#Anyway god the amount of pink in this piece is unreal
damadorias · 2 months
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Love it when I spend a while drawing background details only to just *blurs the background* it’s so funny
anyway here’s seggsy chammy art,,, addicted to drawing them frfr,,,, they’re just so,,,,,,, so <3
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kinksvt · 6 years
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→ pairing: wonwoo x reader
♕ summary: you and wonwoo had veen friends for a while but after some unknown tension, that changes.
✱ genre/warnings: friends to lovers!au, kissing
✱ word count: 1.8k
part one / part three
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"how about truth or dare?" jihoon suggested.
"what are we, eighth graders?" jeonghan complained, rolling his eyes.
"got a better idea?" jihoon snapped back.
"yeah, actually," jeonghan paused, "anything but that."
"you're just scared that someone will give you a dare that you don't wanna do." jihoon pressed at jeonghan, wanting him to give in.
he scoffed in return, "scared? no way, i just don't wanna play that dumb game."
"then suggest a better one, yoon." minghao butted in, stopping the two from fighting.
“hmm, how about spin the bottle?"
"how's that any better than truth or dare?"
"you really want to have the chance of kissing one of the guys?" you laughed at the ridiculous game that angsty teens like to play just to get with their crush at a party.
"no of course not." jeonghan turned around towards you, "i wanna get the chance of kissing you of course." he threw a wink towards your way and you feigned a puking noise.
little did you know, wonwoo was giving jeonghan a serious death stare, getting jealous.
"fine. i guess we'll play spin the bottle." jihoon agreed and got out an empty beer bottle that one of them finished earlier before.
"how about we make this more interesting?” wonwoo started.
"we're listening." jeonghan replied, leaning in.
"you have to last a minute kissing, and you can't touch the other no matter what." wonwoo told his challenge to everyone.
"oh my god."
"i don't wanna kiss one of you dicks for a minute!"
"take it or leave it. if you lose, remove a piece of clothing."
"alright." jeonghan piped up, "i wanna get the chance of seeing y/n naked."
"shut up." you couldn't hide the blush that began forming on your cheeks.
and wonwoo didn't like that.
jihoon leaned into the circle everyone made with their bodies and spun the bottle.
everyone's heart began to beat a bit faster as the neck of the bottle passed them until it began slowing down.
landing on wonwoo.
"fuck that. what if we don't want to kiss them??"
"then you remove two pieces of clothing." you suddenly said before thinking.
"fine with me." jihoon took both his socks off.
“oh please, kissing me isn't that bad." wonwoo only said in reply.
"to me, it is. go jeong"
jeonghan was on the right of jihoon. following the younger's actions, he leaned in and spun the bottle.
you were suddenly the most nervous out of the group. but also a bit excited. the thought of being able to kiss jeonghan wasn't something you were totally against.
"minghao!" jihoon exclaimed.
"nope." jeonghan shook his head furiously and removed his socks, mimicking jihoon's previous choice.
"this isn't going to be any fun if you all just skip your turn." you complained.
minghao was next, he stretched and spun the bottle.
"will one of you fucking kiss already? this is so boring." you didn't want all of the boys to wait until they landed on you, since you were the only girl. jihoon rolled his eyes while minghao scooted over to him. "how long do we have to last?" the youngest in the group questioned.
"one minute." you said, getting your phone out to time. "ready, set..go."
after clicking the timer, the two boys leaned in, connecting their lips. no one dared to even breathe. both of them had their eyes closed, lips not moving. only a few seconds passed and jihoon pulled back slightly and went back in. they started to disconnect and reconnect their lips. minghao had moved closer to the older, the kiss getting hotter by each second. literally.
"time.." you said in a trance once the timer went off, your eyes focused on the two. they pulled away slowly, faces flushed.
jeonghan, wonwoo and you looked at the two, wondering what the fuck just happened. minghao coughed, "s-so, uh, y/n, your turn!" he quickly shuffled over to his spot next to you.
your heart began to beat a bit faster as you took your turn. watching the bottle spin around the circle of you five.
you made eye contact with jeonghan, seeing him smirk lightly. he patted his lap, "come to daddy." your eyes widened at jeonghan's nickname for himself.
“gross. please don't say that." you mocked, but deep down that had turned you on slightly.
wonwoo stared at jeonghan, wanting to murder him. you made your way over to jeonghan hesitantly.
