#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge
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Te Esperaré
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Personaje: Jack Rollins
Advertencia: Un poco triste, referencia a smut.
Nota: Este shot nació de un reto de escritura de @nekoannie-chan a quien agradezco por haberlo traducido al ingles. También será publicado en mi Wattpad (solo la versión en español).
Frase: "No somos asesinos, pero tampoco somos ángeles" Canción: Don't you see de Zard. "Eso es porque tengo miedo de lastimarme", "No lo ves", "Aunque pido y rezo, por milagros y recuerdos"
En uno de los parques de Nueva York, un par de niños paseaban por ahí, cada uno por su lado hasta que inevitablemente se encontraron.
—Entonces, no eres de por aquí, ¿verdad? —pregunta el niño sin dejar de mirarte.
—No, recién llegamos, soy… —escuchaste el llamado de tu madre— ¡Uy! ¡Me tengo que ir! —te acercaste más al niño mientras te quitas tu pulsera—Soy T/N—le dijiste tu nombre a pesar de que sabías que no debías hacerlo—Solo T/N—le sonreíste con dulzura mientras le colocabas tu pulsera. Tu madre volvió a llamarte—Te esperare aquí la próxima vez—empezaste a correr en dirección a tu madre.
—¡Soy Jack Rollins! —te grita mientras te alejabas corriendo.
Al perderla de vista, Jack mira la pulsera con mayor detenimiento, una pulsera Tous, con una perla de plata. Entendió que eso fue una promesa de que se volverían a ver.
Pasaron varios días desde su primer y único encuentro, Jack fue en múltiples ocasiones al parque donde pasaba horas antes de volver a casa. A pesar de sus esfuerzos, nunca más te volvió a ver.
16 años después
A pesar del tiempo que había pasado, Jack no te había olvidado, en el fondo aún esperaba encontrarte, poder reconocerte con solo mirarte aunque ya fueras adulta al igual que él, esa simple idea podría tenerlo entretenido por horas
—Tenemos una misión —informa Brock, irrumpiendo en su oficina.
—¿Qué te dije sobre entrar sin tocar?
—Nos reuniremos con una informante —Brock continua hablando, ignorando la pregunta de su amigo—Que también es una comerciante del mercado negro, parece ser que nos encargaremos de hacer un trato con ella.
—¿La misión es de HYDRA o de S.H.I.E.L.D.?
—Ambas, la información es para SHIELDRA, pero las armas son para HYDRA.
Este tipo de misiones no era en absoluto extraño para ellos, en múltiples ocasiones realizaban misiones de ambos bandos, aunque claro, S.H.I.E.L.D. no se enteraba de todo.
—Aquí está el archivo con la información, nos vamos en unas horas—le entrega el expediente para luego irse.
Jack toma el archivo para revisarlo y apenas lo abre, queda perplejo por la mujer de la imagen, no está seguro si su mente le está jugando una mala broma o si en verdad eres tú.
El parecido era innegable, pero curiosamente tu nombre real no estaba en el expediente, solo nombres que sueles usar, tu alias y lo que más llamo su atención tu relación con el Clan Mercurio.
El Clan Mercurio era un Clan de informantes y vendedores del mercado negro que ha ayudado tanto a HYDRA como a S.H.I.E.L.D. desde sus inicios, de forma neutral. Cosa que seguían haciendo hasta la fecha, pues muy pocos de sus miembros sabían de HYDRA y lo seguían manteniendo en secreto.
Jack recorre su manga para destapar pulsera que le diste, ya un poco desgastada debido a los años, pero aun así sigue estando en buen estado.
«¿Será ella realmente? ¿Me recordará?, si es del Clan Mercurio… ¿Por qué no…? No, primero tengo que asegurarme que sea ella realmente»
El lugar acordado era un bar de estilo rústico al aire libre, muy agradable, en realidad. No paso mucho para que te encontraran, Jack te vio en la barra sentada con tu bebida y un elegante vestido negro.
—Deja que yo me acerque primero, tal vez así sea más fácil todo —Jack pidió, aunque la petición fue extraña, Brock no se negó.
Jack luchó contra los nervios al momento de acercarse a dónde estás, tras tomar asiento justo a tu lado, pidió una bebida, lo miraste de reojo, te resulta familiar, pero por el momento debías esperar a los de S.H.I.E.L.D., ya te preocuparías por él después.
El bartender le entrega su bebida a Jack y él finalmente decide hablar, antes de darle un trago a su bebida.
—Solo T/N, ¿no? —él dijo, no obstante, para amenazarlo, volteaste de inmediato a verlo tras escuchar tu nombre, pero algo te detuvo, lograste ver su pulsera ya que la manga no la cubría mucho por la posición en la que estaba—No eres de por aquí, ¿verdad?
—¿Jack? —cuestionaste, él asintió, el corazón de ambos empezó a latir como nunca lo había hecho — Es imposible… yo…
—Sé que ha pasado mucho tiempo — él te interrumpe.
—16 años, de hecho — dijiste, él asintió.
—Pero, soy yo con quién te ibas a reunir.
—¿No se supone que vienes con alguien? Me informaron que serían dos personas — cuestionaste confundida.
—Cierto, en un momento llamo a Brock — Jack se golpeó mentalmente, se olvidó por completo de Brock. Ambos se pararon para ir a un lugar más alejado, Jack le hizo una seña a Brock.
—Sigamos como si nada, te buscaré después de esto y esta vez, te voy a encontrar, Jack…
—¿No recuerdas mi apellido? — él preguntó al notar que estabas esperando a que él dijera su apellido. Reíste bajo en respuesta.
—Me lo dijiste mientras corría solo logré escuchar tu nombre, aun así, te busqué como una desquiciada cuando crecí — admitiste a lo que él sonrió más.
—Jack Rollins, te esperaré, pero no me hagas esperar otros 16 años — ambos rieron ante su broma.
—¿Y él? —preguntaste, Jack voltea confundido encontrándose con Brock, dando un grito ahogado, apenas audible — Me imagino que es su compañero —Jack asiente.
Después de presentarse y de alejarse de las personas, los tres comenzaron su trabajo. La misión fue un éxito. Jack y Brock volvieron a la ciudad, pero algo no iba bien, no hubo ninguna señal tuya después del bar, aun así, Jack conserva la fe en que te volverá a ver.
Apenas entra a su departamento, el olor de la comida entra en sus fosas nasales, poniéndolo en alerta, sin hacer ruido, saca su arma, va a la cocina, pero antes de poder asomarse.
—Sé que ya llegaste — Jack se sobresalta al escuchar tu voz y sale de su escondite, sin creer que realmente seas tú, quien ahora está de espaldas cocinando — Te escuché cuando abriste la puerta.
—¿Cómo entraste aquí?
—Tengo mis trucos — apagaste la estufa para voltear a verlo — Y te dije que te encontraría esta vez, ¿no? — sonreíste con picardía — Tenemos mucho de qué hablar, Jack Rollins.
Y ese fue solo el comienzo, el comienzo, no paso mucho tiempo para que su relación pasara a algo más que una amistad. Por desgracia, a las pocas semanas tuviste que irte de Nueva York, tu trabajo te impedía quedarte mucho tiempo en un lugar.
—Volveré —aseguraste. Te recostaste en su pecho desnudo — Solo serán un par de días y volveré… o tú podrías venir conmigo.
—Dudo que eso pueda pasar —contesta desanimado. Dejar a HYDRA no sería nada fácil.
—Por si no lo recuerdas, el Clan Mercurio es respetado por S.H.I.E.L.D. y por HYDRA —mencionaste, Jack se levanta un poco por la sorpresa, sosteniéndote por la espalda.
—¿Sabes acerca de…?
—Desde el comienzo cariño, pero descuida, su secreto está siempre a salvo con nosotros — la idea de que supieras de HYDRA ya había pasado por su cabeza, pero nunca se atrevió a confirmarlo o a abordar el tema, no quería correr riesgos.
