#Anna speaks Onceler
oh if I had the artistic ability I would absolutely make an ask-spamton-onceler-blog if only for the chaos
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esseastri · 7 years
30 Random Things About Me
Rules: answer these 30 questions and tag 30 people.
Tagged by @inner-muse
•Nickname: Meg •Name: Megan •Gender: lady •Star Sign: scorpio, unfortunately •Height: 5′4″ •Time: Too Late for Normal People to Be Awake •Birthday: November 1 •Favorite Band: probably Lifehouse? or maybe Bastille currently. •Favorite Solo Artist: Anna Nalick. Halsey. •Song Stuck In My Head: speaking of Bastille... “Icarus” •Last Movie I Watched: Chicago! •Last Show I Watched: uhhh...does five minutes of American Ninja Warrior count? If not, then back episodes of The Musketeers last night.  •When Did I Create My Blog: February of 2012. I’ve been here long enough to remember Onceler and the Mishapocalypse, so when I say I’m a salty old fandom granny, none of you can judge me. •What Do I Post: neatly tagged bits of everything. And Star Wars. •Last Thing I Googled: “additional character slot price swtor” •Do You Have Other Blogs: @ladyknightliveblogs, @morsmenti, @soaringsails are the important ones. •Do You Get Asks?: generally only if I post an ask meme. sometimes randos come and are nice to me and that’s delightful. •Why Did You Choose This Blog Name: god, I’ve answered this so many times; @ brandon gimme more lady knights radiant. the best book ever Lady Knight by tamora pierce. squish together and boom. •Blogs You Are Following: less than 80. If there are more than that I suffer and drown in the length of my dash, so I keep it low and manageable. •Followers: so many. Over 600. What you’re all doing here, I have no idea, but I love you all very much. Thank you. •Favorite Colors: Blue. That other blue. Silver. More blues. •Average Hours of Sleep: somewhere between 3 and 10. •Lucky Number: 5 •Instruments: once upon a time, I played bass clarinet. I miss it. I also tried piano for a while but I suuuucccckked so that didn’t last long. also I sing. •What Am I Wearing: pjs. •How Many Blankets I Sleep With: depends on the season. •Dream Job: wrrrrriiiiiiiiittteee sttuuuuuuuff •Dream Trip: Venizzia! •Favorite Food: bread. •Nationality: american, by way of poland and germany •Favorite Song Now: it’s always “I’m Still Here” from Treasure Planet. Always. There is never not a time when the answer to this question is “I’m Still Here.”
I’m not tagging anyone because I’m the place where chain memes go to die.
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my onceler phase was prophecy 
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The Askblog/Onceler Fandom: A Playlist
{listen} {art}
It’s been five years since the onceler fandom was a thing. I had the unique privilege to be apart of it from beginning to end, and throughout the fandom’s life the numerous RP plots and silly memes heavily revolved around music. The movie had its own music we frequently referred to, but the fandom itself ended up creating its own soundtrack during its glory days to the point where I can’t hear any of these songs without thinking of the fandom.
So back in September, instead of using my labor day vacation to do homework like a responsible adult, I combed through my blog, my old fandom blog, and all (yes, all) of the main askblogs and their au selves to gather as much of the most memorable music as I could find. This playlist is the result. I didn’t include songs from the movie because that’s pretty easy to find, but these are unique and if you’re like me you probably forgot about like, half of these. And during this project I learned that, for some reason, there’s still a bunch of you still kicking and there’s new people coming in, so I thought this would be a cool piece of fandom history to share with you since you weren’t able to experience it first hand like the rest of us.
Without further adu, the history behind each track. This is NOT the order in the playlist. That’s just random because I really wanted to milk that surprise nostalgia factor (and if you want the best experience you should put the playlist on shuffle). IF YOU THINK I MISSED ANY IMPORTANT SONG, OR IF ANY OF THE MAIN ARTISTS WANT ME TO ADD SOMETHING, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I will add them! I just did what I could find and remember as significant.
Here we go...
GENERAL (The beginnings of an empire)
1. Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic (this popular amv)
2. Oh No! - Marina and the Diamonds (this popular post)
3. Peacock - Katy Perry (Honestly all I remember is Swag started it)
THE ASKBLOGS (What you all came for!)
1. Money - Mindless Self Indulgence (Enter Swag. One of the first askblogs out of the famous ones. This is one of the first songs he posted)
2. Cannibal - Ke$ha (Enter One-ler. Started as a joke just because of a typo, became one of the most popular askblogs, and my personal favorite =D Also, sidenote, this asshole has no songs associated with him besides this one. At least in his OG form anyway)
3. Good Time - Owl City ft. Carly Rae Jepsen (Enter Bitter. His name should tell you what you need to know. APPARENTLY HE’S STILL SUPER ACTIVE?????? Who would’ve guessed? This song is also associated with teen!Bitter)
2. RICHMAN! - 3OH!3 (Someone who was very popular in the fandom at the time made a storyboard about Swag, One, Gent, and Bitter with this song. I’m not linking this person because I don’t think they’d want the attention)
3. Party at a Rich Dude’s House - Ke$ha (Where were YOU when Swag got stuck in a closet and all of us took over his fucking mansion and threw a FANDOM WIDE PARTY??????)
