#And when I upload them Tumblr is like 'Mmm... I think I wanna make these look awful. <3'
iero · 2 years
The ‘This looks great in Photoshop!’ to Tumblr image quality is something that can actually be so infuriating. :) 
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scarlet-fantasies · 3 years
Trip to Germany w Bf Eren (Hcs reupload)
*this is the re-uploaded version (third-time bc of a tumblr glitch). To read the original click here.
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You two have probably been together for a while 5+ years so the relationship is kinda serious by this point.
So you probably took the summer off and Eren surprised you with a very heartfelt gift. Bc he thought he should let you meet his family (grandparents) and show you his culture bc you literally mean the world to him and he just wants you to be a part of his world.
“This summer is going to be boring I can see it.” You’d crossing your arms.
“Hmm, how about a trip?” He'd ask, back hugging you.
“Oh like a road trip?” You’d smile feeling Eren’s lips against your neck.
“No silly, a vacation.” He’d say kissing your shoulder and trailing up your neck.
“Mmm, what kind?” You’d say bashfully as he’d continue to kiss you.
He’d look up at you, “I’m thinking somewhere new, far away from everyone, and somewhere where we can do this.” He’d grin pinning you on the bed whilst kissing you.
“Eren!” You’d Yelp, being underneath him within the blink of an eye. You’d feel yourself giggle at this and have your feet curl in excitement by his constant kisses.
He’d stop to give you a second as he smiled down at you before asking, “How about Germany, my hometown?”
“You’re hometown? Idk Eren that’s like expensive though. And besides, we have to book a hotel and—“ you’d ramble on only for him to stop you.
“Babe, my dad's a doctor and I’ve been working hard to make up the money and he said we should go. And we can stay with my grandparents.”
“But Eren we shouldn’t bother them they need privacy.” You’d frown.
“They own a loft in the same neighborhood we can live there, just the two of us. I’ve already talked to my parents and grandparents and they said it’ll be fine.”
“Yeah but the language—-“
“Babe I speak German and I can get us around and I’ll take you to Berlin, not just my hometown near the Black Forest, okay? So just yes baby it’s that easy.”
“You planned stuff without me just so I could say yes to you about this trip, didn’t you?”
“Did it work?” He’d look at you hopefully and with a smug grin.
“Yes.” You’d smile bring him into a kiss.
Okay, let’s talking about packing yes I know I’ve talked about this before but for Germany it’s a little different cause we’ll Eren is worried you’ll be homesick, although Germany is well developed.
But you know he worries for you like he literally will bring some of his shirts and hoodies just for you to wear cause he knows you feel a little better with stuff from home being with you. He probably even brings you little things that you keep like a hair clip you always wear or your little bracelet your mom may have given you, like whatever.
He’s in charge of everything and just tells you to relax and just pack your clothes and to not worry. And the airport is pretty much the same too, he worries about everything. And you two are staying for a month so it’ll be a long trip.
When you both land he’s going to be worried of if you’ll get lost so he holds your hand so that it doesn’t happen. And he tells you to not let go of his hand even if they get sweaty.😂😂
All in all you have a rental car drive to a hotel since well you two are in Berlin first and so you two will be staying there for a few days before visiting Eren’s family. Plus you the Black Forest is only 7hrs away by car from Berlin so Eren figured he’d just drive there after showing you around Berlin.
Now from what I’ve read the beds in Germany are different. So like a queen size bed has two built-in mattresses, yes you heard me right to mattress have a crack in the middle of the bed for a partner's privacy. And if one sits in the middle of the bed it means they wanna do it. But you didn't know that and nor did you know that Eren was full of surprises.
When he explained to you the reason for separate mattresses was privacy you kinda thought it was weird but honestly didn’t pay much mind to it. So you ended up sitting on the bed after you showered and Eren saw you sitting in the middle of the bed and he just became such a perv.
“Wow, I didn’t know you were in the mood, Y/n.” He’d smirk, climbing on the bed in seconds, looming over you.
“W-what?” You’d look up at him blushing.
“By sitting in the middle of the bed you’re telling me you want me, whatta naughty girl.” He’d laugh pressings his body weight against you.
“But I’d didn’t know—“
“You’re so honest for me—cute. I’m gonna make you wake up the neighbors.”
“E-eren wait—“ you’d be cut off by him giving you hickeys on your neck.
