#Annette and him lived very happily together for many years and were inseparably close friends
bucketsofmonsters · 3 months
No money, no blood, I think most people would just assume you were gonna have to blow him at some point to stay if he's not accepting anything else. when a man you don't know very well gives you something expensive that looks like a gift at first, the exchange is usually physical. But I think if you were to bring this up to Rook his head might explode. *I* would do it anyways though bc I'm not scared of overgrown mosquitoes just because they have super strength and could punt me thru a wall if they get mad. Imma do it anyways and if I get the interview with the vampire, flown into the stratosphere, Lestat mortal kombat move done to me, then so be it. I ain never gone let a dude who's birth year has less than 4 digits get one over on me.
The Viv oneshot will happen eventually, I’ve been writing it for like a year, but I will say Viv was a sex worker and this was exactly what she was afraid of, that she’d be seen as a sexual object in exchange for being allowed to stay and Rook is honestly pretty good at handling it. He tries to be as sensitive about it as he can but he understands how off balance it can seem so he typically just tries to give people space and time, figuring after a while of staying there unbothered one would eventually begin to settle in. 
Also, we will never see this, it’s way before when we meet Rook, but the first human he took in was actually a pretty young lesbian named Annette. At the time, he had been told by other vampires that you should have humans trade blood in exchange for being allowed to stay and being fed and cared for. The first time he fed from her she freaked out, assuming exactly what you said, and he became very firm in the idea that this could not be allowed to happen again, that he would rather starve with a thousand humans in his house than make any of them feel unsafe and like they owed him any part of their body, hence part of the reason why he gets so weird if you imply that you owe him any part of you. 
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
It's Always Been You - Sylvain x Reader
Summary: After being away for five years in war with your father, the war is over and your father takes you to the Church if Seiros, where you meet the friendly faces you grew up with. Specially your best friend, Sylvain.
A/N: finally, I'm posting something about Fire Emblem Three Houses 🤣🤣 Im sorry I've been inactive, I've been purposefully been inactive, my holidays are over and I wanted to fully enjoy them. But now I am back!! Also, I’m gonna be writing the date in which I post things because I lowkey dont like not remembering when I posted something. 
Posted: 01.14.2020
Words: 2.4K
Warnings: none
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Pacing through the wide halls of the monastery, your eyes could hardly focus on something before something else caught your attention. And walking through what felt like endless halls only made you feel more and more nervous. Following your father, a few steps ahead of you as he limped his way forward at a faster pace than yours. 
“It’s weird to be somewhere with this amount of silence…” You said as your father chuckled looking back at you. 
“I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought about it” He said cheerfully, although you could see his smile didn’t reach his eyes.”I’m sorry for taking you to war for all those years” 
“You already apologised enough times, father. It’s okay, I don’t mind” You lied, remembering all the nightmares that flashed before your eyes when you tried to sleep. The smell of blood still felt fresh on your nose and the screams and whimpers of soldiers dying around you. 
“I know, kid. But it’ll always weigh my soul” He answered waiting for you to catch up with him and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Good thing is, your friends are here! So I was told by Count Galatea!” 
“Ingrid is here?” Your father noticed that spark of hope in your voice. 
“Dimitri, Felix and Sylvain are too” 
Your heart began beating faster and stronger, as suddenly you became even more aware of your surroundings, hoping that you might see them. 
However, that was not the case. You finally entered the cathedral and met the archbishop, Rhea. Feeling slightly intimidated by her status as the supreme leader of the Church of Seiros, your whole demeanour became stiff and awkward. 
After welcoming your father back from the local wars happening in your hometown, your father talked to her, giving her a brief summary of how your last five years at war had been. And midway through the story, a couple of men walked inside the room Rhea and your father were talking in. Rhea greeted them as you continued to stare at everyone, not fully understanding what was going on. 
Not until Rhea introduced you to Byleth, one of the teachers. Byleth was by no means a person with a lot of words. And given your shy state, neither were you. You followed them, by your father’s and Rhea’s suggestion. All the silence you had been missing while being out in the battlefield suddenly became worse than war. Silence, so much silence, you felt like your thoughts could easily echo and expose you. Not until a very familiar voice broke said silence after you walked inside one of the classrooms.
“[Name]?!” That cheerful voice brought back so many of your childhood memories, and before you could even scan the classroom, Ingrid was running towards you, hugging you tighter than ever. “I can’t believe it! It’s you!” She laughed happily. “I was afraid I’d never see you again!” 
You hugged her back at once as tears gathered in your eyes, thinking how neither her voice nor her scent had changed much. As you opened your eyes, you saw a much taller Dimitri walking towards you. 
