#Anthony babington
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thedudleywomen · 5 months ago
ON THIS DAY - 14 October 1586
On This Day (14 Oct) in 1586, the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots began at Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire: she had been charged with plotting the assassination of Elizabeth I.
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Mary had been arrested on 11 Aug 1586 whilst being held prisoner at Chartley Manor, Staffordshire; she had been held there since Dec 1585, the residence of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex. From here she was transported to nearby Tixall House, before finally being moved to Fotheringhay on 25 Sep 1586.
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It was whilst at Chartley that Mary corresponded with Anthony Babington, a Catholic and long-time supporter of hers; letters were written in cypher and transported in and out of the house in beer barrels. Babington was the head of the eponymous 'Babington Plot' - a conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth and place the Catholic Mary on the English throne. However, Elizabeth's Secretary of State and 'spymaster' Sir Francis Walsingham was able to intercept these letters, leading the arrest of Babington, his co-conspirators and eventually Mary. It was these letters that were used as evidence against Mary, and led to her being tried on charges of high treason.
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Mary's trial was held in the Great Hall at Fotheringhay - an 'examination' of the evidence by a panel of English nobles, under the 'Act of Association'. Being found guilty under this act would lead to Mary being stripped of her claim to the English throne, and lawfully being put to death. She appeared in person at 9 o'clock in the morning, in front of crown representatives and noblemen, including William Cecil, Baron Burghley (Elizabeth's Lord High Treasurer) Walsingham and George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury, under whose custody she had been held for 15 years. She wore her favoured garments of her captive years: a black velvet dress and mantle, with white headdress (with widows peak) and veil.
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Mary denied the charges put to her, as well as arguing that she had been denied access to legal counsel. She continued to assert her authority as an anointed queen, and expected to be treated so. Correspondence between the two were passed around, in addition to Babington's deposition and signed confessions of two co-conspirators; Mary denied ever having met Anthony Babington, and accused Walsingham of inventing the cyphers and manufacturing the plot to implicate her. However, she confirmed that she continued to support Catholic interests in England, as well as abroad.
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Elizabeth had ordered that no sentence be passed until all the evidence had been presented to herself, and following the conclusion of the trial on 15 Oct, the panel returned to London. Their findings were subsequently presented to Elizabeth on 25 Oct 1586 at the Star Chamber in London; Mary was found guilty of being "not only accessory and privy to the conspiracy, but also an imaginer and compass of her majesty's destruction" and a sentence of death was passed. However, Elizabeth continued to demonstrate ambiguity, requesting attempts to obtain a 'full confession' from the Scottish Queen, in an attempt to save her life, and void any retaliatory action from Mary's Catholic allies abroad.
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generic-lab-assistant · 2 years ago
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Random sketches
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agrippinaes · 2 years ago
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PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 day 7: free choice favourite romantic pairings catherine x peter from the great / esther x babington from sanditon / kate x anthony from bridgerton / louisa x spiro from the durrells / mary x francis from reign / mary x matthew from downton abbey / paddy and eoin from sas: rogue heroes / patsy and delia from call the midwife / victoria and albert from victoria / violet and amelia from harlots
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scotianostra · 5 months ago
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October 14th 1586 saw the trial of Queen of Scots, begin at Fotheringhay Castle.
No matter what you think of our Scottish Queen, and whether she was guilty or not the trial was a sham and the verdict was decided long before Mary stood before them.
If you follow my posts, especially the ones that cover the Stewart’s then you will understand why Mary did not believe they had the power to try her, in her mind, and all the Stewarts before and after her, she had been anointed by god to reign. That was something holy and untouchable. There was no law in the land that could hold jurisdiction over her, the only judgement she was accountable to was God’s.
Mary was accused of plotting against Queen Elizabeth , as part of The Babington Plot, so called after Anthony Babington in one of the letters Babington wrote to Mary, he detailed plans of her rescue and asked her permission to kill the Queen. Mary’s reply agreed with the plans, but she did not authorize the assassination. When the letter passed to Walsingham, a postscript was added authorizing the assassination. Walsingham had all he needed to bring the conspiracy to light. Within days, Babington, Mary and the other conspirators were arrested.
The trial lasted two days, and Mary defended herself admirably though she had no friends or supporters present, essentially, the verdict had been decided before the proceedings had begun. She admitted her desire to escape but stated, ‘I have not procured or encouraged any hurt against Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth.’ And she appealed for mercy, mentioning her own reputation for tolerance and kindness: ‘My subjects now complain they were never so well off as under my government.’ But she also accepted the inevitable, telling the assembled nobles, ‘May God keep me from having to do with you all again.’ When the verdict was read to her, she said, ‘I do not fear to die in a good cause.’
It would be almost four months before Elizabeth signed her death warrant, although in a letter to Mary’s son James VI, that she had been tricked into putting her signature to the document…..“…. to instruct you truly of that which is too irksome for my pen to tell you. I beseech you that as God and many more know, how innocent I am in this case : so you will believe me, that if I had bid aught I would have bid by it.”
The warrant was signed on February 1st 1587, on the night of the 7th Mary was told she was to be executed the following morning, by The Earl of Kent, when she asked to see her chaplain but he denied her this, telling her: ‘Your life would be the death of our religion, your death would be its life.’ In fact, Mary had been a tolerant ruler in Scottish religious matters. But such was the extreme religious upheaval of the time, tolerance itself was a sign of weakness.
The first pic shows a drawing of the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots from contemporary files of the day, the second a later interpretation
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archivist-crow · 19 days ago
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Denham Exorcisms (1585-1586) - The exorcisms of six fraudulent demoniacs by 12 Catholic priests, the chief of whom was a Jesuit, William Weston, also known as Edmunds.
Most of the exorcisms took place in the home of Sir George Peckham of Denham, Buckinghamshire, England. The "possessions" were fake, part of a conversion campaign against Protestants and a political plot against the Crown.
An account of the exorcisms was written by Samuel Harsnett, chaplain to the bishop of London, Richard Bancroft, and published in 1603. It was entitled A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures, to with-draw the harts of her Majesties Subjects from their allegance, and from the truth of Christian Religion professed in England, under the pretence of casting out devils. Practiced by Edmunds, alias Weston a Jesuit, a divers Romish Priests his wicked associates. Where-unto are annexed the Copies of the Confessions and Examinations of the parties themselves, which pretended to be possessed, and dispossessed, taken upon oath before her Majesties Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiasticall.