—¿Puedo preguntar algo? — asientes, ninguno de los dos despega su mirada del otro — ¿Por qué siguen guardando el secreto de HYDRA?
—Muy simple, dinero y una infinidad de información sobre el gobierno, las organizaciones y todo en general. Te sorprendería todo lo que ocurre en un solo día.
—¿Hay algo más que debería saber? — ante su pregunta haces fuerza en su pecho, para obligarlo a recostarse.
—Eso no es gratis — la lujuria es notable en tu voz — Tengo un par de horas antes de irme — ambos se miraron con complicidad para besarse y aprovechar las horas que aún les quedaban.
Su relación a distancia no fue fácil al principio, casi siempre estaban ocupados por el trabajo, en especial tú al estar viajando casi siempre, pero con el tiempo lograron encontrar una forma de llevar su relación. Jack le contó a Brock sobre su relación unos meses después de su relación.
Puede decirse que te volviste la informante y vendedora personal de ambos y Jack se encargaba del pago.
A lo largo de los años, en varias oportunidades, le propusiste a Jack y a Brock unirse a tu Clan, ambos se negaban siempre, es cierto que HYDRA le tiene respeto al Clan Mercurio, pero el miedo de que HYDRA se alzara en contra de tu Clan siempre estaba presente, aunque les afirmabas con seguridad que no sería un verdadero problema.
Pero, los verdaderos problemas empezaron a llegar con el descubrimiento del Capitán América, así como el dios que cayó en Nuevo México, también el científico que se convierte en una criatura verde y el multimillonario con su traje de metal y miles de armas que para colmo formaron parte de la iniciativa Vengadores junto a dos agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D.
Las cosas cambiaron de un momento a otro en HYDRA. Se volvió más complicado lidiar con los superiores.
—Ven con nosotros, ven conmigo, déjame protegerte — le rogaste a Jack. Quien apenas había llegado a su departamento, tomándolo por sorpresa.
—Sabes que no puedo, menos ahora con lo que están planeando con los Helicarrier, si huimos ahora nos matarán a todos.
—¡Soy consciente de eso, Jack!
—Entonces, ¡¿por qué insistes en que huya contigo, cuando las cosas están empeorando y ambos podemos terminar muertos?!
—¡Eso es porque tengo miedo de lastimarme! — Jack se quedó mudo — ¡No lo ves! Aunque pido y rezo, por milagros y recuerdos, tú no estás dispuesto a dar ese paso, a pesar de todo lo que pasamos, sigues dudando…
—¿Cómo sabes que nada saldrá mal? — en su voz se notó el miedo. Te acercaste a él y colocaste tus manos en su rostro.
—No somos asesinos, pero tampoco somos ángeles… mi padre y nuestro líder hicieron un trato con Pierce, estaremos bien, solo… ven conmigo — el silencio se apoderó de la habitación.
—¿Podrías darme unos días? — sentiste como si un balde de agua fría te cayera — Déjame resolver unas cosas — lo miraste sorprendida, por su pregunta, pensaste que querría tiempo para pensarlo — En cuanto las resuelva, podremos irnos, lo prometo.
—Te esperaré, lo prometo.
Sellaron su promesa con un beso. Pero él no podría cumplir su promesa, las cosas no transcurrieron de la forma que él esperaba, de hecho, nadie esperaba que todo este desastre ocurriera.
La existencia de HYDRA fue revelada al igual que sus secretos y los de S.H.I.E.L.D., sin mencionar la destrucción de los Helicarrier y el Triskelion. Muchos miembros de HYDRA lograron escapar o bien fueron asesinados o capturados, para fortuna o desgracia de Jack, él fue de los capturados.
—Señor Rollins, es hora de su traslado a la prisión Raft — informa el guardia abriendo la celda de Jack.
Él no dio resistencia alguna, ya no había razón para luchar, la culpa de no haber cumplido lo que te juró lo carcomía, no tenía idea de donde estabas y lo único que sabía de Brock es que estaba en el hospital.
Fue llevado uno de los jets junto a otros prisioneros. Todos iban en silencio, nadie decía nada. Hasta que de pronto uno de los guardias ataco a los otros dos con dardos eléctricos, dejándolos inconscientes.
La mayoría de los prisioneros empezaron a festejar, pero había otros que no estaban seguros si esto era algo bueno o malo.
—Ya podemos ir al verdadero destino — informa el piloto — Libéralo — el guardia de inmediato se acerca a Jack y lo libera, este se queda atónito ante la situación, no está seguro de lo que sucede.
—¡¿Oiga y nosotros qué?! — reclama uno de los prisioneros.
—La dama solo nos ordenó liberarlo a él. Confórmate con no ir a prisión por el momento.
—Sosténganse, vamos a aterrizar —informa el piloto, pero antes de que Jack pueda preguntar mira por el parabrisas para saber en donde estaban y quedo atónito cuando su mirada cruzo con la tuya. Las respiraciones de ambos se volvieron agitadas
En cuanto el jet se detuvo totalmente en tierra, ambos se acercaron a la parte trasera del jet, y en cuanto se abrió la compuerta Jack salió disparado para reencontrarse contigo. Se abrazaron con fuerza sin lastimar al otro, casi llorando, creyeron que nunca se volverían a ver.
—¿Cómo es que…?
—No importa — te alejaste de él y tomaste su mano en la que colocaste su pulsera — No pude esperarte más — ambos rieron por tu comentario. Acto seguido, Jack besó tu mano.
—Yo tampoco
—Ven — con tus dos manos tomaste la suya y empezaste a caminar — Es hora de ir a casa, tu amigo llegará en unos días.
—¿Brock? — él sonó extrañado, tú solo asentiste.
Tal vez no parecía un gran cambio pasar de HYDRA a un Clan de informantes y comerciantes del mercado negro, pero en realidad si lo era, al menos para él, pues por extraño que parezca, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, se sintió libre y todo gracias a ti.
#Jack Rollins X Lectora#fanfic español#Jack Rollins#Marvel#fanfic#Brock Rumlow#Annie’s1KKittiesWritingChallenge#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#writing challenge#writingchallenge#marvel writing challenge#Reto de escritura#Sad#Smut#Referencia a Smut
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By the Sword
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Teacher Reader (non spec gender/race/size)
Summary: Steve visits your class, and it’s not just the kids who love him. (new relationship) ~ 1k words
Note: Written for @nekoannie-chan Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge. Using the prompt “live or die, make your choice”. Congrats Annie for hitting your 1k followers and for everything you do to support your fellow writers and the community as a whole. You’re awesome! And I hope you enjoy all of this sickening sweetness.
Warnings: Fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, heart-swelling wholesome goodness, bit of flirting, kissing, balloon weapon violence 🤣
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The excited buzz that circled the special needs class of Meridian Middle School in Queens, was one that had never been seen before, and possibly never would be seen again. Eager grins and glistening eyes accompanied giggles and chatter from the children in your class as they stared in awe at America’s blue-eyed boy, dressed in his full Captain America uniform.
Steve Rogers - hero, idol, and epitome of all that was good in the world – stood at the front of your class with a circle of enraptured children at his feet as he recounted stories of the good deeds he had done. Of course, the death and destruction of fighting aliens and saving the universe was omitted, and Steve focused on the every-day little things that the children could relate to that made them heroes too.
“And my friend, Bucky, he was being bullied by some horrible people. And you know what we say to bullies…?”
“No thank you!” The class chorused together.
“That’s right! And he’s not being bullied anymore!”
“Yay!” The children cheered and some of them clapped.
Steve beamed at them, taking in each of their upturned faces before settling on you. His eyes gleamed in a different way when they met yours and your breath caught in your throat. This thing that had been growing between you both since you had met at a Make A Wish Foundation event, had been exciting but hadn’t progressed further than a few chaste kisses when parting after dates. Steve had offered to make an appearance for your class, possibly to curry favour, after you had told him that he was their absolute favourite Avenger. You couldn’t lie to yourself, you were certainly affected, seeing him here like this with your class.
