#AoA Piotr is crazy
kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Swan au (spring ball)
N/A: The ball we all wait and need. Piotr here is based on the AoA´s version. Kitty, here, is not a sociopath nor a born, sexy and yesterday, she´s a mix of human and magical animal...understand some things, she cares for others and some she just doesn´t care. Does evil Wizard Kurt want to destroy this kingdom? Sure. It won´t cross with her interested. Speaking like that Kitty could be morally grey to evil here.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld  
Kitty´s dress
Spring arrives and flowers are blooming making the land flourish and reborn. Of course, Spring is also the fertility season, for some, and to others love. The king of Xarxon is ready to marry. Not for a romantic reason as the others believe.
Xarxon is facing a financial and economic crisis and the great 7 kingdoms aren´t not so keen to lead more money to this country, their states and cities are bankrupted. And Piotr Rasputin is not a man people would trust to use the money wisely or trust with anything.
His advisers craft a ball, with magic and sweet words to the right people, to the last minute. The people of Xarxon is not thrilled by this news, much less the fact they aren´t invited to the ball.
And this is hardly something to shock anyone. Monarch being incompetent are a thing too and their end is predictable, however, one Necromancer thinks that Xarxon could use a new direction. ____________________________ "Remember, what we talk?" Kurt asked once Kitty finally put the fancy dress. The dress used to belong to one of the members of his cult, a woman that thought she could manipulate him with sex. She was wrong, however, the dress fits Kitty nicely.
"Yes, yes, be a beautiful swan!" Kitty replied nonchalant rolling her eyes and looking herself in the mirror "you know, just because I´m a swan does not mean you can make swan´s jokes" Her tone is straightforward and piecing her gaze at him, the Necromancer seems not to mind too much "The plan is to seduce him" there´s a certain gross in her tone that does not match her regal features." and drive him crazy, yes, been there, done that"
Adjusting the dress a little more, Kitty now is satisfied with the image the mirror express. Turning to the man, Kitty then ask how she looks?
"You looks far prettier than the others princess, I dare say" Kitty is bemused as Kurt is about to make a pun "you look as beautiful as a swan"
"You do know Nightcrawlers are worms and I know birds that will be glad to eat nightcrawlers" replied drily as Kurt merely chuckles then at this, the man takes out a lipstick and starts to apply on Kitty´s lips.
"In all seriousness, you´re his type and he´ll go nuts for you, once he does fall ...I´ll strike" once the lipstick is applied, Kitty kissed his check"too much red is not a good colour for swans, nightcrawler" she replied and affirms that now she´s ready for her part.
_________________________ Piotr was instructed to talk with the richer princess in all the landing, princess Lorna, for example, is a good case for his need. The green haired princess did not seem interested in the Russian man, per se, she keeping asking about his sister.
Piotr has a younger sister, named Illyana Rasputin, a girl with a talent for magic that even Wanda, her sister, respect and Lorna is intrigued about the mysterious figure of Illyana Rasputin.
"She´s in the convent now!" Piotr replied bitterly"the convent of Saint Marie is the safest place for her, now, if you have any more questions about my sister, please, direct them to my adviser," and stomps away from Lorna.
"Rude!" she speaks and goes away. All the guests are here and none of them catches his fancy. Piotr is in a dilemma, how to get funds? Incest is not seeing fondly unless you´re well-liked and stupidly rich and his sister makes her point across by leaving the country as soon as she can.
The man is stuck in his musing that didn´t notice that his feet lead him to the royal gardens. He saw a woman, so beautiful, wearing something that not even Genosha could afford and singing something with such a voice that the ball is forgotten.
This woman is his.
"Who is singing such a splendid song? " Piotr asked, not even Yana, using her magic and the best tutelage could have ever sung in such way. "Oh, I´m just a woman, who does not like crowded places, and you?"
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Piotr asked and the woman laughs such a pretty sound, "What´s your name?"
