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Aravia: Сияние кожи

Назначение серии
Серия на основе стабильной формы витамина С предназначена для бережного выравнивания тона кожи. Обеспечивает защиту кожи от воздействия свободных радикалов, замедляет процессы старения, борется с пигментными пятнами и с проявлениями фотостарения, увеличивает упругость кожи, стимулирует выработку коллагена и эластина.
Состав серии
Энзимный гель для умывания Enzyme Cleansing Gel, 200 мл
Тип кожи: для всех типов кожи Текстура: гелевая Возрастные ограничения: 14+
Глубоко очищает и отшелушивает
Стимулирует обновление эпидермиса
Повышает упругость и эластичность
Возвращает сияние
Делает кожу гладкой
Активные компоненты:
Папаин — отшелушивает, улучшает текстуру кожи, обладает противовоспалительными и антиоксидантными свойствами.
Экстракт ананаса — отшелушивает, ускоряет обновление клеток.
Экстракт лимона — осветляет пигментацию, улучшает цвет кожи, обладает антимикробными свойствами.
Экстракт корня женьшеня — ускоряет заживление, стимулирует кровообращение.
Экстракт корня имбиря — борется с акне, стимулирует выработку коллагена.
Применение: нанесите гель легкими массирующими движениями на очищен��ую от макияжа и подготовленную кожу. Оставьте на 10 минут. Тщательно смойте теплой водой. Рекомендуется использовать 1-2 раза в неделю.
Меры предосторожности: не наносите на поврежденную кожу и избегайте попадания в глаза. При попадании в глаза тщательно промойте водой. Перед применением тестируйте на небольшом участке кожи.
Гель очищающий с АНА & ВНА кислотами АНА & ВНА Cleansing Gel, 150 мл
Тип кожи: жирная; комбинированная Текстура: гелевая pH — 4 Возрастные ограничения: 14+
Придает сияние
Активные компоненты:
Молочная кислота — способствует отшелушиванию отмерших клеток кожи, усиливает синтез коллагена, увлажняет и освежает кожу. Уменьшает угревые высыпания, сужает поры; обладает осветляющим и отбеливающим действием.
Винная кислота — обладает антивозрастным и омолаживающим эффектом, стимулирует регенерация клеток, повышает эластичность кожи, уменьшает глубину морщин.
Гликолевая кислота — обеспечивает глубокое очищение кожи. Отшелушивает и тонизирует. Сглаживает следы постакне и рубцы, сужает поры, выравнивает рельеф кожи.
Салициловая кислота — отшелушивает ороговевшие клетки, уменьшает поры, предупреждает появление высыпаний, способствует обновлению клеток.
Применение: небольшое количество геля нанесите на влажную кожу лица, шеи и декольте. Очистите кожу легкими массажными движениями. Смойте водой.
Меры предосторожности: не наносите на поврежденную кожу и избегайте попадания в глаза. При попадании в глаза тщательно промойте водой. Перед применением тестируйте на небольшом участке кожи.
Пилинг для сияния кожи с комплексом кислот 10% Shining Skin Peeling всесезонный, 50 мл
Тип кожи: сухая; нормальная; для всех типов кожи Текстура: гелевая рН — 3,5-3,7 Возрастные ограничения: 14+
Убирает гиперпигментацию
Увеличивает эластичность
Выравнивает рельеф
Борется признаками старения
Активные компоненты::
Феруловая кислота — мощный антиоксидант. Оказывает противомикробное и противовоспалительное действие. Отшелушивает и отбеливает. Повышает упругость и эластичность кожи, увлажняет. Стимулирует синтез коллагена и эластина. Регенерирует. Насыщает кожу кислородом. Уменьшает пигментные пятна. Защищает от фотостарения и преждевременных морщин.
Яблочная кислота — отшелушивает, сужает поры, отбеливает и выравнивает кожу. Увеличивает эластичность и повышает тонус. Борется с первыми признаками старения. Увлажняет, улучшает регенерацию кожного покрова. Устраняет воспалительные процессы.
Лимонная кислота — отбеливает, осветляет кожу, убирает гиперпигментацию. Отшелушивает, стимулирует микроциркуляцию и обмен веществ. Тонизирует. Восстанавливает кислотно-щелочной баланс кожи, обладает антиоксидантным, противовоспалительным и дезинфицирующим действием.
Экстракт пиона — способствует коррекции чрезмерных покраснений и сокращения пигментации и пятен. Оказывает осветляющий эффект. Уменьшает образование свободных радикалов, вызванных загрязнениями окружающей среды и табакокурением.
Применение: равномерно нанесите пилинг с помощью косметической кисти на предварительно очищенное сухое лицо, избегая область вокруг глаз. Оставьте для воздействия на 5-10 минут. Тщательно смойте водой. Нанесите тоник и увлажняющий крем. Используйте 1 раз в 7-10 дней. Средняя продолжительность курса — 10 процедур (в зависимости от состояния кожи).
Использовать совместно с кремом с SPF.
Меры предосторожности: не наносите на поврежденную кожу и избегайте попадания в глаза. При попадании в глаза тщательно промойте водой. Перед применением тестируйте на небольшом участке кожи.
Витаминный крем с антиоксидантным комплексом Vita Complex Cream SPF 20, 100 мл
Тип кожи: для всех типов кожи Текстура: кремовая Возрастные ограничения: 14+
Восстанавливает кожу
Защищает от фотостарения
Выравнивает тон и текстуру
Нейтрализует свободные радикалы
Активные компоненты:
Комплекс витаминов А, Е и F — обеспечивает оптимальное увлажнение и питание кожи, защищает от свободных радикалов.
Ниацинамид — уменьшает воспаления, улучшает барьерную функцию кожи, регулирует выработку кожного себума.
Д-пантенол — обладает увлажняющим, заживляющим, смягчающим и разглаживающим действием. Делает кожу более эластичной.
Применение: нанесите крем тонким слоем на предварительно очищенную кожу.
Меры предосторожности: не наносите на поврежденную кожу и избегайте попадания в глаза. При попадании в глаза тщательно промойте водой. Перед применением тестируйте на небольшом участке кожи
Крем для лица для сияния кожи с витамином С Vitamin-C Radiance Cream, 50 мл
Тип кожи: для всех типов кожи Текстура: кремовая Возрастные ограничения: 14+
выравнивает тон кожи
стимулирует выработку коллагена
борется с фотостарением
обеспечивает антиоксидантную защиту
Активные компоненты:
Витамин С — мощный антиоксидант с омолаживающим действием. Борется с окислительным стрессом. Участвует в синтезе коллагена и эластина. Улучшает состояние и вид кожи — освежает, тонизирует, а также придает ей сияющий вид и гладкость. Выравнивает цвет кожи, снимает признаки усталости, борется с преждевременным старением, придает упругость и эластичность, интенсивно разглаживает.
Витамин Е — замедляет старение, повышает упругость кожи, помогает поддерживать уровень влаги.
Д-пантенол — обладает увлажняющим, заживляющим, смягчающим и разглаживающим действием. Делает кожу более эластичной.
Масло оливы — увлажняет, питает, делает кожу более бархатистой. Оказывает омолаживающий эффект. Убирает сухость и обезвоженность.
