#Anime Nanbaka Niko Rock No.25 No.69
cosplayclans · 2 years
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Anime Nanbaka Niko Rock No.25 No.69 Cosplay Costume
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.09.19 Nanbaka Review!
I got to see JP again ^_^ *peace sign* And I’d always wanted to watch Nanbaka but after a friend told me they gave up after the first episode, I was a little cautious but the fact it got a stage meant that it was good and popular right?...right?! So I watched the anime about 2 weeks before I saw the stage and I loved the anime immediately! It’s so much fun yet still has really dark moments in it! Give me season 3 now!! Anyway, so because of that, I was super excited for the stage even more! And also with the visuals and it having such a great cast: I always enjoy Tomorun’s performance, I love JP, I really like Ire and want to support him whenever I can (without going out of my way), it has NAOYA in it as probably my (most/second) favourite character -- it was looking promising!
Lets get on with it!
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Official Twitter here Official Website here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Video Coverage 1, 2, 3 PreOrder the DVD here, here or here
Akazawa Tomoru as 15/Jyuugo Kitazono Ryo as 1/Uno Shiozaki Ire as 69/Rock Yasukawa Junpei as 25/Niko KIMERU as Mitsuba Kiji Utsumi Daisuke as Yozakura Kenshiro Hashimoto Taito as Goku Samon Takagi Shun as Hitokoe Mitsuru Utsumi Akiyoshi as Tsukumo Miyamoto Hidemitsu as Musashi Hoshino Yuta as Rian Inagaki Seiya as Godai Yamato Okuyama Keito as Tanabata Seitaro Momiyama Kenta as Sugoroku Hitoshi Gomoto Naoya as Sugoroku Hajime Ensemble
NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: Guys!! This was absolutely hilarious and so much fun! They were joking when Tomourun said in the dress rehearsals that it's basically idiots running around for 2 hours, because that's literally what happens! It's complete comical madness and it's SO MUCH FUN! I enjoyed this so damn much!! I don't even know where to start with this! It's entertaining, purposely and accidentally funny (parts that are scripted and parts that are adlibbed), there's a lot of audience participation (even teasing one of the characters xD), the songs are very well done, the characters are enjoyable, the story is simple with a lot of madness thrown in, the staging is great and how it's used, lots of running around the theatre so everyone can get close to them, even though it's hilarious I actually ended up crying at one part towards the end, Tomorun's acting was on point as usual, the costume are great, it's just... just go and watch this god dammit! I preordered the DVD at the venue because it's that good! I am trash... Seriously, everyone needs to watch this if they want a good time! I also highly recommend the anime/manga to get a little taste of the show before you start this stage. I need the dvd for this NOW! I need a second stage NOW! Rating: 9/10  - one of the best I've seen this year.
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I knew my seat was row 1, but I really didn’t know just how damn close my seat would really be! Also that I'd be right next to the DAMN stairs! I freaked straight away! And then I freaked out even more when I had the ENTIRE row to myself until about 2 minutes before the show started, until eventually one person either side of me finally showed up. There were on 3 of us, in the first row, on the right hand side, right next to the stage! It was ridiculous! I was so happy!! 
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I've always had good luck with seating for both JP's and Tomorun's stages. Usually for JP I get within the first 2 or 3 rows for a seat and then with Tomorun, he was right next to me and fighting right in front of me and (this is where I get creepy) his clothing brushed against me when I saw Messiah (here). Also it’s thanks to Tomorun (and my friend recommending I see Binan Koukou because he’s a good actor) that I discovered MakiChan -> we all know my love for MakiChan <3 anyway, so in Nanbaka, Tomorun was literally running past me or stood on the steps or crouched down on the right side of the stage. I think he noticed me pretty much straight away too (I don't know what his eyesight is like) because he seemed to flick his eyes over to me when he could get away with it. When he first went onto the stairs next to me I could see him turn and look right at me a moment before going back into his character. I got all dokidoki <3 
Before the stage started they were playing hard rock like Metallica, which is a wonderful starter to set the mood for this stage! I absolutely loved the songs they were playing so it got me even more excited! And then the music itself in the stage is so good! But I've jumped ahead.
OH! Before I forget, there was one girl who had very obviously come to match Hoshino Yuta; she had this red Chinese-like dress/top on and her hair was platted. I love when fans indirectly cosplay to match the characters -- even though I've heard you shouldn’ do it. I know at places such a Tenimyu and TouMyu there's a strict rule about cosplaying and that it's not allowed so I always assumed it was for all the stages too. But sometimes fans do it where they're still wearing normal clothing and such (I've seen quite a few 'not' MakiChan cosplayers at his stages), it just so happens to be very similar to what one character is wearing xD
Anyway, lets get onto the rest of the stage.
