#And works maintaining the Blades stadium ice rink
masked-alien-lesbian · 7 months
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Oh no she's hot! 😭 no don't do it...don't make another oc LI for a hot unromanceable side character, you dumb whore
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dmvalerts · 7 years
Bowie E-News
Bowie: Bowie E-News October 2017News October is Domestic Violence Awareness MonthThe Bowie Police Department, in conjunction with the Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Office and other municipalities, will light up the front of the City’s Police Department with purple light to raise awareness about the problem of domestic violence in our communities. For more information, contact the Bowie Police Department at 240-544-5700 or visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence website at www.ncadv.org.Coffee with a Cop – October 4The Bowie Police Department will be hosting Coffee with a Cop on October 4, 2017, from 8 - 10 a.m. at the Starbucks at Free State Shopping Center on Annapolis Road. Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and community members together - over coffee - to discuss issues and learn more about each other. Federal Realty Investment Trust, which owns the shopping center, and Starbucks will provide FREE Starbucks coffee to all police and community members who come out for this event, while supplies last.Bowie International Festival – October 7Experience the cultures of many countries as you travel around the world in one day at the Bowie International Festival, Saturday, October 7, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Allen Pond Park. There will be entertainment for everyone - from a Chinese dragon and the music of Australia, to dancers from Europe, Asia and South America, as well as, bands representing the heritage of Africa, Jamaica, and Ireland. Enjoy food from different countries and artisans selling everything from jewelry to crafts and clothing. Children can travel around the world with their “passports” and enjoy activities, stories and games from many cultures. Admission to the International Festival is free and parking is available in the park or on local streets. For information, contact Matt Corley, Special Events Manager at 301-809-3078 or [email protected] or visit http://bit.ly/2yOOtdA Employees to Receive Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT) Lifersaver AwardWe are pleased to announce that City Parks & Grounds employees Michael Fitzpatrick and Tony Bullock will receive this year’s Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT) Lifesaver Award. On March 21, 2017, while traveling northbound on MD Route 197, these employees saw a vehicle strike a median, flip over, and land upside down across from the Bowie Town Center. They immediately stopped their vehicle and rushed to assist. Mr. Fitzpatrick called 911 while Mr. Bullock went to check on the condition of the driver. When the driver was found to be conscious but unable to move, Tony grabbed the driver’s clothing and physically removed him from the vehicle. Michael also assisted in moving the driver to safety. Shortly thereafter, the vehicle caught fire. Had they not stopped and taken such decisive action, there is a strong possibility that the driver would have perished in the burning vehicle. The Lifesaver Award will be presented during the LGIT Annual Meeting on October 26 at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis. Congratulations to Michael Fitzpatrick and Tony Bullock for their quick thinking and exceptional performance! Joan Christian and Mary Nusser Inducted into City’s Hall of HonorThe Hall of Honor was created to recognize those residents of Bowie who have made “major and lasting contributions” to the City. The first inductees were honored in 1994. A nominee to the Hall of Honor must be deceased for at least one year as of the nomination deadline; have made both a major and lasting contribution to the City of Bowie; and, have been a resident of the City of Bowie either during the time of his/her contribution, or at the time of death. On Saturday, September 23, 2017, Joan Christian and Mary Nusser were inducted into the Hall of Honor. Joan Christian served the City in many significant ways - as a proud columnist for the Bowie Blade-News with her “Joan’s Journey” column; as a member of the City’s Diversity Task Force; and as a member of the Bowie Regional Arts Vision Association. She also founded the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Committee to annually recognize Dr. King’s legacy and recognize local community residents who shared his principles. Additionally, Joan was a founding member of the Grovehurst Homeowners Association, first President of the Grovehurst HOA Board and a member of the South Bowie Branch Library Committee. She lobbied tirelessly for many years in support of construction of the South Bowie Branch of the Library. Mary Nusser graduated from Bowie High School in 1973 and maintained a lifelong commitment to the school and the City. She organized student orientations, planned and ran career days, helped with school field trips, produced concerts for the music scholarship program, and organized and led after prom activities that kept students safe. Mary served as President, Vice President, and Treasurer of the Bowie High Parent Teacher Student Organization. She assisted in creating anti-truancy initiatives with the local police. She actively supported causes involving animal rights, human trafficking, veterans, tsunami relief, hurricane