#Apple will launch first online store in India next week
sardaraamir · 1 year
Apple got rich in China. Other Asian markets offer the next ‘golden opportunity
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Hong KongCNN — 
Apple launched an online store in Vietnam this week, in another nod to the rising importance of emerging shops for the iPhone maker.
The opening on Thursday, which followed the high-profile launch of its first real shops in India, means trades in the fast-growing Southeast Asian low-cost will be able to buy any Apple product directly for the first time.
Markets like Vietnam, India and Indonesia are becoming more significant for Apple as its growth in developed markets, including China, slows down, prompting the company to focus on places where it’s usually been less active.
For decades, China was central to Apple’s extraordinary climb to become the most valuable company on Earth, portion as a backbone for both its invention and feeding. While the country remains key to Apple’s operations, the tech giant is now hedging its bets.
Vachira Vachira/NurPhoto/Getty Images
Apple (AAPL) CEO Tim Cook has pointed to the company’s prospects in emerging economies, calling them bright spots in the company’s financial results. On an earnings call this month, Cook said he was “particularly pleased” with the performance in these markets during the first three months of the year.
Apple “achieved all-time records in Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE, as well as a number of March quarter records, including in Brazil, Malaysia and India,” he told analysts.
That came as the California-based giant also reported its second straight drop in overall quarterly revenue, prompting concerns about a broader slowdown in demand amid economic uncertainty.
“Clearly, growth has slowed globally and thus put more pressure [on Apple] to aggressively go after emerging markets,” said Daniel Ives, managing director of Wedbush Securities.
A ‘mega-market’
Ives predicts that “over the coming years, Indonesia, Malaysia and India will comprise a bigger piece of the pie for Apple, given its efforts in these countries.”
The start of online sales in a country usually precedes the launch of brick-and-mortar stores for Apple, he told CNN. This was true of India, for instance, which got its first physical outlets last month and a pledge from Cook to further invest in the country.
Thursday’s launch showed how Apple was “further cementing” its presence in emerging markets, according to Chiew Le Xuan, a research analyst who covers smartphones in Southeast Asia for Canalys.
He said the tech giant had been “actively increasing” its presence in the region in recent months, ramping up its distribution and network of authorized resellers, especially in Malaysia.
Apple has ample room to run in these markets.
Currently, the company only operates its own stores in more developed regional economies, such as Thailand and Singapore, according to Canalys.
Even Indonesia, a vast archipelago that is the world’s sixth-biggest smartphone market, doesn’t have a physicalApple store yet, said Chiew. Apple’s market share there is tiny, at just 1% in 2022, according to Canalys data.
“We’re putting efforts in a number of these markets and really see, particularly given our low share and the dynamics of the demographics … a great opportunity for us,” Cooksaid during Apple’s results call.
Apple joins a growing list of global businesses that have become bullish on Southeast Asia, where more investment is being poured into manufacturing.
The region’s consumer base also holds promise, with the number of middle-income and affluent households in economies such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines projected to grow by around 5% annually through 2030, according to the Boston Consulting Group.
The consultancy has called this group of consumers “the next mega-market.”
The allure of Southeast Asia’s rising middle class “has changed the dynamic in these countries, which previously Apple stayed away from,” according to Ives.
“This is a golden opportunity for Apple,” he said.
Challenges remain
For years, premium brands like Apple have have struggled to compete in emerging markets because of the price of their products, choosing instead to rely on local resellers.
iPhones, which cost between $470 and $1,100, are expensive for consumers in less developed Southeast Asian economies, where the bulk of smartphone shipments are priced under $200, according to Chiew.
He said Apple’s absence from places like Cambodia or Vietnam was typically more apparent around the launch of a new iPhone, as buyers from those countries often flew to Singapore or Malaysia to purchase devices and take them back for resale.
A view of an Apple store at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore in 2020. Buyers from other Southeast Asian countries without their own Apple stores typically line up outside such outlets to buy devices for resale, according to an analyst.
Edgar Su/Reuters
This could change in the coming years, particularly as Apple continues to increase its firepower in the region.
Ives predicted that Apple could “further expand its ecosystem and tentacles to emerging markets using itsChina playbook,” meaning it could try to hook customers through “various pricing strategies and building out from there.”
Once those users have converted to Apple’s operating system, iOS, they tend to stick around and become loyal customers, he added.
This has “been the core part of its success in China that now can be replicated in India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, among others,” said Ives.
But Apple may face hurdles in Southeast Asia, where several countries have placed stringent requirements on foreign businesses, according to Chiew.