So yes there’s that moment of him being intimate with you. But it didn’t go very far considering you were probably tired.
At the hotel since the tv remote and any papers or whatever are in German so you don’t touch anything bc well you can’t read so your just sitting there confused until Eren helps.
He honestly forgets he has to. Like he thought it was weird how you didn’t turn on the tv and then you told him.
“Babe, you’re not going to watch anything?” He’d look at you as you sat on the couch just looking around the place.
“Uh well, I can’t read the remote.” You’d smile looking at him.
Realizing this he’d come by your side and put you in his lap to guide you on the controls.“oh crap, I’m sorry. here press this and then this is the home button.” He’d smile giving you a kiss on the cheek whilst his hand was over yours as he guided you.
Of course, tho you’d have to read subtitles cause everything was probably in German and idk y but I could see that the first channel you both open the tv up to is like a sex scene in like a heavily erotic movie and your just so embarrassed and even Eren is a little taken back.
“Okay-Woah! That’s too much.” He’d say taking the remote to change the channel for you to something like a romance movie.
“Sorry Y/n, I should’ve shown you how to change the channel.”
“It’s okay.”
You always look for Eren if the maid is at the door and says she wants to clean and if he wants to order room service or call the main office for something since they may or may not speak English.
But he doesn’t mind doing that for you even if you tell him you feel bad for always needing his help.
Anyways he'd show you around Berlin and he'd be holding your hand a lot because he doesn't want you to get lost since he has like this irrational fear of you getting lost. Plus the train station there is kinda big and it's a common thing to take the train to get somewhere. So yes Eren get's worried about losing you if you get distracted or if you just get lost in the crowd cause I mean that could happen.
It's honestly very funny to you and you tell him not to worry but I mean there was one incident where you actually did get lost mostly cause of the like crowded place and you turn your focus to something else for only a minute and then you are no longer with Eren since he’s walking and he just freaked cause he doesn’t want something to happen to you. And so he panicked a little and you kinda did and tried to see if you could find him in the crowd but you honestly couldn’t.
Seeing this Eren would call you on your cell to get a hold of you. And I mean he did but it took a little bit.
“Babe where are you!?”
“At one of the sidewalks, I was about to cross the street with you remember?”
“Shit, What’s the street name?”
“I don’t know It has a bunch of crazy letters.”
“Okay don’t leave, I’ll find you. And don’t hang up.”
Rather than him finding you, you found him and of course hugged him to surprise him.
“Eren!” You’d shout running over to him and embracing him.
“Gosh, you had me worried!” He’d scold, accepting your hug and picking you up so he could carry you.
“Eren, it was only a few minutes.” You’d smile kissing his cheek.
“Don’t do that again.” He’d still be a little annoyed at how you gave him a scare but you honestly thought it was funny.
“Okay, I’m sorry. And I promise I’ll stay closer.”
“Yeah, no kidding I’m carrying you the rest of the trip. I should’ve bought you one of those kid leashes or one of those trackers that squeak for kids.”
“Eren.” You’d whine.
“Do you think it’d fit you?” He’d ask with a grin.
“Okay, okay I’m just kidding.” He’d laugh still having you in his arms.
There are a lot places that only accept cash and so Eren told you that beforehand but even so he’d still buy you everything but you might be a little upset since you tell him he can’t buy you everything.
“Babe it’s fine.”
“No Eren, I need to pay for stuff on the trip.”
He just wouldn’t let you pay and you get upset. Which leads you to be mad at him a little and he wouldn’t notice till you two stopped to sit on a bench so you could take a break from walking.
“What’s wrong babe?” He’d notice your frown whilst he pinched your cheek.
“Eren, why do you always do pay for everything? I should pay for something on the trip.” You’d turn to him.
“Because you’re my baby. Now don’t worry about it.” He’d smile before pulling you into his lap giving you a kiss.
I really see that if the weather is cold you might feel a little chilly since you might not be used to it so he’ll find it cute how your face is cold and that you just shiver.
Which leads him to give you his sweatshirt and he’d even wrap a scarf around you if needed cause he doesn’t want you getting sick.
“You're so cute, you know I can make you warmer at the hotel.” He’d wink, making you blush.