"Kitty" she adds as her eyes are now blue "my name is Kitty and I was looking for you, where were you, silly goose?"
"Let´s get married as soon as possible" Piotr make a gesture to take Kitty to the ball, inside, to show everyone his wife. Kitty disagrees. "I've got a health problem, I can deal with that much people, could you be a dear and explain to them. I´ll be here, waiting for you"
"I´ll be right back"
_________________ Lorna was finishing her martini, the only good thing in this party, when Piotr returns and speaks, with satisfaction in his voice and a madding gleam in his eyes. How did he found a wife and is better everyone get away. Someone make the dumb decision to ask a question to the monarch, the response? Piotr tosses him away telling the others to leave.
"I have the most gorgeous woman as my bride, OUT!" the man hurls and no one dares to defy, Lorna takes her escort and leaves...feeling insulted, she came all the way here to meet Magik and couldn´t even do that.
"That was the most outrageous night of my life" Lorna replied entering in the carriage "at least, the martini was good"
______________________________ One of his advisers, a man with a white streak on the right side of his raven hair, speaks with care this time about the new bride. Piotr deemed the room safe enough to introduced the future Queen of Xarxon goes to the garden screaming like a lunatic "They´re gone, my love, gone...We can be together forever"
The man with the white stream instructed the others to follow the king, after all, this is about their queen.
Arriving in the gardens all they found is Piotr screaming like a loon a swan swing far away from him, in a small lake the garden have(it´s a bit dirty the swan´s beauty is not making miracles to make people forget about this) the advisers look at each, in silence, all agreeing about the mental state of the man.
One of them noticed a small cut on the swan´s neck. This makes the elderly adviser snap and using a paralysing spell. Piotr is stuck in his place.
"Your insanity goes too far, I´ve enough,  you´ll rot in prison for your crimes...hurt a swan is an offence against God" the man speaks "we shouldn´t have been silent as his insanity gets worse and worse"
The man with white streak suggests an option, Yana far too young to inherit the throne, how about Klaus? He could assume the role until Yana has the proper age to rule.
"Excellent suggestion, my friend" one of them pipes in and all are in agreement, even if Klaus is a former student of the Demonic Necromancer, still is a better choice than Piotr.
The man with a white streak, once the crown is taking the paralysed Piotr away, replied that he wants to make sure the swan is alright. The others nod, Swans are a gift from God, the swan approaches the man only when they are alone.
"You did good, he´s pretty crazy too, but...you are magnificent" The man reveals himself as Kurt then asks "and your neck?"
The Swan changes to Kitty. Gingerly touching her neck and not flinching when Kurt does the same. "Serious, how is your neck?"
"It´s still hurting a little but is manageable, I swear"His finger retrieve from the mark of her scar once touches her own delicate fingers. "Oh, thank you, what will happen now?"
"I get my payment, and my silly student get his wish....for a time being, I don´t think he realizes how powerful Illyana Rasputin is..."there´s an evil smile on his face "better not take ideas to hung the throne"
"There´s always this possibility, the other prince was ready to kill half of his family to achieve that, humans are strange sometimes" Kitty replied and then asks "wait, won´t people noticed the absence of the white streak dude?"
Kurt waves her worries away. "I can take care of this little problem, now, do you want to go home?"
"The ball is over? Man, that´s the worst ball ever. Much worse than the prince who wanted to kill half of his family to reach on power" Kitty stand up and Kurt chuckles one last time as the woman is grumbling.
"Now, if you want to dance..."Kurt offers his hand "I know a place"
"Are you a good dancer?"
"For a swan? I think so"
"Careful, I do know a bird who wants to eat nightcrawler"
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Eros and Psyche au
N/A: I can´t lie and say this idea never crossed my mind...it has but I never had the incentive to write until now. Also, I like Raven Darkholme as Aphrodite because...I have this HC where Aphrodite isn´t a white woman...she´s every woman. Black woman, Asian woman, latina woman, a trans woman. Any woman is valid here.