Масло сладкого миндаля — смягчает кожу, питает, способствует заживлению, увлажняет, поддерживая целостность гидролипидной мантии, освежает и тонизирует. Обладает антиоксидантными свойствами. Повышает тонус и упругость кожи.
Применение: нанесите крем тонким слоем на предварительно очищенную кожу.
Меры предосторожности: не наносите на поврежденную кожу и избегайте попадания в глаза. При попадании в глаза тщательно промойте водой. Перед применением тестируйте на небольшом участке кожи.
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First night, p.1
1,874 words | Mirai and the serpent king (sequel to A sunny afternoon)
Content | NSFWhump, noncon touch (sexual), noncon kissing, slavery, fear
Notes | This got. Out of hand. So here's the first part for now. Mirai is having... a time! The serpent king is having a significantly better time!
I don't know what I'm doing!
Of course, let me know if you don't want to be tagged in the nsfwhump parts.
Taglist | @yet-another-heathen @echo-goes-aaa @whumpinator @neverthelass
It was a full week before the guard called upon Mirai in the evening.
Mirai felt all eyes on him, his heart leaping into his throat.
He had started to feel oddly... safe, almost. He was starting to get accustomed to hear another elf sing, out of his own volition, like it should be, and to his language lessons, terrifying though as the concept had been at first. Of course he had known this would happen, and he had quickly found himself getting nervous at the daily appearance of the guard coming to collect whoever it was the serpent king wanted to entertain himself with that night, but other than that, he was fed and comfortable and unhurt, and not alone.
Sometimes it was just one of the harem, sometimes two or three. But this night, it would be just him and the serpent king.
He obediently got up and went over. He found he couldn't stop his hands from shaking, even as Aravia gave him a smile and a thumbs up in a bid to encourage him.
He was no longer sore, for the first time in a long while having been given the time to recover. His bruises had faded. It had to count for something; he had to hang on to the little things.
The guard led him to what he recognized as the royal bedchamber from the night of his arrival, knocked, and opened the door for him.
"Come in, Mirai." The serpent king was lounging on his bed, his eyes hungrily fixed on him. It still felt sweet, finally being called by his real name--and sweeter to hear his master doing it, not just his peers. But it wasn't enough to offset the fear clawing up his throat.
Nonetheless, he obeyed; the door quietly closed behind him, and he approached the bed.
"You know what I have called you for, of course." The serpent king reached out a hand and, like in that first night, pulled him onto the bed when he took it.
If it weren't for his words, Mirai almost could have fooled himself that nothing more would happen than then.
"Yes, Master. I'm yours." Mirai's hands were cold with anxiety.
The serpent king smiled, and very softly replied, "You are." He put his arms around him and pulled him up against his chest, his tongue flickering at him briefly, then he leant in to touch his forehead to Mirai's.
Mirai, of course, let it happen, following the guidance of the strong arms which were now, when he was sufficiently close, sliding down and down his back. He let his head drop forward against his master's.
He was being good, and that was how to earn what little mercy there was to go around. He had learned that lesson all too well.
"I let each one of my sweets ask for one thing I shall never do to them, within reason." The serpent king's golden eyes seemed to smile, even if it was impossible to read his whole expression from this close up. His hands cupped Mirai's ass firmly, keeping him close.
Mirai didn't have to think twice, not even on whether there was anything specific the serpent king was expecting. "Please- please don't strangle me, Master."
If Mirai wasn't mistaken, the serpent king's eyes softened at that. "I shall not, Mirai. You have my word," and then he closed the hair's breadth left between them and kissed Mirai fully on the mouth.
Mirai didn't for a second consider resisting; much less when the serpent king's hand came up to cup his head. He simply closed his eyes, tilting his head the way that seemed most conducive to what the serpent king wanted, and let it happen. When the serpent king's long tongue pushed forward against his lips, he opened his mouth and let it enter him, exploring wherever it wished.
The serpent king's body shifted around him, and his other hand slid around his hip, reaching, ever so gently, between his legs.
When he ran his warm fingers along Mirai's length, his body responded, in spite of all the worries in his mind. The kiss and the gentle invasive touches preceding it had already put his nerves at the ready more than he realized.
The caress, if such it could be called, wasn't fully unexpected. Many of his masters had figured out how sensitive he became after coming, and had gleefully taken advantage of it. You make such pretty sounds, pigeon.
He didn't bother to hold back a whimper. The serpent king probably wanted to hear him, anyway.
The serpent king's hand stilled, warm over Mirai's cock, and he pulled their lips apart, only to trace more kisses down his cheek and the side of his neck. "Are you alright?" he muttered as he went.
That was unexpected.
"Yes, Master," Mirai replied before he had thought it through; but it was probably the safest answer to give, anyway.
The serpent king resumed; but his touch remained light and slow, enough for Mirai to breathe through it, to focus his thoughts on how to best please his master, to remain just half-hard--uncomfortable, moreso knowing what the future might bring, but far preferable to the alternative.
"Lovely." The serpent king's other hand now ran through his hair, slowly undoing his braids. He leaned over to bury his face in it, and Mirai thought he heard, from there at the nape of his neck, a little hiss, like an animal.
The serpent king's body shifted, and--
The traders had been at it for hours, passing Mirai back and forth between them. Mirai was too exhausted to beg anymore; he had stopped screaming, his throat aching, even after the trader who had decided he was fed up with it had withdrawn from his mouth again.
"You’ll remember this fondly," the one currently on top of him told him, grinning, while Mirai could only cry weakly. "They say snakes have two dicks, and given you only have one little hole down there, guess where both of them are going?"
It had been true. Far down the serpent king's body--right at the base of his tail, Mirai realized, although he had previously struggled to determine where that would have been--not one, but two members had emerged, each of them big enough on its own to make Mirai cry if the serpent king so desired.
Or even if he didn't.
They were crowned with spikes.
What arousal the serpent king had coaxed from him was gone in an instant. Mirai froze, and then he cursed himself for it, because he knew the serpent king had noticed--he drew back from him slightly, returning to him forehead to forehead, his hand slipping up to his hip again.
"Oh, don't be afraid, little one. I won't hurt you tonight."
How, Mirai wanted to scream. But of course he kept quiet. It was enough work to keep breathing.
"And I'll never ask you to take more than you can."
But Mirai knew the serpent king, not he, would be the judge of that.
He still couldn't bring himself to move. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
The serpent king put his arms around him, pulling him into a hug, gently guiding his face with one hand to look at his instead. "Shhh, little one. Don't be afraid."
He rubbed the nape of Mirai's neck, his scalp, and Mirai tried his hardest to relax. He didn't look again. It was no use. But then, his imagination surely made things worse-
He stole another glimpse past the serpent king's arms.
"Don't worry, little one." The serpent king stroked down his spine, then let him go. "Bring me that bottle over there."
There was a glass jar sitting on a low shelf by the bed, easily within reach of the latter without an excuse to leave it. He crawled over, all too aware of how he was presenting his behind, and picked it up. Some thick liquid sloshed inside. It had a strange scent--almost as if of... magic?
