#Architectural Drawings New Zealand
monsterfloofs · 2 years
Kia Ora! I was just wanted to ask if we are gonna get any more content on Deimos, the eldest demon brother. Art or fanfics of him?
Ah! Hello, hello! Greetings from. . . New Zealand is that correct? (。´◉ ꒳ ◉`。) Heya!
Ahhhhh Dei-Dei my jolly intimidating boy!
You know I have not done anything recent but! I do have a work in progress lying around here somewhere! Let me go find it for you! I can't remember if I forgot it existed or didn't like it for some reason =//7//= ;;;; )
Since he lives in the middle of the other Brothers territory and is the scary big man who typically appears when you know you're screwed and you gotta pick a god and pray-- I was trying to write a different kind of story for him since he is the hardest to interact with.
One that was centering around the only hooman that was allowed to live in his territory.
I can send you what I have for that-- but since I have been working on this whole story and realm for a while now, the ideas or motivations behind the story may not be canon anymore. ^^; )
It's true that I also need. . . to make him a ref sheet orz
I remember being hesitant / a little nervous about drawing a proper ref of him, but I shall see what I can do (ง ​。꒦ິ∇꒦ິ。)ง
As for the story -> It's unedited, unfinished and it's pretty old. It has a female reader pov, this was even before I changed my writing pov to be more inclusive I think. x///O
I will send you as much as I have solidly written and who knows! Maybe I will try to tackle this again or finish it ^//-//^ )/
Demon (Deimos) x Female Reader
You were the only human who lived in the large cathedral that sat in the middle of the Kingdom. It's dark spires stretch upwards, protruding into the clouds, as if attempting to spear the very heavens. It was quiet as you walked along one of it's vast empty hallways, with only the sounds of your steps echoing around you. Panels of golden light streaming across the floor. It was golden hour, almost night. 
 Your feet come to a halt as you turn to look at the high arched crystalline windows. Gaze drifting out to the world beyond the glass, beyond these walls. You could see the faded outlines of different cities in the distance. From your limited knowledge you recognized the tall ornate buildings of the business district, and the small rounded structures that composed the Mystic one. During the many rounds you have taken walking the grounds you had been slowly able to tell each place apart by their architecture. You wondered about what it would look like if you were able to be up in one of the spires, looking down at the cities. If being up so high, you wondered if you would be able to see them all, like a patchwork quilt spread over the land.
You knew very little about these places, so you let your imagination wander from possibilty to possibily. From time to time you would catch glimpses of the large beings who ran each district. They were very different from one another, though all of them would appear to be tense or nervous when they came inside.
You stayed out of the way when they would come, skirting behind banisters or corners to hide, but not going far enough away that you couldn't watch them. You wished to know what they were like, but the biggest question you had was about the one who saved you.
You don't remember the details, but for that you feel blessed. Something traumatic had happened that left gapping holes in your memory. You don't remember the people who had scared you so much, but you remember someone vividly. Anger that radiated like roaring waves from a dark figure that rose high above you, towering over the small group of people. 
And after that it all went black, the next thing you know is that you were here. Clean, safe, with wounds carefully bandaged and treated.
Terrified at first at the unfamiliar place, and there was a sickening dread that sank deep into your bones. You didn't have anywhere else to go, and the fear that sooner or later something bad was going to happen haunted your every waking hour. Your mind had been rampant with fear, the thoughts would tear you apart at night, and you would fall asleep with tears spilling down your face.
But each day was as quiet as the first, no one came after you, and you were taken care of with hot food outside your door, placed on a silver tray. The empty halls still and silent, your things tended to as carefully as they had been when you had first arrived. You were given clothes and other necessities, though whoever was truly caring for you. . . you did not know. There were only a few other creatures that would come and go. With orders to check on you and make sure that you were well.
Unless they came to visit you, you mostly had the place to yourself, it was all yours to explore. And once you had become braver, you did so with starry eyed wonder. Learning the vine covered windows and the cobble stoned path in the garden, memorizing the nooks and crannies, the quiet places that sunlight painted over with warmth. The places you could hide in, whisking away books to read, or places to have picnics in. Though you were very much alone, the single silhouette of your shadow trailing after. 
You were given solitude and sanctuary, a place to heal in peace, but you had been left with loneliness in its wake.
Your hand falters to your neck, alighting upon a small silver necklace with a black stone embedded in the middle. It was something that was given to you when you had first arrived, you had been too scared to take it, but now you wore it with a feeling of thankfulness.
All you knew was a name, Deimos.
Deimos was the person who lived here with you, the person who kept you safe. 
But you had never seen them, there was a place with large dark doors that sat in the middle of the cathedral. The place you had watched the other leaders go in and out, you had never been close enough to take a look inside. And the time that you had been quick on your feet, and were brave enough to take a peek. . . well. . . the room was disappointingly empty.
Once in a while, you could hear something, something that would make the very timbers underneath your bed creak. It sounded like footsteps, but you couldn’t have been sure. Your mind trailing back to the shadow that loomed up, blocking out the moon in the sky.
“There you are,” A voice makes you jump and turn, looking up to a little figure hunched up in the corner, their wings tucked around them as they hang upside down above you.
You smile up at them, "Hello Ivan. . . do you have a message for me?"
“Yeh-- It’s too bright out here,” The creature complains, scrunching up before they drop onto your shoulder, adjusting their leathery wings and rubbing their eyes. You laugh lightly, “I’m sorry, it will be dark soon,” You can feel their spaded tail lighting flicking back and forth, across your back. 