Weston arrived in England in September 1584, during a time of severe persecutions of Catholic clergy. Several Jesuits had been martyred, and some had fled the country. The Act of 1585 made Jesuits and seminary priests guilty of treason simply by being in England. Anyone who harbored them was guilty of felony. And the Witchcraft Act of 1563 made the conjuring of spirits—which included exorcism—punishable by death on the first offense. Nonetheless, Weston and the priests undertook the exorcisms, ostensibly in order to convert Protestants back to Catholicism.
There was a greater factor involved: the Babington plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary, queen of Scots, and allow the Spaniards to invade England. The first person exorcized by Weston in England was William Marwood, a servant of Anthony Babington, a Catholic nobleman Irom Derbyshire, who later visited Denham in order to witness the exorcisms of the six demoniacs. Two of the exorcising priests, John Ballard and Anthony Tyrell, were part of the plot; Ballard was a leader of it and convinced Babington to join it. Weston probably knew about it and used the exorcisms to help the plot succeed.
Four of the Denham demoniacs later confessed to faking possessions. If the other two confessed, their records have been lost. Two were Protestants: Sara Williams, 15, a servant at Denham, and her sister, Frideswid or Fid, 17, who took over Sara's chores when she began having fits. Fid fell in the laundry and was persuaded that she had become possessed too. Two were Catholic: Annie Smith, 18, a family friend of the Peckhams, sent to Denham because she was having fits, and Richard Mainey, about 18, an Englishman who had become a Friar Minim in France but left the order because of their strictness and the fact that he disliked fish, their dietary mainstay. He also suffered hysteria.
The demoniacs faked visions, revelations, prophecies, and convulsions. Their demons praised Queen Elizabeth and her courtiers, proclaiming them to be faithful servants of the Devil. The exorcisms were witnessed by huge crowds. During the course of the year, at least 500 persons converted, according to the published account.
The exorcisms involved intoxicating, nauseating potions and stinking fumes. The demoniacs were bound to chairs and forced to drink a vile potion of oil, sack, and rue. Chafing dishes of burning brimstone were held under their noses. No wonder that the demoniacs lost their reason, believed themselves to be truly possessed, and babbled about demons. They were shown relics of English saints, bones that they had been coached to identify correctly. The priests put bones into the mouths of Sara and Fid; the girls did not have to fake revulsion that was taken as a sign of demonic horror.
Mainey's demon, Modu, said that Sara and Fid had been bewitched by Goodwife White of Bushy, a woman who was commonly believed to be a witch. The priests captured White's cat and whipped it until it "vanished away." They sent a messenger to Bushy, where White was found in childbed, having lost her baby in childbirth. Fid accused the priests of murder.
Of all the demoniacs, Mainey put on the best show. Prior to Easter 1586, he announced that every Sunday he would have a vision of purgatory, and on Good Friday he would ascend to heaven. Not surprisingly, a large crowd gathered on the appointed day to witness this event.
Mainey lay on his bed, preached and prayed in a stern fashion, and then lapsed into a two-hour trance. When he awakened, he sighed and groaned and said:
My time is not yet come: our blessed Lady hath appeared 10 me, and told me that I must live longer yet: for that God hath reserved me for a further purpose to doe more good, and to tell of strange wonders.
Mainey had more theatrics in him. The last exorcism occurred on April 23, 1586. Mainey's demon, Modu, appeared and said that he was accompanied by seven other demons, "all of them Captaines and of great fame." They acted out the Seven Deadly Sins. When this gross display was finished, Modu cursed the "popish priests" and said that all of Mainey's visions were false, intended to induce Catholics to worship devils disguised as Christ and "Saffronbag," as he called the Virgin Mary. The demons departed.
On August 4, 1586, Weston and Ballard were arrested by orders of Sir Francis Walsingham, Queen Elizabeth's "spymaster," who had been carefully watching Catholic activities, including the Denham exorcisms. Denham's house was raided, and most of the occupants were arrested. Other priests were jailed. No incriminating evidence against Weston could be found, but nonetheless he was imprisoned in Wisbech Castle for 10 years. Tyrell became an informer for the Crown.
Ballard, Babington, and other conspirators rounded up were tortured and tried at Westminster Hall in London. They were sentenced to be hanged and their bodies drawn and quartered. They were executed in two batches on September 20 and 21.
Ballard was among the first to go. Their executions were so bloody and horrific that the crowd witnessing them was revolted. They were hanged but were cut down before they were dead and were butchered alive. Queen Elizabeth also was revolted at the news and ordered the second batch of conspirators to be hanged until they were dead and their bodies then butchered. The Babington plot thus was foiled and ultimately led to the execution of Mary, queen of Scots in 1587.
Meanwhile, Weston did not sit idle in Wisbech Castle but continued to stir up warring religious factions among English Catholics. In 1602, an inquiry was launched into the Denham exorcisms, followed by the publication of the broadsheet, which may have been part of an effort to smear Weston.
Text from The Encyclopedia of Demons & Demonology (Checkmark Books - 2009) by Rosemary Guiley
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phantom-le6 · 3 months ago
Ramble of the month December 2024: Poirot fan-cast Part 2 of 4
To wrap up this year’s monthly rambles, we’re heading back to my Poirot fan-cast to cover the next run of films within the overall series.  To remind of everyone of the key points from my October 2024 ramble that started off the fan-cast, here’s a quick bullet-point summary;
Agatha Christie wrote 66 novels and 14 short story collections, most of which centred on either former Belgian policeman-turned-private detective Hercule Poirot or elderly English spinster sleuth Jane Marple.
Within in this run of literature, Poirot had 33 novels to Miss Marple’s 14, most of which remain un-adapted to film while British TV and radio have done better.
The Poirot fan-cast is based on the run of BBC radio dramatizations featuring John Moffat as the voice of Poirot; discounting those radio drama using other voice actors and those too short to make a decent film, this creates a 24-film run.
By starting with a first film release in 1980 and making a film every other year, this hypothetical film series would take until 2026 to complete and could include a single actor to play Poirot throughout, while also including other actors in key recurring roles.
Our initial key long-term actors are Brian Cox as Poirot, Anthony Head as Hastings and John Hurt as Inspector Japp.