"Apply it to me," the serpent king said softly, his eyes filled with a hunger Mirai was all too familiar with.
Mirai was simply grateful there should be oil, no matter how little of a difference it might make given the serpent king's equipment.
But it was something more than simple oil; his nose had been right. The thick liquid that poured into his hand had a shimmer to it that could only tell of magic.
He very carefully closed his oiled-up hand around the first shaft. He had never liked handling his masters this way, far too anxious of doing something wrong, far too nervous at the wrongness of their most vulnerable parts in his hands; he should be the one vulnerable to their actions, as much as he feared it, and upsetting that order only brought more pain.
The serpent king hissed when he ran his hand up his hot cock, and Mirai was glad his hands, even with their claws filed down, weren't now holding him from the way they grabbed into the sheets.
That was good. His master was enjoying himself, and he was learning.
He cupped the tip of the cock in his hand, running the liquid over it, and--as it covered the spikes, it seemed to aggregate around them, turning their sharpness into mere knobs and bumps.
He would still feel them, and keenly. But at least he need no longer worry to have his insides wholly cut to ribbons.
The member in his hand bounced at his touch, and the serpent king made a sound that could no longer be even called a hiss, deep and throaty and beastly.
"See? I told you not to worry." He grabbed Mirai around the waist before he could approach the other cock, leaning back and pulling him, with force, on top of himself; he just caught the jar out of Mirai's hand before it could spill.
Mirai gasped with fright, catching himself with his arms on the serpent king's chest.
"Shh, Mirai. It's alright." The serpent king made an obvious effort to look him frankly in the face. "I won't hurt you. Try to relax."
His hands returned to uncanny gentleness when he grabbed Mirai's thighs, making him straddle his body, spreading his legs. Mirai was pulled down until he lay on the serpent king's chest, wholly exposed to the long, flexible body that would allow the serpent king to come at him from whatever angle he pleased.
There was nothing he could do but obey. Breathe. He rested his head in the crook of the serpent king's neck, his entire body over-attentive to every touch placed upon it. The warm skin and smooth scales beneath him. The way his hair was being ever so lightly tugged as the serpent king arranged it however he pleased, before his hands returned to running along his back, rubbing gentle circles like they had that first night.
"Easy, Mirai," the serpent king murmured, and for a moment, Mirai managed to believe he could relax. That he wouldn't be hurt. He knew he was being foolish, but there was nothing he could do to change the outcome anyway.
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A sunny afternoon
999 words | Mirai and the serpent king (sequel to Bedtime)
Content | Slavery, fear, Mirai's voice thing
Notes | Just a nice sunny afternoon, what could go wrong?
Taglist | @yet-another-heathen @echo-goes-aaa @whumpinator @neverthelass
Eshihir had a kingdom to run, but there was only so far he could contain his curiosity. He had resolved to give the new elf at least a week to settle in before he called upon him; but nothing stopped him from making time in the afternoon, three days after Mirai had arrived, to walk the sweet things in the park.
He made a point of doing it regularly; he didn’t want them to be confined inside all the time. Of course he could have tasked the guards with it—and had at times when he was very busy—but it was a joy to him, being surrounded by so much beauty, his gardens and his harem both.
He didn’t make them come, of course, but most of them enjoyed their little outings.
When he knocked on the door and asked, »I’m going to the gardens, do you wish to join me?«, he kept his eyes on Mirai as stealthily as he could. The little thing was sitting next to Aravia, playing cards with her and her usual group, and gave them an insecure look; they reassured him quickly, Aravia taking him by the hand. It was charming to see.
He led the way outside, Izara skipping along next to him, a mode of locomotion as foreign and delightful to Eshihir as a little bird hopping. He was, it seemed, barely containing himself not to run ahead.
They went down to the swimming pool, and spread out over the grass and in the water. Eshihir lounged half in, half out of the water, in the sun, resting his head on his body and watching his beauties.
Aravia’s blue-black skin and Shasha’s dark, iridescent scales right next to each other where they played in the water made a gorgeous picture; he liked having them both together, superficial as it was. Hishil, as usual, had gone for a lazy soak, his powerful body half-submerged and quiet. Udelfyr stayed in the shade, his pale skin sensitive to the sun, but marched around the pool as far as the trees would allow him. Dasshila climbed a tree, twisting playfully between the branches, and Ikkira raced around the pool before splashing into it, laughing.
Mirai, though, had paused shyly at the edge of the pool, clearly uncertain, like he always was. There were braids in his hair, now, five of them coming together at the back. Someone must have told him it was alright to do them—Eshihir regretted not having remembered it himself—he probably wouldn’t have dared without command or reassurance.
»Mirai, little one,« he softly called. »Come sit with me.«
Mirai flinched, just a little, gave him a fearful look and came over.
»Sit,« Eshihir repeated when he simply stood there, eyes cast down.
Mirai hastily sat down on the water’s edge, then hesitantly dipped his legs into the water. The bruises on his arms and thighs had started to fade, and Eshihir had to stop himself from examining them. They were going to be alright, and he didn’t want to frighten the little one.
»How have you been?«
»Well, Master. Thank you, Master.«
Eshihir smiled. »Tell me more, little thing.«
Mirai seemed startled by the prospect. »You’ve been very generous.«
»I know. That’s not what I mean, though.« He looked Mirai earnestly in the face. »Are you comfortable? Are you getting along with the others?«
Mirai nodded eagerly. »They’ve been very kind. I, um… I’m well, I really am.« This time, he looked up and actually met Eshihir’s eye, if only for a moment. »It’s… different. I’m still getting used to it. I…« he hesitated, licked his lips, then quietly said, »I’m not used to everything being so nice. I’m still… my soul is still learning how to- how to handle it.«
He stared down into the water, and Eshihir watched him, touched. He liked making their lives better, and had succeeded practically every time—the bar was never high. Still, it was a pleasure every time. Mirai would be okay, despite his anxiety, despite the bruises on his thighs. He said it out loud, barely. »You’ll be okay.«
Mirai hugged himself, and nodded awkwardly into the pool. »Yes, Master.«
In the meantime, Izara had climbed onto one of the lower branches of Dasshila’s tree, where it reached into the sun, her arms hovering above him as if she didn’t trust his ability to hold himself up there (which Eshihir couldn’t fault her for; legs always seemed so awkward), and now started to sing. It was nothing in particular, just the almost bird-like song he broke into when he was, Eshihir had learned, at ease and happy. It warmed his heart.
Then his eyes returned to Mirai, only to see him shrunk together, almost doubled over, his eyes, too, fixed on Izara.
He flinched, and turned away as if scolded, and in the movement, Eshihir saw the wet spark in his eye.
»Does the singing bother you?«
»No! No, it’s—I’m glad for him.« His voice was thick with emotion, and then Eshihir realized.
»Oh. Oh, Mirai.« He reached out a hand and rubbed Mirai’s shoulders; Mirai briefly shrunk away fromt he touch before he stilled, and let it happened.
He didn’t know what to say; he didn’t know enough about elven culture and what all that singing really was about. »You’ll find other ways to express yourself,« he ventured, quietly.
