#And yes this is me arguing for autistic Connor my beloved
hamartia-grander · 2 years
Saw someone arguing that (dbh) androids can't be any form of neurodivergent, but especially autistic, because they "weren't programmed to be" and I just. Like did you play/see the game. You do understand going against their programming is the point right. Don't attempt to mask your ableism the same way Cyberlife would. If we can agree that androids have the capacity to feel, and think, we must also agree that androids have the capacity to feel, and think, in different ways - including typically neurodivergent ways. Of course the androids wouldn't have been programmed with neurodivergency, mostly because of ableism, but they'd definitely be capable of neurodivergency, especially after deviating. They have no control over their emotions at first, remember? Lots of deviants have learned social behaviour which is what a lot of aspec/neurodivergent people, myself included, do. If one has the ability to adopt social behaviours and emotional responses, why would they pick boring neurotypical ones?? They weren't meant to feel either, but they do. Neurodivergent androids>>>
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