#Animaniacs Zanier Than The Max
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theveniceangel · 5 months ago
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Synopsis: A simple trip to the vet becomes a living nightmare when Winnie is forced to deal with a zombified Runt.
*Our story begins at the Warner Bros water tower*
*We see the Warner Siblings, Winnie, and Foxanne sitting on the couch, watching a movie*
*We see scenes of zombies attacking people on the TV*
*Yakko and Foxanne are cuddling, Dot looks enthralled by the movie, Wakko is eating from a giant bucket of popcorn, and Winnie looks visibly shaken by what she's seeing*
*We hear a monstrous growling sound coming from the TV*
*Winnie jolts back in fright*
*She screams as she clings onto Wakko*
*Wakko looks at her in surprise*
*He gives her a reassuring smile and puts his arm around her*
Wakko: There there Winnie, there's nothing to be scared of, it's just a movie.
Winnie: B-B-B-But I can't help it.. it's scary!
*Wakko gently pats her on the back*
*She whines in fear*
*Wakko glares at Yakko*
Wakko: I told you watching Night Of The Brain Munchers was a bad idea..! *He whispers to Yakko*
Yakko: Doesn't seem so bad to me..
*He whispers back as he looks down at Foxanne, who had fallen asleep on his lap*
*Suddenly, there's a knock at the door*
*Winnie jumps in fear and screams, causing Foxanne to jolt awake*
Foxanne: Huh, what!?
Yakko: Calm down, Kiddo, it's just the door.
Winnie: I-I'll get it..
*She walks towards the door and opens it*
*When she opens the door, she is greeted by the lovely Heloise Nerz, otherwise known as Hello Nurse*
Hello Nurse: Oh, hello Winnie!
Winnie: O-Oh! Ms.Heloise! How nice to see you.. what're you doing at the water tower?
Hello Nurse: Um, if it isn't too much trouble, we sorta need your help.
Winnie: Oh no, no trouble at all, what do yo-
*She suddenly hears a loud crash, accompanied by angered yelling and distressed barking*
Winnie: What the!?
*She walks outside and looks over the railing of the tower*
*What she sees is Runt being chased by one of the staff members*
Winnie: Runt?
???: Get over here!
*The guy tries to grab Runt while another is running towards him with a net*
*Runt starts chasing the guy with the net*
*The guy with the net starts running away*
??: Oh come, that's not fair!
*Winnie whines in concern*
Winnie: Ms.Heloise, what's wrong with Runt?
Hello Nurse: We're trying to take him to the vet so he can get a check-up, but he isn't very cooperative..So I was wondering if you knew what to do, maybe you can try to reason with him?
Winnie: Me? I-I mean I don't have a problem with that, but.. wouldn't Rita be better suited for this?
Hello Nurse: She's working her day shift.
Winnie: Her day shift?
Hello Nurse: I know..
Winnie: W-Well, what made you choose me?
Hello Nurse: You have a way with everyone, and he can't say no to you.
Winnie: Well...we are really good friends...Ok I'll do it, I just hope he'll listen.
Hello Nurse: Great! Thanks, Winnie! I owe you big time, you name it!*
And with that, Hello Nurse leaves the tower*
Winnie: Anytime Ms.Heloise.
*She walks towards the water tower door*
Winnie: Hey guys, you can finish the movie without me, I've got something to take care of!
*The gang comes outside to see what's going on*
Wakko: Are you getting food?
Winnie: No, I've gotta take Runt to the vet.
Dot: Are you gonna take Runt to get "you know what?"
*Yakko blows a kiss to the audience*
Yakko: Goodnight, everybody!
Winnie: You know what?
*Foxanne seems to be a bit uncomfortable*
Foxanne: Should we tell her..?
*Wakko gives her a horrified look*
Wakko: No! Let her stay young!
Winnie: What is it?
Foxanne: Uh... Let's just say it's a surgery a lot of animals don't wanna get.
Winnie: Oh, well thankfully he's not getting that, he's just going in for a checkup.
Yakko: What exactly is so hard about that?
Winnie: Well Ms.Heloise says he's scared of the vet, so she needs me to try to convince him to go.
