#April: don’t send Eddie Munson’s husband death threats what’s wrong with you? send him glitter instead.
morganbritton132 · 1 year
Does Diane’s daughter finding out about the death threats change her views on Steve?
She is not going to stop being petty, okay?
Annoying her uptight neighbors is the only entertaining thing that she can do in the suburbs and if her mother is going to insist that she lives at home throughout college, this is the price they all have to pay. Sorry. She does not make the rules.
Though, April does feel bad for Steve because for as uptight and type-A as he is and as much as he got her in trouble that one time, he doesn’t deserve something like this. Like, yeah sure, does the guy deserve to be annoyed by her mother? Definitely. Does he deserve death threats? No.
She sees him sometimes in the morning when she has to working an opening shift at her job and he always looks stressed out nowadays. She’s pretty sure she witnessed him having an absence seizure once but by the time she went back inside to get her mom and Diane made herself presentable, he was already gone.
She felt kinda bad about not telling his husband about it.
April doesn’t actually have any intention of telling her mom about Eddie’s TikTok talking about the death threat letters because she knows the story of Diane’s sorority sister and doesn’t want to upset her. Then one day, her mom makes a comment about Steve needing to relax and April asks, “What does that mean?”
“Oh, goodness me, you did not hear it from me,” She says and leans in like she does when she’s gossiping. “Well, you know you can see straight into their house from the window upstairs? I was up there putting laundry away and I noticed that boy was in bed.”
“You can see into their bedroom?” She asked, mortified. Gross.
“And that husband, bless his heart, nowhere to be seen,” She continues. “I was walkin’ past their place the other day on my afternoon stroll and you could hear those two yellin’ at each other and then not an Eddie in that beddie since, sweetie. I think there’s trouble in paradise for those two.”
Diane stops and then says to herself, “I should make them a pie.”
“Don’t do that,” April says and then just tells her mom. She tells her about the death threats and how it’s pretty heavily implied that Eddie didn’t know about them for a while. “I don’t think a pie is going to fix it.”
It’s pretty obvious from the things Steve has said about her mother on Eddie’s TikToks that he thinks she’s ableist and he’s not wrong. Diane thinks before she speaks. She doesn’t mean anything by it but just because you’re not aware of the harmful connotations of your words, doesn’t mean that they’re not still hurting somebody.
April does think that Steve needs to talk to somebody and the lack of cars cluttering up their driveway and the arguing that you can sometimes hear from their house, it doesn’t seem like he is talking to anybody.
Diane’s not perfect but she has experience in how this type of thing effects you so April thinks that she might be able to do some good. She starts talking to her about what she says and how it might be interpreted, and she encourages her mother to put more effort into the neighborhood watch when she brings it up.
She thinks maybe both of them can find some comfort in it.
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