For example, at least 35% of the components of electronic goods sold in Indonesia must made locally, a threshold Apple has had to meet by working with partners, he added.Similar rules prevented Apple from setting up shop in India for years until the relaxation of regulations in 2019. And while consumers are becoming more affluent, the company’s price points are still considered high in many emerging markets, noted Ives. “Growth will be choppy we believe.”
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anewsbuddy · 1 year
Apple got rich in China. Other Asian markets offer the next 'golden opportunity' | CNN Business
Hong Kong CNN  —  Apple launched an online store in Vietnam this week, in another nod to the growing importance of emerging markets for the iPhone maker. The opening on Thursday, which followed the high-profile launch of its first physical shops in India, means consumers in the fast-growing Southeast Asian economy will be able to buy any Apple product directly for the first time. Markets like…
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kisansatta · 4 years
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भारत में अगले हफ्ते Apple लॉन्च करेगा पहला ऑनलाइन स्टोर
भारत चीन के विवाद के बीच Apple भारत में अपना पहला ऑनलाइन स्टोर 23 सितंबर को लॉन्च करने जा रहा है | इसकी जानकारी एप्पल के सीईओ टिम कुक ने ट्विटर पर दी है | iPhone निर्माता ने कहा कि देश के फेस्टिव सीजन से पहले इसकी शुरुआत करने जा रहे हैं क्योंकि फेस्टिव सीजन हर साल रिटेलर्स के लिए बिक्री के लिहाज से बेहतर मौका होता है | कंपनी अभी भारत में अपने प्रोडक्ट्स थर्ड पार्टी वेंडर्स और ई कॉमर्स साइट जैसे Amazon.com और Walmart के स्वामित्व वाली फ्लिपकार्ट के जरिए बेचती है | लेकिन इससे ग्राहक सीडी Apple स्टोर से ले सकते है और इसका फ़ायदा ले सकते है |
केन्द्र सरकार किसान विरोधी अध्यादेश वापस ले, नही तो आन्दोलन—पं0शेखर दीक्षित
बड़ा बाजार है भारत
स्मार्टफोन मेकर्स के लिए भारत एक बड़ा बाजार है | यहां करीब एक बिलियन से अधिक ग्राहक हैं, जिनमें से लगभग एक तिहाई बेसिक हैंडसेट पर निर्भर हैं | स्मार्टफोन मेकर्स के लिए यहां विकास की अच्छी संभावनाएं हैं | इसके अलावा यहां डिवाइस की मेकिंग के लिए सस्ती लेबर भी मिल जाती है | Apple दक्षिण भारतीय राज्यों में फॉक्सकॉन और विस्ट्रॉन के प्लांट्स में iPhone 11 सहित कुछ स्मार्टफोन को असेंबल करता है |
खुशभाबरी : जल्द खुलेंगी भर्तियां, सीएम योगी ने सभी विभागों से खाली पदों का मांगा ब्योरा
इन भाषाओं में है उपलब्ध …
अपने ऑनलाइन रिटेल प्लेटफॉर्म के माध्यम से एप्पल ने अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में ग्राहकों को सहायता देने की प्लानिंग की है, जबकि यूजर्स को अपने आईपैड, ऐप्पल पेंसिल और एयरपॉड्स को अंग्रेजी के साथ- साथ बंगाली और गुजराती सहित कुछ भारतीय भाषाओं में एन्ग्रेव करने की परमिशन देता है |
  https://kisansatta.com/apple-will-launch-first-online-store-in-india-next-week/ #Iphone, #Onlinestore, #Apple, #AppleWillLaunchFirstOnlineStoreInIndiaNextWeek, #India ]iphone, #onlinestore, apple, Apple will launch first online store in India next week, india TECHNOLOGY, Trending #TECHNOLOGY, #Trending KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
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newstfionline · 4 years
Monday, January 11, 2021
The workers hit hardest during Covid-19’s first wave are getting pummeled again (Yahoo Finance) Since the beginning of the pandemic, one group of workers has been hurt far more than others: those working in the service industries, specifically in leisure and hospitality jobs. And in December after some progress, that industry lost jobs once again. “The most recent surge in coronavirus cases is once again battering the US labor market,” Indeed’s economic research director Nick Bunker wrote in a note. “The economic fallout from this wave of cases is hitting the industries and workers pummeled hardest by the initial damage before they fully bounced back from that first hit.” The latest hit isn’t as bad as the spring, as vaccines are rolling out and certain measures are in place, but restaurants, bars, and other jobs that depend on people interacting still cannot do business in a pandemic environment.