One hour, that was all you would allow, and his time was up. Any longer and you would not be able to get them settled in time for going home to their families. With a wave and the promise that he would pick you up after school finished, he exited to thank you’s and whines, begging him to stay longer.
Everything was quiet now all the children had gone home. You tidied up and prepped your things for the following day. The squeak of protesting balloons echoed in your classroom as you followed the instructions of a YouTube video on how to make a balloon pikachu. You had been learning how to make a variety of things in order to enrich the experience of your class. Tomorrow was going to be the first day that you introduced them to your balloon models. You were confident, and pleased with the number of things you could make from memory, but the pikachu had eluded capture in your knowledge bank until now.
You inflated another balloon and tied off the end when a soft knock on the door frame distracted you. Steve stood in the doorway, leant against the frame with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He had changed out of his uniform and into slacks and a shirt. His soft expression turned to amusement as he took you in, surrounded by your creations.
“Building an army?” He chuckled.
“Something like that,” you looked around at the colourful animals.
“They’re not going to win any victories,” he stepped across the threshold and moved towards you, “they don’t have any weapons.”
“Hey,” you stopped him, the tip of your inflated modelling balloon pointed at his heart, “don’t underestimate them, they’re fierce.”
He raised his hands in surrender, palms open at shoulder height. “I’m sure they are, but they could use a gun or two, or a sword maybe.”
“I can do swords.” You smirked.
“That’s not a sword.” He nodded to the straight balloon you had pointed at him.
Quickly, you twisted a small loop and a series of five one inch bubbles, and fed the rest through the loop. Running your hand along the length, you left it with a slight curve and brandished your new pirate cutlass at him with flair.
“No, but this is.”
He dropped his hands with a smile and stepped forward as if the charade was over.
“One more step and I’ll run you through,” you tapped him on the chest with your sword.
“More evil people than you have tried.”
“Pride before the fall?”
“Are you willing to risk it?” He asked playfully, “Once I get my hands on you, you’ll be helpless.”
“It’s your choice, Rogers.”
“It doesn’t look that sharp.” He smirked.
“Looks can be deceiving.”
“You’re telling me. I thought you were a sweet and kind school teacher, but now I see you’re an evil genius.” He deadpanned, and you had to stifle your chuckle.
A dramatic pause, where you made your face stern and extended your arm, your sword pointed at his heart again.
“Live or die,” you said with theatrical gravity, “make your choice.”
Without hesitation he stepped forward. The balloon bowed under the pressure against his chest and he kept moving until it squeaked and lopped to the side. He took your sword hand and fed it under his arm, around his waist, and slid his free hand up to cup your face, his lips mere inches from yours. He paused.
“Threats of death. Unbeatable odds. An evil genius to conquer… You certainly know how to get my heart racing.”
“You think I’m conquerable?” You breathed, eyelids fluttering under the weight of desire.
“God, I hope so.” He murmured, eyes closing before the kiss.
His lips were soft yet firm, and his tongue was unyielding like the rest of him. It wasn’t your first kiss, but the chasteness of previous kisses dissolved in the heat between you.
The pirate sword floated softly to the floor. His metaphoric sacrifice quickened your heart. He would throw himself on swords for you; it was how he showed his love. And as you coiled yourself around him, lips locked and hungry, you thought that maybe Steve Rogers could be your happily ever after.
#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers fluff#steve rogers x reader fluff#annie's 1k kitties writing challenge#steve rogers x you#steve rogers x poc!reader#steve rogers x gender neutral reader#steve rogers fic#cloudy's writing
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Week 8 Reblog Masterlist
Welcome to Week 8 2023 or Week 164, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
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♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
��� You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2023 here.
♥ You can check my February reblog masterlist 2023 here.
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 8 2023:
In the mountains I (Dark!Stucky X Reader) by @straywords 🖤❤️
And all was lost (Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @witchywithwhiskey 🖤❤️
Eye contact (Steve Rogers X Reader X Bucky Barnes) by @thenhewaswrongaboutme❤️
Day (Wanda Maximoff X Reader) by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms 💚
Alvey’s game (Alvey Kulina X Reader) by @talia-rumlow❤️
Forget me not (Steve Rogers X Mutant!Reader) by @sweetascanbee 💚
Stuck in the middle: what it's like being close to Derek and Addison during their divorce (Platonic!reader X Derek shepherd, Patonic!Reader X Addison Montgomery, Mark Sloan x reader) by @shelbgrey 💙💚
Hymnostic (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @heli0s-writes❤️💚
Leap (Steve Rogers X Mutant!Reader) by @sweetascanbee 💚
Too Many Wingmen (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @beccaanne814💚
Imagine 40’s!Steve… (40’s!Steve Rogers X Mutant!Reader) by @imyourbratzdoll💚
Witchview (Steve Rogers X Witch!Reader) by @buckets-and-trees 💚
Santa tell me (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @wildestdreamsblog❤️
No motive (Serial killer!Steve Rogers X Reader X Serial killer!Bucky Barnes) by @moosereblogsfics 🖤❤️
Get this girl some ice cream! (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @witchywithwhiskey 💙💚
A kitten and a cat (Nanno X Reader) by @noverenia 💚
Little tired eye (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sapphire-rogers 💙💚
Guilty pleasures (Nomad!Steve Rogers X Stripper!Reader) by @oh-my-damn 🖤❤️
Round 1 (Alvey Kulina X OFC) by @crazytxgradstudent💚
Warm on the inside (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @wildestdreamsblog❤️
Please? Those eyes won’t work on me this time (Evan Buckley X Edmundo Díaz) by @mumucow💚
By the sword (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @crushedbyhyperbole💚
Baby steps (Michale Morbius X Reader) by @chiefdirector💚
Moving (in) (Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ironlady1993 🖤❤️
Round 2 (Alvey Kulina X OFC) by @crazytxgradstudent💚
Nowhere near done (Bodyguard!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @witchywithwhiskey ❤️
The assistant (Boss!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @holylulusworld 💙💚
Don’t forget where you belong (Mean!40s!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @cockslutpadalecki 🖤❤️
Escort to the multiverse chapter 3: I think she likes it! (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @talia-rumlow 🖤❤️💙
The man behind the shield (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @winterfrostlovetriangle 💚
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When you are old
Warnings: body insecure, chubby female reader, friends to lovers, implied smut
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/072b95c316d1359316d7e350419493c5/ebabe584fa745f07-5a/s540x810/90bdded6060f51cf90a926f2a28f0e2bd6ff3dc9.jpg)
First Meet
You first met Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes through Natasha and Yelena, a pair of sisters who were your high school friends. After college, you would still meet regularly at the bar Steve and the two of them used to go to. Sitting at the bar, you watch with admiration as people come and go, hitting on your two best friends, until your friends return with two men behind them. After introducing yourself to each other, you look past the tall, handsome Bucky to Steve, who has his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his face. “I thought you were going to find someone else.” “Me? No, no one wants to dance with me.” At these words, you look around suspiciously and find that no one has noticed your side, while Steve orders a whiskey and sits down next to you “You know that if you sit next to me, no one will come and talk to you, right?” “I don't care, at least it's quiet around you.” “Is that a compliment?” Steve pauses for a moment and then touches his nose “Well, no, I wasn't talking about you... I'm sorry.” “Just a joke. I don't want to dance with anyone.” You turn your head back to the other side of the dance floor, where your friends are happily partying with Bucky and the rest of the guys.
It's like you and Steve are two worlds apart.
Steve hesitates to call your name and draws your eyes back to him “It's not that you don't want to dance with someone else, right? We can go to the park, there are not many people there, you can... Don't worry about other people's eyes, just dance as much as you want.” You meet eyes, light blue pupils look straight at you, no contempt, no pity, only full of care and sincerity “Then... Will you go with me?” “Of course, leaving a lady alone in the park after dusk.” That night, in the starlit park, you were jumping around happily, while Steve was leaning on a bench, taking advantage of the moonlight and the dim streetlights to leave his mesmerizing figure in his sketchbook.
