#Anyways I might sketch some stuff based on the screenshots I took. May as well.
nimue-hidden-lake · 6 months
They added a SPP and I-
I cannot handle this anymore! They just had to pull this! Augh!
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the-mindstorm · 5 years
Only had 2 responses for my form, one marked it bad and had a paragraph, the other marked it good..
I have like some agreements and mostly disagreements with the paragraph saying why it’s bad.
Imma put it under the read more because it’s longer than I thought..
”Your logo needs to change there’s to much going on looking at it I don’t know what it is simplifying it down would really help it stand out”
The logo does need an update, I’ve been meaning to do so for a few years. I was inspired by The Expendables logo when making it:
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and I wanted to it to symbolise the various forms of media indented to be made for the production. I plan to stick to the big, explosive logo design but I will be redesigning everything, modernising it and making the symbols in the logo clearer. I may make a flattened version of the new logo as well for stamps, print, etc.
Simplifying doesn’t stand out, every other company simplifies because other companies are doing it and it saves money on design and print. some are nice, most are dull and sad.
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It’s creativity taken away and not everyone likes a basic, simplified logo, like the whole controversy when Instagram simplified their logo and made it ugly:
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Plus I just love how my logo is so perfect for my video outros:
(skip to the 0:18 mark, that part that blows up)
“block colors of black and orange may work as a logo but not as a website especially when it’s full screen“
> I did Dark Mode before it was cool <
My guess is this person doesn’t use Dark Mode?
My production theme is mostly Black, some of Orange and hints of White, that is the theme I replicated on the website.
With the growing popularity of ‘Dark Mode’ many popular websites have updated to allow people to change their settings to Dark Mode and most sites now default to Dark Mode which involves having a darker website and brighter colours. Tumblr has in fact altered their settings to a Dark Mode-ish like setting:-
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DeviantArt’s new Eclipse: (I sort of like it but I don’t use this because it doesn’t have a Watch setting I like)
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And production based websites, Universal Picture is black with white: (granted they also feature a big ass video on the front, I might try something inspired by that)
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Industrial Light & Magic: (This website has changed since but it was plain black background)
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Now if I get a screenshot of my website it’ll look barely different to this list:
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So the black and orange stays. I might shorten the banner at the top or not use thick blocks, my concern was the visually impaired which is why I tried to keep stuff reasonably big.
“get rid of the brony stuff it looks immature if you want to make yourself serious“
This is a big no no. Sounds like someone who doesn’t like MLP made this and has no understanding how much of an impact it has been in the industry. Also I swear there’s only one person I know who feels this exact way.
Also the company is meant to be semi-serious, it produces content but also has the ‘Fuck you, we do what we want’ attitude and there will be a lot of content that other companies are too scared to make.
Anyway, they don’t seem to understand that fandom stuff has been a very profitable market when you have a decent sized audience. Only an immature business person will turn down a worker with MLP on their portfolio because I follow many artists where MLP has got them into fantastic careers.
I even used to have support on my Patreon as well as the odd commission because of MLP content, my problem is I struggle with posting consistency.
Even big time companies are using MLP as a marketing tactic:-
Playing With Fire:
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Transformers: Age of Extinction:
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Ted 2:
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Deadpool 2 sketch:
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Deadpool 2 Movie:
Ponies say and more will go on.
“you’ve got way to many pages“
You’d be surprised, I cut down over 100 pages like a year ago because I was simply hiding the job page and I took away 4 other pages in the ‘services’ tab.
Athough it’s normal for websites to have Home, about, contact us and even sometimes a donate page, I don’t see how this is too much:
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Just sounds like being picky.
Plus is doesn’t explain how to fix the too many pages issue with all the various work I have.
Now when it comes to the content/’Our Work’ there is a reason for the way it is:
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If I were to dump all my work into one page it would just get confusing of which content is what and also I do more gaming videos than anything else, my gaming videos would push the rest of my content down, which is also why I have 3 YouTube accounts: General Creative Videos, Vlogs and Gaming.
Could be a fair point if it means about clicking on content and it goes to a page with a description, like this:
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I just felt that descriptions are important and it gives me the change to display variations of content without cluttering the website, but I could consider simplifying that part which would be a shame.
“showreel would really help establish who you are“
Showreels are more of a personal thing, which this website isn’t intended to be. It’s meant to be a company site, I’m just the only employee sadly.
I could still include a showreel to establish what Mindstorm Productions is but I don’t have enough decent content to show off. Plus for a Mindstorm Productions showreel I don’t just want my work alone on the showreel, I would love to include work of various people involved with the company.
So, I plan to work on the logo as suggested. It needs working on anyway but it will still be similar to be used for intros, outros, website, as well as a flat version for other needs. My website is like Dark Mode which is popular these days so the colours stay. Anti-Brony comment was dumb and unnecessary, the ponies stay. Pages are the way they are to keep everything organised but if someone has a better suggestion I would like to hear it since the comment doesn’t explain how to solve that issue. I will consider showreels when there’s more and better content.
Thank to anyone who got this far, feel free to fill out the form by clicking here, but if anyone would like to add to the comments in quotations above or you’re the person who submitted this suggestion and would like to add to what you’ve already said, feel free to drop me an ‘ask’ on Tumblr, I should have anonymous allowed.
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