I'm stuck on stupid writing these vows."
The four knew how that felt.
"Breathe Ardian. You're thinking too much. Just breathe."
Ardian shook his head no at his father's remark.
"I can't. This has to be perfect for her. She deserve the best. After all the hell she's been through she deserves the best day. I don't know why she's with me."
"What are you talking about Ardian?"
Roman asked.
"Your daughter can have any guy on this Earth. Much better than me. She was dating Messiah whos much better than I am but yet she still chose me."
"She's with you because she loves you. Y'all been like peanut butter and jelly since y'all met."
Jey remarked taking another honey bun out the box.
"I know but I look at her and I always think she can do better than me. But yet the selfish side of me can't see her with somebody else but me. I can't see her having another man's baby but my own. She's my whole world."
"We know. That scar on your chest lets us know how much she means to you."
Roman replied as the other three men agreed with him.
"Just speak from your heart. Even if you have to say some things in Dutch to help ease your nerves as long as its clean."
Rezar commented. Ardian looked at the four men and nodded his head.
"When the wedding day comes the words would come to you easily. We all have been there but for now put that book down and give your brain a break."
Ardian listened to Jimmys words and sat the book aside. Running a hand through his hair Ardian took a deep breath and tried to relax. Yet, his brain was playing a game of words that was making it hard.
AN: Fluff. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
40.“The kids, they ambushed me.” Rezar, Ardian, and Tasha 😂😂😂
Tasha thought she could trust her husband to watch Ardian. He was 4, how much hell could he cause? She underestimated her son. When she got back from the spa day Rezar had planned for her the house was tore up. The kitchen had flour all over the floor and dishes everywhere.
The living room the pillows were scattered all over the floor. Then she heard a loud yell followed by a "Ardian." Heading upstairs to her and Rezars room she took a deep breath as she watched Ardian jump up and down on the bed. Rezar was on the floor, next thing she knew Ardian jumped off the bed to Rezar who caught him.
"What are y'all two doing?"
Ardian looked up smiling widely and got off his Daddy to run to her. He looked a mess, he had flour all over him and his clothes were a mess."
"Mommy, me and Daddy play."
Tasha stared at her husband who had the nerve to look down.
"And Daddy say not tell you. But me tell you cause me love you. Me had candy and cupcakes."
Tasha continued to stare at her husband who had the nerve to smile.
"He ambushed me."
"Rezar, you are 6'4 and over 200 pounds. How he ambush you?"
"He caught me off guard when I was watching UFC. He jumped on me and then all hell broke loose."
Tasha looked down at her son who was still smiling.
"Me love you."
As pissed off as Tasha was her heart melted at her little boy.
"I love you too. Go to your room and get some fresh clothes."
Ardian ran out the room yelling loudly.
"You are a horrible babysitter. How the hell you let him do that?"
"Hes cute?"
Rezar said with a shrug. Tasha rolled her eyes and put her purse down.
"You gonna clean that kitchen and that living room. I can't even leave y'all alone without a mess being made."
AN: Lawd 😂😂😂😂😂 Lil Ardian
Fluff. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
Ardian and Rezar
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After his therapy appointment with Ms. Hanna, Ardian went to his parents house. He was excited that he was going to take that step with Haleigh. He was nervous as hell though. He did tell her when she was ready he be there. He was just scared of fucking up and not making it good for Haleigh.
Using his key to let himself in, he smiled at his parents sitting in the living room on the sofa. His Dad was rubbing circles on his mothers stomach while she smiled. Walking in the living room he greeted his Mother with a kiss to her cheek. He did his secret handshake with his Dad before sitting across from them.
"How you feeling Ma?"
Tasha smiled brightly as she picked up the sonogram and handed it to Ardian. Taking the sonogram Ardian smiled brightly and traced it with his finger.
"I want it to be a boy so he can be just like me."
Tasha rolled her eyes at her son as she got up from the couch.
"You and your Daddy are enough. I don't need no more emotional ass, mean ass men in my life.
Rezar and Ardian pouted at her before laughing. Tasha shook her head as she headed upstairs to get out her clothes.
"How was your date with you and Haleigh?"
"It wasn't a date."
"It was a date. Now how was your date?"
Ardian blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"It was good went to the movies and went back to her place and had pizza and wings."
Rezar sat back and waited for his son to continue talking.
