#And yeah I'm not touching that new twin stuff with a ten-foot pole
dnalt-d2 · 1 year
Right, so I tried cooking a theory, and I think I'm getting to the right track, but I'm worried I might've gotten some wires crossed. I'm gonna write what I have below, and if you agree or disagree with certain parts, please let me know. I'm a little limited in who I'm able to watch, so this might mean I just straight-up don't have all the information available. If anyone can fill in some holes, that'd be great. A lot of this is just me getting my thoughts in order in a place where other people can contribute.
(And note: This kinda relates to a Theory I already made not too long ago, so check that out real quick if you want to. TL;DR is that I think that alongside the Federation and the Resistance, that there's possibly some other Third Faction. Something that a lot of people seem to also be thinking at this point)
Now, this is all going to be really complicated, but remember how I said there were Three Factions before? The Federation, the Resistance, and some Third Unidentified Group? I think I might have some more ideas on this Third Group. I mostly have two, really. One is that this guy Cellbit was just talking to is a part of this Group. Not only that, but I think that there are some Codes working for them. (Remember how people have been talking about "Good" and "Bad" Codes?) CodeFlippa is likely one of the Codes working for them. This would explain why some of the Codes seem to be working against the members (Attacking Maximus is the main example I can think of, leading directly to his manipulation at the hands of Cucurucho regarding his new infection) While others seem to be working against the Federation and anyone on their side (The Codes attacking the Eggs multiple times, and Cellbit that one time)
Now the second thing I'm thinking is that they've been working from within the Federation, trying to work against them from the inside. This means that they only have the information that the Federation would have, which is why CodeFlippa doesn't seem to know where the eggs are. The Feds don't know, which means this Inside Group doesn't know either. This new guy that Cellbit was just talking to is almost certainly part of this Group. I don't think Walter Bob is, due to the fact that the new Mystery guy seemed surprised that Cellbit has the password for the Main Channel. However, I do ALSO think that Fred is working with them. Remember how it seemed to be Fred who led them to the maze in the first place? (Though that could've easily been some other blue-hat worker, I'll admit) But he also said in his report on Fit, that he could relate to him working for the Federation despite hating them. That means we have three possible people working for this Third Group, as well as possible some Codes.
But what does this mean for the Eggs? Well, I seem to recall that Etoiles said that the picture with Leo might've looked like the Resistance Base he found once. So here's my theory regarding that.
(This last part is the one with the most holes in it, so if anyone has any thoughts regarding it, please reblog or comment. I feel like I'm getting close, but I might have some things backwards. I'll put more details about that at the end though, so if you don't agree with my thory so far, please check that out)
I think the Resistance are the ones responsible for the Eggs disappearance. We've heard that the Eggs ran away on their own, which could possible be true (Though I don't know how Cucurucho would know that. For all we know he was lying, but possibly not? Idk) I think that maybe the Resistance knows how important these eggs are to keeping the islanders in line, and seeing an opportunity to throw things into chaos, decided to take the eggs, either trying to save them from this Big Evil that they're worried about, or simply wanting to screw over the Feds. Either way, they have the kids. But where are they? Well, I still think that the other dimension theory is true. But I also think that the Resistance are IN this other dimension. This all relies on the rest of my theory being true, and that brings in something that might be a problem for me.
I think I started to get some things backwards, and I'm worried that if I keep going, I'll run into some confirmation bias. I realized as I was writing this that some of the stuff I was thinking didn't make a whole lot of sense. Mainly that if the Codes are working for the Third Group and NOT the Resistance, why would the Code lead Etoiles to a Resistance Base? I could just say that "Oh well the Third Group wants strong people to be against the Federation!" But like I said, that would just feel like confirmation bias, like I'm trying to fit everything into a conclusion I've already come to. So unfortunately, I don't know if much or any of my theory is true, but I'm gonna put it here anyway, mostly because I wanna see if anyone else can make sense of this all based on the information I put together here.
Here are the facts we have
--There are at least two Groups: The Federation and the Resistance, but possible a Third Unidentified Group, working from within the Federation
--Fred and CodeFlippa respectively led people to the maze, then guided them the maze to the dice room, which means they could know something about the maze and tickets/where they lead
--According to Cucurucho, the Eggs left because of some Big Bad Threat we don't know about
--The Eggs are most likely in some other dimension
--CodeFlippa is CLAIMING not to know where the eggs are, or about going through the maze
--Etoiles was led to the Resistance Base by information given to him by the Code
--This new guy claims to be the one who started Cellbit on that huge manhunt enigma a while back that led to the sword, but look how that ended up
And the final, most important fact
--My mind is an absolute mess of details and anticipation for tomorrow's event, where this will all likely be proven true or false, but regardless, will probably destroy people emotionally, including and ESPECIALLY me.
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