I really feel like he wouldn’t have sex with the girl he’s serious about until it’s been a while and he might even wait till marriage if she wants to and I could really picture his gf being that type of person cause I mean I see he has a preference to shy girl which obviously means she’s probably less likely to have sex with her bf. (Just saying) plus I have an idea if his gf is a virgin up ahead.
Anyways he should you some neat places in Berlin, like some history and then things that are different but to be honest there is more to see in his hometown so just stay tuned for that cause we are jumping into it right now!🤩
Okay so you two were in Berlin for a little bit Eren planned to mostly stay at his home town Schiltach, Baden-Württemberg. Which is just basically a village near the Black Forest, it’s one we see above in the photos (with the houses w the river) I chose it cause I'm a cottagecore hoe tbh
Now I know Eren would have family there but his parents have a small cottage there too that’s like a loft where you can stay and so bc he wanted to have some privacy and bc his grandparents live in a small home and his dad told him to check on the home he just figured you’d to stay at the loft. And it was probably just so cozy and cute. And you live right by the river.
So anyways Eren went to see his grandparents who lived there and they were very happy to meet you. Even if they didn’t know English. You both spent a good amount of time with them seeing they missed Eren and wanted to catch up with him. And they also showed you around.
They even invited you over for food lots of times and you and Eren had to go bc you didn’t want to be rude. But the only you weren’t a fan of is needy Eren could be in moments like this. For example, I picture that his grandma is asking you both to help her and you do but Eren puts his hand on your ass in a discreet way. Especially if his grandma leaves to get something he comes up behind you and caresses your ass.
And as much as you want to get snappy with him you don’t because you don’t want to make a scene. “Eren seriously, cut it out.”
“Then why did you have to wear these pants.” He’s so horrible ik.😂😂
Drinking is a big thing in Germany so you will see Eren drink but he refuses that you do bc he doesn’t want you to get drunk and plus he doesn’t want you to do something you regret.
Like I really feel like he is just to overprotective if you tried to drink with friends or something cause if you’re drunk he doesn’t want you being taken advantage of like he worries to much especially if you're like a crazy or perverted drunk and then that’s not your actual personality he doesn’t want you to be drunk like that. He worries over you too much.
But I do think you got to try some beer or whatever and when Eren let you try it I could just picture him laughing at your face after you tasted it. Seeing he made you try something that you weren’t into he gave you apple juice instead to compensate.
Anyways I see that bc it’s a small village they probably have some festivals and stuff and since his grandma took a liking to you she probably made you a dress (it was a dirndl) and she styled your hair with flowers and wanted to have Eren see and also to brag to others that you were “Eren’s wife” even tho you weren’t and you had no idea that’s what she thought.
Anyways Eren thought you looked cute in the outfit and took a picture of you and probably took you to the festival they were having (his grandma insisted) and he just couldn’t help but admire your beauty and the way your braided hair and flowers looked on you and just everything.
That night I’m thinking you two had a lot of fun and didn’t go back to the loft until late bc you two were just to all over each other. And I see that you two are walking back and since your by the river you tell Eren that you wanna sit by it to rest and so you two do. But before you know it you’re feet are in the water and the next thing you know you two are splashing water at each other and getting completely wet.
“Quit splashing.” He’d laugh but you of course didn’t stop.
“Hey! Alright that’s it you’re getting it.” He’d smirk making you scream and jolt at the fact that he tackled you down on the grass field, both of you with compeletly soaked clothes and he just has his forehead rest against yours before kissing you roughly before he gradually became passionate about it.
I really see that you start getting into your make out and Eren is trailing his hand up and down your sides. (If his gf is virgin I really see that she ends up having sex with him the first time in Germany but not literally out in the open of course.)
So seeing how it’s becoming you tell Eren that you want to go home.
“Mm, Eren not here.” You’d mumble breaking the kiss.
“It’s fine, it doesn’t matter. Nudity’s a normal thing in Germany.” He’d say kissing down your neck. Though as much as Eren was in the mood it was all killed when the police came by and asked the both of you what was going on. (It wasn’t that they cared they were just around and you know how cops are if they see intimate couples)
You both stood up and looked at him and Eren of course answered in German. “Sorry officer. My wife and I are a little drunk.” He’d lie to be let off the hook which he surprisingly was seeing that cop only told him to not be so carried away next time but because Eren mentioned that you two were married they just let you go and thought you both were some crazy love struck newlyweds so they let you two be and only said to get home.