"I asked her if a guy has ever gone down on her and she said no. She asked me if I ever did it and I said no."
"And y'all two going take that step together? And you're scared?"
Ardian nodded his head as he avoided his fathers stare.
"Are you guys back together or is this going to be a one time thing?"
"We back together, Dad."
"When you guys take that step, do not overthink anything Ardian. Don't be awkward. Just be calm and cool. Okay?"
Scratching his head Ardian frowned he wasn't cool and he didn't know how to be calm. Hes awkward and he does overthink. He was starting to rethink that step now and Rezar noticed the change in his son.
"Stop overthinking Ardian. I don't get you, you can go on live TV and flirt but when it comes to Haleigh you act like you don't have sense."
"With Haleigh I feel like I'm that awkward 14 year old boy who couldn't even say hi to her."
"You have to stop overthinking when it comes to Haleigh. Just be you. As long as you guys don't plan on going the whole way."
Ardian shook his head no as his brown eyes got wide.
"Nope, we just going to do the oral part. Then when we get married we do that other part."
Rezar laughed at his awkward son whos face was turning red.
AN: Fluff. Ardian and Rezar 😍😍 Sucks. Sorry
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kayah16 · 5 years
Parent Teacher Conference Rezar and Ardian
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Ardian was very glad Rezar was coming to parent teacher conference instead of his Mom. Don't get him wrong he loved his Mom, but any bad report that he could possibly get would not end up good. He was sitting in the back of the classroom with his Dad waiting on to be called. Rezar was looking through the folder that was on the table and seen a few drawings, his son is very talented. Frowning at a note he seen in the folder he took it out much to the embarrassment of Ardian. Reading it he raised an eyebrow at his son.
"Shes not my girlfriend. Shes my friend who is a girl."
Before Rezar could respond they were called to the teachers desk. Father and son went to the desk and sat in the two chairs in front of the smiling teacher.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bekim. Your son speaks highly of you."
"Nice to meet you too. How is he in class?"
"Well hes quiet. Sometimes hes a little hyper, but hes a good student. He doesn't participate a lot. I ask him to read and he shakes his head no."
"That's going to change. Right Ardian?"
Ardian mumbled a yes as he started to fiddle with his fingers.
"He also has a girlfriend that he writes notes about."
"Shes not my girlfriend. Shes a girl who is my friend."
"Me and my wife did not know about him having a girlfriend. We will make sure to talk to him."
Ardians brown eyes got wide looking at his Dad. His Mom was going to kill him or cause him to need new braces. Rezar stood up along with Ardian and left the classroom.
"A girlfriend? When was you going to tell me and your Mama?"
"When I found out I had a girlfriend. I didn't know I had a girlfriend until now."
Rezar eyed his son who was dead serious.
"We see what your Mama says. Come on let's get some ice cream. You going tell me more about your girlfriend."
Ardian mumbled another yes as he started to leave the school with his Dad.
AN: Fluff. Sucks. Sorry.
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kayah16 · 5 years
Ardian Talks to Tasha and Rezar about him and Haleigh wanting to Adopt Carlito (Long ass title)
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Sitting in the condo by himself gave Ardian a lot of time to think. Him and Haleigh adopting Carlito was a huge step, but it made sense to them. Where else would Carlito go? When they searched Laura's old apartment she had no other family. Why would Laura come back? She left him by himself, which still pissed Ardian off.
Carlito had more family now than he did when he was with Laura. It may take some time but they really wanted to adopt Carlito. He wanted his parents opinions first though. Picking his phone up he smiled softly at the background. It was a picture of Carlito and Haleigh at the beach
. Unlocking it he dialed his parents numbers and waited for an answer. Tasha was busy panting when she answered, Ardian frowned his parents was having sex.
"Mama, ewwww. Really?"
Tasha rolled her eyes as she tried fix her hair.
"You, called me. What's wrong? You don't like California?"
Ardian chuckled as he sat back.
"California is great. I can't wait for you and Dad to come visit. Carlito misses y'all."
"We miss him too. Me and your Daddy are leaving tomorrow, do not tell Carlito."
Tasha knew when something was bothering her son, he always tried to do small talk.
"Whats bothering you, Ardian?"
"Haleigh and I are thinking about adopting Carlito."
Taking the phone from her ear she put it on speaker so Rezar could be apart of the conversation.
"Repeat what you just said."
"Haleigh and I are thinking about adopting Carlito."