»Yes, Master.« Mirai’s voice was barely more than a sob. He straightened himself, and then, to Eshihir’s great surprise, asked, »May I leave, Master?«
»Go.« He wasn’t going to be strict on the little thing when he was already so upset.
Mirai went and sat on the opposite side of the pond, all curled in; Eshihir was glad to see Aravia swim over and sit with him.
Shasha, left unsupervised, swam over to the tree and struck at Izara from out of the water, pulling him in screaming and laughing, and that was the end of the song.
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aravia | satyr | druid, the circle of spores | the dark urge
#hiiii im getting into the fandom!!!#hopefully this will be my first finished playthrough!#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate 3#bg3#the dark urge#durge
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Ei, você aí! Sim, você mesmo! Tem mais de dez anos e ainda não fez a testagem pra saber se é Ascendido? A Arquiteia não vai gostar nada de saber disso. Espera, você ainda não sabe o que é ser um Ascendido? Então que bom que te encontrei. Lá vai a história:
Tudo começa em Hiraeth. Um mundo fictício constituído por cinco continentes e cinco pilares mágicos feitos pelas mãos da Arquiteta, que criou tudo em seis dias para no sétimo alcançar o repouso em sua verdadeira morada: Aravia. O quê? Você já ouviu essa história? Claro que não! Senta aí que tem mais.
No começo, os cinco pilares mágicos foram designados aos Cinco Guardiões que receberam seus poderes: luz, sombras, vida, humanidade e matéria. Por quase dois mil anos, os continentes e a magia viveram em harmonia, até que há 50 anos o Guardião da Vida misteriosamente atravessou o véu para Aravia e tudo virou de cabeça para baixo. Na mesma ocasião A Pestilência assolou toda Hiraeth e quase dizimou um continente inteiro, ao mesmo tempo em que pessoas mágicas começaram a surgir. Acha que isso é o suficiente? Segura aí!
O Instituto Caim foi criado para abrigar e treinar essas pessoas mágicas, os Ascendidos (ou seriam Corrompidos?). Na teoria, deveria ser um lugar seguro para todos que ali buscarem refúgio, mas na prática… só nesse último mês os alunos tiveram de enfrentar uma invasão dos Kuei (a tal Pestilência), o afinamento do Véu que causou sequestro de alguns alunos e também uma expedição à Aravia, além da realização de um Teste Mensal depois disso como se nada tivesse acontecido… e se não fosse o bastante, a Guardiã da Humanidade ainda resolveu comemorar a “descoberta de vida em Aravia” instituindo o Dia da Vida em Hiraeth, o que causou tanta controvérsia entre humanos e magos que até a Estação do Arcanjo, antigamente conhecida por comentários polêmicos sobre os Guardiões resolveu voltar à vida.
O que foi? Ficou assustado? Para com isso! Se você for um Ascendido, não deixe de se juntar à nós! O Instituto Caim está de portas abertas para acolher e treinar qualquer mago para quando a Arquiteta enviar seu chamado (ou para quando for inevitável seguí-lo).
** jogado nas plataformas Discord e X.
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So one of the Emerald Grove druids in BG3 who is just disgusted at your presence is unintentionally hilarious in my playthrough because he looks almost exactly like my PC. Pretty-boy Blond Half-elf on Pretty-boy Blond Half-elf crime. My first response when he made the comment about wanting me out was to think "bold thing to say to your cousin, man. I'm gonna let Aunt Aravia about this at the next barbeque."
#personal#half-elf family barbeques have gotta be wild#two separate grills for vegetarian and non-vegetarian food#your human uncle urging you to try the lamb while your elven grandma gives you this judgemental look of 'you better not young man'#the elven patriarch wondering why so many of his kids married humans while his son-in-laws human parents try to make a good impression#some cousin's cousin who you start chatting with only to realize they're in the incredibly unique position#of not being a half elf born from one human and one elf parent#but being born of two half elves#the food at a regular elf cookout? kinda mid#the food at a half elf cookout where there's a human to sneak some salt and herbs into the veggie kebabs? killer vegan fare honestly
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Недавно я узнал, что есть такое понятие — бьюти-рутина. Это часы жизни, которые женщина тратит на поддержание красоты на лице и теле. Решил узнать, как это. Взял баночку «геля для жирной чувствительной кожи, склонной к несовершенствам». (Как хорошо, что я худое бесчувственное совершенство!) Намазал. Оказалось, намазать было мало. Нужно было это ещё растирать. От носа к ушам. В это время ничего делать нельзя — просто стоишь и трёшь лицо гелем Effaclar, который постепенно вспенивается. Скучно… Но это, как оказалось, не конец. Мне подогнали вторую баночку — крема для лица Aravia, крема с мочевиной… (Здесь мои шутки о том, как я могу сделать ведро такого крема.) Короче, им тоже нужно было тереть лицо от носа к ушам. И тоже ничего не делать. Наверное, в это время нужно было погружаться в поток, чувствовать своё тело, прорабатывать травмы и думать об уязвимости. Наконец, всё. Прошло минут 10, но я ужасно устал. Вся борода была липкой от крема. Стою, смотрю в зеркало: где изменения? Наверное, будут чуть позже. Пошёл, включил фильм ужасов. Всё как надо: героиня холёная американка, относится к себе нежно, живёт в хюгге, но на неё нападает зло. И тут она сразу хватает не за кремик, а за ножик. Поставил на паузу, вернулся к зеркалу. Смотрю: что с лицом? Ну, честно говоря, изменений никаких. На утро — тоже. И что вообще можно добавить к моей красоте? Это как прибавление единицы к бесконечности… Стою и думаю: на что тратят женщины время? К чему эта бьюти-рутина? Жизнь без смысла, зато крем без парабенов… Ночью так и не досмотрел ужасы про американку. Со стороны кажется, что у неё всё хорошо: макбук, молодой мужик, на лице moisturizing кремик. Но не дают ей покоя кошмары! Грехи её, наверное… Надеюсь, в конце она поймёт, что увлажнять нужно не кремом лицо, а слезами — душу. Покается в грехах своих, и тогда ангел сотрёт крылом слёзы с лица её… Отложит она ножик, возьмёт Достоевского, или меня. Не крем возьмёт, а книгу. И вместо бьюти-рутины будет посвящать время бук-ридингу. Читать книги с высоким содержанием красоты. Той, которую не намажешь на тело, но которая, проступая изнутри, разглаживает морщины души. Литература это крем духа. Мажьте ж им сердце!
Валерий Печейкин
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Namanya ada tercatat di sebuah cerita lama. Tanah airnya di sini. Di Aravia, tidak karena dilahirkan di Aravia tapi orang mengenalnya seakan penghuni pertama. Nama yang terkenal dan terlalu banyak orang berpikir dia orang yang baik. Tapi ia seperti orang kebanyakan. Memiliki kebaikan dan keburukan. Salah satu keburukannya sama seperti ayahnya, pemuda itu penyendiri. Hidup di kesunyian panjang yang hanya dirinya sendiri yang bisa mengubah. Sesekali ada sikap berbeda. Selebihnya, kesalahpahaman yang kemudian terbentuk. Kesalahpahaman itu yang membentuknya juga, kesalahpahaman yang mempertemukan dirinya dengan Alloh. Dzat yang orang berharap bisa bertemu muka. Sampai ada cerita saking orang merindukan bertemu wajah Alloh, gunung hancur sebelum ujudnya tertampakkan. Kisah legendaris dari agama yang hilang.
