#Anyways I have THOUGHTS and all of them are 🧂
xenia12 · 2 years
Ok but one thing that bothered me is Marcy’s relationship with the newts
Anne earns the frogs respect and becomes a hero.
Sasha proves her use to the toads, and while most of them leave, grime, Percy, and Braddock stay
Marcy does everything she can for the newts, and they forget about her the moment she gets stabbed.
Like what gives? Why are the newts so uncaring towards their hero? Some fans say that she spent so much time having adventures that she didn’t get to know them, but we know that isn’t true with how much she tries to befriend others(and even if she didn’t, certainly someone would have cared out of gratitude). So instead, it comes off as the newts being self serving jerks, and Marcy shouldn’t have even tried to help them.
Oh no no they didn’t forget about her!! Well they probably did for a bit but, after they decided to turn on the king, they then considered breaking her out JUST so the physically and emotionally scarred 13 year old could help them outsmart him. Not only did the thought of a rescue attempt only cross their minds for selfish reasons, but Yunan immediately tried to shoot the idea down. She wanted to abandon Marcy and leave her terribly injured in the hands of a “mad king” just because she overheard ONE mistake she made when she felt like her whole world was falling apart and wasn’t thinking.
I can see Marcy maybe not having a whole lot of personal conversations with Olivia or Yunan, but she was someone they knew — a CHILD at that — and had good experiences with. Yet they would’ve left her for dead if Olivia didn’t know Marcy once beat Andrias at a board game, meaning there was a chance she could outsmart him for them.
I do like Olivia and Yunan, honestly, and am deciding to think that the neglect was more from the writers rather than them as genuine characters, but it just makes me so sad cuz they could’ve cared a LITTLE BIT without affecting character arcs ;-;
As much as I love angst, Marcy deserves better than this shit that lowkey just makes the two newts just seem like bad people and doesn’t even serve the plot :<
Edit: WHOOPS I got so caught up in my rage that I didn’t even realize you meant the newts in general, not just two of the ones she personally knew XD. BUT UH I can sorta excuse everyone else (except like the Triple B ig) cuz she was up in a flying castle that only a handful of people had access to lol.
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millysastroblog · 2 years
What I think about ur zodiac placements / ~PT 1~
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Hello this is my first astrology observation post pls take what I write here with a grain of 🧂.
It’s just for fun 🙃!
Sooooooo let’s dive into the 12 zodiac signs and my personal experience with them personally:)
Aries 😌: You guys are some of the most intense fire crackers out there, like they have a lot of energy and determination with like literally all aspects of life. I honstley respect u for being energetic and always on the go. I mostly have a good time with these people because they are entertaining,funny and easy to be around with but the bad side of them is just that they can sometimes be all little bit to impatient and self centered and bad mouthed.Also Aries people are sooooo fucking stubborn like a Taurus placements. Like can u even listen for one second. Anyway I personally like Aries placenta bc I don’t get bored with them that much .
Taurus 🤩: I personally really like Taurus placement bc first of all I am one and second of all we are very chill relaxed people. No time to stress no time to argue Taurus people don’t like to be in rush or stress they just like peace and want to relaxxxxxxxx 🫠. They have an immaculate taste when it comes to how they dress, and they style their hair and what the eat .They want the best out of the matierial world and through being patient and consistent they achieve these goals. Taurus is a beautiful but sometimes lazy sign 🌺. They play by their action not their words. Taurus people like also things that smell and look good on others ( When I see a man or woman that smells bomb 1000 x that passes me by I tend to look their direction and want to ask them where they got that fragrance or perfume from bc Taurus people get highhhhh from that shit 🍃🌸 ahahahaah ).The bad side about Taurus people is the most well know fact that is their stubbornness like we don’t give a fuck about what u have to say If we feel like it’s not valuable or important in any kind of way. Well …. it’s going to dismissed. Taurus people are also very slow with their actions sometimes toooo slow. And the last point is their possessiveness they know exactly that they can be really focused and stingy with people or material items these are the kids in kindergarten that refuse to share shit or take things from other because the know want they want and once they know what they want their mind turn into a ROCK 🪨. ( Side note: Also don’t provoke them or make these people angry unless u want a visit from the devil 👿)
Gemini😕: Chille Gemini the twin twin twinsssss idk what to write but the fact that u guys are fake!Sorry not sorry I have always had that opinion about y’all and it probably will never change. u guys are not that bad but I find most of u kinda annoying the to much of talking and gossiping drives me insane like can y’all stf up for a minute I need a BREEAAAAaak 🤯. But I can appreciate ur intellect and observations about certain things. One thing about Gemini is that they can be funny and crack the most out of nowhere jokes. I have seen a lot of Geminis being two sided or twisted bc of indecisiveness u guys don’t know what y’all want because there are so many options, thoughts, ideas, opinions about things so u get confused and confuse others. So I can give u guys some compassion for that .but all in all I find u still (annoying & F A K E 😘).
