#Anju Joseph
bowtomycoolscissors · 4 months
I feel like the Malayalam film, Drishyam (2013) is not talked much of, hence I want to talk about the film.
why is this film...so..... GOOD?!
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Singers from Kerala are coming up with singles and covers during this lockdown
Singers from Kerala are coming up with singles and covers during this lockdown
  “I have been keeping myself sane with music at my home,” says playback singer Anju Joseph. With stage shows out of the question and movie projects only waiting in the wings due to the pandemic, Anju has been on an “experimental” mode at her residence at Kanjirapally in Kottayam. Recently, she brought out another cover video, this time a groovy take on the song ‘Kari raavin’ from Pranayakalam,
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news24fresh · 4 years
Singers from Kerala are coming up with singles and covers during this lockdown
Singers from Kerala are coming up with singles and covers during this lockdown
  “I have been keeping myself sane with music at my home,” says playback singer Anju Joseph. With stage shows out of the question and movie projects only waiting in the wings due to the pandemic, Anju has been on an “experimental” mode at her residence at Kanjirapally in Kottayam. Recently, she brought out another cover video, this time a groovy take on the song ‘Kari raavin’ from Pranay…
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soojinaaa · 2 years
실습. 즐거웠던 Body positivity activity. 나도 포스트잇 몇장을 받았다. “수진, 난 네 얼굴의 점들이 좋아.” 너와 나의 예쁜 구석들을 새로이 발견하는 시간. 결점이 아니라 특별한 점이라는 메시지는 다소 상투적이지만, 혼자 되뇔때보다 함께 나눌때 조금 더 믿을 수 있는건 모두가 애정어리고 진실된 시선을 보태기 때문이겠지.
수업. DBT -- The only constant is change. 
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세상에서 제일 귀여운 mindfulness exercise를 배웠다. 종이를 머리 위에 두고 고양이 그리기.
SWP2 -- Case Presentation 도 잘 마쳤다. 많이 준비한만큼 떨리지 않았고, 모든 질문에 답할 수 있었다. 물리적으로 시간을 많이 쏟는만큼 자신감과 완성도가 올라가는 건 불변의 진리인데, 학교/실습 과제가 아닌 개인 작업의 영역에서 실천 하기가 왜 이렇게 어려운걸까. 
Grace 랑 점심. 친구든, 연애 상대든, 일로 만난 사이든, 모든 관계의 시작점에서 주고받는 양방향의 호기심 시그널는 언제나 큰 설렘이고 기쁨이다. 한참 수다를 떨고, Paprika, My life as zuchini 두편의 영화를 추천 받았다. 
실습. Esther 랑 Sweet Chick 에서 치킨 와플. 저녁은 샐러드 (사과, 페퍼잭치즈, 방토, 로메인, 시저 드레싱) 
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아침에 김치두부참치전 해먹고 오랜만에 리버사이드파크 산책. 하람이네 잠깐 들러 차를 마시고, 저녁은 Kayla, Phil, Lily, Sydney, 주원이랑 오랜만에 수블라키. 램찹, 할루미치즈, 그릭샐러드 다 훌륭했다. 
주원이랑 반류윈 아이스크림, 가구 쇼핑, 봄 방학때 어디 놀러갈지 리서치. 송상을 ��해 흰콩쑥개떡, 들깨절편, 떡볶이 주문. 김치두부참치전이랑 Zabar’s 유부초밥으로 저녁 해결. 자기전 주일 예배.
지향을 바로하면 됩니다. 그것이 끈질긴 희망입니다. 
실습. 신영이네 커플, 효영이랑 No. 7 Ribs 에서 고기타임. 코리안 바비큐에 왜들 그렇게 열광하는지 바로 납득되는 맛이었다. 오랜만에 먹어서 그런가.
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실습을 마치고 하람이랑 타임스퀘어 근처 AMC에서 The Worst Person in the World (Joachim Trier) 관람. 아마도 올해의 영화 TOP 5 안에 들지 않을까. 
수업. Dean/admin과 미팅. Ella랑 finding my voice in advocacy에 대해 대화. Sala Thai, The Dropout (Hulu).
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde
“Being queer is an act of questioning the current system - not only in terms of gender.”
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그리고 Hunter College counseling center 랑 1차 면접. ~ 해봤어? ~ 할 수 있겠어? ~ 하면 어떨거같아? 쉽게 대답할 수 없는 부담스러운 질문들의 연속. Intense, fast-paced clinical training이 될거라고 하는데, 너무 힘들까봐 겁이 나지만.. 그만큼 많이 배우고 성장할 수 있겠지.
실습. Individual supervision 때 제니에게 어제 면접 이야기를 하면서, 제니 나 정말 할 수 있을까? 라고 답정너 질문을 했는데, 정말 큰 힘이 되는 답변이 돌아왔다. 
실습을 마치고는 소호 블루보틀에서 주원 상봉. Ice Oat Latte 한 잔으로 에너지 급속 충전, Muji에서 라탄 바스켓 2개 사서 귀가. 나혼자산다 보면서 그제 먹다 남은 타이음식으로 저녁을 해결했다.
느지막이 일어나 아점으로 떡볶이 해먹고 씻으니까 1시반. 오후엔 채연언니랑 눈보라를 뚫고 Lower East Side - 소호에서 쇼핑을 했다. MNZ 샘플 세일, No.6, Ganni, Levis 를 둘러보고 Levis에서 청자켓 하나 구매. Ruby’s Cafe에서 저녁 먹고 귀가.
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Max Caffe 에서 학교 리딩 + 일기 (황정은)
다른 사람이 애써 만들어낸 것으로 내 삶을 구한다.
누군가의 애쓰는 삶이 멀리 떨어진 누군가를 구한다.
저녁엔 하람이랑 무비나잇. Drive my Car (Ryusuke Hamaguchi) 를 봤다.
실습을 마치고 집에 오니 엄마가 서울에서 보낸 택배가 드디어 도착해있다. 잣죽, 호박죽, 팥죽, 오설록 녹차 아몬드 초콜릿, 찹쌀 모나카, 쥐포, 한그릇 된장국(?), 간편한 매생이(?), 고추 한알(?), 등등. 부엌 수납장이 엄마의 마음으로 꽉 꽉 찼다.
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그리고 Tom Misch!
아주 짧은 봄방학 시작.
송랑이랑 행보기랑 French Roast 에서 브런치, Moma 에서 보고싶었던 Joseph E. Yoakum 전시, 소호 쇼핑, 프린스 스트리트 피자, Sea NY 에서 귀여운 벌룬소매 원피스 구매. 
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작지만 멋진 전시였다. 반복 - 변주 - 아카이빙 (스타일을 공고히 하고 끈질기게 밀어붙이는 작업)에 대해, 작품이 표현하고 있는 메시지를 배반하지 않는 삶을 사는 아티스트들에 대해 한참 생각했다. 
조급해 할 필요 없다는 위안도 얻었다. 인풋 -> process -> 아웃풋의 과정을 재촉하지말자. 지금 내가 보고, 듣고, 느끼는 모든 것들은 수십년 후에도 어떤 식으로든 나에게 남아있을 것임으로.. 
Hunter 2차 면접. Anju 랑 집에서 Paprika (Satoshi Kon) + 군것질
봄방학 끝.
봄방학은 어제 끝이났지만, 진정 봄이다! 하고 느꼈던건 오늘. 실습을 마치고 첼시에서 주원을 만나 하이라인 산책을 했다. 365일 이런 날씨면 어떨거같아? 하고 질문하게 되는 완벽에 가까운 날씨. 한참 걷다 조금 이른 저녁으로 오오토야의 장어덮밥, 돈가츠나베를 먹었다. 
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그리고 집에서 디저트. Blood Orange 라는 과일을 처음 먹어봤는데, 예쁘고 맛있다. 새로운 과일, 채소, 요리를 접할때마다 내 세상이 1미터씩 확장되는 느낌.
Brunch with Emilien + Chae @ Brooklyn. Chez Ma Tante, Yoseka Stationery, Gentile. 
센팍 산책. 분홍 노랑 꽃들이 많이 피었다.
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드디어 Montauk 에어비앤비 예약..!
실습, 리버사이드 산책, 메이드인뉴욕 피자, 그리고 실리콘 밸리. 끝나가는게 아쉬울 정도로 너무 재밌다.
Hunter College - Counseling Center 합격!
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그리고 행복이 우리집에 온날. 첫날이라 셋 다 조금 어색하고 어설펐다. 채연 없이 마음이 불안할것 같아서 침대에서 셋이 함께 취침. 새벽에 깨서 온 집안을 복복복복 돌아다니는 소리에 주원과 나도 잠을 설쳤지만, 그 소리마저도 정말 귀여웠다.  
수업 끝나고 오랜만에 Kayla, Vineha, Rachel, Kate 랑 완전체로 저녁 @ Amity Hall
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집에서 나를 기다리는 생명체가 둘로 늘어난만큼 늦지않게 귀가 -- 행복이랑 주원이랑 같이 티비보다가 잠들었다.
Queer theory 수업. 뒤쳐진만큼 느끼는것도, 배울것도 많다.
Having a non-political identity is a luxury/privilege.
Heterosexism: a belief in the inherent superiority of one form of loving over all others and thereby the right to dominance
Challenge the binary (not only in terms of gender/sexuality).
You can lose people really quickly if you’re not using their language. Mirror the language.
저녁은 깍두기볶음밥 + 시시토페퍼 (아보카도오일, 소금, 후추) 
실습 마치고 행복이랑 주원이랑 리버사이드파크 산책. 해가 길어져서 정말 행복하다. 
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산책 도중 닌자 다람쥐 발견. 이 도시엔 쥐도 많고 다람쥐도 정말 많다. 
저녁엔 나혼자산다 보면서 타이음식 (Sala Thai)을 먹었다. 
