#Ant Removal Sydney
6 Reasons Why Your Home Has An Ant Infestation
 An ant infestation is never a nice sight, no matter what time of year it is. Unfortunately, for most homeowners, an ant infestation is unavoidable. While totally sealing off your home from these tiny insects can be difficult, understanding why they are entering your home can be a good beginning point for keeping ant invasions to a minimum. Ant Removal Sydney specialists highlight 6 reasons why you have ant infestations. 
Water Resources 
Ants, like all other species, require water, and if they cannot locate a suitable source outside, they will most likely invade your home in search of it. Standing water in outdoor areas can also breed ants, leading to an indoor infestation. Leaky pipes, water build-up, and faucets under sinks can all be a source of concern as these places tend to hold more moisture than others. When the weather is hot and dry, ants are more prone to seek moisture indoors. Minimizing moisture both in the interiors as well as exteriors can assist to keep ants at bay. Repair leaks and eliminate water sources. 
Examine your home for excess moisture to ensure that you are not giving a supply of water for them.  
You Have Oily Surfaces 
Left-over grease or food residue is another factor that are not letting you get rid of ants. These delicate residual food particles, which are frequently found on the stovetop or on the sides of food storage containers, are highly attractive to ants. 
You can help by wiping down honey bottles, jam jars, syrup bottles and anything else that may have left a sticky residue. This can assist to eliminate another potential food source that may be attracting ants to your home! 
Your do-it-yourself strategy did not work. 
Majority of homeowners try DIY methods to control the ant population only to discover that they have exacerbated the situation. Sometimes they even attract other ants of a different species. 
Another common DIY mistake spotted by our Pest Control Sadleir professionals is the use of natural "organic" items, such as Boric acid and orange oil which are really more hazardous than the products found in the market. 
Ants are cold-blooded, which implies that their body temperature is affected by the weather. Ants will migrate indoors when the weather outside becomes too hot or cold. While ants require moisture, if their surroundings get too wet, they will seek shelter indoors. Flooding might occur in their nests due to heavy rainfall. Ants will relocate to a safe site if their nest becomes dry. You can't control the weather, but you can make your home ant-proof by hiring Pest Control Milperra experts. 
As disgusting as it may appear, your home is a great setting for ants looking for a place to procreate and propagate. As a colony grows, it will naturally spread to new sites in quest of greater space. If you've spotted flying ants around your property, call Pest Control Fairfield West professionals right away because these are the first symptoms that an ant colony is emerging in or near your home. 
Flying ants, or alates, are reproductive ants. They had previously been members of an ant colony, but when the colony grew in size, the alates flew away to mate and start a new colony in a distant place. 
Allow the Professionals to Help You! 
When all the DIY methods are unsuccessful and the ant infestation has exceeded it is best to call in the specialists! Pestico Pest Control Sydney can assist you in permanently clearing your property of ants. In all the suburbs of Sydney, we provide quick and excellent pest solutions that can permanently eliminate ant infestations. We are well-equipped and have certified and qualified staff to undergo all the pest control treatments not just for ants but also for other pests. If you are looking to eliminate other pests from your house such as cockroaches, possums, spiders and so on, do not hesitate to call us.  
We are right here to help you make your premises pest-free with our affordable services. You can also get an obligation-free quote by calling our experts right away! 
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Dead Animal Removal
In need of professional dead animal removal services? Look no further than Radiant Cleaning and Pest Control. Our team utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to safely eliminate any deceased animals from your property, ensuring a clean and hygienic environment. For quality service you can trust, contact us at +61 424 093 612. Say goodbye to unwanted pests with Radiant Cleaning and Pest Control.
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northshoretreevd · 21 days
9 Essential Tips for Planting Trees Successfully
When people talk about tree removal Sydney services, they tackle the reasons for doing it. Some of them are to get rid of diseases and pests, to construct better landscaping, and to address root issues. However, some people might think that no tree could be planted again on the spot, which is untrue. Tree planting is still possible to add beauty to the surroundings and contribute to the environment. If you are considering planting a new tree in the spot of the old one, here are some tips to help you start and be successful:
Choose the Right Tree
The first thing you need to do before planting a tree is to choose the right type. There are various tree species you will see in Sydney, so choose what is well-suited to the climate and soil type. Do not forget that the space where you will have your new tree matters in this entire process. Some common trees you will see are Sydney blue gum, Australian pine, and Queensland Brushbox.
Plan the Location
The next thing you must do is to plan the location where you will plant the tree. If you have a tree removed before this plan and you still do not have anything there, you can have the new tree planted there. However, you must remember that the soil type suits the tree to ensure that it will grow properly and will reach mature size.
If the previous location will not work, it is okay. You can plant it anywhere suitable and proper as long as the tree will not interfere with the power lines, structures, and other plants.
Check Soil Quality
The soil might look like nothing to some, but for people who want to plant a tree, it is a big deal. Before planting a tree, ensure that you can determine its pH and nutrient content. Ask for the assistance of professionals to get accurate data and information.
Dig the Right Hole
This step is necessary in the entire process of planting trees. Digging a hole can ensure that the tree will grow healthily. Though this might sound easy, the process can be exhausting and might need the help of professionals. However, if you push the DIY idea, some of the tools you should have are shovel or spade, garden form, compost, and watering can. Remember that the hole should be twice as wide as the root ball because it will still grow and spread out.
Handle the Tree Carefully
When the time comes that the tree needs to be transferred, be sure to handle it carefully. Removing it from the container or burlap can be a bit challenging, so ask for the help of your family or friends to prevent damage. Remember to handle it with the root ball.
