#Apologies for the delay on this one
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saints-who-never-existed · 2 months ago
Tozer for the character sending ask game
I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to answer this one sooner, especially as I've been so looking forward to doing so!
First Impression Enamoured by his sheer physical presence, fantastic accent, and clear claim to the title of Chief Moany Bastard in Residence.
It's always amusing to me to see Tozer call Hickey out for grousing when he himself does nothing throughout that first episode especially but complain and ostensibly not give a shit about anything.
Impression Now Well, he gives SO MANY SHITS ABOUT ALL THE THINGS, I'll tell you that much! And there are just so many aspects of him that I find endlessly intriguing.
I think he's far cleverer than he's often given credit for being, for one thing, especially in terms of emotional intelligence. And I'm fascinated by the way he doesn't actually rely on his physical presence (or his weapon, for that matter) even though he quite easily could. Tozer is far more likely to try to solve a problem with words than with brute force.
I want to rant more soon about the philosophical sort of thread running all through Tozer's storyline too. The question of whether a man has a soul and if so, what that truly means. There's Heather, who only dies long after his soul has been consumed, and Collins, for whom the death of body and soul happens simultaneously. And finally Morfin, very much still in possession of his soul but who begs for death anyway as his body and mind give out first instead. And there's Tozer, intimately connected to all three.
I think there's something more there about that being a source of real fear for Tozer as well - some of the only times we see him explicitly afraid are when he's confronted with such things. Even facing down Tuunbaq I don't know that he feels that much fear, even if only because he's too focused on action and survival. The loss of soul and of humanity in general though seems a more visceral trigger for him.
Favorite Moment I have to go for the entirety of the final Tuunbaq showdown, I think. There's just so much to rant about in his every action in that scene.
I love the sheer physicality of it all - pacing frenetically like a literal caged animal. It's one of the only times he properly throws his weight around and it makes me feel some kind of way that it only happens once he's already in chains. There's a fun little detail I only just this second noticed - that his yanking on the chain nearly pulls Hodgson and Golding's arms from their sockets at the other end of it - and another fascinating moment right afterwards where everyone else stares around in bewilderment but Tozer is the only one looking up in fury at Hickey himself.
Then there's the moment when Tuunbaq's almost upon them, that switch flips for Tozer (interestingly, right after Hickey makes mention of men with their souls 'et out') and he's in full Marine-mode. The absolute laser focus! That clear commanding voice and the fact that it's obeyed immediately! The fact that it's Armitage that he chooses to single out and demand the gun from! Every bit of it is exquisite! I'm always put in mind of that quote about ruthlessness - about how it's not about being mean but about being able to see a bright clear line between A and B and caring about nothing else but following that line. That's Tozer in that scene for me - ruthless in the best and most fascinating sort of way.
And finally, the gut-punching pièce de résistance - that split-second pause before he marches off to meet his doom, no chance, no choice, and a gun in his hand. A soldier to the last. :'(
Idea for a Story I've been working on a short piece for a while now - just a single scene really - that continues on Tozer and Little's E08 confrontation. Tozer's protective nature sort of just takes over and he feels he can't in all good conscience leave Little, noggin-bonked and vulnerable, in the midst of the chaos. Haven't decided yet whether it'll just be one weirdly intimate wee encounter of Tozer staying long enough to offer his protection or whether it'll go further than that...?
Unpopular Opinion I don't particularly care for Tozer/Armitage?
I like what the actors did with it - purposefully being near one another in scenes and putting in lots of lovely nuance etc. Nevertheless, it's like the opposite of the Benoit Blanc meme for me -
"Makes damn sense. Doesn't compel me, though"
Favorite Relationship Slightly out of left field perhaps but I'm actually going to go for Tozer's relationship with Private Heather.
