#Anna Jehle
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bauerntanz · 8 months ago
Lingener Kunstpreis 2024: Cudelice Brazelton IV
Der #Lingener_Kunstpreis 2024 geht an #Cudelice_Brazelton_IV. Kunsthalle, Kaiserstraße 10a, Eröffnung am Freitag, 21. Juni um 19 Uhr
  Lingener Kunstpreis 2024 Cudelice Brazelton IV >Mortal Surface< Lingen (Ems) – Kunsthalle, Kaiserstraße 10a Eröffnung und Preisverleihung am Freitag, 21. Juni 2024 um 19 Uhr zu sehen vom 22. Juni bis zu  25. August 2024 Der längst etablierte und renommierte Lingener Kunstpreis wird in diesem Jahr bereits zum 26. Mal verliehen – im Jahreskalender etwas früher als sonst – „damit es endlich auch…
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eucanthos · 2 years ago
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Arnold Genthe: Anna Duncan, 1921 [master cut]
Adopted daughter of Isadora Duncan. This photo is often credited as Isadora's portrait
The Isadorables were a group of six young girls, Anna Denzler, Maria-Theresa Kruger, Irma Erich-Grimme, Elizabeth Milker, Margot Jehl, and Erica Lohmann, who danced under the instruction of Isadora. Their nickname was given to them by the French poet Fernand Divoire in 1909. They were all later given the Duncan last name when Isadora adopted them.
s: https://www.gettyimages.dk/detail/news-photo/photograph-of-anna-denzler-a-member-of-the-isadorables-who-news-photo/556636673
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wagsconfession · 6 years ago
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Vote your favourite FIT WAG!
Dani Jehle (top left)
Ina Aogo (top right)
Carol Cabrino (middle left)
Izabel Goulart (middle right)
Scarlett Gartmann (bottom left)
Anna Lewandowska (bottom right)
You can vote here !
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discowitches · 3 years ago
Révolution conventionnelle
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« La religion graphique est restée entre des mains solides, légitimes, les mains de passation de pouvoir ».  Ainsi, s’ouvre le premier numéro de LSD – une revue annuelle s’adossant à la programmation du Signe de Chaumont – dont le but est de nourrir la réflexion critique sur les enjeux du design graphique contemporain. Ce premier numéro intitulé a feminist issue est composé de plusieurs essais autour du graphisme et du féminisme, et s’appuie sur l’exposition d’Anja Kaiser « Undisciplined Toolkit ». Undisciplined comme « l’enfant indocile [qui] s’oppose aux traditions et au canon préexistants. » Dès le début le ton est donné : voilà une réflexion polyphonique qui s’intéressera à la création graphique de la marge, de la lisière même si cela revient à « prendre le risque d’une possible délégitimisation ». Une intention qui sonne comme une promesse de révolution. Enfin, j’allais pouvoir lire un ouvrage théorique et apprendre de nouvelles choses sur une thématique qui m’anime: les liens entre design graphique et féminisme intersectionnel !  Mais le propre des promesses, c’est qu’elles ne sont pas toujours tenues.
La réflexion s’ouvre sur un premier faux espoir. Dans Critical Boldness, Anna Jehle et Juliane Schickendanz décrivent le travail d’Anja Kaiser un moyen d’empowerment visuel. Ce court article me met l’eau à la bouche. Mais dans l’essai qui suit, À qui dois-je mon corps ?, Anja Kaiser ne nous parle pas de son travail de graphiste. Elle démontre que la technologie, la culture populaire et le marché du travail sont des lieux d’émancipation autant que des champs de domination et d’instrumentalisation. Certes, c’est une réflexion sociologique intéressante, mais elle ne me dit rien que je ne sais pas déjà ; et surtout, elle ne fait pas de lien avec le design graphique. Essaie encore Anja !
Autre raté, l’écrit de Fabrice Bourlez, Pragmatique des Lettres. Sur une dizaine de pages, ce dernier se livre à une gymnastique poétique sur les rapprochements que l’on peut faire entre graphisme, militantisme et psychanalyse ; pour conclure qu’à l’image du sigle LGBTQIA+ en constante expansion, le graphisme devrait s’étendre pour inclure toutes les identités. Si j’admire sa plume, je trouve que l’auteur parle beaucoup pour simplement me dire que les normes graphiques et typographiques sont souvent excluantes, message dont j’ai déjà bien conscience en tant que féministe – d’autant plus qu’on le martèle depuis le début de l’ouvrage. Merci Fabrice pour cette analyse très perspicace !
