#Antti Peippo
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tvln · 4 years ago
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ruusujen aika / a time of roses (fin, jarva 69)
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henchwife · 2 years ago
Cyberpunk Helsinki Session #6
We met up with Antti at the witness' apartment. We tried the door and her phone and had no luck, so Maxx kicked in her door. Her apartment was perfectly tidy. No sign of struggle or forced entry. No body either. A spooked neighbour drawn by noise told us he saw our witness get snagged off the street by guys in camo pants and pushed into a minibus. Antti expressed fears of a mole in his organization.
With our only other lead gone, we had Cordoba watch the bikers' garage. She saw guys in camo pants keeping guard in addition to the bikers. Didn't glean much else. With the protest taking place the next morning, our options had run out. We'd need to wipe out the garage ourselves.
We decided to consult our pet cop Peippo about the missing witness.
Peippo's theory was that the bikers and their far right allies intended to stir up the protesters with Valkiapáá's presence and cause a shootout. The worst the bikers would end up with was a nominally 4-year prison sentence for illegal weapon possession, during which they'd have access to the healthcare their friend needed. If the Zoners rioted in response (and they probably would, justifiably), interventionist factions in finland's police force would use the unrest as an excuse to oust the VACO (The Humanitarian Zone's current lax, corrupt administrators) from the HZ and form their own militarized police to keep order. The cops would bring the hammer down and annihilate the tenous community equilibrium the HZ enjoyed.
This, of course, would be unacceptable.
Peippo couldn't offer us direct aid, but he said if Something were to happen to the garage he could paint it as the russians getting offed by local gangs for snitching to cops, which would comparitively be nothing out of the ordinary, as far as the cops were concerned.
After that, it was time for us to prep.
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tanjathedancer · 5 years ago
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Ensi-ilta: 22.11.2019, Cirkon Maneesi-näyttämö, Helsinki
Koreografia ja konsepti: Petri Kekoni Tanssijat: Tanja Illukka, Meeri Lempiäinen, Pekka Louhio, Anna Stenberg, Eero Vesterinen Musiikki ja äänisuunnittelu: Antti Nykyri Valosuunnittelu: Jukka Huitila Pukusuunnittelu: Monika Hartl Puvustuksen toteutus: Anni Konttinen, Eeva Varmola / Sankariliiga Oy Lavastus: Petri Kekoni, Heikki Rosti Lavastuksen tekninen toteutus: Heikki Rosti / Telakka rentals Oy Tuottaja: Anne Peippo Valoajo: Mikko Hirvonen Tuotanto: Petri Kekoni Company / Liikkeen puolesta kannatusyhdistys ry
Valokuva: Pasi Orrensalo
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arikuosmanen · 7 years ago
Uplakers upeaan voittoon Suomen Cupissa (Ylöjärven Uutiset)
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Ylöjärven Uplakers yllätti jääkiekon Suomen Cupin toisella kierroksella naantalilaisen VG-62:n ja eteni komeasti cupin neljännesvälieriin.
Uplakers juhli viime perjantaina viittä maalia Naantalissa. (Arkistokuva / Video Kalliala)
Voitto oli II-divisioonaan tahkoavalta Uplakersilta vahva näyte osaamisestaan. VG-62 on kuitenkin Suomi-sarjaa pelaava joukkue. Uplakers kaatoi naantalilaiset heidän omassa kotikaukalossaan maalein 2–5.
Ylöjärveläisryhmä iski toisen erän puolivälin tienoilla kaksi maalia. Ensin osui Turo Mikkola ja pian hänen jälkeensä onnistui Eetu Peippo. VG-62 nousi erän lopussa maalin päähän Antti Rovion osumalla.
Toisessa erässä kotijoukkue iski ottelun tasoihin, kun Niko Torikka ohitti hienon ottelun pelanneen uplakersveskari Jiri Kumpuvaaran.
Kolmas erä oli Uplakersin näytöstä. Niilo Lähde sivalsi voittomaaliksi jääneen 3–2-osuman erän kolmannella minuutilla. Vajaa kahdeksan minuuttia ennen päätössummeria Mika Kalliomäki vei Uplakersin uudelleen kahden maalin karkumatkalle.
Lopullisesti VG-62:n selkärangan katkaisi Miika Kuortti reilut pari minuuttia ennen kolmannen erän loppua syntyneellä ylivoimamaalilla.
Uplakersista kahteen tehopisteeseen kamppailussa ylsivät Jani Kalliomäki, Mika Kalliomäki, Niko Majlund sekä Turo Mikkola. Jiri Kumpuvaara koppasi kaikkiaan 26 laukausta.
Suomen Cupin neljännesvälieräottelussa Uplakers isännöi Suomi-sarjaa pelaavaa JHT Kalajokea. JHT raivasi toisella kierroksella tieltään Mestis-joukkue Kokkolan Hermeksen, joten ylöjärveläisten vastus on kivikova.
Jännittävä vääntö puolivälieräpaikasta alkaa Ylöjärven jäähallissa ensi perjantaina 1. syyskuuta kello 19.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vELp1C via IFTTT
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henchwife · 2 years ago
Cyberpunk Helsinki Session #5
The next couple sessions brought some background events to centre stage.  
Juhani Valkiapáá was an airborne jaeger, commander of his unit, and tasked with exterminating the biker cossacks conducting raids on either side of the Finland/Russian border. His unit was assigned to the Sortavala region, where Valkiap��á's grandparents used to own land. He made an alliance with the local Cossacks, forming a cordon around his family's land. If the Cossacks would kill every russian within the cordon and burn their property, he would allow them free passage. The bikers were never caught, but Valkiapáá and his unit were sentenced to life in 2004.
Valkiapáá was being released that week on good behaviour, and a rally was being held that Saturday in protest, before the music festival.
The Tuesday morning after we raided Helheim's apartment, Citrine heard on the news that a group of five bikers had entered the Zone. They claimed that they were there for the music festival, and seeking medical aid for a friend of theirs. They were middle-aged, Russian, and heavily chromed (though unarmed), so we considered it possible that they might be the bikers Valkiapáá allied with before his incarceration, and that they could fairly easily arm themselves once within the Zone.
Antti, the softboy from the Urban Jungle (who had previously mentioned to us that he volunteered at Amnesty International and Sortavala Memorial Foundation for War Crime Victim Support, and whose couch Citrine had been occupying) let slip that he had been contacted by a possible witness willing to testify that the bikers on the news, and the cossacks under Valkiapáá were one and the same, but we'd need to wait until later in the week to meet up.
Later that day, Cordoba and Loco were contacted by their respective syndicates for a job on Thursday night.
Cordoba was to provide late-night drone overwatch while some members of her syndicate delivered a crateful of weapons and ammo to the bikers. Aftwerwards, Loco was tasked with planting a note confirming the transaction under the rear bumper of a specific car. The car in question was notably fancy, and was on its way to the richer part of the city.
On Friday morning, the two relayed the events of the previous night. We were able to find the bikers' possible base of operations from where Cordoba provided security. A small two-story garage. When we drove by, we saw 5 bikes parked outside. Maxx contacted officer Peippo, explaining the situation (leaving out Cordoba's and Loco's names), hoping to leverage his personal distaste for Valkiapáá to get some help. No dice, the finnish police had been tasked with ensuring Valkiapáá's safety during the protest. He was interested in the possibility of a witness though, and asked us to keep him posted.
It was shortly after that Antti called to inform us that the witness was late to meet him, and was not answering her phone.
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