Backfill with Native Soil
Instead of using a different soil, you must return the one you removed from the hole for compatibility and nutrient balance. Avoid using potting soil or soil amendments to help the tree root system for a seamless transition.
Water Thoroughly
Do not forget to water your new plant after putting the native soil back. It helps settle the soil and remove air pockets. Watering it will also promote root establishment because it creates a strong root system. Prevent transplant shock by giving the tree the necessary moisture and assist in the recovery of the tree.
Protect from Pests
Even if the tree is new, it can attract pests, like termites, carpenter ants, wood wasps, slugs and snails, and wood roaches. If not the pests, do not be surprised if animals are lurking around it, like deer and rabbits. Protect your newly planted tree by installing tree guards or fencing.
Fertilise Sparingly
You also need to fertilise your new tree using a slow-release fertiliser. It can help with tree growth because they are made to give a steady supply of nutrients. Following this tip will make you see progress in plant growth and better soil health. Avoid over-fertilising your tree because it can cause damage and nutrient imbalance.
Planting a tree might sound easy, but various factors need to be considered to ensure that it will grow correctly. May these tips help you with your tree planting efforts and make the entire process worth it by seeing it healthy, tall, and sturdy.
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a1pestcontrol · 2 months
Top 10 Pest Control Tips for Homeowners
Keeping your home free of pests is essential for your health and your property's integrity. Pests such as ants, cockroaches, rodents, and termites can cause considerable damage and pose health risks. Here are the top 10 pest control tips to help you keep your home safe and pest-free.
1. Seal Entry Points
Blocking entry points is one of the most effective methods for keeping pests out. Inspect your home for cracks, gaps, and holes, especially around windows, doors, and utility lines. Apply caulk or weather stripping to close these gaps and prevent pests from entering.
2. Keep Your Home Clean
A clean home is less attractive to pests. Vacuum, sweep, and mop floors regularly to remove food crumbs and spills. Keep kitchen counters and dining areas clean, and ensure rubbish bins are sealed and emptied regularly.
3. Proper Food Storage
Keep food in airtight containers to prevent pests from getting to it.
This includes pet food, which should also be kept in sealed containers. Avoid leaving food out overnight and promptly clean up after meals.
4. Eliminate Standing Water
Stagnant water breeds pests such as mosquitoes and can attract rodents and insects. Regularly check for and fix leaks, clean gutters, and ensure water doesn't accumulate in subfloor areas.
5. Maintain Your Yard
Overgrown vegetation and cluttered yards can provide shelter for pests. Keep your lawn mowed, trim bushes and trees, and remove debris or leaf piles. Store firewood at least 3-5 metres away from your home.
6. Use Pest-Repellent Plants
Certain plants can naturally repel pests. Consider planting pyrethrum, lavender, mint, rosemary, or marigolds around your home to keep pests at bay. These plants can also add beauty to your garden.
7. Dispose of Waste Properly
Effective waste management is crucial for controlling pests. Make sure garbage bins have securely fitting lids and are cleaned regularly. Recycle materials and compost organic waste to minimize attractants for pests.
8. Regular Inspections
Consistently check your home for signs of pests, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or damaged materials. Early detection can help you address pest issues before they become significant infestations.
9. Hire Professional Pest Control
Sometimes, more than DIY methods are needed. Engaging a professional pest control service can offer specialized advice and treatments customized to address your specific pest issues. They can also provide regular maintenance plans to keep pests at bay.
10. Educate Yourself
Stay informed about the types of pests common in your area and effective prevention methods. Knowledge is power in pest control, and being proactive can save you time and money in the long run.
Maintaining a pest-free home requires vigilance and proactive measures, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By implementing these top pest control tips, you can protect your home and family from pest nuisances and dangers. For more comprehensive solutions and professional assistance, visit A1 Pest Control Sydney. Our experts help you keep your home safe and pest-free all year round.
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termitetreatment · 3 months
How to Clean Up Dead Ants: A Comprehensive Guide
Discovering a pile of dead ants in your home can be unsettling. We understand the desire to quickly remove these tiny invaders without causing more harm. When ants invade our spaces, they often leave behind their fallen comrades. It’s important to clean up these deceased ants promptly to prevent attracting more ants. Through this guide, we aim to provide you with effective methods to safely and efficiently deal with dead ants. However, reach out to us anytime for professional termite control services in Sydney — cheapest, but the best effective treatment. 
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For more information click here: How to Clean Up Dead Ants: A Comprehensive Guide
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peakmanufacturingau · 7 months
10 Consequences of Mould on Your Roof: A Troubling Discovery
Roofing, like any other thing in your home, can experience issues. Some of what you will commonly encounter are damaged shingles and mouldy roofs. For the latter, its causes include moisture accumulation, poor insulation, and inadequate ventilation. However it started, ensure to attend to the issue immediately. If you buy roofing supplies Sydney but do not take action, here are the consequences your roofing might face:
Aesthetic Damage
The first sign you will notice in a mouldy roof is the changes in its colour. The moulds will appear black or green, depending on how severe the issue is. They start as patches in different areas until they accumulate the entire roofing. If this scenario happens, cleaning and removing them can be challenging because of their slimy texture. Having your entire roof mouldy can cause accidents, so it is better to leave the job to the professionals.
Roof Material Degradation
No matter how good and high-quality your roofing materials are, they will deteriorate over time. However, having a mouldy roof can speed up the problem. Once you notice changes in colour and texture on your roof, do not ignore them and have them cleaned immediately. Ensure you understand the implications of having moulds on your shelter to prevent them from worsening.
