#Andrea Guarascio
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
Milano: torna il palcoscenico piĂą importante di Vanity Fair Italia che quest'anno celebra il suo ventesimo anniversario il 25 e 26 novembre al Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber
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Milano: torna il palcoscenico più importante di Vanity Fair Italia che quest'anno celebra il suo ventesimo anniversario il 25 e 26 novembre al Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber. Dopo il successo delle edizioni precedenti, Vanity Fair Stories, il più grande evento di Vanity Fair, torna sabato 25 e domenica 26 novembre al Teatro Lirico Giorgio Gaber di Milano (via Larga 14) con un cast e un palinsesto mai stato così ricco di performance, sorprese e novità. Terzo e ultimo atto delle celebrazioni del ventesimo compleanno del magazine e momento di riflessione sul futuro che ci aspetta. Sul palco ci saranno i nomi di spicco del pop italiano e gli autori dei tormentoni più ascoltati in questo 2023; i protagonisti delle serie tv più apprezzate, le stelle del cinema d'autore. Ancora: scrittori e scrittrici di culto, ballerini, creator, comici e conduttori che stanno rivoluzionando i linguaggi della tv. Tra i primi grandi ospiti che hanno confermato la partecipazione: Francesco Arca, attore, è tra i protagonisti delle principali fiction Rai e Mediaset (Don Matteo, Le tre rose di Eva, Fosca Innocenti, Resta con me); Benji (Benjamin Mascolo), cantante e attore (è nel cast di After 5); Roberto Bolle, étoile; Paolo Bonolis, tra i più noti presentatori della televisione italiana; Alex Britti, cantautore, chitarrista, icona pop e blues; Cristiana Capotondi, attrice; Pietro Castellitto, attore, regista e scrittore insieme a Giorgio Quarzo Guarascio, cantautore, rapper e attore, protagonisti del film "Enea" opera seconda dello stesso Castellitto in uscita l'11 gennaio; Erin Doom, scrittrice, il suo libro Fabbricante di lacrime è stato il più venduto del 2022; Francesca Fagnani, giornalista, conduttrice dell'anno del talk Belve; Anna Foglietta, attrice e fondatrice della onlus Every Child Is My Child; Michela Giraud, comica, attrice e conduttrice tv; Levante, cantautrice tra le più talentuose del panorama italiano e scrittrice; Negramaro, band da vent'anni al centro della scena musicale italiana; Paola & Chiara, il duo canoro di sorelle più famoso d'Italia; Gabry Ponte, dj-producer italiano numero uno al mondo per ascolti su Spotify e terzo artista italiano più ascoltato al mondo su Spotify; Jack Savoretti, cantautore di fama internazionale; Sangiovanni, cantautore; The Kolors, fenomeno pop; Tlon, alias Maura Gancitano e Andrea Colamedici, filosofi e scrittori; Paola Turci, cantautrice e musicista. Sul palcoscenico di Vanity Fair Stories 2023 anche il cast della serie Netflix Suburræterna, con Carlotta Antonelli, Giacomo Ferrara e Filippo Nigro; e il cast di Un Professore 2, serie Rai Fiction-Banijay Studios Italy, prodotta da Massimo Del Frate, con Nicolas Maupas, Damiano Gavino e Domenico Cuomo. L'ingresso a Vanity Fair Stories è gratuito. Per assistere agli incontri basterà registrarsi sulla piattaforma dedicata all'interno del sito di Vanity Fair. Per chi non sarà presente, sarà possibile seguire i talk in streaming sul sito e sui canali Facebook e Instagram di Vanity Fair Italia. Hashtag ufficiali dell'evento: #vanityfairstories #20dicambiamento L'evento, Patrocinato del Comune di Milano, è reso possibile anche grazie al supporto di alcuni partner: Main Partner: ŠKODA Event Supporter: Nuvenia; Stand Up Against Street Harassment Iniziative Speciali: Cenacolo Artom; Dove; Pandora; Select Aperitivo; Think Milk, Taste Europe, Be Smart! Beauty Partner: Max Factor Media Partner: Urban Vision Si ringraziano: Rai Cinema; Tommy Hilfiger; Universal Pictures; Vision Distribution.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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paoloxl · 5 years ago
La recente emergenza sanitaria legata all’epidemia da COVID-19 ha imposto l’adozione di misure eccezionali, giungendo da ultimo (art. 2 DPCM 10 marzo 2020 ed ancora con DPCM 11 marzo 2020) al divieto di ogni forma di assembramento di persone in luoghi pubblici o aperti al pubblico, ciò che costituisce una forte compressione di diritti costituzionalmente tutelati. Tutte le misure adottate sono tese a limitare i rischi di contagio e dunque a evitare che si creino condizioni in cui le persone si trovino vicine e in condizioni di promiscuità.
Per tale ragione sono stati sospesi servizi essenziali, come le scuole e le universitĂ , oltre a attivitĂ  nelle quali si possano generare occasioni di aggregazione di persone, come tutte quelle legate ad eventi culturali, ricreativi o sportivi; da ultimo tali misure sono state estese anche a tutti gli esercizi commerciali esclusi quelli di vendita e somministrazione di beni primari. In questo quadro generale, desta agli scriventi estrema preoccupazione la condizione nei CPR, ove un numero elevato di persone vive in condizioni di promiscuitĂ , spesso in condizioni sanitarie precarie ed in assenza di adeguati presidi sanitari interni ai centri.