One of the few creatures that would come here was a messenger who traveled around to the other districts named Ivan. He was some kind creature who had a lot of bat-like features, large ears that thinned into high tapered points, and a snubbed triangular nose. He had large wings on his back, and had taken to crouching on your shoulder with long crooked fingers that ended in delicate claws. His entirety reminds you of a rather furry gargoyle. He was normally about the size of a child, but in the sunlight he would shrink back to the size of a big house cat.
His wings stretched overhead, shading both of your heads from the sunlight. He keeps his snubbed nose turned towards his shoulder until you are past the large gothic windows. Ivan was who told you the most about the outside world. The person you exhausted with questions. You peek back at them, once you are back into the darker corridors of the Cathedral, Ivan sighing and lowering his wings in relief. 
"When may I see him?" You ask patiently, and he’s blink, "Uh, who?"
"Deimos," You reply, then blink in surprise as 
Ivan just about falls off your shoulder. "Deimos--?!" They splutter, "Why-- who-- what has gotten you on about this all of a sudden?? Whatcha wanna see him for???"
Your lips quirks into a smile, "So his name is Deimos?" Ivan's mouth snaps shut but they look guilty. "How come I'm not supposed to know about him? This is his home right? He was the person who rescued me. . . right?"
He looked begrudging, "Nu-huh, I told yeh too much already!" They cross their wings and snub their nose up into the air.
"Please? What's he like? Can you just tell me that?"
Ivan glances at you dubiously, "I don't think you'll like the answer to those questions. It's safer if yeh don't know."
"What do you mean by that?" You feel a twinge of annoyance, "How come?" but Ivan shakes his head, shifting from foot to foot. "Jus' don't want yeh hurt that's all! You really shouldn't nose around! He isn't the easiest to get along with--" His eyes bulge and he pulls at his jowls with his clawed hangs. "GUUUUUHHHHH-- Didn't I tell yeh not to pry?" He jumps up, flapping around your head agitated, and you close yours eyes, "You're gonna get me in trouble!!" He squeaks at you indignantly.
"I'm sorry--" You start but Ivan cuts you off in a rush, "Dinner's gonna be done soon so I'll see you in the dining room!! Andbegood!!" And with that, he swirls down the corridor and out of sight.
You fix your windswept hair pouting, anytime you ask about your rescuer, Ivan gets like this. All fidgety and nervous, you love Ivan but he can be so secretive. This whole place is one big secret, but you live here too! You huff faintly before your fingers fiddle with the necklace. At least you were able to learn a little bit more, fully knowing Ivan can be a bit of an accidental blabbermouth, you like to use this against him. You giggle faintly at your poor batty friend. You are sure he was told to keep an eye on you, and you make his job difficult. You do feel bad for that, but this is the only way you can learn about the world around you.
It’s a dark place that Ivan settles into, a dark place with high walls, far away from the dinner table, and the sunny skylight. He sighs, and scratches his ear in annoyance. “You know she’s asking more and more questions, yer not going to be able to keep her in the dark for much longer.” Ivan gulps and shuffles awkwardly as two purple eyes open, to stare steely daggers at him. “It’s for her own good too!” Ivan squeaks nervously, “I’m just s-saying, what if she thinks she’s held captive or something?”
“She could leave at any time she wanted,” Came a deep rumble, the voice dark and sultry. “I’m not keeping her here.”
Ivan shuffles from foot to foot, “Well I- uh- I don’t think she knows that--” The blazing purple eyes narrow, “What?” Ivan flutters his wings, gawking, his jaw working up and down as he frantically tries to form words, “W-w-well I-- m-maybeee. . . didn’t-- s-say anything a-about that yet?” Ivan grins wide as he shrugs helplessly, The gaze boring down at him narrows to slits before they open wide and roll in annoyance. “Then I shall do it myself.” A dark hulking figure raises from his seat, Ivan flutters eyes wide. “W-wait n-now?” Ivan squeaks, “B-but I th-thought you wanted to wait and--”
The deep voice sighs, “Not if she feels as if she is trapped here, I would never want that for her. . . after what she went through. . .”
You were in the dining room, picking up your dishes and carrying your tray back towards the kitchen, your head turning just as the huge dark doors start to slowly open. Your eyelids fluttering open wide, as your tray tumbles from your hands, falling in slow motion until it crashes onto the floor. Your dirty dishes burst into a million pieces.
Blazing purple eyes and dark grey skin, almost as tall as the ceiling itself. Deimos arches his eyebrows, as you stand frozen in time. Your lips parted as your head raises to look at him fully. “It’s you,” You manage to breathe.
Deimos gives a snort, the big man reaches you in only a few steps,
“You broke your dishes sweetheart,” His deep voice makes your ears reverberate, his eyes trailing to the mess on the floor, you gasp and quickly become animated, reaching down to grab the pieces of broken china. “I’m s-sorry! I’m so sorry!” Deimos eyebrow twitches, stopping you as a dark clawed hand traces over the shattered pieces. The pieces shivering before reforming back into the whole objects once more. “Don’t be.” He murmurs softly, “It’s an easy fix.” 
You look up at him with wonder, “H-have you eaten?” You ask, keeping yourself from letting all the other questions in your mind run rampant.
“I haven’t, but I will get something later. I want to know about you right now,” Deimos smirks as you fluster, you heft the tray into your arms. “How have you been feeling?” Deimos purrs softly, “Happy?” Your eyes brighten and you nod. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to sweetheart, I can get you a new home, would you like that? I unfortunately can’t take you back to where I found you.” His expression darkens as his lip curls in dark satisfaction, “That place doesn’t exist anymore.” When you visibly shrink back his pupils dilate and round out, “It wasn’t a good place for you anyway.” He growls quietly. “But I can get you a new home, a little bat has told me you spend a lot of time looking at the different cities, was there anywhere in particular that you would like to go?”