Squelched by Twitter, Trump seeks new online megaphone (AP) One Twitter wag joked about lights flickering on and off at the White House being Donald Trump signaling to his followers in Morse code after Twitter and Facebook squelched the president for inciting rebellion. Though deprived of his big online megaphones, Trump does have alternative options of much smaller reach. The far right-friendly Parler may be the leading candidate, though Google and Apple have both removed it from their app stores and Amazon decided to boot it off its web hosting service. Trump may launch his own platform. But that won’t happen overnight, and free speech experts anticipate growing pressure on all social media platforms to curb incendiary speech as Americans take stock of Wednesday’s violent takeover of the U.S. Capitol. Facebook and Instagram have suspended Trump at least until Inauguration Day. Twitch and Snapchat also have disabled Trump’s accounts, while Shopify took down online stores affiliated with the president and Reddit removed a Trump subgroup. Twitter also banned Trump loyalists including former national security advisor Michael Flynn in a sweeping purge of accounts promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory and the Capitol insurrection. Some had hundreds of thousands of followers.
Navy’s Priciest Carrier Ever Struggles to Get Jets On, Off Deck (Bloomberg) Aircraft takeoff and landing systems on the USS Gerald R. Ford remain unreliable and break down too often more than three years after the $13.2 billion carrier was delivered, according to the Pentagon’s top tester. The latest assessment of the costliest warship ever built “remains consistent” with previous years, director of testing Robert Behler said in his new summary of the program obtained by Bloomberg News before its release in an annual report. The Ford’s new systems—which propel planes off the deck and into the sky and then snag them on landing—are crucial to justifying the expense of what’s now a four-vessel, $57 billion program intended to replace the current Nimitz class of aircraft carriers. The continuing reliability woes with the carrier systems built by General Atomics of San Diego are separate from another continuing challenge: the installation and certification of elevators needed to lift munitions from below deck. As of November, six of 11 “advanced weapons elevators” that should have been installed when the ship was delivered in May 2017 are now operational.
In Central America, tensions rise as soldiers aim to stop migrants (Reuters) Guatemalan and Honduran soldiers will be deployed to prevent new U.S.-bound migrant caravans from advancing, military officials said, amid growing desperation among those seeking to cross and signs that some groups will depart later this month. Two devastating hurricanes late last year along with severe economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic have pushed millions of people in the already-poor region closer to hunger, leading to a steady rise in U.S.-bound migration through Mexico. In online forums, many Honduras have indicated they plan to leave next weekend in a new caravan, which has caught the attention of U.S. officials who have called on the region’s governments to stop them. Many migrants in recent years have chosen to travel by caravan because being part of a large group offers protection from criminals who might prey on them, even though traveling alone is often faster.
Johnson under fire as UK again faces onslaught of COVID-19 (AP) The crisis facing Britain this winter is depressingly familiar: Stay-at-home orders and empty streets. Hospitals overflowing. A daily toll of many hundreds of coronavirus deaths. The U.K. is the epicenter of Europe’s COVID-19 outbreak once more, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative government is facing questions, and anger, as people demand to know how the country has ended up here—again. Many countries are enduring new waves of the virus, but Britain’s is among the worst, and it comes after a horrendous 2020. More than 3 million people in the U.K. have tested positive for the coronavirus and 81,000 have died—30,000 in just the last 30 days. The economy has shrunk by 8%, more than 800,000 jobs have been lost and hundreds of thousands more furloughed workers are in limbo. Even with the new lockdown, London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Friday that the situation in the capital was “critical,” with one in every 30 people infected. “The stark reality is that we will run out of beds for patients in the next couple of weeks unless the spread of the virus slows down drastically,” he said.
In the Cold and Rain, India’s Farmers Press Their Stand Against Modi (NYT) Under a rain-slick tarpaulin, half a dozen elderly women bake roti on a wood-fired griddle—flattening dough, flipping browned bread from dawn until the sun retreats into Delhi’s evening smoke. Anyone who walks in gets served rice and cooked vegetables and, to wash it down, a cumin-flavored yogurt drink. Across the road, Jagjeet Singh, a burly man with a large fanny pack and a light purple turban, churns a hefty pot of milk coffee from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. The scenes stretching for miles around the Indian capital don’t come from a fair. They make up one of the largest sustained protests the country has seen in decades, persisting through steady rains and dozens of deaths that farmers and the Indian media have attributed to the weather, illness or suicide. For six weeks now, tens of thousands of farmers have choked the city’s four main entry points. They are challenging Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has crushed all other opposition and stands as the country’s dominant political force, over his effort to reshape how farming in India has been done for decades. “They sold everything else. Only the farmers are left,” said 18-year old Ajay Veer Singh, who has been at the protest with his 67-year-old grandfather since it began in November. “Now they want to sell the farmers to their corporate friends too.”