In considerazione della diffusione del virus, nonché della circostanza che i Centri sono, necessariamente e quotidianamente, frequentati da persone che vivono all’esterno (dal personale di polizia e dell’esercito, al personale degli enti gestori, ai mediatori, agli operatori, ai giudici e avvocati), e che non può certo ridursi o evitarsi tale afflusso, nonché del fatto che per quanto a conoscenza degli scriventi (e sulla base delle informazioni diffuse) il pericolo di contagio proviene anche da soggetti asintomatici, anche le misure eventualmente adottabili (autocertificazioni, uso di mascherine, mantenimento della distanza di almeno un metro tra trattenuti e altre persone) non appaiono idonee a scongiurare il rischio che avvengano contagi all’interno. Peraltro, tra i trattenuti non sarebbe certo ipotizzabile, per i limiti strutturali propri dei Centri, ipotizzare l’applicazione delle misure (distanze, misure igieniche, uso di mascherine) previste dalle disposizioni e raccomandazioni nazionali di tutela sanitaria.
Appare, ancora, del tutto evidente che un contagio all’interno della popolazione dei CPR avrebbe conseguenze drammatiche: le condizioni promiscuità renderebbero molto facile la diffusione del contagio nella popolazione trattenuta; molti trattenuti sono affetti da varie patologie, che ne debilitano il corpo, con conseguenti maggiori pericolo anche per la stessa esistenza in vita; un contagio in larga scala non potrebbe essere affrontato con misure di isolamento dei soggetti che risultassero contagiati, sia in quanto non sono normativamente previste aree siffatte, sia in quanto ciò significherebbe concentrare in condizioni di promiscuità, in aree isolate e con privazione dei diritti fondamentali, un numero sempre maggiore di trattenuti contagiati, con conseguente peggioramento delle loro condizioni, non impedendo al contempo la diffusione del virus, e non consentendo la somministrazione di adeguate cure di contrasto agli effetti del virus (contrasto che non può certo adeguatamente essere operato nelle infermerie dei CPR); l’esplodere del contagio nei CPR, dunque, imporrebbe presumibilmente un aumento significativo del numero di ricoveri in ospedale dai CPR medesimi, con conseguenti effetti anche sulla tenuta e funzionalità de sistema sanitario (già gravemente sollecitato dall’emergenza in atto).
A ciò si aggiunga che, nell’attuale congiuntura, molti Paesi hanno limitato se non vietato le possibilità di ingresso ai soggetti provenienti dall’Italia, con il conseguente rischio di dilatazione a dismisura dei periodi di trattenimento.
Appare, quindi, sin da subito necessaria l’adozione di misure che limitino il rischio di contagio e, nel bilanciamento tra i diritti e gli interessi in gioco (bilanciamento imposto da varie norme, prime tra tutte quelle di cui alla Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo), obbediscano al prioritario obiettivo di ostacolare la diffusione dell’epidemia e salvaguardare la salute e la vita dei trattenuti e della popolazione tutta.
Per tutti questi motivi gli scriventi chiedono che venga disposta l’immediata sospensione di ogni nuovo ingresso nei CPR, che vengano disposte anche quanto a soggetti già trattenuti le misure alternative al trattenimento di cui all’art 13, co. 5.2, Testo Unico Immigrazione, e che si proceda con la massima tempestività alla progressiva chiusura dei Centri.
ADESIONI (in aggiornamento...): Legal Team Italia; Campagna LasciateCIEntrare; Progetto Melting Pot Europa; Mai più Lager - No ai CPR; ASGI;  Clinica del diritto dell’Immigrazione - Università Roma Tre; Rete Antirazzista Catanese; Aps Lunaria; Osservatorio della repressione; Associazione Yairaiha onlus; Carovane Migranti; ADIF; Antenne Migranti; BeFree; Associazione Immigrati Cittadini; Il grande Colibrì – Essere LGBT nel mondo; LGBT+ diritti; Laboratorio 53 Onlus; ActionAid Italia; Associazione Casa a Colori; Rete Lenford - Avvocatura per i diritti LGBTI; Associazione Diritti di Frontiera, Roma; Lab!Puzzle; Csa Astra; Portoamico; Renzo e Lucio A.P.S.; Partito della Rifondazione comunista-Sinistra Europea; Ambasciata dei Diritti Marche;
Avvocata Ghirardi Natalie, foro di Torino; Avvocato Dario Belluccio, foro di Bari; Avvocata Vilardi Eleonora, foro di Torino;  Avvocata Davini Silvia, foro di Pisa; Avvocato Geremia Marco, foro di Perugia; Avvocato Andrea Maestri, foro di Ravenna; Avvocata Maria Chiara Arca, foro di Milano; Avvocato Capriata Marco, foro di Alessandria; Avvocato Guido Savio, foro di Torino;  Valeria Capezio, funzionario pubblico;   Giuseppe Tiano, dirigente sindacale, Torino; Avvocata Bava Donatella, foro di Torino; Denaro Chiara, assistente sociale/ricercatrice, Palermo; Fernandez Rojo Gabriela, giurista, Milano; Avvocata Friso Gabriella, foro di Torino; Santangelo Thomas Vladimir, operatore legale, Napoli; Avvocato Cardaci Filippo, foro di Varese; Avvocata Clementi Chiara, foro di Prato; Panizza Andrea, operatore sociale, Lecco; Nucci Federica, operatore legale, Grosseto; Enrica Rigo, professoressa associata, Roma; Avvocata Salerno Margherita, foro di Roma; Bucci Immacolata, operatrice sociale, Carosino; Avvocato Diroma Andrea, foro di Trieste; Contegiacomo Caterina, commerciante, Taranto; Avvocato Francesco Roppo, foro di Forlì; Cricenti Luca, ricercatore e consulente legali in materia di immigrazione, Roma; Avvocata Barbero Alessandra, foro di Cuneo; Avvocato Guidobono Elisabetta, foro