You think about this, about his proposal to leave the grounds. “Would I be able to come back. . .?” You ask slowly, “Would I be able to see you again?”
Deimos blinks, “Me?” He smirks in amusement, “. . . No. I don’t think so.” Your expression falls, “That’s very cute of you, but it’s much too dangerous to let you wander in and out of here.”
“Then may I stay?” Deimos expression is quick to turn sour as he scowls down at you, “. . . . . . . . .And tell me, why would you want that little girl? Aren’t you lonely here?”
“I’m s-safe,” You stammer, “I l-like. . .” You bite your tongue and meekly bow your head. “I like it here, I may be lonely. . . but I am safe. It h-has been my sanctuary.”
Deimos’ eyes widen, staring at you intensely before his eyelids droop. “If. . . that is what you wish.”
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ellieellieoxenfree · 5 months
52 weeks, 52 movies: march
yeah this is super-late i know i know. i'll try to be more timely with april. :E
no rewatches this month; faves, as always, in bold.
new countries added to the cinematic world map: morocco, chad, and the philippines. i still have a pretty heavy reliance on american/uk films, but did fit 18 countries in. so i guess i kept a decent amount of variety in the diet.
the whaler boy (russia) — leshka (vladimir onokhov), a teenage boy in the remote village of chukchi, becomes enamored with a camgirl (kristina asmus) from detroit and plans to journey to america to meet her.
longtime mutuals know how much the movie nói albinói means to me — it’s my icon and has been for years, and was a livejournal fixture long before i joined tumblr. this movie recaptured the magic of watching that for the first time. they’re spiritual cousins of movies, both set in bleak, isolated landscapes stripped of all color; their teenage protagonists both ache with impossible want for the world beyond their small towns. their lives are monotonous and grim, livened only by the promise of women just out of reach. the black, deadpan comedy runs strong. leshka’s grandfather (nikolay tatato) speaks frankly of his plans for his own demise with the same energy one would use to discuss the weather, and i thought back to the bark of laughter i let out at nói’s dispassionate blood-splash scene.
it’s both violent — during a whale hunt, the men stand in a tide foaming with blood and viscera as they pull a carcass to shore — and hauntingly beautiful, such as in a scene where leshka and his friend (vladimir lyubimtsev) take a motorcycle ride through the endless, empty landscape. we see moments of gentle humanity juxtaposed with brutality. a power failure leads to some families bonding in soft candlelight, but sends leshka into a frenzy when he loses access to the girl who lives inside his computer screen. the dialogue goes from wryly funny (‘i’m busy today. i’ll definitely die tomorrow,’ muses leshka’s grandfather) to agonizingly painful, as during the retelling of a story about a chukchi resident who crossed the bering strait over to alaska and met a bad end as a result.
leshka is a tour de force performance from vladimir onokhov, relying less on dialogue and more on onokhov’s subtly expressive face. he conveys the universal yearning of frustrated adolescence without a word, while saving much of his speech for hushed one-way conversations with his dream girl in detroit. he has a quietly powerful magnetism that draws your attention whenever he appears.
it’s a strange, hazy film, rich with metaphor and dreamscape. lovely, profound, and absolutely one of the finest films i’ve seen all year.
millie lies low (new zealand) — thanks to an anxiety attack, architecture student millie (ana scotney) misses her flight from wellington to new york for her internship, but decides to pretend to her family and friends that she’s there and thriving.
there’s something particularly special about a movie that you forget as you’re watching. i struggled to stay focused on this, and had to rewind several times because i kept losing interest.
the problem is that the movie never quite commits to itself. it shies from letting its emotional beats land; nothing seems to carry much consequence. when millie learns she doesn’t have the cash to replace her ticket, it dips into farcical schemes — trying to take out a personal loan and stealing her own car as collateral; skulking in sweatshirt and sunglasses around family and friends’ usual haunts; camping in a tent she uses as the backdrop for crudely photoshopped images for social media. (how any adult with a functioning set of eyes would fall for millie’s low-effort ipad creations is beyond me, but i digress.) it makes half-hearted attempts at addressing things like massive time differences, but skirts the question of ‘wouldn’t the firm hosting the internship just get in touch with millie’s family when she failed to show up?’
there are tantalizing ideas that could be coaxed out of the material in the hands of a more focused director. it’s clear that millie is hamstrung by others’ expectations and her lack of faith in her own potential, but when her ruse is exposed, the landing is so soft that it renders all of millie’s hysterical schemes rather ridiculous. there was so little shock or betrayal or anger that the side characters ended up feeling like unfinished caricatures. even the great jillian nguyen, as millie’s best friend, is wasted — the movie nudges itself into something resembling energy when it exposes nguyen’s carolyn in flagrante delicto with millie’s boyfriend, but then fizzles out again. i found it impossible to care about anyone because the movie found it possible to try to make me care. i’d say it ends with a whimper, but i think a whimper would have taken more effort than this was willing to put in.
benny’s bathtub (denmark) — a bored little boy named benny (bo jakobsen) follows his pet tadpole down the drain of his bathtub and into a magical world of adventure.