Now before we dive into the second grouping of six film in this run, here’s a quick reminder of the first run of films;
1980: The Mysterious Affair at Styles
1982: The Murder on the Links
1984: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
1986: Peril at End House
1988: Lord Edgeware Dies
1990: Murder on the Orient Express
With all the summaries and catch-ups out of the way, let’s look at the second round of films for our Poirot-verse.  Remember that in this fan-cast I’m not specifying directors, and the films have two dates; the first for production and the second for setting.
Three Act Tragedy (1992/1928)
Hercule Poirot = Brian Cox
Mr Satterthwaite = Peter O’Toole
Sir Charles Cartwright = John Thaw
Sir Bartholomew Strange = Michael York
Hermione Lytton Gore = Patsy Kensit
Lady Mary Lytton Gore = Sylvia Sims
Captain Dacres = David Bowie
Cynthia Dacres = Caroline Munro
Angela Sutcliffe = Jacqueline Bisset
Muriel Wills/ “Anthony Astor” = Victoria Wood
Oliver Manders = David Morrissey
Reverend Babington = Eric Sykes
Mrs Babington = Shirley Anne Field
Mrs De Rushbridger = Celia Imrie
Miss Milray = Tilda Swinton
Superintendent Crossfield = Tom Wilkinson
Colonel Johnson = David Warner
Three Act Tragedy is one of a number of novels Christie did that crossed over characters from different works of hers, meaning that well before modern franchise media did such interconnectivity, Christie was already doing so.  However, in a film series like this, a little of that gets lost, but no matter.  In this case, Poirot watches from the sidelines quite a bit as Mr Satterthwaite, the sleuth from the short story collection “The Mysterious Mr Quin”, investigates a series of murders alongside his actor friend Sir Charles Cartwright.  First to be murdered is Reverend Babington, followed by Sir Charles’ childhood friend Sir Bartholomew Strange, but who among those in attendance at both murder scenes did the deeds?
With the exception of Poirot, this film is all new cast members, though it’s an all-British cast in keeping with the original novel.  Many of the actors are well known here and a few would have international appeal, such as David Bowie, who acted in films on occasion as well as being a major musician; David Warner, who had roles in Star Trek: The Next Generation and the second of the 80’s/90’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles films; and Tilda Swinton, who many MCU fans will know as the Ancient One in Doctor Strange.
Death In The Clouds (1994/1929)
Hercule Poirot = Brian Cox
Inspector Japp = John Hurt
Daniel Clancy = Eric Idle
Armond Dupont = Jean-Pierre Cassel
Jean Dupont = Vincent Cassel
Norman Gale = Peter Capaldi
Jane Grey = Jenny Funnell
Madame Giselle = Fanny Ardant
Dr Bryant = Gary Oldman
James Ryder = Peter Davison
Cecily, Countess of Horbury = Joanna Lumley
Venitia Carr = Jennifer Saunders
Monsieur Fournier = Fabrice Luchini
Madeleine = Marion Cotillard
Lord Horbury = Tom Conti
Raymond Barraclough = Pete Postlethwaite
This film sees John Hurt return to reprise the role of Japp, but otherwise it’s fresh casting.  In this story, Poirot dares to chance air travel from Paris to London, and during the flight, French money lender Madame Giselle is murdered, seemingly by a blowpipe.  After some minor initial suspicions against Poirot himself, the Belgian detective combines forces with Japp and with French Sûreté officer Monsieur Fournier to determine the real killer.  This time, the cast is a mix of British and French actors, with the British contingent including such well-known figures Eric Idle of Monty Python fame, Doctor Who actor Peter Capaldi, Absolutely Fabulous headliners Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders, Gary Oldman and Pete Postlethwaite.  As for the French actors, I’m sure fans of The Dark Knight Rises will recognise Talia Al Ghul actress Marion Cotillard.
The ABC Murders (1996/1930)
Hercule Poirot = Brian Cox
Captain Hastings = Anthony Head
Inspector Japp = John Hurt
Inspector Chrome = Hugh Laurie
Alexander Bonaparte Cust = Robert Llewellyn
Alice Ascher = Francesca Annis
Franz Ascher = Udo Kier
Mary Drower = Sadie Frost
Betty Barnard = Julia Sawalha
Megan Barnard = Nadia Sawalha
Donald Fraser = John Hannah
Sir Carmichael Clarke = Michael Caine
Lady Clarke = Maggie Smith
Franklin Clarke = Derek Jacobi
Thora Grey = Joely Richardson
Roger Downes = Chris Barrie
George Earlsfield = Richard E. Grant
Mary Stroud = Claire King
Hartigan = Philip Glenister
When Poirot is sent letters signed “ABC” hinting at the place and dates of impending crimes, he fears that the crimes in question will be murders, and it isn’t long before those fears are proven true.  Reunited with Captain Hastings once more, Poirot struggle to find logic in the seemingly illogical actions of an apparent serial killer.  Here again we go largely English on the cast, but with this novel a few characters offer us some variety, specifically Scotsman Donald Fraser and German Franz Asher.  In keeping with my habit of using related actors to play related characters where I can, the Sawalha sisters are cast to play the Barnard sisters, and of course there are plenty of names in the cast that are well known outside the UK in addition to in it.  Among these would be Michael Caine (Dark Knight trilogy, among many other films), Maggie Smith (The Sister Act films, Downton Abbey and many others) and Hugh Laurie (best known to US audience as TV’s House, while I know him best from British sitcom franchise Blackadder).
Murder in Mesopotamia (1998/1931)
Hercule Poirot = Brian Cox
Nurse Amy Leatheran = Julia Ormond
Dr Eric Leidner = Stellan Skarsgård
Louise Leidner = Maureen McCormick
Richard Carey = Kenneth Branagh
Anne Johnson = Annie Hulley
Joseph Mercado = Antonio Banderas
Marie Mercado = Salma Hayek
David Emmott = Matt Damon
Bill Coleman = Michael Sheen
Carl Reiter = Til Schweiger
Father Lavigny = Vincent Lindon
Dr Reilly = Eamon Morrissey
Shiela Reilly = Kate Beckinsale
Captain Maitland = Richard Briers
Ali Yusuf = Art Malik
When Nurse Amy Leatheran is employed to look after the seemingly neurotic wife of a famous Swedish-American archaeologist, she learns the woman is facing possible death threats from her supposedly deceased first husband.  Not long after, Mrs Leidner is found murdered in seemingly impossible circumstances, and when the local authorities, led by Captain Maitland, are stumped, it is lucky that Hercule Poirot is in the vicinity.  This film takes Poirot away from the usual support characters of Japp and Hastings in favour of a more international setting and cast, the latter giving the film a greater chance at making good money abroad.  In addition, we get an interesting mix of actors into the bargain, most of whom are doubtless well known to many of us.  This film also marks the first of a few ventures abroad that aren’t limited to Europe within the Christie universe.