Rezar and Tasha made eye contact, that was Rezars child through and through. Rezar wrappped a arm around Tasha before he spoke.
"You know thats not a good idea."
Frowning slightly Ardian waited for his parents to give the reasons why it wasn't a good idea.
"You know Laura is going to come back for Carlito and as messed up as it sounds the system would give him back to her."
Ardian wanted to cry, he really couldn't imagine Carlito going back with Laura.
"Its too much for you and Haleigh. Y'all are young and still have plenty of time. I know you have your Daddy's heart, but this is a bad move."
Wiping his eyes he took a few minutes to collect himself before he spoke.
"She left him, Ma. She took the money Hae and I gave her and left. You never did that and Dad is a full time wrestler."
"People are raised differently, she will get hers, but adopting him is a bad move."
At this point Ardian just let the tears roll down his face. Tasha knew her son was crying.
"I know you love him. We love him too, but at this stage its a bad move to adopt him."
"I don't want to give him up though. Laura can come back all she want but I'm not giving him up."
The stubborn side of Ardian was coming out, which meant he was starting to act like Tasha.
"Hae and I really do love him. Even if y'all don't want to fight with us. I can do it for all three of us. Carlito is not going anywhere. So she can come back and huff and puff and whine, but shes not getting Carlito not while I'm alive."
Tasha was about to flip but Rezar shook his head no two hot heads arguing is not going to solve things.
"No real Mother leaves her two year old baby in the middle of the night. No real mother tries to sabotage what her son has just because she still wants me. No real mother put money before her child. Ain't that right, Mama?"
Tasha hated when Ardian got smart.
"I agree with you Ardian, but adoption is a big thing. This is something both sides need to agree on and for me and your Daddy we think y'all shouldn't do it."
Ardian let out an annoyed breath.
"I respect that. We can drop it for now. We will pick this conversation back up. Next time I'm not taking no for an answer."
"I know you grown and you feeling yourself but I still knock the hell out of you. Watch ya damn tone with me."
Rezar grabbed the phone and told Tasha to calm down.
"We not doing it to hurt you or Carlito we just looking out for you guys."
Ardian scoffed.
"I love y'all and I respect y'all but please have my back on this?"
"We can't. Its too many risks and factors to take into consideration."
"Alright, well love y'all."
Ardian didn't wait for a response he hung up the phone and turned his phone off. He just wanted to be left alone.
AN: I guess angst. Ardian loves Carlito. Ain't Ardian the perfect mix of Tasha and Rezar? 😲😂😂😂😂 sucks sorry
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kayah16 · 6 years
Ardian after his first day in Kindergarten
Tasha and Rezar stood outside of Ardians school waiting on his class to get out. They felt like crap for sending him but they knew he needed to go.
"You couldn't hate me. Not even if you tried."
"You think he had a good day?"
Tasha asked.
"He is half yours. He probably hated everybody."
"I didn't hate you."
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Tasha rolled her eyes. Teachers started coming outside with classes. They seen Ardians teacher and Ardian. Ardian seen his parents and jumped up and down.
"That my daddy and mommy."
Ardian didnt wait as he ran off the line and into his fathers big arms. Rezar picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi, daddy. Hi Mommy."
Ardian leaned over wanting a kiss from his mama which she gave him. It amazed her how much Ardian looked like his daddy.
"Don't run off that line no more. Wait until the teacher says you can come to us. Understand?"
"Yes Mommy."
"Had a good day?"
Rezar asked as he gave Tasha, Ardians bookbag and placed the little boy on his shoulders.
"Yes, I didn't talk to anybody."
Rezar grabbed Tashas hand as they started walking down the street.
"Why? That's how you make friends."
Rezar said with a chuckle.
"Mommy said dont talk to strangers."
Rezar chuckled.
"Well you have to talk to people. Thats how you make friends."
"I met a girl with pigtails but I didn't say nothing to her."
Rezar and Tasha looked at each other and smiled.
"We glad you had a good day. Next time make sure you talk to some of your classmates. Whos ready for Ice Cream?"
AN: Ardian as a little boy. Tasha and Rezar 😍😍 sorry it sucks
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kayah16 · 6 years
Rezar gives Ardian Advice
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Ardian loved daddy son days he had with Rezar. He loved them when he was little especially when Rezar would surprise him and pick him up from school early. Now that hes grown he loves them even more now. Both were sitting in Rezars man cave playing a game of 2k.