This is very faithful to the anime/manga and we do the main introductions then we go into a new guy joining, next the Taikai is announced and so they do three of the competitions: the Daruma knock out; the Karuta; fighting competition. All the while, someone very suspicious with cuts on their neck and running around the prison and naturally this makes 15 go insane but the others take care of it. However, Musashi provokes him and his duel swords come out and Hajime has to fight him. Finally we get the prison scene where Musashi explains his past and asks 15 to find the guy for both their sakes. Hajime tells him because cell 15 won Jyuugo still has time to say what he wants and he says 'Chance wo Kure / give me a chance' and he returns to the cell and story ends. 
So it's a complete story in a way BUT because of that final scene and the mystery of Jyuugos imprisoner (which is still a mystery in the anime too) they could very easily make a second stage. WHICH I want! Right now! Like tomorrow!
I recommend you watch or read the anime/manga before seeing this stage if you want to know the story and get an idea of what could very well pop up in it.
This stage was so freaking good! I cannot flail enough about how much I enjoyed this stage! Everything was amazing! I loved how faithful to the story it was but they still left a lot of room for extras and higawaris and improvised comedy and such. I love which parts of the anime/manga story they decided to use for this stage. The pacing was great too! Also, there was never a dull moment in this because of how they paced the story and how ot developed and because of how much comedy there was. BUT that's not to say it was just purely comedy; it hard it's dark moments too! I was a little confused during the '5 minutes before show time' part when they said 'oh another extra rule; please laugh a lot! Also, at the end, please cry!' but seriusly, they didn't need to tell us that. I naturally cried. Both at the sad and dark part at the end - also because Tomorun's acting is so freaking enticing and amazing -, and because I enjoyed myself so much I cried through happiness at feeling so satisfied and so entertained for 2 hours, as well as sadness that it was finishing.
I left the theatre and I was literally like this inside:
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It was just so amazing,hilarious, fun, heartwarming, such a good production!
I loved the set and who they moved that around and used it. I loved the costumes and how freaking faithful and perfect they looked and acted as the characters. The music and the musical numbers were so great! I enjoyed pretty much all of them and I defintitely want to rip them into MP4s when I get my hands on the DVD - which I preordered without evening thinking about it. I was straight in line to preorder that baby and didn't care how much it was going to cost me -- especially because Nelke are known for not really putting backstages on their DVDs (I kind of do hope we get a backstage for this one because the cast talked about how idiotic their rehearsals were and how fun they were; I want to see that!), but the stage itself, even if I get just that, is so freaking worth the money for this dvd. I loved how they used the projection mapping; I loved the physical props they did; I loved the ridiculousness of this stage. It's just all good right! I actually cannot think of one thing I was disappointed at in this stage << and that's rare as pigs flying for me isn't it!
Did I already mention the comedy was gold? BECAUSE IT WAS! I loved it all! Some scenes/moments I want to mention:
☆ There was a LOT of running around the theatre both on stage and in the seating area which was really nice for all the audience; everyone kind of got chance of being near the actors xD
☆ During the initial introductions scene; Naoya's character Hajime is supposed to be this serious and no messing around character, but during this part, Naoya/Hajime was tapping his fingers against one of the rails along to the beat while Seitarou lipsynced along with this huge smile on his face - immediately this set the mood for 'this is going to be ridiuclous and hilarious!' 
☆ I really loved the scene where Uno won and would sang during the Karuta Competition and the other three (Niko, 15 and Rock) were to the side on an upper level dancing as stupidly as they could! 
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☆ AND!!! They did the famous BLEEP scene (it's in the anime too) during the Sports Day Event! I cannot believe it made it into the stage - I loved it! Tomorun was in charge of the bleeping with this massive bleep machine around his neck. It was hilarious! Even during Rock's solo song moment, Tomorun still had it wrapped around his neck so Tomorun 'played' the deck like it was a keyboard or something xD he was seriously rocking out to each.
☆ NONE of these boys gave anything less than 120% energy and performance in this stage. They were all beautiful covered in sweat and using so much freaking energy - it was so much fun to watch! I don't even know why Ire bothered to have his shirt somewhat zipped up because it was pretty much all undone anyway and the sweat coming off him was a spectacle. Tomorun sweated like a beast too and he was hardly wearing anything -- although those 'chains' around his feet and neck would've caused a lot of that sweat.