“Dimitri!” You cried as you broke the hug from Ingrid and hugged the blonde. He hugged you back as once. “I can’t believe how much you’ve grown!” You sobbed, burying your face in his shoulder. “I was taller than you when I left the castle” You giggled.  
“I can’t believe you’re still a crybaby” A low voice said as you looked at your side and saw a much grown Felix approaching you as well. 
“And you’re still an idiot, Felix” You joked as you let go of Dimitri. “I missed you guys so fucking much” tears kept falling from your eyes. “Where’s Syl?” You asked looking around.
“Probably chasing some girls outside. Don’t worry, he’ll be back soon” Ingrid assured. 
As Byleth introduced you to the rest of the class, you remained close to your friends as they did most of the talking. Recalling memories from your childhood, and through their stories, your new classmates got to know you better. Sitting in a circle on the ground in the middle of the class, you were enjoying the conversation, exchanging stories from both your childhood and the time your friends had been in the academy. 
You were sitting facing the door, every now and then looking outside into the garden, noticing many other students walking and chatting. Eventually, you noticed someone walking towards the room. Instinctively, your eyes scanned said figure. And then our heart stopped. 
Looking straight into his eyes, the both of you paralyzed for a brief second. 
“No way!” Sylvain said shocked. The widest smile taking over his face. 
Without thinking it twice, you stood up and ran towards him. All of the Blue Lions looking at you sprint, faster than they could imagine, as you ran towards the red head. Jumping into his arms, you cried his name as he swiftly caught you. Holding you tight, so tight, you could feel every bit of his chest pressed against yours. Laughing, melancholic tears falling down your eyes once more. Sylvains spun on his toes, happy to see his best friend once more. 
“For the Goddess’s love, [Name]” He said putting you back on the floor, still without breaking the hug. “Do not leave me again” He said kissing the top of your head. 
“[Name] and Sylvain…” Ashe asked, slightly confused. The way you had greeted your other friends was nothing compared to how you had greeted Sylvain. 
“Oh, they’ve always been like that. Those two used to be always together. Whenever Slvain wasn’t chasing some girl, he was hanging out with [Name]. They were each other’s second shadow, before [Name] and her father left” 
“The first few months after her departure were very rough on Sylvain…” Dimitri whispered. 
“Yeah, I’d never seen him so depressed. Not even when his brother left” Ingrid added “Sylvain did try to run away and bring her back. His father was pissed at him for risking his life like that” 
“After [Name] left, he became a much worse womanizer than he already was…” Felix added, looking at Sylvain, holding your head in his hands and shaking you lightly, complaining about all those years you left him. 
“You think he’ll slow down a little bit now that she’s with him again?” Annette asked, not really minding about Sylvain's flirty self, but because she felt uncomfortable when he was being flirty at her.
“There’s a possibility” Dimitri whispered. 
“Yeah, he’ll probably go skirt chasing as a hobby when [Name] is busy and doesn’t pay much attention to him” Ingrid said 
“I’ve always said those two would end up together in the future” Felix said in a low voice. 
“No way!” Ingrid laughed. “I mean, I know those two are inseparable, but there is no way in heaven or hell those two would end up together. I mean, they love each other but they also can’t quite stand each other” 
“Silence” Dimitri said. “They’re coming” 
“I’m sorry, that’s what you get for leaving me, darling” Sylvain said. 
“You think I don’t know you?” You scoffed. “Your lame ass will be coming back to me every time a girl rejects you” 
“I’ve changed” He bragged lifting his chin with pride.
“Oh, have you?” You scoffed loudly.
“I’ve mastered the art of charming women. I don’t get rejected as much as I used to” 
“I’m still sure you’ll be spending most of your day nagging me” 
“Of course I will!” Sylvain laughed. “My best friend is back! We have to make up for all that time lost, angel” Approaching the circle, you returned to your spot. Sylvain walked next to you and gestured Dimitri to move a little bit to a side so he could sit next to you. “So, what are we guys talking about?” 
“The ball and the dancing contest” Dedue said, taking back the conversation you had before Sylvain walked in the classroom. 
The ball was over all fun. Maybe not the most fun night, but surely more fun than any night you had for the last 5 years. Andnafter a very much needed break, Sylvain asked you if you wanted to wander around the monastery at night. 
The idea of wandering at night added something charming and spooky to the big old building. Silence ruling over the rest of it while the ball was contained in the ball room. 
As much as you wanted to actually wander around, you decided to quietly follow Sylvain who walked with long steps, knowing where he was heading to.