And as soon as you two got there you both instantly got into another make out session. This time though Eren started to unbutton the three buttons on your blouse leaving you kisses and hickeys in your chest and neck area.
He for sure had you up against the wall and looked at you for consent of course and you just nodded your head a little and he continued to take off your clothes. And you two had quite the passionate night for the first time (if it was his gfs first time anyways, I think it would be a cute concept if it was.)
The next day you’d wake up finding your hair still in the braids and flowers but being completely naked in bed with the blanket wrapped around you. And Eren was just admiring you seeing he came back from the shower. He’d sit on the bed only to lean over and give you a kiss to greet you.
“Good morning my beautiful princess. Did I wake you?” He’d smile at you kissing your forehead too.
“Good morning, and no. I just got up.”
“Oh good, I want you to shower while I get everything ready for breakfast.”
“Your cooking?”
“Not exactly, but don’t worry about it just shower.” Seeing you’d standstill with the blanket wrapped around you he’d tell you to get up and is just sitting there watching you not move.
“Eren. I’m naked, turn around or something please.”
“Alright, alright. But how was last night?”
And so he left after you yelled at him and so he made you try a lot of good food his grandma probably made and brought to you cause she wanted to and she made Black Forest (chocolate cake with 🍒 and its really good) cake so you know it was all gonna be fine.
You came back with curly hair from the overnight braids. And you were happy to see him do all these things for you and honestly didn’t want him to spoil you this much.
“My grandma wanted to make us food and so she came by give me all this.”
“Oh she’s sweet, but she didn’t have to.”
“Well she insisted and I forgot she also made Black Forest cake. And if there’s something you should know is that you can’t have better Black Forest cake then this.” He’d smile setting the cake down in the middle of table.
“Oh I see.” You’d look at him as he approached you with a smile, pulling you into him.
His hand running through your curls as he rested his chin in the crook of your neck. “You smell so good you know that?” He’d say planting small kisses on your neck as he’d tickle your skin.
“Eren—“ you’d giggle about to push him away.
“Kinda like last night, you were so beautiful.” He’d mumble whilst attacking your neck with kisses.
“Eren, mm stop—what’s gotten into you? Ahh!” You’d Yelp at the suddenly contact of his hand groping your ass.
“I don’t want you giving this to someone else, ever.” He’d hum squeezing your ass with his hand.
“Eren quit, mm not right now. Please, I wanna eat. We’re gonna miss breakfast.” You’d giggle pushing his hand away from your bottom.
He’d pull away from your neck looking up at you he’d smirk tilting your chin up for him to kiss you. “I’m not missing anything if you’re the only meal I wanna eat.”
“Eren!” You’d say playfully hitting him. Only for him to chuckle.
“Okay, okay.”
You’d sit down next to him at the table eating together. But it’s never peaceful seeing he’d give deep eye contact when your eating or just doing anything.
You usually look away or tell him to stop but he never does tbh.
And he tries to feed you even if you shy away from him.
And he’ll ask you if you like the food any time you are trying something different.
Though I could totally see that his gf probably wouldn’t like some foods or ingredients like say for example something like sauerkraut. (Gosh I really hate that fermented cabbage😂😂)
So when you got to try it once you just made a face and he laughed finding it funny. And now he’s just gonna try to kiss you whenever he has that flavor in his mouth.😂😂
“Ewww Eren, stop.” You’d move away whilst he inched closer to you.
“C’mon let me kiss you.” He’d grin pulling you into his lap to keep you still.
“No.” You’d turn your cheek to avoid him only for him to move on the opposite side.
“Y/n, give me a kiss.” He’d laugh trying to get you to kiss him whilst you hid your face away.
“No, your mouth tastes like that thing.” You’d whine struggling in his grip.
“It doesn’t, I promise. Babe I love you, now come here.” He’d lie enough to have you believe.
You eventually cave and let him kiss you only to hit him on the shoulder for lying. He’d laugh at you seeing your grimace at him.
“Eww.” You’d whine.
Anyways I see that he likes to show you around and stuff on his own and so you can go to Lake Titisee cause you can hike there and there’s like a market where you can by things.