China sees growing outbreak south of Beijing (AP) More than 360 people have tested positive in a growing coronavirus outbreak south of Beijing in neighboring Hebei province. The outbreak has raised particular concern because of Hebei’s proximity to the nation’s capital. Travel between the two has been restricted, with workers from Hebei having to show proof of employment in Beijing to enter the city. Almost all of the cases are in Shijuazhuang, the provincial capital, which is about 260 kilometers (160 miles) southwest of Beijing. A handful have also been found in Xingtai city, 110 kilometers (68 miles) farther south. Both cities have conducted mass testing of millions of residents, suspended public transportation and restricted residents to their communities or villages for one week.
Pompeo voids restrictions on diplomatic contacts with Taiwan (AP) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Saturday that the State Department is voiding longstanding restrictions on how U.S. diplomats and others have contact with their counterparts in Taiwan, another move that is expected to upset China as the Trump administration winds to an end. The Trump administration has sought to strengthen bilateral relations with Taiwan. It announced Thursday that U.N Ambassador Kelly Craft would go to Taiwan, a move that sparked sharp criticism from Beijing and a warning that the U.S. would pay a heavy price. In August, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar became the first Cabinet member to visit Taiwan since 2014. Pompeo said that the State Department has created complex restrictions when it comes to contacts between the two parties. He said those actions were taken to appease the Communist regime in Beijing. “No more,” Pompeo declared in a statement. “Today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions.” The Chinese government maintains that mainland China and Taiwan are parts of “one China.” China has been stepping up its threats to bring the self-governing island under its control by military force with frequent war games and aerial patrols. It has been using its diplomatic clout to stop Taiwan from joining any organizations that require statehood for membership.
Japanese pray for end to pandemic in annual ice bath ritual at Tokyo shrine (Reuters) Men wearing traditional loin clothes and women dressed in white robes clapped and chanted before going into an ice water bath during a Shinto ritual at a Tokyo shrine on Sunday to purify the soul and pray for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Only a dozen people took part in the annual event at Teppou-zu Inari Shrine, scaled down this year due to the health crisis, compared to over a hundred in early 2020. After doing warming-up exercises and chanting under a clear sky with outside temperatures at 5.1 degree Celsius (41.18 Fahrenheit), the nine male and three female participants went into a bath filled with cold water and large ice blocks. Fewer participants at the Shinto ritual made the water extra cold, participant Naoaki Yamaguchi told Reuters. “Normally we have more participants and it makes the water temperature a little bit warmer. But this year, there were just twelve people, so it (the cold) was crazy,” the 47-year-old said.
Indonesian divers find parts of plane wreckage in Java Sea (AP) Indonesian divers on Sunday located parts of the wreckage of a Boeing 737-500 at a depth of 23 meters (75 feet) in the Java Sea, a day after the aircraft with 62 people onboard crashed shortly after takeoff from Jakarta. Earlier, rescuers pulled out body parts, pieces of clothing and scraps of metal from the surface. It’s still unclear what caused the crash. There was no sign of survivors. Fishermen in the area between Lancang and Laki islands, part of an archipelago around Thousand Islands north of Jakarta’s coast, reported hearing an explosion around 2:30 p.m. Saturday.
At a Yemen hospital wracked by U.S. funding cuts, children are dying of hunger (Washington Post) Her infant son, weakened by hunger, needed a better-equipped hospital in the capital, Sanaa, roughly 30 miles away. But Hanan Saleh could no longer afford even the $30 taxi fare. Before, she depended on a Western aid organization, Save the Children, for funds, drawn from money donated by the United States, to cover the travel costs, said employees of the organization and hospital officials. But last year, the United States slashed its funding to United Nations groups and others such as Save the Children. So Saleh had to raise money to treat her son, Mohammed, in Sanaa until those funds ran out, too. Her last option was a small hospital in this northern Yemen market town, a 15-minute walk from their home. The staff tried to build up his skeletal, malnourished 9-month-old body. “He died two months ago,” Saleh recalled in November, breaking down in tears. Aid cuts by the Trump administration and other Western countries, intended to prevent Yemen’s Houthi rebels from diverting or blocking funds, are worsening the country’s humanitarian crisis, already considered the most severe in the world. Last year’s pledges totaling $1.61 billion were less than half of 2019’s funding, and hundreds of millions of dollars committed by donors have not yet been paid, according to the U.N.’s humanitarian office for Yemen. At least 15 of the U.N.’s 41 major programs have been scaled back or closed, and additional programs could shutter in the months to come, if more funds are not received, U.N. officials say.