First Date
Since that night, you and Steve have been seeing each other alone, going to exhibitions and cat cafes together. Although Steve prefers the German Shepherd dog to the store dog, you secretly feel that the orange tiger-spotted cat that often stays next to the store dog is more like him. The relationship between Steve and you gradually becomes closer and you start to share things that are on your mind. Most of them are about your uneasiness about your appearance, and you will also give each other some encouragement and advice. “You know you have beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, I can't help but blush every time I'm being watched by you! You don't need to be a muscular man to attract the attention of women, I like you as you are.” “I've heard this argument a million times, but... I still want to gain muscle without becoming more exaggerated... At least as much as Bucky, right?” You ponder for a long time and suddenly think of someone “Hey, do you want to go to the gym with me?” So you brought Steve to your friend’s gym, Steve slowed down his pace to meet yours and he kept looking at you but didn’t say anything. “I’m nervous too, Stevie. But I could assure you that they are the best and kindest trainers I’ve ever known.” You tried to light the air, so you nudged his arms by yours. “And maybe you could meet your true love in this gym! You know… those slim or fit has beautiful color hair, and smell good’s women.” But his tight smile faded away instead, he frowned and looked like he was offended. “It’s not how I choose my true mate. And if I need to spend time to meet one, then you could be the one.” Your eyes widened but no words were out, then a beefy man walked toward you. “Hey, Teeny! What’s brought you here? Huh, your boyfriend?” “My friend, Steve.” The beefy man lifted you and gave you a bear hug, you squeaked when he spun you around. Your hands hold Steve’s support until you don’t feel dizzy, then you introduced Steve and the man to know each other. “Stevie, it’s my friend Ari.” Steve and Ari shook hands, Steve couldn’t stop to admire Ari’s muscles——
And the way he carries your girl so easily, you can’t do this with your own. You’re too weak.
Steve held Ari's hand out on his initiative, looking at the other man's sinewy and strong hand, Steve felt inferior but at the same time was aroused by the spirit of defeat. Ari took you to the parlor and after asking you about your needs, he gave you each a personal information form to fill out and went outside to make a phone call. “You and Ari... Are you and Ari close?” Steve can't help but lean over to you and exhale hot breath on the sensitive skin around your ears, and you can't help but crane your neck “Ari and I have known each other since middle school, and we have another friend who we call Princess, and she and Ari have been dating since middle school.” “Oh... Okay.” Steve was relieved and grinned uncontrollably “I noticed you've been eyeing Ari's muscles, don't worry, after his training, few people don't get results. At least I've hardly ever seen ......” You muttered to yourself.
And you’re not joking, after months, you and Steve noticed the change in your bodies. This is all thanks to Ari and your trainer, Carol. “No, you also need to thank yourself and Steve, hun. You two had encouraged each other and shared a bond, I would call that a sweet friendship…or more than that.” Saph neared you two and whispered into your ear “When will you ask him out? He’s a shy boy and I think it would be more…interesting if you ask him out, you know?” “Oh, come on Saph, you know we're just friends and he doesn’t see me like that.” Saph lifted her brows “Really? I…no, the people in this gym could see his heart's eyes when he looks at you and feels the…electricity between you two. Right, Princess?” Another woman nodded her head and kept working out. “See? And I bet even Andy and Ari noticed that too!” You shook your head after you dry laugh, and you started tugging at the corners of your clothes. “But… but why? how could he? Yeah I know I’ve lost weight and the curves of my body are slowly shaped to the right place. But Steve…Steve changed to more attractive! I mean look at his strong arms and, and the narrowed waist and the pair of long legs!! He is even taller than before!” You remember the day when you noticed he’s been taller than you started training, and you could see the other women in the gyms started eyeing him from time to time. You could see the green in your eyes when you see the reflection in the mirrors. And the blushing smile which Steve gave them fueled the fire.
But you should be glad for him, it’s supposed to do if you are friends, but you can’t against your heart.
How could you neglect those signs? When Steve always holds your hand when you finish the training. When Steve always walks you home after training and on weekend nights. When Steve somehow calls you ‘Chaton’ in public. When Steve became the motivation for you to get up every day.
However, the shadows of the past are still haunting you, they are screaming and hissing:
That's not possible, men are showing you affection to get closer to your beautiful friends.
Look at Natasha, look at Yelena, what is it about you that makes them notice you?
Steve maybe is that special and gentle, but how could it possible that a sweet man like him would try to have a further relationship with you?
What if you went wrong, again? Could you bear the consequence after the confession?
“...Hey, hello!” You felt someone grab your hands and called your name. Lifting your face from the corner overflowing with sadness, you notice those beautiful aquamarine eyes Steve is watching you with concern, and his long, slender fingers are gently and delicately caressing each of your knuckles. You realize that you are very, very close to each other, and your breaths are mingling, and December is finally calling winter, and the warm white air is reddening your cheeks. “Are you alright, Chaton?” You nodded and his long lashes blinked then hid his eyes from you. You can hear the material rubbing with the movement of the moment, and the next moment, his face is in front of you “Chaton, I have a question that I need to ask you.” “Ye…yeah, okay. What’s that?” He rested his forehead against yours and opened his eyes again. “Will you celebrate this Christmas with me…as my girlfriend?”
At this moment, only the two of you seem to be left in the wide world. Cotton is jammed in your chest, you want to respond to him, you should respond to him. But your mind is blank. Perhaps because you did not refuse or resist his actions, Steve boldly let go of your hands and touched your face gently instead. “How many loved your moments of glad grace…” he said It’s the poem when you shared the song that was translated into a Chinese Version. You smiled and responded “And loved your beauty with love false or true.” “But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face.”
Steve kissed your forehead. “I want to be the man, Chaton. I know I am the man.” You started to feel a little wetness in the corners of your eyes “When you nodding by the fire and snuggle with me under the comfy blankets.” “When you read books and I sketch you, try to catch your beauty and grace then leave them on the paper.” “When the white roses bloom in the garden. When we enjoy a quiet afternoon in the courtyard.” Steve gently wipes the tears from your cheeks. “But the question is…do you want me to?” You have encountered many dark clouds in your life, and those shadows, though hidden from you, will still roar at you from unseen corners, mocking you and saying you are just a sidekick in other people's lives. Until Steve appeared, his smile was like the warm sun in winter, dispelling those shadows that had become nightmares Take his hand, listen to the old songs of the 40s, and began to dance.
On the night you deliver your body and soul to each other, you, as novices, embark on a slow and romantic passionate experience. In fact, all you remember about that night is 'Steve's really good strength' and 'being fully loved. And the next morning when you start to think about whether or not you took protective measures, Steve smiles softly and responds with something profound “Don’t worry. We had safe sex. A LOT OF safe sex.”
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I'll Wait For You
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d37b46c606a873950dfb27aeee3c5246/939b65634dfb7f85-71/s540x810/5262756677e1fe985bcffc0744ebcd4639a03724.jpg)
Character: Jack Rollins
Warning: A little Sad, reference to smut.
Note: This shot was born from a writing challenge by @nekoannie-chan whom I thank for translating it into English. It will also be published on my Wattpad. The english version will be exclusive for Tumblr.
Phrase: "We are not murderers, but we're not angels either" Song: Don't you see by Zard. "That's because I'm afraid of getting hurt", "Don't you see", "Even though I ask and pray for miracles and memories"
In one of New York’s parks, a couple of kids were walking around, each going their separate ways until they inevitably bumped into each other.
—So, you’re not from around here, are you? — asks the boy without taking his eyes off you.
—No, we just arrived, I am... — you heard your mother’s call—Oops, I have to go! — you got closer to the boy while taking off your bracelet — I’m Y/N — you told him your name even though you knew you shouldn’t, — Just Y/N — you smiled sweetly as you put on your bracelet. Your mother called you back— I’ll wait for you here next time — and you started to run in your mother’s direction.
—I’m Jack Rollins — he yells at you as you run away.