And he’d definitely take you there to go and see there famous handmade cuckoo clocks and the shops that make them. He’d even buy you a small one seeing you Like them so much, he’d tell the man in German “I’d like this one for my wife.” Of course you wouldn’t catch on to anything since you didn’t know but everyone kept thinking you were his wife/going to be in this village for some reason. He addressed you as his wife bc the man mostly likely told him “there’s plenty of good clocks for newlyweds.” And so he had like no choice but to like just say you were his wife, plus he liked the idea tbh.
But overall you tell him not to get it for you but he does anyways cause he loves you so much. It was a small one but it was cute in detail and the little bird was probably the prettiest thing about it.
Eren took you to a waterfall that’s near the forest that people go to, to swim in and you two of course thought about getting wet and to not ruin your clothes you both went under the water naked for sure. Once you saw him taking off his shirt and you couldn’t understand why tho.
“Eren what are you doing?” You’d approach him.
“Well if we wanna go in we don’t want to get our clothes wet do we?” He’d say taking off his belt.
“But Eren isn’t it illegal if we—-“
“Shh it’s not if we don’t get caught. Now c’mon take ‘em off.” He’d grin playfully playing with the waistband of your shorts. His hands fumbling with your button and zipper.
“Eren I don’t think we—“ You stop at the feeling of his fingers hook in and pulling your shorts down.
Blush creeped up on your cheeks “Eren!”
“Sorry babe you’re taking to long.” He’d laugh.
“It’s embarrassing!”
“No it’s not, now c’mon it’ll be fun I promise.” He’d smirk lifting your chin up for him to kiss you.
So you agreed and yes stripped down and got under the water with him and had fun for sure. And there was defiantly a make out scene. But mostly just messing around.
Of course it was just the two of you and your laughter and just the both of you having fun but Eren took the time to admire you, not your body, but everything about you just like that time by the river he got that same feeling in him again. He felt so happy and he honestly didn’t want the trip to end soon. He enjoyed seeing you smile the way you did.
In Eren’s hometown there are also flower fields and you two had a picnic outside one day and were just relaxing and enjoying yourselves and what not till you got a little playful from all his gentle touches on your shoulder and waistline.
You were wearing a thin white cotton dress and that was a little transparent and Eren couldn’t take his eyes off you.
So you decided to stand up and walk around till a idea got in your head about teasing him.
“Eren.” You’d smile lifting the hem of your dress up exposing your thigh and lacy underwear to him on purpose.
“Alright that’s it.” He’d smirk playing along and getting up to chase after you in the field.
It didn’t take long for him to pick you up and plant kisses on your shoulder. He’d even growl a little and bite your ear to have you scream.
Overall he’s tickling and kissing you all over to have you laugh and jolt in his grasp all cause you provoked him.
Eren just won’t let you live down the moment at all. And now you really have him hooked that way.
Now you learned a lot throughout this trip and he taught you about the culture and you both experienced a lot of different things together but that was soon coming to an end. And Eren finally came to the decision of wanting to marry you so he defiantly asked you on this trip. He couldn’t wait any longer to ask you.
So I see that he probably had plan of some sort but it honestly went unexpected and it was nothing like he planned.
You two went back to the loft in the evening seeing that Eren thought about relaxing a little seeing you both hadn’t done that in a while.
So you were both planning to eat some cake that you still had cause well why not and you were looking for the cake cutter in one of the drawers but couldn’t find it. So you switch to the other drawer to see if it was there.
“No y/n it’s not in there—“ he’d stopping mid sentence as you stopped seeing the small velvet box in the drawer.
You took the small box in your hands showing it to Eren with some confusion.
“Eren, what’s this?”
“That was supposed to be a surprise.” He’d sigh walking over to you take the box in his hands.
“Why would—“ you stopped mid-sentence seeing him open the velvet box with a ring in it.
“I was gonna ask you to marry me and this really isn’t the way I pictured it.” He’d smile looking up to see you surprised.
“Wait you’ve been thinking about marrying me?” You’d blinked still not believing this.
“Yes! . . . Gosh your so silly sometimes.” He’d laugh teasing you about your cluelessness.
“Sorry, but are you sure about this, Eren?” You’d look up at him being serious.
“100% my silly girl. Now, what’s your answer? Do you wanna be Mrs. Yeager or not?” He’d grin, hoping you’d say yes.
“I’d really like that.” You’d smile as he’d lean in to give you a kiss.
“Good, 'cause you don't how much I've wanted to own this ass." He'd smirk smacking your butt.