"ready?" jihoon used your phone for the next timer, "go."
slowly but surely, jeonghan turned his head to the right slightly and leaned in, your lips connecting.
the whole moment—the whole situation—felt unreal. his lips were soft and you could slightly taste the alcohol he had from earlier that night, slightly mixed with faint cherries. your heart began to race faster as jeonghan bit your lower lip, forgetting there was three other people watching you. jeonghan didn't care though, he was glad to finally be able to kiss you and feel you against him. he wanted more of you. he trailed his tongue on your lower lip, asking for entrance, which you allowed. he didn't waste anytime before delving his tongue into your mouth, catching yours.
you didn't know what you were doing. you were sitting in a circle, with three other guys watching you and jeonghan make out. one of them being the guy you supposedly have feelings for. so why were you kissing jeonghan? you had absolutely no idea. maybe it was the situation or the situation mixed with the alcohol still in your system. but with the movie getting your hormones and needs up, all you wanted was to kiss someone. even if it was jeonghan and sadly not wonwoo. jeonghan's hands gripped his own thighs, holding back the urge of wanting to pull you closer and run his fingers through your hair. your tongues danced in unison, making quiet sloppy noises in the dead silent room. you felt yourself getting even wetter—which, at that moment, you thought was impossible. boy, was that man good with his tongue. he kept brushing his muscle against your own, like he was in his own world with you and three other guys weren't staring the two of you down.
"time.." jihoon said, but you couldn't hear. your hearing was filled with a fuzzy buzz from the amount of euphoria running through your veins, just from jeonghan.
he couldn't take it anymore. he removed his hands from his thighs and pulled you closer to him. you decided to break the rule yourself and make a mess of his hair between your fingers. you pulled on his hair slightly making him moan into your mouth.
"time!" jihoon repeated, obvious you two didn't quite hear him the first time.
wonwoo was beyond furious. he couldn't believe that the mouth he has been wanting to feel on his own for so long was mouth fucking with another guy. and it wasn't him. he clenched his jaw, seeing jeonghan's hands move all around your back. his hand traveled lower and lower-
the room fell silent. you and jeonghan stopped what you were doing and pulled away from the other, a trail of saliva connecting your lower lips. your cheeks turned a bright pink, a wave of heat engulfing your entire body. jeonghan smirked as he watched you get up and head back to your spot next to minghao. he licked his lips while seeing you so bothered by the kiss between you two. wonwoo sat back down, too angry to even look in your way. but the thought poked at the back of his mind, why should he be mad at you?
"i-i think we should uhm, s-stop here.." minghao said in a quiet voice, afraid of wonwoo and his outburst.
"agreed.." jihoon chimed in lightly.
suddenly, there were loud footsteps and a shirtless seungcheol entering the living room. "the fuck's going on??" he must've heard wonwoo's yelling.
"n-nothing.." minghao stuttered.
the oldest saw the bottle in the middle of the room. "are you 14 year olds seriously playing spin the fucking bottle?"
jeonghan nodded, smiling innocently.
"and you little shits didn't even bother to invite me?"
"we didn't want to interrupt your," jihoon paused for dramatic effect and raised his fingers, "nap." using air quotes.
"shut up, jihoon." he ran his fingers through his damp hair. "anyways, why the hell did wonwoo yell?"
minghao laughed slightly, making everyone look back at him.
"what's so funny, hao?" wonwoo asked, not laughing nor smiling.
"n-nothing. nothing's funny, wonwoo."
you mentally face palmed yourself. you totally forgot you basically confessed your feelings about wonwoo to minghao.
there was an awkward silence that quickly filled the room.
"s-so, should we watch another movie?" minghao suggested, trying to change the subject and fill the quiet room.
"you guys can, i'm actually gonna head to bed." jihoon said, getting up.
"and you plan on going home to sleep?" seungcheol stood in front of jihoon, blocking him from going up the stairs.
"cheol, you literally have like four guest bedrooms." the smaller one complained and rolled his eyes. "now, move.”
seungcheol ended up moving and eventually, everyone went to bed. or at least to seungcheol's guest bedrooms.
you couldn't help but think back to the steamy kiss you had with jeonghan. you didn't know that such a pretty boy could be so rough and needy. especially with someone like you. you couldn't sleep. you couldn't get jeonghan, nor wonwoo off your mind. you felt like you had cheated on wonwoo with jeonghan. even though you two weren't even together. hell, you still didn't even know if he felt the same way about you. with an exhausted and tired sigh, you twisted and turned in the bed that seungcheol had offered you. you didn't feel like going back home. the room was pitch black, whole house silent. probably because everyone was asleep considering it was almost 2 am already. you turned on your back and stared up into the darkness.
little did you know though, wonwoo was awake as well, not being able to get you off of his mind.
he was so unbelievably angry at what you and jeonghan had done right in front of him. he felt betrayed, not only by the girl who he wants to give his everything to, but by his own best friend as well. jeonghan knew—or at least had a feeling—that wonwoo liked you and for some reason, making him jealous by having his tongue in your mouth right in front of him, gave him a sort of power over him. he didn't know why or what it was about you that made him get a feeling that wonwoo gets as well. but wonwoo wasn't going to let jeonghan try to take you away from him.
hell no.
over his dead body.