Cards on the Table (2000/1932)
Hercule Poirot = Brian Cox
Ariadne Oliver = Zoë Wanamaker
Colonel Race = Bernard Hill
Superintendent Battle = Bob Hoskins
Mr Shaitana = Ben Kingsley
Dr Geoffrey Roberts = Nigel Planer
Mrs Lorimer = Valerie Leon
Major John Despard = Jason Flemyng
Anne Meredith = Gabrielle Anwar
Rhoda Dawes = Chloë Annett
Mrs Luxmore = Samantha Beckinsale
Prof. Luxmore = Alfred Molina
Mrs Craddock = Mary Tamm
Mr Craddock = Robert Powell
Mrs Benson = Susan Hampshire
Gerald Hemmingway = Ioan Gruffudd
Cards on the Table marks the first appearance of Ariadne Oliver, a character who seems to be at least partially an analogue of Agatha Christie herself within the Poirot series, and here I’ve opted to go with the same casting used by ITV’s Poirot drama series.  As a result, this film includes Zoë Wanamaker in the role of Mrs Oliver as she joins Poirot and others for dinner and a game of Bridge at the home of Mr Shaitana, a man who claims to have “collected” the best murderers.  As a result, his guests comprise four “sleuths” (Poirot, Oliver, army officer Colonel Race and Police Superintendent Battle) and four “criminals” (physician Dr Geoffrey Roberts, elderly widow Mrs Lorimer, army officer Major John Despard, and young lady Anne Meredith).
By the end of the evening, one of the four “criminals” has struck and Shaitana is dead.  With no tangible clues, Poirot must work with his fellow sleuths to work out who killed their host.  Again, we’re dealing with an all-British cast, but as ever I’ve tried to not only cast the right people for the roles, but also to work in a mix of actors who are well-known outside the UK.  Bernard Hill of Lord of the Rings fame, Bob Hoskins and Ben Kingsley are among the more notable names in the cast, along with such Marvel film luminaries as Jason Flemyng (Azazel in X-Men: First Class), Alfred Molina (Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: No Way Home) and Ioan Gruffudd (Mr Fantastic in the 2005-2007 Fantastic Four film run).  This film is the first of two appearances for Bernard Hill, as his character of Colonel Race makes a return appearance in the next round of Poirot films.
Dumb Witness (2002/1933)
Hercule Poirot = Brian Cox
Captain Hastings = Anthony Head
Emily Arundell = Angela Lansbury
Wilhelmina Lawson = Penelope Wilton
Ellen = Samantha Eggar
Charles Arundell = Cary Elwes
Theresa Arundell = Elizabeth Hurley
Dr Jacob Tanios = Alkis Kourkoulos
Bella Tanios = Emily Watson
Dr Grainger = David Schofield
Catherine Peabody = Judi Dench
Isabel Tripp = Pam Ferris
Julia Tripp = Barbara Flynn
Dr Rex Donaldson = Hugh Grant
George = Robert Lindsay
For the last film in this round, we find ourselves looking at the last appearance of Captain Hastings for our film run.  In novels, Hastings returned for the 1975 novel Curtain, but as that novel never became part of the BBC radio drama run I’m using as a basis for my film choices, that novel won’t be in this film run.  Also, like many Poirot fans, I don’t like what Curtain did to Poirot as a character, so the less said about it, the better.  As for Dumb Witness, this story deals with Poirot receiving a somewhat cryptic letter from an Emily Arundell over two months after it was written.  Upon investigating, Poirot finds the writer has passed away, and in the process, he begins to suspect foul play on the part of her family.
Again, we go largely British on cast, but choose from some internationally well-known actors for many of the roles, including Angela Lansbury (Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote, among other roles), Judi Dench (M in the Brosnan and Craig Bond runs), Cary Elwes (Hot Shots! and Robin Hood: Men in Tights), Elizabeth Hurley (Austin Powers franchise and Bedazzled, among other roles) and Hugh Grant (Love Actually, among others).  Fans of British sit-com My Family will also note that I’ve cast Robert Lindsay, Zoë Wanamaker’s co-star from that series, in the role of Poirot’s man-servant George.  This is another recurring role, and as this film run goes on, a few films will come up where both actors appear in the same film.
So, that’s another six films in this Poirot fan-cast covered, putting us half-way through.  In the new year, I intend to complete my run-through of my 90’s MCU, then return to this fan-cast for a third round of films, consisting of Death on the Nile, Appointment with Death, Sad Cypress, One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, Evil Under The Sun and Five Little Pigs.  A Miss Marple fan-cast and film run is also planned for next year, among other things.  So, until next time, ta-ta for now.
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dynastymuses · 1 year ago
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now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building  
selective, mutuals only indie rp blog. i am over 25, so anyone under 21, i prefer not to interact with 
all I gave you is gone tumbled like it was stone
canon divergant pirate based colin bridgerton @pirtecolin edits blog @dynastymusesedits resources such as gifhunts, psds, and templates blog: @dynastymusesresources II rules II what i do II
thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
as such all muses are over 18 (some have been aged up) 
thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
i am very open to crossovers, as well as oc’s, but plotting must be done.  if i am not following you, please do not send me in character memes. i am mutual only! 
thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up  
fandoms include: bridgerton, various period drama, star wars, lord of the rings/rings of power, wheel of time, shadow&bone/gisha verse. 