di Torino; Andrea Bermond; Avvocata Celoria Eleonora, foro di Torino; Giovannelli Stefano, pensionato, Prato; Del Vecchio Marco; Vigilanti Cecilia, consulente legale, Ferrara; Avvocata Laura Furno, foro di Torino; Avvocato Salvini Nicola, foro di Torino; Avvocato Francesco Conte, foro di Bologna; Buzzi Antonella, consulente legale msna, Bologna; Esposito Gabriella, biologa, Taranto; Avvocato Mughini Luigi, foro di Firenze; Avvocato Brizio Roberto, foro di Torino; Avvocata Ximenes Maria Cristina, foro di Cagliari; Nieloud Clara, praticante avvocato, foro di Torino; Avvocato Pigato Chiara, foro di Bassano del Grappa; Avvocato Castrale Stefano, foro di Torino; Avvocata Collenea Isernia Alessandra, foro di Venezia; Avvocata Giulia Virdis, foro di Parma; Avvocato Pellegrino Davide, foro di Torino; Avvocata Bonafé Maria Ester, foro di Como; Francesca Cimino, dottoranda, Venezia; Martinelli Marco, dipendente, Milano; Avvocato Marchio Marco, foro di Torin; Avvocata Di Rosa Daniela, foro di Torino; Gennaro Avallone, ricercatore,Università di Salerno; Avvocata Nadia Buso; Avvocata Serena Terzuolo; Avvocata Monica Checchin; Avvocata Elisa Costanzo; Stefano Galieni, giornalista; Annamaria Rivera, antropologa, già docente nell’Università di Bari; Casaccio Valentina; Avvocata Alessia Pasero, foro di Torino; Avvocato Antonio Guarascio, foro di Torino; Avvocato Lamarucciola Antonio, foro di Como; Avvocata Cischino Emanuela, foro di Saluzzo; Carlo Della Pepa, Medico Ricercatore Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco – Università di Torino; Cestonaro Gaetano, medico, Ivrea, Maurizio Acerbo - segretario Rifondazione comunista-Sinistra Europea;
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musiconyoutube · 3 years ago
Preços ao produtor na zona do euro têm alta recorde em setembro, diz Eurostat
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© Reuters. Fábrica da Knaus-Tabbert AG em Jandelsbrunn, Alemanha 16/03/2021. REUTERS/Andreas Gebert/File Photo
BRUXELAS (Reuters) – Os preços ao produtor na zona do euro saltaram em setembro mais do que o esperado devido aos custos da energia, registrando a maior alta na série histórica, em um novo sinal das fortes pressões inflacionárias no bloco, de acordo com dados divulgados nesta quinta-feira.
A agência de estatísticas da União Europeia, Eurostat, estimou que os preços nos portões das fábricas dos 19 países que usam o euro subiram 2,7% em setembro sobre o mês anterior, avançando 16% em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior, no maior aumento já registrado para o bloco.
O salto também superou as expectativas, já que economistas consultados pela Reuters projetavam altas mensal de 2,2% e anual de 15,2%.
Os preços da energia avançaram 7,7% na comparação mensal e 40,7% na base anual, acelerando as altas. No entanto, excluindo energia, os preços tiveram alta de apenas 0,6% no mês, desacelerando ante os meses anteriores.
O aumento nos preços industriais seguem o avanço nos preços ao consumidor, que subiram 3,4% em setembro na base anual, de acordo com a Eurostat, que estimou alta de 4,1% em outubro.
As altas nos preços ao produtor normalmente se traduzem em custos mais elevados para os consumidores.
(Reportagem de Francesco Guarascio)
O conteúdo Preços ao produtor na zona do euro têm alta recorde em setembro, diz Eurostat aparece primeiro em Eu Vou Investir.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3CWX9yY via IFTTT
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djtubet · 5 years ago
Musicisti uniti per i malati di distrofia Lanciata la campagna “A fâ ben nol è mai mâl”, raccolta fondi per l’acquisto di un’auto attrezzata per il trasporto di persone in carrozzina. 
Obiettivo: 12.000 euro.
Si chiama “A fâ ben nol è mai mâl” (in friulano: fare del bene non è mai un male) ed è la campagna di raccolta fondi lanciata da un gruppo di musicisti friulani a favore dell’Unione italiana lotta alla distrofia muscolare di Udine. L’obiettivo del collettivo è raccogliere i 12.000 euro necessari all’acquisto di un’automobile attrezzata usata per il trasporto di persone in carrozzina da destinare a una famiglia in difficoltà economiche individuata dalla UILDM di Udine (https://udine.uildm.org).
La campagna è stata lanciata sui social dalla pagina Facebook dedicata (www.facebook.com/a.fa.ben.nol.e.mai.mal) e tramite la piattaforma di crowdfunding GoFundMe (www.gofundme.com/f/uildm) assieme a un videoclip che i musicisti hannorealizzato durante le settimane di isolamento forzato dovuto all’emergenza Covid-19:
ognuno dalla propria abitazione ha registrato il suo contributo musicale, che è stato poi montato e mixato da remoto assieme agli altri dando vita al brano “Fragile” realizzato appositamente per la campagna.
Tutte le donazioni raccolte saranno devolute direttamente all’Unione italiana lotta alla distrofia muscolare di Udine, che le utilizzerà per l’acquisto di un veicolo dotato di una pedana su cui sia possibile per la persona disabile salire senza scendere dalla carrozzina. Qualora l’obiettivo dei 12.000 euro venisse superato o non venisse raggiunto, sono previsti altri obiettivi modulabili in base alla cifra raccolta, che prevedono l’acquisto di strumenti di domotica per una migliore qualità della vita in casa delle persone con gravi disabilità e generatori di corrente e gruppi di continuità per l’utilizzo di ventilatori o altri ausili a funzionamento elettrico.