Weakened Structural Integrity
Since moulds contribute to roof material degradation, it should not be a surprise if the overall structural integrity of the property is compromised. Even if the only thing affected is the roof, the damage caused by the mould can get into other parts of your home, including the ceiling and walls.
Water Leaks
Water leaks are one of the common issues people encounter on their roofs. It can be caused by various factors, and mould is one of them. Water leaks can affect many things in your home, even when inside. If moulds already create a crack or hole, water can go into your place, damaging furniture and appliances. Ensure that this will not happen by regularly checking your roof, walls, ceiling, and other parts of your home.
Rotting Wood
No matter how high-quality the wood is, if they are infiltrated by moulds, it can be a danger. The issue can weaken and destroy the wood, affecting its purpose in your home. Structural damage is only one of the negative effects of moulds in woods, so be mindful when it happens. Start by identifying the affected areas and considering cleaning or replacement.
Health Hazards
Even if the moulds form on the outside part of the roof, severe issues can cause health hazards to people in the house. Direct and indirect contact with the moulds can trigger allergies and asthma. People with respiratory problems must always be mindful because wheezing and coughing might not be the only things they can experience. Nasal congestion and throat irritation might occur if the issue remains unresolved.
Pest Infestations
Pests can be a headache to homeowners, especially when partnered with moulds. Mouldy roofs can be a home to various pests, like termites, carpenter ants, and rodents. These are the pests you would never want to have inside and outside your home, so keep everything neat and clean. Address the mould and moisture immediately to prevent these from occurring.
Interior Damage
Once moulds worsen, do not be surprised if they get inside your home. Keeping them unresolved can cause interior damage, and you will commonly see them in walls and ceilings. It might already be too late if the moulds begin to leave black spots, similar to what dried leaks do.
Reduced Property Value
Do not expect too much if your home has mould issues and you decide to sell it. Surely, no one wants to live in a home infested with moulds and mildew, so the price is not what you expect it to be. If you want your home to be marketable, repair everything that needs to be repaired and replace anything that requires replacement. It might cost you an amount, but the investment will be worth it.
Foul Odours
Uncleaned and severe mould conditions can cause foul odours inside and outside your home. And with that, one of the things you can anticipate is that you will not enjoy living in your home anytime soon. 
Moulds, wherever they are, need to be removed once they are seen. They will not just affect the looks of the place, but also the health of the people living in it. Do not let these things happen before you take action, so knowing about them is a good start.
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treedropper · 1 year
Why Stump Removal Service is Needed in Australia
In Australia, the term "tree removal service" describes the process of removing trees that are dead, ill, overgrown, or present a risk to persons or property. Australia's major cities, including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide, and Perth, all offer professional tree removal services. 
These services are typically offered by businesses that hire qualified arborists who remove trees securely and effectively using specialized machinery. 
According to the size and location of the tree, as well as other elements like accessibility and the presence of electricity lines, the price of tree removal in Australia can vary.
Here are 10 reasons why a qualified arborists required for stump removal service in Australia requires:
Safety Concerns: Stumps can be a tripping hazard and can cause injuries to people, especially children and the elderly.
Aesthetic Appeal: Stumps can be an eyesore and can detract from the beauty of your property.
Pest Infestation: Stumps can attract pests such as termites, ants, and beetles, which can cause damage to your property.
Disease prevention: Stumps can be a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria, which can spread to other plants and trees.
Space utilization: Stumps can take up valuable space in your yard, limiting your options for landscaping and outdoor activities.
Property Value: Removing stumps can increase the value of your property by improving its overall appearance and functionality.
Lawn Maintenance: Stumps can make it difficult to mow the lawn and can damage lawn care equipment.
Root Damage: Stumps can continue to grow and cause damage to underground pipes, foundations, and other structures.
Fire Hazard: Stumps can be a fire hazard, especially during dry seasons, as they can easily catch fire and spread to other areas.
Environmental Impact: Stumps can negatively impact the environment by contributing to soil erosion and altering the natural ecosystem of your property.
If you're looking for local stump removal services, there are many options available to you. It's important to choose a reputable service.  We Tree Dropper offers services in Hawkesbury from tree trimming to pruning, tree removal services, stump grinding, Canopy Thinning & more. 
The reasons for canopy thinning in Hawkesbury go beyond increasing light and air. Tree Dropper is a reputed company. Call 24/7 at 0472640077 for emergency work like removing damaged branches in Hawkesbury. Our team will respond to you quickly..
Visit us at https://treedropper.com.au/
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flashpest1 · 1 year
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onsitepestsolution · 1 year
Eradicate The Pest Issues & Remain Safe
Pests can be exceedingly annoying. They might seriously contaminate your food, cause major property damage, or even spread disease. It is critical to take immediate action if you are having a bug problem to stop it from getting worse. The best way to get rid of pests is to hire trustworthy pest control Western Sydney services. Of course, it makes more sense to hire a professional pest controller rather than attempting to handle it yourself. You may receive help from several trustworthy companies to get rid of ants, squirrels, mice, cockroaches, and other pests and bugs. Experts are skilled in several different pest-removal techniques. They also concentrate on pest management in an emergency.
What do pest control companies do?
Pest control experts employ a variety of methods to get rid of pests. They might utilise substances, traps, or techniques for excluding people. Prevention strategies are offered by companies that offer pest management, and they can help keep pests from recurring or even from ever becoming a problem.
What are the benefits of hiring a reputable pest control business?
There are several benefits to hiring a professional pest control company over doing it yourself. Among the main benefits are:
Professional pest control services have the skills and expertise required to quickly and fully eradicate pests. To comprehend insect behaviour and the best approaches to eradicate it, they undergo extensive training. In order to help them with their task, they can also use the most modern tools and technologies. Knowing that your insect infestations will be properly treated allows you to relax.
