#Apparently laughing gas makes me serious af
Finally got to the dentist and this was the Christmas tree decor
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By the way, got to have some teeth pulled over a few appointments in the next few months, and I'm just ouch right now, so heads up on low online activity for a bit.
Got a cute ice pack in the shape of a tooth from them, free chapstick and a $25 pizza voucher. Seriously, my teeth suck bad. The tiny blackened bit I thought was a small cavity on a stray tooth turned out to be a whole butt wisdom tooth underneath that was the size of my thumb knuckle with a deep root and rot underneath the gums, and had to be yoinked. I'm calling it "Iceberg". It's crazy to look at.
Will get back to silliness whenever possible, but teef for now
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
The Quidditch team (Chapter 38)
As soon as my body passed the door, I immediately stopped walking. I got so confused by who was standing a few feet away from me. “You’re here.” Camila jumped on me and hugged me as tight as she could. Her body touching mine was everything but unreal. It took me a second to process and I wasn’t even sure I hugged her back. She was wearing the same clothes as me, nothing she would usually wear, obviously. I looked around to see if someone else was here, but no, we were alone. “What are you doing here?” I quickly asked as she strangely smiled at me. “I just wanted to see how you were doing, baby.” Camila answered. “You know I don’t miss a week.” She placed her hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me, but I removed my head at the last second. I frowned at her words and looked around again. I took a few steps back. “Lauren, why are you being so weird? We talked about this.” Camila came closer to me. “We’re both here anyway, you know I couldn’t forget you.” I couldn’t stop staring at her. She seemed so real, but what was happening made no sense at all. “Get the fuck out of my head!” I angrily yelled as I turned around and started to walk in the direction I arrived. However, I stopped because the door wasn’t there anymore. I turned back around and Camila wasn’t either. “Miss Jauregui.” I heard a masculine voice. “Why do you have to make things more complicated than they should.” I was tired of looking around like an idiot and not finding anything. I didn’t have to, this time. An entire white wall became crystal clear, exactly like a window, and I wasn’t surprised to see the man behind all of this shit on the other side. “I said, get out of my head.” I clenched my fists and stared right at him. “You may proceed to your classifications now, miss Jauregui.” He ignored my words. “Even though I already know many things, it’s the usual procedure.” “You’re sick.” I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me. “Let’s start by an easy one for you, should we!” He smirked and turned around. I didn’t have the time to think about what he meant by that. Two guys came out from I don’t know where. I was seriously preparing myself for some physical actions, but they stayed a few feet away from me and slowly asked me to come with them. I followed, obviously. One leading the way and the other one behind me, we walked in a corridor that brought us outside. I was expecting rain and some heavy weather, but no. I was standing on a enormous Quidditch field. How was it even possible? I didn’t know. I wasn’t surprised by all the things this man could do. “The weather isn’t a problem here, as you can see!” Mikaelson made me jump as I realized he was standing next to me. “My people have been working pretty hard to make a realistic field like this one.” Listen, I’m not an agressive person. However, him standing so close to me made me angry. I didn’t really think and tried to jump on him, but I passed through him and ended up on the ground. “They also worked on great holograms!” The man laughed, looking at me quickly standing up on my feet. “What the hell do you want from me?” I asked before I realized that the two men leading me here were gone. “What you’re good at, miss Jauregui.” The man kept smirking. “Let me introduce you to the most talented Quidditch players of these days.” I heard the sound of a sealed door being opened. I turned around and saw a mix of six teenagers and young adults walking in line like soldiers. They all had broomsticks with them and jumped on them as soon as they could. “Six, miss Jauregui, I’m sure you know how many players we need to play!” Mikaelson said. “I’m not interested in having a place in your team, thanks for the offer though!” I said as I was looking at the others flying everywhere. “Do not play with my patience, young lady.” The man used a stronger voice. “You have three different broomsticks to your right, choose yours and join the others.” I tried to come up with a smart plan. From what I understood, I wasn’t really outside. Obviously, they weren’t going to put me outdoors before giving me a broom to fly away. I had no idea what do to. “What if I don’t care about your patience and your orders?” I looked at him, crossing my arms on my chest. The man shortly smiled at me. He took a few steps in my direction and put his hands behind his back. “You wouldn’t want your friends and family to be hurt, would you?” He whispered and I could hear the satisfaction in his voice. I stared at him with knifes in my eyes. I was armless and I wasn’t going to put the safety of the people I cared about in danger. He knew that. I clenched my fists before turning around to pick a broomstick. I didn’t even choose, I took the first one in front of me and turned back at