(There’s a SHITTON of Oncelers missing here. If Gent, Pimp, BP, 2012, Steampunk, Entre, Ink, Creep, etc had any widely known songs in the fandom please let me know so I can add them!)
THNEEDVILLE/THORNVILLE HIGH (When shit starts to get real/The start of “deoncelerization”. People liked this AU so much, including the creators, that the characters involved ditched the onceler title and became legit OCs! Lots of people hated it, lots of people loved it, but either way that’s how they stayed
Sidenote: The best fics came from this AU just sayin’~)
1. Teenagers - My Chemical Romance (prepare for some legit grade A YA angst)
2. California Girls - Katy Perry (Enter Teen!Swag/Oliver. This is the start of Swag’s well-known association with Katy Perry. This is the first song he posted, but everyone associated him with this song instead. This blog still updates sometimes!)
3. Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace and also Space Jam (Enter Teen!One/Gabriel. Everyone’s favorite edgy, school hottie, goofy, werebear-loving, space jamming, not completely mentally stable teen. I still love him. Also every fucking song associated with One was a joke and I love it. Animal I Have Become was his own fucking request on his blog for a fan thing what a nerd. He even practiced drumming to it.)
4. School’s Out - Alice Cooper (Enter Teen!Rocky/Johnny. This guy was the au version of Rockstar Onceler but this quickly became the more popular version. He’s a punkass teen who wants to be a rockstar! The character arc on this one though, hot damn. Definitely a late fave among the fandom)
5. Smash the Control Machine - Otep (Enter Teen!Spook/Jericho. Okay. So, Spook is actually the au version of an au version of Entre. Yeah, it got deep for a minute. But like Rocky, Spook immensely overshadowed his origins and became a late top-tier fave. He was my favorite after One. If One wasn’t edgy enough for you or didn’t have enough baggage, then Spook was your man. Legit anarchist and actual practicing punk--he explains how to be punk here and it’s my favorite post by him--so he often got on political rants, damn the man, fuck capitalism, etc etc. His backstory is hella sad and he’s like haunted by a demon?? It sounds a little out there, but Spook, imo, has the best writing and character development out of everyone and you should read it. Idk who I had a bigger crush on, him or One.
Anyway, he sang this song on his blog. Sadly, his blog and Rocky’s are officially inactive)
THE SHIPS (nevermind, this is what you came for isn’t it, ya nasty?)
E.T. - Katy Perry (Swoncest. Swag+One, arguably the most popular ship in the fandom. Literally promoted by Swag, with edited lyrics and all!)
Love Me Dead - Ludo (More Swoncest. I mean, every fandom uses this song at some point for their problematic couples)
Up and Up - Reliant K (Switter. Swag+Bitter. Second most popular ship for awhile maybe???? Bitter sang this for Swag.)
Tongue Tied - Grouplove (SWONTER. SWAG+BITTER+ONE. Because why the fuck not we were already going to hell at this point. What a wild ride this ship was. This was actually a really popular ship for a hot minute but faded pretty quickly. Which made me horribly sad because it was my favorite and a lot of really cool fics came from it)
I Almost Told You That I Love You - Papa Roach (SPOOKSTAR. Rocky+Spook. Nothing ever really dethroned Swoncest during the glory days, but this came pretty close toward the end. I’d say it was at least in the top 5 ships. Also my favorite after Swonter. Watching Spook constantly pine over Rocky until they finally got together gave me life. Spooky plays it here.)
Do You Wanna Touch - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts (Spookstar. Rocky sings it after he gets M!A’d into a cis girl)
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys (So, fun fact: this is the last song I’ve associated with the fandom before I basically faded away? I miraculously got into Spook’s mod’s stream before it ended and he was drawing a Spookstar pic to this song and it was basically on repeat, and it was the first I’d ever heard it. I can’t find the pic and don’t know which one of Spook’s mods’ art blogs I should check. Sorry =/)
The Only Hope For Me Is You - My Chemical Romance (Swagtre. Swag+Entre. Yeah, okay, THIS ship was def in the top 3 at least, especially as Truffula Flu grew in popularity. The lyrics are even in Entre’s zombie au description. Look at that smitten face. What a big gay <3)
Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft Adam Levine (Prisma+Swag. Idk the ship name. Yo, listen. You wanna spot who’s a onceling in a crowd? Play this song and watch for the people that burst out in tears. This was probably one of the only hetero ships you were gonna see, and even if you didn’t ship it, Swag and Prisma were best friends from the very beginning. So, all of us felt Swag’s heartbreak when she FUCKING DIED HORRIBLY IN TRUFFULA FLU. Swag dedicated the song to her here)
(Popular ships I don’t have music for: GentlePimp, BitterOne, Steamler, Creamler, 1Spook, 1SpookStar, 72+Entre, Catnippackets+Swag???????...and everything else)
GROUND ZERO: TRUFFULA FLU (Apparently MCR is the soundtrack to the apocalypse)
This was literally such a huge, well written event that it crossed fandoms and had people that weren’t even involved watching it. Since it had such a following, there was even talk of the creators making it a real comic to sell. Sadly, despite its massive success, this was the beginning of the end for the glory days of the fandom. Lots of people were upset that Camp Entre was getting all the attention and weren’t openly allowing everyone to jump in and join their narrative. This caused a lot of infighting and anger toward the bigger askblogs and their mods, with some people siding with the mods’ decisions and others writing angry posts about their opposition. With the pressures of consistently updating the story becoming extremely stressful for the mods, added on top of the pressures from the fandom, they decided to end their Truffula Flu narrative prematurely, much to the disappointment of many fans. The blogs are still open for anyone to read, and even though it never had a true conclusion, I HIGHLY recommend it. Just mentioning it still gets me hyped.