danish kids in the ‘70s lucked out with this bite-sized animated gem, a lush, multi-media riot of bright color, jazzy music, and quirky characters. a pair of skeletons argue and end as piles of mismatched bones, while a mischievous color-changing octopus interferes with a nattily-dressed shrimp’s romantic designs on a trio of mermaids. a furious crab and his smaller underlings try to deal out despotic, but ultimately impotent, justice. it understands the blithe logic of childhood and merrily dips from vibrant set piece to vibrant set piece at a lively pace without ever overthinking or overexplaining. thick acrylic strokes pop against delicate watercolor backgrounds, and some of its more psychedelic moments, such as the rapid-fire color change benny’s octopus friend undergoes during his solo number, bring to mind the dizzying spectacle of the ‘lucy in the sky with diamonds’ scene in yellow submarine.
much of the pleasure of this movie is experiencing it for yourself, because it can’t quite adequately be explained. it’s such a wondrous feast for the eyes that descriptions can’t quite do it justice. it’s lovingly rendered in every frame. powerhouse danish jazz acts provided the score and a wealth of musical numbers — the squabbling skeletons argue about the virtues of their respective mothers, terrifying pirate queens. (‘she screamed with joy when she saw blood,’ one fondly notes.) a particularly inventive scene in the middle makes use of photorealistic silhouettes that splash in and out of frame like squirted ink.
it’s a beloved classic even now in denmark, and for good reason. it’s one of the most stunningly unique films i’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. i treasured every moment.
the tune (usa) — threatened with the loss of both his job and his girlfriend if he doesn’t deliver a pop hit by day’s end, a struggling songwriter (daniel neiden) finds himself journeying to the off-kilter world of flooby nooby, whose odd residents might help him find the perfect line.
i made this a double feature for a movie night pick, alongside benny’s bathtub. they make a good pair, as they each carry their own wacky, anarchic energies. rather than the jewel tones of benny’s, the tune opts for delicate colored pencil, which gives a fuzzy, twitchy energy to the proceedings — a perfect match for del’s frazzled mental state. the animation is utterly elastic — people, possessions, and places all distort with reckless abandon, twisting and contorting and folding in on themselves. alongside the dominant colored-pencil artwork, director bill plympton dabbles in a variety of styles, including thick-lined matte animation, pastels, and scratchy rotoscoped realism, so that each new scene carries with it endless, playful possibility. a man’s head transforms into a hand sprouting from his shoulders and fish swim out of his palm; a hot dog and bun have a romantic rendezvous in a field of flowers; a dog crooning elvis tunes wobbles under the weight of his massive pompadour. in an extended gag, two businessmen constantly up the ante of comical punishments for each other, such as one of them pouring plant feed on the other’s head, causing his head to turn to grass.
the storyline is admittedly secondary to plympton’s whimsical sensibilities. del does try to keep pushing forward in his mission to get to his boss’ (marty nelson) office, but his journey mostly exists to facilitate as many madcap escapades can fit into 69 minutes. composer maureen mcelheron (also the voice of del’s girlfriend, didi) packs the proceedings with a musical cornucopia of styles — the aforementioned elvis, tango, wistful country, rumbling blues, show tunes, and surf rock among them, on top of del’s jingly pop tune attempts. i still find myself humming ‘my love for you / is equal to…’ from time to time.
it’s something of a polarizing film, relying as heavily as it does on its music and its cheerful refusal to stick to its own stated narrative. much like its noodling animation, it meanders in and out of ideas, and either you submit to its chaos and let it lead you along, or you find the entire affair a bit insufferable and self-satisfied. i fell firmly into the former camp. i’m not familiar with plympton’s name offhand, but the whole affair felt so cozy and familiar to me — it came out in 1992 and somehow reminded me of every piece of oddball animation i saw as a child — that not being charmed by it was never an option.
march viewing: other titles
sequin in a blue room (australia)
this is me…now (usa)
lingui (france/chad)
a day at the races (usa)
fireworks (2018) (japan)
friends and strangers (australia)
butterflies are free (usa)
not of this earth (1988) (usa)
never steal anything small (usa)
return to oz (usa)
juha (finland)
the runner stumbles (usa)
taxi! (usa)
my year without sex (australia)
her highness and the bellboy (usa)
ellen is leaving (new zealand)
paris is burning (usa)
shin kamen rider (japan)
bed friend (thailand)
change of life (portugal)
beach rats (usa)
young rock s1 (usa)
police story (hong kong)
young rock s2 (usa)
you never know women (usa)
no direction home (2023) (japan)
leonor will never die (philippines)
young rock s3 (usa)
the county (iceland)
beautiful thing (uk)
the short history of the long road (usa)
quiet on set: the dark history of kids’ tv (usa)
did you wonder who fired the gun? (usa)
the big country (usa)
drunken birds (canada)
blue velvet (usa)
i hired a contract killer (finland)
ham on rye (usa)
my name is lisa (usa)
salvation army (morocco)
batman and robin (usa)
children of the mist (vietnam)
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SPOOKY SEASON IS UPON US! How about some Vampire headcannons? Choose a babe at will
I LOVE Vampires 🤤 Let’s consider this a warm up to our Halloweek 😏
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @starwithaheart, @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat
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Ever since it opened, Sacer Sanguis managed to become the hottest club in L.A.
Whether it be for its gothic architecture, exclusive menu drinks, pole dancers or the most desired man of California being its owner, you didn’t know.
The hype was high and you decided to draw your own conclusion tonight.
“How does one get dressed to a place like that?” You wondered while staring into your wardrobe and settling for a basic combo of black flare jeans, an emerald green lace bodysuit and a pair of faux leather high heel boots.
Once you arrived in the club, the first thing that caught your eyes were the low red lights, the black gothic style furniture and an unfamiliar sweet musky scent that instantly made you feel inebriated.