him. “Keeper?” I slowly said. He nodded his head. “I heard you were one of the greatest.” He showed me all his teeth in a too perfect smile. Not wanting to hear him talk more, I quickly joined the others. They weren’t showing any signs of emotion. Nobody was laughing or even talking to each other. The six other players were extremely serious and that was quite intimidating. As soon as I got in front of the hoops, they all made a line and started to shoot. I figured that I needed to stop their attacks. However, this wasn’t what I had in mind. I stayed there at least fifteen minutes before we all heard Mikaelson’s voice coming out of some speakers. “I don’t think that you take me really seriously, miss Jauregui.” The voice said after everyone stopped what they were doing. “I know you’re way better than this. Stop these shots and show me what you can do.” “Why are you making me do this if you already know what I’m capable of?” I screamed to make sure he could hear me, but I didn’t get any answer. One of them surprised me by throwing a quaffle right next to my face. I had no choice, but to obey. —- Camila’s point of view “Listen, if we’re going to do this, we all need to keep our mouths shut.” Dinah said as Tristan, Aria and I were carefully listening to her. A night had passed since Tristan and Aria decided to help Dinah and I. We had many things to do today. First, Dinah and I needed to go talk to Normani. She was supposed to be our “contact” here if something goes wrong. We also wanted to know more about the explosive she gave Lauren. Then, Dinah needed to work on a portkey. “Are you sure you want to do this, Mila?” Dinah asked me. I simply nodded my head. This plan was the only one we had… Dinah was going to hand me over, literally. “Alright so, I enter with Mila and tell them that I’ve been working really hard to bring her here.” My friend continued. “They’ll be careful, but when they’ll see that Camila is in the building, they’ll trust me. I didn’t do anything wrong to them, I simply disappeared.” “You think they’ll trust you?” Aria asked. “Well, maybe, maybe not.” Dinah quickly said. “But the goal is to enter the building.” “Normani stays at the castle and Tristan and I wait, with the portkey, for you guys to come out. Is that right?” Aria asked. “I’ll rather come in with you.” Tristan mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. “I’ll be fine.” My friend took his hand in hers. “But if you’re not, one of us stays hidden in the woods and the other one leaves with the portkey to get the director.” Aria added. “Right?” Tristan sighed and I noticed Dinah squeezing his hand before looking at me. “The plant that you’ll take before we go in is going to prevent them to play with your head for a few hours.” Dinah said. “I think we can get some at the greenhouse, but I still want to make sure it’s the right thing. I’ll ask Mani.” Dinah assured me that, everytime that someone who was interesting to Mr. Mikaelson was entering that building, the person in charge was supposed to place them in some sort of machine. They were apparently playing in people’s head and creating different situations. She told me that Lauren had to do this when she first arrived. Anyway, Dinah told me that letting me go in there was going to prove that they could trust her. The thing is, me going there was supposed to be a choice. Dinah convinced me that I was interested in what they were doing there. That was the idea. The plant that Normani will give me was supposed to prevent the weird gas to have an effect on my mind. They’ll notice it and bring me somewhere else, B7 or something like that. Dinah was supposed to wait for me in that room and knock out whoever I’ll be with. Alright, i’ll give it to you, maybe this wasn’t the best plan ever, but we all agreed to it and Dinah seemed to know what she was talking about. “During dinner, to make sure to avoid someone that might be too curious about us leaving.” Tristan said. “Exactly.” Dinah confirmed. “We still have a few hours. I’ll talk to Normani.” “I’ll come with you.” Tristan said. They both left and I ended up alone with Aria. I stoop up to go I didn’t know where, but she talked before I got the chance to escape. “You really are in love with her.” She said. I turned my head in her direction and raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me?” I responded, a bit annoyed. “No, I mean…” She tried to complete. “Nothing.” I knew that Aria wasn’t a threat to me, but I had to deal with self esteem problems in my childhood and I was never really confident. I was always scared to lose what I had with other people. I worked on it, a lot, to be able to accept the fact that I deserved great and amazing things. Lauren was my great and amazing thing. “I know we talked about it.” I slowly started to say. “I also know that I don’t have to bring this up again, but I want to.” “Yeah?” The blonde-haired girl said. “Stay away from my woman.” I smirked. This was my way to show Aria that I wasn’t really mad at her, after all. She always wanted Lauren to be happy and I was glad she realized that she was happy with me. “Sure thing, Cabello.” Aria giggled. “I’ll even help you get your woman back.” She winked at me. “Hoping that she’ll still want me after what happened.” My smile slowly disappeared as I started to think about how Lauren and I left things. “You don’t even have to worry about this.” The girl tried to reassure me. “She was yours way before you knew she actually was.” —- Lauren’s point of view Quidditch wasn’t too bad nor difficult to me. I thought that I was done, but right when they ordered me to come back down, they