오전엔 행복, 주원, 하람이랑 리버사이드파크 산책을 하고, 4시쯤 에밀리앙을 만나 Affordable Art Fair 에 다녀왔다. 사고싶은 작품을 발견하진 못했지만 오랜만에 불어 연습도 하고, 한동안 흥미를 잃었던 embroidery 도 다시 하고싶어지고, 나도 뉴욕에서 ��젠간 꼭 작은 전시를 열겠다는 목표도 세우고.. 영감과 에너지가 샘솟는 시간이었다. 저녁엔 가지를 잔뜩 넣은 아라비아따 파스타를 만들어 먹었다.
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행보기 돌보기 마지막날. 두시간 가까이 센팍 산책하고, 아쉬운 마음에 사진도 여러장 찍고, 하루종일 집에서 같이 놀다가 저녁 10시쯤 채연언니네 데려다주고왔다. 뉴욕에서 제일 귀엽고 보드랍고 따듯한 친구야 동네에서 자주 보자
Mr. Nobody (Jaco Van Dormael)
실습. 날씨가 계속 쌀쌀해서 저녁으로 쌀국수를 먹었다.
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DBT 수업 숙제로 만든 나만의 distress tolerance kit. Box breathing 이라는걸 알게됐는데, 다른 breathing exercise 보다 집중하기가 수월하다.
호호호 (윤가은 감독) 완독.
자신의 가장 깊고 아득한 마음을 자신만의 언어로 풀어내는 일. 그것을 타인과 나누며 넓고 무한하게 연결되는 일.
DBT 수업
Self-disclosure <-- How will this benefit the client?
Irreverent communication <-- 아마도 나의 약점.. 내담자를 fragilize 하지말것. “You can handle what I’m saying to you - otherwise I won’t be saying it to you.”
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Advocacy 수업에서 Bibliotherapy : the restorative power of reading fiction 을 주제로 발표를 했다. 소설 한권을 진득하게 다 읽은지가 언제인지, 나야말로 분발해야 하는데 누가 누구한테 지금.. 그래도 열심히 준비한만큼 다들 흥미롭게 들어주어 뿌듯했다. 심지어 꽤 많은 친구들이 내가 발표 중에 소개한 The Novel Cure 를 바로 주문했다고.. 역시 배운게 도둑질인가. 4월부턴 나도 다시 소설을 좀 읽어야겠다.
수고했으니까 저녁으론 쉑쉑 디저트는 핑크베리.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
86 EIGHTY-SIX - Crunchyroll Spring 2021 Spotlight
  Based on the sci-fi light novel series written by Asato Asato and illustrated by Shirabi, 86 EIGHTY-SIX is one of the most exciting additions to the Crunchyroll Spring 2021 Lineup. For those just now jumping into the dramatic mech-piloting action, you can learn more about the series in our full spotlight below. 
  Official Website
Launch Info
Official Trailers
Characters and Cast
Additional Info
    Launch Info
Launch Time: April 10, new episodes every Saturday at 9:30am PT
Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS
Show Page
  Official Trailers 
  Called “Juggernaut,” these are the unmanned combat drones developed by the Republic of San Magnolia in answer to the attacks by the autonomous unmanned drones of the neighboring Empire of Giad, the “Legion”. But they’re only unmanned in name. In reality, they are piloted by the Eighty-sixers—those considered to be less than human and treated as mere tools. Determined to achieve his own mysterious ends, Shin, the captain of Spearhead Squadron, which is comprised of Eighty-sixers, continues to fight a hopeless war on a battlefield where only death awaits him.
  Characters and Cast
  Vladilena Mirizé
VA: Ikumi Hasegawa (Minami Nanami in Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ヴラディレーナ・ミリーゼ(CV.長谷川育美)を紹介! ▼キャラクターページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/HtTh5s415k
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 11, 2021
    Shinei Nozen
VA: Shōya Chiba (Kotaro Azumi in Tsukigakirei)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! シンエイ・ノウゼン(CV.千葉翔也)を紹介! スピアヘッドの隊長。パーソナルネームは"葬儀屋"を意味する「アンダーテイカー」。 ▼キャラクターページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/1v2Wx6cTeZ
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 8, 2021
    Raiden Shuga
VA: Seiichirō Yamashita (Kakeru Naruse in Orange)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ライデン・シュガ(CV.山下誠一郎)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ヴェアヴォルフ>。 ▼キャラクターページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/HERATPmgo8
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 11, 2021
    Theoto Rikka
VA: Natsumi Fujiwara (Kabane Kusaka in Kemono Jihen)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! セオト・リッカ(CV.藤原夏海)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ラフィングフォックス>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/ypXKS2umDq
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 12, 2021
    Anju Emma
VA: Saori Hayami (Shirayuki in Snow White with the Red Hair)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! アンジュ・エマ(CV.早見沙織)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<スノウウィッチ>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/a9UwTV35d5
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 13, 2021
    Kurena Kukumila
VA: Sayumi Suzushiro (Uruka Takemoto in We Never Learn)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! クレナ・ククミラ(CV.鈴代紗弓)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ガンスリンガー>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/Jbd4pWMTAk
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 13, 2021
    Kaie Tanya
VA: Haruka Shiraishi (Asirpa in Golden Kamuy)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! カイエ・タニヤ(CV. 白石晴香)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<キルシュブリューテ>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/QsCCWyMs3m
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 17, 2021
    Daiya Irma
VA: Haruki Ishiya (Saneyasu Adachi in Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ダイヤ・イルマ(CV.石谷春貴)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ブラックドッグ>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/CM4X1O5eA9
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 17, 2021
    Hart Keets
VA: Daiki Yamashita (Izuku Midoriya in My Hero Academia)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ハルト・キーツ(CV. 山下大輝)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ファルケ>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/bc9yvtZyPf
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 18, 2021
    Niko Kujō
VA: Taishi Murata (Eiichirō Maruo in Baby Steps)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! クジョー・ニコ(CV. 村田太志)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<シリウス>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/XnC8qzFZRI
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 18, 2021
    Louis Kino
VA: Shinei Ueki (Don in The Promised Neverland)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ルイ・キノ(CV.植木慎英)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ファーヴニル>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/WnzeIsBu8C
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 19, 2021
    Thoma Sauvy
VA: Katsumi Fukuhara (Shark in Noblesse)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! トーマ・ソービ(CV. 福原かつみ)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ヘリアントゥス>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10lLV4K ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC7j3BA#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/HfUW8KlRTA
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 19, 2021
    Chise Authen
VA: Masamu Ono (Koji Oki in World Trigger Season 2)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! チセ・オーセン(CV. 小野将夢)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<グリフィン>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/Z23DgJv8cS
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 20, 2021
    Maina Yatomika
VA: Mayuko Kazama
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! マイナ・ヤトミカ(CV. 風間万裕子)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<マーチヘア>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/lqZpwM3bUK
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 20, 2021
    Mikuri Kairō
VA: Yuka Nukui
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ミクリ・カイロゥ(CV. 貫井柚佳)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<レウコシア>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/lQK6ywUbl8
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 21, 2021
    Tōzan Sasha
VA: Taito Ban (Nagahiro Sakiguchi in Pretty Boy Detective Club)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! トウザン・サシャ(CV. 坂 泰斗)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<ガンメタルスコーム>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/XV3vqzRyPl
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 21, 2021
    Rekka Rin
VA: Shizuka Ishigami (Ikumi Mito in Food Wars!)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! レッカ・リン(CV. 石上静香)を紹介! パーソナルネームは<バーントテイル>。 ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/MgNPrIpYir
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 22, 2021
      Lev Aldrecht
VA: Taiten Kusunoki (Genichiro Sanada in Prince of Tennis)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! レフ・アルドレヒト(CV. 楠 大典)を紹介! ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/TYfeybyb8Y
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 22, 2021
    Henrietta Penrose
VA: Riho Sugiyama (Rosalie in I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! アンリエッタ・ペンローズ(CV. 杉山里穂)を紹介! ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/kQ52Hs6Mmg
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 23, 2021
    Jerome Karlstahl
VA: Satoshi Mikami (Testa Lagusa in 91 Days)
【キャラクター紹介】 4月10日(土)24時より、TVアニメ「86―エイティシックス―」放送開始! ジェローム・カールシュタール(CV. 三上 哲)を紹介! ▼キャラクター紹介ページhttps://t.co/KDU10m3vWi ▼第2弾PVhttps://t.co/ybkUC71sd0#エイティシックス pic.twitter.com/5IKOyXxiPd
— TVアニメ『86―エイティシックス―』【公式】 (@anime_eightysix) March 23, 2021
  Original Creator
Asato Asato (Story)
Shirabi (Art)
Toshimasa Ishii (Assistant Director for ERASED)
  Series Composition
Toshiya Oono (THE PROMISED NEVERLAND, Shadows House)
  Art director
Yumi Horikoshi
Masanobu Nomura (K, Kakegurui)
  Mechanical design
  Character design
Tetsuya Kawakami (Sub-Character Design for Sword Art Online)
  Color design
Nagisa Abe (Blue Exorcist - The Movie)
Hiroyuki Sawano (Attack on Titan)
Kohta Yamamoto (Attack on Titan Final Season)
  Sound director
  Director of Photography
Masaharu Okazaki (Blue Exorcist)
  Opening theme
"3-pun 29-byou" by hitorie
  Ending theme
“Avid” by Hiroyuki Sawano
  Animation production
A-1 Pictures
    Additional Info
  The TV anime 86 EIGHTY-SIX is based on the light novel series of the same name by author Asato Asato and illustrator Shirabi. In Japan, the Dengeki Bunko imprint from ASCII Media Works has already published nine volumes since 2017. Yen Press publishes the original light novels in North America.
