#Anthony Gaud
shredsandpatches · 6 years
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I didn’t do one of these last year because 8tracks had completely borked itself, but it has seen the light and unborked itself, so enjoy this year’s medieval/Renaissance Christmas mix! 
now may we syngyn: more medieval and renaissance christmas music
1. noe, noe, noe - the orlando consort ◦ 2. nobis est natus de pura virgine - brigitte lesne & discantus ◦ 3. edi beo thu hevene quene - martin best ensemble ◦ 4. gentil madonna (dublin virginal ms) - parthenia/a consort of viols ◦ 5. verbum caro factus est (orlando di lasso) - weser-renaissance bremen ◦ 6. en belén tocan a fuego - galliarda ◦ 7. i syng of a mayden - voice trio/dufay collective ◦ 8. o magnum mysterium (william byrd) - parthenia/a consort of viols ◦ 9. o magnum mysterium (tomás luis de victoria) - voices of ascension ◦  10. nascitur de virgine - pavel jurkovič ◦ 11. hodie christus natus est (hans-leo hassler) - stile antico ◦ 12. in dir est freude - the baltimore consort ◦ 13. in excelsis numine - the folger consort ◦ 14. clangat tuba - the orlando consort ◦ 15. esprit divins, chantons dans la nuit sainte (claude goudimel) - ensemble clément janequin/trio musica humana ◦ 16. canite tuba in sion (jacobus handl) - chanticleer ◦ 17. now may we syngyn - anonymous 4 ◦ 18. angelorum lauda digna - the folger consort ◦ 19. laudibus in sanctis (william byrd) - english renaissance ◦ 20. missa pastores quidnam vidistis: gloria (jacob clemens non papa) - stile antico ◦ 21. lullaby (william byrd) - the rose consort of viols ◦ 22. alleluia nativitas - vox nostra ◦ 23. er ist een kindeken geboren - the york waits, richard wistreich & robin jeffrey ◦ 24. a solus ortus cardine - anonymous 4 ◦ 25. remember, o thou man - the baltimore consort ◦ 26. in nomine a 5 (orlando gibbons) - the rose consort of viols ◦ 27.  gaude virgo salutata/gaude virgo singularis (john dunstaple) - blue heron & scott metcalfe ◦ 28. virga yesse floruit - brigitte lesne & discantus ◦ 29. cantiones aliquot: resonet in laudibus (orlando di lasso) - chanticleer ◦ 30. the night watch (anthony holborne) - in nova cantica ◦ 31. mors vitae - martin best ensemble
In case you have a LOT of need for pre-baroque Christmas music, you can also listen to the mixes I did for previous years (links go to the tumblr posts because they have track listings; alternately you can just go check out my 8tracks page here).
2016 (this one was a winner in 8tracks’ holiday mix contest!*) | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
*I won a year’s subscription to 8tracks that I never used because nobody else was using 8tracks. But the small boost to my ego was enough of a prize. I think my true calling may be “DJ for an entirely early-music-focused radio station which does not exist.”
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tabernacleheart · 5 years
A constant characteristic of the pre-Vatican II Popes was to abhor novelty and to safeguard tradition, including traditional devotions. Thus, if one could go back in time and ask any of the pre-Vatican II Popes why they never added "new mysteries" to the Rosary, the answer is easy to presume. "Because," the pre-conciliar Pope would say, "if I add 5 new mysteries, I will have to add 5 new decades. If I add five new decades, then the Rosary can no longer be called 'Our Lady's Psalter'. Now Catholic tradition, my holy predecessors and Our Blessed Mother referred to the Rosary as Her 'Psalter', because the 150 Hail Mary's of the 15-decade Rosary correspond to the 150 Psalms of David. It would be audacious of me to add 5 decades. This would be the decimation of the entire concept of Mary's 'Psalter', a term hallowed by centuries of usage, a term that explains the origin and essence of the Rosary, a term used by the Queen of Heaven Herself. Further, if I make this radical change to the Rosary, then what is to prevent more radical changes in the future?"
The entire history of the Rosary is bound up with the 150 Psalms of the Old Testament, otherwise known as the Psalter of David. From the dawn of Catholic history, monks and hermits prayed these Psalms as part of their daily liturgical life. Saint Benedict, in his Holy Rule, explains that the monks of the desert recited the 150 Psalms every day. Saint Benedict arranged the Psalms for his monks so that all 150 would be recited in one week. This became the Divine Office (Breviary) that priests and religious recited every day until the post-conciliar aggiornamento revolutionized both Breviary and Mass. The story of "Mary's Psalter" reportedly begins with the Irish monks in the 7th Century. These monks divided the 150 Psalms of David into a Na tri coicat format of three groups of fifty. Arranged in such a way, the "fifties" served both as reflective and corporal/penitential prayer. The people of the Middle Ages in their great love of Our Lady set to fashioning "Rosariums" in Her honor. They composed Psalms in praise of Mary to match the 150 Psalms of David. St. Anselm of Canterbury (1109) made such a Rosary. In the 13th Century, St. Bonaventure divided his 150 Marian Psalms into three groups. The first group commenced with the word Ave, the next with Salve, and the final fifty Psalms each commented with the word Gaude. Such Rosaries of praise took the name of Our Lady's Psalter. It was not long before the custom of reciting Hail Mary's became the substitute of reciting the Psalms in praise of Our Lady. "By the 13th Century" writes the Redemptorist Father James Galvin, "the number of Aves was set at one hundred and fifty to equal the number of the Psalms of David." Saint Thomas Aquinas explains that the Psalter of David, composed as it is of one hundred and fifty Psalms, is divided into three equal parts of fifty Psalms each. These three equal parts represent figuratively the three stages in which the faithful find themselves: the state of penance, the state of justice, the state of glory. Likewise, explains Father Anthony Fuerst, "the Rosary of Mary is divided into three parts of fifty Hail Mary's each in order to express fully the phrases of the life of the faithful: penance, justice and glory." 
