#Anti-Lusamine Tumblr Activism achieves LITERALLY nothing except making both you and the other guy's day worse
crystalkleure · 1 year
It is frankly alarming how often I will see somebody make a post along the lines of "Why is everybody so mean to me all the time!!" and then their page is just full of nothing but them constantly insulting strangers for no reason
I am not sure if they:
Think they are playfighting with people instead of just Actually Being Rude, so they are genuinely surprised when the other person rightfully gets angry at them [because they are a stranger who has just approached them aggressively for seemingly no reason in a way that does not read as joking]
Are aggressive because they already believe The World Is Shit And Everybody Sucks And WILL Be Mean To Them Inevitably, so they are rude first so they can at least feel good about getting the first hit in. And this just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, because if you believe everyone sucks and is cruel, and then you do something to PROVOKE aggression from everyone you speak to right off the bat, and so then they are thus aggressive towards you...well, uh, Indeed Everyone You Talk To Will Not Be Nice To You, then.
Are viewing themself as some kind of martyr who is somehow making the world a better place by trying to drag down random strangers over stupid harmless shit, and they are frustrated that nobody realizes what Good And Noble Work [They Think] They Are Doing by, like, telling everyone they see with a Homestuck pfp to kill themselves or something
Genuinely just have no self-awareness and/or do not grasp the concept that if you say mean things to somebody on the internet they may say mean things back to you
Are trolling
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