The Tiny Satellites That Will Connect Cows, Cars and Shipping Containers to the Internet (WSJ) Scientists who track the health of Adélie penguins on the ice-covered wastes of Antarctica are managing their cameras from thousands of miles away—via tiny satellites orbiting above our heads. Energy companies are exploring using the same technology for monitoring hard-to-reach wind farms; logistics companies for tracking shipping containers; and agribusiness companies for minding cattle. It even helped National Geographic track a discarded plastic bottle from Bangladesh to the Indian Ocean. In the near future, it isn’t unreasonable to imagine this evolving satellite technology could put a distress beacon in every automobile, allow remote monitoring of wildlife in any environment on earth, and track your Amazon shipment—not just when it’s on a truck, but backward, all the way to the factory that produced it. And it could be done at a fraction of the cost of earlier satellite tracking systems. These novel networks of nanosats—aka cubesats—are a result of a number of factors. First, the satellites themselves are smaller, cheaper and more capable than ever. Just as important, there’s the rollout and adoption of new long-distance, low-power wireless communication standards that can work just as well in outer space as they do on the ground. In the next year, hundreds of satellites from more than a dozen companies are set to launch.
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stepphase · 4 years
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PS5 vs Xbox Series X: Which console should you buy?
We are getting new next-gen consoles this week, the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S, as well as a PlayStation 5
These consoles could not be more black and white. Literally, the PS5 is white and Xbox Series X is black.
They do also have completely different designs too, So the Xbox Series X has a more classic look with the box style design. Whereas PS5 is looking pretty more unique.
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PS5 (2nd. pos.) and PS5 Digital Edition (3rd. pos.) with all accessories
The PS5 is much taller than the Xbox Series X. PS5 also comes with a built-in stand, which either you can attach to the bottom or the side of the console.
PS5 also has an LED strip towards the top of the consoles, which will change their color depending on the stage, the console is in. It will give you an RGB gaming look, which mostly the gamers are big fans of.
And the Xbox Series on the other hand doesn't have any fancy when it comes to the design.
Now something you should know, there are 2 models of each of these consoles.
So the PS5 has the Regular PS5 and then the Digital PS5. Whereas the Xbox has the Xbox Series X and the Series S.
Now on the PS5 side, both model looks similar, the only difference is here Digital Edition PS5 doesn't have Blu-ray drive. So it has a more uniform design.
On the Xbox side, Series S is crazy small nearly 60% smaller than Series X. It is even smaller and thinner than the Xbox One X.
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Xbox Series X (left) in Black & Xbox Series S (right) in White
Controllers also could not be more black and white either. And PS5 controller is white and the Xbox controller is black.
The PS5 DualSense controller is now bigger and fatter then the PS4 controller.
The biggest difference between both controller are, the Joysticks are symmetrical on PS5 controller. Whereas Xbox controller are asymmetrical.
PS5 Controller
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It now features Advance Haptic Engine. According to this, you will able to feel the difference between certain surfaces in a game. Stuff like ice, mud, grass, and so on.
It has a built-in rechargeable battery.
It also has a TouchPad for interacting in some games using touch. You can also use UI as a mouse.
It has adaptive triggers, which can adjust pressure based on the games. So actually you will able to feel different guns in games actually firing differently.
It has a built-in microphone on top of the already built-in speakers. Meaning that you can use your TV speakers and still have a voice chat with your friends, without the need for headsets.
It has a headphone jack for connecting your headphones easily and also has a dedicated share button.
Xbox Controller
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The Xbox Controller will require separate batteries to work. You can however buy the Xbox play n charge kits but it cost an extra $25 with taxes.
It uses impulse triggers, which vibrate independently in the controllers to give you a better immersion.
It comes with Dynamic Latency Input. Microsoft claims it manages to reduce the latency of the controller which could result in comparative advantage over PS5 gamers in Online Games.
It also has a headphone jack for connecting your headphones easily and also has a dedicated share button.
