jupiterswasphouse · 1 year
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[PHOTOS TAKEN: JULY 7TH, 2023 | Image IDs: Four photos of a tiny black wasp with mostly transparent wings (likely subfamily Aphidiinae or Eucoilinae) on a white woven tarp /End IDs.]
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mbimphblog · 3 years
An comprehensive field survey was conducted in different vegetable ecosystems of the Kashmir Valley from 2014 to 2019 to investigate aphid pests and their naturally occurring bio-control agents (parasitoids and predators). A thorough literature review of aphids identified from the Jammu and Kashmir area was also conducted. As a result of these studies, it was determined that in Jammu and Kashmir, 18 species of aphids belonging to 12 genera infest 26 species and 30 varieties of vegetable crops (J&K). Aphis craccivora Koch, Aphis fabae solanella Theobald, Aphis gossypii Glover, Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus), and Myzus persicae are the most common aphid species that infest a wide range of vegetable plant species (Sulzer). It was also discovered that at least 29 insect predators and 17 parasitoids exist naturally in J&K's vegetable ecosystems to eradicate these aphid species. Adalia tetraspilota (Hope), Coccinella septempunctata L., Cheilomenes sexmaculatus Fabricius, and Hippodamia variegata are some of the most common natural enemies (Goe.), Aphidius matricariae Haliday, Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh), Chrysoperla zastrowi Sillemi (Esben-Petersen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae); Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer, Melanostoma univitatum (Wiedemann), Sphaerophoria scripta (Linnae (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). In conclusion, this study provides a detailed account of aphids and their natural enemies in relation to vegetable crops in the J&K area. This work will be useful in studies involving the development of strategies for an Integrated Aphid Control Program, especially through the use of natural bio-control agents. Please see the link :- https://mbimph.com/index.php/UPJOZ/article/view/1855
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maggotsandcream · 4 years
Did it ever occur to the person who named the subfamily Aphidiinae that maybe they should have named their group of wasps something else so that they wouldn't get confused with the family Aphididae and subfamily Aphidinae? And how because they're parasites of aphids all those names are going to show up in the same papers together a lot?
"Oh sure, I'll name them Aphidiinae since they are parasitoids of aphids!" Sure, there's some logic there, but it does not outweigh the confusion it brings.
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victorfursov · 7 years
Наездники-Афидиины (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): Институт Защит...
VIDEO LINK:    https://youtu.be/plkPnrrK4Sk  = Наездники-Афидиины (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): Институт Защиты Растений, Киев = = ДОКЛАД на Энтомологических Чтениях, Институт защиты растений, Киев, Украина =  ДОКЛАДЫВАЕТ: Калюжная М.А. (докладывает) (Институт зоологии НАНУ, Киев)  = =  ТЕМА ДОКЛАДА: Строение передне- и среднегруди наездников-афидиин (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) - новые признаки и возможности их практического использования. = = ДОКЛАД на Энтомологических Чтениях, Институт защиты растений, Киев, Украина =  = = Всеукраинская научно-практическая конференция посвященная 105-летию со дня рождения выдающихся ученых энтомологов - академика НАН Украины Вадима Петровича Васильева и профессора Николая Платоновича Дядечко (19-21 декабря 2017 года). Ентомологічні читання пам'яті видатних вчених ентомологів В.П.Васільева і М.П.Дядечко. = = Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція присвячена 105-річчю від дня народження видатних вчених ентомологів - академіка НАН України Вадима Петровича Васильєва і професора Миколи Платоновича Дядечко (19-21 грудня 2017 року).
Uploaded:   19.12.2017, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. Загружено on-line: 19.12.42017,  Киев, столица Украины
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