From where you stood you could see a group of people surrounding a big throne. Curiosity aroused from its depths and you took careful steps towards the imposing leather chair.
The crowd of people split open like the red sea, and your eyes spotted the male figure sitting on the throne.
His brown eyes were warm and stared into your soul. A knowing smirk was plastered on his lips and sharp, white fangs seemed to glisten under the red lights.
A black cross dangled from his ear and made a matching set with the black cross around his neck.
Even though the music was loud, his speaking voice could be heard perfectly as he spoke:
“Well well well, what have we here? A lost little dove” The stranger laughed and offered his hand to you.
Your feet had a mind of their own and soon you found yourself in front of the handsome stranger.
“That’s not my name” You spat, trying to give yourself some sense of control even if by pretending
“Beautiful, sexy AND a smart mouth? Looks like I hit the jackpot” His laugh for some reason made you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside
His hand caught your wrist and the pad of his thumb caressed the pulsing vein that beated frantically underneath the thin skin.
The fast rhythm didn’t go unnoticed by him, who grinned widely “The main reasons that cause a human heart to beat faster are adrenaline, anxiety, fear and excitement. They all have their particular tastes but the latter is the most delicious one. It dances on your tongue like the most rich Swiss chocolate. It’s addicting and so powerful..it makes you feel like a god. Although I could say sex offers the same experience” He chuckled and pulled you down to seat on his lap.
“But sex with a vampire, while he drinks your blood…well, that’s a whole new experience” His free hand wrapped around your neck, softly tilting your head back to expose your neck. “You smell like a chocolate factory, little dove. A nice fang virgin” The tip of his nose brushed against the meeting point of your neck and collarbone.
“One I can’t wait to taste. I bet you’ll taste so sweet and innocent but that mouth will give that nice bite to it. Like a hint of pepper to spice things up”
Warm hands caressed the tops of your breasts before he whispered in your ear “Why don’t we go to my office so I can show you how alive a vampire can make you feel?”
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caddraft1 · 1 year
Best Architectural 3D Revit Modeling Services at Affordable Price
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Chudasama Outsourcing is a leading Architectural BIM company that provides high standards of services and quality. We provide high-quality 3D Revit Modeling Services at an affordable price. We take great pride in being able to produce excellent quality Revit modeling services to our clients overseas. Our clients are located in the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and UAE, etc. We provide services like Architectural, Structural, MEPF, Shop Drawings, and as-built Drawings in Revit. If you want to outsource any such services, then contact us at [email protected]
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artpacogaray · 1 year
Mermaid (date unlisted) by Danish artist, Malene Reynolds Laugesen, born in 1969.
The artist attended the Danish School of Design, then began her professional career working in animation and later established herself as a freelance illustrator.
She has illustrated numerous books in her native Denmark and for the US market as well as carrying out art direction and design for animation.
Now living in New Zealand, she draws much of her inspiration from fairy tales, dreams, the old architecture of Europe and the amazing nature of her new home.
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I’ve seen a few examples of the use of allover pattern by members of our group, Teresa, Stephanie, and Robbie included. I’ve been looking at these Asawa and Walters works because of the way their patterns obscure the relationship between figure and ground, something I’ve been thinking about in my own work. Ellison’s small-scale works have a meditative quality, and her drawings were often made using everyday materials (notebook paper and ballpoint pen in this example). Mendez appears to make his patterns using the sort of plastic stencils and templates architectural draughtsmen and engineers use; Stephanie has worked with similar stencils.
Ruth Asawa (American 1926-2013). SF.031, Red Meander on Pink late 1950s. Tempera paint on mat board, 18 x 30 inches. Source.
Gordon Walters (New Zealander 1919-1995). Painting No. 1 1965. PVA on hardboard. Aukland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, New Zealand.
Lori Ellison (American 1958-2015). Untitled (Notebook Drawing) 1998/2002. Ballpoint pen on notebook paper, 11 x 8 1/4 inches. Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Alberto Mendez (Argentinian b. 1966). Untitled 2012. Ink on paper, 41 1/4  x 43 1/4 inches. Source.
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bjfinn · 1 year
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Beetlejuice headcanon #4:
There's another connection between Beetlejuice and Lovecraft: non-Euclidean geometry.
From Atlas Games (7 July 2016):
"The Maddening Architecture of R’lyeh"
H. P. Lovecraft’s descriptions of the sunken city of R’lyeh in "The Call of Cthulhu" focus on its unimaginable, mind-bending appearance. It’s easy to imagine slimy green, algae-covered edifices that have sat at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean for untold eons, but what about those more obscure terms and concepts?
In the story, Henry Anthony Wilcox describe "great Cyclopean cities of titan blocks and sky-flung monoliths." This refers to the style of ancient Greek architecture of Mycenae, which stacked stone blocks tightly together, without any mortar. And monoliths are no more than slabs of stone, like those found at Stonehenge.
Later in the story, the crew of the ship Emma actually lands on and explores the risen island which they find off the coast of New Zealand. Their descriptions suggest something more madness-inducing: "He had said that the geometry of the dream-place he saw was abnormal, non-Euclidean, and loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions apart from ours." They say that the walls appeared both convex and concave at the same time. Imagine walls that looked like both versions of that building at the same time. It would certainly give a viewer quite the headache, if not a case of psychosis.
The above photo is of one of the cards in the game "Lost in R'lyeh" (Atlas Games: illustrated by Kelley Hensing) -- it certainly looks a lot like the architecture of the Netherworld, and when Beetlejuice and Lydia take over the house the architecture shifts to the same non-Euclidean geometry.
