#Anyways normalize being an American against America's choices (ahem supporting isreal)
yeehawfml · 9 months
America looked at palestine being tormented by Isreal and didn't bat a fucking eye. America only exists because of resistance and they won't stand against genocide. America doesn't stand for anything that's right anymore and it's government is a nightmare. We get closer and closer to our home place becoming literal fucking hell and I can't stand for it. But I can't speak against it either, I'm just a girl. Heavens forbid a girl can speak of anything. Palestine has been fighting for it's life, Palestinians have been struggling to survive, and america laughs at them. They don't think about how they got to be the land of the free, they for there by fighting against the British, right? Palestine is being bombed and america is funding the bombing with innocent people's money, people who are struggling to make ends meet. People who hopefully have enough humanity to support Palestine, being used to work against them. "Can we have a moment of silence for isrea-" no we will not. Isreal has not had it given to them by the Palestinians as rough as they have given it to them, no matter how you put it. I hate Isreal I hate america I fucking hate Isreal did I mention I hate Isreal? What the fuck did Palestine even do to deserve such actions done to them? Why is america framing them as the criminals. Why can't Isreal's troops all die. They don't deserve to have families since it's clear they don't know how important it is to have one, since they take kids from their families like nothing. They don't deserve life, as no matter what religion they have, no God of their's would support what they are doing. I hope america dies with Isreal as well, since they want to ride it's small ass penis so much.
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