#And yet Donatello was lamented as being treated poorly in canon and having ‘missed potential’ instead
One nasty thing about anti-fandoms, even with regards works with legitimate issues, can be when they suddenly think they have the moral upper hand on an issue. But then not five minutes later they can show themselves off as simply hypocritical/opportunistic or at least shockingly un-self aware.
One example: They may try to glob onto the fact that day a piece of work perhaps has issues with misogyny. This may even be completely accurate or at least arguable in being the case.
The critics may use it as a reason to rake it over the coals and seem very gleeful over the fact they can hate on a work for moral reasons. But then the same critics very clearly show how misogynistic they are given which characters they particularly despise.
The female characters are characters where the visceral hatred they have for them in their screeds are simply dripping from the page. But the male characters at worst are lamented as being ‘wasted’ and deserve to be ‘saved’ from the work they’re in. They may even be (wrongly) stated as being the ‘only well written part’ of the work.
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