However, the PS5 controller has way more features than the Xbox controller. And Xbox controller is an improved version of Xbox One.
Which of these consoles are more powerful? Well specifications wise these consoles are very similar
PS5 Specifications
Custom AMD CPU & GPU
8 Core AMD Zen 2 CPU
AMD RDNA 2 GPU with 36 Computes Unit @2.23Ghz
Variable 3.5Ghz Boost
RAW GPU Performance: 10.28 TFLOPS
Bandwidth: 16GB @ 448GB/s
Custom 825GB NVMe Storage with Speed upto 5.5GB/s
So, PS5 games will actually load faster and assets will load quicker as well.
Xbox Series X Specifications
Custom AMD CPU & GPU
8 Core AMD Zen 2 CPU
AMD RDNA 2 GPU with 52 Computes Unit @1.825Ghz
Constant 3.8Ghz Boost
RAW GPU Performance: 12.16 TFLOPS
Bandwidth: 10GB @ 560GB/s only for the first 10GB of memory and remaining 6GB @336GB/s of memory
Custom 1TB NVMe Storage with Speed up to 2.4GB/s
So, CPU alone the Xbox Series X is more powerful
Xbox Series S Specifications
8 Core AMD Zen 2 CPU
3.6Ghz Boost
GPU: 20 Computes Unit @1.56Ghz
RAW GPU Performance: 4 TFLOPS
512GB NVMe Storage with Speed up to 2.4GB/s
You can customize specs as per your requirement by burning your more extra bucks.
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It uses Liquid metal as thermal paste, It does not have a vapor chamber. But it does have a gigantic fan and massive heat sink, which according to SOny It can achieve the same performance as a vapor chamber.
Xbox Series X
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It uses a vapor chamber and active fan as well heat sink to keep the temperature down.
Xbox Series S
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It does not have a vapour chamber. But it does have a active fan and large vents.
Xbox Series
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Xbox Series UI looks similar to Xbox One X's UI
It's UI runs at 1080p even on the 4K TV or 8K TV
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PS5 UI is brand new.
It's UI runs at 4K and then upscales to 8K
Both feature a great style UI with a focus on not just the games. But also What your friends are doing, the latest news and activities rounding the games you are currently playing. And achievements and Trophies and with all that perfectly visible. But Both UI looks pretty good.
Moving on to Games, this is were it get's really interesting.
Xbox Series
On the new Xbox series, you can play from the current or previous generation and as well as next-gen games on last-gen. So, it's fully backward compatible.
Xbox exclusive games will be Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077, Halo, and much more. Flight Simulator 2020 will be a very big exclusive game on the Xbox.
Sony, on the other hand, was going to have actual PS5 exclusives and reason for this For example, If you developing a game for just one system, you can obviously optimize that game much better.
But still, most PS5 games will support PS4 including "Spider-Man - Miles Morale".
And the only big PS5 exclusive games were available at the moment is Ratchet & Clank Rift apart, Gran Turismo 7, Horizon Forbidden West, God of War: Ragnarok, and much more.
Majority of the games that will be available at the launch for both consoles and actually be playable on both.
Major exclusives launching in 2021 and 2022 like Horizon Forbidden West and God of War are on the Sony side. And Halo and Fable will be on the Xbox side franchise.
Which consoles will have a better looking games?
Xbox Series X
4K120 Capable (game dependent)
8K60 Support
120fps @4K
Xbox Series S
120fps Capable @1440p
4K120 Capable (game dependent)
8K60 Support
To play 4K120 Support games your TV should support HDMI 2.1.
Special Features
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Games Pass: It allows you to pay a monthly fee of $10 and get access to over 100 massive games. You can play those games on the PC too. And you can even play all of these games directly on your smartphone too with an Xbox controller.
3D Audio
Quick Resume: we can switch between multiple games
3 USB Type-A ports
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PlayStation Now: In this, you cant download all the games. You have to stream them which means the quality will not be as good. And new games won't be actually available as now. Until years after release.
PSVR headset support.
Quick resume
3D Audio
WiFi 6
USB Type-A ports and USB type C support on the front. And 2 USB Type-A ports on the back.
So, Games Pass is really superiors.
Backward Compatablity
So, all these consoles will able to play games from previous generation.