Tutti i dettagli su: www.gofundme.com/f/uildm Il team: Michele Zanuttini - voce, cori, scintilla dell'ispirazione Albert Cleans - voce, cori Mirco Varotto - voce, cori Mauro Tubet Tubetti/ DJ Tubet - rap furlan Alberto Chiavone - pianoforte Nicolas Morassutto - batteria, editing audio Ivo Boscariol - basso Massimo Zanuttini - chitarre acustiche Matteo Floreani - chitarre elettriche Cristian Tavano - chitarra solista, management Andrea Guarascio - montaggio video Veronica Cirillo - montaggio video Francesco Marzona - mix audio Maurizio De Ascanis - promozione/raccolta fondi Dario Snidaro - promozione/raccolta fondi
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italianaradio · 6 years ago
Sci nordico, successo per la “GranFondo delle Vette”
Nuovo post su italianaradio http://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/sci-nordico-successo-per-la-granfondo-delle-vette/
Sci nordico, successo per la “GranFondo delle Vette”
Sci nordico, successo per la “GranFondo delle Vette”
Sole splendente, neve fresca e la bellissima cornice del Parco nazionale della Sila hanno contribuito alla perfetta riuscita della “GranFondo delle Vette 2019”, svoltasi ieri a Camigliatello Silano in chiusura di una stagione invernale ricca di soddisfazioni che ha visto gli atleti dello sci nordico calabro lucano ottenere risultati significativi in numerose competizioni. Partenza da Macchia Sacra percorrendo la Strada delle Vette fino a Botte Donato e ritorno, per un percorso di 4, 10 o 20 km in una gara promozionale che ha visto la partecipazione di un centinaio fra atleti, amatori e accompagnatori e il supporto di Arsac e Parco Nazionale della Sila. Organizzazione perfetta a cura dello sci club Montenero, con la supervisione del responsabile FISI CAL Pino Mirarchi e la presenza in pista anche del Presidente Bianca Zupi. Ad assistere anche il Presidente provinciale FISI Enzo Mele. Vincitori assoluti della competizione sono stati Flavio Loria (sc Montenero) con il tempo di 1:03:43, Luigi Carravetta (sc Camigliatello) con 1:11:21 e Giovanni Izzi (sc Terranova di Pollino) con 1:25:58, seguiti da Francesco Bitonti (sc Montenero) e Marco Cincotti (sc Rotonda). Di seguito i risultati suddivisi per categorie. Pulcini maschile/femminile:, U12 – Cuccioli: 1- Loria Francesco – sc Montenero; 2- Minardi Giovanni – sc Montenero; 3- Todaro Antonio – sc Terranova di Pollino. 1- Mirarchi Stefania – sc Montenero; 2- Poggese Caterina – sc Terranova di Pollino; 3- Chiarello Antonia – sc Montenero. U10 – Baby maschile/femminile: 1- Pietro Caprara – sc Terranova di Pollino; 2- Oliverio Lorenzo – sc Montenero; 3- Lista Francesco – sc Terranova di Pollino. 1- Viola Gioia – sc Terranova di Pollino; 2- Poggese Agnese – sc Terranova di Pollino; 3- Lobarco Marta – sc Terranova di Pollino. U8 – SuperBaby maschile/femminile: 1- Tufaro Emiliano Alberico – sc Terranova di Pollino; 1- Loria Teresa – sc Montenero. Children maschile/femminile: 1- Mirarchi Giulio – sc Montenero; 2- Cincotti Andrea – sc Rotonda; 3- Oliverio Pasquale Patrick – sc Montenero. 1- Tiano Karol Antonietta – sc Montenero; 2- Mazzei Melania – sc Montenero; 3- Pignanelli Isabella – sc Montenero. GS femminile: 1- Colucci Donata Isabella – sc Terranova di Pollino; 2- Zupi Bianca – sc Camigliatello; 3- Forte Maria Vincenza – sc Rotonda. Amatori maschile/femminile: 1- Peluso Antonio; 2- Viggiani Giuseppe; 3- Silletta Giuseppe. 1- Gaynetdinova Zulfiya; 2- Guarascio Rosa; 3- Pignanelli Rosa.
Sole splendente, neve fresca e la bellissima cornice del Parco nazionale della Sila hanno contribuito alla perfetta riuscita della “GranFondo delle Vette 2019”, svoltasi ieri a Camigliatello Silano in chiusura di una stagione invernale ricca di soddisfazioni che ha visto gli atleti dello sci nordico calabro lucano ottenere risultati significativi in numerose competizioni. Partenza da Macchia Sacra percorrendo la Strada delle Vette fino a Botte Donato e ritorno, per un percorso di 4, 10 o 20 km in una gara promozionale che ha visto la partecipazione di un centinaio fra atleti, amatori e accompagnatori e il supporto di Arsac e Parco Nazionale della Sila. Organizzazione perfetta a cura dello sci club Montenero, con la supervisione del responsabile FISI CAL Pino Mirarchi e la presenza in pista anche del Presidente Bianca Zupi. Ad assistere anche il Presidente provinciale FISI Enzo Mele. Vincitori assoluti della competizione sono stati Flavio Loria (sc Montenero) con il tempo di 1:03:43, Luigi Carravetta (sc Camigliatello) con 1:11:21 e Giovanni Izzi (sc Terranova di Pollino) con 1:25:58, seguiti da Francesco Bitonti (sc Montenero) e Marco Cincotti (sc Rotonda). Di seguito i risultati suddivisi per categorie. Pulcini maschile/femminile:, U12 – Cuccioli: 1- Loria Francesco – sc Montenero; 2- Minardi Giovanni – sc Montenero; 3- Todaro Antonio – sc Terranova di Pollino. 1- Mirarchi Stefania – sc Montenero; 2- Poggese Caterina – sc Terranova di Pollino; 3- Chiarello Antonia – sc Montenero. U10 – Baby maschile/femminile: 1- Pietro Caprara – sc Terranova di Pollino; 2- Oliverio Lorenzo – sc Montenero; 3- Lista Francesco – sc Terranova di Pollino. 1- Viola Gioia – sc Terranova di Pollino; 2- Poggese Agnese – sc Terranova di Pollino; 3- Lobarco Marta – sc Terranova di Pollino. U8 – SuperBaby maschile/femminile: 1- Tufaro Emiliano Alberico – sc Terranova di Pollino; 1- Loria Teresa – sc Montenero. Children maschile/femminile: 1- Mirarchi Giulio – sc Montenero; 2- Cincotti Andrea – sc Rotonda; 3- Oliverio Pasquale Patrick – sc Montenero. 1- Tiano Karol Antonietta – sc Montenero; 2- Mazzei Melania – sc Montenero; 3- Pignanelli Isabella – sc Montenero. GS femminile: 1- Colucci Donata Isabella – sc Terranova di Pollino; 2- Zupi Bianca – sc Camigliatello; 3- Forte Maria Vincenza – sc Rotonda. Amatori maschile/femminile: 1- Peluso Antonio; 2- Viggiani Giuseppe; 3- Silletta Giuseppe. 1- Gaynetdinova Zulfiya; 2- Guarascio Rosa; 3- Pignanelli Rosa.