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What Could Be the Harm?
Summary: You had just gotten back home for Summer break after a long year at Hogwarts, and all year you knew exactly what you were going to do as soon as you got back home. You were going to teach your best friend how to ride a broomstick. (Hogwarts au)
Pairing: Bestfriend!Sehun x reader
A/N: This was based off of a random dream I had, so I thought why not make a lil one shot out of it ya know? Anyway, this turned out to be wayy longer than I expected, but I hope you like it! This also my first fanfic so if it sucks im sorry lol but i still hope you like it!
“Oh no. Ohhhh no, absolutely not. I’m not doin’ it.” Sehun shook his head and let out a breathy laugh.
You had just gotten back home for Summer break after a long year at Hogwarts, and all year you knew exactly what you were going to do as soon as you got back home.
You were going to teach your best friend how to ride a broomstick.
Sure he was a Muggle, and sure you weren’t exactly sure if you were allowed to use magic outside of school grounds, but what could be the harm? It was your fifth year, so you had plenty of experience with magic. You were 16- just under the age of when magic outside of school grounds was permitted- so if you did get in trouble, you wouldn’t get in too much, would you? Plus, this would be a great source of entertainment seeing as Sehun was scared of heights, so all rules aside, this was going to be hilarious.
“Come on, how are you of all people afraid of heights? You’re like six feet tall! You are a height!”
“First of all, i’m six feet and a half-”
“Oh, big difference tree boy. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re about as wimpy as a wet piece of paper.” You said, rolling your eyes and sinking down to sit against the Cherry Blossom Tree that grew in front of your house. Soon Sehun appeared next to you, and you both sat, reminding you of how much time you used to spend playing around this tree before your first year of Hogwarts.
“Dude, you’re like, really mean now.” Sehun said in mock offence.
“Must be all that Slytherin, it’s getting to my head.” You smirked and glanced at him through the corner of your eye.
“I’m still bitter that you got sorted into Slytherin. I was sure I would win that argument.” You both smiled to yourselves, remembering the argument you had about which house you’d get sorted into upon your arrival at Hogwarts.
“I told you I would. But seriously, I couldn’t see myself in any of the other houses. Ravenclaw- sheesh, those kids are way too uptight for me. Gryffindor are just watered down versions of Slytherins, (a/n: plz don’t come for me I love all houses I promise) and Hufflepuff is all good and fun, but they’re just too…”
“Nice?” Sehun said, mocking your not-so-nice tendencies that he had learned to like. You playfully hit him, rolling your eyes but also letting out a small laugh.
“Shut your mouth, skyscraper!”
“Okay, what is it with you and making fun of my height today?”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Are you riding the broomstick or not?”
There was a silence and you could tell he was thinking about giving in, so you nudged his arm with your elbow and wiggled your eyebrows, hoping to convince him further.
“Ugh, fine, you win.” He said standing up.
“As always!” you stood up with a bright smile on your face, anticipating how this would go. “We shall begin!” you yelled, raising your fist in the air, looking up to the sky. You stayed in that position and basked in the glory of a another argument won by you, of course.
“When, though?” Sehun said un-enthusiastically. You quickly apologized for your melodramatic outburst and ran inside to get your broomstick.
You came back out, holding your broomstick triumphantly in your hand, marching out to Sehun who couldn’t hold back a giggle. You stood in front of him and held the broom in both hands, showing it to him.
“I introduce to you,” you said proudly, “The best part of Hogwarts. This is a Nimbus 2000. The one and only Harry Potter’s first broom.”
“Harry Potter… i’ve heard of him before.”
“Everyone has. All Muggles and Wizards alike. If you haven’t heard of him, you’re not just living under a rock, you’re living under Mount Rushmore.”
“Okay, Nimbus 2000, Harry Potter, Rocks. So when do we start sweeping?” He said with a sarcastic smile.
“Ugh, God I hate you. You do not sweep with a magical broom you bucket head.”
“Then what do you do with it? How are you supposed to make it fly or whatever?!” He said, running his fingers through his hair.