Experts in pest control use effective, risk-free methods to get rid of pests. Also, they take precautions to safeguard your valuables. DIY projects that cause health difficulties, including severe allergic reactions, could easily put your safety in danger. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) normally registers pest control treatment products, which have been proven to be dependable and secure.
Oftentimes, hiring a professional pest control service is less expensive than doing it yourself. Many home remedies are ineffective compared to professional solutions. Professional businesses have the skills and equipment required to carry out the work correctly, saving you money. They'll also do the job fast, getting rid of the bugs so you may resume your usual schedule as soon as possible.
Total sanitization of the kitchen
No matter how big they are, pests leave behind viruses that can cause severe diseases when they come and go. People can become ill from tiny critters like cockroaches. Any infestation, no matter how little, offers a health danger when food is involved. Commercial kitchen pest control Eastern Creek services will sterilize your surfaces in addition to getting rid of the infestation. If you have a rat infestation, the pest control system can aid with full cleanup and sanitization of the mess in addition to pest elimination.
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anytimepestcontrol · 2 years
How To Get Rid Of Pests Quickly And Safely - Our Tips
Getting rid of pests from your property can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to handle the pests yourself, but you also have to take care not to Harm Yourself in the process! Here are Pest Control Sydney, our tips on how to get rid of pests quickly and safely, using methods that won't Harm You or damage your property.
What Types of Pests Do You Have and How to Get Rid of Them
What types of pests do you have in your home? There are many different types of pests that can invade a home. Some common pests include spiders, ants, cockroaches, rodents, and lizards.
To get rid of these pests quickly and safely, follow our tips:
Identify the type of pest.
Discover where they're coming from.
Remove the source of food or water.
Eliminate hiding places.
Protect your property from future invasions.
Tips for Making Your Home More attractive to Pests
It can be frustrating when pests keep ruining your precious possessions, but there are plenty of simple steps you can take to make your home less attractive to them and get rid of them quickly and safely. Here are a few tips:
Clean up messes - One of the simplest ways to reduce the number of pests in your home is to clean up any areas where they're creating a mess. This means sweeping and cleaning off surfaces that insects are feeding on, as well as taking care around waste disposal areas.
Deodorize - Another way to keep pests away is by deodorizing areas where they like to hang out. There are many available pest control products that contain natural ingredients that can help mask unpleasant smells, such as garlic or citronella oil.
Make sure pets are properly confined - Not only does properly confining your pets make them less likely to spread pests around, but it can also make it difficult for them to reach food and water caches that could tempt them into trouble.
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How to Keep Out Pests Naturally
Forget the chemicals – here are natural ways to get rid of pests naturally!
There is no need to use harsh chemicals on your property in order to get rid of pests. In fact, many of these chemicals can be harmful to both you and the environment. Here are nine natural ways to get rid of pests:
Use garlic - One of the oldest and most effective methods for pest control is to use garlic. Garlic emits a pungent odor that deters pests, including mosquitoes, from landing or spreading their larvae. In addition, garlic was once used as a treatment for various diseases and infections in humans, so it has a number of medical properties that make it an effective repellent for pests as well. Crush one or two cloves into garlic oil and apply it to joints and baseboards where pests are most active.
Use vinegar/water spray - combine 1 cup white vinegar with 8 cups water in a spray bottle and mist flowers, plants, bushes, trees and other garden structures. Vinegar destroys insect eggs while causing them considerable discomfort which helps discourage them from reproducing. This solution can also be used on fruit trees and shrubs; simply mist the leaves throughout the day while they're still green.
Get out the vacuum cleaner - If you have carpets or upholstery, vacuuming is an excellent way to remove bugs and debris without using any pesticides or other harsh chemicals. Simply place a sheet over
What would your home be like without pesky pests? Probably much cleaner and easier to manage, that's for sure. Whether you have rats, bees, ants, or spiders - we've got the tips you need to get rid of them quickly and safely! With a little know-how and some common sense, you can take care of these pests problem-free in no time at all.
Call a professional Pest Control Sydney to get rid of pests immediately.
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Residential Pest Control Sydney: Get Rid Of Pesky Critters Now!
Does your home have an infestation of pests? There are a number of steps that you can take to help get rid of them, from hiring a local residential pest control company to DIY methods. Find out more in this blog post about the options available for getting rid of pesky critters from your home once and for all!
Residential Pest Control in Sydney is necessary to protect your home from pesky critters. There are many different types of pests that can infest your home, including ants, cockroaches, rats, and spiders. These pests can cause damage to your property and pose a health risk to you and your family.
Pest control companies in Sydney offer a variety of services to help you get rid of these unwanted guests. They will inspect your home for signs of infestation and identify the type of pest that is causing the problem. They will then recommend a course of treatment to get rid of the pests.
Treatment options may include baiting, trapping, or poisoning. Pest control companies in Sydney also offer preventative services to keep pests from returning in the future. These services may include sealing cracks and crevices around your home, removing food sources that attract pests, and providing regular maintenance to keep your home free of pests.
The Benefits of Hiring a Residential Pest Control Company
There are many benefits to hiring a professional residential pest control company. First and foremost, it will save you time and energy in the long run. DIY methods may seem like the more economical option at first, but will generally end up costing you more in the end due to the need for constant reapplication and monitoring. Second, hiring a professional company will ensure that the job is done right the first time. This peace of mind is invaluable when it comes to something as important as your home. Finally, most reputable companies offer some form of guarantee on their work, meaning that if pests do return, they will come back and fix the problem at no additional cost to you.