It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down 
all of my characters as of now (🍊 is high muse) (🌊muses i want plots for) (🧁new muses) starter calls open starters
Bridgerton Verse
anthony bridgerton 🍊
benedict bridgerton 🌊
colin bridgerton🍊
daphne bridgerton🌊
francesca bridgerton🌊
gregory bridgerton🍊
penelope featherington🍊🌊
philip crane🍊🌊
michael stirling🍊
sophie baek🌊
kate sharma🍊
gareth st.clair🍊
prince freidrich hohenzollern🍊🌊
king george freidrick 🍊
lady agatha danbury🌊🧁
queen charlotte of mecklenburg-strelitz 🍊🌊🧁
felicity featherington🌊🧁
posy reiling🌊🧁
lucy abernathy 🧁
viloet bridgerton-ledger
alina starkov 🍊🌊
kaz brekker🍊🌊
inej ghafa🌊
nina zenik🌊
wylan van eck🌊
genya safin🌊🧁
nikolai lanstov🌊
tolya yul bataar🌊🧁
matthais helvar🌊
lord of the rings/rings of power
samwise gamgee🌊🧁
wheel of time
rand al’thor🍊🌊
lan mandragoran🍊🌊
siuan sanche🍊
egwene al'vere🍊
elayne trakand🍊
Star Wars
luke skywalker🍊🌊
qui gon jinn🌊
obi wan kenobi🍊🌊
padme amidala🍊🌊
poe dameron🌊🧁
han solo🌊
Rey of Jakku 🌊🧁
osha 🧁
master sol🧁
the musketeers
d’artagnan 🍊
queen anne of austria🌊
charlotte heywood (sanditon)🌊
lord babington (sanditon)🌊
young stringer (sandtiton)🌊
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Tandy bowen
Karolina Dean 🍊
Marcos Diaz 🍊
Esme Frost 🍊
John Proudstar🌊
Hank McCoy 🌊🧁
Chase Stein 🍊
Scott Summers 🍊
Charles Xavier🌊
Jennifer Walters
Sersi 🍊
wade wilson
Barry Allen 🍊
Beth Chapel🌊
Barbara Gordon 🍊
Dick Grayson🍊
Mary Hamliton 🍊
Virgil Hawkins 🍊
Pamela "Poisin Ivy" Isley 🍊
Kate Kane🌊
Clark Kent (dceu) 🍊
clark kent (smallville based) 🍊
jenny kord🌊🧁
Selina Kyle 🍊
Dinah Lance 🍊
Gar Logan🍊
M'gann M'orroz 🍊
Tommy Merlyn🌊
Sophie Moore🌊
Yolanda Montez
James Olsen 🍊
Anissa Pierce🌊
milagro reyes🌊🧁
Donna Troy 🍊🧁
Bruce Wayne🍊
Courtney whitmore  🌊
hank hall/hawk 🧁
dawn granger/dove 🧁
oliver queen(non arrowverse)
ollie queen (smallville)
garth (titans/dceu)
TVD Verse
Marcel Gerald 🍊
Elena Gilbert 🍊
Jeremy Gilbert🌊
Tyler Lockwood🌊
Elijah Mikealson 🍊
Hope Mikealson🌊
Lizzie Saltzman 🍊🌊
Magnus Bane 🍊🌊
Clary Fray 🍊🌊
Simon Lewis🌊🧁
Alec Lightwood🌊
Fate:The Winx Saga
Terra Harvey🌊
Bloom Peters 🍊🌊
Beatrix 🌊🧁
Edmund Pevensie 🍊🌊
Lucy Pevensie🍊🌊
Peter Pevensie🌊🧁
Jill Pole🌊
Eustance Clarence Scrubb🌊
the umbrella acaddemy
Deigo Hargreeves🌊
Five Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Klaus Hargreeves 🌊
Sloane Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Lila Pitts🌊
one tree hill
Julian Baker
Jake Jagelski
Nathan Scott 🍊
Clay Evans
Sav Bhandari 🌊
Fiona Coyne🌊
Clare Edwards 🍊🌊
Jake Martin🌊
Drew Torres🌊
Wednesday/Addams Family
Wednesday Addams🌊
Enid Sinclair
what we do in the shadows
colin robinson 🌊🧁
Guillermo de la Cruz🌊🧁
nadja of antipaxos🌊🧁
laszlo cravensworth 🌊🧁
nandor the relentless 🌊 🧁
the boys/gen v
hughie campbell🌊🧁
annie january / starlight 🌊🧁
billy butcher🌊🧁
kimiko miyashiro🌊🧁
queen maeve🌊🧁
other period drama muses
francis valois (reign with some historical influences) 🍊
Sebastian de poitiers (reign)
tom jones (tom jones 2023)🌊
henry tudor (7th) (the white queen/the white princess/the spainsh princess with some historical influences) 🍊
richard plantagent  (the white queen with some historical influences)🍊
elizabeth woodville (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
elizabeth of yorke (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
anne shirley cuthbert (anne with an e) 
marie antoinette( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
(king) louis bourbon (16th) ( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
captain henry ossroy  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
selina dalton  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
dido elizabeth belle (belle 2013)🌊🧁
john Davinier (belle 2013)
camlia dunne (daisy jones&the six) 🌊🧁
tim laughlin (fellow travelers) 🌊🧁
jane bennet (pride and prejudice) 🧁
elizabeth bennet (pride and prejudice) 🧁
emma woodhouse (emma) 🧁
nan st.george (the buccaneers)
Other Scifi/Fantasy
lucy carlyle-lockwood&Co🌊
Anthony Lockwood-Lockwood&Co🌊
Wendy Darling-Peter Pan/Disney 🍊🌊
Elinor Fairmont-First Kill🌊🧁
Juliette Fairmont-First Kill🌊
Kat Harvey-Casper🌊
Harvey Kinkle-Sabrina The Teenage Witch/Archie comics🌊
Wyatt Logan-Timeless🌊
Arthur Pendragon-Merlin🌊
Scott mccall-teen wolf 🌊
marnie piper (halloweentown)
percy jackson (percy jackson & the Olympians)
Luna briggs (wolf pack)
Blake navarro (wolf pack)
prince eric (the little mermaid)
fiyero tigelaar (wicked)
david nolan/prince charming-once upon a time 🌊🧁
graham humbert/the huntsman-once upon a time 🌊🧁
mary margret blanchard/snow white-once upon a time 🌊🧁
Rapunzel (various media)🌊🧁
other medias
Alexander Clearmond Diaz-red, white, & royal🌊
Lacey Porter-Twisted🌊
Henry Stuart Fox -red, white, & royal🌊
Glimmer-She Ra🌊
Haley Dunphy (modern family)🌊🧁
Alex Dunphy (modern family) 🌊🧁
Janine Teagues-Abbott Elementary🌊
Clare Devlin-Derry Girls🌊
Gregory Eddie-Abbott Elementary🌊
Jim Halpert-The Office🌊
Ben Wyatt-Parks and Recreation 🌊
chidi anagonye (the good place)🌊🧁
eleanor shellstrop (the good place)🌊🧁
janet (the good place)🌊🧁
original characters
elisabeth barlowe 🍊🌊🧁
jacquetta covington 🍊🌊🧁
maxwell danbury 🍊🌊🧁
dylan lyons 🍊🌊🧁
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dynastymusesarch · 2 years ago
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now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building  
selective, mutuals only indie rp blog. i am over 25, so anyone under 21, i prefer not to interact with 
all I gave you is gone tumbled like it was stone
canon divergant pirate based colin bridgerton @pirtecolin edits blog @dynastymusesedits resources such as gifhunts, psds, and templates blog: @dynastymusesresources
thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
as such all muses are over 18 (some have been aged up) 
thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
i am very open to crossovers, as well as oc’s, but plotting must be done.  if i am not following you, please do not send me in character memes. i am mutual only! 
thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up  
fandoms include: bridgerton, various period drama, star wars, lord of the rings/rings of power, wheel of time, shadow&bone/gisha verse. 