led me to a small room to, apparently, ask me a few questions. “Miss Jauregui, tell me about your school, about your house over there and the people you’re with.” The woman who was sitting on the other side of the table asked. “I don’t understand your question.” I said, traveling my eyes on the wall behind her. Somebody else was definitely looking at us. The woman didn’t seem to be offended by my words, she simply brought her hands together and gave me a smile. “Hogwarts, that’s where you are studying, am I right?” She kept going with her questions. I hated this situation, I hated the clothes I was wearing, I hated this man, I hated everything. I was really annoyed. “Indeed.” I said with a strong yet calm tone. “Ravenclaw, as I can see.” She added, looking at the sheets in front of her. “You did your homework.” I winked at her, still glaring at the wall behind. To be honest, I was trying to chill, but I was definitely freaking out inside. She didn’t talk for a few seconds and what I thought was going to happen happened. “Let me make a deal with you, Miss Jauregui.” I heard Mr. Mikaelson’s voice coming out of speakers. “Since violence isn’t what we want here, I have something else that might help you understand our questions. Cooperate with us and I’ll let you have dinner with your loved ones.” I didn’t get that part. They didn’t like violence, but they basically kidnapped people without giving them a choice. How is that not violent? “What do you think?” The man’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. “What’s your next question.” I said more as an order than as a question. The woman searched once again in her papers. “What can you tell me about Camila Cabello.” She raised her eyes from her sheet and took her pen. “Hell no” were the only two words I wanted to say, but I stopped myself before saying them. I didn’t want to waste my chances to see my dad or anyone. What could they possibly know about Camila and I, anyway? I didn’t have to talk about many things, I simply needed to avoid lies. “Mhm.” I started. “I was sharing my room with her at Hogwarts, but not anymore because she went to another school.” I took my time to formulate my sentence. “You girls are close?” The woman asked again. “We were playing in the same Quidditch team, we had many commun classes, we had the same friends and we shared a room. Of course, we were spending a lot of time together.” I briefly answered. I couldn’t help myself. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, I was always worrying about Camila. I was the one stuck here, but my mind was giving all its attention to my dad, my friends and my girlfriend. Well, I didn’t know if I still had the privilege to call her my girlfriend because of what happened between us before I left. One thing I was sure of is that my love for her could never die. The love that I had for her and also for my family and my friends was the reason why I kept fighting everyday. I answered questions another ten to twelve minutes. When I was done, I knew that dinner time was coming and I was waiting to see if Mr. Mikaelson was going to keep his word. A door opened and two guys, the same as earlier, came in. “Would you please bring Miss Jauregui to her room.” The lady softly said. “Wait.” I quickly said when she stood up from her place and started to walk towards the door. “We had a deal.” “This way, please.” One of the guys said, placing his hand on my shoulder to show me the way and to make sure I was starting to walk. “We had a…” I started to say. “A deal.” The woman completed for me. “Indeed.” These were the last words I heard from her before my two personal bodyguards started to get impatient. They were slightly pushing me and I had no choice, but to exit the room. “Don’t fucking touch me.” I groaned to one of them as he wouldn’t remove his hand from my shoulder. Nobody answered me. They just showed me the way to the same room I woke up in, the white room. When they opened the door, I was surprised to see that Mr. Mikaelson was waiting for me inside. Actually, he kind of scared me, so I stopped walking, but he shortly smiled at me and I kept walking towards him. “I have one word, Miss Jauregui, you’ll be able to see that soon enough!” The man said as I kept a good distance between us. “We usually do not let our guests eat together when they arrive, but we reunited your father and Mr. Helbert so you can, like I promised, have dinner with them.” He continued. The fact that he named “guests” the people who had basically no choice to come here made me frown. The funny thing, if I can use this word, is that he really believed everything he was saying. “What about my friends?” I asked. The man started to walk towards the door where the two guys who brought me here were waiting for us. “We had small problems with these two.” Mikaelson answered without looking at me. “They won’t be able to come, sadly.” Of course Davina and Elizabeth weren’t so obedient. I was hoping to get the chance to talk to them and to make sure they were okay. “Where are they?” I tried to ask another question. The man walked out and turned around to face me with a small smile on his face. “You ask many questions, Miss Jauregui.” He said. “You have fresh clothes on your bed, change. Riley and Erick will take you to a special room we prepared for you three.” He ordered before closing the door. Indeed, the same boring white clothes were folded on my bed. To be honest, I didn’t give a crap about what I looked like. I didn’t want to look good, I wanted to see my dad and talk to him. I changed as fast as I could and knocked on the door when I was