Anyways you two loved the trip and had a very fun time and Eren’s grandparents liked you a little too much tbh and they were excited about your engagement.
Also you ended up figuring out that he kept addressing you as his wife there and you ended up getting mad at him for it.
"Eren seriously? What if I said no in the end?"
"But you didn't."
"But if I did?"
"You wouldn't besides what does it matter when this ass belongs to me anyways?" He'd smirk pulling you in to have you bent over his knee.
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© scarlet-fantasies // do not steal, reuse, repost onto other sites. all writing and ideas are original unless stated otherwise. // 2021-Present.
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luvlyrv · 4 years
Our Songs | pt. 5 | Wendy x f!Reader sm!au
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Summary: You and Wendy are rising musicians who are garnering attention. As the both of you decide to begin working on writing songs together, will you catch each other's attention too?
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: This was the ONLY thing I have saved from when I lost all of my writing because I already transferred into my tumblr drafts! I just had to do some editing today, but yeah it was basically finished a month ago now... I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to update this series.
Date: 1/12/21 (written)
Series Masterlist
You're at Wendy's place like you promised and ring the doorbell. Quickly, you hear footsteps and watch as the door swings open to see an excited Wendy. She opens up her arms and you give each other a warm hug.
You enter her house, and it's a cozy sight. It was a modest house with warm colors on the wall and matching colored furniture. Then, you notice a sweet and chocolatey smell coming from what you assumed was the kitchen. You can't help but to begin cracking open a smile as you look at Wendy.
"Did you make something just for me?"
Wendy smiles back at you and gently pushes your shoulder.
"Of course I did, silly. I told you I'd pay you back properly."
Wendy takes your hand and you shyly follower her into her kitchen. There she had dinner laid out as well as some brownies and cookies that she had freshly baked. You could feel your mouth watering at the sight.
"Well I be damned, you might be a better chef than me."
Wendy laughs at your comment before trying to be modest.
"Hey, you probably do a lot more cooking than I do. I prefer baking over cooking proper meals."
"But seriously… this all looks so good. Let's take a picture together and post it! I want people to know!"
"Know what?" Wendy asks you while laughing a little bit at your bubbling excitement.
"That the great Wendy went through all of this effort just for me." You gush.
You pull Wendy close to you and grab your phone. The close proximity making Wendy panic just a bit. She calms herself down though as you position the both of you in front of the food, taking a picture and uploading it on Twitter. The both of you are smiling happily and you decided to just tweet a ":D" with the photo. Wendy retweets it before the both of you sit down and eat dinner together.
Occasionally though, the both of you check Twitter to see everyone's responses. Reading the replies aloud to each other, the both of you feel happy to see fans happy about your blossoming friendship.
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"I'm really happy that Seulgi pushed me to do this collaboration with you." You confess to Wendy with a smile. She nods her head in agreement.
"I think I'm really lucky to meet a person as cool and genuine as you."
It was a heartfelt moment to be acknowledging the enjoyment the both of you received from each other's presence. The both of you continued reading replies, most of them spurring the two of you to continue complimenting each other. Although… there were some replies that warranted a different response. After laughing at a previous comment, Wendy began reading a different one.
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"Oh look, this person says that you and I would… make a good couple." Wendy says, all of a sudden rubbing her neck and looking bashful. You watch her as she says this and feel equally as embarrassed. You tried to steer the conversation in a different direction.
"I mean, how would they know right? It's just been some banter and one picture of us together." Wow. Real smooth there.
The two of you decide to go about dinner without anymore Twitter, and time once again slips by as you're both engrossed in conversing with each other.
After you both finished dinner, Wendy began microwaving some popcorn and had you sit on the couch. She pulls up Netflix on the TV as sits with a large, warm bowl of popcorn in her lap and you reaching for popcorn to put in your mouth.
"What do you wanna watch?" She asks you.
"Anything you wanna watch, it's up to you." You shrug in response.
"You know, I really hate indecisive people." She teases you.
In the end though, Wendy chose a random and a bit unknown romcom to watch with you. To be honest though, it was kind of a bad movie, leading you to slowly drift away into sleep. Although you found the movie boring, Wendy was a sucker for romance, a sucker for comedy, and especially a sucker for what were seen as cheap and bad movies. She was totally engrossed.