Xbox Series S
No Disk based games
Xbox 360 Game Support
Original Xbox Games Support (Select Titles)
PS5 Digital Edition
No Disk-based games
PS4 Games Support
External SSD/HDD for Previous Gen Games
Xbox Series S
Xbox Series S price will be $300. Which is actually less than Apple Watch SE
You can play the same games as Series X with Ray-Tracing Support, 120FPS, 3D Audio, Quick Resume, 1440p/1080p
Xbox Series X
Xbox Series X price will be $500
PS 5 Digital Editon
PS5 Digital Edition price will be $400
PS 5
PS5 price will be $500
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Apple announces to open first online store in India next week
Apple announces to open first online store in India next week
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Its renewed push into India comes as Asia’s third-largest economy has hit a record slump due to a months-long coronavirus lockdown. — AFP/Files
MUMBAI: Apple said Friday it will launch its first online store in India next week, in a bid to cash in on New Delhi’s festive season and grow its tiny share of the booming market.
The company is a small player in India, where sales of its…
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/week-in-tech-sep-21-27-2020-amazons-fall-hardware-event-apples-online-store-opens-in-india-and-more/
Week in Tech (Sep 21-27, 2020): Amazon’s fall hardware event, Apple’s online store opens in India and more
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Written by Anuj Bhatia | New Delhi | September 27, 2020 12:48:47 pm
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The Ring Always Home Cam is essentially a flying security camera drone. (Image credit: Amazon)
We have had a busy week with tech news coverage is concerned. This week, Amazon hogged the limelight by launching some unusual devices that were least expected from the e-commerce giant. Who could have thought that Amazon would launch a drone that flies around inside your house? It’s a crazy device that could change the way we see home security devices. If Amazon held its fall event this week, Samsung too launched the Galaxy S20 Fan Edition, the most affordable member in the premium S20 line. Meanwhile, Apple this week officially opened its online store in India. The online store offers Apple’s full range of products, as well as other services like trade-in and financing. These are the stories everyone in tech is talking about.
Amazon’s blockbuster fall hardware event
It was a big week for Amazon, as the e-commerce giant announced a ton of new hardware at its fall event. As expected, we saw updates to its line of Echo, Fire TV and Ring devices. Amazon announced a totally redesigned Echo speaker with a new spherical look for the first time. The company is also bringing the new spherical look to the smaller Echo Dot and Echo Dot with Clock. A new Echo Show was also introduced with a motorised base. But the most exciting announcement from Amazon’s annual fall event was not the new Echo speakers but a drone that flies around the home. It’s an autonomous camera that flies around a predestinated path, giving users’ an idea of whether their home is secure in their absence. The device is made by Amazon’s subsidiary, Ring. It is expected to cost $249.99 when it starts shipping next year. Besides new devices, Amazon also announced Luna, a cloud gaming platform similar to Microsoft xCloud and Google Stadia.
Samsung Galaxy S20 FE goes official
Samsung this week announced the Galaxy S20 FE (which stands for “fan edition”), the newest member in the Galaxy S20 lineup. However, unlike the Galaxy S20 or S20 Plus, the Galaxy S20 FE costs only $700. That price makes the S20 FE matches the likes of the iPhone 11 and OnePlus 8 Pro — two of the most popular premium smartphones in the market. Well, the Galaxy S20 FE is clearly aimed at those who expect a flagship device like the Galaxy S20 but lacks the budget to own one. The 6.5-inch Galaxy S20 FE does manage to pack in a lot of features that you will find in the S20 but with little compromises here and there to keep the cost down. That said, you still get a phone with a 120Hz screen, an IP68 rating, a large battery and multiple cameras on the back. Expect the Galaxy S20 FE to launch in India soon.
Apple’s online store opens in India
Apple now sells its popular products such as iPhones and iPads directly to consumers in India. Earlier this week, Apple launched its online store in India, one of the world’s biggest economies. You can purchase all of Apple’s newly launched products, including the Apple Watch Series 6, Apple Watch SE, and its new iPad. The online store also allows consumers to customize their own Macs online as well as giving them options to engrave their AirPods in seven Indian languages. Apple has big plans for the Indian market. The Tim Cook-led company plans to open its first physical store in India by early next year.
PlayStation 5 pre-orders continue to sell out
Sony’s latest next-generation console is so much in demand right now that the PS5’s pre-orders remains sold out at several retailers including Amazon in the US. Demand for the PlayStation 5 is off the charts, but pre-ordering the console hasn’t been a smooth ride for eager consumers. The PS5 will be released on November 12 in the US, Japan, Australia, South Korea, while the rest of the world will get the console on November 19. In the US, the PS5 will cost $499 with a disc drive, and $399 for the Digital Edition.