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newestbalance · 7 years ago
Papering over cracks, EU leaders claim summit victory on migration
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European Union leaders on Friday claimed success in reaching a hard-fought agreement to control immigration but it faced instant criticism as vague, hard to implement and a potential threat to human rights.
A woman adjusts flags ahead of European Union summit in Brussels, Belgium June 28, 2018. REUTERS/Yves Herman
Irregular migration has fallen steeply since 2015, when more than a million people entered the EU, but polls show it is still a top concern of the EU’s 500 million citizens.
(Migration and asylum in the EU: tmsnrt.rs/2txGJM3)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italy’s new Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte are under heavy pressure at home to ensure fewer people from across the Mediterranean end up on their soil, and east European leaders are bitterly opposed to taking them in.
The summit of all 28 EU leaders almost ended in acrimony as they pulled in opposite directions, met and broke off repeatedly throughout Thursday night, unable to reach agreement until dawn on Friday.
They agreed to tighten further the EU’s external borders and spend more money on projects in Africa intended to deter migration. But the wording of their joint statement was highly convoluted – a result of their diverging priorities.
“Europe decided, even if it takes her time. Europe wants to protect its citizens but also wants to live up to its laws and its history and the protection of the most vulnerable,” said French President Emmanuel Macron, who helped seal the deal after nine hours of talks.
Merkel has been seeking breathing space in a showdown with her coalition partner, the Bavaria-based Christian Social Union (CSU), who demand tougher controls on immigration.
She called the summit agreement a “right step in the right direction”.
“What we achieved here together is perhaps more than I had expected,” the EU’s longest-serving leader told reporters.
Conte, who demands that other EU states do far more to help Italy with migrants, hijacked the summit for several hours. He said later he had not promised Merkel Italy would take back people who have reached Germany after passing through Italy.
Such “secondary migration” is not supposed to happen under EU rules but has proven unstoppable inside Europe’s zone of control-free travel.
Conte stormed his first-ever EU summit with an initial threat to block any and all agreements from the gathering – which also touched on trade, security, Brexit and euro zone reform.
That forced the all-night negotiations and won praise from his hardline interior minister in Rome, Matteo Salvini.
Eventually, Conte secured language he said meant Italy would no longer be solely responsible for all the people rescued at sea, while Merkel won wording on combating secondary migration, which she needed back in Berlin.
The chairman of EU summits since 2014, Donald Tusk, said it was one of the most difficult rounds of talks of his career.
“It is far too early to talk about a success. We have managed to reach an agreement,” Tusk told a news conference. “But this is in fact the easiest part of the task, compared to what awaits us on the ground, when we start implementing it.”
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite admitted it was “a success” that the countries did not fall out with each other completely, while Spain’s new Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said it “wasn’t the best agreement … but it was an agreement”.
Their two countries represent two rival sides of the row. The coastal states on the Mediterranean want their EU peers to take in some new arrivals.
The ex-communist states in the EU’s east – led by Poland and Hungary – have mostly refused to host any migrants. That upsets wealthy destination countries like Germany as well as the southern countries.
The summit agreed any relocation of people across the bloc would only be voluntary, a welcome breakthrough for the easterners. Some diplomats said the compromise made the migration agreement contradictory and weak.
The EU offered more money for Syrian refugees in Turkey and EU agreed to seek a broad migration deal with Morocco. A 2016 one with Ankara cut off sea arrivals to Greece.
United Nations data shows only about 45,000 people have reached the EU by the sea so far this year, as the bloc has gradually grown more restrictive.
At the summit, EU leaders agreed to look into setting up sites around the Mediterranean – both inside and outside the EU – to handle asylum claims and send back those whose requests fail.
EU officials insist such places would not amount to “camps”.
The issue drew quick criticism from the charity Oxfam, which said EU leaders “respond to internal rows by reducing the space for asylum seekers” and “offload their responsibilities to countries outside the EU”.
To avert such criticism, the EU wants the U.N. agencies for refugees and migration to run such sites.
It was a sign of the depth of the EU’s divisions over migration that the crisis in Brexit negotiations came far down the summit agenda.
Leaders of the other 27 EU countries were united in stepping up the pressure on British Prime Minister Theresa May to overcome rifts in her government and move forward with all-but-stalled talks. There are only nine months to go before Britain leaves the EU.
“This is the last call to lay the cards on the table,” summit chairman Donald Tusk told reporters.
The bloc’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, repeated his warning that “time is short”.
In other summit business, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said he would visit Washington at the end of July in a bid to ease trade tensions after EU leaders pledged to react firmly against protectionism.
They also agreed on Friday the ESM bailout fund should play a bigger role in a more integrated euro zone, but left the details of that to December and difficult issues like a euro zone budget or deposit insurance for an undefined future.