As you lost sight of him, Jack looks at the bracelet more closely, a Tous bracelet, with a silver pearl. He understood that this was a promise that you would see each other again.
Several days passed since their first and only meeting, Jack went on multiple occasions to the park where he would spend hours before returning home. Despite his best efforts, he never saw you again.
16 years later
Despite the time that had passed, Jack had not forgotten you, deep down he still hoped to meet you, to be able to recognize you just by looking at you even though you were already an adult like him, that simple idea could have kept him entertained for hours.
—We have a mission — Brock reported, bursting into his office.
—What did I tell you about no knocking?
—We’re meeting with an informant — Brock continues speaking, ignoring his friend’s question. who is also a black-market trader, it looks like we’ll take care of making a deal with her.
—Is the mission HYDRA or S.H.I.E.L.D?
—Both, the information is for SHIELDRA, but the weapons are for HYDRA.
This type of mission was not strange for them, on multiple occasions they performed missions for both sides, although of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t know everything.
—Here is the file with the information, we leave in a few hours — he hands him the file and then leaves.
Jack takes the file to review it, and as soon as he opens it, he is perplexed by the woman in the image. He is not sure if his mind is playing a bad joke on him or if it is really you.
The resemblance was undeniable, but curiously your real name was not in the file, only names you usually use, your alias and what caught his attention the most, your relationship with the Mercury Clan.
The Mercury Clan was a clan of informants and black-market dealers that have helped both HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. since its inception, in a neutral way, which they continued to do to this day, as very few of their members knew about HYDRA and continued to keep it a secret.
Which they continued to do to this day, as very few of their members knew about HYDRA and continued to keep it a secret.
Jack runs up his sleeve to uncover the bracelet you gave him, already a bit worn due to the years, but still in good condition.
“Will she really be her, will she remember me, if she’s from the Mercury Clan...why wouldn’t she...? No, first I have to make sure it’s really her”
The agreed-upon place was a rustic-style outdoor bar — very nice, actually. It wasn’t long before they found you. Jack saw you at the bar, sitting at the bar with your drink and an elegant black dress.
—Let me come over first; maybe it will make everything easier — Jack asked. Though the request was strange, Brock didn’t refuse.
Jack fought his nerves as he approached where you are. After taking a seat right next to you, he ordered a drink. You looked at him out of the corner of your eye; he looked familiar, but for the moment, you had to wait for S.H.I.E.L.D., so you would worry about him later. The bartender hands Jack his drink, and he finally decides to speak before taking a sip.
—Just Y/N, right? — he said, however, to threaten him, you immediately turned to see him after hearing your name, but something stopped you, you managed to see his bracelet as the sleeve didn’t cover it much because of the position it was in. You’re not from around here, are you?
—Jack? — you asked, he nodded, and both of our hearts started beating like you never had before.
—I know it’s been a long time — he interrupted.
—16 years, in fact — you said, he nodded.
—But, I’m the one you were going to meet.
—Aren’t you supposed to come with someone? — I was informed that there would be two people — you questioned confused.
—Right, I’ll call Brock in a momento — Jack mentally smacked himself, completely forgetting about Brock. You both stood up to go to a farther place, Jack motioned to Brock.
—Let’s go on like nothing — I’ll look for you after this, and this time, I’m going to find you, Jack.
—Don’t you remember my surname? — he asked, noticing you were waiting for him to say his surname. You laughed softly in response.
—You told me that while I was running, I only managed to hear your name; even so, I looked for you like a crazy person when I grew up — you admitted, to which he smiled wider.
—Jack Rollins, I’ll wait for you, but don’t make me wait another 16 years — you bot laughed at his joke.
—What about him? — you asked, Jack, turns in confusion to find Brock, giving a muffled, barely audible scream. I imagine he’s your partner — Jack nods.
After introducing yourselves and moving away from the people, the three of you started your work. The mission was a success. Jack and Brock returned to the city, but something wasn’t right; there was no sign of you after the bar, but Jack still has faith that he will see you again.
As soon as he enters his apartment, the smell of food enters his nostrils, putting him on alert. Without making a sound, he pulls out his gun and goes to the kitchen, but not before he can peek out.
—I know you’ve already arrived — you say, Jack is startled to hear your voice and comes out of hiding, not believing that it’s really you, who is now on his back cooking. I heard you when you opened the door.
—How did you get in here?
"I have my tricks," you turned off the stove to look at him, "and I told you I'd find you this time, didn't I?" You smiled mischievously. We have a lot to talk about, Jack Rollins.
And that was just the beginning. It didn’t take long for your relationship to evolve into something more than a friendship. Unfortunately, a few weeks later you had to leave New York, your job prevented you from staying in one place for too long.
—I’ll be back — you assured him. You lay down on his bare chest. It’ll only be a couple of days and I’ll be back... or you could come with me.
—I doubt that will happen — he replies despondently. Leaving HYDRA wouldn’t be easy.
—In case you don’t remember, the Mercury Clan is respected by S.H.I.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA — you mention, Jack stands up a little in surprise, holding you by the back.
—You know about...?
—From the beginning, honey, but don’t worry, his secret is always safe with us — the idea of you knowing about HYDRA had already crossed his mind, but he never dared to confirm it or broach the subject; he didn’t want to take any risks.
—Can I ask a question? Why are you still keeping the HYDRA secret?
—Very simple, money and an infinite amount of information about the government, organizations and everything in general. You’d be surprised how much happens in a single day.
—Is there anything else I should know? — at his question you force his chest, to forcé him to lie down.
—That’s not for free — the lust is noticeable in your voice — I have a couple of hours before I leave — you both looked at each other with complicity to kiss and take advantage of the hours you still had left.
Their long-distance relationship was not easy at the beginning; you were almost always busy with work, especially since you were traveling almost all the time, but with time you managed to find a way to carry their relationship. Jack told Brock about your relationship a few months into it.
You could say that you became the informant and personal salesperson for both of you, and Jack was in charge of the payment.
Over the years, on several occasions, you proposed to Jack and Brock to join your clan; both always refused. HYDRA indeed has respect for the Mercury Clan, but the fear that HYDRA would rise against your clan was always present, even though you assured them that it would not be a real problem.
But, the real problems started to arrive with the discovery of Captain America, as well as the god who fell in New Mexico, also the scientist who turns into a green creature and the billionaire with his metal suit and thousands of weapons who to top it all off was part of the Avengers initiative along with two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
Things changed from one moment to the next at HYDRA. It became more complicated to deal with superiors.
—Come with us, come with me; let me protect you — you begged Jack. Who had just arrived at his apartment, taking him by surprise.
—You know I can’t, especially not now with what they’re planning with the helicopters; if we run now, they’ll kill us all.
—I’m aware of that, Jack! "
—Then why do you insist that I run away with you when things are getting worse and we could both end up dead?!
—That’s because I’m afraid of getting hurt! — Jack was speechless — Don’t you see? Even though I ask and pray for miracles and memories, you’re not willing to take that step. Despite everything we went through, you’re still hesitating?
—How do you know that nothing will go wrong? — his voice was full of fear. You approached him and placed your hands on his face.
—We are not assassins, but we are not angels either... my father and our leader made a deal with Pierce, we will be fine, just... come with me — silence took over the room.
—Could you give me a few days? — you felt as if a bucket of cold water had fallen on you. Let me solve some things — You looked at him surprised; because of his question, you thought he would want time to think about it. " As soon as I solve them, we can leave, I promise.
—I’ll wait for you, I promise
You sealed their promise with a kiss. But he couldn’t keep his promise, things didn’t go the way he expected no one expected this whole mess to happen.
HYDRA’s existence was revealed, as were its secrets and those of S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention the destruction of the Helicarrier and the Triskelion. Many HYDRA members managed to escape or were either killed or captured, to Jack’s fortune or misfortune, he was among those captured.
—Mr Rollins, it is time for your transfer to Raft Prison — reports the guard, opening Jack’s cell.
He didn’t give any resistance, there was no reason to fight anymore, the guilt of not having fulfilled what he swore to you was eating him, he had no idea where you were and the only thing he knew about Brock was that he was in the hospital.