Ardian was winning but thats because Rezar hasn't taken the time to learn how to play it yet and Ardian took advantage of that. Scratching his scruffy face Ardian paused the game to look at his dad. His dad was still bigger than him.
"How long were you and mom broken up for?"
Ardian asked.
"4 months and I almost let her slip through my fingers when I was avoiding her because I couldn't tell her I love her. Why you asking?"
"I went 3 years without talking to Haleigh. How did you fix it with Mom?"
"A wrestler came out his face about how he was going to marry her and whatever I punched him. I went to her house and we talked. While we was apart I kept asking myself can I live without seeing her face? Can I live without talking to her on a daily basis?"
Ardian took in his fathers words. Boy he fucked up royally.
"You went three years Ardian. Three years. I get it. You know things happened. But you went 3 years. Who was the first person you texted in the morning?"
"Person you texted before you went to bed?"
"And you went 3 years without talking to her. Do you think you deserve to be apart of her life?"
Ardian shakes his head no.
"But I have letters and look dad.."
Ardian takes his phone out showing the texts he would have sent Haleigh.
"Okay and? Does that stop the fact you went 3 years without talking to her?"
"No Dad."
Rezar took a deep breath rubbing his beard as he looked at his son.
"Look you have a lot of making up to do as her best friend. Dont fuck this up Ardian. You a Bekim. Did you ever send the letters off?"
"I'm scared Dad. I never been good with my words but on paper its easier to come out."
"Send the letters off. Matter of fact. Dont you hang out with her?"
Ardian shook his head yea.
"Give it to her when you guys hanging out. Dont yall share a puppy?"
"Yea. Cuddly. She met him and said we have a puppy. I wasnt about to argue."
Ardian and Rezer laughed as Tasha came downstairs with some snacks and movies. She placed them down on the table and kissed Ardian on his head and kissed Rezar on the lips.
"You need to shave that scruff off your face."
"Dad, said I can keep it."
Ardian felt a chop to his chest and winced in pain. Tasha laughed as she sat down next to her husband.
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kayah16 · 5 years
Lil Ardian with Tasha and Rezar
Little Ardian got out of bed with his Dads action figure in his hand. He could wake his mommy up and ask her make breakfast or make it himself. He was an independent little boy which made Rezar laugh and Tasha frown. Going downstairs he went in the kitchen and put the toy on the table. Grabbing the chair he used all the little strength he had and pushed it to the cabinet.
Putting his little feet in the chair he stood on it and opened the cabinet accidentally hitting his head. Cereal and pancake mix was in there. Rezar had gotten out of bed to use the bathroom and went to check on Ardian. When he didn't see him in his bed he went downstairs, Ardian usually sit in the living room and watch cartoons until his parents woke up. Rezar heard Ardian fussing in the kitchen and shook his head.
"What you doin?"
Rezar asked as he went in the kitchen and seen his son in the chair.
"Me hungry."
"You want cereal?"
Ardian nodded his head as he tried to reach for the cereal but Rezar put it on the top shelf away from him. Grabbing the froot loops from the shelf and grabbing his pouting son he put the little boy on the floor. Ardian watched as his dad manuevered around the kitchen grabbing 3 bowls and 3 spoons. It may have been small, but to Ardian that was the greatest thing ever.
"Daddy, me wan' be like you."
Rezar smiled as he poured cereal in all the bowls.
"Yea? You gonna be like me and your Mommy. Thats a combination in itself."
Ardian smiled brightly showing his little teeth.
"Go wake Mommy up and tell her come on for breakfast."
Running out the kitchen he went upstairs into his parents room. Climbing on the bed he started to jump on it startling Tasha.
"Hi Mommy. Daddy say come downstairs."
Tasha continued to frown at her son, her legs were sore as hell.
"Come on, Mommy."
Tasha grunted to herself as she swung her legs over the bed and got out of it. Putting her robe on, she went to the bathroom using it and freshening up. Ardian stood in front of the door waiting for his Mommy to come out. Tasha opened the door and picked Ardian up heading downstairs to where Rezar were sitting down waiting on them. Ardian sat in Rezars lap and the little family watched cartoons and ate cereal together.
AN: Lil Ardian 😍😍😍 Fluff. Sucks. Sorry
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iamknicole · 4 years
@kayah16 to go with the other one lol
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