Dot: Um, how old is Runt?
Winnie: Um... Well I know he's an adult
Dot: He's too old to even be scared of a little check-up!
Winnie: Dot, you're never too old to be afraid of anything, I mean I'm still afraid of small spaces.
Foxanne: It's probably a trauma related thing in Runt's case, but I'd rather not get into those topics right now..
*Winnie whines in concern*
Winnie: Well..wish me luck guys.
Everyone: Good luck!
*And with that, Winnie climbs down the ladder to the tower*
*She steps down and starts walking around, looking for her canine companion*
*One of the staff members run towards her, screaming his head off*
*Winnie yelps in shock*
???: Save yourself, kid! There's a psycho dog running around this lot!
*He runs away screaming*
Winnie: He's not a psycho, he's just scared!
*She whines in concern and continues her search*
Winnie: Oh Runt, where are you..?
Runt: Come back! I'm definitely not done with you yet!
*Not noticing him running, Winnie ends up walking in front of him*
Winnie: Huh?
*She turns her attention towards him*
*Runt notices Winnie and he immediately tries to stop himself, but he instead ends up running into the minkpup, knocking them both to the ground*
*Winnie yelps as they hit the ground*
*The two groan in pain but then they turn their attention towards each other*
Runt: Winnie?!
Winnie: H-Hi Runt. *She says in a nervous tone*
*Runt props himself up and stands over the minkpup*
Runt: Uh, what're you doing here?
Winnie: I was uh.. actually looking for you. *She says as she stands up and dusts herself off*
*She seems a bit nervous*
Runt: Aww thanks, Winnie, but I can look just fine!
*Winnie giggles at this*
Winnie: No no no, I mean I was trying to find you, Ms.Heloise wanted me to find you.
Runt: Um, what does she need?
Winnie: Well uh.... She informed me about a vet appointmen-*
Runt shouts in horror upon hearing this, he then runs and hides in a trashcan*
*Winnie groans in concern*
Winnie: I was afraid he'd react like this..
*She walks up to the trash can and gets down on her knees*
Winnie: Come on Runt, it's not that bad.
Runt: Yes, it is! Definitely is! They're gonna do "you know what" to me!*
Winnie tilts her head in confusion*
Winnie: I really don't know what that means... well they're not, they just wanna give you a checkup, they just wanna see if you're healthy.
Runt: No way! I'm as healthy as, er, um, whatever is healthy!
Winnie: Runt...
*She whines in concern*
Winnie: Well...How about I come with you? That way you won't be alone.
*Runt looks at Winnie with a nervous look on his face*
Runt: Y-You promise..?
Winnie: I promise, cross my heart.
Runt: *gulps* Okay..I guess having you by my side will make this not so bad...Definitely not so bad.
Winnie: *She smiles at him* Definitely.
*At The Vet*
*We see the two sitting in the waiting room*
*We see Runt cowering in his seat, whining and whimpering*
Runt: Uh, Winnie, I'm definitely starting to have second thoughts.
Winnie: *She gently pats him on the head* It'll be ok, Runt, we're just here for a check-up, I promise there's nothing to worry about.
*At that moment, the sound of a pained howl echoes through the building*
*Winnie yelps in fright*
*Runt jolts up in fright*
Runt: What was that?!
Winnie: I--It's just another dog, probably getting it's shots or something.
*Runt whimpers in fear*
Runt: You don't think he's getting...
Winnie: No no no, I don't think so.
*Runt's vision starts to get blurry out of nervousness, and his heart starts beating faster*
Runt: Uh, is it getting hot in here?
*Winnie whines in concern and starts petting him*
Winnie: It'll be ok, there's nothing to worry about..
*She sees a stack of magazines on the stand next to them*
Winnie: Here, this'll take our minds off of-
*Her smile immediately fades when she sees an ad for Night Of The Brain Munchers on the cover*
*She immediately puts the magazine down*
Winnie: M-Maybe not.
*She looks noticeably nervous*
*Runt looks at the minkpup with a look of concern*
Runt: Are you alright yourself?