He was taken on one of the jets along with other prisoners. Everyone was silent; no one said anything. Suddenly, one of the guards attacked the other two with electric darts, knocking them unconscious.
Most of the prisoners began to celebrate, but others were not sure if this was a good or bad thing.
—We can now go to the real destination — the pilot reported — Release him! — the guard immediately approaches Jack and releases him, who is stunned by the situation and unsure of what is going on.
—Hey, what about us? — one of the prisoners exclaims.
—The lady only ordered us to release him." Be satisfied with not going to prison for the time being.
—Hold on, we’re going to land — reports the pilot, but before Jack can ask, he looks out the windshield to see where you are and is stunned when his gaze meet yours. Both of their breaths became agitated.
As soon as the jet came to a complete stop on the ground, you both approached the back of the jet and as soon as the hatch opened, Jack shot out to meet you again. You hugged each other tightly without hurting the other, almost in tears, you thought you would never see each other again.
—How did you...?
—It doesn’t matter — you pulled away from him and took his hand in which you placed his bracelet — I couldn’t wait for you any longer — you both laughed at your comment. Then Jack kissed your hand.
—Neither could I.
—Come — you took his hand with both of yours and started walking. It’s time to go home, your friend will be here in a few days.
—Brock? — He sounded surprised, and you just nodded.
Maybe it didn’t seem like a big change to go from HYDRA to a clan of informants and black-market traders, but in reality, it was, at least for him, because, as strange as it may seem, for the first time in a long time, he felt free, and all thanks to you.
#Jack Rollins#Jack Rollins X Reader#fanfic#marvel#brock rumlow#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#Annie’s1KKittiesWritingChallenge#Sad#Little smut#Smut#writing challenge#marvel writing challenge
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Week 13 Reblog Masterlist
Welcome to Week 13 2023 or Week 169, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2023 here.
♥ You can check my March reblog masterlist 2023 here.
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𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 13 2023:
I am not my own (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @wkemeup 💙
Glory of love (Peter Parker X Reader) by @moonlit-imagines 💚
I can handle myself (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @writing-for-marvel 💙
Aftercare (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @iamamyy 💚💙
Know how to share (Stucky X Reader) by @witchywithwhiskey❤️
The military dog tag dilemma (Stucky X Reader) by @beyondspaceandstars💚
Love thy neighbor (Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @cockslutpadalecki 🖤❤️
Step into my ride part I (Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @georgiapeach30513❤️
Do you love me? (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @caplanbuckybarnes 💙
No pressure part II (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @anika-ann 💚💙
Blackout (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @holylulusworld❤️
America’s hope part VII (Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader; Dark! Bucky X OFC, Dark!Tony Stark X OFC; Dark! Bucky X Reader x Dark! Tony) by @ironlady1993 🖤❤️
Te esperaré (Jack Rollins X lectora) por @azulatodoryuga 💚💙 ❤️
I’ll wait for you (Jack Rollins X Reader) by @azulatodoryuga 💚💙 ❤️
Bodyguard Steve (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork💚
I need you to listen (Nomad!Steve Rogers X Reader) by @frostironfudge❤️
Always be my baby (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @caplanbuckybarnes 💚💙
Sedition: Unrest (Crossover Marvel & Harry Potter) by @buckets-and-trees💙
When I say infinity I mean now (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ghotifishreads 💚💙 🧡
Just right chapter I (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚💙
Confessions (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @our-marvel-universe 💚💙
Fever pitch (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lunarbuck❤️
Vanilla (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @notsarareallynot❤️
Just right chapter II (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚💙
Best friend’s sister (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sarahrogersevans 💙
Beware of what lies beneath (Dark!Ransom Drysdale X Reader) by @imyourbratzdoll🖤❤️
001 (Runaways) by @hellokittyaddicts 💙
Manicure (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @syntheticavenger❤️
Just right chapter III (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @darsynia 💚💙
Return to you (Frank Castle X Reader) by @there-goes-thefighter 💚💙
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Week 12 Reblog Masterlist
Welcome to Week 12 2023 or Week 168, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2023 here.
♥ You can check my March reblog masterlist 2023 here.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 12 2023:
Taste (Mob Boss! Sam Wilson x Rumlow! Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader (platonic); Steve Rogers x Reader (platonic); Brock Rumlow x Reader (platonic)) by @ramp-it-up ❤️
The making of a murderer (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @beccaanne814 💙
Sides (The divine pairing) by @margoshansons 💚
You’re mine and I ‘ll do whatever I want with you (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @imyourbratzdoll ❤️
Danger (Reader, Brock Rumlow, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton) by @bolontiku ��
Movie marathon (The divine pairing) by @margoshansons 💚
Only you (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @flordeamatista 💚
The Phoenix (Wanda Maximoff X Reader, Jean Grey X Reader) by @messedupfan 💚💙
Long enough (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @bolontiku 💚
Passageway (Runaways) by @ta3hann1e 💚
My heart is still yours (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @justagirlinafandomworld💚
Halloween one shot (The divine pairing) by @cloakanddaggerfanfic 💚
Steve and Muse (Steve Rogers X OFC) by @imaginedreamwrite💚
The visit (Wanda Maximoff X Reader, Jean Grey X Reader) by @messedupfan 💚💙
Steve drabble (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @novanitee💚
Weak (Thunderblink) by @rebeccavis💚
Rule n1: no favourite allowed (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bubblessunshinehoney💚
The Multiverse (Wanda Maximoff X Reader, Jean Grey X Reader) by @messedupfan💚💙
Thunderblink fic (Thunderblink) by @rebeccavis💚
Soulmark (The divine pairing) by @margoshansons 💚
Broken promises (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @cockslutpadalecki❤️
Trust (Jentorra X Reader) by @soulgazingwithbucky 💚
Jealous (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bolontiku💚
The divine pairing fic (The divine pairing) by @cloakanddaggerfanfic 💚
Fabled memories (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @shadeysprings 🖤
Some (Eddie Brock X Reader) by @moonlit-imagines 💚
Don’t (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @skellyagogo 💚💙
Right where you belong (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @witchywithwhiskey💚
I promise (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @saiyanprincessswanie💚 💙
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Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge
Hi everyone! I’ve been on Tumblr since 2007, and finally, I reached 1K followers, so I wanna celebrate it with my second challenge hosted.
English and/or Spanish speakers can join, I wrote the guidelines in both languages (first in English, then in Spanish), and after the guidelines are the prompts you can choose. Please, read the guidelines carefully.
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¡Hola! He estado en Tumblr desde 2007 y finalmente llegué a 1K de seguidores, por lo que quiero celebrándolo con mi segundo reto de escritura.
Personas que hablan español e/o inglés pueden participar, escribí las reglas en ambos idiomas (primero en inglés y luego en español) después de las reglas están las frases. Por favor, lee con cuidado las reglas.
This time the dynamic is different from the previous challenge. So read carefully the guidelines.
Here are the guidelines/rules:
💜 You don’t have to follow me but I’d appreciate it.
💜 Please reblog this post.
💜 Send me an ask with the prompt and the character you choose.
💜 Please, no Real Person Fics and no social media AU.
💜 No underage characters, pedo, underage, bestiality, incest, A/B/O.
💜 One prompt per person (first come, first served). In case all were taken I have more to add. Prompts are below the cut.
💜 Min 500 words, no max but if it’s more than 4000 words make it a series, and please use ‘Read More’.
💜 Reader insert only.
💜 Must be posted on Tumblr.
⁎⁎If you also post it on AO3 and/or Wattpad and/or ffnet, let me know to add it to a collection, read it and comment it⁎⁎
💜 Drabbles, one-shots or series are fine, but can’t be part of previously published or existing series.
💜 If you write smut or dark fic, the writer must be +18.
💜 If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.
💜 In Author’s note put the prompt you chose, please.
💜 Tag all the warnings and triggers.