Une faible lumière dans l’obscurité : Graphisme x Intersections, Voix intersectionnelles, féministes et décoloniales dans le champ du design graphique écrit par Loraine Furter. C’est le titre qui m’a le plus attiré, enfin, on allait passer au concret et parler de graphisme ! Dans cet article polyphonique, Loraine Furter orchestre différentes voix qui ont nourri sa pratique et sa réflexion sur le design graphique – une forme pertinente puisque, par définition, l’intersectionnalité se pense à plusieurs. Au fur et à mesure de son essai, Loraine Furter cite de nombreux designers qui rejettent l’idée d’un design neutre et apolitique, remettent en question la notion de bon et mauvais goût, et prônent la réappropriation de symboles autrefois discriminatoires ; mais elle n’apporte aucune analyse. Au début, je trouve cet écrit pertinent et réconfortant parce que j’y retrouve des termes, des concepts, des personnes que je connais et avec lesquels je suis d’accord. Puis en y repensant, je me rend compte que je ne suis pas satisfaite : en tant qu’initiée sur le sujet, j’ai certes été confortée dans mes opinions mais je n’ai ni appris, ni retenu grand chose. Je me dis que cet article ne s’adresse pas à moi, mais plutôt au débutants. Pas grave, après tout, il en faut pour tout le monde. Mais je réalise aussi que si le vocabulaire spécifique au féminisme m’est familier, ce n’est pas le cas pour tout le monde, or il n’est à aucun moment défini dans l’article. Pas cool Loraine !
Graphisme x Intersection est symptomatique du problème de LSD n°1: a feminist issue : un ouvrage qui propose un vague entre-deux consensuel qui semble dire beaucoup mais finalement dit très peu, et où personne – ni débutant, ni initié – ne trouve vraiment son compte. LSD semble être un énième club de graphistes où l’on aime se dire intellectuel de gauche, un énième club de graphiste justement trop intellectuel et pas assez ancré dans la réalité. Un club où l’on reste dans sa bulle ; où l’on aime se rassurer, se dire qu’on est informé et ouvert d’esprit ; où l’on se félicite de ressortir des discours « engagés » déjà entendus milles fois ; où l’on prône une révolution conventionnelle.
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rachlou86 · 6 years ago
Some of my amazing mutuals are headed to Nashville this weekend so @taylorswift if you're looking for somebody to hug then look no further
Heather @floofyangelhairedboyfriend
Anna @ileftanote
Stefanie @hauntedromantics
Jehle @mustlikeme4me
I hope you all have a fantastic time !!
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fcbarcelonawagsstyle · 7 years ago
Wags with iPhone X
- Aine Coutinho 
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- Anna Ortiz 
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- Antonela Roccuzzo
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(photo credit: x)
- Coral Simanovich
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- Daniela Jehle
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- Elena Galera
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- Lorena Mañas
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- Romarey Ventura
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- Sandra Montoto
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- Sofia Balbi
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- Tiziri Digne
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washpostpr · 7 years ago
JOB POSTING: China correspondent
We’re beginning a search for a new China correspondent based in The Post’s bureau in Beijing.
This is a vital and challenging role, with responsibility for covering a vast country with soaring ambitions and expanding global reach. For China, this is a remarkable moment, under a leader, Xi Jinping, who may be the most powerful since Mao. The choices China makes – on trade, technology, the environment, liberty and security – are already shaping the 21st century; we are seeking a nimble, energetic and digital-savvy correspondent hungry to help readers understand China in new ways.
We expect all foreign correspondents to be resilient, tenacious and adaptable; this is particularly true in China, where our two correspondents share responsibility for covering the world’s most populous country. We need correspondents who can do everything – plunge into breaking news with velocity and authority; deliver ambition, insight and originality through deeply reported enterprise; and bring creativity to the more conversational and visual-first pieces that enhance our digital report. We particularly prize reporting that lands with impact – driven by scoops that illuminate China’s role in the world today.
This is a big job, one that requires initiative, judgment and a strong grasp of China. Any candidate should be able to point to a record of distinction in covering a competitive beat for a major international news organization. The strongest candidates will already have significant experience in reporting from China and will possess Mandarin language skills.