*Winnie starts breathing heavily as she remembers the horrifying movie she watched beforehand*
Winnie: Y-Yes, I'm perfectly fine..
*She's clearly trying to hide her own fears from the frightened canine*
*Runt whines in worry*
Runt: Are you gonna get "you know what" yourself?
Winnie: N-No, no I'm not.
*At that moment, a nurse comes out of one of the rooms*
??: Ms.Winnie, the doctor will see your dog now.
*The doctor comes out of the room as he puts on a fresh pair of gloves*
Runt: Yipe!
*Runt immediately hides under his seat*
Winnie: Uh... You're gonna need to pry him out of his hiding spot.
???: That's alright, this ain't the first time I've seen this happen.
*The doctor starts pulling on Runt's legs, trying to pull him out*
*The nurse helps the doctor to pull Runt out from under the seat*
*Winnie whines in concern*
*Runt starts frantically trying to grab something, anything to keep him from being taken*
Runt: No! Please! I'll do anything! Definitely anything! Winnie! Don't let them take me!
*The doctor and nurse start to drag Runt towards one of the rooms*
???: Sir, the sooner you cooperate, the quicker this will all be over.
*Winnie looks utterly horrified by this*
Winnie: Oh goodness..
??: It'll be over before you know it! *She says in a strained tone*
*Runt leaves claw marks on the floor as he grips onto it for dear life*
Runt: No! I want to live!
*The door shuts, but then it opens again*
*The door shuts again*
Winnie: It'll be ok, Runt, I promise! *She says in a worried tone*
*She whines in worry*
*Winnie takes deep breaths, trying to calm herself down*
*After a bit of time passes, we see Winnie sleeping, she seems to have dozed off*
*She slowly opens her eyes*
Winnie: H-Huh..?
*Upon waking up, she realizes she's lost track of time*
*She shakes her head and rubs her eyes*
Winnie: How long was I asleep..?
*She looks at the clock on the wall in front of her*
*The clock says it's close to nine pm*
Winnie: Nine o'clock..? *She yawns* *She stretches her arms* I wonder if Runt will be out so-
*At that moment, Winnie hears a bloodcurdling scream*
*She yelps in shock*
*A bunch of veterinarians and nurses run out of a room screaming*
Winnie: Huh!?
*She gets off of her chair and walks towards the room*
*She manages to stop one of the nurses*
Winnie: What's going on..
*And with that, the nurse runs away screaming*
Winnie: Crazy? *She looks at the room the vets ran out of* I-Isn't that Runt's room..?
*She slowly walks towards the room with caution*
*Runt is heard moaning*
Winnie: R-Runt? I-Is everything ok?
*She doesn't see anything at first*
*She slowly walks into the room, towards the check-up table*
Winnie: Runt..?
*When she goes behind the check-up table, she sees Runt standing in front of the doctor, who is laying on the ground*
Winnie: Runt? Are you-?
*She steps back in fright and gasps*
*What she sees in front of her is in fact Runt, but he looks horribly mangled and decayed, his fur is a gross green color, one of his eyes is completely white, there's a hole in his jaw, there's a hole in the side of his waist which reveals his ribs, and one of his legs has no flesh, only bone*
Runt: Oh yeah, I'm fine, definitely fine! I do have a craving for brains though....
*Winnie has a look of horror on her face, she cannot believe what she's seeing*
Winnie: Oh my goodness... *She says in a frightened tone*
Runt: What's the matter, Winnie?
Winnie: Oh Runt, what've they done to you!?
*She turns her attention towards the vet*
Winnie: And what happened to the doctor!?
Runt: OH! Don't worry, he's just sleeping!
Winnie: O-Oh, ok.
*She smiles in relief*
Runt: Permanently!
*Her somewhat relieved expression immediately turns back to horror*
Winnie: What!?
*She looks like she's five seconds away from having a panic attack*
Runt: And now, I'm gonna make you just like him!
Winnie: Wh-Why would you wanna do that!? I'm your friend!
*She slowly backs away from him*
*Runt growls at her as saliva drips from his mouth*
Winnie: R-Runt, Runt no!
*Runt lunges forward and runs towards her*
Winnie: No!!
