#Anyway I think it'd be different for deities like Aro and Eleare; or even Nirbhi when she was still a goddess
soulsxng · 1 year
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"Would you care if people had sex at one of your places of worship, Melo? Since Heaven is usually seen as being full of prudes, what do you have to say to that, as their God of Divinity?"
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"I don't really have any places of worship these days, but I suppose I wouldn't have really cared, as long as they didn't make a mess of things. If it were one of my followers or disciples, that is. Even a friend or something."
"Someone random? I think I would be amused, but if it went on for too long, it would get old. Sort of a similar feeling to when you stay somewhere, and the couple in the next room is having sex while you're trying to sleep or something. I'd probably think something along the lines of 'hurry up and get on with it, or go home if you want to make a night of it', you know? And if they didn't leave, then I would mess with them until they left. If they get to have their fun, then I get to have mine; it's only fair."
"I do think I see the appeal though. Like having sex with the follower of another deity; sorry, but tonight I'll have them praising my name. They'll be worshipping me, not you."
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"As always, you have impeccable taste. Same sort of mood as when you're fucking a ruler or something like that."
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"Oh, I know exactly what you mean!"
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