The new China correspondent will join Anna Fifield, the incoming China bureau chief, and will succeed Emily Rauhala, who is moving to a new assignment in the United States later in the year. We intend to make a decision in June, to allow time for the new correspondent to gain the necessary accreditation. Potential candidates should contact Douglas Jehl ([email protected]); Mary Beth Sheridan ([email protected]); or Tracy Grant ([email protected]) no later than May 11 by sending an email with the subject line “China correspondent: YourName”. These notes should include a resume, three work samples and a cover letter that briefly outlines qualifications and interest in the job.
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wagstalk · 8 years ago
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Made a new background but it won't all fit in 😁
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riichardwilson · 5 years ago
Rescheduling SmashingConf SF And Looking Out For Each Other
About The Author
Rachel Andrew is not only Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine, but also a web developer, writer and speaker. She is the author of a number of books, including … More about Rachel Andrew …
We are sad to have to reschedule SmashingConf SF, however we are working to find ways to be with our community virtually until we can all meet up again.
We have all been looking forward to our SmashingConf in San Francisco, and are so sad to have to announce that the conference is being postponed until 10th–11th November 2020. If you have tickets for the event, you should already have received an email. If not, then please see the detailed information on this page, get in touch with us, and we will help you out. The team is on standby to try and help you as quickly as possible.
As you can imagine, it was a very tough decision for our team to make. We have been working hard to plan this event and were looking very much forward to it for the last few months, however, we believe it is the right decision for the conference and for everyone we hoped to meet there.
We are all faced with a difficult few weeks ahead, but we still need to do our jobs, keep learning, and also stay connected with our friends. We hope that even though we can’t all meet in person, we can help a little bit as we all get through this together.
Topple the Cat agrees that this is the best way forward for the safety and health of you, our dearest Smashing Family! (Read our full statement here.)
Stay Connected
We know that many of you are working from home for the first time to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the events and meetups that we all love to attend are being cancelled. We’re working on some ideas for the coming weeks that can be attended virtually — with no need for awkward elbow bumps and footshakes. Our online communities are going to become even more important than usual.
Lot’s of us will be stuck at home for weeks if not months. Let’s help each other. What are your best coping tips? How do you take care of your mental health?
— Christoph Nakazawa (@cpojer) March 12, 2020
The entire Smashing team are remote, and the conferences are one place that many of us get to meet and spend time in person, so we know how hard it can be to lose those opportunities. The community have been sharing some great resources online, however, for those of you who are new to working from home, we went ahead and asked Twitter for tips and got some great replies — as well as links to resources.
The Smashing Team are all remote, but many of our friends are having to work or lead teams remotely for the first time.
What are your top tips, or useful websites and apps for remote working, or remote team leading?
— Smashing Magazine (@smashingmag) March 12, 2020
Some of you might be having to manage a remote team for the first time, with little time to prepare. In “You’ve Found Yourself Leading A Remote Design Team,” Mark Boulton shares some tips from his own experience having led remote teams for many years. On Twitter, Linda Eliasen wrote a thread with all her tips on leading a team remotely. Also, Holloway have released a section from their upcoming guide which covers morale, mental health, and burnout in remote teams.
Laurie wrote some tips on “Remote Work For Teams” while Zsolt exlained how we can switch from in person to remote UX Research in the time of coronavirus.
For people new to remote work, there are some useful tips in “The Leapers Little Guide To… Working Well From Home Under Self-Quarantine For Coronavirus,” and also in Carie Fisher’s post, “Top 10 Pro-Tips For Working Remotely.” Benedikt Lehnert wrote a great guide with lots of practical suggestions, “I’m Working Remotely, Now What?!” Vice.com have some information which they claim will help us not to feel like a “lonely garbage slug”. (Wait, what is a garbage slug?)
As someone who usually has a smarter shirt to hand to throw on over my gym clothes when I need to do a video call, I liked this tip:
Wear pants! Otherwise you’ll forget and go grab a snack. I don’t know that from experience…
— Emma Bostian (@EmmaBostian) March 12, 2020
Keep Learning
We have a whole back catalog of video from previous conferences, which you can enjoy from the comfort of your sofa. The talks from last year alone should keep you occupied for a while.