Cancer 🥺🌸:
Awwwweeeeeweee my babies I am about two cry writing bc u are my soul sisters and brothers 🥲. I loveeeeeeeeeee u guys so much bc u are one of the most loyal people on this universe . The way u care about people that don’t give two fucks about y’all it’s sadddd 😖. I love that I can sit with u in silence and everything is good and calm and chill. I appreciate the fact that I can vent or tell things to you that deeply impact me and there is not judgement. Cancers have really kind hearts and souls ONLY FOR PEOPLE THEY CARE ABOUT. that’s why it takes some time for them to open up and be themselves.But once u have seen their family / brother, sisters, mama, Dady, sons, daughters, even fucking ancestors then let me tell you … u are in their life permanent 🤫 or for a very long time because once they love u they will be family to u or u to them. So positive side is that they are caring, good listeners, respectful, homebodies, chill people and loyal!!! NOW ITS NOT ALL SWEET LIKE CANDY WITH CANCERS BC they can be the complete opposite when they don’t like u or u have hurt them. Cancers tend to have a hard time expressing anger. So once they are fed up with u the are ready to literally attack u like a crab 🦀. So yeah them being passive aggressive is a huge bad side and a victim complex after u dumbed them they will pull out the fact that the took care of u and this and that so . Treat them nicely and everything shall be good 👍 ( I guess??😬)
Like for Part 2 ❤️👍
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battlekilt · 5 months
Hello! For the Salty Ask List: 14, 19 and 21?
Blirzy, I'm not sure if you should've asked. Some of this stuff, you're going to go, "Hm. I feel like I'm in this picture." But at least I know you're a chill person who won't take it personally. In fact, you're one of the FEW people I trust to answer so bluntly.
I don't call myself the fanon contrarian for nothing.
WARNING: aggressive tone and just overall bitchiness. I can't imagine anyone won't see themselves in these salt answer and I'm not expecting everyone is going to like it.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
My fandom is rather deranged and self-destructive. I hate all the division and immature media illiteracy.
Our fanon is reductive, repetitive, and exhausting. I hate how the same people who will lecture from one moralistic standpoint, whether it has a point or not, will be guilty of the same action elsewhere; hypocrisy, thy name is Star Wars fan. I think too many of you are parasocial and weird about actors and need to cool it. Slut-Wan is an anathema, and I think I have an allergy to it—I'm breaking out into hives just thinking about it. I hate the Top/Bottom discourse with Anakin—hatehatehatehatehatehateHATEit. In fact, I hate all the discourse about Anakin, and oh boy, can I really go off on that subject. I hate how Clone fans want to hate/ignore the Jedi, and Jedi fans want to IGNORE the Clones—I mean, I guess Jedi fans are reliable in that at least they rarely hate the Clones, making them better than some Clone fans. Bitches, get with the program; they are linked together and inseparable. I hate Legends snobs that won't get their heads out of their asses and accept that it isn't canon, was never canon, and isn't going to ever be canonized; that isn't how LucasArts works.
Most of the time SW fanon sucks at characterizations. Sorry, I'm not interested in tropes wearing the skin of characters I like... like it is a trench coat. Take your super suave Cody and pathetic retail worker Fox and get them OUT OF MY FACE.
Yes, I'm sure that other fandoms have all the same problems. But Star Wars is my fandom, so it is my problem, and thus, it is the end of the world.
Almost anything can be done well, even tropes and fanon that I hate or loathe. The problem is, how often do I see it done well, or do I see acceptance that someone else (me) does it differently? Very rarely. Despite my salt and crankiness, I can be convinced with reason and creativity and execution.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
How ya can't ship Rex for shit with anyone. No, don't tell me that Reader/OC is my solution because I'm not interested. I'm sorry, I'm not. Anyway, he can go smooch Anakin.