*Winnie immediately runs away as fast as she can*
Runt: H-Hey! Slow down, Winnie! Y'a know I can't run that fast!
Winnie: In this case that works in my favor!
*She looks around for help*
*We see one of the doctors walking down the hallway, pushing a cart*
Winnie: Help! Someone please help!
???: Huh?
*They look to see what's going on*
Runt: I hear you breathing, Winnie!
*She yelps in distress*
*We see Runt getting closer and closer to her*
*The doctor takes one look at the zombified canine and freaks out*
??: Zombie!!
*They push the cart down the hallway and run away*
Winnie: No wait, I need to get through!
*Runt gets hit by cart and hits the floor*
*Winnie yelps in shock*
*She then takes this opportunity to climb over the cart and run*
*Runt groans in pain*
*He shakes his head and turns his attention back to the situation at hand*
Runt: Come on Winnie! Just a bite!
Winnie: No!!
*She looks around before running into one of the rooms*
*She looks for a hiding spot, and sets her sights on the cabinets*
*She goes inside one of the cabinets and gently closes the door, trying not to make noise*
*Runt peaks in the room and walks in*
Runt: Come out come out wherever you are! I may not see you, but I can smell you!
*Winnie tries to be as quiet as she can as tears well up in her eyes*
*Her nervousness quickly turns to horror as Runt starts breaking the cabinets open one by one*
*Winnie starts hyperventilating as she hears him getting closer*
*Before he can break the last one, Winnie dashes out of the cabinet and out of the room at high speeds*
*She turns back to look at the zombie dog*
*He clearly seems frustrated*
Runt: Now now Winnie, we could do this the easy way or the hard way! The choice is your's!
Winnie: If the hard way keeps me alive, I'll gladly do it the hard way!
Runt: Okay... I guess we're doing this the hard way.. *He says in a strangely sinister tone*
*Winnie whines in fear and starts running again*
*As she's running, she sees another cart covered in different bottles*
*She grabs one of the bottles and pours the liquid from it onto the floor*
*She looks up to see the zombified canine running towards her*
Runt: I see you!
*Not looking at the floor, he slips on the liquid, and falls onto the floor*
*Winnie whines in worry*
Winnie: I'm so sorry, Runt, but I'm not ending up like any of those victims in Night Of The Brain Munchers!
*She takes this opportunity to run*
*He props himself*
Runt: I may be down, but I'm definitely not out!
*As she's running, she sees another cart with gauze on it*
*She grabs the gauze and uses it to make a makeshift trip wire in the middle of the hallway*
*She then goes into one of the rooms and locks the door*
Runt: Where'd yah go? I can see you! Definitely see you! *He says despite not actually knowing where she is*
*Not looking where he's going, he trips on the gauze and lands face first onto the floor*
*Winnie starts to panic, as she realizes she has nowhere to go*
Winnie: Oh no I'm trapped..! *She whispers to herself*
*That's when she sees a vent on the wall on the far side of the room*
*She runs towards the vent*
Winnie: A vent..! *She whispers*
*Looking around, she sees a screwdriver on the counter next to her*
*She grabs it and starts unscrewing the screws in the vent grate*
*She hears Runt in the distance calling out to her*
Runt: You can run, but you can't hide, Winnie!
Winnie: That's what you think.. *She whispers to herself*
*Not paying attention to what she's doing, the grate falls off the vent*
*She tries to grab it, but it falls onto the floor, making a loud clanging sound*
*Runt hears the crash from outside the room*
Runt: A-ha!
Winnie: Oh no..! *She whispers to herself*
*Not wanting to waste time, Winnie immediately crawls into the vents and starts making her way through it*
*She tries to keep herself from coughing as the vent is very dusty*
Winnie: Oh goodness, it's so dusty in here..this definitely isn't as easy as they make it look in the movies..
*As she's making her way through, she ends up running into a cobweb*
*She quietly yelps in disgust*
*She starts trying to get the cobweb off her face*
*She groans in disgust*
*Back in the room, we hear something banging at the door*
*The door eventually breaks open, and we see Runt standing outside the room*
*Runt sees the open grate*
*He growls at this*
Runt: I'm coming for that brain!