It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down 
all of my characters as of now (🍊 is high muse) (🌊muses i want plots for) (🧁new muses) starter calls
Bridgerton Verse
anthony bridgerton 🍊
benedict bridgerton 🌊
colin bridgerton🍊
daphne bridgerton🌊
francesca bridgerton🌊
gregory bridgerton🍊
penelope featherington🍊🌊
philip crane🍊🌊
michael sterling🍊
sophie beckett🌊
kate sharma🍊
gareth st.clair🍊
prince freidrich hohenzollern🍊🌊
king george freidrick 🍊
lady agatha danbury🌊🧁
queen charlotte of mecklenburg-strelitz 🍊🌊🧁
felicity featherington🌊🧁
posy reiling🌊🧁
alina starkov 🍊🌊
kaz brekker🍊🌊
inej ghafa🌊
nina zenik🌊
wylan van eck🌊
genya safin🌊🧁
nikolai lanstov🌊
tolya yul bataar🌊🧁
matthais helvar🌊
lord of the rings/rings of power
samwise gamgee🌊🧁
wheel of time
rand al’thor🍊🌊
lan mandragoran🍊🌊
siuan sanche🍊
egwene al'vere🍊
elayne trakand🍊
Star Wars
luke skywalker🍊🌊
qui gon jinn🌊
obi wan kenobi🍊🌊
padme amidala🍊🌊
poe dameron🌊🧁
han solo🌊
the musketeers
d’artagnan 🍊
queen anne of austria🌊
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Tandy bowen
Karolina Dean 🍊
Marcos Diaz 🍊
Esme Frost 🍊
John Proudstar🌊
Chase Stein 🍊
Scott Summers 🍊
Charles Xavier🌊
Jennifer Walters
Sersi 🍊
Barry Allen 🍊
Beth Chapel🌊
Barbara Gordon 🍊
Dick Grayson🍊
Mary Hamliton 🍊
Virgil Hawkins 🍊
Pamela "Poisin Ivy" Isley 🍊
Kate Kane🌊
Clark Kent 🍊
jenny kord🌊🧁
Selina Kyle 🍊
Dinah Lance 🍊
Gar Logan🍊
M'gann M'orroz 🍊
Tommy Merlyn🌊
Sophie Moore🌊
Yolanda Montez
James Olsen 🍊
Anissa Pierce🌊
milagro reyes🌊🧁
Donna Troy 🍊🧁
Bruce Wayne🍊
Courtney whitmore  🌊
TVD Verse
Marcel Gerald 🍊
Elena Gilbert 🍊
Jeremy Gilbert🌊
Tyler Lockwood🌊
Elijah Mikealson 🍊
Hope Mikealson🌊
Lizzie Saltzman 🍊🌊
Magnus Bane 🍊🌊
Clary Fray 🍊🌊
Simon Lewis🌊🧁
Alec Lightwood🌊
Fate:The Winx Saga
Terra Harvey🌊
Bloom Peters 🍊🌊
Edmund Pevensie 🍊🌊
Lucy Pevensie🍊🌊
Peter Pevensie🌊🧁
Jill Pole🌊
Eustance Clarence Scrubb🌊
the umbrella acaddemy
Deigo Hargreeves🌊
Five Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Klaus Hargreeves 🌊
Sloane Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Lila Pitts🌊
one tree hill
Julian Baker
Jake Jagelski
Nathan Scott 🍊
Clay Evans
Sav Bhandari 🌊
Fiona Coyne🌊
Clare Edwards 🍊🌊
Jake Martin🌊
Drew Torres🌊
Wednesday/Addams Family
Wednesday Addams🌊
Enid Sinclair
what we do in the shadows
colin robinson 🌊🧁
Guillermo de la Cruz🌊🧁
nadja of antipaxos🌊🧁
lazslo cravensworth 🌊🧁
nandor the relentless 🌊 🧁
the boys/gen v
hughie campbell🌊🧁
annie january / starlight 🌊🧁
other period drama muses
francis valois (reign with some historical influences) 🍊
Sebastian de poitiers (reign)
charlotte heywood (sanditon)🌊
lord babington (sanditon)🌊
young stringer (sandtiton)🌊
tom jones (tom jones 2023)🌊
henry tudor (7th) (the white queen/the white princess/the spainsh princess with some historical influences) 🍊
richard plantagent  (the white queen with some historical influences)🍊
elizabeth woodville (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
anne shirley cuthbert (anne with an e) 
marie antoinette( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
(king) louis bourbon (16th) ( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
captain henry ossroy  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
selina dalton  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
dido elizabeth belle (belle 2013)🌊🧁
camlia dunne (daisy jones&the six) 🌊🧁
tim laughlin (fellow travelers) 🌊🧁
Other Scifi/Fantasy
Lucy Caryle- Lockwood&Co🌊
Anthony Lockwood-Lockwood&Co🌊
Wendy Darling-Peter Pan/Disney 🍊🌊
Elinor Fairmont-First Kill🌊🧁
Juliette Fairmont-First Kill🌊
Kat Harvey-Casper🌊
Harvey Kinkle-Sabrina The Teenage Witch/Archie comics🌊
Wyatt Logan-Timeless🌊
Arthur Pendragon-Merlin🌊
Scott mccall-teen wolf 🌊
david nolan/prince charming-once upon a time 🌊🧁
graham humbert/the huntsman-once upon a time 🌊🧁
mary margret blanchard/snow white-once upon a time 🌊🧁
other medias
Alexander Clearmond Diaz-red, white, & royal🌊
Clare Devlin-Derry Girls🌊
Gregory Eddie-Abbott Elementary🌊
Jim Halpert-The Office🌊
Ben Wyatt-Parks and Recreation 🌊
Lacey Porter-Twisted🌊
Janine Teagues-Abbott Elementary🌊
Henry Stuart Fox -red, white, & royal🌊
Glimmer-She Ra🌊
Rapunzel (various media)🌊🧁
Haley Dunphy (modern family)🌊🧁
Alex Dunphy (modern family) 🌊🧁
original characters
elisabeth barlowe 🍊🌊🧁
jacquetta covington 🍊🌊🧁
maxwell danbury 🍊🌊🧁
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dynastymusesarchive · 2 years ago
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//starter call for anyone, starter lengths may vary
Bridgerton Verse
anthony bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
colin bridgerton
daphne bridgerton
francesca bridgerton
gregory bridgerton
philip crane
michael sterling
sophie beckett
kate sharma
prince freidrich hohenzollern
king george freidrick
lady agatha danbury
alina starkov
kaz brekker
inej ghafa
nina zenik
wylan van eck
genya safin
nikolai lanstov
tolya yul bataar
matthais helvar
lord of the rings/rings of power
samwise gamgee
wheel of time
rand al’thor   
lan mandragoran  
Star Wars
luke skywalker
qui gon jinn
obi wan kenobi
padme amidala
poe dameron
han solo
the musketeers
queen anne of austria
other period drama muses
francis valois (reign with some historical influences)
Sebastian de poitiers (reign)
charlotte heywood (sanditon)
lord babington (sanditon)
young stringer (sandtiton)
tom jones (tom jones 2023)
henry tudor (7th) (the white queen/the white princess/the spainsh princess with some historical influences)
richard plantagent  (the white queen with some historical influences)
elizabeth woodville (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
anne shirley cuthbert (anne with an e)  
marie antoinette( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences)
(king) louis bourbon (16th) ( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences)
captain henry ossroy  (mr malcom’s list)
selina dalton  (mr malcom’s list)
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thedudleywomen · 6 months ago
ON THIS DAY - 20 Sep 1586 - The Babington Plot
On This Day (20 Sep) in 1586, Anthony Babington and 6 of his co-conspirators were executed, following their convictions for high treason.