SmashingConf NYC 2019
Watch videos featuring Dan Mall, Brad Frost and Ian Frost, Marcy Sutton, Denys Mishunov, Trine Falbe, Maggie Wachs, Wes Bos, dina Amin, Harry Roberts, Sara Soueidan, Remy Sharp, Scott Jehl, and Miriam Suzanne.
SmashingConf Freiburg 2019
Watch talks from Guillaume Kurkdjian, Joe Leech, Heather Burns, Uri Shaked and Benjamin Gruenbaum, Anna Migas, Val Head, Rémi Parmentier, Sara Soueidan, Robyn Larsen, Benjamin Hersh, and Philip Walton.
SmashingConf Toronto 2019
Listen to talks from Brad Frost, Sarah Drasner, Phil Hawksworth, Jenny Shen, Kristina Podnar, Steven Hoober, Phil Nash, Dan Rose, Diana Mounter, Scott Jehl, and Chris Gannon.
SmashingConf SF 2019
Watch and learn from Jen Simmons, Jason Pamental, Jeremy Wagner, Katie Sylor-Miller, Miriam Suzanne, Chris Coyier, Darin Senneff, Anna Migas, Sara Soueidan, and Brad Frost.
Last But Not Least, Smashing Podcast
If you haven’t found our Smashing Podcast yet, we’re already up to episode 11. Check out the episodes and subscribe here. Of course, we will also be bringing you an article every day here on Smashing Magazine, and perhaps if you find yourself with some extra time, you might like to join our authors and write for us.
Keep In Touch
We are obviously dealing with a fast changing situation, and can only take each day or week as it comes. Take every chance to keep in touch with your friends and peers via phone, text and video chat. Check in on people who might be having a hard time. Your outgoing extrovert friend may be the person who finds the isolation of the next few weeks the hardest. Look after yourselves, each other, and please wash your hands!
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source http://www.scpie.org/rescheduling-smashingconf-sf-and-looking-out-for-each-other/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/612525001071083520
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laurelkrugerr · 5 years ago
Rescheduling SmashingConf SF And Looking Out For Each Other
About The Author
Rachel Andrew is not only Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine, but also a web developer, writer and speaker. She is the author of a number of books, including … More about Rachel Andrew …
We are sad to have to reschedule SmashingConf SF, however we are working to find ways to be with our community virtually until we can all meet up again.
We have all been looking forward to our SmashingConf in San Francisco, and are so sad to have to announce that the conference is being postponed until 10th–11th November 2020. If you have tickets for the event, you should already have received an email. If not, then please see the detailed information on this page, get in touch with us, and we will help you out. The team is on standby to try and help you as quickly as possible.
As you can imagine, it was a very tough decision for our team to make. We have been working hard to plan this event and were looking very much forward to it for the last few months, however, we believe it is the right decision for the conference and for everyone we hoped to meet there.
We are all faced with a difficult few weeks ahead, but we still need to do our jobs, keep learning, and also stay connected with our friends. We hope that even though we can’t all meet in person, we can help a little bit as we all get through this together.
Topple the Cat agrees that this is the best way forward for the safety and health of you, our dearest Smashing Family! (Read our full statement here.)
Stay Connected
We know that many of you are working from home for the first time to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the events and meetups that we all love to attend are being cancelled. We’re working on some ideas for the coming weeks that can be attended virtually — with no need for awkward elbow bumps and footshakes. Our online communities are going to become even more important than usual.
Lot’s of us will be stuck at home for weeks if not months. Let’s help each other. What are your best coping tips? How do you take care of your mental health?
— Christoph Nakazawa (@cpojer) March 12, 2020
The entire Smashing team are remote, and the conferences are one place that many of us get to meet and spend time in person, so we know how hard it can be to lose those opportunities. The community have been sharing some great resources online, however, for those of you who are new to working from home, we went ahead and asked Twitter for tips and got some great replies — as well as links to resources.
The Smashing Team are all remote, but many of our friends are having to work or lead teams remotely for the first time.
What are your top tips, or useful websites and apps for remote working, or remote team leading?
— Smashing Magazine (@smashingmag) March 12, 2020
Some of you might be having to manage a remote team for the first time, with little time to prepare. In “You’ve Found Yourself Leading A Remote Design Team,” Mark Boulton shares some tips from his own experience having led remote teams for many years. On Twitter, Linda Eliasen wrote a thread with all her tips on leading a team remotely. Also, Holloway have released a section from their upcoming guide which covers morale, mental health, and burnout in remote teams.