done. —- Normani’s point of view “Guys, who thought about that? This is suicide and I’m not even exaggerating.” I said to Tristan and Dinah. They came to see me as I was writing an important paper for one of my classes. They said it was important and that they needed to talk to me somewhere private. We went to an empty classroom. “Well give me another great idea!” Dinah answered. She sounded desperate. “You agreed to that?!” I looked at Tristan who was strangely quiet. “Mani, Lauren needs your help.” Dinah quickly said before Tristan could talk. “We all need your help.” “Come on, look at Mila.” I said, sitting on a table. “You want to bring her inside of this building? This is insane!” “The director doesn’t know much about this building, Lauren’s mother either!” Dinah started to walk towards me. “I do! I can make a portkey, I can do something to help Lauren.” “Dinah…” Tristan started to say. “No, I won’t sit there and wait until she comes back.” My friend firmly said. “I couldn’t live with myself if she doesn’t.” Neither of us talked for a few seconds. Dinah was upset, I understood that, but, as a student, I was only supposed to worry about my upcoming exams, not about saving my friends. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to help, but their plan was way too risky and improvised. “I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that.” I finally said. Dinah sighed and shook her head. Then, she looked at Tristan and started to approach the door. “I understand.” She simply said. She was about to leave and my brain started to work really fast. What was I getting myself into… “Wait.” I quickly said. “Dinah, wait.” I repeated. My friend stopped in her tracks and turned around to face me. “Alright.” I mumbled, placing a hand behind my neck. “Tell me what I can do.” We talked a lot. Dinah was way more, how can I say, expressive than Tristan, which wasn’t unusual. She asked me about a certain plant. The fact that I always loved potions doesn’t mean I know everything about plants and the reactions they might create. However, I knew that the one Dinah was talking about had an important impact on the brain. Before, specialists were using it on people who had really bad nightmares. However, I came across a book about that and it was written that they needed to stop because some patients were having some side effects. “What do you mean?” Tristan asked after I explained them what I knew. “Well, they noticed some memory loss among the people who were taking the plant.” I answered. Dinah was frowning, I knew her questions were coming. “Is it because they took it for a long period of time?” She asked. “Mila only needs to take it once, it shouldn’t affect her, right?” “Well…” I started to say, trying to remember everything. “It’s not about how much you consume, it’s mostly about how the brain reacts.” “Great.” Tristan sarcastically said. “If Mila doesn’t take a huge dose, I don’t think it’s going to apply to her.” I added. “Why on earth is this in our greenhouse?!” Tristan said. “You can heal physical injuries with it as well.” I shortly smiled. Dinah was strangely quiet. I turned in her direction and looked at her. “Mila needs to be okay with this…” My friend mumbled when she realized that Tristan and I were staring at her. “I’ll go talk to her.” Tristan said. “Maybe you can go get the plant and make the portkey?” I was pretty sure Tristan knew that Camila was going to be okay with it because she wants to do something to help. He also probably knew that this wasn’t reassuring Dinah. Letting her in was one thing, having the chance to fuck up her brain was another. “Yeah, let’s do that.” Dinah mumbled. “Thanks, Mani, for the informations about the explosive and the plant. Meet us at the classroom near the library at dinner and we’ll see what we do.” “Let me come with you. I’d like some company.” I smiled at my friend who briefly smiled back at me. Tristan headed back to the Ravenclaw dorm and Dinah and I went to the greenhouse. I explained her what the plant looked like, but I wanted to be sure she’ll pick the right one. Also, I didn’t really need company, but my friend did and I wasn’t going to let her go alone. Dinah doesn’t usually show her emotions, but I didn’t have to be psychic to know that she was worrying for pretty much everyone at this point. “You talked to Ally?” I broke the silence as we were walking side by side. “She’ll kill every single one of us if she knows what we’re up to.” Dinah answered. “That’s what I thought…” I mumbled. “She’s freaking out for her exams anyway and she’s only getting out of her room to go to classes and to eat.” “I don’t like to keep things for her, but she needs to think about her and smash her exams.” Dinah added as we finally reach the greenhouse. We both entered and, since I wasn’t exactly sure where was the plant we needed, I started to look everywhere. “Mani?” Dinah slowly said behind my back. “Mhm?” I mumbled, walking near the windows. “I’m not angry at you because you created a explosive for them, you know.” My friend started to say. “I just… I was scared for Lauren and I know it sounded like I was accusing you.” I turned around with a big smile on my face. “I know, don’t worry about it.” I said. I was meaning it, I knew Dinah enough to know it wasn’t against me. However, Dinah kept looking at her feet. I had to give her a hug. “Come here.” I opened my arms and started to walk towards her. “We can do this.” Dinah mumbled as she hugged me back tightly and let her head lay on my shoulder. “Of course we can.” I said. “I believe in happy endings.” —-
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