@sailorstar9 @djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
AoA Kurtty here.
Beauty is a trait many begs to receive. Wisdom, power and a good heart are secondary, you can read, you can train..but if you´re ugly then the world will have its door lock forever, look at Hephaestus, the poor God is talent but ugly as sin. Raven Darkholme does not have time for ugly.
Aphrodite, Mystique or Raven are names fitting for the deity that can be anything and anyone. Her beauty was sung with devotion until it was not and now...her temples are empty, no sweet aroma, no flowers, no sacrifices and Raven is left wondering what happened.
It can´t be a war, even in the deadliest war, people have time to worship Raven...why her temples are empty?
Raven Darkholme´s spies were sent to understand why her temples are empty, why no one is singing her name and why no one is wanting her blessing. For a moment, Raven was sure her Ex was involved in this plot, yet, her spies prove wrong, for a brief moment, Raven wishes her Ex- was involved in this.
“Repeat carefully what you just told me” Raven is rubbing her temples in her blue form and gazes at the spies “I sure must have heard wrong”
“No, my Goddess, the humans found a human so beautiful, in their words” the spies added carefully “that they believe she is superior to you”
Raven is not happy by this revelation in the slightest. Her face is hardly one to be mistaken by anything but pure fury “what´s her name?”
“Her name is….”
“Katherine Anne Pryde” a male voice is shouting the name of the woman riding in the horse as his life depend on this scream. Both are in a race and Katherine is winning as the race effortless, it does provides some joy for the woman to know she's still a competent horse rider despite everything. “I won” Katherine with her short curly hair and doe eyes replied to the man, who is disappointed. To her relief the man leaves and goes the certainty that tomorrow more suitors will bang on her door.
“You save me from another one” Kitty said and give a sugar cube to the horse. She gently pets the horse named Lockheed, over the course of the end of Apocalypse´s rule, Kitty Pryde has to gain popularity in a way she never expected.
Kitty Pryde´s warrior name is Ariel and Queen Jean asked Kitty to help in the war, the exchange for such valuable help, Kitty has a nice home now and that should be enough, however, Kitty´s prowess on the battlefield make many Spartans and men look at her in approval. Once learning Kitty was never engaged to Piotr(and killing said man) her fame shines even against Mystique.
“You're the only male in my life who isn´t crazy! I don´t get, why they want to marry me? Why bestow me with this damn title of the beautiful woman ...if they only want to chains me to their will?” Kitty replied and Lockheed didn´t offer a word, only a nice touching on her head.
King  Logan watches Kitty enters back to the limits of the city with a longing smile, Kitty Pryde is a woman that really pay attention to any men, Logan is married to Jean, but, Kitty Pryde is proving to be a true warrior...Could he make Kitty as his mistress?
A queen must be a real warrior, yet, Jean Grey was not a warrior, per se, Logan married Jean out of whim and they fought against Apocalypse...eventually. Jean did call for help and right now, she wished she hasn´t. Logan is watching Kitty again and drooling at the sight of this woman, instead of the great Jean Grey, for a moment Jean thought in killing Kitty here and there and bath with her blood, yet, Jean saw this woman fight.
Blood and organs and bones being tossed and throw easily by Kitty´s hand as she was the one to kill Apocalypse while Jean just watches...Oh, she is done watching now. If she does not have the power, Jean will get the power to get rid of Ariel for good.