Catholic Family News
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don-lichterman · 2 years
C8 Secure signs Contract with G3 Esports, LLC
C8 Secure signs Contract with G3 Esports, LLC
C8 Secure signs Contract with G3 Esports, LLC Cybersecurity Company signs Management Contract with E Sports Startup There is no company better positioned to build the future of iGaming than with Continent 8 Technologies and their team at C8 Secure.” — Anthony Gaud, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of G3 Esports FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, UNITED STATES, August 30, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — C8…
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Constitutional duty of all to promote harmony: HC
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INDORE: The Indore bench of Madhya Pradesh high court on Thursday dismissed the bail plea of stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui in a case related to making objectionable remarks on Hindu gods and goddesses at an event in the city on January 1. No case is made out for bail, Justice Rohit Arya said in his order. “It is not a case of no evidence. More so, the investigation is in progress. The possibility of collecting more incriminating material and complacency of other persons cannot also be ruled out,” Justice Arya said. Among the evidence recorded in court is a ‘pen drive containing recording of the show (video footage)’. The court also denied bail to co-accused Nalin Yadav, who was the organiser of the show at Munro Cafe. “In the light of the statements of the complainant and the witnesses, the seized articles, viz, video footage of the show and the seizure memos, at this stage it is difficult to countenance to the applicant’s counsel as complacency of the applicant cannot be ruled out, besides vulnerability of his acts in public domain,” the judge said, noting that an offence of similar nature has been registered against Munawar in a police station of Prayagraj. “The evidence / material collected so far suggest that in an organised public show, under the garb of stand-up comedy at a public place on commercial lines, prima facie; scurrilous, disparaging utterances, outraging religious feelings of a class of citizens of India with deliberate intendment, were made by the applicant,” the judge said. “There is also specific assertion by the learned counsel for the complainant that the applicant, along with other co-accused allegedly making outraging filthy jokes in social media deliberately against Hindu gods, Lord Shriram and Goddess Seeta, hurting religious sentiments of Hindus for the last 18 months despite protest on social media platforms. There is nothing on record to the contrary,” the judge observed. Referring to Article 51A, Fundamental duties, Justice Arya observed: “It’s the Constitutional duty of every citizen and the states to promote harmony and spirit of brotherhood among people of India, irrespective of religious, linguistic, regional or sectional diversities and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.” The state must endeavour to ensure that this “ecosystem and sustenance of coexistence in our welfare society is not polluted by negative forces”, the court added. Police had arrested Munawar, Edwin Anthony, Prakhar Vyas, Priyam Vyas and Nalin Yadav on January 1 under Sections 295A, 298, 269, 188/34 of the IPC for allegedly making comments that hurt religious sentiments. The arrests were made after Hind Rakshak Sangathan’s Eklavya Gaud, the son of BJP MLA Malini Gaud, filed a complaint. Co-accused Sadakat Khan was arrested the next day. Times View: Long ago, the Supreme Court had said that bail should be the norm and denial an exception. Lower courts have often failed to follow that principle. Comedian Faruqui certainly deserves bail on this basic principle of jurisprudence.
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/01/29/constitutional-duty-of-all-to-promote-harmony-hc/
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whileiamdying · 5 years
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.) Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale Drone: Rupert Walker Sound Design: Keith White Audio VFX: Dan Gaud Photography: Ian Collins Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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artwalktv · 5 years
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.) Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale Drone: Rupert Walker Sound Design: Keith White Audio VFX: Dan Gaud Photography: Ian Collins Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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siphersaysstuff · 8 years
Okay, so, way the shit back at BotCon 1996, we got a panel with Kenner representative Anthony Gaud. (At the time, Hasbro had gobbled up Kenner, and was using that name for most of their action figure output.)
And we got told about this totally awesome super-cool G1 revival series that was completely coming soon yessirreebob, and it’d have Arcee and Rodimus, and Soundwave as a communications truck, and it’d tie in with Beast Wars, and it’d have Transformers throughout history, and blar blar blar blar.
In 1996.
And then we never heard from Gaud again.
1997′s panel? Nothing about this supposed G1 revival, and a different set of toy reps.