relief, cancer walks, and so many more. Her largest contribution to the City of Bowie was helping to establish the Bowie Center for the Performing Arts, an 800-seat auditorium and 150-seat recital hall attached to Bowie High School that formally opened on August 21, 2004. Indoor Sports Facility Project Moves ForwardAt its regular meeting on September 18, 2017, the City Council considered the matter of the Indoor Sports Facility. In the spring, revised estimates for the project to build two ice rinks and five courts at a site on Church Road put the total cost at between $36 and $39 million, considerably higher than the approved budget of $23 million. After considering a number of options at its meeting on September 18th, the City Council voted to reduce the plan to two ice rinks and no courts, at a cost of $24,401,000. The facility will be constructed on the City-owned Church Road site.Belair Drive Traffic Calming Stakeholder Meeting – October 10 at 7 p.m.The approved Conceptual Site Plan for the Melford property requires the implementation of traffic calming measures along Belair Drive between MD 3 and Kenhill Drive, including four or more locations for traffic calming devices. The developer, St. John Properties, has worked with the City’s Department of Public Works to create a traffic calming improvement plan for Belair Drive, between Kenhill Drive and Beechtree Lane. The improvements will slow vehicle speeds and act as a deterrent to outside traffic traveling through the Belair Drive neighborhood. The purpose of the Stakeholders Meeting is to discuss the proposed improvements and provide an opportunity to address any questions or concerns residents may have about the project. The Stakeholders Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 10 at 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Kenhill Center, 2614 Kenhill Drive. Upon request, sign language and/or other accommodations will be provided. For more information, please contact the City’s Engineering Superintendent, Mike Schramm at 301-809-2341 or [email protected]. MAGLEV Open House – October 14 at Bowie State UniversityThe Maryland Department of Transportation will host an open house to share information about the Baltimore-Washington SCMAGLEV (superconducting magnetic levitation) Project on Saturday, October 14, 2017, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bowie State University’s Student Center. (After entering campus through the main gate, the Student Center building is to the right off of the traffic circle. Parking is available next to the building.) This event is one of five open houses being held throughout the region during October. Preliminary analysis of six potential routes, including four that would pass through or very near Bowie, has been underway for several months. Officials will be sharing the results of that preliminary analysis and will be providing information about which routes are being recommended for further detailed study at this event. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/2x2XGlm Police Explorers Post 1916 Recruiting New MembersAre you between the ages of 14 and 20 and interested in a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system? The Bowie Police Department is currently recruiting new members for its Explorers Post #1916. Explorers participate in activities that allow them to have hands-on experience with police officers in their roles within the community. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/1CCZgjW or call the Bowie Police Department at 240-544-5700.Midwood Lane Stormwater Pond Improvements UnderwayAs part of their stormwater permit requirements, Bowie and most communities across the state must improve the quality of water entering their streams, which flow to the Chesapeake Bay. The City’s first stormwater pond upgrade to meet these requirements is underway at Midwood Lane. The project will modify the current dry stormwater detention area to a pond with a permanent pool that will provide the desired water quality improvements. Preliminary work includes site clearing and relocation of a sanitary sewer line. Work began in early September and should be completed by January 2018. Question can be directed to Tiffany Wright at 301-809-3043 or [email protected]’s Bouncing at the City Gym? • Morning Walking Weekdays, 8:30 - 10 a.m.• Pickleball Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Learn to play!• Coed Recreational Volleyball Fridays, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. No experience needed. Come make new friends, have fun and get some exercise. • Coed Drop-In Volleyball Wednesdays, 7 - 9 p.m. Players are needed. Call the Gym for more information.• Senior Fit Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 - 10 a.m. Hosted by Holy Cross Hospital at the Gym. Participants must register with Holy Cross. For information and registration, call Sara McKechnie at 301-754-7895. • Meeting Room Rentals Available Groups of up to 35 can be accommodated. $25 per hour. Call 301-809-2388 for availability. For more information on any of these programs, contact the City Gym at 301-809-2388.Prescription Drug Take Back – October 28Dispose of unused/unwanted drugs in a safe manner on Saturday, October 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Bowie Police Department, 15901 Excalibur Road. For more information, contact 240-544-5700 or visit http://bit.ly/2x18CQq on Ice – October 29Celebrate Halloween at the Ice Arena on October 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Bowie Ice Arena. Wear a