Even when they draw the door to the Netherworld, it has the same skewed nature -- that's not sloppiness, that's the inevitable effect of creating a doorway to another plane of existence.
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siliconec · 2 years
Architectural Design and Drafting services in USA
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Silicon Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd. gives the best quality Architectural Planning Engineering Services. Our Architectural Planning Outsourcing Services typically involve hiring a third-party company or individual to handle the design and planning of a building or structure. Outsourcing Planning Engineering Services can involve a range of activities related to the engineering and design of a building or structure. Architectural Planning CAD Services Provider offers Computer-Aided Design (CAD) services to assist with the creation of detailed drawings and 3D models. If you required work for any Architectural Planning Services Projects then Connect with US. Architectural Planning Services: - Architectural Design Planning - Interior Design Plan - Exterior Design Planning - Architectural green Planning Click Here: https://www.siliconec.com/architectural-2d-3d/architectural-planning.html We provide Architectural Planning Services in USA major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle, Washington
We provide Architectural Planning Services  in major UK cities like London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield, York, Cambridge, Norwich, Cardiff
We provide Architectural Planning Services  in New Zealand's major cities like Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Rotorua, Whangarei, New Plymouth, Wellington, Dunedin, Rotorua, Tauranga
We provide Architectural Planning Services in Australia's major cities like Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart, Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Cairns, Gold Coast, Darwin, Brisbane
Architectural Engineering Planning Services, CAD Services, CADD, Engineering Services, Outsourcing Services, Design and Drafting Services, SiliconEC, India, USA, UK, NewZealand, Australia
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siliconenz · 2 months
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Get high-quality Architectural Shop Drawing Services Christchurch, New zealand.
Silicon Engineering Consultant New Zealand is excellent in Architectural Shop Drawing Services and is famous for precision and clarity in CAD Architectural Services . Our expert team creates highly detailed and accurate drawings that bridge the gap between design intent and construction.
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nzetaonlinevisa · 4 months
Top 5 Places to visit in june new zealand
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Christchurch, located on New Zealand’s South Island, is renowned for its English heritage and vibrant cultural scene. This picturesque city, known as the “Garden City,” boasts an array of attractions that cater to diverse interests. Among the top places to see in Christchurch are the stunning Botanic Gardens, which offer a peaceful retreat with a variety of plant species and beautifully landscaped grounds.
The Christchurch Art Gallery is a must-visit for art enthusiasts, showcasing an impressive collection of national and international works. For a glimpse into the city’s history, the Canterbury Museum provides fascinating exhibits on natural history and cultural heritage.
Hagley Park, the city’s largest urban open space, is perfect for leisurely strolls, picnics, and sports activities. The iconic Avon River, which meanders through the city, offers punting tours that provide a unique perspective of Christchurch’s scenic beauty.
Quake City, an interactive museum, educates visitors about the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes that significantly impacted the region. Additionally, the innovative and colorful Cardboard Cathedral stands as a symbol of the city’s resilience and creativity. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, is a vibrant cultural hub nestled between rolling hills and a picturesque harbor. Known for its dynamic arts scene, Wellington boasts a plethora of museums, theaters, and galleries that showcase both contemporary and traditional works. One of the must-visit places to see in Wellington is the iconic Te Papa Tongarewa, the national museum that offers interactive exhibits and rich Maori cultural displays. Another highlight is the Wellington Cable Car, which provides panoramic views of the city and leads to the beautiful Botanic Garden, a serene escape from the urban bustle. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Dunedin, located on the southeast coast of New Zealand’s South Island, is a city rich in history and natural beauty. Known for its Scottish heritage, Dunedin boasts a unique blend of Victorian and Edwardian architecture. Among the top places to see in Dunedin is the iconic Larnach Castle, the only castle in New Zealand, offering stunning views and lush gardens. The Otago Peninsula is another must-visit, famous for its diverse wildlife, including albatrosses, sea lions, and rare yellow-eyed penguins.
Dunedin’s city center is home to the historic Dunedin Railway Station, often dubbed the most photographed building in the country, and the bustling Octagon, a central plaza surrounded by shops, cafes, and the magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral. Art enthusiasts will appreciate the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, which houses an impressive collection of national and international artworks. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Wanaka, a picturesque town in New Zealand’s South Island, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant outdoor activities. Nestled at the southern end of Lake Wanaka and surrounded by majestic mountains, it offers an idyllic retreat for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Among the must-visit places to see in Wanaka is the iconic Wanaka Tree, a solitary willow that stands in the lake, providing a perfect photo opportunity.
Visitors can explore the pristine beauty of Mount Aspiring National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, ideal for hiking, climbing, and spotting diverse wildlife. Roys Peak offers a challenging trek with rewarding panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains. For those interested in more leisurely activities, Puzzling World, with its quirky illusions and maze, provides fun for all ages. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Fox Glacier, located in Westland Tai Poutini National Park on New Zealand’s South Island, is a stunning natural wonder that draws visitors from around the world. Known for its breathtaking ice formations and dynamic landscape, Fox Glacier descends from the Southern Alps down into the temperate rainforest, creating a unique juxtaposition of ice and greenery.
One of the prime places to see in Fox Glacier is the glacier itself, which can be explored through guided tours offering a closer look at the crevasses and ice caves. Visitors can also experience scenic helicopter flights that provide a bird’s-eye view of the glacier and the surrounding mountains.
Lake Matheson is another must-visit spot near Fox Glacier. Famous for its mirror-like reflections of Mount Cook and Mount Tasman, the lake offers picturesque walking trails and stunning photography opportunities. Additionally, the Fox Glacier Valley Walk provides a relatively easy hike with dramatic views of the glacier’s terminal face.