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The Trump administration moves forwards with plans to ban TikTok and WeChat (although TikTok gets a partial extension), Unity goes public and we announce the winner of this year’s Startup Battlefield. This is your Daily Crunch for September 18, 2020.
The big story: US TikTok ban is imminent
The U.S. Commerce Department has released details about how it will be implementing the Trump administration’s domestic ban of TikTok and WeChat. Both apps will no longer be available (and will not be able to distribute updates) in U.S. app stores starting this Sunday, September 20.
At the same time, TikTok will be able to continue operations in the country until November 12, leaving the door open for a deal with Oracle or another partner.
TikTok, WeChat and their users aren’t the only ones unhappy about this decision. Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri said a TikTok ban would be “bad for US tech companies which have benefited greatly from the ability to operate across borders,” while the ACLU said the order “violates the First Amendment rights of people in the United States.”
The tech giants
Salesforce announces 12,000 new jobs in the next year just weeks after laying off 1,000 — Salesforce CEO and co-founder Marc Benioff announced in a tweet that the company would be hiring 4,000 new employees in the next six months, and 12,000 in the next year.
It’s game on as Unity begins trading — Unity Software, which sells a game development toolkit primarily for mobile phone app developers, raised $1.3 billion in its initial public offering.
Apple will launch its online store in India on September 23 — Apple currently relies on third-party online and offline retailers to sell its products in India.
Startups, funding and venture capital
And the winner of Startup Battlefield at Disrupt 2020 is … Canix — After five days of fierce pitching in a wholly new virtual Startup Battlefield arena, we have a winner.
Amid layoffs and allegations of fraud, the FBI has arrested NS8’s CEO following its $100+ million summer financing — Adam Rogas, the co-founder and former executive at the Las Vegas-based fraud prevention company NS8 was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Outschool, newly profitable, raises a $45 million Series B for virtual small group classes — Outschool’s services, which range from engineering lessons through Lego challenges to Spanish teaching by Taylor Swift songs, are now high in demand.
Advice and analysis from Extra Crunch
Are high churn rates depressing earnings for app developers? — RevenueCat’s Jacob Eiting writes that for all the hype around Apple’s 85/15 split for subscription revenue, very few developers are going to see a meaningful increase.
The stages of traditional fundraising — What you think when you hear “seed funding” and “A rounds” might be different from what investors think.
3 VCs discuss the state of SaaS investing in 2020 — Commentary from Canaan’s Maha Ibrahim, Andreessen Horowitz’s David Ulevitch and Bessemer’s Mary D’Onofrio.
(Reminder: Extra Crunch is our subscription membership program, which aims to democratize information about startups. You can sign up here.)
Everything else
How the NSA is disrupting foreign hackers targeting COVID-19 vaccine research — “The threat landscape has changed,” the NSA’s director of cybersecurity Anne Neuberger said at Disrupt 2020.
NASA to test precision automated landing system designed for the moon and Mars on upcoming Blue Origin mission — The “Safe and Precise Landing – Integrated Capabilities Evolution” (SPLICE) system is made up of a number of lasers, an optical camera and a computer.
The Daily Crunch is TechCrunch’s roundup of our biggest and most important stories. If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox every day at around 3pm Pacific, you can subscribe here.
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timetecho · 4 years
Apple’s first online store in India launches next week : the company is opening a first party retail channel in the country - TIMETECHO
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macnews-org · 4 years
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Apple Store Online to launch in India next week Apple will launch the Apple Store online in India on September 23rd, offering Apple’s full range of products and support directly to customers across the country for the first time.
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biedexcom · 4 years
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Apple to launch first online store in India next week#stockmarkets#apple #business #corporate_news #financial_performance #general_news #india #launch #online #sales_figures #store #technology #week
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ajayuikey · 4 years
Apple will launch its online store in India next week – TechCrunch
Apple will launch its online store in India next week – TechCrunch
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Apple will launch its online store in India on September 23, bringing a range of services directly to customers in the world’s second largest smartphone market for the first time in over 20 years since it began operations in the country.
The company, which currently relies on third-party online and offline retailers to sell its products in India, said its online store will offer…
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canada4news · 4 years
Apple will launch its online store in India next week – TechCrunch
Apple will launch its online store in India next week – TechCrunch
[ad_1] 2020-09-18 04:34:14
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Apple will launch its online store in India on September 23, bringing a range of services directly to customers in the world’s second largest smartphone market for the first time in over 20 years since it began operations in the country.
The company, which currently relies on third-party online and offline retailers to sell its products in India, said its online…
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