Laurie wrote some tips on “Remote Work For Teams” while Zsolt exlained how we can switch from in person to remote UX Research in the time of coronavirus.
For people new to remote work, there are some useful tips in “The Leapers Little Guide To… Working Well From Home Under Self-Quarantine For Coronavirus,” and also in Carie Fisher’s post, “Top 10 Pro-Tips For Working Remotely.” Benedikt Lehnert wrote a great guide with lots of practical suggestions, “I’m Working Remotely, Now What?!” Vice.com have some information which they claim will help us not to feel like a “lonely garbage slug”. (Wait, what is a garbage slug?)
As someone who usually has a smarter shirt to hand to throw on over my gym clothes when I need to do a video call, I liked this tip:
Wear pants! Otherwise you’ll forget and go grab a snack. I don’t know that from experience…
— Emma Bostian (@EmmaBostian) March 12, 2020
Keep Learning
We have a whole back catalog of video from previous conferences, which you can enjoy from the comfort of your sofa. The talks from last year alone should keep you occupied for a while.
SmashingConf NYC 2019
Watch videos featuring Dan Mall, Brad Frost and Ian Frost, Marcy Sutton, Denys Mishunov, Trine Falbe, Maggie Wachs, Wes Bos, dina Amin, Harry Roberts, Sara Soueidan, Remy Sharp, Scott Jehl, and Miriam Suzanne.
SmashingConf Freiburg 2019
Watch talks from Guillaume Kurkdjian, Joe Leech, Heather Burns, Uri Shaked and Benjamin Gruenbaum, Anna Migas, Val Head, Rémi Parmentier, Sara Soueidan, Robyn Larsen, Benjamin Hersh, and Philip Walton.
SmashingConf Toronto 2019
Listen to talks from Brad Frost, Sarah Drasner, Phil Hawksworth, Jenny Shen, Kristina Podnar, Steven Hoober, Phil Nash, Dan Rose, Diana Mounter, Scott Jehl, and Chris Gannon.
SmashingConf SF 2019
Watch and learn from Jen Simmons, Jason Pamental, Jeremy Wagner, Katie Sylor-Miller, Miriam Suzanne, Chris Coyier, Darin Senneff, Anna Migas, Sara Soueidan, and Brad Frost.
Last But Not Least, Smashing Podcast
If you haven’t found our Smashing Podcast yet, we’re already up to episode 11. Check out the episodes and subscribe here. Of course, we will also be bringing you an article every day here on Smashing Magazine, and perhaps if you find yourself with some extra time, you might like to join our authors and write for us.
Keep In Touch
We are obviously dealing with a fast changing situation, and can only take each day or week as it comes. Take every chance to keep in touch with your friends and peers via phone, text and video chat. Check in on people who might be having a hard time. Your outgoing extrovert friend may be the person who finds the isolation of the next few weeks the hardest. Look after yourselves, each other, and please wash your hands!
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/rescheduling-smashingconf-sf-and-looking-out-for-each-other/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/03/rescheduling-smashingconf-sf-and.html
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bauerntanz · 2 years ago
30 Jahre Kunsthalle Osnabrück
30 Jahre #Kunsthalle #Osnabrück. Was war, was ist, was kommt.
Die Kunsthalle Osnabrück feiert ihr 30-jähriges Bestehen! Seit gestern und noch bis zum 25. Februar 2024 sind aus diesem Grund drei  Ausstellungen zu sehen: Eine Ausstellung von Aram Bartholl. Eine eindrucksvolle Gebäude-Verhüllung des ehem. Kaufhof-Kaufhauses nahe des Neumarkts von Ibrahim Mahama. Und eine Gruppenausstellung von Gästen und Künstler:innen aus Osnabrück. Die Gruppenausstellung…
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scpie · 5 years ago
Rescheduling SmashingConf SF And Looking Out For Each Other
About The Author
Rachel Andrew is not only Editor in Chief of Smashing Magazine, but also a web developer, writer and speaker. She is the author of a number of books, including … More about Rachel Andrew …
We are sad to have to reschedule SmashingConf SF, however we are working to find ways to be with our community virtually until we can all meet up again.
