#Anyways cleo is great and you should watch her content fr
goldenflurry · 1 year
Hermit-a-day may! Day 12!
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Zombie Cleo! The statue master!
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handonhaven · 3 years
Spoiler alert if you haven't watched 4x05 yet.
So this episode wasn't all that great to me. It just didn't really feel like a season opener. But I guess to them it isn't. Since every season opener the person who says the title is either Hope or Landon and it ended up being Rebekah. So there was exactly two things about this episode I liked. 1 no Humanity Hope, I'm loving that way more than I should, and I really mean way more than I should lol(also my heart broke so much when Hope gave Rebekah the necklace back and seeing Rebekah cry bc of it). 2 Triad coming back into play, I mean I figured they might but i wasn't sure. So it looks like they're gonna be the new big bad of the season maybe next season as well if they want to stretch it out.
As for what I disliked about the episode, literally everything else. But the two big things for me was
1. Why on earth would they put Arias name as also staring in the summary if he wasn't going to be in the episode. I spent the whole episode waiting for a Landon scene and we got none. What was the point of that. I swear if Landon doesn't get good amount of scenes in the next episode I will lose it.
2. How not one person at all, not Wade or Jed or even Cleo(who supposably "misses Landon") or Kaleb. Anyone who wasn't the twins thought to go looking for Landons body. You know either to see if it's really gone or if it was still there and to give him a proper burial. Nope no one cared. And then THEN why they thought that Alaric is dying(or did died) they all went out of their way to do something to honor him. 😈😈😈😈 really?!?!?! I mean even if they didn't do something to honor Landon, there could have at least just been ONE mention of someone going to look for his body(I'm not even surprised they just love to disrespect Landon).
P.s I'm never not gonna be pissed about this. So imma stop talking about this before I turn into a completely different person.
I thought overall it was okay, like I thought the tone was better and more consistent. I liked that it was more serious and dark, and it wasn’t as much of a mess. And I loved seeing Rebekah again! (And Summer Fontana in the flashback too!) But yeah, it was sort of a weird way to start a season (with the stuff with Alaric anyway). Oh but I actually didn’t think about Hope and Landon always saying the titles of the first episodes! That’s interesting, I guess if it had to be someone else I’m glad it was Rebekah. I love no humanity Hope too! Although I was expecting a bit more tbh, like we still haven’t even seen Hope feed on anyone? Even with humanity, you’d think she’d be dealing with the bloodlust, so I was expecting her to be out of control but maybe we’ll see that later. Oh and the necklace scene! That hurt so much, and poor Rebekah! 😭 But also, and I posted about this, but that has some potential for good Handon content later if they do a parallel of Landon bringing the necklace back to Hope. But I also hope Rebekah appears in another episode because she wouldn’t just give up on Hope and leave her to wreak havoc. And I’m glad they’re bringing Triad back. I really thought they just dropped that like so many other things, so I’m hoping it’ll be good. It does seem like they’re gonna be the villains of this season, so I’m looking forward to something different and villains who aren’t monsters.
And same! I was waiting to see Landon the whole time and thought we would at least see him at the very end (like in 3x05) but we got nothing? Fr, why put his name in the summary if he’s not in it? He had better get plenty of screen time next episode. It’s just insane to me. Like they literally went almost an entire season without the real Landon, now we’re in this new season and they’re still not gonna show him?! When will it end? Is this just gonna keep happening where he “dies” at the end of the season, and then they try and keep it a mystery by having him not appear in the first episode of the new season? I’m so tired.
And my gosh, I just can’t even describe how upset I am over how they continue to treat Landon. Literally no one makes the effort to go look for his body?? They barely mention him, but can’t even do anything to honor him at all? Yeah, I’m sure Cleo misses him so much after talking to him like twice. And since she’s the one who prevented him from being summoned, or since MG was the one who prevented Landon from being saved in the very beginning, since they all did their part to make sure Landon ended up dead, you’d think at least one of them could try and find his body to bury him or do something. But no. And yes, they’ll of course all honor Alaric and take them time to do that... I just can’t. It’s unbelievable. And it doesn’t seem to matter how many times this kind of stuff happens, I never really get used to it. It’s still so painful and upsetting to watch every single time. I’m never not gonna be pissed about it either. And I’ll probably be ranting about this some more, but for now, I’ll just leave this here.
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