Deeper euro zone integration has been championed by Macron since his election last year, but has run into opposition from Germany and its allies, wary of sharing more responsibility with other governments.
Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska, Jan Strupczewski, Elizabeth Piper, Alissa de Carbonnel, Richard Lough, Robert-Jan Bartunek, Philip Blenkinsop, Jean-Baptiste Vey, Andreas Rinke, Peter Maushagen, Noah Barkin, Robin Emmott and Francesco Guarascio; Writing by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Andrew Roche
The post Papering over cracks, EU leaders claim summit victory on migration appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2KuTGMX via Everyday News
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party-hard-or-die · 7 years ago
EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European leaders reached a deal on migration in the early hours of Friday, but the pledges made to strengthen borders were vague, and a bleary-eyed German Chancellor Angela Merkel conceded differences remained.
After nine hours of often stormy talks, EU leaders agreed to share out refugees arriving in the bloc on a voluntary basis and create “controlled centers” inside the European Union to process asylum requests.
They also agreed to share responsibility for migrants rescued at sea, a key demand of Italy’s new prime minister, Giuseppe Conte.
“Italy is not alone anymore,” he said.
Conte, whose government includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, had earlier refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had pledged to help Italy manage Mediterranean arrivals.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, whose far right League party campaigned to bar migrants fleeing Africa and expel those already in Italy, welcomed the deal, saying Italy had obtain 70 percent of what it had been seeking.
“Let’s see the concrete commitments,” Salvini said in a radio interview.
The summit underscored how Europe’s 2015 spike in immigration continues to haunt the bloc, despite a sharp drop in arrivals of people fleeing conflict and economic hardship in the Middle East and Africa.
It took place in an atmosphere of political crisis, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel under intense political pressure at home to take a firmer stance on migration.
Merkel, speaking to reporters at 5 a.m. (0300 GMT), sought to put a positive spin on the result, saying it was a good signal that leaders had been able to agree a common text.
But she acknowledged the bloc still had “a lot of work to do to bridge the different views.”
French President Emmanuel Macron, who has sharply criticized Italy for refusing to allow a migrant rescue ship into its ports, said European cooperation had “won the day”.
In a final statement full of convoluted language designed to satisfy the divergent views, the leaders agreed to restrict migrant moves within the bloc but made clear virtually all of their pledges would be carried out on a “voluntary basis” by member states.
They also agreed to tighten their external border and increase financing for Turkey, Morocco and other North African states to prevent migration to Europe.
Merkel’s coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which has threatened to shut Bavaria’s border to migrants – something that could trigger the collapse of her three-month-old government as well as the EU’s Schengen free-travel zone – gave the summit deal a cautious welcome.
CSU lawmaker Hans Michelbach told ARD television areas of the deal would be “difficult to implement” and that Merkel would have to discuss it with CSU leader, Horst Seehofer, in the coming days.
But he underlined the importance of the CSU’s ties with Merkel’s CDU: “We want to work together. The alliance with the CDU has absolute priority”.
EU leaders take part in a European Union summit in Brussels, Belgium June 28, 2018. Stephanie Lecocq/Pool via REUTERS
Diplomats described a tense, tortured meeting with small groups of leaders huddled together in a desperate bid to break the deadlock and avert the humiliation of heading home without an agreement.
Early in the evening, Merkel and Conte set aside 45 minutes for a chat, only to break it off after 20 minutes when the Italian rejected the German leader’s overtures, according to diplomats.
Before the dinner clash over migration started, Conte, head of a new government that includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had bowed to his demands to help Italy manage the Mediterranean arrivals.
That forced the summit chairman Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to cancel a pre-planned news conference.
“It is so toxic. They go into the room, clash, storm out, go back again, clash again. With no end in sight,” said one exasperated diplomat as dawn approached.
“It’s pure politics driving this, emotions are flying as high as back in 2015,” another EU diplomat said.
Fewer than 45,000 migrants have made it to the European Union this year, according to U.N. data, a sharp drop from 2015 when many thousands were entering on a daily basis.
But the political tremors are still being felt across Europe, with populist, anti-immigrant parties on the rise in many countries.
Slideshow (12 Images)
Ex-communist easterners, led by Poland and Hungary, are still refusing to accept a share of the new arrivals to alleviate the burden on countries such as Italy and Greece.
Reporting by Francesco Guarascio, Philip Blenkinsop, Robert-Jan Bartunek, Alissa de Carbonnel, Robin Emmott, Jan Strupczewski, Noah Barkin, Richard Lough, Jean-Baptiste Vey, Elizabeth Piper, Andreas Rinke, Peter Maushagen and Gabriela Baczynska; Writing by Noah Barkin and Gabriela Baczynska; editing by William Maclean and Robin Pomeroy
The post EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2yQgUfm via Breaking News
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dani-qrt · 7 years ago
EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European leaders reached a deal on migration in the early hours of Friday, but the pledges made to strengthen borders were vague, and a bleary-eyed German Chancellor Angela Merkel conceded differences remained.
After nine hours of often stormy talks, EU leaders agreed to share out refugees arriving in the bloc on a voluntary basis and create “controlled centers” inside the European Union to process asylum requests.
They also agreed to share responsibility for migrants rescued at sea, a key demand of Italy’s new prime minister, Giuseppe Conte.
“Italy is not alone anymore,” he said.
Conte, whose government includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, had earlier refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had pledged to help Italy manage Mediterranean arrivals.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, whose far right League party campaigned to bar migrants fleeing Africa and expel those already in Italy, welcomed the deal, saying Italy had obtain 70 percent of what it had been seeking.
“Let’s see the concrete commitments,” Salvini said in a radio interview.
The summit underscored how Europe’s 2015 spike in immigration continues to haunt the bloc, despite a sharp drop in arrivals of people fleeing conflict and economic hardship in the Middle East and Africa.