“Oh, Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty” Jean is praying on her temple, so long forgotten as the male audience are seeking Kitty, her husband is there lavish her with gifts that should belong with Jean, he is fucking her...Jean is sure. “Help me get rid of this parasite, she wants to ruin me, help me to take the life of Kitty Pryde”
“Ah, so, not everyone is in love with this little woman” Jean look up and saw Aphrodite in all her blue glory and feels blessed, Raven, for her part pretend to not notice Jean´s admiration gazes “I think we have a problem with Kitty Pryde and your husband is sure not minding the problem” a white lie can´t hurt anyone, well, not Raven. Jean is ready to collapse “ fret not, my loyal servant, I´ll take care of this, my son will give a faith worse than death to Kitty Pryde”
Kurt Darkholme is not having an easier day, first off, his mother orders him to kill a woman for, in her inane words, being pretty than her and Kurt Darkholme is a good son, however, using his skills to kill a mere human because his mother does not like competition really sour his day.
Second, said the woman is not on an easy target as she is always moving and training with her sword or gauntlet.
Third, Kurt really thinks this is a stupid plan.
As he walks, invisible, along with Kitty, the man wonder why kill her, if mother is that upset, why not marry her with someone else? Killing someone for that reason feels wrong. As his muse goes on, Kitty stops her walk to see the King, well, the King is really blocking her way so she can only see him.
“King Logan” Kitty replied dryly showing her claws and Logan take that as an invitation. Kurt Darkholme knows a little about this man to not like him being this close of Kitty.
“Kitty, you can call me Logan” the woman is not inclined to attend this wish “and I see you win against another suitor” she remains silent and Logan smiles “and what a man has to do to have a woman like you?”
“Oh, if you want the details, first you need to drop dead, then you have to assume to be dickless and never again breath near me, that's very attractive qualities you can have” Kitty respond and Logan is a firm believer that No means Yes.
Logan is ready to grab and is ready to make his intention know “I can´t help thinking about you, you bewitch me, Kitty” Logan speaks with laced with lust. Kurt Darkholme is not impressed and has no problem in killing the king.
Of course, Darkholme didn't count the fact he's invisible and Kitty saw a man being impaled and is not taking this easier. Kurt Darkholme is trying to calm her down, but, the man is not really good to comforting anyone.
“Hey” his voice in the godly tone, something akin impossible to decipher “you're safe now, he can´t hurt you...go run” Darkholme speaks and Kitty looks around confused.
“WTF?” and Kitty leaves, not without adding this “whatever god you´re ...this is the worst way to comfort someone”
Raven is not impressed that her son did fail on the task nor that he killed Logan, however, this can be used. She can blame Kitty for Logan´s death. A devious smile grows on her blue face.
“Son, your mistake really help your mother” Raven speaks fondly at her son who is sharpening his blades. “That woman will die by human´s hands...oh, this is much better”
Kurt stops sharpening his blades and is not paying attention to her mother blabbing about Kitty´s blood and how her temples will be full again. Kurt thought about that woman and as much killing is not a problem for him...that woman does not deserve to die.
Kurt Darkholme teleports and go to Destiny,who was waiting for him with a knowing smile, Kurt Darkholme is here to charge a favour.
Jean Grey is happy and anger at the same time, a confliction caused by Kitty Pryde, her husband was murder by her, that's the only truth Jean can see. Kitty goes spreading lies as if Logan would rape her...that bitch, in Jean´s mind, seduce him and killed without remorse.
“It wasn´t me, it was one of the gods...I think, he never really give a name but he was following me around” Kitty explained “ he tried to rape me and if the deity or whatever didn´t kill him...I would have”
“PROVE ENOUGH” Jean scream like a loud banshee “you must be killed NOW”  one of her advisers whisper in her ear and Jean is now confused, this exchange last for a few minutes until she speaks again “it seems the Gods didn't forget you” Jean gives a mockery smile “you´ll be sent to be devoured by a monster” her maniacal voice is back but the adviser whisper again “whatever, you won't return here ever again”
She looks and even her most annoying suitors did not dare to go against the queen. So, this wasn't her home after all.
“Ok, I´ll go right away” she thought in running away, even as the advisor explain she will relocate to another place, the oracle saw in her vision the will of the Gods and they want Kitty to move, well, the Gods are very petty.