Fajar Satriatama orangnya, Fajar alias Fajr Sarotama yang dianggap orang banyak juga beralasan sebagai dari satu-satunya keturunan terakhir dewa laut Neptune yang menurut mitologi menjalani hidup seperti mengasingkan diri dari keramaian. Kemudian Fajr menemukan bahwa kesunyian itu ada di keramaian. Ketika pertempuran antara kebaikan dan keburukan berlangsung tanpa akhir.
Kisah yang serupa dongeng ada tentang manusia yang dilahirkan dari ibu manusia dan ayah seorang dewa dari sebuah gunung dengan tokoh cerita bernama Perseus. Fajr lahir dari rahim seorang ibu muda yang menjadi anak angkat Dewi Athrix dan kemudian menikahi Neptune karena Thorn ayah Neptune banyak berharap kepada setiap perempuan yang melihat kehidupan anaknya yang sunyi.
Tapi nama pemuda itu di negerinya yang selalu dipanggil Fajar Suryatama juga Suratama Fajr karena menurut legenda lain ia juga keturunan raja setara dewa di kahyangan yang bernama Surya.
Namaku Corinthian Alberto, aku peneliti cerita-cerita unik yang berdasarkan mitologi. Ketika aku mendengar kisah pemuda itu, ada tekad di dalam diri menyatakan bahwa aku berjanji untuk melindungi siapapun dia. Bersama klub pembaca legenda dan mitos yang orang tuaku dulu bentuk sejak lama.
Alberto Bello, itu ayahku. Dia adalah yang pertama kali mengatakan ada dan masih hidupnya keluarga Suryatama. Sampai lahirnya Fajar Sarotama yang kemudian viral di dunia ketika pemuda itu terlihat terbang di langit kota Aravia.
Aku percaya dewa-dewa itu masih hidup di masa kini. Aku percaya mereka kemudian sama seperti Neptune pergi berusaha mengisolasi diri sejak di antara banyak dewa merasa bahwa mereka bukan tuhan yang jadi sesembahan. Seiring sejalan banyak yang menyamar menjadi pendakwah dan mengajarkan ketuhanan yang esa.
Seperti halnya banyak kesalahan para dewa di masa lalu yang bersikap seenaknya. Akibatnya ada kelahiran makhluk-makhluk baru yang kemampuan dan kekuatan serupa dewa. Salah satunya keluarga Fajr Sarotama. Keluarga yang luput dari perhatian semua orang di manapun. Baik di mata mereka yang pada masanya diakui sebagai para dewa atau manusia-manusia yang merasa para dewa itu ada dan harus disembah. Dewa mati seperti kisah Igliok yang menjebak Hepestinas dengan menyerahkan istrinya sendiri setelah perselingkuhan mereka berdua di Edeinparx.
Suryatama alias Suryata, ayah Fajr Sarotama yang pada masanya dikenal sebagai anak kandung Surya. Dia merasa keberadaan para dewa merupakan bagian dari kekuasaan Alloh. Fajr diajarkan ayahnya tentang kekeliruan banyak manusia tentang para dewa. Kekeliruan yang sebenarnya disebabkan oleh makhluk-makhluk yang mengaku dirinya dewa itu sendiri. Mereka datang ke tempat-tempat di mana manusia hidup dengan memberikan keajaiban yang bisa dilakukan. Suryata pernah berjuang menegakkan keyakinannya yang banyak percaya keyakinan itu pernah dibawa para penganut agama yang hilang.[]
"Kemudian manusia-manusia itu menganggapnya tuhan." Sahut Corinthian di sela-sela penelitiannya diselingi dengan mengajar di sebuah universitas.
Seorang mahasiswa berdiri dan bertanya saat itu. Corinthian tidak keberatan dengan sikap itu. Ia mempersilahkan mahasiswa itu bertanya. "Sekarang, apakah para dewa ada di sekitar kita?"
Corinthian mengiyakan, tapi ada aturan baru yang terbit dengan sendirinya sejak permulaan zaman di mana teknologi berkembang. Manusia belajar dan memahami apa yang telah terjadi. Para dewa bersembunyi setelah sebagian dari mereka dibunuhi manusia karena kekeliruan mereka yang menghadirkan kebencian.
Para dewa memperlakukan manusia seperti budak mereka, itu yang keliru di mata sebagian mereka para manusia yang semakin cerdas memahami kehadiran para dewa. Corinthian memberikan contoh sejarah terkait kekeliruan itu. Masa ketika Caragul, negeri di Barbaric hancur karena salah seorang manusia berhasil mencuri senjata dewa dan membunuh Hepestinas Dewa Perang Orhimps.
Benua Barbaric sendiri tenggelam setelah Ajul Gad turun dari langit. Ia membenamkan benua itu lalu mengembalikannya dalam keadaan rata. Kemarahan Ajul Gad diprotes dewa lain, lalu perang antara Negeri Para Dewa Orhimps dan Hagarin terjadi di Bumi Ayu.
Tapi perang berhenti ketika Bumi Ayu berubah oleh munculnya Asma Alhadj yang dipercaya keluar karena itu hukum yang turun dari Alloh. Siapa Alloh, Cior salah satu dewa kebijaksanaan memberitahukan kemunculan Asma Alhadj di Makiarat itu perwujudan kekuasaan sebenarnya pencipta.
Corinthian menjelaskan kejadian-kejadian yang memicu sembunyinya para dewa dari manusia. Asma Alhadj serupa bunga yang melemahkan kekuatan Ajul Gad. Jagar Hagar memotong lengannya saat pertempuran keduanya semakin memuncak. Jagar Hagar dewa perang Hagarin yang sedemikian vokal berbicara tentang kekeliruan Ajul Gad yang turun dengan kemurkaan setelah Hepestinas tewas di tangan Igliok.
"Igliok marah karena istrinya dihamili Hepestinas meski dewa asmara itu sebenarnya perempuan dengan alat kelamin dua." Sahut Corinthian dengan suara sedikit dipelankan saat menyebut kata yang dilarang disebutkan di sebuah forum diskusi kampus.
Alat kelamin ganda Hepestinas penyebab peperangan di Barbaric. Beberapa menyebutkan karena kecemburuan Igliok ketika mengetahui Hepestinas yang ia sembah dan agung-agungkan mengkhianati cintanya dengan menculik Aburabi istri Igliok. Aburabi sendiri mengakui kalau Igliok juga tergila-gila kepada dewa asmara yang berwujud perempuan cantik itu.
Pada awalnya Cior yang melepas informasi kelamin ganda dewa asmara Hepestinas di tengah pasar. Atas nama kebijaksanaan, Cior menyebutkan hal ini. Dia sudah banyak bertahan dalam rahasia-rahasia para dewa yang berusaha meluruskan kekeliruan mereka.
Menurut Corinthian, hal yang disebutkan Cior sebagai bagian dari perintah Surya sebagai raja dewa di negeri Mayapadh. Raja paling kuat di antara semua dewa yang menyadari banyak kesalahan yang dilakukannya kepada manusia.