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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Drishyam 2 Movie Download filmywap free
Drishyam 2 2021 Malayalam Full Movie Download 720p, 480p, Drishyam 2 Full Movie Download filmywap, Drishyam 2 Movie Download In Hindi
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Starring : Mohanlal, Meena, Asha Sarath, Murali Gopy, Siddique, Ansiba Hassan, Esther Anil and others Director : Jeethu Joseph Producer : Anthony Perumbavoor Music Director : Anil Johnson Cinematography : Sath Editor : V.S. Vinayak
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The movie stopped its theatrical release on account of the lockdown and had an immediate OTT premiere on Amazon Prime Video on February 19.  Let us see if the protagonist succeeds in living up to the expectations place after its predecessor's mega victory.
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Story : Since the tagline'The Resumption' indicates, Drishyam 2 revisits the continuous psychological turmoil and dread the movie's protagonist Georgekutty (Mohanlal), his wife Rani (Meena) and brothers Anju (Ansiba Hassan) and Anu (Esther Anil) are going through for the past six decades, afterwards'murdering' that the IG's (Asha Sarath) kid and escaping the authorities ordeal at the first area. While the anxiety of the well-kept secret being'discovered' from the cops remains in tact in the Kuttys' lives, a couple things did change within the previous 6 decades.  Georgekutty's home now has a marginally more costly interiors and he drives a Ford SUV.  Additionally, he's taken his passion for films to another level, by assembling a theater.  There is more, Georgekutty can be in strategies to create a movie with a narrative he guessed, despite his spouse being worried regarding the household's depleting financial resources and also her husband's alcoholism.
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On the flip side, the IG along with her husband (Siddique) are located in the united states.  They sometimes go to the village in expectation of locating their kid Varun's stays so they might finish the last rituals and bidding him a suitable farewell.   Will the persistent cops eventually'dig ' Varun's body and consequently Georgekutty's destiny?  Will the Kuttys' along with the IG's households locate a conclusion for their madness?  You'll need to see the movie to learn the way the 
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He reluctantly exhibits the protagonist's despair and powerful resolve to guard his wife and brothers leaving no rock unturned.  Meena is quite excellent because the gullible and mentally distressed wife who's at a never ending problem of her family's fate.  Ansiba and Esther since the young women haunted by their previous provide impressive performances. Murali Gopy since the newest IG, who promises to finish Georgekutty's long escape in the fact, excels in his character.  Remainder of the actors are both great and induce the story .  The numerous tips the IG and his group of cops come up with to nab Georgekutty along with his loved ones and put a complete stop to Georgekutty's perfectly implemented plans to evade the law and order will be the important highlights of Drishyam 2.
Much like Drishyam, the sequel also takes its sweet time to delve to the primary drama.  Too much time was spent establishing the' Kuttys''slightly altered' lifestyle.  On this particular, Drishyam 2 barely has anything moving against it.
He plants particular elements and introduces new characters from the story to find the audiences hooked on the slow-burn, suspenseful drama.  The last act, where he joins Georgekutty's enthusiasm for films and the way he etches a ideal masterplan (once more ) to rescue himself and his loved ones, makes Drishyam 2 a satisfying experience. Anil Johnson's history score goes nicely with the picture's stream, be it at the scenes revealing the Kuttys' fine family scenes or their psychological chaos.  Satheesh Kurup's cinematography is really decent and neat.  Editor Vinayak's scissors must have been sharper in the first action, as a great deal of time is absorbed while still setting the household, which the viewers understood quite well already.  The production values are adequate with this particular village-based suspense thriller.
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The Mohanlal-Jeethu Joseph duo has done it again and again in fashion.  Collectively, they immerse the viewer to the world of Georgekutty along with his secret, finally treating them into a finely crafted closing action that's guaranteed to leave the crowds thrilled.  In the long run, an individual can not help but believe that Drishyam 2 is 1 movie that deserved a theatrical release.  You'll have a fantastic time checking this out psychological suspense thriller this weekend.  
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ladykailolu · 5 years
In a scenario similar to that one scene of Anju and Anju’s grandmother in Majora’s mask, I imagine Jotaro and Oldest Joseph would have this conversation:
Oldest Joseph: *writing in his diary* “It was my grandson who cooked again today. Putting that to the lips shortens the life! I thought of a way to get by without eating it. I’ll try it tomorrow. I just hope I’m not caught.”
*the next day*
Jotaro: *enters the room with a tray of food he cooked and sets the tray down on the table*
Joseph: “Oh, Holly. I’ve already had lunch.”
Jotaro: “Old man...I am Jotaro! Holly is my mom. And you haven’t had lunch yet!”
Joseph: “I’ve already had lunch. Now be quick and take that away.”
Jotaro: “Not eating is bad for you. Please eat...”
Joseph: *huffing and fidgeting with the book in his lap* “Didn’t I say that I already ate lunch, Holly?!? Impossible child!”
Jotaro: “Yare yare daze, then don’t eat my food. I give up...”
Joseph: “Whew!”
Jotaro: “‘Whew?’“
Joseph: “Er...W-W-Whewwwould you like me to read you a story?”
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suprakashmarandi · 3 years
Mele Mele Manam Lyrics in English – Anju Joseph Ft. Sachin Sam - Lyrics Translaton
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tkmedia · 3 years
Are KT Irfan's Tokyo Olympics dreams over after a failed attempt in trials? AFI President reveals what next
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Tokyo Olympic-bound KT Irfan on Friday failed to impress the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) at the SAI South Center in Bengaluru. AFI decided to put Irfan and Bhawna Jat under trial to prove their fitness for the upcoming games. Bhawna managed to meet the minimum standard but Irfan came up with a below-par performance.The tests were held under the supervision of AFI senior vice-president Anju Bobby George. As per the set standards, Bhawna had to cross the finish line in 46 minutes, while Irfan had to walk 10km in 42 minutes.According to the Times of India report, Bhawna finished the race in the allotted time. KT Irfan, though, just missed the mark.“The due were put through specific time trials. Bhawna completed 10km in 46 minutes. But Irfan took over a minute to finish it. He crossed the line in just over 42 minutes.
What happens to KT Irfan’s Tokyo Olympics place?
KT Irfan was the first Indian athlete to punch his Tokyo Olympics ticket in March 2019 at the Asian Championships in Nomi, Japan. But since then he has not competed much. There has been a dip in the Kerela-born racewalker's performance since his qualification for the Tokyo Olympics.READ:How Shekhar Kumar Pandey pole-vaulted from a small farm in Mirzapur to a gold medal at nationalsExperts told TOI that they weren’t expecting to see such a drop in KT Irfan’s performance.“An athlete doing the first 10km of the men’s race in 42 minutes will probably end up clocking in the range of one and half hours to finish the race at the Games. Indian athletes rarely improve their time,” they were quoted by TOI as saying. AFI President Adille Sumariwalla clearly said there is no place for unfit athletes in the team for the Tokyo Olympics.“It is not any qualification trial. They just have to prove their fitness. We cannot take unfit athletes to an event like Tokyo Olympics,” he had told Sportskeeda.So, is it game over for KT Irfan?Not for now. If officials present at the trial feel a need to review the performance, the AFI will constitute a committee.Also Read: Complete list of Indian athletes qualified for Tokyo Olympics 2020In addition to Anju, the trials were also monitored by SAI officials, including high performance director Sanju Joseph, and six technical officials from the Karnataka Athletics Association.“We will follow due process. It will be very basic. If still one fails, and the supervisor think a discussion has to be done, we will quickly setup a committee and take the final call,” said AFI President Sumariwalla.Meanwhile, long jumper Murali Sreeshankar is scheduled to prove his fitness on July 21.Also Read: Indian athletes unhappy with the decision to hold fitness trials close to Tokyo Olympics, AFI President reveals why Edited by Diptanil Roy Login to reply Read the full article
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Crunchyroll Reveals Spring 2021 Anime Dub Cast Lists, Launch Dates
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  Last month, Crunchyroll announced dub plans for the Spring 2021 season of anime, with a selection of titles to be dubbed in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German. Titles on the way include Tokyo Revengers, To Your Eternity, I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years, 86 EIGHTY-SIX, and the continuation of So I'm a Spider, So What?, as well an English dub for Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2 and some new international dubs for catalog titles, and now we have more details on cast members and launch timing. 
  In addition to So I'm a Spider, So What? continuing on the same dub schedule, with new episodes to debut weekly, here's the lineup of English dub dates and cast members. For other languages, check out the links below:
  Tokyo Revengers
Launch Time: Episode 1 on May 29 
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    Takemichi Hanagaki: A.J. Beckles
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    Manjiro "Mikey" Sano: Aleks Le
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    Ken "Draken" Ryuguji: Sean Chiplock
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    To Your Eternity
Launch Time: Episode 1 on May 31
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    It/Boy/Fushi: Jacob Hopkins
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    The Beholder: Cory Yee
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    I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years
Launch Time: Episode 1 on May 29
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    Azuza: Skyler Davenport
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    Laika: Rachelle Heger
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    Halkara: Xanthe Huynh
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    Falfa: Lizzie Freeman
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    Shalsha: Suzie Yeung
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Launch Time: Episode 1 on June 19
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    Shinei Nouzen: Billy Kametz
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    Vladilena Milizé: Suzie Yeung
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    Raiden Shuga: Jonah Scott
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    Anju Emma: Maureen Price
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    Kurena Kukumila: Erica Mendez
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    Theoto Rikka: Casey Mongillo
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    Daiya Iruma: Alejandro Saab
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    Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2
Launch Time: Episode 1 on June 12
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    Iruma: Laura Stahl
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    Asmodeus: Billy Kametz
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    Clara: Kayli Mills
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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tasksweekly · 7 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 650+ Indian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Gopi Shankar Madurai (?) Indian - activist - Genderqueer.