“Like this.” You said, mounting your broomstick, then kicking off, feeling the breeze whipping around your body. You had almost forgotten how exciting it was to ride a broomstick, despite all of the times you and your few close friends from Hogwarts would ride around the Quidditch field and sometimes even venture into the Forbidden Forest in the late hours of night, usually landing you into heaps of trouble. But you couldn’t resist, the air around you was comforting, and being so close to the clouds was so freeing, that it was worth double the amount of homework.
You landed back in front of the Cherry Blossom tree, and turned around to meet a shocked (a/n: or should i say shookt) Sehun, who couldn’t believe his Muggle eyes.
“Dude what the heck?! This is unreal!” He exclaimed.
“Nothing is unreal when you’re a Wizard Sehun, trust me.” You said, laughing at all of the strange things you’d seen at Hogwarts so far.
“Hey, I know I give you crap about your weird Wizard tendencies all the time, but man, you’ve gotta teach me how to do that.” He said, laughing in disbelief.
“No problem. Broomstick 101, my expertise.”
The next 30 minutes or so would be spent explaining the basics of the Nimbus 2000 and how to ride it. Soon the broom was mounted, you on the front of the broom and Sehun on the back, clutching onto your Hogwarts robes- which you had yet to change out of- for dear life.
“I swear if you hold on any tighter, you’ll rip holes in my robes, and we’ll see what happens to you then.” You warned.
“Sorry, but i’m really not trying to die today.” He said, half sarcastically, half genuinely worried that he’ll fall, or the broom will go berserk or something like that.
“You ready kid?” You said, turning your head back to face Sehun.
“Yah, don’t call me kid, you’re only a-” You didn’t give him to finish his sentence before you kicked off and went flying.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU Y/N?!” Sehun yelled, or rather screamed.
“Nothing’s wrong with me, I just know you well enough to know that if I give you enough time to think about something, you’ll chicken out!” You yelled back at him over the wind. You eventually rose above the trees and soared about them, admiring the beauty of the woods surrounding your house.
“You haven’t passed out or peed yourself yet, right?” You asked.
“What do you mean yet?” He sounded petrified, knowing that you always had some sort of bad idea lodged in the back of your head.
“Nothing, I would just hold tighter if I were you!” You spun the broom in mid-air, sending you upside down and rightside up again. You laughed, again forgetting how fun this could be.
“Oh my God, I think I might puke…” Sehun said, leaning his head on your shoulder. You slowed down, really not wanting to ruin your robes.
“Sehun, look.” You said nudging him with you elbow. He looked up to see that the sunset had caused the clouds to turn various shades of pink and purple. You two sat in silence, in awe of the colors that the sky was turning.
“That’s pretty amazing, i’ll give you that.” He said quietly, still in shock from the fact that he was literally flying on a broomstick right now.
“Isn’t it?” You said, admiring the sky with a warm smile on your face. “You ready to go back down?” You said, talking over your shoulder.
“This is cool and all, but yes, please.”
“Okay, hold on.” You chuckled. You turned your broomstick around to face the way back home, and when you got closer to the patch of trees that surrounded your house, you aimed your broomstick down to land.
You landed with a thump, causing an un-experienced Sehun to fall off of the back of the broom. You swung your leg over the side and quickly ran to put the broom back inside. When you came back outside, Sehun was on his back, laying under the Cherry Blossom tree, covering his face.
“You okay, Oh Sehun?” You said, falling down beside him, moving his arm so it was underneath your head.
“I just rode on a broomstick. I. just rode. on a broomstick. I flew into the air-”
“On a broomstick, yes Sehun, you did.” You said laughing at the state of shock he was in. “So was it fun?”
“If your idea of fun is traumatizing, then yes! It was tons of fun!” He said sarcastically.
“Well i’m sorry you’re so traumatized, but you know it was fun.” You said smirking.
“Yeah, sure. Can we talk about normal things now? You know, how’s school? Who do you hate? Who do you… like? Hmm?” He said, nudging you, wiggling his eyebrows as you had done earlier, while trying to convince him to ride the broomstick.
“Well…” You said mischievously.
“Wait, what? Are you serious? You like somebody?” He said, turning to you.
“You asked! And yes, I do. Her name is Nora, and she’s kind, and smart, and has big honey brown eyes, and-”
“Jeez, you’re whipped for this chick aren’t you?”
“Ew, shut up.” You said chuckling and playfully hitting him. You two sat under the Cherry Blossom tree for the rest of the sunset, talking about the Hufflepuff girl you- a slytherin- had managed to fall for. And while Sehun went on about the irony of the situation, you thought about the irony of you, a pure-blood, and him, a Muggle with Muggle parents, becoming the best of friends over the years. You remember being only eight years old, seeing him sitting by himself at the park, deciding whether or not to talk to him when your little eight year old self thought, “What could be the harm?”
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