costume or bring a canned good for free admission. Wear a costume AND bring a canned good for free skate rental too. Costume contest, treat bags and lots of skating fun for the whole family! For information, call the Ice Arena at 301-809-3090 or visit http://bit.ly/1IRkWN4. Leaf Collection Begins October 30The City’s leaf collection service begins October 30. Each neighborhood will have two collection dates. Residents should rake leaves into piles at the edge of their grass for pickup. Do not rake leaves into the street. Also, please do not park cars or place trash in front of the leaves as this makes it difficult for City crews to maneuver equipment to reach the leaves. Collection will take place from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. according to the schedule that will be available soon at http://bit.ly/2e8fG1R. Crews will work rain or shine. In the event of snow or ice storms, leaf collection will be temporarily suspended, as the trucks and crews will be redeployed to salt or plow City streets. For information, please call the Public Works Department at 301-809-2344.Green Bowie• Energy Audit Program - Save money and improve the comfort of your home with a no-cost BGE comprehensive energy audit available to Bowie homeowners. Complete an application online at http://bit.ly/1Xd1ch0 or in the Planning Department at City Hall, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Beautify Bowie - Plant a Tree - Add beauty, shade, and privacy to your yard. Tree rebates of $50 and $100 are available for City residents who would like to purchase up to two trees to plant on their property. Trees can be purchased at any Maryland nursery or store this year and there are 11 native species of trees eligible for rebates. Applications and details at http://bit.ly/1Dt6yvL. For information, contact Ashleigh Armentrout at 301-809-3044 or [email protected] City of Bowie Water FeesCustomers of the City’s Water & Sewer System have a new fee on their bills. The “Renewal and Replacement Fee” was put in place July 1 to help pay for the replacement of aging pipes in the water distribution system. The City’s system was constructed in the early 1960s when much of Levitt Bowie was developed. The system provides service to approximately 7,900 customers, which is less than 40% of all City households. Now over 50 years old, it is in need of upgrading. The Water System consists of the water treatment plant, 90 miles of water mains, three water storage tanks and six water wells. The Sewer System consists of the wastewater treatment plant, 85 miles of collection mains and eight pumping stations. The costs of the system are borne by the system’s customers. No tax revenue supports the system. In order to pay for the necessary upgrades, a new quarterly fee of $22.75 was imposed on July 1, 2017. Work on upgrading the pipes will take place this year in Long Ridge and will continue over the next several years throughout the entire system.There will also be a rate increase for Fiscal Year 2018. The water rate increase is $.23 per thousand gallons and $.34 for sewer services. This will pay for increased costs associated with managing the system. Between the new fee and the rate increase, customers should expect their bill to be approximately $30 more per quarter.Top Gardens HonoredThe yard of Ryan McNally captured the top award for the 2017 Distinguished Yard at the 22nd Annual Beautification Awards held at City Hall. This event was cosponsored by Soroptimist International of Bowie-Crofton. Thanks to all of the nominees who work to make Bowie a beautiful place to live, and our thanks to the program sponsors, Patuxent Nursery and Frank’s Garden Center, for providing prizes and decorations. For a complete list of winners visit http://bit.ly/2yMs804 Awarded Dog Park GrantThe City is pleased to announce that it recently received a $10,000 grant from PetSafe for use in maintaining the Dog Park. Bowie is one of 25 cities across the country to receive an award from PetSafe, an industry leader in the development of innovative pet behavioral, containment and lifestyle product solutions. The grant will help the City maintain the mulch surface in the park. The Dog Park is a one-acre facility where dogs may run off leash. It is located at 3600 Northview Drive. City Applies for Federal Crime Prevention GrantThe City submitted a grant application in response to the US Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (BJAG) Program FY 2017. The BJAG program provides federal criminal justice funding to states and local governments to prevent or reduce crime and violence. If awarded, funding would provide technology upgrades to enhance training facilities, increase training cost effectiveness, increase the availability of training and provide live interactive web-based viewing capabilities for City police officers, staff, community safety groups, plus officers and agencies from neighboring jurisdictions. Visit http://bit.ly/1Q5BiGZ to review the City’s filing, or stop by the front desk at City Hall from September 17 to October 13, 2017 to view a copy of the application. Please send questions or comments to [email protected] Foxes in BowieBowie Animal Control receives calls daily regarding foxes in residential neighborhoods. It may surprise you to know that foxes were first introduced to Maryland in the mid-eighteenth century. Over the years they have learned to coexist with humans in urban settings. Sightings of gray foxes are increasing. They are taller and longer than the red fox. Gray foxes are described as having