When you first started watching the movie with Wendy, you guys were already sitting next to each other. By the time you fell asleep though, the already small gap between the two of you was completely closed. When Wendy stopped paying attention to the moving and turned her head over to gage your reaction. She was shocked to see that instead of sitting there, watching the movie with her, your head had found its way onto her shoulder.
She bit back a smile while looking down on you. Thoughts about how cute you looked began to creep into her mind, but she pushed them away. She sets the bowl of popcorn down and carefully moved out of your way. Quietly, she makes her way to her bedroom and picks out a blanket for you to use. She returns to your sleeping form and lays it across your body to keep you warm.
"Goodnight, Y/N." She whispers. She begins to walk out of the living room and back into her room.
As Wendy does this though, your eyes flutter open just a little bit. You watch as Wendy slowly leaves the room. You don't bother calling out to her or getting up. Your face heats up in embarrassment at the thought of you dozing off in front of Wendy so easily like that. You feel a strange fuzziness in your stomach as you bask in the smell of the blanket though. It smelled of Wendy, and something about it seemed so intoxicating to you. Quickly, you drift back to sleep again.
The sun has risen and so has your body. When your eyes opened you took in the sight of the living room, a sight much different from the bedroom you'd usually be greeted with. Conveniently, Wendy had begun waking up herself around the same time. You hear a soft click from her bedroom door as she opens it, walking into the living room. Rubbing her eyes she catches you awake and smiles. Before she can say anything though, you wanted to thank her.
"Thanks for the blanket, and sorry for falling asleep so suddenly… I'm sure the movie was great." You laugh towards the end, knowing the it most definitely wasn't if the beginning of the movie had anything to say.
"No problem. You know, hanging out with you is really fun." Wendy admits.
"I'm glad you think that." You said quietly.
The both of you decide to just have cereal for breakfast, and once again you find yourselves talking.
"Mmm," you begin saying while in a middle of a bite. You swallow first and then continue talking. "Hey, I just realized we haven't exchanged numbers at all!"
Wendy takes a second to think.
"I guess we really haven't."
"How about you give me your number?"
"Is this your way of hitting on me?"
"No no no, really I just want your number." You shake your head at her. Wendy giggles a bit and you exchange numbers.
"Besides giving me your number, you know what else we should do? We should make a video together to keep building up the hype for our EP." You tell Wendy, and her face seems to beam with intrigue at the idea.
"That sounds really cool, your place or my place?"
"How about we do one at both of our places and post it on our different YouTube channels?"
"Yeah, what would we do though?" Wendy asks for clarification.
"How about…" You think for a second. "How about we can do one where we sing a duet and then another were we just ask some prompt questions?"
Wendy agrees with your proposal. Soon enough though, you feel like it's time to go. Before you get to open Wendy's door to leave though, she hugs you from the back.
"Thanks for coming over, Y/N." Wendy speaks into your back.
She doesn't see it, but you feel your face heat up again.
"Anytime, like you said, hanging out with you is fun."
You say your goodbyes and head back home.
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fruit-teeth · 5 years
Winning a Bet (RE-UPLOAD)
/(Okay!!! This is the thing I tried to post last night that got eaten by a Tumblr glitch, so I’m gonna try posting it again. This is an entirely self-indulgent piece involving Scout banging my Fem!Scout OC Molly, and that’s literally it that’s the whole thing. 
I told myself I wasn’t gonna attempt to make any canon/OC content, but last night I just couldn’t help it, so...here we are.
NSFW stuff under the cut)/
“Hey, dumbass!” the shrill voice cried out from the other side of the door, jolting Scout awake.
Scout groaned, climbing out of bed and answering the door, knowing exactly who it was. “Aw, shit…it’s 2 AM, ya freakin’ kid!”
Molly only grinned, holding up a pack of some sort of drink. “You should be thanking me! Look what I got,”
Scout paused, squinting at the label. “Holy shit! Is that hard lemonade?”
“You bet it is!” Molly seamlessly slipped into the room, shutting the door behind her. “I was able to get this stuff from a gas station,”
“Well, bring it in!” Scout urged, accepting the bottles and setting them on the floor. He was very much awake, now, and he switched on the small TV in his room.