Fox Fisher (?) “I am also mixed race. My mum was born in India and I’m proud of my heritage.” - writer and YouTuber - non-binary Trans.
Bindu (76) Indian - actress.
Beena Banerjee (74) Indian - actress.
Shakuntala Barua (70) Indian - actress.
Bharathi Vishnuvardhan (67) Indian - actress.
Nadira Babbar (69) Indian - actress.
Zeenat Aman (65) Indian - actress and model.
Deepti Naval (65) Indian - actress and artist.
Anandavally (65) Indian - actress and dubbing artist.
Chetana Das (62) Indian - actress.
Nafisa Ali (60) Indian - actress.  
Tina Ambani (60) Indian - actress.
Dimple Kapadia (60) Indian - actress.
Shoma Anand (59) Indian - actress.
Bharati Achrekar (59) Indian - actress.
Neelima Azeem (57) Indian - actress.
Poornima Bhagyaraj (57) Indian - actress.
Supriya Pathak! (56) Gujarati Indian - actress.
Rati Agnihotri (56) Indian - actress.
Tanvi Azmi (56) Indian - actress.
Ambika (55) Indian - actress.
Sakina Jaffrey (55) Punjabi Indian and Kayastha Indian - actress.
Sridevi Kapoor (54) Temil and Telugu Indian - actress.
Deepa Sahi (54) Indian - actress and producer.
Bhagyalakshmi (54) Indian - actress.
Anuradha (53) Indian - actress.
Ponnamma Babu (53) Indian - actress.
Chithra (52) Indian - actress.
Deepika Chikhalia (52) Indian - actress.
Sarita Choudhury (51) Bengali Indian / English - actress.
Madhuri Dixit (50) Indian - actress.
Bhanu Priya (50) Indian - actress.
Shagufta Ali (50) Indian - actress.  
Deepti Bhatnagar (49) Indian - actress.
mala Akkineni (48) Indian - actress.
Anu Aggarwal (48) Indian - actress and model.
Bhagyashree (48) Marathi Indian - actress.
Gretchen Barretto (47) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Maratha  Indian - actress.
Pooja Bedi (47) Indian - actress and host.
Sheeba Akashdeep (47) Indian - actress and model.
Gabrielle Anwar (47) Indian, Ashkenazi Jewish / English - actress.
Rozonda Ocelean Thomas also known as Chilli (46) Middle Eastern, East Indian, African American, possibly Native American - dancer, singer and actress.
Padma Lakshmi (46) Tamil Indian - actress and model.
Aishwarya (46) Indian - actress.
Madhu Sapre (46) Indian - model.
Ramya Krishnan (46) Telugu and Tamil Indian - actress.
Rozonda Thomas (46) Middle Eastern, East Indian, African American, possibly Native American - dancer, singer-songwriter, actress, and television personality.
Catarina Furtado (45) Portuguese, 1/8 Goan Indian - actress.
Archie Panjabi (45) Sindhi Indian - actress.
Mandira Bedi (45) Indian - actress and fashion designer.
Georgianna Robertson (45) African, East Indian and Scottish Jamaican - model and actress.
Lisa Ray (45) Bengali Indian and Polish - actress.
Beena Antony(45) Indian - actress.
Delnaaz Irani (44) Indian - actress.
Diana Hayden (44) Anglo-Indian- actress.
Indira Varma (43) Indian / Swiss, Italian Genoese - actress.
Aishwarya Rai (43) Tuluva Indian - actress and model.
Rachel Roy (43) Bengali Indian / Frisian, Dutch - fashion designer.
Marjorie Barretto (43) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Maratha Indian - actress.
Aamani (43) Indian - actress.
Karisma Kapoor (43) Indian - actress.
Devayani (43) Indian - actress.
Kajol Devgan (43) Indian - actress.
Malaika Arora (43) Malayali / Punjabi - actress, dancer and model.
Jesse Randhawa(42) Indian - model and actress.
Anjali Jay (42) Indian - actress and dancer.
Sarayu Rao (42) Telugu Indian - actress.
Sonali Bendre (42) Indian - actress and model.
Preity Zinta (42) Rajput Indian - actress.
Parminder Nagra (41) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Monica Bedi (41) Indian - actress and presenter.
Sushmita Sen (41) Bengali Indian - actress and model.
Rhona Mitra (41) Bengali Indian, English / Irish - actress, model and singer.
Chippy (41) Indian - actress.
Pooja Kumar (40) Indian - actress, producer and model
Zuleikha Robinson (40) Indian, English, possibly Iranian and Scottish - actress and singer.
Shelley Conn (40) Portuguese, Burmese and Indian - actress.
Saloni Aswani (40) Indian - actress and model.
Navi Rawat (40) Rajput Indian / German - actress.
Pooja Batra (40) Indian - actress and model.
Charmila (40) Indian - actress.
Chitrangada Singh (40) Indian - actress.
Ayesha Dharker (39) Indian / Pakistani - actress.
Lara Dutta (39) Punjabi Indian, Scottish, Swedish, German, English - actress and model.
Bhumika Chawla (38) Indian - actress.
Debelah Morgan (39) Indian / African-American - singer.
Rani Mukerji (39) Bengali Indian - actress.
Emma Heming (39) Indo-Guyanese / possibly English - model and actress.
Reshma Shetty (39) Tulu Indian - actress.
Ujjwala Raut (39) Indian - model.
Chitra Shaji Kailas (39) Indian - actress.
Anu Joseph (39) Indian - actress.
Anju Aravind (39) Indian - actress.
Divya Dutta (39) Indian - actress and model.
Disha Vakani (39) Gujarati Indian - actress.
Juhi Babbar (38) Indian - actress.
Mukta Barve (38) Indian - actress.
Carol Gracias (38) Indian - model.
Bipasha Basu (38) Bengali Indian - actress and model.
Norah Jones (38) Bengali Indian / English, possibly other - singer and actress.
Karen David (38) Khasi / Indian Jewish - actress and singer.
Tatyana Ali (38) Afro-Panamanian, Indo-Trinidadian - model and singer.
Mindy Kaling (38) Tamil Indian, Bengali Indian - actress.
Cindy Burbridge (38) English, Thai, Indian - model.
Claudine Barretto (38) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Maratha Indian - actress.
Vidya Balan (38) Tamil Indian - actress.
Dipannita Sharma (37) Indian - actress and model.
Nargis Fakhri (37) Indian - actress and model.
Barkha Bisht Sengupta (37) Indian - actress.
Hannah Simone (37) Indian / Italian, Greek Cypriot, German - actress and model.
Kareena Kapoor (36) Punjabi Indian / Sindhi Indian, British - actress.
Janina Gavankar (36) 75% Indian 25% Dutch - actress.
Amrita Rao (36) Indian - actress and model.
Amrita Arora( 36) Malayali / Punjabi - actress and model.
Angel Coulby (36) Afro-Guyanese, possibly East Indian / English - actress.
Abhirami (36) Indian - actress and host.
Olivia Theresa Longott (36) Indian, Jamaican, Cuban, Native American - singer.
Vashtie Kola (36) Indo-Trinidadian, Afro-Trinidadian - director and artist.
Sameera Reddy (36) Telugu Indian - actress.
Chaya Singh (36) Indian - actress.
Anusha Dandekar (35) Indian - actress.
Sonia Agarwal (35) Indian - actress.
Celina Jaitly (35 Indian - actress and model.
Asha Aravind (35) Indian - actress and model.
Esha Deol (35) Tamil Indian - actress and model.
Tiya Sircar (35) Bengali Indian - actress.
Lesley-Ann Brandt (35) Cape Coloured (English, East Indian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Khoisan, Ashkenazi Jewish) - actress.
Dia Mirza (35) Indian - actress.  
Anjulie (34) Indo-Guyanese - singer.
Shilpa Anand (34) Indian - actress and model.
Aditi Sharma(34) indian - actress.
Katrina Kaif (34) Kahmiri Indian / British - actress and model.
Che’Nelle (34) Indian, Dutch / Chinese - singer.
Melanie Fiona (34) Guyanese (including African, Indian, and Portuguese) - R&B recording artist.
Nazneen Contractor (34) Parsi - actress.
Daisy Bopanna (34) Indian - actress.
Lekha Washington (33) Punjabi-Indian, Burmese, Maharashtrian, Italian - actress and product designer
Neetu Chandra (33) Indian - actress, producer and theatre artist
Surveen Chawla (33) Indian - actress and dancer
Noureen DeWulf (33) Marathi Indian - actress.
Roma Asrani (33) Indian - actress.
Geeta Basra (33) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Aarthi also credited as Harathi (33) Indian - actress and host.
Aaradhna Jayantilal Patel (33) Samoan and Gujarati Indian - singer.
Sayali Bhagat (33) indian - actress.
Barsha Priyadarshini (33) Odia Indian - actress.
Daisy Shah (33) Indian - actress, model, and dancer.
Kajal Aggarwal (32) Indian - actress and model.
Divyanka Tripathi (32) Indian - actress.
Jessica Clark (32) Indian, Nigerian, English, Irish - actress.
Snigdha Akolkar (32) Indian - actress and model.
Sonam Kapoor (32) Indian - actress.
Shweta Tripathi (32) Indian - actress.
Freida Pinto (32) Konkani (Mangalorean) Indian - actress.
Diana Penty (32) Indian - model and actress.
Sandra Amy (32) Indian - actress and video jockey.
Nushrat Bharucha (32) Indian - actress.
Prarthana Behere (32) Indian - actress.
Jennifer Winget (32) Indian - actress.
Isabelle Kaif (31) Kashmiri India/English - actress.
Esha Gupta (31) Indian - actress and model.
Bhairavi Goswami (32) Indian - actress and host.
Andrea Jeremiah (31) Anglo-Indian - actress, musician, dancer and singer
Karthika Menon (31) Indian - actress.