What Types of Pests Can be Controlled?
There are a variety of pests that can be controlled with residential pest control in Sydney. These include cockroaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, and rats. If you have a problem with any of these pests, it is important to contact a professional pest control company to get rid of them.
Prevention Tips
There are a few things you can do to help prevent pests from taking over your home. First, make sure to keep food in sealed containers and clean up any spills or crumbs right away. Second, seal any cracks or openings around your home, both inside and out, to prevent pests from getting in. Finally, regular cleaning and vacuuming can help to keep your home free of debris that pests can use for shelter or food.
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DIY Pest Control Solutions
If you're looking for some do-it-yourself pest control solutions, there are a few things you can do to get rid of those pesky critters. First, make sure that your home is clean and free of food debris. This will help to discourage pests from entering in the first place. Next, seal any cracks or openings around your home where pests could enter. You can also use natural pest control methods like using essential oils or diatomaceous earth to keep pests away.
Professional Services Offered by Residential Pest Control Sydney
Residential Pest Control Sydney offers an array of professional services to get rid of pesky critters. Our team of experts will work diligently to assess the infestation and develop a tailored plan to eliminate the pests. We understand that every home is unique, and we will create a customized approach based on your specific needs. In addition, we will provide you with tips and advice on how to prevent future infestations. Contact us today to learn more about our residential pest control services in Sydney!
Pests can be a nuisance, and those living in Sydney are no exception. Pest Control Port Botany is essential for keeping a clean, comfortable home. Professional pest control services offer an effective and safe solution that uses the latest products and technologies available to exterminate pests from your property without harming people or pets. With expert knowledge, these professionals are able to eradicate all sorts of common household pests so you can feel confident that any infestations will soon be a thing of the past!
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northshoretreevd · 21 days
10 Types of Pests That Can Live in Tree Stumps
A tree service Sydney offers can include tree lopping, tree pruning, and stump grinding. If you are interested in the latter but have hesitations, one of the reasons to go for it is because of the pests that can home in the stumps. Leaving them unattended for a long time can make it more challenging to manage. To help you further, here are some of the pests that can live in tree stumps:
When it comes to tree-related pests, termites are the most common ones you will see always included on the list. They are small, pale insects that are known to feed on wood, so it is no surprise that they are seen in stumps. Migrating from tree stumps to wooden structures is something that they can do. If they are not given attention, they can cause structural damage if you have wood at home. 
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are usually seen easily compared to termites because they are large. They can be in black or red colours, making them easily recognised. They excavate wood to create nests. Tree stumps and nearby wooden items need to be mindful of carpenter ants because they can weaken the stumps through tunnelling. 
If you see eggs on the wood, one of the causes is beetles. Some beetle species lay eggs on tree stumps, including bark beetles and wood boring beetles. If you do not remove the tree stumps, laying eggs will continue until there are decays and further damage.
Wood Wasps
If beetles lay their eggs on wood, wood swaps can also do the same, and you will see them on dead wood or dying trees. The larvae can attract other pests, furthering the damage to the tree stumps. Do not let this happen by ensuring that the stump is properly and immediately removed by the professionals.
Mushroom Beetles
The combination of decaying wood and fungi is not good for the home and the people. However, in mushroom beetles, it can be heaven. You will commonly see them in decaying wood, and cause its decomposition. However, this happens once they spread fungal spores.
Various types of fungi can be seen in tree stumps, like polypores, bracket fungi, and mushrooms. They might look like nothing to some, but once they colonise the stumps, they break down the wood. Although they are not considered pests, they are one of the things that can attract pests and insects to the wood.
Woodlice (Pill Bugs)
Once the tree is cut down, you will see the unremoved tree stump slowly die and decompose. However, this process can be expedited because of woodlice or pill bugs. They are small and segmented and could live and thrive in decaying and damp woods. Their contribution to the decomposition of the stump can also cause predators.
If you see a brown long segmented body that is a few millimetres in length, it could be a centipede. This arthropod is easily recognised because of its multi legs and they hunt insects in dead or decaying woods. Some people might think that it is a good thing that they are present because they help in pest control, but it also means that other pests are living in the stump. Best to have it removed entirely to prevent this kind of problem.
Some people confuse centipedes and millipedes, but they have differences in their looks. The latter has a long and cylindrical body, compared to the centipedes which are slightly flattened. Their colour also revolves around brown, black, and reddish. They feed on dying organic matter, helping in the decomposition. However, they can also attract predators.
Slugs and Snails
Slugs and snails are molluscs that feed on decaying plant material, like a tree stump. You will also see them doing the same when there are fungi. They can attract predators just like millipedes, so their presence is not a good thing. Having slugs and snails on your tree stumps can also mean that the moisture level in the stump is high.
Understanding the differences between tree stump pests can help you recognise them better. May this list push you to remove your tree stump and conduct regular inspections even if they are gone. Professional pest control might be nothing if you do not maintain yard hygiene.
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davespestcontroll · 2 years
Pest Control in Sydney
Cockroaches are among the most common pests in Sydney homes and businesses. They are also difficult to eradicate. The most common species are the German Cockroach, Australian Cockroach, and the Brown Banded Cockroach. Other types of cockroaches include the Smoky Brown Cockroach and the Oriental Cockroach. In addition, rats and mice are common in densely populated areas of Sydney. The colder months of the year force these animals to seek warmth and shelter.