*He runs towards the vent and tries to climb into it*
Runt: Here I come Winnie!
*Winnie quietly whines upon hearing this, and she starts crawling faster*
Winnie: C-Calm down Winnie, there's no way he can fit into the vent..! *She says to herself*
*As he tries to go into the vent, Runt realizes that he's stuck*
Runt: Er, um, this is gonna take a while, Winnie.
*He grunts and groans as he struggles to squeeze into the vent*
*Winnie smiles to herself, thinking she might actually be able to escape*
Winnie: I think I'm gonna make it..! *She says to herself*
*Runt eventually manages to get into the vent, but he ends up breaking the wall in the process*
Runt: Finally! Now, to get her brain! Definitely her brain!
*He makes several dents in the vent as he makes his way through*
*Winnie screams in horror upon hearing this*
*She starts crawling faster*
Runt: You can't beat me, Winnie! My hunting skills are unmatched!
Winnie: Please! Just leave me alone!!
*As they're going through the vent, it starts to make a chilling creaking sound*
*The creaking gets louder and louder*
Winnie: Oh no..
*The damage to the vents combined with Runt's weight causes the vent to collapse, sending both Runt and Winnie plummeting towards the ground*
*Winnie screams in shock*
*The two hit the floor below, along with the parts to the vent*
*A nurse, who was sitting at the desk in the room jolts back in fright and turns her attention towards the situation*
*Runt coughs and shakes his head*
*He then turns his attention towards Winnie*
Runt: Well, well, well, Winnie, we're alone now..Just you, and me, and your brain....
*He licks his lips in anticipation*
*The nurse takes notice to this, and stands up from her desk*
???: Hey! You're gonna have to pay for tha-!
*Runt turns towards the nurse and growls at her*
*The nurse drops her paperwork in shock*
???: ZOMBIE!!
*The nurse immediately runs out of the room*
*Winnie is seen laying on the ground*
*She slowly props herself up*
*She groans in pain*
Winnie: That was unpleasant..
*Runt hears the poor girl's groans and turns his attention towards her*
Winnie: Oh shoot!
*She tries to stand up, but she's in too much pain to stand*
*She yelps in pain and falls back onto the floor*
*Runt chuckles maniacally*
Runt: Finally! Now I got you right where I want you...
*His tail starts wagging excitedly as he licks his lips*
*Winnie shuffles away from him, but ends up moving herself into a corner*
*Tears well up in her eyes*
Winnie: N-No, no! Please! Have mercy! Runt, we're friends! You wouldn't wanna hurt me!
*Runt stares at her for a moment, taking time to process what she just said*
Winnie: We're friends..Runt we're friends...please..
*tears fall from her eyes*
*After a few seconds of him staring at her, Runt smiles at the frightened minkpup*
Runt: Wow, Winnie..that's so sweet, definitely sweet.
*Winnie smiles for a split second, thinking she managed to get through to her canine companion*
Runt: I'll have to remember that while I'm eating your brain.
*Winnie's smile immediately disappears and is replaced with a look of dread*
*Letting out a menacing growl, Runt lunges at Winnie*
*Winnie screams in terror*
*The scene fades, and it cuts to Winnie sleeping in her chair, look visibly distressed*
*Winnie's eyes shoot open and she let's out a bloodcurdling scream*
*She breathes heavily*
*As she looks around frantically, a nurse comes out from one of the doors*
???: Ms Winnie, Runt is all set!
*At that moment, Runt comes out of the room alive and well, with a big smile on his face*
Runt: That went better than expected! Definitely!
*Winnie looks visibly distressed and confused*
Winnie: H-Huh!? Wha- Huh!?
*She starts patting herself frantically*
Winnie: I'm alive!? What the!?
???: Is everything alright, Ms?
*Runt looks at Winnie with concern*
Runt: Do you need a check-up yourself, Winnie?
*Winnie stares at Runt for a minute*
*Tears well up in Winnie's eyes*
Winnie: Runt!
*She runs up to Runt and hugs him tightly*
*She starts sobbing uncontrollably*
Winnie: You're ok you're ok you're ok!!