Dilshad Vadsaria (31) Indian, Pakistani, Portuguese - actress.
Jameela Jamil (31) Indian / English - actress and model.
Srinda Arhaan (31) Indian - actress.
Deepika Padukone (31) Konkani Indian - actress.
Meaghan Rath (31) Goan Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish - actress.
Radhika Apte (31) Indian - actress.
Bindu Madhavi (31) Indian - actress.
Lisa Haydon (31) Indian - model, fashion designer, and actress.
Tanya Abrol (31) Indian - actress.
Anjena Kirti (31) Indian - actress and model.
Pinky Sawika Chaiyadech (31) Tamil Indian and Thai - actress, model, and singer.
Dipika Kakar (31) Indian - actress.
Asin Thottumkal (31) Indian - actress.
Huma Qureshi (31) Indian - acress and model.
Neha Bansal (31) Indian - actress and model.
Ramya Barna (31) Indian - actress.
Evelyn Sharma (31) Punjabi Indian / German - actress and model.
Bruna Abdullah (30) - Lebanese/Indian - actress
Kainaat Arora (30) Indian - model and actress
Adah Sharma (30) Indian - actress
Anjali (30) Indian - actress and model.
Charmy Kaur (30) Indian - actress.
Cassie Ventura (30) Filipino / Mexican, African-American, Afro-Caribbean (West Indian) - recording artist, dancer, actress and model.
Shraddha Das (30) Indian - actress.
Zarine Khan(30) Indian - actress and model.
Priya Bapat (30) Indian - actress.
Richa Chadda (30) Indian - actress.
Pearl Mackie (30) West Indian / English - actress, dancer, and singer.
Sonakshi Sinha (30) Kayastha Indian - actress.
Kristina Akheeva (30) Tajikistani-Russian / Russian - actress and model.
India de Beaufort (30) Indian, English, Irish, French - actress and singer.
Kangana Ranaut (30) Rajput Indian - actress.
Aditi Agarwal (30) Indian - actress.
Kainaat Arora (30) Pahari-Punjabi - actress.
Tina Desai (30) Gujarati Indian / Telugu Indian - actress and model.
Ayilya Nair (30) Indian - actress.
Taapsee Pannu (30) Indian - actress and model.
Anchal Joseph (30) Indian - model and actress.
Shraddha Kapoor (30) Indian - actress and singer.
Kainaz Motivala (30) Indian - actress.
Sonia Mann (29) Punjabi-Indian - actress and model
Surbhi Jyoti (29) Punjabi-Indian - actress
Manjari Phadins (29) Idnian - actress
Gayatri Patel (29) Indian - actress and dancer.
Tara Alisha Berry (29) indian - actress.
Pallavi Sharda (29) Indian - actress and dancer.
Anushree (29) Indian - actress and presenter.
Rekitha Rajendra Kurup (29) Indian - actress.
Mandana Karimi (29) Indian, Iranian - actress.
Neha Sharma (29) Indian - actress and model.
Ileana D'Cruz (29) half Konkani Indian - actress.
Ann Augustine (29) Indian - actress.
Parvathy (29) Indian - actress.
Anisha Ambrose (29) Indian - actress and model.
Venus Raj (29) Filipino (Bicolano), Indian - actress and model.
Joan Smalls (29) Puerto Rican [Spanish, Taino, Indian] / African, Irish - model.
Shraddha Arya (29) Indian - actress.
Summer Bishil (29) East Indian/Saudi Arabian, German, English, distant Dutch, Mexican - actress.
Anumol (29) Indian - actress.
Abhinayashree (29) Indian - actress.
Riya Bamniyal (29) Indian - actress.
Anushka Sharma (29) Indian - actress and model.
Suruchi Adarkar (29) Indian - actress.
Hina Khan (29) Indian - actress.
Rachmi Guatam (28) Indian - actress
Deepika Singh (28) Indian - actress.
Adaa Khan (28) Indian - actress and model
Yami Gautam (28) Indian - actress and model.
Regina Cassandra (28) Indian - actress.
Raai Laxmi (28) Indian - actress and model.
Pallavi Batra (28) Indian - actress.
Parineeti Chopra (28) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Lilly Singh (28) Punjabi Indian - YouTuber.
Varsha Ashwathi (28) Indian - actress.
Elle Varner (28) Cape Verdean, French, African American, Indian, Dutch, Irish - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Annet Mahendru (28) Indian, Russian - actress.
Prachi Desai (28) Indian - actress.
Tina Ahuja (28) Indian - actress.
Tia Bajpai (28) Indian - actress.
Kriti Kharbanda (28) Indian - actress.
Nia Sharma (27) Indian - actress
Dimple Jhangiani (27) Indian - actress.
Deeksha Seth (27) Indian - actress and model.
Chitrashi Rawat (27) indian - hockey player, actress, and host.
Nandita Shwetha (27) Indian - actress and model
Monical Gill (27) Indian-American - model
Catherine Tresa (27) indian - actress and model.
Nathalia Kaur (27) Half-Indian - model, actress
Dharti Bhatt (27) Indian - actress.
Mansha Bahl (27) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Sonia Dara (27) Indian - model.
Tamannaah Bhatia (27) Indian - actress.
Kriti Sanon (27) Indian - actress.
Anusree Nair (27) Indian - actress.
Sakshi Agarwal (27) Indian - actress.
Ashika Pratt (27) stated as being “of Indian descent“ - model.
Anjli Mohindra (27) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Semmalar Annam (27) Indian - actress.
Deepa Sannidhi (27) Indian - actress.
Sakshi Choudhary (26) Indian - actress and model
Srabanti Chatterjee (26) Indian - actress
Pragya Jaiswal (26) Indian - actress
Rashi Khanna (26) Indian - actress
Rakul Preet Singh (26) Indian - actress and model
Ciara Renée (26) African-American, European, Indian, Native American - actress and musician.
Pooja Hegde (26) Indian - model and actress.
Karthika Adaikalam (26) Indian - actress.
Sandhja Kuivalainen (26) Indo-Guyanese / Finnish - singer.
Hansika Motwani (26) Indian - actress.
Sonali Raut (26) Indian - model and actress.
Mandeep Dhillon (26) Punjabi Indian - actress
Poonam Pnadley (25) Indian - model.
Bidita Bag (25) Indian - actress and model.
Bala Hijam (25) Indian - actress.
Saiya,i Kher (25) Indian - actress and model
Mannara (25) Bihari Indian - actress and model
Abhinaya (25) Indian - actress and model.
Nora Fatehi (25) Indian, Moroccan - model.
Ena Saha (25) Indian - actress.
Sheena Bajaj (25) Indian - actress.
Charli XCX (25) Ugandan Indian / Scottish - singer.
Kiara Advani (25) Sindhi / Scottish, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish - actress.
Disha Patani (25) Indian - actress and model.
Aksha Pardasany (25) Indian - actress.
Melinda Shankar (25) Indo-Guyanese - actress.
Michelle Khare (25) Indian and Unspecified White - YouTuber.
Safiya Nygaard (26) Indian / Danish - YouTuber.
Aparnaa Bajpai (26) Indian - actress.
Piaa Bajpai (25) Indian - actress and model.  
Richa Panai (24) Indian - actress
Deeksha Panth (24) Indian - actress
Erica Fernandes (24) Indian - actress, model and youtuber
Navneet Kaur Dhillon (24) Indian - actress and model
Sonarika Bhadoria (24) Indian - actress, model, dancer, singer, and social activist
Kiara Advani (24) Indian - actress
Seerat Kapoor (24) Indian - actress and choreographer
Naomi Scott (24) Gujarati Indian / Scottish - actress.
Anandhi (24) Indian - actress.  
Pranitha Subhash (24) Indian - actress and model.
Seerat Kapoor (24) Indian - actress.
Anju Kurian (24) Indian - actress.
Sanskruti Balgude (24) Indian - actress.
Alia Bhatt (24) Gujarati Indian / Kashmiri Indian, German - actress and singer.  
Avantika Hundal (24) Indian - actress.
Wamiqa Gabbi (23) Indian - actress.
Amulya (23) Indian - actress.
Urvashi Rautela (23) Indian - actress and model.
Zoya Afroz (22) Indian - actress and model
Kelly Gale (22) Indian / English - model.
Anu Sithara (22) Indian - actress.
Neelam Gill (22) Sikh Indian - model.
Nazriya Nazim (22) Indian - actress.
Normani Kordei (21) African-American, Indian, French - singer.
Liza Koshy (21) Malayali Indian / Swiss-German, German, some English  - actress.
Lakshmi Menon (21) Malayali Indian - actress and singer.
Niveda Thomas (21) Indian - actress.
Aparna Balamurali (21) Indian - actress and playback singer.
Cymphonique Miller (21) Black, Filipino, French, Indian, Hawaiian, Spanish, and Chinese - singer and actress.
Avika Gor (20) Indian - actress.
Namitha Pramod (20) Indian - actress.
Ulka Gupta (20) Indian - actress.
Julia Barretto (20) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Indian (Maratha) - actress.
Surangana Bandyopadhyay (19) Indian - actress.
Soma Bhatia (19) Indian - actress.
Rubina Ali (18) Indian - actress.
Ahsaas Channa (18) Indian - actress.
Eisha Singh (18) Indian - actress.
Grace Martine Tandon also known as Daya (18) Indian, German - singer.
Aryana Engineer (16) Parsi Indian / Scottish - actress.
Roshni Walia (15) Indian - actress.
Arisha Razi (born in 2002) Indian - actress and host.
Aarathi (born in 1956) Indian - actress.
Abir Abrar (born in 1985) Indian - actress.
B. V. Radha (born in 1948) Indian - actress.
Rani Agrawal (born in 1994) Indian - actress.
Leema Babu (born in 1994) Indian - actress.
Nikita Anand (born in 1983) Indian - actress and model.
