#Arcee: this fucking building is giving me anxiety
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inkheart01 · 3 years ago
Oddity (9/??)
☾Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.☽
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
The Autobots and deceptions had been at war for what felt like an eternity, and the deceptions were tired of losing. A stroke of genius compels Megatron to send his most loyal to search the planet for worthy humans to aid them in crushing the Autobot forces once and for all. Enter a small group of online friends who could never have anticipated that their compelling personalities and strong bonds would set them up as prime targets for an alien warlord.
Chapter 9...Paradise lost
Can I trust what I'm given
When faith still needs a gun
Whose ammunition
Justifies the wrong?
-Stephen (Crossfire)
Blitzwing’s arrival had come with a chaotic symphony of explosions, destruction, fire and ice. The great big triple-changer crashed directly into the heart of a human-infested lake, and took little care to hide his arrival. If anything, the Decepticon seemed to actively announce his arrival in the most show-stopping display of raw, cybertronian power, inky face splitting open with a maniacal laugh.
With little regard for any of the scrambling boats and jet-ski’s collecting their passengers and speeding off, either to call the police, or a priest, he trudged his way to the shore, ruby grin and eyes painted gold in the setting sun.
He was met with the five Autobots, and half a legion of Vehicon clones, weapons drawn as they fended off the Prime. The fight didn’t last long at all, with the triple-changers mastery over fire and ice, and before long, the deceptions, with their new ally, had returned to the Nemesis, leaving their adversaries to nurse their wounds.
But before they too could return to their mountainous base, a spluttering and waterlogged blue form crawled out from the murky lake water, hurling insults after Blitzwing and any deceptions unlucky to meet his ire.
“All in favour of keeping the mentally unstable psychopath far away from me, raise your hands?”, To say Alex was very unhappy about the new robot was a grave understatement. He was livid. Sure he didn’t have much in the way of respect when around these monumental metal creations, but he could still provide just enough annoyance to never be forgotten. If he were to die from his quick tongue, so be it. He made his peace long ago.
“Und vo might zis pe?”, the German turned on him with a ruby monocle, and for the briefest of moments, Alex felt like the towering giant was looking deep into his soul.
And then he opened his mouth, his silver tongue betraying him once again. ”I’m the moron dumb enough to be caught by you idiots”
And then the robot's face changed, and Alex felt his heart stop as he was faced with a void marked only by red eyes and a jagged mouth. “Schall ve end zis best's mizeraple life?”
“Do it! I bet you won’t!”
“As appreciated as it will be to rid me of this nuisance, I fear our esteemed lord may end us both. These fleshy’s are apparently important to his plan”
“Aww, I’m touched. Screamer, you care about me”
“I very much do not, you useless waste of valuable resources”
“Your insults are getting more creative, we’re making progress”
“Ok…ok hang on. Let me get this straight. Your leader keeps trying to bring back a space cocaine army. That guy keeps stabbing people in the back every chance he gets and that guys name is Knockout and you trust him to fix you! Why aren’t you in charge?!”, To say that Camille was getting along better with her ‘guardian…warden…captor’, was as much an understatement as Alex’s anger, though she had no way of knowing that, as they had not been permitted to see each other since there separation.
But she was at least getting along better with Soundwave than Alex and Starscream.
The silent Deception had offered her the barest scraps of information, most likely out of annoyance than anything, but it was better than nothing. While some of her questions had been answered, even more had sprung up. They were Decepticons, from the planet Cybertron. They were here after resources and to eliminate the Autobots, their mortal enemies. They were robotic aliens the could turn into vehicles.
There wasn’t much more she could get out of her statuesque guardian. He wouldn’t elaborate on anything, wouldn’t answer any more of her in-depth questions, and certainly, absolutely hated when she asked about that little liked room with the metal cat and immobile forms.
She got the idea that they weren’t meant to be general knowledge.
“Oh goody, there’s more of you”. Still quite irritated at the talking he had received, Nikk regarded the new robot with trepidation and disdain. He didn’t have anything against the Autobots personally, some of them were actually quite fun to hang around with, but after the spitting match he had gotten into with Optimus, being around the truck generally put him in a sour mood.
“Nikk, I’m begging you. Stop being petty”
“I'm good, but thanks for the offer”
“Alright! Jesus Christ, we’re changing the conversation”, Jayda pushed past Daiyu and Nikk, marching up to the new bot with fearless determination. “Don’t mind those two, there just as bad as Nova without her morning coffee/Redbull concoction”. From the couch, a single mug (that looked like it had seen far better days) was raised, the drink in mention editing a steaming, sweet coffee smell. “We’re the anxiety squad-“
“When did we decide on that name?”
“-and out of the six of us, only three of us aren't sleep deprived”
“There are thirteen of us”
“Who…Lara, Nova, You, Rey, Alex, Nikk, Raf, Jack, Indiana, Miko, Mina, Camille, Me…? I feel like I’m missing someone?”
“No, that’s everyone”
“Fucking Brilliant”
“So, what’s the plan for getting Camille and Alex out of the Nemesis? Terrible name, by the way, it's like they're practically broadcasting to the world that they’re the bad guys”. Lara, three firewalls deep into the nemesis systems, remarked. “Honestly, call it something different, Like the Peaceeater, or the Evergiven-“
“Ok, back to the firewalls”, Raf, seated on the arm of the couch, leaning against Lara on the seat, adjusted his glasses. Through some science that Nova had no way of understanding, they had hooked their computers up so they could work on the firewalls simultaneously.
As the Autobots base was shielded, they had retreated to Indiana's penthouse, managing to groundbridge onto her rooftop dining area with little trouble. Though the good two-foot drop was unnecessary, as was their Autobot escort.
As the only one actually able to fit into the massive apartment's common area, Arcee had accompanied them. Though getting her into the actual apartment had been a struggle, as she was too big for the stairs in her root mode, and too heavy for the elevator in her motorbike form. They ended up very carefully leading her down the stairs, jack at the helm, until they hit the ground floor and she was able to transform.
And tats where they sat now, All eleven kids squashed on the couch or around the room, with their robot escort wary of every shift the building made as she moved, and the Science Team, composed of Nova, Lauren, Rey, Lara, Jayda, and there newest member, Raf, gathering as much information on the Decepticons as possible in order to formulate a foolproof plan.
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