It took place in an atmosphere of political crisis, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel under intense political pressure at home to take a firmer stance on migration.
Merkel, speaking to reporters at 5 a.m. (0300 GMT), sought to put a positive spin on the result, saying it was a good signal that leaders had been able to agree a common text.
But she acknowledged the bloc still had “a lot of work to do to bridge the different views.”
French President Emmanuel Macron, who has sharply criticized Italy for refusing to allow a migrant rescue ship into its ports, said European cooperation had “won the day”.
In a final statement full of convoluted language designed to satisfy the divergent views, the leaders agreed to restrict migrant moves within the bloc but made clear virtually all of their pledges would be carried out on a “voluntary basis” by member states.
They also agreed to tighten their external border and increase financing for Turkey, Morocco and other North African states to prevent migration to Europe.
Merkel’s coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which has threatened to shut Bavaria’s border to migrants – something that could trigger the collapse of her three-month-old government as well as the EU’s Schengen free-travel zone – gave the summit deal a cautious welcome.
CSU lawmaker Hans Michelbach told ARD television areas of the deal would be “difficult to implement” and that Merkel would have to discuss it with CSU leader, Horst Seehofer, in the coming days.
But he underlined the importance of the CSU’s ties with Merkel’s CDU: “We want to work together. The alliance with the CDU has absolute priority”.
EU leaders take part in a European Union summit in Brussels, Belgium June 28, 2018. Stephanie Lecocq/Pool via REUTERS
Diplomats described a tense, tortured meeting with small groups of leaders huddled together in a desperate bid to break the deadlock and avert the humiliation of heading home without an agreement.
Early in the evening, Merkel and Conte set aside 45 minutes for a chat, only to break it off after 20 minutes when the Italian rejected the German leader’s overtures, according to diplomats.
Before the dinner clash over migration started, Conte, head of a new government that includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had bowed to his demands to help Italy manage the Mediterranean arrivals.
That forced the summit chairman Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to cancel a pre-planned news conference.
“It is so toxic. They go into the room, clash, storm out, go back again, clash again. With no end in sight,” said one exasperated diplomat as dawn approached.
“It’s pure politics driving this, emotions are flying as high as back in 2015,” another EU diplomat said.
Fewer than 45,000 migrants have made it to the European Union this year, according to U.N. data, a sharp drop from 2015 when many thousands were entering on a daily basis.
But the political tremors are still being felt across Europe, with populist, anti-immigrant parties on the rise in many countries.
Slideshow (12 Images)
Ex-communist easterners, led by Poland and Hungary, are still refusing to accept a share of the new arrivals to alleviate the burden on countries such as Italy and Greece.
Reporting by Francesco Guarascio, Philip Blenkinsop, Robert-Jan Bartunek, Alissa de Carbonnel, Robin Emmott, Jan Strupczewski, Noah Barkin, Richard Lough, Jean-Baptiste Vey, Elizabeth Piper, Andreas Rinke, Peter Maushagen and Gabriela Baczynska; Writing by Noah Barkin and Gabriela Baczynska; editing by William Maclean and Robin Pomeroy
The post EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2yQgUfm via Online News
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dragnews · 7 years ago
EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European leaders reached a deal on migration in the early hours of Friday, but the pledges made to strengthen borders were vague, and a bleary-eyed German Chancellor Angela Merkel conceded differences remained.
After nine hours of often stormy talks, EU leaders agreed to share out refugees arriving in the bloc on a voluntary basis and create “controlled centers” inside the European Union to process asylum requests.
They also agreed to share responsibility for migrants rescued at sea, a key demand of Italy’s new prime minister, Giuseppe Conte.
“Italy is not alone anymore,” he said.
Conte, whose government includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, had earlier refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had pledged to help Italy manage Mediterranean arrivals.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, whose far right League party campaigned to bar migrants fleeing Africa and expel those already in Italy, welcomed the deal, saying Italy had obtain 70 percent of what it had been seeking.
“Let’s see the concrete commitments,” Salvini said in a radio interview.
The summit underscored how Europe’s 2015 spike in immigration continues to haunt the bloc, despite a sharp drop in arrivals of people fleeing conflict and economic hardship in the Middle East and Africa.
It took place in an atmosphere of political crisis, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel under intense political pressure at home to take a firmer stance on migration.
Merkel, speaking to reporters at 5 a.m. (0300 GMT), sought to put a positive spin on the result, saying it was a good signal that leaders had been able to agree a common text.
But she acknowledged the bloc still had “a lot of work to do to bridge the different views.”
French President Emmanuel Macron, who has sharply criticized Italy for refusing to allow a migrant rescue ship into its ports, said European cooperation had “won the day”.
In a final statement full of convoluted language designed to satisfy the divergent views, the leaders agreed to restrict migrant moves within the bloc but made clear virtually all of their pledges would be carried out on a “voluntary basis” by member states.
They also agreed to tighten their external border and increase financing for Turkey, Morocco and other North African states to prevent migration to Europe.
Merkel’s coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which has threatened to shut Bavaria’s border to migrants – something that could trigger the collapse of her three-month-old government as well as the EU’s Schengen free-travel zone – gave the summit deal a cautious welcome.
CSU lawmaker Hans Michelbach told ARD television areas of the deal would be “difficult to implement” and that Merkel would have to discuss it with CSU leader, Horst Seehofer, in the coming days.
But he underlined the importance of the CSU’s ties with Merkel’s CDU: “We want to work together. The alliance with the CDU has absolute priority”.
EU leaders take part in a European Union summit in Brussels, Belgium June 28, 2018. Stephanie Lecocq/Pool via REUTERS
Diplomats described a tense, tortured meeting with small groups of leaders huddled together in a desperate bid to break the deadlock and avert the humiliation of heading home without an agreement.