☆ I loved when Yozakura Kenshiro did his solo song, Hajime and Jyuugo were sat on the floor looking bored, and the moment the song finished, they both yelled 'kimoi!! / that's disgusting!' it was such perfect timing and of course everyone laughed.
☆ Poor Tsukumo! He was just bullied non-stop the entire stage! I was hilarious, pitiful and adorable at the same time! As soon as he appears, Rock, Uno and Niko are like 'you're a ninja!' and Jyuugo is like 'who's this poser? Why you here?' so Tsukumo immediately go shot down. Then (either the same scene or the next) the Cell 13 (Jyuugo, Niko, Rock, Un) guys  start chanting a mean name at him and I remember JP/Niko and Jyuugo turning to the audience to signal them to join in so Tsukumo had like 500 people calling him a mean name for ages xD it was so funny! One other moment that stuff with me was when he went to go off stage one time, and he suddenly yelled 'ouch/itai' as if he's stuck on one of his shurikens or a nail, but then he immediately went '.... nani mo nai/there's nothing there' -- can you HEAR the laughter coming from me?! No? Well, my descriptions are making the hilarious scenes less funny. But just you wait til the DVD comes and you can see it for yourself! Tsukumo just had the worst luck and was treated like crap throughout the entire play, but it was just so hilarious.
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☆ Speaking of pitiful people, we have Mitsuru who just before he commentates the Sports Event, he's in the seating area and said: 'How many people bought bromides?! *most of the room* How many people bought MINE?! *3 people put their hands up* well now you've done it, I don't care anymore.' and moped up the stairs xD
☆ The show I saw, Naoya messed up his very first line and everyone died laughing, but he acted like he hadn't messed up and was so professional and just owned the mistake and acted like it wasn't one. Naoya is so good at everything he does. He's so good! Even when he had no lines he was still pulling the best faces ever and interacting with people ec.
☆ At scene towards the end of the stage: Mitsuru put his mic against Kimeru's chest to hear his inner thoughts, and then did it to himself and then tried it again on Kimeru but didn't work the second time around, so he poked the mic into Kimeru's butt and Kimeru tried to get off stage as quickly as possible. AND THEN Mitsuru put the mic right against Naoya's face so he couldn't talk!
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I need a second stage like... already. I need, need, need a second stage, especially with this cast and staff! 
Seriously, who was the director and script writer *googles* Kawajiri Keita - huge freaking kudos for you! I'm pretty sure this guy was the one who did Hatsukoi Monster too... thanks for making such a great script and adaptation!
Now for some things about the actors or the characters I want to touch on...
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Akazawa Tomoru as 15/Jyuugo:
I'm always ALWAYS super impressed with Tomorun but I never make a mental note of placing him being one of 'the top 2.5 actors'. But after this show, my brain has very much definitely implanted this memo into my brain. He always does amazing.
To be honest, I wasn't sure if he could do Jyuugo because Jyuugo is this weird happy but dark character with lots of internal turmoil and secrets but why was I worrying?! It was stupid of me to worry about Tomorun as Jyuugo because he was 
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Which reminds me; is he popular? I always thought he was pretty damn popular but no one really wanted his random badges; I didn't see anyone buy his bromides; me getting a Row 1 seat is weird because I would've thought it would've been more difficult to get such a seat because I assumed he was super popular. Is he like UeChan in that Tomorun IS popular, just many people don't go out of their way FOR him and his shows? I love Tomorun, he should be popular, he should have more love... he should have al the love... more than what just Izawa gives him... which is a lot to begin with... anyway................
I really, really loved Tomorun's eye contacts! They were so vivid and amazing! You couldn't not look! It also helps that Tomorun has this wide round eyes that catch people's attention anyway. But when he's literally next to your foot and looking out in thought or shock, you can't not be attatched to his eyeline and eyes.
I also really loved Tomorun's little ballad where he talks about his cell mates about 20 minutes into the stage, as well as I loved his final song where he talks about them again and wants to be with them. Both of them are completely different tones but the songs are beautiful and Tomorun sang them so well(!) in fact, I don't think there was one bad singer - which surprised me. I expected Tomorun, or JP or even Naoya to be bad but.... nah. Everyone was either decent or really good!
Talking about Tomorun's sweat above remained me to mention something else about him. He is so freaking tiny! He's just bones and energy! He's so damn small! And due to the very few and thin clothing he wears in this, it was so much easier to see his collar bone and his tiny legs and stuff! I hope he eats -- he must do because he's never out of energy but it was so surprising to see this tiny boy give off such a huge and great performance. I've always liked Tomorun's acting <3 
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If you have any Tomorun stage recommendations, definitely let me know!