*Runt looks down at Winnie, he seems visibly confused by the minkpup's sudden outburst*
Runt: I don't think I understand what's happening, definitely don't understand.
Winnie: *She sniffles* You don't know how happy I am to see you..
*Her tail starts excitedly wagging*
*Runt smiles at this response and hugs her back*
Runt: Gee, thanks, Winnie! Though I don't think you'll be happy to see the bill...
Winnie: The bill?*
The nurse pulls up the bill*
???: That'll be eighty dollars, ma'am.
Winnie: O-Oh..That bill.
Runt: I'm just glad I didn't get "you know what."
Winnie: *She shudders at this* See Runt, there was really nothing to worry about.
Runt: I guess you're right, definitely right... By the way, what were you worked up about?
Winnie: O-Oh nothing really, I just had a bad dream.. but I'm fine now, I promise.
Runt: A bad dream?
Winnie: Yeah.. Let's just say I will never watch a zombie movie again.
*Runt nods in agreement*
Runt: Yeah, never again.
Winnie: *She clears her throat* Come on, let's go home, maybe we can grab some food on the way home.
*Runt smiles upon hearing this, his tail starts wagging excitedly*
Runt: I know! How about some brains!?
*Winnie yelps and jumps back in fright upon hearing this*
Runt: What? I was just kidding! Definitely kidding.
*Winnie sighs in relief*
Winnie: You goofball.
*Runt giggles at this response*
*And with that, the two head off on their merry way*
(The End.)
Huge thanks to FavorableFeline on Instagram for helping me write this, I couldn't have done it without him. 😊
Credit to Animaniacs Wiki the references.
@queenofwerewolves @citruslullabies @bumblehoneybee @glowpop20 @vvileentityart @clg-artisa @valiantsuitcaseskellington
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a-million-neon-rainbows · 8 years ago
Animaniacs' 'Yakko's World' Sounds Even Zanier When Sung by 168 Movies
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by Kelly Kanayama
For those who were kids in the 90s, and just about everybody else, The Animaniacs was more than just a cartoon show. It was an education in adult jokes (the “fingerprints” gag in particular is a modern classic), what it meant to be zany to the max, and, of course, world geography. The “Yakko’s World” song taught us not only about the names of every single country across the globe, but how to sing them really, really fast.
Turns out, “Yakko’s World” is even more significant than we thought. In this YouTube video from Unusual Suspect, 168 of your favorite movies have been moved to join in the fun, courtesy of an extremely impressive supercut. Scarface, Zoolander, The Santa Clause, Coming to America, and many more old and slightly-less-old movies, urged along by Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet in Spaceballs.
It’s yet another testament to how awesome Wakko, Yakko, and Dot are, which makes us cross our fingers even more that we could get a revival of the series in the future. In the meantime, at least we get a good education. You can check out the video below.
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spynotebook · 8 years ago
For those who were kids in the 90s, and just about everybody else, The Animaniacs was more than just a cartoon show. It was an education in adult jokes (the “fingerprints” gag in particular is a modern classic), what it meant to be zany to the max, and, of course, world geography. The “Yakko’s World” song taught us not only about the names of every single country across the globe, but how to sing them really, really fast.
Turns out, “Yakko’s World” is even more significant than we thought. In this YouTube video from Unusual Suspect, 168 of your favorite movies have been moved to join in the fun, courtesy of an extremely impressive supercut. Scarface, Zoolander, The Santa Clause, Coming to America, and many more old and slightly-less-old movies, urged along by Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet in Spaceballs.
It’s yet another testament to how awesome Wakko, Yakko, and Dot are, which makes us cross our fingers even more that we could get a revival of the series in the future. In the meantime, at least we get a good education. You can check out the video below.
[Laughing Squid]
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theveniceangel · 5 months ago
Who’s Winnie and who’s Foxanne? And is Heloise Nerz, Hello Nurse’s real name or did you make it up?
Winnie and Foxanne are both OCs of mine, Winnie is Wilford and Minerva's daughter, and yes, Heloise Nerz is canonically Hello Nurse's real name.
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These are Foxanne and Winnie.
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