Early in the evening, Merkel and Conte set aside 45 minutes for a chat, only to break it off after 20 minutes when the Italian rejected the German leader’s overtures, according to diplomats.
Before the dinner clash over migration started, Conte, head of a new government that includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had bowed to his demands to help Italy manage the Mediterranean arrivals.
That forced the summit chairman Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to cancel a pre-planned news conference.
“It is so toxic. They go into the room, clash, storm out, go back again, clash again. With no end in sight,” said one exasperated diplomat as dawn approached.
“It’s pure politics driving this, emotions are flying as high as back in 2015,” another EU diplomat said.
Fewer than 45,000 migrants have made it to the European Union this year, according to U.N. data, a sharp drop from 2015 when many thousands were entering on a daily basis.
But the political tremors are still being felt across Europe, with populist, anti-immigrant parties on the rise in many countries.
Slideshow (12 Images)
Ex-communist easterners, led by Poland and Hungary, are still refusing to accept a share of the new arrivals to alleviate the burden on countries such as Italy and Greece.
Reporting by Francesco Guarascio, Philip Blenkinsop, Robert-Jan Bartunek, Alissa de Carbonnel, Robin Emmott, Jan Strupczewski, Noah Barkin, Richard Lough, Jean-Baptiste Vey, Elizabeth Piper, Andreas Rinke, Peter Maushagen and Gabriela Baczynska; Writing by Noah Barkin and Gabriela Baczynska; editing by William Maclean and Robin Pomeroy
The post EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2yQgUfm via Today News
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cleopatrarps · 7 years ago
EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – European leaders reached a deal on migration in the early hours of Friday, but the pledges made to strengthen borders were vague, and a bleary-eyed German Chancellor Angela Merkel conceded differences remained.
After nine hours of often stormy talks, EU leaders agreed to share out refugees arriving in the bloc on a voluntary basis and create “controlled centers” inside the European Union to process asylum requests.
They also agreed to share responsibility for migrants rescued at sea, a key demand of Italy’s new prime minister, Giuseppe Conte.
“Italy is not alone anymore,” he said.
Conte, whose government includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, had earlier refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had pledged to help Italy manage Mediterranean arrivals.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, whose far right League party campaigned to bar migrants fleeing Africa and expel those already in Italy, welcomed the deal, saying Italy had obtain 70 percent of what it had been seeking.
“Let’s see the concrete commitments,” Salvini said in a radio interview.
The summit underscored how Europe’s 2015 spike in immigration continues to haunt the bloc, despite a sharp drop in arrivals of people fleeing conflict and economic hardship in the Middle East and Africa.
It took place in an atmosphere of political crisis, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel under intense political pressure at home to take a firmer stance on migration.
Merkel, speaking to reporters at 5 a.m. (0300 GMT), sought to put a positive spin on the result, saying it was a good signal that leaders had been able to agree a common text.
But she acknowledged the bloc still had “a lot of work to do to bridge the different views.”
French President Emmanuel Macron, who has sharply criticized Italy for refusing to allow a migrant rescue ship into its ports, said European cooperation had “won the day”.
In a final statement full of convoluted language designed to satisfy the divergent views, the leaders agreed to restrict migrant moves within the bloc but made clear virtually all of their pledges would be carried out on a “voluntary basis” by member states.
They also agreed to tighten their external border and increase financing for Turkey, Morocco and other North African states to prevent migration to Europe.
Merkel’s coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which has threatened to shut Bavaria’s border to migrants – something that could trigger the collapse of her three-month-old government as well as the EU’s Schengen free-travel zone – gave the summit deal a cautious welcome.
CSU lawmaker Hans Michelbach told ARD television areas of the deal would be “difficult to implement” and that Merkel would have to discuss it with CSU leader, Horst Seehofer, in the coming days.
But he underlined the importance of the CSU’s ties with Merkel’s CDU: “We want to work together. The alliance with the CDU has absolute priority”.
EU leaders take part in a European Union summit in Brussels, Belgium June 28, 2018. Stephanie Lecocq/Pool via REUTERS
Diplomats described a tense, tortured meeting with small groups of leaders huddled together in a desperate bid to break the deadlock and avert the humiliation of heading home without an agreement.
Early in the evening, Merkel and Conte set aside 45 minutes for a chat, only to break it off after 20 minutes when the Italian rejected the German leader’s overtures, according to diplomats.
Before the dinner clash over migration started, Conte, head of a new government that includes the anti-establishment 5-Star movement and far-right League, refused to endorse a summit text on security and trade until other leaders had bowed to his demands to help Italy manage the Mediterranean arrivals.
That forced the summit chairman Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to cancel a pre-planned news conference.
“It is so toxic. They go into the room, clash, storm out, go back again, clash again. With no end in sight,” said one exasperated diplomat as dawn approached.
“It’s pure politics driving this, emotions are flying as high as back in 2015,” another EU diplomat said.
Fewer than 45,000 migrants have made it to the European Union this year, according to U.N. data, a sharp drop from 2015 when many thousands were entering on a daily basis.
But the political tremors are still being felt across Europe, with populist, anti-immigrant parties on the rise in many countries.
Slideshow (12 Images)
Ex-communist easterners, led by Poland and Hungary, are still refusing to accept a share of the new arrivals to alleviate the burden on countries such as Italy and Greece.
Reporting by Francesco Guarascio, Philip Blenkinsop, Robert-Jan Bartunek, Alissa de Carbonnel, Robin Emmott, Jan Strupczewski, Noah Barkin, Richard Lough, Jean-Baptiste Vey, Elizabeth Piper, Andreas Rinke, Peter Maushagen and Gabriela Baczynska; Writing by Noah Barkin and Gabriela Baczynska; editing by William Maclean and Robin Pomeroy
The post EU cuts migration deal after marathon talks, differences remain appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2yQgUfm via News of World
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