The effect Heather's injury and eventual death has on Tozer and the way he interacts with the world around him simply cannot be overstated. This wonderful post sums up the importance of that relationship far better than I can and guts me every time with its final line referencing the infamous pudding vs. cathedral debate:
"It is his job to protect these people, putting his own men at risk on their behalf, and they crush the most vulnerable of his men, the one I’d bet meant the most to him, without even noticing... ...Tozer loved Heather. Private Heather was a force for good in Tozer’s life. Had he lived, or maybe if he’d even been granted a kinder, less pointless death, things might have turned out differently for everyone. If we can judge people at all based on how they affected those around them, I’m willing to bet that Private Heather was a cathedral."
Favorite Headcanon I like the idea of Tozer having grown up as a shrimpy lil guy - the runt of the schoolyard - and only taking a growth spurt later in life.
I think that's a really fun and neat explanation for why he solves most of his problems with words and not brute force for one thing. One could also argue it as an explanation for the chip he has on his shoulder generally speaking and why he's caring/protective toward others - he knows too well what it's like to feel small and powerless.
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sharpace · 1 month ago
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136. No Shave Challenge
I had to do one post season 2.
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
*gives CJ a bunch of flowershape stickers*
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nyxofdemons · 8 months ago
the last SEVERAL sarcastic chorus videos im just gripping my hair with increasing intensity yelling MAN I TRUSTED YOU
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aquacomet · 4 months ago
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Surprise @pointyfruit! I'm your secret skeleton! 🎃🦴
On a long and spooky night, two particularly oddly familiar skeletons can be seen visiting a very large collection of pumpkins, what silly shenanigans will they cause there?
🦴Close-ups below!🎃
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dataglitch · 4 months ago
do you have any drawing tips on transformers? you draw them so good sksjdksks
Hey there! I've posted mostly coloring tutorials, but actual TF drawing guides will be done a little later:'D Just need some time to get back into working on the full guide, but hopefully it'll be comprehensive enough!
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livwritesstuff · 1 month ago
I had an idea that maybe the girls plan a trip for Ed and Steve for one if their big anniversaries. They go all out to make it the most corny and romantic thing ever and I think its just a cute idea tbh.. let me know what you think
Love your work!!
i LOVE this idea. i def think that as the girls get older (in the early twenties at least) and start seeing more of the world, they gain an even deeper appreciation for how amazing their dads are, and start wanting to figure out ways to express that to them.
They probably pick a milestone anniversary -- 25 years maybe -- and get to planning (with Robin and Nancy's help, most likely).
also -- semi-unrelated, but I definitely think that the girls eventually corner steve and eddie like *enough is enough you're having a real wedding*
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harriertail · 22 hours ago
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COVER ZINE UPDATE I want to apologise for delays in the shipping of the cover zine. I want each cover to come out perfectly so some tweaks have to be made this week and next before the final print run - i will send out updated delivery times shortly via etsy to those who will be delayed. Please also note etsy does not provide accurate royal mail international times on their side (they say 3-7 days its roughly 7-14). If there are any issues (address changes, etc) please contact me via etsy or shopify. As a further show of appreciation for everyones patience while finalising the zine, I am including an extra free print of the new Hidden Moon cover to round out the covers : )
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onlymagpie · 4 months ago
OMG I LOVE the way you draw Xavier!!! Can i request more? Love ur art !!!!!!
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Thank you! Please accept this mini Xav (sitting in the mess tent) (plotting)
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that-one-raccoon · 1 year ago
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Vampire! Varian as requested by @varian4567
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byierficrecs · 1 year ago
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❝ thought i knew you for a minute ❞ author: @moonlightmiwi
link: archiveofourown.org/works/43694800
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pokimoko · 11 months ago
Hi, I've seen your art with the LGBTQIA+ animals, and I wanted to ask if you could do a pansexual otter ? I'm pansexual and I love otters.
Thank you, and kisses from France!