Perbuatan Cior pula yang menyebabkan perselisihan para dewa di Mayapadh. Hal yang menguatkan kebencian Alengkapur kepada pusat para dewa di Mayapadh dan menghadirkan Karma Dasamuka kemudian berusaha membunuh Surya beserta keluarganya. Tapi dari semua keluarga Surya di kalangan manusia hanya Suryata yang dilepaskan karena Karma Dasamuka menganggap Suryata hanya manusia setengah dewa yang lemah.
Tapi kemudian bertahun-tahun lamanya setelah perbuatan Karma, Karma Dasamuka dibunuh Fajr Sarotama di Munch. Pembunuhan itu dilakukan tidak dengan sengaja. Fajr Sarotama menurut Corinthian datang ke Munch untuk mempelajari kemampuannya sebagai setengah dewa.
"Surya berada di Munch." Sahut Corinthian. Keberadaan itu diendus Karma Dasamuka yang sudah begitu lama memburu Surya. Tapi takdir memang selalu berkata berbeda. Sebenarnya, menurut Corinthian dari memberi kuliah menjadi bercerita. Kebiasaan yang selalu dilakukannya manakala perkuliahannya berlangsung. Dia tidak berani bercerita lebih panjang. Tapi ia meyakini jika Surya dan Karma berhadap-hadapan di Munch saat itu juga. Karma tidak bisa mengalahkan Surya. Surya berada di atas Karma dalam hal kekuatan. Dan kemunculan Fajr Sarotama di Munch disangka Karma kemunculan Surya sendiri.
"Pemuda itu datang bersama kawan-kawannya." Sahut dosen sejarah khusus ketuhanan itu di depan mahasiswanya. Bercerita tentang pengalamannya ke kota-kota yang pernah di dalamnya ada para pemuja. Munch adalah kota besar di Bumi Ayu. Negeri yang menjadi bagian wilayah Munch adalah Nocturno. Fajr, bersama lima kawannya Tartar, Wigu, Hawariy, Egorogor dan Bathini termasuk anak-anak terlantar di Bumi Ayu.
Pada para mahasiswa itu Corinthian berusaha jujur bercerita tentang Fajr Sarotama. Pemuda yang lama pernah menguatkan dirinya dalam sebuah rumah sembahyang tua Holiud di Tagarao pada awalnya tidak berniat berkelahi dengan Karma. Fajr terpaksa melakukan hal yang terlarang baginya yakni berkelahi.[]
Dodo Darada berada di jalan terjal ke Tagarao. Ia bersama Egorogor pergi ke Tagarao untuk bertemu pendeta Holiud yang bernama Nonsen. Dodo Darada adalah seorang mahasiswa di Aravia. Dia ditugaskan dosennya ke Tagarao untuk bertemu Nonsen.
Di sana tidak sengaja ia bertemu Fajr. Nonsen mengatakan siapa Fajr yang ia saat duduk bersama Dodo. Pendeta itu bahkan memaksa Fajr untuk bisa berbincang-bincang bersama di selasar kuil Holiud. Kuil yang dahulu kala sebongkah batu raksasa yang menempel di bukit Omanan.
"Bukit ini dulu diabaikan dan dibiarkan sebagai tanah takbertuan. Lalu seorang bernama Ouija, orang yang disangka sebagai alim membangun rumah peristirahatan." Sahut Nonsen. Fajr dengan senang hati mendengarkan. Selama ini ia diterima di kuil meski dalam hal keyakinan pemuda itu tidak menerima ajaran yang dipelajari dan dianut para pemuja Dewi Kurama.
Fajr meninggalkan Oyaju dan pergi ke Tagarao untuk menolong para pendeta Holiud dari ancaman beberapa penduduk Tagarao. "Fajr ini, adalah penolong kami. Ia disarankan kepada kami karena selalu mau melakukan sesuatu untuk orang lain."
Egorogor pernah mendengar nama Fajr. Seorang pria muda yang suka menolong. Tinggal di Oyaju dan datang ke Holiud untuk membantu para pendeta.
Kedatangannya bukan karena upah yang diberikan siapapun yang meminta pertolongan Fajr. Hal yang terakhir Egorogor ketahui tentang pemuda tampan itu. Keyakinan bahwa Surya selalu mengawasi Fajr selalu muncul di banyak perhatian. Surya mengetahui banyak peristiwa yang terjadi ketika Fajr dilahirkan. Dimulai dari habisnya semua keluarga yang terhubung pada Fajr. Dan tinggal satu orang saja Fajr yang ada di Bumi Ayu, manusia yang dipercaya terhubung kepada dewa penjaga sinar inti Matahari itu dari campur tangan dewa lain dalam memancarkan sinarnya ke semua arah.
Surya diyakini dan disembah beberapa manusia di Bumi Ayu. Tapi ketika dewa yang dikenal bijak itu sendiri mendapat pencerahan bahwa dirinya sebenarnya bukan Dewa Penjaga Sinar Inti Matahari. Sejak pencerahan itu, Surya dibantu Cior dan banyak dewa lain berusaha menetapkan kebenaran itu. Meski banyak penentang, Surya dan Cior tetap dalam keteguhan diri.
Egorogor pernah bertemu para pendeta Surya di Syamsara. Para pendeta itu berbalik arah memusuhi Surya dan berpindah tempat sembahyang dari Kuil Matahari jadi ke Kuli Bulan tempat sembahyang milik Dewa Qomaruz alias Dewa Bulan.
Tidak sedikit menurut Egorogor mereka yang membantu dari pihak manusia untuk kebenaran yang dibawa dewa-dewa seperti Surya. Dari para pendeta Surya lain juga ikut mengkampanyekan hal ini, membujuk siapapun untuk berusaha menemukan pencerahan yang sama seperti pencerahan yang diterima Surya.
Perbincangan Fajr, Dodo Darada, Egorogor dan Nonsen dari Kuil Dewi Kurama alias Dewi Pelindung Hewan ini panjang penuh liku. Keberadaan Surya yang dimusuhi beberapa para dewa tidak bisa dicegah ketika banyak dewa berusaha membunuhnya.
Dewi Kurama seperti dewa dewi lain. Mereka ada yang terjebak dan takberdaya. Ada yang berjuang setengah mati seperti Cior.
Kurama mengetahui keberadaan para pemujanya dan bagaimana perilaku pemuja dewa dewi lain pada semua penganut dirinya yang terlalu fanatik.
Dewi Kurama adalah dewa yang bersikap netral. Dia tidak berpihak pada siapapun dan sejak dulu ia tidak mau disembah-sembah seperti dewa lain. Manusia yang melakukan, membuat kuil untuknya, patung-patung berujud sempurna.
Dia hanya ingin menolong. Tetapi pertolongan selalu disalahartikan. Nonsen berkata, sejak muncul kebiasaan baru para dewa yakni menjadi tidak peduli dengan apapun yang manusia lakukan. Semua seperti berbeda dan lebih sunyi tapi di saat yang tiba-tiba kekacauan menyeruak.
