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Nice to meet you ! by Regina Via Flickr: Here is one of several Arabian foals I met at Marbach. It's always a delight to see them but taking photos wasn't easy this time as they were on a pasture with very long grass in which the foals almost disappeared. :)
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Hiding behind mum by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt and his mum at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest and always stayed close by his mum's side.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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Another nosy foal by Regina Via Flickr: This is one of the Arabian foals at Marbach and I took this photo in early July. I love the curiosity of the foals. As soon as you sit down in the grass they come over to check what you are doing. Often the only chance to take a photo is a wide angle lens even if the result may be rather funny than beautiful. :)
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On the pasture of the Arabs by Regina Via Flickr: This is a view on the pasture of the Arabs at Marbach with a lovely filly in the foreground. In the background is their stable where they are at night or when the vet has to look after one of them. They aren't kept in horseboxes in that stable but can walk around freely and the foals can continue to play with each other even if they aren't outdoors. Again I was sitting on the ground when I took this photo and used a wide-angle lens as I was too close to the horses for the telezoom lens. I will bore you with more horse photos in the next days (or probably rather weeks). No need to comment if you are fed up with them, really. :)
#Fohlen#foals#Araber#Arab#Arabian#Pferd#horse#Araberfohlen#Araberpferd#Tier#animal#Weide#pasture#Wiese#meadow#Gras#grass#Marbach#Haupt- und Landgestüt
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Hiding behind mum by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt and his mum at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest and always stayed close by his mum's side.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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On the pasture by Regina Via Flickr:
#Araber#Araberfohlen#Araberpferd#Pferd#Fohlen#Arabian#horse#foal#Weide#pasture#Marbach#Haupt- und Landgestüt#Tier#animal
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Would you believe me if I tell you that I'm stuck ? by Regina Via Flickr: Of course the foal was NOT stuck. She was just curious, like foals often are, especially as I was eating an apple.
#Araber#Araberfohlen#Fohlen#Arab#Arabian foal#foal#Pferd#horse#Tier#animal#Weide#pasture#Gras#grass#Zaun#fence#neugierig#curious#Haupt- und Landgestüt#Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Gestüt#state stud
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Buttercup daydreams by Regina Via Flickr: It's not only the time of the foals at Marbach, it's also the time of the buttercups and both foals and buttercups make a lovely combination, especially when the foals lie down on the pasture dotted in yellow for a little nap.
#Araber#Araberfohlen#Araberpferd#Fohlen#Arabian#horse#foal#Pferd#Tier#animal#müde#tired#break#Pause#Gras#grass#Weide#pasture#Wiese#meadow#Butterblumen#buttercups#Marbach#Haupt- und Landgestüt
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Hiding behind mum by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt and his mum at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest and always stayed close by his mum's side.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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Are you friendly ? by Regina Via Flickr: Another photo of an Arabian foal (I have many). This one was shy when I arrived but after a while she decided that I was trustworthy. Once she trusted me she always tried to be nose to nose with me which made it kind of diffcult to take photos of her. :)
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Hiding behind mum by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt and his mum at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest and always stayed close by his mum's side.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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Hiding behind mum by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt and his mum at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest and always stayed close by his mum's side.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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Shaking by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest, still quite shy and I didn't see him play with the others.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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Shaking by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest, still quite shy and I didn't see him play with the others.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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How do you like my new hairdo ? by Regina Via Flickr: It was funny to watch this Arabian foal hide under her mother's tail occasionally. I think she did it to get rid of the flies which are still a nuisance at this time of year. Quite smart, in fact !
#Araber#Araberfohlen#Arab#Arabian#Fohlen#foal#Pferd#horse#versteckt sich#hiding#Tier#animal#Haupt- und Landgestüt#Marbach
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Hiding behind mum by Regina Via Flickr: An Arabian colt and his mum at the stud Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach, Baden-Wüerttemberg, Germany. At the time of my visit this foal seemed to be one of the youngest and always stayed close by his mum's side.
#Fohlen#Hengstfohlen#Pferd#Araber#Araberfohlen#horse#Arabian#foal#colt#Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach#Baden-Wuerttemberg#Germany#Deutschland#Tier#animal
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