a grizzled gray on top with reddish color below and on the back of their head; tail with a black tip; and white on the throat. Animal Control encourages everyone to respect their existence. However, if any wild animal is exhibiting abnormal behavior; contact Bowie Animal Control at 301-809-3002.Outreach Grants Awarded The Community Outreach Committee (COC) advises the City Council on matters pertaining to human needs and resources in the community. Each year the Committee awards grants to support programs related to its mission. This year the following grants were awarded:• Diabetes Prevention Program - designed for people who have prediabetes or are at risk for type 2 diabetes. A trained lifestyle coach will help Bowie residents to eat healthier, reduce stress and get more physical exercise. This 26-week program will be held at the Bowie City Gymnasium.• Am I My Sister’s Keeper - designed to empower, support and encourage women who are coping with domestic abuse. Sessions are planned on building self-esteem, job preparedness and resume writing, money management, health and wellness, housing, and youth and teen support. Sessions will occur monthly from October to May at City Hall.• Domestic Violence Counseling - designed to help three different populations who experience domestic violence; women, particularly those who are homeless; men who have been victims of female domestic violence; and male LGTBQ community members who have been victims of same-sex domestic violence by their spouse or domestic partner. Support group meetings will be held twice monthly for ten months at Grace Lutheran Church on Belair Drive. Registration information for these programs will be available on the City website and on local media.Bowie Art ExhibitsThe All I Have is a Photograph exhibit at the City Hall Art Gallery runs until November 18. Please stop by to view the exhibit any time City Hall is open. For more information, contact Matt Corley a [email protected] or 301-809-3078. JobsThe City of Bowie is seeking applicants for the following positions:• Bus Driver – Senior Center (open)• Police Officer – Entry Level and Lateral (open)• Equipment Operator – Streets Division (closes 10/13/2017)Visit http://bit.ly/1zzVBTI for more information or to apply.Donations for Hurricane VictimsThrough generous donations from our community, $5850 was raised for the victims of Hurricane Harvey and a truckload of toiletries and basic supplies were sent to law enforcement officials in Texas.To assist the victims of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, City Council is expected to approve a $10,000 donation to an organization called Americares at its meeting on October 2, 2017. The donation will specify that $5,000 go toward their Hurricane Irma relief efforts in Florida and the other $5,000 to their Hurricane Maria relief work in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The charity spends 98.1% of its funds on the programs and services it delivers. They are deployed throughout the impacted areas, providing critical shipments of medicine and supplies for hurricane victims. They are also helping to assess and provide for the ongoing medical needs in areas that are expected to be without power and permanent facilities for some time to come. The American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) Recognizes City ProgramThe City of Bowie’s tree rebate program is among more than 100 inspiring ideas from 50 states featured in AARP’s 2017 edition of Where We Live: Communities for All Ages. The annual publication highlights inspiring ideas and solutions from America's community leaders to improve their communities, respond to pressing issues, and build partnerships. Learn more about our tree rebate program at http://bit.ly/2x2XK4A. Bowie Youth & Family Services GroupsBowie Youth & Family Services is located at the Kenhill Center. They are offering the following groups this fall: ADHD Group for Children and Parents; Active Parenting; Girls Count; and Grief Support Group for 7 to 11 year-olds. Please call 301-809-3033 for details. Bowie Volunteer Fire Department (BVFD) Open HouseThe BVFD will host its annual Fire Prevention Day at Station 39 at Free State Shopping Center on Saturday, October 7, from 11 a.m. 3 p.m. Are You Prepared for Emergencies?Recent disasters are a timely reminder of the importance of personal emergency preparedness. Please visit our emergency preparedness page on the City website at http://bit.ly/1Q73Yjd for suggestions, checklists, and other tips to help you be prepared before disaster strikes.Halloween Trick or Treat - Tuesday, October 31Halloween is Tuesday, October 31st . Suggested hours for trick or treating are 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Bowie Police Department reminds trick or treaters and their parents to watch out for cars, carry a flashlight, and check all treats carefully. If you are on the roads on Halloween, drive carefully and watch out for ghosts and goblins and other costumed creatures. Events9/22 - 10/21 – “Annie Get Your Gun” at Bowie Playhouse. Tickets: 301-832-4819 or http://bit.ly/1IRkVbY. 9/30 – Native Trees Planting Seminar 1 p.m. at Patuxent Nursery, located at 2410 Crain Highway. This free, 1-hour seminar will teach you about the planting of native trees that are eligible for City rebates. For more information, contact Ashleigh Armentrout at 301-809-3044 or [email protected]. 