Puncaknya di Barbaric, kematian Hepestinas dan Igliok yang kemudian menjadi pemimpin bangsa Klasunder di Barbaric menguasai kubu Org. Perang-perang kecil dimanfaatkan orang-orang yang takberkeperimanusiaan. Igliok mengutus anaknya ke Memphs untuk bala bantuan. Usahanya menjadi raja di raja banyak menjadi spekulasi.[]
Igliok menjadi raja di Barbaric. Setelah kematian Karma di tangan Fajr. Situasi berubah, penguasa sejati Bumi Ayu. Orang berpikir setelah para dewa bersikap tidak peduli pada manusia yang semula menganggap mereka wakil-wakil tuhan alam semesta. Alam semesta hilang para penjaga yang tulus bekerja di setiap sudut semesta.
Manusia harus berusaha sendiri. Menjalani hidupnya dengan tidak bergantung kepada pertolongan para dewa yang dianggap awalnya bagian dari penciptaan alam semesta. Bukan, para dewa bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Para dewa, makhluk-makhluk yang diciptakan untuk manusia bisa supaya berpikir kepada keesaan tuhan barang yang takbisa dilupakan dalam keyakinan. Logika liar tentang banyaknya dewa penguasa semesta itu sebenarnya menipu manusia. Dan ada sebagian dewa juga manusia memanfaatkannya untuk kepentingan mereka. Demi kekuasaan dan kekuatan yang didambakan.
Tidak boleh sekalipun berpikir keesaan itu kekuatan utama yang diyakini. Walau dalam keadaan diancam untuk melupakan. Mereka yang berusaha menegakkan hal tersebut berpegang dalam keteguhan daripada mati diperbudak sudah pasti memilih mati dalam keadaan merdeka.
Suryata yang pertama, ketika perjuangan nya dihalang-halangi kaum yang berpikir pernyataan Suryata akan ketuhanan yang esa akan merusak tatanan hidup para penganut tuhan para dewa. Suryata tewas atas kesalahan itu.
"Corinthian, dimana anak Suryata?" Tanya Roguere sambil menghunus pedang pada Corinthian. Kawan-kawan Corinthian sigap menghalang hunusan pedang itu. Langsung bertindak ketika kelompok Myth datang padanya di Eruin. Kedai kecil yang biasa dikunjungi para penjelajah Tonmir demi Madu Draken yang memabukkan.
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Η Σαουδική Αραβία είχε προειδοποιήσει τις γερμανικές αρχές για τις «εξτρεμιστικές απόψεις» του δράστη
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Η σύγκρουση που θα αλλάξει τη Μέση Ανατολή και τον κόσμο: Σαουδική Αραβία – Ιράν

Την ώρα που όλοι περιμένουν την εξέλιξη της σύγκρουσης ανάμεσα στο Ισραήλ και το Ιράν, μερίδα ειδικών προειδοποιούν ότι είναι μία άλλη μάχη που θα μπορούσε να αναδιαμορφώσει όχι μόνο τη Μέση Ανατολή αλλά και την παγκόσμια πολιτική τάξη. Αυτή ανάμεσα στις δύο κυρίαρχες δυνάμεις της περιοχής: Το Ιράν και τη Σαουδική Αραβία.
Αν και αυτή η αντιπαλότητα κάποτε θεωρούνταν κυρίως μια εθνοτική και σεχταριστική σύγκρουση μεταξύ των σουνιτών Αράβων – Σαουδάραβων και των Σιιτών Περσών Ιρανών, η βασική διαχωριστική γραμμή σήμερα είναι ιδεολογική, εξηγεί το Foreign Affairs. Η σύγκρουση επικεντρώνεται στα αντίστοιχα στρατηγικά τους οράματα: Το Όραμα της Σαουδικής Αραβίας 2030 και το Όραμα του Ιράν 1979. Κάθε όραμα υπαγορεύει τις εσωτερικές πολιτικές της αντίστοιχης χώρας της, καθώς και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αντιμετωπίζει τις άλλες.
Πηγή: https://www.naftemporiki.gr/kosmos/1805825/i-sygkroysi-poy-tha-allaxei-ti-mesi-anatoli-kai-ton-kosmo-saoydiki-aravia-iran/
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FACECLAIM: Shawn Mendes, Cantor, 26 anos, canadense.
NOME COMPLETO: Ethan Morrison. DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 12/01/1999. LOCAL DE NASCIMENTO: Querencia. NOME DE USUÁRIO: @cmi_ethan.
ORDEM E LINHAGEM: Vitalis, Feralia. CARGO: Aluno. FUNÇÃO: Trabalha no Centro de saúde animal.
PERSONALIDADE: + atento, + determinado, + comprometido, – inconstante, – teimoso, – fechado.
BIOGRAFIA OU HEADCANON: Essa história poderia ser sobre um Ascendido qualquer, com uma boa família e cujas maiores adversidades vieram com a mudança de sua vida ao descobrir os poderes concedidos por Aravia – e assim seria, realmente, se acidentes não acontecessem. Ethan nasceu em uma família pequena como o segundo de três irmãos. Seus pais, nascidos sem poderes, eram grandes apreciadores do que de mais belo havia no mundo natural de Hiraeth: biólogos pesquisadores da fauna e da flora, não deixaram de executar seus estudos nem quando os filhos nasceram. Fosse por terra, ar ou mar, o casal e suas crianças estariam desbravando florestas ou desertos. Tudo mudou inesperadamente em uma dessas viagens. Precisando sair as pressas de Querencia para Selcouth por ameaças de mineradores da região à família, os pais de Ethan pecaram pela primeira vez na coisa que mais prezavam em todas as suas viagens: segurança. Desesperados pelo bem-estar dos filhos, entraram no primeiro barco disponível e zarparam; a viagem, desde o começo, já apresentava falhas. O barco a vela parecia ter sido tirado de um filme de baixo orçamento e não apresentava nem mesmo um timão inteiro – não que isso teria melhorado em alguma coisa a situação, mas era alerta o suficiente de que de uma forma ou de outra, corriam riscos inimagináveis. Quando tudo parecia ter dado certo, veio o horror. Quando já estavam em alto mar, uma tempestade forte levou aquele barquinho a naufragar e Ethan acabou perdido em alto mar, sobrevivendo apenas por ser um exímio nadador. A experiência do garoto por inteira parecia obra da Arquiteta. Ele estava prestes a fazer dez anos, não era possível que uma criatura de corpo tão frágil e mirrado resistisse ao oceano e, mais ainda, resistisse aos dias que o seguiram boiando a deriva. Sozinho naquela imensidão, sem nada para fazer companhia além de seu próprio desespero, sobrava para ele a esperança de que algum avião passasse ali e ele tivesse forças para gritar por ajuda. Em certo momento, ele não soube exatamente quanto tempo havia se passado, mas ele notou uma barbatana rondando aquelas águas quase como em um filme caricato daquele tipo de criatura. O tubarão parecia um dos abutres que rondavam as carcaças de animais recém mortos ou prestes a morrer e Ethan estava aterrorizado, mas não tinha nada para fazer a não ser se deixar ser devorado pela criatura. Ele não sabia se ainda tinha família, então não tinha nada a perder. O contrário do que o rapaz esperava ocorreu: O tubarão nadou por baixo de Ethan, fazendo com que ele segurasse em sua barbatana e nadou com ele até as proximidades da praia mais próxima. Ethan era um feralia, ainda que não entendesse muito bem o que isso era, e ser um Ascendido havia sido sua salvação. Demorou quase três dias completos para que a Equipe de Resgate dos Bombeiros de Selcouth o encontrassem, sem acreditar muito na história de como um tubarão salvou sua vida. A improbabilidade da coisa os levou a testarem a criança, mesmo que não tivesse completado seus dez anos, e o resultado o levou cedo para o Instituto Caim, onde durante seus primeiros anos mal se relacionava com pessoas em si, estando sempre na praia da Ilha de Majak ou no celeiro. Hoje, Ethan possui um nível de socialização melhor, mas ainda é inegável que prefere a companhia dos animais a de qualquer outro humano. Apesar de passados os anos, contudo, se mantém secretamente interessado na busca por sua família de sangue, pelos corpos não encontrados, por qualquer coisa que explique sua sobrevivência em detrimento à dos outros que mereciam viver tanto quanto ele e pelo verdadeiro motivo que levou seus pais a fugirem de Querencia naquele ano.