Never seeing Truffula Flu get a real ending is the one regret I have about the fandom.
1. Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (this HUGELY POPULAR AMV. Consider it the trailer for Truffula Flu. This is basically the main theme.)
2. Dead Hearts - Stars (Also a really popular AMV)
3. Look Alive, Sunshine and Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance (Ah, yes. Swag and Rocky are here to hype up your apocalypse)
4. Bulletproof Heart - My Chemical Romance (Swag’s first season theme. Now that his original mod revealed what was gonna happen to him at the end of Truffula Flu I wanna die every time I hear this song)
5. Planetary GO! - My Chemical Romance (Swag and Rocky shenanigans)
6. Blood -  My Chemical Romance (Swag reveals he’s immune to the disease, or “bulletproof”)
7. Party Poison - My Chemical Romance (Swag and Rocky’s friendship theme)
8. Sleep - My Chemical Romance (The moment the fandom collectively had a meltdown that lasted for months. Where were you when Bitter died? rip buddy)
10. Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back - My Chemical Romance (I think this is something to do with Broken!Swag???? But I could’ve imagined it. It’s also in his tags earlier in the story)
11. Vampire Money - My Chemical Romance (Swag and Rocky again. But Rocky got infected and was on his way out when the series ended and I always pictured him exiting to this song, like a final encore)
12. Goodnight, Dr. Death - My Chemical Romance (The last song I got for ya, folks. I put it on here since it was used here, but also because I thought it worked as a good fandom goodbye as well. It’s really open-ended, and I feel like that’s where the fandom remains. Hanging in a weird balance of not existing but still kinda existing. We went out in a quiet,modest fizzle. But lots of us remember. And a lot of us are still around. “So remember even if you're dusted You may be gone But out here in the desert Your shadow lives on without you.” That’s kinda how this feels. Like those memories are still living on without us.
But anyway. If you guys wanna read Truffula Flu, start here. The people in Camp Entre are as follows, with as many of the blogs that are still existing. You can also go to the wiki.
The Lorax
Unfortunately, a lot of these blogs are deactivated and Rocky’s blog seems to have been hacked. Everything is gone and all that’s there is a single ad =(
And...that’s it. I’ve spent my time in nostalgia world, it’s time for me to return to reality. I hope everyone enjoys this, it was a lot of fun to make =) Stay stupid everyone <3
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I literally cannot handle this I am in college now I fight the patriarchy in my spare time I am 22 got damn years old YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME AGAIN
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hot damn is it just me or did Owl's art improve by like a million
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stereo hearts has officially been ruined for me
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I just realized I never got to add Spook to my Onceler video game...
I'm gonna go do that!
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So I know I've been really shitty at replying to my RPs lately and I'm really sorry =/ I've been being a responsible adult and focusing on real life things...but I'll get to them soon, I promise! Just don't hate me or think I'm ignoring you D=
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IT'S 4 IN THE FUCKIN MORNING????????????? SINCE WHEN???????????
fuck it idec it's Sunday I can sleep forever. I will stay up until 8 if I have to I WILL SEE THIS DAMN UPDATE!!!!!!!!!
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I am legit freaking out over Truffula Flu right now
And I don't mean freaking out like arms flailing fangirly shit
I mean on the edge of my seat, eyes wide, ready to have an anxiety attack scared
Because I think I see where this is going and that's gonna be one of the hardest fucking decisions, especially for somebody like Swag. And I don't think it'll be discussed, it's just gonna happen really fast and then they'll grab him and run with him screaming in agony. And I don't just mean physical pain.
Out of every one of the survivors, I feel like Swag is the least capable of handling this (if I'm right). He's way too prideful and reckless and this will take all of that away from him until he learns to adapt--if he learns to adapt, because when someone has a mindset like Swag's that's near impossible--but
You wanna live Or you wanna die with two legs? 
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*Nurse comes rushing in*
Nurse: Are you okay???????????
Me: *nods pathetically, whimpering with an ugly sob face*
Nurse: .........Are you sure?
Me: *still whimpering* Mmhmm...
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I just realized something
The Once-ler is PRINCESS
"Because I have the most powerful power in the whole wide world!"
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I'm sorry but can I just say that Twice is being freakin adorable with this whole car crash thing
like omg cutie
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