Also, I've yet to see a time-travel fix-it that sounded appealing. Oh wait, there was one which was... Vader goes back in time to kidnap baby Rex and swears his fielty to a squalling little toddler. I sometimes daydream about that AU. I've got two Vader and baby!Rex AUs squirreling around in my skull.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
IDK, man? Get it your fun? Either I'll pay attention, or I won't. If it doesn't have Rex, I probably won't care or be interested. Cast a good hook and I may bite. But, man, I mean... people consider my OTP a crackship. Which, it isn't, it has more Canon/Legends material and basis than most of ya'll major OTPs, but, get-go off, I guess.
Salty Fandom Asks. [Asked questions.]
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etes-secrecy-post · 4 years
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist. SO PLEASE DO NOT SHARE MY 2nd ACCOUNT TO EVERYONE, IT’S JUST YOU AND ME! AND IN CASE YOU WANT TO SHARE MY POST THEN DON’T REBLOG IT. INSTEAD JUST COPY MY LINK AND PASTE IT ON YOUR TUMBLR POST! JUST BE SURE THE IMAGE WILL BE REMOVED AND THE ONLY LEFT WAS THE TEXT.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My Kenkobei Instant Noodle Chicken Yakisoba (w/ my Paper Dolls) - Part 2 (Final) [Jul 24,2020]
Here’s my Part 2 and Final of my Kenkobei Instant Noodle Chicken Yakisoba with my Paper Dolls. 🙂
BTW: Some of my photos I took (using my Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505) are combined into one image via GIMP software, despite the total of 18 photos in this part.(26 photos combined with part 1 & 2)
So without further ado, let’s get started:
9th & 10th Images [combined]: • I’m now switch from my computer desk to a food table at the same room, only few meters away. Anyway to find out what style that I’m chosen, I need to open the noodle pack and put it on the plastic container. 🙂
11th & 12th Images [combined]: • Next pour hot water on to the container noodle and wait for one to two minutes. ♨️
13th & 14th Images [combined]: • Here you see the noodles are started to bit softy after a short waiting 2 minutes. ⏱️
15th & 16th Images [combined]: • So now I decided to go ‘Canton / Chow Mein Style’ 🍝 for this review. And to do that, I need to drain the hot water by revealing two holes on either side of the plastic cover.💦
17th to 20th Image(s): •[17th & 18th Images combined] And here’s the result after draining the hot water. 🍝 •[19th & 20th Images combined] Now I’m proceed to mixed-up the seasonings using the included plastic fork.🧂🍴
21st to 24th Image(s): •[21st & 22nd Images combined] I put all the seasonings from into the plastic noodle container. Both me and Paper Dolls smell the flavor when I opened the packs 👃 (although Paper Dolls are made from paper so they don’t do that but let’s not argue, okay).  •[23rd & 24th Images combined] Then mixing all together and viola! My Kenkobei Pancit Canton / Chow Mein Noodle Chicken Yakisoba! 🍝 My Paper Dolls saying that the noodle looks good, let’s try it out and chow down with my personal chopsticks! 😋
25th & 26th Images: •Okay so, after I ate my Pancit Canton / Chow Mein Noodle here are my thoughts 🙄:  - The taste of Chicken Yakisoba in Chow Mein Style was... Ummm okay, but sometimes when I continuing chowing my noodles I don’t taste the flavor of Chicken Yakisoba. - Also their soy sauce and vegetable oil are weak, and other toppings as well. Otherwise it’s totally decent taste in my opinion. • My Paper Dolls say that they agree with my critic thoughts.
Overall: • For the price of only ₱104 ($2.11) with shipping fee of ₱40 included at Lazada Philippines [CLICK ME!], I have to say was... Pretty decent but lack of flavor. Also I got this item for free from redeem corner using my earning coins,minus free shipping because I have to pay though. And much like my review of my Instant Chao Fan, it is good item in case of emergencies or planing a picnic (but not that year for now because of pandemic) or rather in case that the gas stove was rang out, then go pick this instant noodle with hot water instead (just be sure that thermal hot water was the right temperature). However, I would not recommend this item for those who want a delicious instant noodle from a different brand. And to be honest, after I ate two instant foods,well suffice it to say that I would not order another food from Kenkobei / Patagonia Foods Philippines Inc. in the (near) future and favor on something else... Plus I wouldn’t say that I hate that food company but I guess they’re doing a good business practice, gotta give them a credit. Hmm... I think I need a two bottles of probiotic milk drink right now.
Well that’s the end of my review. If you want to see my Part 1, then please [CLICK ME!].
And in case you missed my 1st food review, I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Kenkobei Ready-To-Eat-Rice / instant Chaofan Beef Supreme Flavor (w/ my Paper Dolls) [Jul 15,2020]: Part 1, Part 2
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