If you are looking for reliable pest control Sydney, you can get in touch with pest control companies that operate in various suburbs. These companies can treat any residential property or commercial property, including warehouses, offices, and restaurants. Pest2Kill is an award-winning Sydney pest control service that offers complete solutions to all pest problems. They also use eco-friendly products to eliminate pests.
With more than five million residents and many crowded suburbs, Sydney has significant pest activity. The city's high population density and abundance of food and shelter provide a rich environment for many types of pests. Common summer and winter pests in Sydney include flies, ants, and mosquitoes. Pest birds, on the other hand, are a problem throughout the year.
The benefits of hiring a professional pest control service are obvious. Not only do they remove pests from your home or business, they also provide follow-up inspections to make sure the treatment is working. Usually, these follow-up visits cost nothing and the professionals will return to your property after a period of time to determine if the treatment has been effective. They also provide you with a comprehensive pest control report, outlining the products and methods used. This report will also offer you tips to avoid pest infestations in the future.
Another common pest problem in Sydney is mice. These pests can cause a lot of damage to your property and may cause diseases if left untreated. Fortunately, professional pest control services are available in Sydney. A professional will identify the exact nest and eliminate the problem with traps and baits. He will also advise you on the best rodent repellent to use.
Termites can also cause significant damage if left untreated. They can destroy your home's structure and even affect the resale value. Regular inspections and barrier treatments can help prevent termite infestations and protect your home. The most vulnerable areas include the underside of your house and any wooded areas of your yard. Always make sure that you hire a qualified termite inspector to ensure your home's safety. A certified pest control company should provide you with a certificate of compliance.
A professional pest control operator is required to be licensed by the Public Health and Wellbeing Act (PHW Act). This is a legal role in the pest control industry and is regulated by the department of health. The Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations regulate pest control operators. These regulations are meant to ensure the safety of consumers, workers, and the public. The licensing of pest control operators ensures that they adhere to the guidelines and standards of conduct.
Pest control operators are also required to be licensed in order to apply certain pesticides. These chemicals must comply with the requirements of the Acts governing the industry. This legislation protects the health and welfare of the public, and the environment. The laws also cover pests like weeds and vermin.
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controlteam · 3 years
Domestic Pest Control | Call Pest Control Team for Best Pest Treatment
With years of experience in domestic pest control and a team of trained and certified exterminators, we put a full-stop on your pest woes! Tradie Team is an Australian owned and operated domestic pest control service provider with an excellent track record of making homes pest-free!
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Contact Us Pest Control Team Australia https://www.pestcontrolteam.com.au/ Or Call Us at 0448 955 555
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Ant, Uber, and the true nature of money
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The US election news has largely overshadowed a seismic moment in global finance: Ant, a fintech company that spun out of Alibaba/Alipay, was scheduled to have the world's largest IPO, topping even Aramco, the Saudi sovereign wealth fund.
Then Chinese regulators canceled it.
As Yves Smith writes in her excellent Naked Capitalism breakdown, the consensus narrative on this is capricious Chinese regulators changed their minds and jerked the rug out from under Ali's billionaire owner Jack Ma.
The reality is a lot chewier.
To understand it, you need to understand the difference between the Chinese and American "money story." In the US, there is widespread, unquestioning faith in the fairytale that money predates the state and is separate from it.
In this story, people come together to trade but are plagued by disparate goods: if I want to pay for your chickens with a cow, how do you make change? They spontaneously decide that something (gold?) is money and price their cows and chicks in it.
Then, governments come along tax our gold away, and then to add insult to injury, governments abandon gold and insist that paper is as good as gold, print too much of it and crash the economy!
This probably sounds familiar to you, but it's just not true.
The actual historical reality, supported by history, archaeology and anthropology, is that governments created money by creating tax. The first "money" was the Babylonian ledgers that recorded how much of their crops farmers owed to the state and their creditors.
Money took a leap forward with imperial conquest: emperors solved the logistical problem of feeding and billeting their occupying soldiers by charging the occupied a tax that had to be paid for in coins stamped with the emperor's head.
They paid the soldiers in these coins, and demanded that their conquered populations somehow get the coins in order to pay their tax, with violent consequences if the tax wasn't paid. So the people sold food and other necessities to soldiers to get the coins.
Money, in other words, is how states provision themselves, and it derives its value from the fact that you have to pay your taxes in it. Governments spend money into existence by buying labor and goods from the public, and then tax it out of existence once a year.
The money the government spends, but does not tax, is the public's money - the money left over for us to transact. All the money in circulation is the sum total of all the money the government spent but didn't tax - that is, the government's deficit is the public's asset.
When governments run "balanced budgets" (or budget surpluses), they remove money from the economy, leaving the public with less to spend. That can be a good thing - a way to fight inflation, which is when too much money chases too few assets.
Low government spending slows growth by taking away the private sector's ability to spend. When the private sector is at full employment, when it is buying all the stuff that's for sale, you need to do something to keep inflation at bay.
During WWII, the USG competed with the private sector for stuff and labor. Uncle Sam spent lots of new money into existence, paying people to build munitions - but then convinced people to buy war bonds, burying that new money for years to come.
But when governments run so lean that there isn't enough money in the economy for the private sector to buy the stuff it needs, it seeks out other forms of money, like bank loans (which generate interest income for shareholders - one reason the market likes austerity).
In theory, bank lending is tightly regulated. Banks are the government's fiscal agents, creatures of the state, only able to trade because of a government charter. But when there isn't enough money in the system, unregulated banks spring into existence.
Another word for "unregulated bank" is "fintech" (h/t Riley Quinn).
And now we're back to China and the money story. Chinese finance regulators have always treated money as a public utility, to be spent or withdrawn to accomplish public purposes.