💜 If I don’t comment and reblog your fic in 48 hours, send me a message, sometimes dumblr doesn’t notify me, and I’ll add your entry to a masterlist.
💜 Deadline: March 18th, 2023.
💜 Tag me when you post it and use the tags #Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge.
💜 The steps are following:
Choose the character from the list (5 people per character)
Choose a prompt from option A (the dialogues are bold), or from option B or option C. ⁎One person per prompt⁎
⁎⁎If you choose a prompt from option B, I will answer your ask with a song (it maybe be in a language different from English) ⁎⁎
Esta vez la dinámica es diferente respecto al reto anterior. Así que lee cuidadosamente las reglas.
Las reglas son las siguientes:
💜 No tienes que seguirme, pero lo apreciaría.
💜 Por favor rebloguea esta entrada.
💜 Mándame una “pregunta” con el personaje y la frase que elegiste.
💜 No fics con personas reales o actores ni social media AU.
💜 No personajes menores de edad, pedo, menores de edad, bestiality, incesto A/B/O.
💜 Una frase por persona (quien primero llega, primero elije). Creo que hay suficiente, pero sino, aún tengo frases para agregar. Las frases están después del corte.
💜 Mínimo 500 palabras, no hay máximo, pero si es de más de 4000 palabras, hazla serie y por favor usa “Seguir Leyendo”
💜 Únicamente que sea por lectora o lector.
💜 Deberá de ser publicado en Tumblr.
⁎⁎Si lo publicas en AO3, Wattpar y/o ffnet, dime para poder agregarlo a una colección, leerlo y comentar.⁎⁎
💜 Drabbles, one-shots o series están bien, si es una serie, que sea el primer capítulo y etiquétame en todos los subsecuentes.
💜 Si se quiere hacer un Smut o dark fics, el escritor debe ser de +18.
💜 Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en preguntarme.
💜 En la nota de autor pon la canción que elegiste.
💜 Etiqueta todas las advertencias.
💜 De preferencia escríbelo en inglés (o en ambos idiomas si gustas) para que más personas lo puedan disfrutar; si tienes algún problema con el idioma, puedo ayudarte aunque me tardaría un poco, ya que también estoy haciendo varias cosas en la vida real.
💜 Si no comento y reblogueo tu fic en 48 horas, mándame un mensaje, a veces dumblr no me notifica, tu fic será agregado a una masterlist.
💜 Fecha límite: 18 de marzo 2023.
💜 Cuando postees tu entrada etiquétame y usa las etiquetas #Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge.
💜 Los pasos a seguir son los siguientes:
Elige a tu personaje (únicamente 5 personas por personaje):
Elige alguna frase de la opción A (las que están resaltadas, son diálogos) o de la opción B o de la opción C. ⁎Una persona por frase⁎
⁎⁎Si eliges una frase de la opción B, responderé a tu “pregunta” con una canción (puede estar en un idioma diferente al español).⁎⁎
Prompts and characters are below the cut!
✬ Brock Rumlow (2/5)
✬ Ororo Munroe (0/5)
✬ Lorna Dane (1/5)
✬ Clarice Fong/Ferguson (0/5)
✬ Ana/Satana Helstrom (0/5)
✬ Logan Howlett (1/5)
✬ John Proudstar (0/5)
✬ Steve Rogers (5/5)
✬ Michael Morbius (1/5)
✬ Janet van Dyne (0/5)
✬ Johnny Storm (0/5)
✬ Dottie Underwood (1/5)
✬ Sue Storm (0/5)
✬ Jack Rollins (1/5)
✬ Nico Minoru (0/5)
Option A:
1. “You can’t make me forget you.”
2. “All right, don’t call me ‘sweetie’. You can’t hold a person prisoner and then call them ‘sweetie’!”
3. “I’m not evil or anything.”
“I’ve heard that one before.”
4. “In case you didn’t get the memo. I’m not one of the good guys anymore.” @saiyanprincessswanie
5. “Wrong things done for the right reasons still the wrong thing.”
6. “Don’t worry. We had safe sex. A lot of safe sex.” @nana1000night
7. “We kick evil’s ass every day.”
“Sometimes twice a day.”
8. “We may not be murderers, but we’re no angels either.” @azulatodoryuga
9. “Believe me, everything will be different now.” @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
10. “This whole family needs a shrink.”
11. “Just because I protect the innocent doesn’t mean I have to be innocent all of the time.” @sweeterthanthis
12. “I have enough to do without worrying about who you’re torturing in the attic!”
13. “Everything happens for a reason, remember, you told me that.” @there-goes-thefighter
14. “Have you gone crazy again?”
15. “Don’t worry. We’ll be safe here.”
“Don’t say that. In horror movies, the people that say that are always the next to die.”
16. “This is crazy. You can’t leave like this.”
17. “Is there something that we don’t know… that we should know… you know?”
18. “Innocents and alleys, don’t they ever learn?”
19. “We sure did miss a lot when we were dead.”
20. “We could sure use some cosmic help right about now.”
21. “Yeah, well, rules are meant to be broken.”
“Yeah, but bodies weren’t.”
“And neither were hearts.” @galatially
22. “Silly Witches. Tricks are for kids.”
23. “Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid? “ @ghostofskywalker
24. “Everyone’s treating me so differently. I’m still me. There’s just a whole lot more of me going on.” @delorita
25. “Did you get my flowers?”
“Yeah. ‘Sorry, I tried to strangle you’, probably not a card the florist gets to write every day.” @azulatodoryuga
Option B:
1. 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst, so, I always act like I'm the best.
2. Six months passed and you said goodbye to me.
3. I don't belong to anyone. I guess you could say that my life's a mess
4. Your hands still shake if you hear me talk.
5. Underneath it all, we’re just savages.
6. Don't you hear me when I say I'm lonely?
7. I would have the courage to walk up to you and ask you your name.
8. You’ve stolen my innocence through all your shams
9. Do not need a reason for you to return to me.
10. That everything can happen to you and suddenly you’re very lonely.
11. Love one another, live for each other.
12. You’re the one that I need, I’m the one you loathe.
13. I know that it's already late and I’m sorry our love ends.
14. That's because I'm afraid of getting hurt. @azulatodoryuga
15. Somebody save me and answer my please.
16. You never told me what it was that made you strong
17. And I kept it for me.
18. I’ve lost my dreams and my love, lashed by the rain.
19. Your face is like a melody.
20. And everything is perfect when I feel you.
21. As every night I woke up thinking of you
22. Why is it so painful to touch you?
23. I’m breaking my heart.
24. Save yourself and let them suffer.
25. Am I no longer in your heart now?
Option C:
1. “I can't change what I've done, but I can start trying to be a better person today.”
2. “Failure is not an option.”
3. “It’s Halloween, I guess everyone entitled to one good scare.”
4. “Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.”
5. “Because you liked my poem. Only I didn’t write it. Someone else did it.”
6. “I can smell your filthy soul.” @talia-rumlow
7. “It’s the water! Wherever you are, don’t drink the water.”
8. “No, I’m the real thing.”
9. “Can you imagine what happens to us after death? Be doubtful.”
10. “Sometimes hatred can even give unbelievable power to people”
11. “Only pain and suffering will make you realize who you are.”
12. “I was born to breathe... But I wasn't breathing just because I was born.”
13. “Why not kill? Everyone has their issues.” @fluffyprettykitty
14. “Delusion is a lie that tells a truth.”
15. “There's something more to this place. Our cell phone don't work. Neither does the T.V. Or radio. We're isolated.”
16. “This is a secret operation. No one should know, neither you.”
17. “Oh, great. Valium. Not only will we be able to go to sleep, if we get attacked in the middle of the night, we won’t even care.”
18. “I’ll see you soon.”
19. "That woman deserves her revenge...And we deserve to die."
20. “You know, I may have never liked you. Point of fact, I despise you. But that shouldn’t suggest I don’t respect you.”
21. “Welcome to the witching hour.”
22. “Okay, here's your motivation. You're lost, you're angry in the woods, and no one is here to help you.”