Agam Darshi (born 1980) Indian - actress.
Kamma Ranawat (?) Indian - actress
Shilpa Reddy (?) Indian - fashion designer and producer
Rekha Sharma (?) Indian - actress.
Aluna Francis (?) Indian, Tanzanian / Afro-Jamaican - vocalist.
Ninja Singh (?) Indian - model.  
Aysha Kala (?) Indian - actress.
Aashritha (?) Indian - actress.
Abitha (?) Indian - actress.
Kirti Adarkar (?) Indian - actress.
Aditi Ravi (?) Indian - actress.
Nisha Agarwal (?) Indian - actress.
Reena Aggarwal (?) Indian - actress.
Shruti Agarwal (?) Indian - actress.
Shubhi Ahuja (?) Indian - actress.
Sasha Agha (?) Indian - actress and singer.
Dolly Ahluwalia (?) Indian - actress and costume designer.
Shubra Aiyappa (?) Indian - actress.
Deepika Amin (?) Indian - actress.
Maya Alagh (?) Indian - actress.
Rekha Shankar (?) Indian - actress.
Saadhika Randhawa (?) Indian - actress.
Dana Jeffrey (?) Ojibwe, Thai, Indo Guyanese, Afro Guyanese, Mexican, and English - actress.
Priya Anand (?) Tamil / Telugu, Marathi - actress and model.
Sabitha Anand (?) Indian - actress.
Anjali Aneesh (?) Indian - actress.
Athmiya (?) Indian - actress.
Alice T. (?) Indian and Chinese - YouTuber.
Lin Laishram (?) Manipuri Indian - actress and model.
Kanchan Awasthi (?) Indian - model and actress.
Nilambur Ayisha (?) Indian - actress.
Saba Azad (?) Indian - actress and musician.
Meera Rohit Kumbhani (?) Indian - actress.
Kiran Deol (?) Indian - actress.
Amrapali Ambegaokar (?) Indian - actress.
Bhumika Arora (?) Indian - model.
Nishi Munshi (?) Indian - actress.
Barsha Rani Bishaya (?) Indian - actress.
Bhavana Rao (?) Indian - actress.
Bhavana (?) Indian - actress.
Trans Ladies:
Ravina Jagtap (35) Indian - musician.
Chandni Suvarnakar (34) Indian - musician.
Bhavika Patil (27) Indian - musician.
Fida Khan (24) Indian - musician.
Asha Jagtap (24) Indian - musician.
Komal Jagtap (22) Indian - musician.
Bobby Darling (?) Indian - musician.
Karpaga (?) Indian - musician.
Kalki Subramaniam (?) Indian - musician.
Rose Venkatesan (?) Indian - musician. .
Amelia Maltepe (?) Indian - musician.
Grace Banu (?) Indian - activist.
Dilip Kumar (94) Indian - actor.
Prem Chopra (81) Indian - actor.
Zubin Mehta (81) Parsi Indian - classical music conductor.
Dharmendra (81) Indian - actor.
Shashi Kapoor (79) Indian - actor.
K. J. Yesudas (77) Indian - singer. Neeraj Kabi
Jeetendra (75) Indian - actor.  
Amitabh Bachchan (74) Indian - actor.
Sir Ben Kingsley (73) Gujarati Indian, English, possibly Ashkenazi Jewish - actor.
Amol Palekar (72) Indian - actor, director and producer.
Randhir Kapoor (70) Indian - actor.
Danny Denzongpa (69) Indian. Bhutia - actor, singer and director
Naseeruddin Shah (67) Indian - actor.
Rakesh Roshan (67) Indian - actor and producer.
Rajinikanth (66) Indian - actor.
Sarath Babu (66) Indian - actor.
Nana Patekar (66) Marathi Indian - actor.
Erick Avari (65) Parsi Indian - actor.
Rishi Kapoor (64) Indian - actor.
Tinnu Anand (64) Indain - actor.
Rangaraj Subbaiah also known as Sathyaraj (62) Indian - actor.
Anupam Kher (62) Indian - actor.
Kamal Haasan (62) Indian - actor and singer.
Annu Kapoor (61) Indian/Asian - actor
Gulshan Grover (61) Indian/Asian - actor
Chiranjeevi (61) Indian - actor.
Johnny Lever (60) Indian - actor and comedian.
Sunny Deol (60) Indian - actor.
Jackie Shroff (60) Indo-Aryan - actor
Anil Kapoor (60) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Mukesh Khanna (59) Indian/Asian - actor
Sanjay Dutt (58) Indian - actor.
Mohnish Bahl (58) Indian - actor.
Shakti Kapoor (58) Indian - actor.
Rajit Kapoor (57) Indian - actor and director
Kumar Gaurav (57) Indian - actor.
Puneet Issar(57) Indaitn - actor.
Boman Irani (57) Indian - actor, voice actor and photographer.
Nagarajuna Akkiner (57) Indian - actor, producer and dancer.
Jaz Coleman (57) Kashmiri Indian, English / English - singer and musician.
Mohanlal Viswanathan Nair (57) Indian - actor.  
Venkatesh Daggubati (56) Indian - actor
Suniel Shetty (56) Indian - actor.
Kim Thayil (56) Indian - guitarist.
Rajendranath Zutshi (56) Indian  - actor.
Deepak Tijori (55) Indian - actor, director and producer
Danny Huston (55) English, Indian / English, Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, distant German, remote Portuguese - actor and writer.
Ashish Vidyarthi (54) Bengali/Malayali - actor
Chunky Pandey (54) Indian - actor
Raju Srivastava (54) India - comedian.
Vijay Raaz (54) Indian - actor and director
Sanjeev Bhaskar (53) Indian - comedian and actor.
Govinda (53) Indian - actor.
Javed Jaffrey(53) Indian - actor, dancer and comedian.
Aamir Khan (52) Indian - actor.
Atul Kulkarni (51) Indian/Asian - actor
Manoj Joshi (51) Indian - actor and comedian
Shah Rukh Khan (51) Indian/Pathan - actor and producer
Ronit Roy (51) Bengali Indian - actor.
Kennedy John Victor (51) Indian - actor.  
Shah Rukh Khan (51) Pashtun Indian - actor.
Milind Soman (51) Marathi Indian - actor and model.
Salman Khan (51) Bengali Indian - actor.
Aasif Mandvi (51) Indian - actor and comedian.
Irrfan Khan (50) Pathan Indian - actor.
Arbaaz Khan (50) Indian - actor.
Vinay Pathak (49) Indian/Asian - actor and producer
Arshad Warsi (49) Indian - actor.
Akshay Kumar (49) Indian - actor and martial artist.
Dilip Joshi (49) Indian - actor.
Rahul Roy(49) Indian - actor and former model.
Naveen Andrews (48)  Indian - actor.
Ajay Devgan (48) Indian - actor.
Manoj Bajpai (48) Indian - actor.
Ajay Devgn (48) Indian - actor.
Vivek Mushran (48) Indian - actor.
Manoj Bajpayee (48) Indian - actor.
M. Night Shyamalan (47) Malayali and Tamil Indian - director, producer, actor.
Saif Ali Khan (47) Indian - actor.
R. Madhavan (47) Indian - actor and writer.
Sohail Khan (47) Indian - actor.
Mukul Dev (46) Indian/Asian - actor
Rajpal Yadav (46) Indian - actor
Sanjay Suri (46) Indian - actor.
Russell Peters (46) Anglo-Indian (Indian, English) - comedian.
Jimmy Shergill (46) Indian - actor.
Rupert Penry-Jones (46) English, Welsh, and distant Indian ancestry - actor.
Ajith Kumar (46) Indian - actor.
Xavier Naidoo (45) German, Indian / Egyptian - singer and actor.
Jay Manuel (45) Malaysian-Indian, Dutch / Italian, Czech - model and host.
Dileep Rao (44) Kannada Indian - actor.
Sonu Sood (44) Indian - actor.
Manu Narayan (44) Indian - actor and singer.
Shiney Ahuja (44) indian - actor.
Arjun Rampal (44) Indian - actor.
John Abraham (44) Malayali / Zoroastrian - actor and model.
Sonu Nigam (44) Indian - singer.
Priyanshu Chatterjee (44) Indian - actor and model.
Uday Chopra (44) Indian - actor.
Sudhanshu Pandey (43) Indian - model and actor.
Fardeen Khan (43) Indian - actor.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui (43) Indiant - actor.
Maulik Pancholy (43) Gujarati Indian - actor.
Hrithik Roshan (43) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Farhan Akhtar (43) Indian - actor and singer.
Sendhil Ramamurthy (43) Kannada Indian / Tamil Indian - actor.
Paul Marazzi (42) Italian, Indian / English - musician.
Raza Jaffrey (42) Indian / English - actor and singer.
Mahesh Babu (42) Indian - actor.
Abbas (42) Indian - actor and model.
Randeep Hooda (41) Indian - actor.
Shreyas Talpade (41) Indian - actor.
Abhishek Bachan (41) Indian - actor and singer.
Dino Morea (41) Indian - actor.
Abhishek Bachchan (41) Indian - actor and singer.
Abhay Deol (41) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Anand Jon (40) Indian - fashion designer.
Niketan Madhok (40) Indian - model.
Vivek Oberoi (40) Indian - actor.
Tusshar Kapoor (40) Idian - actor.
Jisshu Sengupta (40) Indian - actor and ex-cricketer.
Kal Penn (40) Gujarati Indian - actor and civil servant.
Rahul Singh (40) Indian - actor.
Manish Paul (39) Punjabi Indian - host.
Tarun Arora (38) Indian - actor and model.
Emraan Hashmi (38) Indian - actor.
Prabhas (38) Indian - actor
Riteish Deshmukh (38) Indian - actor and producer.