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Born into a Catholic gentry family in 1561, Babington was a long-time supporter of Mary, Queen of Scots claim to the English throne.
Mary had been under house arrest in England following her forced abdication from Scotland in 1567; since Dec 1585, she had been held at Chartley Manor, the Staffordshire residence belonging to Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and rising star within the Elizabethan court.
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It was during her imprisonment at Chartley that Babington corresponded with Mary, advising of his intent to assassinate Elizabeth I and place Mary on the throne, to which Mary gave her support. These letters were encrypted, using a cypher, and were moved in and out of Chartley in beer barrels.
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Elizabeth's security forces, led by Sir Francis Walsingham, were made aware of this conspiracy, and infiltrated the conveyance of the letters, therefore providing evidence against both Babington (and his co-conspirators), as well as Mary.
On 20 Sep 1586, Babington and his co-conspirators were taken from the Tower of London, and paraded through the streets of London to St Giles' Field, where a scaffold had been erected. There, the men were hung, drawn and quartered, with their body parts later distributed across London as warnings to others.
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Mary was subsequently arrested in Aug 1586, whilst out riding; she was initially taken to Tixall Hall, Staffordshire, and later moved to Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire. It was at Fotheringhay that she underwent her own trial, where she was found guilty of high treason, and sentenced to death; this was carried out on 08 Feb 1587.
0 notes
ulkaralakbarova · 8 months ago
When Queen Elizabeth’s reign is threatened by ruthless familial betrayal and Spain’s invading army, she and her shrewd adviser must act to safeguard the lives of her people. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elizabeth I, Queen of England: Cate Blanchett Sir Walter Raleigh: Clive Owen Sir Francis Walsingham: Geoffrey Rush Sir Christopher Hatton: Laurence Fox Amyas Paulet: Tom Hollander Elizabeth Throckmorton: Abbie Cornish Robert Reston: Rhys Ifans King Philip II of Spain: Jordi Mollà Mary, Queen of Scots: Samantha Morton Anthony Babington: Eddie Redmayne Calley: Adrian Scarborough William Walsingham: Adam Godley Archduke Charles: Christian Brassington Count Georg von Helfenstein: Robert Cambrinus Dr. John Dee: David Threlfall Spanish Minister: Vidal Sancho Ursula Walsingham: Kelly Hunter Lord Howard: John Shrapnel Torturer: Sam Spruell Cellarman: David Sterne Admiral Sir William Winter: David Robb Courtier: Jonathan Bailey Walsingham’s Servant: Steve Lately Woman with Baby: Kate Fleetwood Infanta Isabel of Spain: Aimee King Annette: Susan Lynch Mary Walsingham: Kristin Coulter Smith Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #1: Hayley Burroughs Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #2: Kirsty McKay Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #3: Lucia Ruck Keene Queen Elizabeth’s Waiting Lady #4: Lucienne Venisse-Back Laundry Woman: Elise McCave Margaret: Penelope McGhie First Court Lady: Coral Beed Second Court Lady: Rosalind Halstead Manteo: Steven Loton Wanchese: Martin Baron Walsingham’s Agent: David Armand Sir Francis Throckmorton: Steven Robertson Ramsey: Jeremy Barker Burton: George Innes Mary Walsingham: Kirstin Smith Old Throckmorton: Tim Preece Dance Master: Benjamin May Royal Servant: Glenn Doherty Dean of Peterborough: Chris Brailsford Executioner: Dave Legeno Spanish Archbishop: Antony Carrick Marriage Priest: John Atterbury First Spanish Officer: Alex Giannini Second Spanish Officer: Joe Ferrara Courtier: Alexander Barnes Courtier: Charles Bruce Courtier: Jeremy Cracknell Courtier: Benedict Green Courtier: Adam Smith Courtier: Simon Stratton Courtier: Crispin Swayne Mary Stuart’s Lady in Waiting: Kitty Fox Mary Stuart’s Lady in Waiting: Kate Lindesay Mary Stuart’s Lady in Waiting: Katherine Templar Courtier (uncredited): Morne Botes Young Boy (uncredited): Finn Morrell Tyger Salior (uncredited): Shane Nolan Film Crew: Screenplay: William Nicholson Director of Photography: Remi Adefarasin Editor: Jill Bilcock Original Music Composer: A.R. Rahman Original Music Composer: Craig Armstrong Set Decoration: Richard Roberts Stunts: Peter Pedrero Stunt Coordinator: Greg Powell Casting: Fiona Weir Stunts: Rob Inch Stunts: Andy Smart Additional Camera: David Worley Costume Design: Alexandra Byrne Supervising Sound Editor: Mark Auguste Production Design: Guy Hendrix Dyas Supervising Art Director: Frank Walsh Director: Shekhar Kapur Screenplay: Michael Hirst Editor: Andrew Haddock Art Direction: David Allday Set Costumer: Martin Chitty Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Steve Single Scenic Artist: Rohan Harris Stunts: Ray Nicholas Art Direction: Andy Thomson Art Direction: Jason Knox-Johnston Production Manager: Mark Mostyn Stunts: George Cottle Stunts: David Anders Stunts: Peter Miles Visual Effects Supervisor: John Lockwood Stunts: John Kearney Stunts: Paul Kennington Stunts: Nick Chopping Costume Supervisor: Suzi Turnbull Hairstylist: Morag Ross Art Direction: Phil Sims Music Editor: Tony Lewis ADR Recordist: Robert Edwards Stunt Double: Abbi Collins Script Supervisor: Angela Wharton ADR Editor: Tim Hands Art Direction: Christian Huband Visual Effects Supervisor: Richard Stammers Stunts: Rowley Irlam Assistant Art Director: Helen Xenopoulos Foley Artist: Mario Vaccaro Visual Effects Supervisor: Steve Street Property Master: David Balfour Greensman: Ian Whiteford Foley Editor: Andrew Neil Stunts: Gordon Seed Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Tim Cavagin Dialogue Editor: Sam Auguste Scenic Artist: James Gemmill Unit Publicist: Stacy Mann Camera Operator: Ben Wilson Visual Effects Editor: Aled Robinson Stunts: Paul Herbert Hairstylist: Do...