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Thank you for the kisses, dear anon. Here is a little otter just for you 🩷💛💙
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prima-after-dawn · 1 month ago
question how would you feel if I orchestrated a nice picnic outside of iacon under a wonderful star light sky, have some energon tea with some goodies as we talk about future plans about conquering the stars?
I would make love to you under those stars.
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I said I was going to write a proper post analyisng the different Legatos but the brain squiggles won't leave me alone for long enough to do it so I am going to make a silly post about it instead.
*Disclaimer: I made this while extremely sleep deprived so if some things feel wildly inaccurate that's because I did not use my brain at any point while making this.
**Apologies for how this looks, graphic design is unfortunately not my passion
First up is '98 anime Legato
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I'm convinced the reason he only took big Ws in this anime is because Knives paid attention to him
He has a plant arm attached to him and knows enough about Rem to accurately insult her ideals in front of Vash
I'm just saying this is the most well adjusted Legato
This boy is so enriched I mean look how happy he is most of the time he's on screen committing his crimes
Living his best life and went out the exact way he wanted 10/10
Next is Trimax Legato
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We could have had it aaaaalllllllll
That lack of acknowledgement from Knives really did a number on our boy
I'm just saying if Knives had like 10% higher emotional intelligence the manga would have gone very differently ok
Legato still caused problems and committed so many crimes
He managed to force Vash into killing him and I'll call that a win so 10/10
Lastly is Tristamp Legato
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I'm sorry but that's a baby
He has basically no screen time in S1 so we just don't know a lot about his *waves hand* everything
He seems to be more into... proselytizing(?) here than straight up ending humanity? Maybe???
He does manage to torment Vash through bullying Wolfwood so I tentatively put in that check mark
Same with the freakishness, I feel like there was a least a hint of it
Someone please give him a hot dog he's so skinny he's not going to survive the winter
Overall we're going to have to wait and see what they're cooking with this boy so ??/10
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aquacomet · 2 years ago
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Happy surprise (belated) Birthday @bamsara!
Thank you for all the work you put into making DCA art and fics and for sharing them! Solar Lunacy has been a blast to follow over the last year and a bit, I'm looking forward to what comes up next!
(Hope you don't mind the lil' cameos I snuck in there hehe.)
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dickensdaily · 2 months ago
Choosing Our Next Novel
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People of tumblr! I may also send out an email about this, but I just want to gauge initial thoughts for our next novel. The below is every work that would start in April or earlier. It’s probably too short notice to start Martin Chuzzlewit, but there are several other options.
Jan 2025 - July 2026 (1 year and a half) - Martin Chuzzlewit Mar 2025 - Sep 2026 (1 year and a half) - Nicholas Nickleby Mar 2025 - Sep 2026 (1 year and a half) - Bleak House Apr 2025 - Nov 2026 (1 year and a half) - The Pickwick Papers Apr 2025 - Feb 2026 (11 months) - The Old Curiosity Shop Apr 2025 - Aug 2025 (5 months) - Hard Times Apr 2025 - Nov 2025 (8 months) - A Tale of Two Cities Apr 2025 - Sep 2025 (6 months, but unfinished) - Edwin Drood
When I’ve run polls in the past, all the most successful options have been books that run for under a year. The only Dickens novels left that were serialised over the course of less than a year are the bolded ones above. Not including the unfinished The Mystery of Edwin Drood, there is a way to plan well in advance to minimise gaps and favour shorter-running works (so we read The Old Curiosity Shop Apr 2025 - Feb 2026, then A Tale of Two Cities Apr 2026 - Nov 2026, then Hard Times Apr 2027 - Aug 2027).
Does this appeal to people as an option? Or does such far-advanced planning seem overkill? And would it be better to keep some of the shorter ones for further down the line? Should we have another vote to allow for the possibility of a longer work winning this time? Help me make up my mind about this!
Thank you in advance for voting or letting me know your thoughts, and thank you to everyone who has joined in so far with Great Expectations and Barnaby Rudge!
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