Jamie Cullum (38) English, Ashkenazi Jewish / Indian, Burmese, possibly some Spanish - musician.
Raqesh Vashisth (38) Indian - actor and model.
Danny Pudi (38) Indian / Polish - actor and comedian.
Jeetendra Madnani (38) Indian - actor and presenter.
Jay Sean (38) Punjabi Indian - singer.
Sharman Joshi (38) indian - actor.
Vivan Bhatena (38) Indian - actor and model.
Kunal Kapoor (38) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Arjan Bajwa (37) Indian - actor.
Kunal Nayyar (36) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Vidyut Jamwal (36) Indian - actor.
Vaibhav Talwar (36) Indian - actor.
Harman Baweja (36) Indian - actor.
Vidyut Jammwal (36) Indian - actor.
Kapil Sharma (36) Indian - actor and comedian.
Shahid Kapoor (36) Indian - actor.
Upen Patel (35) Indian - actor and model.
Neil Nitin Mukesh (35) Indian - actor.
Karan Singh Grover (35) Indian - actor and model.
Manish Dayal (34) Gujarati Indian - actor.
Deepak Adhikari (34) Indian - actor and singer.
Pravesh Rana (34) Indian - model.  
Arunoday Singh (34) Indian - actor.
Kunal Khemu (34) Indian - actor.
Adhir Kalyan (34) Indian - actor.
Amit Sadh (34) Indian - actor.
Elyes Gabel (34) English, Algerian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Anglo-Indian, Irish, Portuguese - actor.
Arjun Bijlani (34) Indian - actor.
Hirdesh Singh (34) Indian - actor and rapper.
Ranbir Kapoor (34) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Imran Khan (34) Indian - actor.
Riz Ahmed (34) Pakistani / Indian - actor and rapper.
Aziz Ansari (34) Tamil Indian - actor and comedian.
Allu Arjun (34) Indian - actor.
Mahesh Jadu (34) Mauritian and Kashmiri Indian - actor.
Pulkit Samrat (33) Indian - actor and model.
Diljit Dosanjh (33) Indian - actor and internet celebrity.
Kostja Ullmann (33) German, English, Indian / English, Portuguese - actor.
Satya Bhabha (33) Parsi Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish - actor.
Amit Sebastian Paul (33) Bengali Indian / Swedish - singer.
Utkarsh Ambudkar (33) Indian - actor.
Muzammil Ibrahim (33) Indian - actor and model.
Ranveer Singh (32) Indian - actor.
Karan Kundra (32) Indian - actor.
Jackky Bhagnani (32) Sindhi Indian - actor.
Arjun Kapoor (32) Indian - actor.
Rana Daggubati (32) Indian - actor.
Sangram Singh (32) Indian - actor and wrestler.
Rajkummar Rao (32) Indian - actor.
Sidharth Malhotra (32) Punjabi Indian - actor and model.
Ayushmann Khurrana (32) Punjabi Indian - actor and singer.
Rahul Kohli (31) Indian - actor.
Aditya Roy Kapur (31) Indian / Indian Jewish - actor.
Sushant Singh Rajput (31) Indian - actor.
Dulquer Salmaan (31) Indian - actor.
Karan Wahi (31) Punjabi Indian - actor, model, and former cricketer.
Max Minghella (31) Italian, Chinese, Sephardi Jewish, Parsi Indian, English, Irish, Swedish - actor.
Ali Fazal (30) Indian - actor.
Varun Dhawan (30) Indian - actor.
Vin Rana (30) Indian - actor and model.
Prateik Babbar (30) Indian - actor.
Parys Sylver (30) African American, Native American, Filipino, Irish, Portuguese, Egyptian, Indian - actor.
Arijit Singh (30) Indian - musician.
Suraj Gowda (29) Indian - actor.
Prateik Jain (29) Indian - actor and model.
Nishant Malkani (29) Indian - model and actor.
Harshad Arora (29) Indian - model and actor.
Sahil Salathia (29) Indian - actor and model.
Ritesh Rajan (28) Indian - actor.
Sidhant Gupta (28) Indian - actor.
Rohit Khandelwal (28) Indian - model and actor.
Raja Fenske (28) Indian / White - actor.
Jesse Rath (28) Goan Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish - actor.
Suyyash Rai (28) Indian - actor and singer.
Nitin Chauhan (28) Indian - model and actor.
Dev Patel (27) Gujarati Indian - actor.
Sanjaya Malakar (27) Bengali Indian / Italian, Dutch, Irish, English - singer.
Abhi Sinha (27) Indian - actor.
Jasmeet Singh (27) Indian - comedian.
Tiger Shroff (27) Indian - actor.
Vivaan Shah (27) Indian - actor.
Raymond Ablack (27) Indo-Guyanese - actor and comedian.
Varun Sharma (27) Indian - actor.
Harshvardhan Kapoor (26) Indian - actor.
Prathamesh Maulingkar (26) Indian - footballer.
Samridh Bawa (26) Indian - model and actor.
Kartik Aaryan (26) Indian - actor.
Parth Samthaan (26) Indian - actor.
Avan Jogia (25) Gujarati Indian / English, Welsh, some German - actor.
Arjit Taneja (24) Indian - actor.
Sebastian de Souza (24) Portuguese Indian - actor.
Nikhil Anand (23) Indian - beauty pageant entrepreneur.
Derrick Monasterio (22) Italian, Jamaican (East Indian and Scottish), Lebanese, Sephardi Jewish, Filipino (Tagalog), Spanish (Castilian) - actor.
Kishen Tanna (21) Indian - actor.
Darsheel Safary (20) Indian - actor.
Harris J (20) Indian, Irish - singer.
Suraj Partha (20) Indian - actor.  
Karan Brar (18) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Aramis Knight (17) Pakistani, Indian / English, Irish, German - actor.
Rohan Chand (17) Indian - actor.
Amir Bageria (16) Indian - actor.
Neel Sethi (13) Indian - actor.
Arjun Gupta (born in 1987) Indian - actor.
Kay Kay Menon (born in 1966) Indian - actor.
Vishal Malik (born 1989) Indian - actor
Sean T. Krishnan (?) Indian - actor.
Nikesh Patel (?) Indian - actor.
Arpit Ranka (?) Indian - model and actor.
Nik Dodani (?) Indian - actor and comedian.
Ajay Mehta (?) Indian - actor.
Shawn Parikh (?) Indian - actor.
Paull Walia (?) Indian - actor.
Dante Scott (?) Indian - actor.
Vik Sahay (?) Indian - actor.
Neil Amin-Smith (?) Indian, White - violinist.
Jas Arora (?) Indian - model and actor.
Vivian Fernandes (?) Indian - rapper.
Manu Bora (?) Indian - model.
Mudit Malhotra (?) Indian - model.
Prabh Uppal (?) Indian - model.
Sahil Shroff (?) Indian - model and actor.
Akshit Brar (?) Indian - model.
Himanshu Bhati (?) Indian - model.
Abhimanyu Singh (?) Indian - actor.
Akshaye Khanna (?) Indian - actor.
Aparshakti Khurana (?) Indian - actor.
Bobby Deol (?) Indian - actor.
Pankaj Tripathi (?) Indian - actor.
Sanjay Kapoor (?) Indian - actor.
Sanjay Mishra (?) Indian - actor.
Subham ku Naik (?) Indian - actor.