9/30 – Fall Plant Sale 8 a.m. -12 p.m. at the Bowie Library on Annapolis Road. Prepare for the fall planting season with the Fall Plant Sale held in the parking lot of the Bowie Library on Annapolis Road. It is organized by the Bowie-Crofton Garden Club and co-sponsored by the City. This event offers a wide variety of native Maryland plants, herbs, vegetables, and houseplants. Visit www.bcgardenclub.org for more information.9/30 – Weed Warrior Work Day at Whitemarsh Park 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. To participate, please register by contacting Ashleigh Armentrout at [email protected] or 301-809-3044. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/2yMwHHY – 18th Century Housewife – Brown Bag Lunch 12 p.m. at Belair Mansion. Free. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/2 – City Council Meeting - 8 p.m. at City Hall. On the agenda for this meeting is a presentation by the City’s Ethics Commission and an update by the City Police Department.10/4 – Coffee with a Cop 8 - 10 a.m. at the Starbucks, located at Free State Shopping Center on Annapolis Road. On this National “Coffee with a Cop Day”, shopping center owner Federal Realty Investment Trust and Starbucks Coffee will provide FREE Starbucks coffee to all police and community members who come out for this event, while supplies last.10/4 – Sunset Walk Wednesday 6:15 – 7 p.m. Centennial Park (behind City Hall). Join the Bowie Green Team in saying farewell to Walk Wednesdays and to summer! This will be the final walk until the spring sessions commence.10/5 – Group Skating Lessons Begin Bowie Ice Arena. Classes for children 18 months of age to adults. Register at the Ice Arena. For more information, contact the Ice Arena at 301-809-3090.10/6 – A Taste of Italy 11:30 a.m. at the Senior Center. A chef will demonstrate and serve Italian meal. Preregistration required. For more information, please contact the Senior Center at 301-809-2300.10/7 – Bowie International Festival 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Allen Pond Park. Enjoy food and entertainment from around the world. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/2x2XL8E or contact Matt Corley at 301-809-3078 or [email protected]/7 – Bowie Volunteer Fire Department Open House 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Station 39 at Free State Shopping Center.10/10 – Stakeholders Meeting on Belair Drive Traffic Calming Plans 7 p.m. at the Kenhill Center.10/10 – Belair and the Thoroughbred – Second Tuesday Lecture 7:30 p.m. at Belair Mansion. Free. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/14 – MAGLEV Open House 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Bowie State University, Student Center. Hosted by the Maryland Department of Transportation. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/2yOOwWO – Games People Played 12 - 4 p.m. at Belair Mansion. Drop in and enjoy games from the past. Free. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/17 – Home School Open House 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Belair Mansion. Free. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/17 – Kids Kaboose 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Bowie Railroad Museum. Railroad fun and games for youngsters ages 1 - 11. Free. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/16 – City Council Meeting - 8 p.m. at City Hall.10/18 – Bonsai Show 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the Senior Center. Open to the public. For more information, please contact the Senior Center at 301-809-2300.10/22 – “Oktoberfest” at Bowie Farmers’ Market 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the parking lot at Bowie High School. Free scarecrow making (participants supply a long-sleeve shirt and trousers) and free pumpkin painting (pumpkins available for purchase) starting at 10 a.m. For more information, please contact Matt Corley at 301-809-3078 or [email protected]/22 – Two Month ‘til Christmas Sale - 12 - 4 p.m. at Belair Mansion Gift Shop. 10% off everything in the shop. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/23 – Living Well With Chronic Conditions Workshop (7 weeks) 12 p.m. at the Senior Center. Preregistration required. For more information, please contact the Senior Center at 301-809-2300.10/25 – Armchair Tour: London, Part II 12:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. For more information, please contact the Senior Center at 301-809-2300.10/27 – Fairy Tale Friday - 10 – 11 a.m. at Belair Mansion. Stories, snack and a craft. Free. For more information, please contact 301-809-3089 or [email protected]/27 – Autumn Harvest Celebration 12:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. For more information, please contact the Senior Center at 301-809-2300.10/28 – Prescription Drug Take Back 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Bowie Police Department. Dispose of unused/unwanted drugs in a safe manner. For more information, contact 240-544-5700 or visit http://bit.ly/2x2XLFG – Halloween On Ice 1 - 3 p.m. at Bowie Ice Arena. Wear a costume or bring a canned good for free admission. Costume contest, treat bags and lots of skating fun for the whole family! For more information, contact the Ice Arena at 301-809-3090.10/30 – Curbside Vacuum Leaf Collection Begins. See details at http://bit.ly/2e8fG1R. 10/31 – Halloween Trick or Treating – Suggested hours in Bowie are 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. If you would like to edit your subscriptions or the way you receive these messages, please LOGIN to your account to manage your information or call 301-809-3032 for assistance.
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