During the country's rapid industrialization, regulators loosened the flow of money to allow for rapid capacity-building, directing the country's productive capacity to building factories that would multiply that capacity.
But when they shut off the spigot and told factory owners that their future growth would come from making and selling things, the wealthy rebelled and sought out money from unlicensed banks or banks that were willing to break the rules.
This led to a string of subprime debt crises over the past five years, as regulators crushed these wildcat money-creators as fast as they popped up.
China's 1% fought back. They emigrated:
They used cryptocurrency (aka fintech) to evade capital controls, inflating the Bitcoin price-bubble and the Vancouver/Sydney/etc real-estate price bubble as they laundered their money and stashed it in safe-deposit boxes in the sky:
As China's shadow economy ballooned it also grew in criminality. There was the wave of Chinese debt-kidnappings, which became so widespread that hostage-taking was described as "China's small claims court."
No wonder regulators fought back.
China's regulators didn't win a decisive victory, but they retained enormous control over their money-supply, and that REALLY paid off when the pandemic hit and they suspended all debts, rents, and taxes and mothballed the entire productive economy.
Contrast with the US where the finance sector is an industry, not a public utility. Finance flexed its political muscle and diverted nearly the whole stimulus to itself, then crushed the productive economy by demanding debt service and rents.
The ability to use finance as a utility is one of China's crucial assets, and it defends that asset ferociously. And THAT'S why the Ant IPO got killed. Ant's major source of income is short-term, high-interest lending, what Chinese regulators call "pawnbrokering."
China's pawnbrokers are a $43B shadow banking sector, and the country's regulators have been cracking down on them for the past year.
$43B is a drop in the bucket of China's shadow economy (valued at $9T!), but it has real metastatic potential.
Ant's innovation is to fintechify the pawnbroker industry, by tying it to apps (on the front end) and to a US-style debt-brokerage (on the back end).
IOW: Ant's business model is that desperate people use an app to request and quickly receive high-risk, high-interest loans.
Then Ant sells the loans to "investors" (AKA "securitization"). Converting debts into income streams for third parties is the true basis of the finance industry. It's the means by which socially useless intermediaries extract ever-mounting rents from the productive economy.
And as Smith writes in her breakdown, the fact that Chinese finance regulators weren't going to let Ant explode his mass-scale, app-based payday-lending pawnbrokerage is not a surprise. They've been telling Jack Ma this for MONTHS, publicly and privately.
Ma thought he could simply bull his way past the Chinese regulators - that because he runs Alibaba and its subsidiaries, that they would defer to him. But the whole point of a finance regulator is NOT to let the finance sector write its own rules.
That's because bankers will cheerfully set the whole economy on fire to turn a buck (see, e.g., America).
Ant was on track for the largest IPO in world history due to investors' appetite for converting Chinese money from a public utility to a private enrichment vehicle.
So yeah, you're goddamned right the Chinese regulator wasn't going to let him do it. Their whole JOB is to not let him do it.
If you read this far, you may be asking yourself why, if governments don't need taxes to fund programs, they bother to tax at all?
There are two important reasons. The first is to fight inflation, by removing existing money from circulation so that when the government spends new money into existence to pay for the things it needs, that money isn't bidding against the existing supply.
But the other reason is to deprive the wealthy of the power that money brings, lest they use that power to pervert policy. Jack Ma's billions are what got him to the brink of a disastrous IPO for his unregulated bank.
And the US election demonstrates just how badly public policy fares when concentrated money is brought to bear on it for parochial purposes. Take Prop 22, the California ballot initiative to allow Uber and Lyft to misclassify their employees as independent contractors.
No on Prop 22 is a no-brainer. Vast numbers of gig workers are full-time employees, not contractors, and Lyft and Uber and other gig economy companies have pioneered labor misclassification as a tactic for paying literal starvation wages.
And yet, Prop 22 passed, thanks to the largest-ever spending on any ballot initiative in California history: $205 million ($628,854/day!), spent pn 19 PR firms (including Big Tobacco's cancer-denial specialists).
The spend included a bribe to the NAACP Chair's consultancy that made sub-minimum wage jobs with no benefits for people of color (the majority of gig workers) seem like a blow for racial justice.
All told, Uber/Lyft's campaign outspent 49 out of 53 CA House races COMBINED.
And it was a bargain. Lyft and Uber have stolen $413m from California's employment insurance fund since 2014 - and that's just one cost they ducked through this victory. Far more important are the savings they'll realize on worker safety and job-related death claims.
The gig economy companies are the epitome of the financial economy destroying the productive economy. None of these companies turn a profit, after all - all they do is destroy actual, profitable businesses.
Currently the entire restaurant sector is being laid to waste by Postmates and Uber Eats (even as both lose vast sums):
And the workers who lost out with Prop 22 are being "chickenized" - having all the risk of operating a business shifted onto their side of the ledger:
(No surprise, one of Prop 22's signature achievements was denying workers the right to unionize).
The desperation of chickenized workers is downright dystopian:
and chickenization (not automation) is the major cause of falling wages:
Lyft, Uber, Postmates, and the whole gamut of gig economy companies are all haemorrhaging money. Uber alone lost $4.7B in the first half of 2020. That's how you can tell they aren't tech companies: tech companies profited during the pandemic.
Gig-economy companies aren't part of the productive economy - they're part of the finance economy. They rely on investors, not profits from delighted customers, to stay afloat. They make nothing. They destroy everything: workers' lives, productive businesses.
They will never be profitable. Ever.
Take Uber. The company only exists because the Saudi royals amassed so much money that they could bend reality. The "Saudi Vision 2030" plan calls for the creation of new sources of post-oil wealth.