For those seeking more adventure, the nearby Gillespies Beach offers rugged coastline and the chance to explore historic gold mining sites. With its diverse range of attractions, Fox Glacier is a captivating destination, making it one of the top places to see in New Zealand. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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villa-south-pacific · 4 months
Elegant Escapes: Luxury Accommodation in Wanaka
Nestled in the heart of New Zealand's South Island, Wanaka is a paradise that offers more than just stunning landscapes and outdoor adventures. It is also a haven for those seeking luxurious retreats that blend comfort, elegance, and breathtaking views. Whether you are planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a serene retreat, Wanaka's luxury accommodations provide the perfect setting for an unforgettable stay.
The Charm of Wanaka
Wanaka is renowned for its pristine lakes, rugged mountains, and lush forests. It’s a destination that caters to adventurers, nature lovers, and those who simply want to relax and take in the spectacular scenery. While the natural beauty is a significant draw, the luxurious accommodations in Wanaka add a touch of elegance and comfort, making it an ideal destination for discerning travelers.
Luxury Accommodations: A Blend of Comfort and Elegance
The Rees Hotel & Luxury Apartments
Perched on the edge of Lake Wakatipu, The Rees Hotel & Luxury Apartments offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and crystal-clear waters. The Rees is known for its sophisticated style, exceptional service, and world-class amenities. The spacious apartments and hotel rooms are elegantly furnished, featuring modern conveniences and stylish décor. Guests can enjoy the on-site fine dining restaurant, extensive wine cellar, and a range of tailored experiences, from scenic helicopter tours to private boat charters.
Whare Kea Lodge & Chalet
Whare Kea Lodge & Chalet offers an exclusive and intimate escape with only six guest rooms, ensuring personalized service and a serene atmosphere. Situated on the shores of Lake Wanaka, this luxury lodge combines contemporary design with natural materials, creating a harmonious blend with the surrounding environment. Guests can relax in the outdoor hot tub, enjoy gourmet meals prepared by a private chef, and explore the area with guided activities such as hiking, fishing, and skiing.
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Minaret Station Alpine Lodge
For a truly unique experience, Minaret Station Alpine Lodge offers luxury tented accommodations in a remote alpine setting. Accessible only by helicopter, this secluded retreat provides an unparalleled sense of adventure and exclusivity. The plush tents are equipped with all modern amenities, and guests can enjoy gourmet cuisine, personalized guided tours, and stunning views of the Southern Alps. This is an ideal choice for those seeking both luxury and a deep connection with nature.
Silverpine Lodge
Silverpine Lodge is a boutique luxury lodge offering panoramic views of Lake Hawea and the surrounding mountains. With only four guest suites, Silverpine ensures a private and tranquil experience. The lodge’s elegant architecture and interiors reflect a commitment to comfort and style. Guests can indulge in exquisite meals, relax in the outdoor spa, and explore the natural beauty of the region through guided hikes and wildlife tours.
Activities and Experiences
Staying in Wanaka’s luxury accommodations is not just about the lavish interiors and exceptional service; it’s also about the unique experiences available. Here are some of the activities you can enjoy while staying at these elegant escapes:
Wine Tasting Tours: Wanaka is close to some of New Zealand’s finest vineyards. Private wine tours offer the chance to taste exceptional local wines and enjoy gourmet food pairings in stunning settings.
Helicopter Tours: Experience the awe-inspiring landscapes from above with a private helicopter tour. Whether it's a scenic flight over the Southern Alps or a landing on a remote glacier, these tours provide unforgettable memories.
Skiing and Snowboarding: In the winter months, Wanaka becomes a haven for snow sports enthusiasts. Luxury accommodations often provide easy access to nearby ski resorts, such as Treble Cone and Cardrona.
Hiking and Biking: The region offers numerous trails for hiking and biking, ranging from leisurely lakeside strolls to challenging mountain treks. Many luxury lodges provide guided tours tailored to your preferences and abilities.
Lake Activities: From kayaking and paddleboarding to private boat charters, the pristine waters of Lake Wanaka offer a variety of activities for water enthusiasts.
Wanaka’s luxury accommodations provide more than just a place to stay; they offer a complete experience of elegance, comfort, and adventure. Each property is unique, yet all share a commitment to high standards and exceptional service. Whether you’re looking to relax in a serene environment, indulge in gourmet cuisine, or explore the stunning natural landscapes, Wanaka’s luxurious retreats cater to every desire. Embrace the elegance of Wanaka and make your next escape truly unforgettable.
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newmats · 4 months
Unlocking Creativity: The Power of NEWMAT Stretch Ceilings 🎨💡
NEWMAT AUSTRALIA leverages its vast global expertise to provide incomparable service and reliability to clients across Australia and New Zealand – drawing from the expertise of a team who have been driving the charge towards stretch membrane design since 2002.
Integrating seamlessly into the overall design, our premium stretch ceilings are fast and clean to install, maintenance free, and safe. They are suitable for virtually any application, from wall and ceiling through to 3D shaped forms.
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The experienced team at NEWMAT AUSTRALIA has worked on small-scale and major projects in the commercial, hospitality, retail, education, healthcare and residential sectors, working closely with the region’s leading architects, designers, acousticians and builders.
We supply and install membranes, tracking and complete backlighting systems, and our industrial designers assist with fast design development, prototyping, and documentation. Our extensive in-house capabilities include the fabrication of custom light boxes and framing, CNC machining and welding. We are proudly Australian owned.  