Don’t want to be rp’d:
Justine Skye
Priyanka Chopra - https://www.scoopwhoop.com/inothernews/bollywood-mary-kom-priyanka/
Nicki Minaj - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3379421/Nicki-Minaj-posts-selfie-brother-Jelani-paying-100K-bail-following-child-rape-arrest.html
Suraj Sharma- http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/82116326.html
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Mira Nair, Naseeruddin Shah among 300 signatories extend support to students protesting CAA-NRC: ‘Our silence ends now’ - bollywood
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More than 300 prominent individuals, including filmmakers Mira Nair, Nandita Das, actors Naseeruddin Shah, Ratna Pathak Shah, Jaaved Jafferi, Homi K Bhabha, Partha Chatterjee, Anita Desai, Kiran Desai, TM Krishna, Ashish Nandy, and Gaytri Chakravorty Spivak, among others, have signed an open letter, expressing their solidarity with the students of India who have been protesting Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and against the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Extending their support to the students, the signatories said in their letter, “We stand in solidarity with the students and others who are protesting and speaking out against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and against the National Register of Citizens (NRC). We salute their collective cry for upholding the principles of the Constitution of India, with its promise of a plural and diverse society. We are aware that we have not always lived up to that promise, and many of us have too often remained silent in the face of injustice. The gravity of this moment demands that each of us stand for our principles.” Also read: Shah Rukh Khan: ‘I am a Muslim, my wife is a Hindu and my kids are Hindustan’. Watch video Here is the complete text of the letter: An open statement from members of the Creative and Scholarly Community in IndiaWe are artists, filmmakers, writers and scholars. Our work reflects people’s lives, struggles and hopes. We offer our dreams to everyone.But what dream can show us the way in the midst of the present nightmare? Our vision for this nation demands that we speak up now, in the name of our democracy and the constitution that protects it. We stand in solidarity with the students and others who are protesting and speaking out against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and against the National Register of Citizens (NRC). We salute their collective cry for upholding the principles of the Constitution of India, with its promise of a plural and diverse society. We are aware that we have not always lived up to that promise, and many of us have too often remained silent in the face of injustice. The gravity of this moment demands that each of us stand for our principles.The policies and actions of the present government, passed quickly through parliament and without opportunity for public dissent or open discussion, are antithetical to the principle of a secular, inclusive nation. The soul of the nation is threatened. The livelihoods and statehoods of millions of our fellow Indians are at stake. Under the NRC, anyone unable to produce documentation (which, in many cases, does not exist) to prove their ancestry may be rendered stateless.  Those deemed“illegal” through the NRC may be eligible for citizenship under the CAA, unless they are Muslim.Contrary to the stated objective of the government, this does not appear to be a benign legislation, only meant to shelter persecuted minorities. The list of exclusions seems to indicate otherwise. Why are minorities from other neighbours like Sri Lanka, China and Myanmar excluded? Isit because the ruling powers in these latter countries are not Muslim? It appears that the legislation believes that only Muslim governments can be perpetrators of religious persecution. Why exclude the most persecuted minorities in the region,the Rohingya of Myanmar or the Uighurs of China? This legislation only acknowledges Muslim perpetrators, never Muslim victims. The aim is transparent: Muslims are the unwelcome Other.This is state-sanctioned religious persecution, and we will not condone it. In Assam and the Northeast, and in Kashmir, the indigenous identity and livelihood is threatened as never before, and we will not condone it. The response of the government and law-enforcement agencies to the distress of its citizens has been callous and high-handed. India has seen the most Internet shutdowns of any democracy in the world. Police brutality has left hundreds injured, including many students from Jamia Milia Islamia University and Aligarh Muslim University. Several citizens have been killed while protesting. Many more have been placed in preventive detention. Section 144 has been imposed in numerous states to curb protests. We need look no further than Kashmir to see how far this government is willing to go to suppress democratic dissent. Kashmir is now living under the longest Internet shutdown ever imposed by a democratic government. Enough is enough.Those of us who have been quiet in the past, our silence ends now. We will be clear-sighted in our dissent. Like our freedom fighters before us, we stand for a secular and inclusive vision of India. We stand with those who bravely oppose anti-Muslim and divisive policies. We stand with those who stand up for democracy. We will be with you on our streets and across all our platforms. We are in solidarity.” Here is a list of some the signatories: Rahman Abbas, Anvita Abbi, Ajayan Adat, Ramona Adhikari, Faraz Ahmad, Anvar Ali, Zaheer Ali, Lalitha Alilu, Shimit Amin, Jyothi Ananthasubbarao, Vidya Das Arora, Sushila Bahanda, Vikas Bajpai, Ritwik Banerjee, Sudeshna Banerjee, Sumanta Banerjee, Susan Barton, Aamir Bashir, Amit Basole, Rakhi Basu, Dev Benegal, Homi Bhabha, Amit Bhaduri, Madhu Bhaduri, Nabakumar Bhattacharyya, Akeel Bilgrami, Rani Day Burra, Sundar Burra, Meena C. K., Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Suresh Chabria, Amitabha Chakrabarti, Pariplab Chakraborty, Sudhir Chandra, Civic Chandran, Indu Chandrasekhar, R.K. Chandrika, Partha Chatterjee, Shoma A. Chatterji, Salil Chaturvedi, Amit Chaudhuri, Neel Chaudhuri, Vasundhara Chauhan, Rajendra Chenni, Anuradha Chenoy, Kamal Chenoy, Zasha Colah, Naresh Dadhich, Vasudha Dalmia, Sumangala Damodaran, Swati Dandekar, Arpita Das, Nandita Das, Vibha Puri Das, Maya Dayal, Naina Dayal, Deena VJ, Anita Desai, Kiran Desai, Sudhanva Deshpande, Meera Devidayal, J. Devika, Asish Dey, Dipak Dholakia, Arundhati Dhuru, Xavier Dias, Anju Dodiya, Atul Dodiya, Jean Dreze, Lillete Dubey, Avalokita Dutt, Indranee Dutta, Walter Fernandes, Arunima G., Karen Gabriel, Ramakrishna Gampalahalli, Leela Gandhi, Mridula Garg, Geetika, Amitav Ghosh, Jayati Ghosh, Persis Ginwalla, Roshmi Goswami, Sheela Gowda, Srinivasa Gowda, Meena Gupta, Rajiv Gupta, Atul Gurtu, Rajan Gurukkal, Leela Hansda, Saba Hasan, Zoya Hasan, Sohail Hashmi, Shabnam Hashmi, Vinita Hembrom, Nataraj Honnavalli, M. G. Husain, Shamsul Islam, Sameera Iyengar, Vikram Iyengar, Jaya Iyer, Jaaved Jaferi, Bharati Jagannathan, Jagmani, N.D. Jayaprakash, K.P. Jayasankar, Pervin Jehangir, Dhirendra Jha, Ram Naresh Jha, Mary John, Mary Joseph, Rajesh Joshi, Jane K., Sushi Kadanakuppe Srinivas Kakkilaya, Vimala Kalagar, Priya Kalapurayil, Rina Kamath, Kalpana Kannabiran, Aman Kanwar, Harsh Kapoor, Ram Kapoor, Geeta Kapur, Manju Kapur, Aruni Kashyap, Suhit Kelkar, Sonal Kellogg, Mukul Kesavan, Faisal Khan, Habib Khan, Shah Alam Khan, Devaki Khanna, Ayesha Kidwai, Santosh Kiro, K John Koshy, Mridula Koshy, Teresa Kotturan, Ancilla Kozhipat, Pradip Krishan, Sumi Krishna, T.M. Krishna, Amitadyuti Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar, Kirtana Kumar, Radha Kumar, Sandhya Kumar, Sitanath Lahkar, Basanti Lakra, Jyotsna Lall, Swapna Liddle, Ania Loomba, N. S. Madhavan, Surabhi Sharma, Jatin Sheth, Mira Shiva, Geetanjali Shree, Dilip Simeon, Devika Singh, Savithri Singh, Preeti Sinha, Sachidanand Sinha, Shantha Sinha, Kita Sinku, Jawhar Sircar, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, M. S. Sriram, K. V. Subrahmanyam, Kadayam Subramanian, Sumita, Vivan Sundaram, Sehba Taban, Deepika Tandon, Kiran Tandon, Vikram Tandon, Anand Teltumbde, Anita Thampi, Romila Thapar, P. K. Michael Tharakan, Susie Tharu, Asha Tirkey, Palo Tunti, Ananya Vajpeyi, Vamsi Vakulabharanam, Achin Vanaik, Sankar Varma, Sushma Varma, Sushma Veerappa, Prem Verma, Gauri Vishwanathan, Asha Vombatkere, Sudhir Vombatkere, Salim Yusufji, Ajit Zacharias. Follow @htshowbiz for more Interact with the author @swetakaushal Read the full article
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mail2luckymen · 5 years
Kannalanae Bombay Movie  Playlist One Cover Song Vocals: Vijayalakshmi.V Keyboard: Harshavardhan.U Videography: Beeraka Venkatesh Kannalane Enadhu cover song vocals Priyanka Super Singer Junior Pallavi Kannaalanae  Cover by Possible Media Singer: Soniya Shyam Recording & Mixing: Ranjith Art: Konganoor Vipin Lights: Omanakkuttan & Justin Ass Cameraman: Shinoj Balakrishnan Cover By Suthasini Cover by World Music Factory with 4k Vocals - Delsy Ninan Flute - Rison Muttichukkaran Violin - Danny Keyboards - Rajith george & Jithin Drums - Aries Guitars - Anil Raina & Krishna Prasad Cover by ANJU JOSEPH  Production: Anju Joseph & Team Keys and Arrangement: George Varghese Studio : My Studio Location : Home Jam Room Mixed and Mastered : KIRAN LAL, NHQ Cover by Gayathri
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nanogb · 5 years
എത്ര കേട്ടാലും മതിവരില്ല ഈ ഗാനം | Anju Joseph | Roy John | New Malayalam Christian Song
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princeashy · 6 years
Singers Ansar and and Anju Joseph at 'Arts and Medicine' show - Times of India
Singers Ansar and and Anju Joseph at 'Arts and Medicine' show – Times of India
Anju Joseph is quite familiar to Malayalam telly audience for her many great performances on reality shows and so is singer Ansar, the brother of singer Afsal. The duo, who are also playback singers have many renowned songs to her credit.
The duo performed recently at the Government General Hospital, as part of the weekly Arts and Medicine show of Kochi Muziris Biennale. They performed…
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recentanimenews · 2 years
86 EIGHTY-SIX Anime Sets Date for Final Dubbed Episodes
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  It's almost time to wrap up the English dub for the 86 EIGHTY-SIX anime! The final two episodes have officially been scheduled, with episode 22 to hit Crunchyroll on May 14, followed by episode 23 on May 21. These dates also apply to the dubs in Spanish, Portuguese, French and German.
  The 86 EIGHTY-SIX English dub cast includes:
  Aleks Le (Zenitsu Agatsuma in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) as Shinei Nouzen*
Suzie Yeung (Obsidian Goddess in ORIENT) as Vladilena Milizé
Jonah Scott (Legoshi in BEASTARS) as Raiden Shuga
Maureen Price (Mayumi Saegusa in The Irregular at Magic High School) as Anju Emma
Erica Mendez (Puck in Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-) as Kurena Kukumila
Casey Mongillo (Shinji Ikari in Netflix's dub of Neon Genesis Evangelion) as Theoto Rikka
Alejandro Saab (Naomasa Tsukauchi in My Hero Academia) as Daiya Iruma
  * Aleks Le will be taking on the role of Shinei Nouzen after an incredible performance from Billy Kametz. We want to give a special thank you to Billy for his work on this series and other anime projects.
  Series synopsis:
  Called “Juggernaut,” these are the unmanned combat drones developed by the Republic of San Magnolia in answer to the attacks by the autonomous unmanned drones of the neighboring Empire of Giad, the “Legion”. But they’re only unmanned in name. In reality, they are piloted by the Eighty-sixers—those considered to be less than human and treated as mere tools. Determined to achieve his own mysterious ends, Shin, the captain of Spearhead Squadron, which is comprised of Eighty-sixers, continues to fight a hopeless war on a battlefield where only death awaits him.
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine and the Editor-in-Chief of Sci Fi Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
  By: Joseph Luster
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