We have all been looking forward to our SmashingConf in San Francisco, and are so sad to have to announce that the conference is being postponed until 10th–11th November 2020. If you have tickets for the event, you should already have received an email. If not, then please see the detailed information on this page, get in touch with us, and we will help you out. The team is on standby to try and help you as quickly as possible.
As you can imagine, it was a very tough decision for our team to make. We have been working hard to plan this event and were looking very much forward to it for the last few months, however, we believe it is the right decision for the conference and for everyone we hoped to meet there.
We are all faced with a difficult few weeks ahead, but we still need to do our jobs, keep learning, and also stay connected with our friends. We hope that even though we can’t all meet in person, we can help a little bit as we all get through this together.
Topple the Cat agrees that this is the best way forward for the safety and health of you, our dearest Smashing Family! (Read our full statement here.)
Stay Connected
We know that many of you are working from home for the first time to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the events and meetups that we all love to attend are being cancelled. We’re working on some ideas for the coming weeks that can be attended virtually — with no need for awkward elbow bumps and footshakes. Our online communities are going to become even more important than usual.
Lot’s of us will be stuck at home for weeks if not months. Let’s help each other. What are your best coping tips? How do you take care of your mental health?
— Christoph Nakazawa (@cpojer) March 12, 2020
The entire Smashing team are remote, and the conferences are one place that many of us get to meet and spend time in person, so we know how hard it can be to lose those opportunities. The community have been sharing some great resources online, however, for those of you who are new to working from home, we went ahead and asked Twitter for tips and got some great replies — as well as links to resources.
The Smashing Team are all remote, but many of our friends are having to work or lead teams remotely for the first time.
What are your top tips, or useful websites and apps for remote working, or remote team leading?
— Smashing Magazine (@smashingmag) March 12, 2020
Some of you might be having to manage a remote team for the first time, with little time to prepare. In “You’ve Found Yourself Leading A Remote Design Team,” Mark Boulton shares some tips from his own experience having led remote teams for many years. On Twitter, Linda Eliasen wrote a thread with all her tips on leading a team remotely. Also, Holloway have released a section from their upcoming guide which covers morale, mental health, and burnout in remote teams.
Laurie wrote some tips on “Remote Work For Teams” while Zsolt exlained how we can switch from in person to remote UX Research in the time of coronavirus.
For people new to remote work, there are some useful tips in “The Leapers Little Guide To… Working Well From Home Under Self-Quarantine For Coronavirus,” and also in Carie Fisher’s post, “Top 10 Pro-Tips For Working Remotely.” Benedikt Lehnert wrote a great guide with lots of practical suggestions, “I’m Working Remotely, Now What?!” Vice.com have some information which they claim will help us not to feel like a “lonely garbage slug”. (Wait, what is a garbage slug?)
As someone who usually has a smarter shirt to hand to throw on over my gym clothes when I need to do a video call, I liked this tip:
Wear pants! Otherwise you’ll forget and go grab a snack. I don’t know that from experience…
— Emma Bostian (@EmmaBostian) March 12, 2020
Keep Learning
We have a whole back catalog of video from previous conferences, which you can enjoy from the comfort of your sofa. The talks from last year alone should keep you occupied for a while.
SmashingConf NYC 2019
Watch videos featuring Dan Mall, Brad Frost and Ian Frost, Marcy Sutton, Denys Mishunov, Trine Falbe, Maggie Wachs, Wes Bos, dina Amin, Harry Roberts, Sara Soueidan, Remy Sharp, Scott Jehl, and Miriam Suzanne.
SmashingConf Freiburg 2019
Watch talks from Guillaume Kurkdjian, Joe Leech, Heather Burns, Uri Shaked and Benjamin Gruenbaum, Anna Migas, Val Head, Rémi Parmentier, Sara Soueidan, Robyn Larsen, Benjamin Hersh, and Philip Walton.
SmashingConf Toronto 2019
Listen to talks from Brad Frost, Sarah Drasner, Phil Hawksworth, Jenny Shen, Kristina Podnar, Steven Hoober, Phil Nash, Dan Rose, Diana Mounter, Scott Jehl, and Chris Gannon.
SmashingConf SF 2019
Watch and learn from Jen Simmons, Jason Pamental, Jeremy Wagner, Katie Sylor-Miller, Miriam Suzanne, Chris Coyier, Darin Senneff, Anna Migas, Sara Soueidan, and Brad Frost.