Kitazono Ryo as 1/Uno:
Surpringly either he, his character, or both, were the most popular for this stage; everyone was buying his goods, everyone wanted his trading badge, and you could just feel the air and tension rise when he had solo songs or if there was a moment you could cheer and 'woooh' for him. He got a bigger applause and wooing in those moment we were allowed to interact than Kimeru which really shocked me. He did great as Uno though; he was perfect. They were ALL perfectly casted xD
Yasukawa Junpei as 25/Niko:
JP was just adorable, as I predicted, in this!!! It was nice seeing him do something light and fluffy and fun and happy again! Yet it was a different type of happy to his Konchuuger character. This character is very much a child and very innocent and JP really pulled off the innocent and cuteness of Niko <3 I feel like the character really suited him and I hope they do a second stage and he's back for him.
I want him to do more cute roles! He’s an awkward but really nice guy in real life yet he always does these sexy and/or dark roles, and I super want to see him being more like this:
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Look how cute he is!!
But JP too and is freaking skinny looking in this stage because, just like the others, there wasn't really much fabric on him! He isn't as tiny as Tomorun but he's close enough! His tiny little legs and cute little butt. But anyway...
KIMERU as Mitsuba Kiji:
Kimeru never ceases to amaze me. He's always so freaking fabulous and owns his characters! The two girls either side of me were clearly his fans because they clapped and cheered so hard for him. He got to do this ridiculous, flamboyant performance and made to audience clap along every time and properly woooooo and cheering for him.
In one scene, Naoya turned to him and said 'by the way... why you so small?' And he's like 'I am NOT small!'.
He was so good and was perfect for this character! I want to see him do this role again! He was so much fun and he looked damn good in those heeled boots! I think I vagueley remember some thrusting dance moves from those hips of his at one point too... *coughs*
Utsumi Daisuke as Yozakura Kenshiro: 
I feel Utsumi did a great job at bringing this character to life. I didn't really know him in the anime, but in the stage Utsumi really fleshed him out and was much more memorable in the stage compared to the anime. His singing was so good too! Maybe he was the strongest singer...
Hashimoto Taito as Goku Samon: 
Taito got to use some of his breakdancing/acrobat moves in this stage which was great! But unfortunately, while I love him in the anime, his character stage time and development was very small in this one. He was a very minute character and role. Which is a shame because Goku is a character I like and I wanted to see him get more stage time. Hopefully in the second one *fingers crossed*
Hoshino Yuta as Rian: 
Hoshino made me giggle during the fight scene; he's clearly not flexible because he couldn't kick that high and he was barely able to go a cartwheel. This is a type of character we've seen Hoshino do before so of course he nailed his role and did well; Rian is the type of character he's used to and is a pro at.
Momiyama Kenta as Sugoroku Hitoshi: I really loved how in the stage, even though they find out she's a he, people like Niko and Rock still treated Hitoshi as a girl and were still like googly-eyed over him xD
Gomoto Naoya as Sugoroku Hajime: 
This character was perfect for him! He got to yell and insult people for two hours which is something we all know he's a master at! I love, love, love Hajime and Naoya was just PERFECT. He gave me the Hajime I wanted AND more because he's a pro at acting and knows how to take characters, give the performance the audience wants and adds to it so we get even more enjoyment from his character! He was the perfect Hajime <3
AND Naoya can actually sing! I was so shocked! They ALL can legit, properly sing!! They sounded soooooo good!
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I was super excited about the Miokuri even BEFORE the show started! I knew Naoya was going to be there as I had checked the night before. But when I rechecked the information they had pinned up, it had Kimeru for this day too! And after seeing his ridiculously, entertaining, amazing performance in this, I was nervous to see him too! 
The line went: Kitazono Ryo (I do NOT remember him being in that line), Kimeru, Takagi Shun, and lastly Naoya.
KIMERU was super duper genki and just had so much energy with everyone. He was like ‘ara! Arigatou! Kawaii!!’. And then we had Naoya who was at the end of line with his hands together in front of (or behind him, I don't quite remember) him and he bowed to everyone just like the gentlemen he is, and he was so professional and calm and just so.... ‘manly’ is a good word to describe him.
The pamphlet's pictures are so good! I have to show you some!! My thought process is basically 'So cute!!! So cool! DAMN THIS PIC IS NICE!!':
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I looked at the pamphlet before show and it was adding to the already crazy excitement that I had. After the show ended I just HAD to get my hands on Tomorun’s bromides also because he was so amazing seriously -- did I already say that?
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And that’s all for today folks! Hope you enjoyed it and I made you all more excited for this stage!
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