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flashback: 37 D.P., Palácio do Pilar da Vida.
O tio-avô aproximou a joia de seu rosto mais uma vez para analisar o brilho que ela emanava quando chegava perto de sua pele.
— Isto é melhor do que poderíamos imaginar! É uma benção! Sorria, menino. Vamos. Não há motivo para essa melancolia.
Cahir forçou os lábios a formarem um sorriso. Não conseguia se lembrar de alguma vez ter visto a mãe tão desgostosa quanto naquele momento. Assustou-se com o olhar severo dela após vê-lo sorrindo como o tio havia ordenado. Desmanchou a expressão de falsa alegria, deixando que o terror que tomava sua mente tomasse também o seu rosto.
— Uma benção — escarneou Catalina, olhando para ele. Ela parecia prestes a dar-lhe um fim. — Foi por esse motivo que eu escondi isso do senhor. Vossa Graça não compreende que isso é a escória da linhagem? Não há motivo para que ele seja submetido ao teste de verdade, especialmente em público. Manchará para sempre o nome de nossa família se souberem que há um deles com o nosso sangue. Isso ficou bem escondido durante dez anos e deve ficar eternamente.
Isso, pensou Cahir. Isso, isso. Sua mãe se esquecera de que ele era uma pessoa. Talvez nunca tivesse realmente considerado que fosse.
— Bobagem! Não vê que os tempos são outros? — Jorge vociferou. — Se nós os apoiamos, ter um deles em nosso meio é essencial. Seu irmão sabe que será importante tê-los ao lado dele quando subir ao posto de Guardião da Vida. Trinta e sete anos, menina. Você já deveria ter mudado esse pensamento. O menino também não sofrerá em Caim, se isso te preocupa. A ilha melhorou muito desde a fundação do instituto.
Cahir tinha apenas dez anos, mas era maduro o suficiente para entender que a preocupação da mãe nunca seria direcionada a ele daquela maneira.
— Não me importa que sofra — Catalina respondeu. Era uma mulher expressiva, de olhos negros e movimentos tão nervosos quanto os do tio. — Me importa que ele gere dúvidas sobre a nossa linhagem…
— Nossa linhagem? Não seja prepotente, a sua linhagem não é a que importa. — Jorge a interrompeu, irritado. — Basta que seu irmão tenha um filho e você despenca na linha de sucessão. Então, chega de toda essa conversa. Se soubesse o que é o melhor a se fazer, seria você cuidando de Selcouth em nome da Arquiteta e não eu. Eu vejo o lado bom, o meu conselheiro também. Não é uma decisão sua.
O menino permaneceu imóvel mesmo quando a mãe saiu em passadas largas e xingamentos gritados. O tio-avô saiu em seguida, inabalável. Ele tinha a última palavra, estava no comando do continente desde que o Guardião, pai de sua mãe, havia desaparecido em Aravia. Tinha quase quarenta anos de experiência, e mesmo antes de precisar assumir a liderança política de Selcouth, era o único próximo o suficiente de Alfonso para imaginar o que ele faria em uma situação como aquela. Para Cahir não soava tão mal ir morar em um lugar onde as pessoas eram como ele, onde não seria mais indesejado do que qualquer outro ser vivo. Ainda escutava a conversa exaltada que vinha do cômodo ao lado, mas optou por não ouvi-la. Sabia que nada de bom sobre ele era dito ali e que qualquer que fosse o seu destino, ele não poderia escolher. Apenas sofreria mais pela ira da mãe se tentasse opinar.
Entrou em transe, distanciado do mundo ao redor, e dele só despertou quando a mãe voltou e colocou a mão sobre seu ombro.
— Levante, você será levado para a Arquiteia. Lembre-se de sorrir de verdade, sem essa expressão asquerosa de pobre coitado. A imprensa estará lá para registrar essa grande notícia da nossa família — analisou criticamente a aparência do filho. — Conserte a postura e garanta que eles vejam o quanto estamos felizes com a notícia. Não cometa nenhum deslize. Senão, será um grande problema para nós. Você não quer trazer mais esse fardo, quer? — perguntou e cravou as unhas sobre o tecido que cobria o ombro de Cahir, que apenas acenou com a cabeça. — Responda direito quando eu lhe perguntar algo, Cahir. Você quer?
— Não. — respondeu o menino em tom ameno.
A mãe sorriu como só costumava fazer em situações sociais. Para quem não a conhecia, era quase impossível decifrar o verdadeiro descontentamento por trás daquela face afável.
— Muito bem — soltou o menino e começou a caminhar em direção à saída, sendo acompanhada pelos passos apressados dele. — Quando você estiver naquele antro, a honra do sobrenome Guzmán, para a minha infelicidade, estará em suas mãos, Cahir. Cuidado com o que fará com ele. Sua vidinha depende disso.
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«Βόμβα» από Σ.Αραβία προς G7: «Αν κατασχέσετε τα ρωσικά περιουσιακά στοιχεία θα κατασχέσουμε και εμείς τα δικά σας»! Η Σαουδική Αραβία απείλησε την Δύση ότι στην περίπτωση που οι G7 προχωρήσουν στην κατάσχεση ρωσικών περιουσιακών στοιχείων για να τα ��ροσφέρουν στην Ουκρανία ως στήριξη, τότε το βασίλειο θα πουλήσει μέρος ή και όλα τα ευρωπαϊκά ομόλογα που έχει στην κατοχή του! Σύμφωνα με το... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/vomva-apo-s-aravia-pros-g7-an-kataschesete-ta-rosika-perioysiaka-stoicheia-tha-kataschesoyme-kai-emeis-ta-dika-sas/
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Ο επικίνδυνος κορωνοϊός MERS επανεμφανίστηκε στη Σαουδική Αραβία, ανακοίνωσε ο ΠΟΥ https://health.rodos-island.gr/o-epikindynos-koronoios-mers-epanemfanistike-sti-saoudiki-aravia-anakoinose-o-pou-2/
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