To that end, the Saudis have poured money into the Softbank VC fund, which then supported global-scale, money-losing, predatory businesses in the hopes of securing a monopoly (or, failing that, unloading the company onto dazzled suckers).
When the company IPOed last year, it had already lost $10b. It loses $0.41 on every dollar you spend on your fare. And yet, the Saudis got away clean, off the backs of investors who assumed that a pile of shit this big must have a pony under it somewhere.
Some believed the company's lies about the imminence of self-driving cars. Uber is not going to make a self-driving car.
Some believed the company's lies about profitability via growth. It can't grow to profitability. By its own disclosures, profitability depends on every public transit system in the world shutting down and being replaced by Ubers. #Nagahappen.
The Saudi strategy - and its punishing, economy-destroying reality-distortions - are exemplary of what happens when government let too much money accumulate in unaccountable, private hands. Prop 22 will kill and starve workers, and the public will pick up the pieces.
The businesses that profit from these deaths and immiseration will fail anyway, but not before their major backers and top execs make hundreds of millions or billions.
Recall: the Ant IPO was set to smash the existing record: Saudi Aramco (AKA the money behind Uber).
Meanwhile, all the blood and treasure squandered on Prop 22 - the $205m spent on the Yes side, the $20 spent by unions on the No side - won't save Uber or other gig economy companies.
Not only are they bleeding money, but as Edward Ongweso Jr explains, "Uber is losing legal challenges in France, Britain, Canada, Italy," turning drivers into employees or allowing "lawsuits reclassifying them as such."
And other US states - NY, MA, NJ - are working to end the misclassification of Uber drivers and other gig workers.
Permitting Uber and other gig economy companies to flout the law did not make the economy better. All it did was transfer more money to the wealthy.
And the money they wealthy amass is converted to political power, usurping money's role as a public utility and converting it to a means to seek private gains at public expense.
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goliathpestcontrol · 3 years
How Threatening Is A Termite Infestation?
Termites are a common pest in homes all over USA. These pests can cause major structural damage to your home, and they often go undetected until it is too late. However, with the help of a timber pest inspection in Lake Mary or elsewhere, you can protect your home from termites and other pests that may be lurking inside.
Termites come from a family of social insects known as Isoptera. They are found all over the world in every type of climate from hot and dry to cool and wet. Termites can be identified by their long antennae, which they use for locating food sources that are up to 60 meters away; their narrow waist, which helps them to bore through wood with ease; a soft-ridged abdomen protecting its delicate gut region; six little pairs of legs on each side of its body, two mandibles at either end used for chewing and four wings helping it fly off into the air if danger approaches
Termites feed on wood by chewing through it using their strong jaws. They will eat anything made out of wood including furniture, decks, fences, and even houses! The different types of termites found in USA include:
Subterranean Termites - These are the most destructive type as they live underground and spend only about 20% of their time above ground;
Drywood Termites - These don't require any contact with water to survive and are the most common type of termite found in USA;
Dampwood Termites - These live inside wood that is constantly wet for a long period, such as hollow trees. They never actually eat through the wood themselves but instead feed on fungus growing within it;
Timber Termite Infestation - Timber pests will infest your home if you don't have regular pest inspections carried out by an expert. These are insects which include ants, beetles, and moths.
It is not always easy to identify a termite infestation, which is why a timber pest inspection or a home inspection in Sydney where they check for such pests is a vital step in the process. Pest inspectors will be able to identify tell-tale signs of an infestation, such as damaged wood and damage on or around windowsills, doors, and roofs. Mud tubes built by subterranean termites along foundation walls near ground level and termite swarms during mating season are also clues that indicate an infestation. So, if you see swarms of flying ants around your home then they may be looking for mates which indicates possible activity inside your house.
Pests are often found near termite nests so they can forage nearby when the food sources in their nest run out. They may also come from outdoor items brought into homes that have been affected by pests outside
So, how do you prevent a termite infestation in your home?
You can easily prevent a termite infestation in your home by following these steps:
·         Inspect any furniture you buy before bringing it into the house.
·         Ensure there are no cracks or gaps where water can enter and cause damage, such as around windows, doors, and rooflines.
·         Trim trees away from the house to reduce moisture content.
·         Make sure gutters are draining properly.
·         Install metal flashing on chimneys that meet with a masonry wall because this is one of the most common areas for pests to gain access through when constructing their nests inside cavities - so long as they have not been treated correctly (with cement). If possible, install a brick liner instead-but if you cannot then make sure the mortar joints between bricks are tight enough to prevent pests from entering in.
·         Install mesh screens over vents to prevent wasps and bees from entering. This is particularly important in the summer when these insects are more active.
·         Remove any bird nests or other debris that can accumulate on outside eaves, rooflines, and gutters because this provides egg-laying sites for pests.
How do you get rid of termites if you already have them in your home?
If you find that you have termites in your home through a timber pest inspection or a home inspection in Lake Mary, Florida, then the best way to get rid of them is by calling a pest controller. Termites are not easy to get rid of yourself, they destroy the building materials and framing members of your home or business in order to reach food sources that may be too far away for them to access on their own.
A regular timber pest inspection can help you catch potential signs of a problem before it becomes too costly and destructive. If you don't have an annual timber pest inspection, then this is where to start looking for the tell-tale signs that termites are in your home or business.
Pest Control Lake Mary FL- Goliath Pest Control Offer a Wide Range of Services That Cover the Spectrum of Pest and Termite Control Needs. 30 Years of Experience. Request a Free Quote Today.
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