He took you to one of the towers in the monastery. A tall tower you knew very well for what people had been whispering in the halls. 
“Can I tell you something, [Name]?” Sylvain asked. 
“After you left…You are my best friend, the best of them, okay? You know it” He began awkwardly “And after you left, I felt so lonely. I’d never felt like that before” 
“I know. I did too” You said looking at him tenderly as he looked up at the sky. You noticed the rise and fall of his chest, different to how it normally is. He’s nervous, you thought. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it, just like you’d always do whenever you knew he was feeling uneasy. 
“It was...so different to me. Living in a world without you. It somehow felt like starting over. I guess, after you left, I started dating women like a mad man. I guess, I was looking for someone to fill that hole you left in my chest. But it didn’t matter how many girls I went out with and how many I met, no one even got close to it” 
“Syl…” You whispered. “I’m here now. We’re back together at being partners in crime, hey?” 
“Partners…” Sylvain whispered looking at your hand on his. 
“Syl” You purred. “I know why you brought me here…” At once he looked into your eyes. Slightly terrified. “I’m not dumb, Syl. I’ve heard the stories about this. People come to this spot and make a wish together. They say the Goddess will listen and help said wish come true. It’s romantic, it’s clearly a tradition meant for lovers…” 
“[Name], I-I…” Sylvain stuttered nervously. 
“I’d wish to never feel lonely again,” You said. “The day I left, it was the worst day of my life. I cried every night for several weeks. I wanted to be back home, with my friends. Especially you, Syl. I’d dream of you every single day. At least for a year. You were always on my mind, and I liked to look up at the stars and think you’d be looking at the same stars as I did” 
“You’ll never be lonely again” Sylvain whispered, holding your hand and pulling it towards him, kissing your knuckles. 
“[Name]” The way his voice whispered your name in such a tender way, melted your heart. You looked into his honey eyes, thinking if they had always been so gorgeous. “I’m a bit afraid of saying this, but I have to, otherwise I’ll go crazy if I keep bottling it in” Knowing what he was going to say, you blinked, your eyes inviting him to get closer. “[Name]” Cupping your face into his free hand. “I think I’m in love with you” 
“Coming from such a casanova, that’s a little bit hard to believe, Sylvain” You said witty. 
“After you left, I realized it’s always been you. You’re the reason why I can’t settle down with a girl. Because neither of them are you” He said leaning closer and bumping his forehead against yours. 
“Prove it” You whispered closing your eyes. 
“I’ve known you for as long as I can remember" He began, he leaned back, sighing in disappointment, since you thought he was going to kiss you "Life without you is no life at all, that much I know. You wished to never feel lonely, right? I will not let you feel that way again. Never. My wish is to never stray from you again. It happened once, and I’m sure I don’t want it to happen again” 
“Make sure to not wish for something you’ll regret, Syl” You whispered. 
“How could I regret feeling alive and full? I’d give up the world for you” His eyes met yours in the sweetest of stares.
“How come you never came for me while I was away” looking away, you tried smiling sarcastically.
“I tried" He answered at once "You can ask Ingrid. I tried at least three times. Those three I ended up locked up in my room for days" 
The look you gave Sylvain, incredulous, made him lose his calm posture and instead turn defensive.
"Back then I was weak and I was scared. But now, there’s nothing in this world that could stop me. I’ve grown, and I’ve changed. And if you asked me to, I’d keep changing, and never look at another woman, ever” 
“I wouldn’t do that to you, take it to that extreme…" You giggled, slightly amused "You’re a grown up, Syl. You’re free to do whatever you like" looking away from him, you stared at your feet, thinking of your next words "I’d like to ask you to be gentle with me. Don’t break my heart, please” 
You looked up to your friend.  He sighed deeply, a gentle smile on his lips as he leaned closer, bumping his forehead against yours again.
“I won’t. Your heart’s safe with me. I promise, [Name]” His velvet voice purred your ears as you closed your eyes, hoping that he'd finally lean in into the kiss you'd been craving.
“I love you, Syl” You whispered as he leaned closer.
“I love you too” Sylvain muttered, his breath hitting your lips, and your heart racing in anticipation. 
He closed the distance, a bit afraid and insecure. A million thoughts came to his mind before sealing the kiss. He was going to kiss his best friend, and he had just confessed to his best friend. And yet, the moment his lips.met yours, his mind went blank. His heart and your breathing was everything he could hear. Your scent tangling with his was everything he could smell. Despite the cool wind howling, your warmth was everything he could feel. Melting into your lips, you kissed him back.
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