#Andrea Narno
uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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A Bodily Autonomy Decorative Sunday
These gorgeous posters are a selection of work from Our Bodies Our Resistance, published by the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative in 2023 in an edition of 150. The collection was curated by Molly Fair, a multidisciplinary artist, member of Justseeds, and a librarian (huzzah!). The thirteen risograph prints, cover sheet, and colophon were printed at Cowboy Press in Richmond, VA. They come wrapped in green hanky, screen-printed by Mary Tremonte at Lavender Estero in Pittsburg, PA. The green bandana is a symbol of the Marea Verde (“Green Wave” or “Green Tide”) an abortion rights movement that began in Argentina in the early 2000s and has since swept across Latin America. The design for the hanky was “cut from one piece of paper” by artist Devon Cohen, and “uplifts grizzly bears and three plants -- tansy, rue, and pennyroyal -- that have documented use over the centuries as abortifacients” (from the colophon). 
Some of the posters are also available as digital download here, for use in organizing work under an Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. Check out our photo captions for artist attributions.
Featuring art by Devon Cohen, Alec Dunn, Molly Fair, Sarah Farahat, Christeen Francis, Sanya Hyland, Kill Joy, Josh MacPhee, Fernando Martí, Andrea Narno, Saiyare Refaei, Jessica Sabogal, Meredith Stern, and Mary Tremonte.
60% of the proceeds of this portfolio will be donated to the National Network of Abortion Funds’ Collective Power Fund. This fund redistributes “direct abortion funding to 28 member abortion funds across more than 20 states. Funding is concentrated in the South and Midwest, where it’s often hardest to get an abortion. The Collective Power Fund supports the cost of an abortion, transportation to a clinic, childcare. lodging, and abortion doula support.”
Check out more Decorative Sunday posts here.
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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