Last But Not Least, Smashing Podcast
If you haven’t found our Smashing Podcast yet, we’re already up to episode 11. Check out the episodes and subscribe here. Of course, we will also be bringing you an article every day here on Smashing Magazine, and perhaps if you find yourself with some extra time, you might like to join our authors and write for us.
Keep In Touch
We are obviously dealing with a fast changing situation, and can only take each day or week as it comes. Take every chance to keep in touch with your friends and peers via phone, text and video chat. Check in on people who might be having a hard time. Your outgoing extrovert friend may be the person who finds the isolation of the next few weeks the hardest. Look after yourselves, each other, and please wash your hands!
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/rescheduling-smashingconf-sf-and-looking-out-for-each-other/
0 notes
wagsconfession · 8 years ago
Elena Galera, Antonela Roccuzzo, Sofia Balbi, Anna Ortiz are the few WAGs I know that work who aren't models
Romarey Ventura, Julia Vigas, Anna Lewandowska, Nagore Aranburu, Shakira, Nina Weiss, Sandra Montoto, Daniella Semaan, Dani Jehle, Claudia Lahm, Lisa Müller, Aline Brum and these are only a few
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wagsconfession · 8 years ago
I was sooo right. It's an anti white blog ;) but too scared to be honest ;)
Okay, first of all, if you wanna submit something put a C or a NaC in front of it so it won’t be deleted. Second of all, this blog may be a LOT of things but it isn’t anti-white. Lemme dispel something for you real quick, the vast majority of WaGs talked about on here are white. Anna Lewandowska, Nina Weiss, Scarlett Gartmann, Pilar Rubio, Julia Vigas, Cathy Hummels, Daniela Jehle, Anna Ortiz, Raquel Mauri, Tiziri Digne, and MANY more, are guess what-? White! WaGs of different races are overwhelmingly overlooked or non-existent. -Becky
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fcbarcelonawagsstyle · 8 years ago
Favorites Brands of Wags
Anna Ortiz: Zara
Antonela Roccuzzo: Abercrombie & Fitch
Bea Viana: No information
Bruna Marquezine: She likes many brands but she doesn’t seem to have ONE favorite. She likes, Zara, American Apparel and Bo.Bô News a lot.
Coral Simanovich: Sandro
Daniela Jehle: Zara 
Elena Galera: Abercrombie & Fitch
Fernanda Mascherano: No information
Lisa Gonçalves: No information
Lorena Vidal: No information
Raquel Mauri: Zara, Gucci and Michael Kors
Romarey Ventura: Zara
Sandra Montoto: Zara
Shakira: Stella McCartney, Yves Saint Laurent and Nike
Sofia Balbi: Zara
Tiziri Digne: Maje
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washpostpr · 5 years ago
Job posting: China correspondent
The Washington Post is expanding its coverage of China and will soon add a third correspondent to our bureau in Beijing. The additional correspondent will focus primarily on trade, technology and business, the paths through which China shapes ordinary lives around the world in countless ways.
We would like to hear from candidates who are equipped and eager to tell the China story through an economic lens.  We are seeking a reporter who can survey boardrooms, factories, and, yes, trade talks, and tell stories that illuminate China and feel accessible and relevant to a global,  general interest audience.
Any candidate should be able to point to a record of distinction and at least five years of experience as a reporter for a major English-language publication. The most qualified candidates may already be steeped in writing about business and technology in China, but this is not a prerequisite. Chinese-language abilities would be a big asset. What we will seek above all else is journalistic talent, including agility, a passion for the work, a collaborative spirit, and a proven ability to write in riveting ways about complicated subjects.
The new correspondent will join a top-caliber team in Beijing that includes Anna Fifield, the bureau chief, and Gerry Shih, a correspondent, as well as an outstanding team of Chinese researchers. In addition to business-related coverage, the correspondent will assume significant responsibility for general news as part of a regular rotation. The correspondent will report directly to The Post’s Asia editor in Hong Kong, who is part of the Foreign desk, but will work equally closely with editors in Business who oversee coverage of trade, technology and the global economy.
Interested applicants should upload a resume, a cover letter outlining a vision for the role and three clips (as pdfs) to our jobs portal by Dec. 6. Cover letter should be addressed to Douglas Jehl, Eva Rodriguez and David Crawshaw. 
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