As Australia’s largest stretch ceiling company, with the combined experience of over 95 years just in our Sydney office, you have no better place to start your journey but with us.
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With our dedicated team of designers, fabricators, project managers and installers, we pride ourselves on setting the standard, this allows for efficient design development, prototyping, lighting supply, metal fabrications, installation and maintenance.
We assist clients not only on design development and documentation but provide specifications for fabrication, detail drawings, rapid quotations, site surveys, architectural metal work and delivery of finished goods.
Get In Touch With Us:
Address: 84 Hotham Parade, Artarmon NSW 2064, Australia 📍
Phone:  +61 1300 047 047 ☎️
Email Id: [email protected] 📧
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ashleysingermfablog · 5 months
Wk 16, 20th of May, 2024 Artist Reference
Belief systems in the practice of Sorawit Songsataya
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Sorawit Songsataya, 2 OCT – 18 DEC 23, (Aotearoa New Zealand). Sorawit Songsataya’s practice seeks to reveal the dynamic interrelations within the natural world, drawing from the complex belief systems of the artist’s home countries, Thailand and New Zealand. Recent projects include working with local communities in Te Waipounamu (NZ), the Ōamaru limestone native to the region as well as architectural elements and cultural objects from Thailand. The cross-cultural associations in Sorwait’s work explores the complicated aspects of transculturality and cultural exchange, and the contention that comes with living in a colonial, bicultural country.  
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Sorawit Songsataya, Speaker (3), 2023. Ōamaru limestone, shells, dried plants, synthetic nails and eyelashes, epoxy resin. Installation view. Hocken Gallery, Dunedin. Courtesy of the artist.
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access here: https://www.gasworks.org.uk/residencies/sorawit-songsataya/
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matter from exhibition Nirun, Sorawit Songsataya, 18 March – 17 June 2023
Taking its title from the Thai word for eternal, 'Nirun' explores (im)permanence, motion, the cyclical and the accumulative nature of ‘home’ at varying scales. Shaped by the richness within Te Waipounamu, the exhibition includes a series of Ōamaru limestone sculptures, prints, films and LED animations that investigate our relationships to place, distance and people. 
Sorawit Songsataya is a multimedia artist born in Thailand, currently living in Ōtepoti, where they were the 2022 Frances Hodgkins Fellow. Sorawit is interested in redefining the boundaries of subjectivity and ecology and their interdisciplinary work encompasses sculpture, ceramics, textiles, moving-image, and 3D animation.
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charlesleondraws · 5 months
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Hamilton House - Victoria Embankment. This lovely Victorian building, next to the Inn of Court, is Grade II listed. Built 1880 although the doorway dates from 1899. Home to the Callender Cable and Construction Company, which primarily served the aircraft industry. It is possible that name comes from Archibald Milne Hamilton (1898-1972), the New Zealand-born civil engineer, who patented the Callender-Hamilton bridge system in 1935. Pen, ink and a little watercolour.
bridgesofthames #sketching #dailysketch #drawing #penandink #sketchjournal #urbansketchers #drawingoftheday #pensketch #journaling
architecture #building #design #thamesriver #travel #book #thamespath #innsofcourt
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jmdesign512 · 7 months
Writing exercise - introduction 
Interests in design: 
Drawing (Sketching, Line drawings, architecture drawing) , printmaking, painting
Background Information:
Born in Sydney, Sydney and I lived there for three years then moved to England for 7 years, then came to Auckland, New Zealand and I have been here for 8 years now. My cultural background is Australian, sydney.
What do I enjoy in design:
Being able to create my own design and being able to do whatever you want. I have loved the whole design background since I was little, I loved painting and drawing when I was little up to now being 18 years old. I love the whole aspect of design being able to create what you want and play around with what I’m designing. I hope in the future that I can go into Marketing snf design my own websites and have my own business. With the help of design, it’s practically a part of having a business. I have taken printmaking since year 11 and I have just fallen in love with it ever since. I always chose the art classes in school because it was so chill, fun and easy if you know what your doing. There’s a a range of so many things you can do in design which is what I’m so interested in.
Experience in design/ achievement:
I am a surfer and I had a plain white board and wanted to spice it up a bit so I started doodling ideas in my work book coming up with patterns and designs, and then I got some spray paint and regular paint and painted my surfboard.
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siliconec · 2 years
Plumbing Piping Engineering CAD Services Provider in USA
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Silicon Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd. provides best services of Plumbing Piping Engineering Outsourcing Services. Our Plumbing Piping CAD Services, also known as computer-aided design services, involve the use of computer software to create detailed 2D or 3D drawings of Plumbing Piping Systems. Our Plumbing Piping Engineer using the latest tools and updated software.Our Effective Plumbing Piping Design layout ensures the most efficient system design to meet your needs. Get in Touch with US for your next Plumbing Piping Engineering CAD Services.
Plumbing Piping Services Include:- Process Piping Design
- Plumbing Design
- Pipe Specification Development
- Plumbing Estimation
- Plumbing Piping Drafting
- Plumbing Drawing
Visit Here:
We provide Plumbing Piping Engineering Services in USA major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, Seattle, Washington
We provide Plumbing Piping Engineering Services in UK major cities like London, Liverpool, Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester, Sheffield, York, Cambridge, Norwich, Cardiff
We provide Plumbing Piping Engineering Services in New Zealand major cities like Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Rotorua, Whangarei, New Plymouth, Wellington, Dunedin, Rotorua, Tauranga
We provide Plumbing Piping Engineering Services in Australia major cities like Sydney, Brisbane, Hobart, Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Cairns, Gold Coast, Darwin, Brisbane
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