23. “You're so much smaller than I remember.”
24. “I ought to drag you out there and FEED you to those things!”
25. “Live or die, make your choice.” @crushedbyhyperbole
#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#Annie’s1KKittiesWritingChallenge#writing challenge#writingchallenge#marvel writing challenge#marvelwritingchallenge
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Last Bouquet
Character: Lorna Dane
Warning: A little Sad
Note: This One-shot was born from a writing challenge by @nekoannie-chan It will also be published the version spanish here and on my Wattpad. The english version will be exclusive for Tumblr.
Thursday afternoon, still no arrival of your ex-girlfriend. If only, this was a meeting to reconcile, but to your bad luck, this was not the case, there was really no way you could fix your relationship, at least not one in which you would betray your ideals or your current sides.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard footsteps, turning around you saw Lorna a few feet away from you. You would be lying if you said you didn't want to hug and kiss her.
“I didn't expect you to come," you commented trying to sound as neutral as possible. ”Did you get my flowers?”
“Yes," she pulls out a card that you instantly recognized and begins to read it, "I'm sorry I tried to strangle you," probably not a card the florist writes every day, not to mention the address and time were written at the bottom," she argues, putting the card away.
“I'm sorry that you had to....”
“Is that all you wanted to tell me?” she asks grumpily.
You sigh unwillingly, it was clear she didn't want to stay longer and in fact, neither did you. ”What are you doing on Reeva's side, Lorna?”
“You know why.”
“Is it still the same motive? Or did you let her brainwash you?!”
“I'm doing what needs to be done!”
“Releasing people from an insane asylum who may be dangerous to people or to themselves?! Way to make the situation better, honey," you question sarcastically. Lorna glares at you, not witheringly, but in disgust. ”I'm tired of this shit," you turn away. I'm leaving” Lorna looks at you in surprise.
“What do you mean, you're leaving?”
“Just as you heard," you look at her again, "I'm leaving, not only the city but also the country... I called you to say goodbye.”
“Are you really going to run away?"
“I have done it all my life Lorna, just like you, we are always running away from something."
That was something I couldn't deny, you had run away from home shortly after your powers appeared, only to have to hide from the Purifiers.
You watched each other for a few seconds before you started walking. You approached Lorna casually, having her in front of you, you took her chin in your hands to bring her face close to yours and bring your lips together in a slow kiss that after a few seconds became a needy, even desperate one. It had been months since the last time you had kissed.
You parted your lips from hers and pressed your foreheads together.
“This will be the last time we see each other," you began to caress her face with a certain gentleness, she caressed your hair in response. You took a few steps away from her abruptly because if you continued like this you would probably not leave. ”Goodbye, my star...”
You said goodbye faintly with tears in your eyes and turned to walk away.
When she joined Reeva, she left you and the others, you had lost her, but for some reason, you felt you had to tell her you were leaving the country, maybe because of what you had experienced together, long ago, but then, why did it feel like you lost her again... when you had lost her before, why did this goodbye hurt more?
#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#nekoannie-chan#Lorna Dane X Reader#Lorna X Reader#Polaris X Lectora#Polaris#Lorna#Lorna Dane#Mutants#Marvel#The Gifted#Writing Challenge#Sad
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Último Ramo
Personaje: Lorna Dane
Advertencia: Un poco Sad
Nota: Este One-shot nació de un reto de escritura de @nekoannie-chan . También será publicado en mi Wattpad
Jueves por la tarde, aún no llega tu exnovia. Ojalá, esta fuera una reunión para reconciliarse, pero para su mala suerte, este no era el caso, en realidad no había una forma en la que pudieran arreglar su relación, al menos no una en la que traicionen sus ideales o sus bandos actuales.
Saliste de tus pensamientos al escuchar unos pasos, al darte la vuelta viste a Lorna a unos pocos metros de ti. Mentirías si dijeras que no querías abrazarla y besarla.
—No esperaba que vinieras —comentaste tratando de sonar lo más neutral posible—. ¿Recibiste mis flores? —Sí —saca una tarjeta que reconociste al instante y comienza a leerla.— “Lo siento, traté de estrangularte”, probablemente no sea una tarjeta que el florista escriba todos los días, sin mencionar la dirección y la hora escritos al final—argumenta guardando la tarjeta. —Lamento que eso tuviera que pa… —¿Solo eso querías decirme? —cuestiona malhumorada. Suspiras sin ganas, era claro que ella no quería quedarse mucho tiempo y de hecho, tú tampoco querías—. ¿Qué haces del lado de Reeva, Lorna?
—Ya lo sabes. —¿Sigue siendo el mismo motivo? ¡¿O acaso les permitiste lavarte el cerebro?! —¡Hago lo que se tiene que hacer! —¡¿Liberando gente de un manicomio que puede ser peligrosa para la gente o para sí mismos?! Vaya forma de mejorar la situación, cariño —cuestionas sarcástica. Lorna clava su mirada en ti, no de una forma fulminante, pero sí disgustada—. Me cansé de esta mierda —volteas a otro lado—. Me iré—Lorna te mira sorprendida. —¿Cómo qué te irás? —Tal y como escuchaste —volviste a verla—. Me iré, no solo de la ciudad, sino también del país… te llamé para despedirme. —¿En verdad vas a huir? —Lo he hecho toda mi vida Lorna, igual que tú, siempre estamos huyendo de algo.
Eso era algo que no podía negar, habías escapado de casa poco después de que aparecieran tus poderes, solo para tener que ocultarte de los Purificadores. Se observaron por unos segundos antes de que empezaras a caminar. Te acercaste a Lorna con toda tranquilidad, al tenerla en frente tomaste su mentón con tus manos para acercar su rostro al tuyo y juntar sus labios en un beso lento que a los segundos se volvió uno necesitado, incluso desesperados. Habían pasado meses desde la última vez que se habían besado. Separaste tus labios de los suyos y juntaste sus frentes.
—Esta será la última vez que nos vemos —comenzaste a acariciar su rostro con cierta dulzura, ella en respuesta te acaricio el cabello. Te alejaste unos pasos de ella abruptamente, pues si seguían así posiblemente no te irías—Adiós mi estrella…
Te despediste débilmente con lágrimas en los ojos, te diste la vuelta para alejarte. Cuando ella se unió a Reeva, te abandonó y a los demás, la habías perdido, pero por alguna razón, sentiste que tenías que decirle que te ibas del país, tal vez por lo que habían vivido juntas, tiempo atrás, pero entonces, ¿por qué se siente como si la volvieras a perder… cuando ya la habías perdido antes?, ¿por qué dolió más esta despedida?
#Annie’s 1K Kitties Writing Challenge#nekoannie-chan#Lorna Dane X Lectora#Lorna X Lectora#Polaris X Lectora#The Gifted#Marvel#Mutantes#Sad#Fanfic español#Polaris#Lorna#Lorna Dane#Reto de Escritura
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hi! congratulations on 1k followers :) i'd love to join your writing challenge with my sideblog @ghostofskywalker - can i have prompt 23 ("don't you think you're being a little paranoid?") with dottie underwood?
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Can I have prompt 4 with Steve Rogers
Sure bestie 💛
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Hi love! Congrats on your 1k. 🥳 I'd love to do your challenge. Can I have prompt 25 (live or die, make your choice) from option C please with Steve Rogers?
Of course, is yours
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Congratulations, Annie!!! 🫶🫶🫶
Steve Rogers and option A, No. 6: “Don’t worry. We had safe sex. A lot of safe sex.” and modern au please🥹🥹🥹
It's yours
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Hi, I'd like to participate in your 1k Kittie challenge. I'd love to write for Michael Morbius and chose the prompt 24 from section A. I've never written Readers insert but otherwise I've written Fanfic for twenty years. I've writer's block atm and this might be a good opportunity to get going again. I'm very rusty all things tumblr too lol
It's yours!
Thanks for participate!
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Hello congrats on your 1k!!! i would love the 13th prompt from option c with brock rumlow please <3
Is yours!
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