1997 did get us “Machine Wars”, the KB Toys micro-line of molds that were developed for G2 but never happened, and some recycled-and-altered European-market toys. With its card art often depicting toys that weren’t actually the toys on the card but were sorta close so good enough? Not exactly what we were told was gonna happen.
Current theory is that Machine Wars was an “oh shit” internal scramble to get something out there. I guess Gaud was sent to Antarctica or something.
Since then, Hasbro’s been REAL cagey about what they tell us at shows.
Just a fun story I thought I’d share.
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cphotographic · 5 years
RAW 100 from Revel Co. on Vimeo.
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk
Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.)
Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale
Drone: Rupert Walker
Sound Design: Keith White Audio
VFX: Dan Gaud
Photography: Ian Collins
Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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hi-imjk · 5 years
RAW 100 from Revel Co. on Vimeo.
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk
Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.)
Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale
Drone: Rupert Walker
Sound Design: Keith White Audio
VFX: Dan Gaud
Photography: Ian Collins
Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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promomagazine · 5 years
RAW 100 from Revel Co. on Vimeo.
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk
Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.)
Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale
Drone: Rupert Walker
Sound Design: Keith White Audio
VFX: Dan Gaud
Photography: Ian Collins
Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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karoltabis · 5 years
PARALLEL featuring Brandon Semenuk and Ryan Howard Directed by Brandon Semenuk and Rupert Walker (Revel Co.) Produced by Brandon Semenuk Sound Design: Keith White Audio Additional Footage: Anthony Vitale Drone Footage: Airblstr/Jonny Durst and Rupert Walker Moto Cine Footage: Brian Wulf, Stephan Sherba, Steven Haugelstine Build Crew: Dan Fleury, Evan Intern, Justin Wyper, Jacob Hyde, Simon Silver, Ryan Howard, Brandon Semenuk VFX: Dan Gaud Special Thanks: Mike Ferrentino, Kelley Richardson, Ariel Lindsley, Trevor Jacob Music: What Happens When You Turn The Devil Down - The Mystery Lights
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emzeciorrr · 5 years
RAW 100 from Revel Co. on Vimeo.
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk
Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.)
Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale
Drone: Rupert Walker
Sound Design: Keith White Audio
VFX: Dan Gaud
Photography: Ian Collins
Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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ozkamal · 5 years
RAW 100 Version 5.0 featuring Brandon Semenuk Directed by Rupert Walker and Brandon Semenuk (Revel Co.) Additional Cine: Anthony Vitale Drone: Rupert Walker Sound Design: Keith White Audio VFX: Dan Gaud Photography: Ian Collins Dig Crew: Justin Wyper, Kane Boyce, Daniel Fleury, Evan 'Intern' Young
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el-delacruz · 5 years
PARALLEL from Revel Co. on Vimeo.
PARALLEL featuring Brandon Semenuk and Ryan Howard
Directed by Brandon Semenuk and Rupert Walker (Revel Co.)
Produced by Brandon Semenuk
Sound Design: Keith White Audio
Additional Footage: Anthony Vitale
Drone Footage: Airblstr/Jonny Durst and Rupert Walker
Moto Cine Footage: Brian Wulf, Stephan Sherba, Steven Haugelstine
Build Crew: Dan Fleury, Evan Intern, Justin Wyper, Jacob Hyde, Simon Silver, Ryan Howard, Brandon Semenuk
VFX: Dan Gaud
Special Thanks: Mike Ferrentino, Kelley Richardson, Ariel Lindsley, Trevor Jacob
Music: What Happens When You Turn The Devil Down - The Mystery Lights
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whileiamdying · 5 years
PARALLEL featuring Brandon Semenuk and Ryan Howard Directed by Brandon Semenuk and Rupert Walker (Revel Co.) Produced by Brandon Semenuk Sound Design: Keith White Audio Additional Footage: Anthony Vitale Drone Footage: Airblstr/Jonny Durst and Rupert Walker Moto Cine Footage: Brian Wulf, Stephan Sherba, Steven Haugelstine Build Crew: Dan Fleury, Evan Intern, Justin Wyper, Jacob Hyde, Simon Silver, Ryan Howard, Brandon Semenuk VFX: Dan Gaud Special Thanks: Mike Ferrentino, Kelley Richardson, Ariel Lindsley, Trevor Jacob Music: What Happens When You Turn The Devil Down - The Mystery Lights
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artwalktv · 5 years
PARALLEL featuring Brandon Semenuk and Ryan Howard Directed by Brandon Semenuk and Rupert Walker (Revel Co.) Produced by Brandon Semenuk Sound Design: Keith White Audio Additional Footage: Anthony Vitale Drone Footage: Airblstr/Jonny Durst and Rupert Walker Moto Cine Footage: Brian Wulf, Stephan Sherba, Steven Haugelstine Build Crew: Dan Fleury, Evan Intern, Justin Wyper, Jacob Hyde, Simon Silver, Ryan Howard, Brandon Semenuk VFX: Dan Gaud Special Thanks: Mike Ferrentino, Kelley Richardson, Ariel Lindsley, Trevor Jacob Music: What Happens When You Turn The Devil Down - The Mystery Lights
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