Kurt Darkholme has no idea why he did that, how many creatures, humans and deity he has killed? Why Kitty Pryde is any different? His sister often say his emotion are so repressed he couldn´t understand himself not even if he tries hard enough.
Well, in that case, I´ll have to understand her.
Kitty arrives to the new location and Jean is seething, her new house is far superior than Jean. Aside from fucking her husband (Kitty swear by the Gods on the Apocalypse´s grave that she never even remotely like the man) she will live like a queen, no, a better queen than Jean…
Kitty for her part is not sure of what to say, a nice place can still be a prison, in the past she thought she had found a home, now, she knows better, this is just a golden cage.
“Good luck, Miss Pryde, the Gods look at you with mercy” one of the priestess speak and Kitty didn´t resist to show her middle finger to the sky.
Kurt Darkholme decides to be invisible for reason he is not quitting getting, maybe, seeing a blue, furry deity with scarlet eyes and thirsty for blood won't be good to the woman's mind.  Or maybe...he's really shy.
The only people he talks are his family or maybe his henchmen, the man did not venture in the romantic path, let alone social, since the incident.
“I´m just protecting her until mother finds another human to torment” Kurt Darkholme explain to himself for the fifth time.
As the woman ventures in the house fearless(or doing a great job in posing as one) Kurt goes to great her, well, that's the idea, unfortunately, as she can´t see him they stumble against each other.
“Oh, hello” Kitty speaks as the deity is still invisible “I was hoping to meet my warden, how are you?”
“I'm not your warden” Kurt defends himself feeling insulted clear he's not a warden, right?
“You killed the king and then let me get the blame” Kitty explained “and then Gods so happen to send me here for supposedly killing the king”
“Wait, they blame you? I killed him with my own sword”
“There´s a trial and everyone was pretty much against me...you could have dropped down and said hello, but, I think they would sentence me to death either way”
“Uhm” Kurt is holding his neck “I was in another trial in Olympus” and then adds “if it makes any difference a guy was sentenced to eat his own organs by Zeus”
“What a dick”
“Yeah, that's the general consensus”
“Can I see your form?” Kitty asked one day as Kitty finishes her dinner, the deity does not eat human food, but, stay near to keep her company, sometimes he speaks about the work or he's just holding a fork to prove he's there.
“Look, I really don't care for your looks, just the fact you can be less of a dick”
“Thank you, that's mean a lot to me”
“You know, if we´re going to do this, then I prefer to be blindfold, otherwise, I couldn't take the make love with a god seriously”
“Well, here I was thinking I could show my true form, but, your idea is neat too”
Jean is seething and is talking with Aphrodite to understand how Kitty is living in such a luxurious place, it was said once that envy and anger are poor source of wisdom, as Jean forget Mystique is a Goddess and the woman demands to  have Kitty´s blood.
Aphrodite takes orders from no one and soon this kingdom lost the queen too.
“But, where is …” she stops and realizes what happened “Oh, Kurt, really?!”
Kurt Darkholme decides he can show his true form now, this relationship can´t be based on lies and Kurt, as far his shyness go, can´t hide himself. So, he reveal his blue form for Kitty trying not make this a big deal.
“The fur I knew, I felt” she explained looking into his eyes “ you know, I like your eyes, I always have the impression you would have pretty eyes”
“They are red as the blood”
“Ah, here is the edgy boy I know and love”
Mystique can´t complain as her temples are full again, yet, her son is married with the woman who almost destroy her. Well, she supposed Kurt did better than Rogue(really, Rogue, Gambit?!) and at very least this woman is not ugly or dumb, yet, Raven makes no promise to be a doting mother to this woman.
“Irene, how could you do this?” Raven asks to lay down next to Irene.
“I saw your son take alike to her and quickly turn into love, that boy deserves to be happy and you tend to be too vingative sometimes”
“Just sometimes?”
“You´re right, Raven, my bad, you are vingative most of the time”
“That's better”
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