0 notes
newsofthetimesnott · 11 months ago
The Babington Plot Against Queen Elizabeth I
News of the Times Episode 299 | 1586 
It is 1587 and England is undergoing simmering tension within the country, and externally from international pressure. The Pope has ex-communicated Queen Elizabeth I and actively encourages true Catholics to remover her from the throne.  The figure head for the opposition is the imprisoned Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots. This and other failed attempts to oust Queen Elizabeth leads to the infamous Babington Plot within England contrived in part by the potential assassin, Anthony Babington, who is, actually the unknowing puppet of Queen Elisabeth’s spymaster, 
Sir Francis Walsingham This story involves spies, counter-espionage, double agents, royalty and treachery leading to the execution of an anointed queen.  We take a whistlestop look at this complicated story.  The buildup, the players within this drama, the trap and the capture, that ultimately lead to Mary Stuart’s final doom. The Babington Plot against Queen Elizabeth I is today’s episode of Sinister Saturdays. 
Hosted by Robin Coles.    
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scotianostra · 8 months ago
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On August 11th 1586, Mary Queen of Scots was arrested near Chartley Manor, Staffordshire for her part in a plot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth.
Like it or not, with or without her full knowledge Mary was involved in plots to remove Elizabeth as Queen of England, and place her on the throne. When Mary was displaced by rebellious nobles and fled south to England, she was imprisoned rather than hospitably received by her English cousin.
Unsurprisingly, this treatment and her strong and public faith made her a rallying point for various plots against Elizabeth during her 19-year imprisonment.
The most serious were the Ridolfi plot of 1571 – which threatened to replace the Queen with Mary with the help of Spanish troops, and the Throckmorton Plot of 1583, another plan to murder and replace Elizabeth.
By the mid 1580s it was clear that as long as Mary lived Catholics and Spanish-sympathisers would flock to her, and after her agent Thomas Morgan was implicated in yet another assassination attempt, The Babington Plot, in 1585, Elizabeth was persuaded by her advisers to put Mary on trial.
The Babington plot still baffles historians to this day, what we do know is from the start Elizabeth's spies had known about it, a certain Francis Walsingham principal secretary to Queen Elizabeth was intercepting letters, forging Mary's writing and substituting his own, and so basically orchestrated the whole thing.
Confidant of Mary, the Welsh catholic, Thomas Morgan recruited, among others Anthony Babington, what was happening, basically letters written by Walsingham, pretending to be Mary, encouraged an assassination of Elizabeth. It's all quite complicated, and everyone, who was anyone who has written about Mary and Elizabeth, has their own opinion on it. Me, Mary was writing to the main protagonists so was not faultless, but her level of complicity in these plots is still unclear, Mary was arrested while out riding in August 1586. She was put on trial in October and found guilty, on the 7th February, she was informed that she was to be executed the next morning.
She met her death with exemplary courage and publically forgave her executioners before being beheaded with three messy blows of an axe. Elizabeth then claimed that she had not authorised this, washing her hands of the death of her kinswoman.
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maximumphilosopheranchor · 4 years ago
Yesterday I learned that Bernardino de Mendoza had written a letter to Philip informing him about Anthony Babington’s plot plans and saying that he, Mendoza, advised the plotters to kill or seize William Cecil, Francis Walsingham, Lord Hunsdon (Henry Carey), Francis Knollys and Robert Beale.
Curiously Philip annotated this suggestion: “It does not matter so much about Cecil, although he is a great heretic, but he is very old, and it was he who advised the understandings with the prince of Parma, and he has done no harm. It would be advisable to do as he says with the others."
See the letter dated by 13 August 1586.
It’s strange that Philip believed that Cecil had done no harm because Cecil was one of the most ardent promoters of anti-Catholic measures in England and the main advocate of the execution of Mary Queen of Scots.
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tudorblogger · 4 years ago
Book Review - 'Execution' by S.J. Parris
Book Review – ‘Execution’ by S.J. Parris
I really enjoyed this book. I am currently working on my first non-fiction book about Elizabethan Rebellions, so this was a really interesting fictional account of the Babington plot which led to the execution of Mary Queen of Scots the following year. This is the fifth in a series of books revolving around Giordano Bruno. Giordano Bruno as a character was intriguing and keeps being so…
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addictedtoeddie · 8 years ago
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‘Elizabeth: The Golden Age’ - Eddie’s costume
At the 80th Academy Awards Alexandra Byrne won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design. Cate Blanchett had over 50 costume changes. (Wikipedia) In contrast, Eddie wore (or not) the same multi-layered clothes in all of his scenes. The only difference on the first picture is the collar. 
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