The two watched an old movie on the television and cracked open the bottles, Scout remarking as he took a sip, “Damn, this is good! I’ve never had this kind before,”
“Me neither,” Molly agreed, settling beside Scout and taking a swig herself. “It’s a little too sweet, though, I think…”
Scout shrugged. “Eh, I don’t think so. It’s better than the other stuff I’ve had,”
They’d turned on the TV halfway through the movie, but from what the two gathered it was some sort of romance film. Molly watched for only a few minutes, and then shifted to only half-paying attention to it as she and Scout started chatting.
The room was dark, aside from the glow of the TV, which illuminated their faces as they talked. The movie then changed from a normal scene of the protagonists having a romantic and dramatic conversation to a watered down yet out of place sex scene. It was very brief, but it was enough to catch Scout’s attention.
“Oh, my God,” Scout’s eyes widened, watching as the scene played out and then ended. “Damn…he was really goin’ at her,”
“Mm-hm,” Molly agreed, finishing her bottle. “Yeah…he’s not cute, though,”
Scout snorted. “Well, yeah! Dude’s ancient,” he straightened up, smirking as something crossed his mind. “I could screw a bitch better than that,”
Molly made a face. “Nah, no. You sure about that, tiger?”
“What do you mean?” Scout gave her a look, as though he was daring her to say more.
“I mean that you couldn’t make a girl cum,” Molly shrugged. “For some reason, I think you wouldn’t know how,”
“Oh, yeah?” Scout moved a little closer, playfully nudging her. “You wanna put me to the test, hm?”
Molly snorted, covering her face as her cheeks reddened. “Oh, my God…you’re so stupid!”
“Nah, nah, try me!” he grinned, pressing close to her and flicking her hair playfully. “C’mon, you wanna try?”
Perhaps it was the alcohol, the closeness, or just the fact that it was 2 AM but whatever the reason, Molly eyed the bulge in Scout’s crotch and instantly, the heat began to bloom between her legs. Molly swallowed, her tone changing to a more serious one.
“You, um…” her mouth felt dry, and she felt herself biting her lip. “You wanna fuck? Is that it?”
“Well…” Scout slipped an arm around her, checking for her reaction. “If you wanna,”
There was a pause, and Molly swallowed again. She spread her legs slowly, and her hand traveled to the button on her jeans. “Yeah…”
Scout blinked, looking surprised. “Wait…you really want to? I mean—”
“Yeah,” Molly confirmed again, shifting to position her legs around Scout’s hips. “I’m actually pretty turned on right now,”
Scout’s cock twitched from within his sweatpants, and he cupped Molly’s chin in his hand, pulling her close to kiss her roughly. “You’re pretty annoyin’, but you’re hot as fuck,” he confessed as he pulled away, but his voice cracked a little. Damn it.
Molly grinned at him, coiling her arms around his neck and pressing their foreheads together. “Mmm, you too. Now, are you gonna fuck me or what?”
“You bet,” Scout breathed, kissing her again and sliding his hands down to the button of her jeans. Fumbling, he popped it open, sliding his hand inside and pushing into her underwear.
“Oh,” Molly let out a soft gasp as Scout’s fingers felt around, and she couldn’t help but bite her lip when the tip of his finger met her clit. “Oh…oh, fuck. Scout,” she adjusted herself, moving around a little as a short whine escaped her throat. “Mmm, right there! Ah, yeah,” her eyes rolled back, rocking back and forth as he fingered her. “Ah, that feels so good!”
Scout tried to concentrate on getting her off, but he was so turned on that the pulsing of his cock got in the way. He felt a bit of precum dribble out from his tip and stain the inside of his sweatpants, and he could no longer stand it.
“Babe,” he gasped, removing his fingers despite her protests. “Babe, I-I gotta get in you—”
Molly nodded vigorously, pulling her underwear and jeans down. “Yeah, yeah—fuck me, I need it,”
“Okay,” Scout pulled his sweatpants off eagerly, but then he paused. “Oh…hang on, I gotta get a condom,”
He rose up, stepping to his bottom drawer and digging around. Finally, he pulled out the little wrapped thing, sighing with relief. “There it is,”
Now naked, Molly spread out on the floor, watching as Scout unwrapped the condom and rolled it down his aching cock. He wiggled around, making sure it didn’t slip off, and then turned to where Molly lay nude on the carpet. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” Molly gasped, reaching for him and guiding him closer. “I need you to fuck me—fuck me hard,”
“You bet,” Scout swallowed, holding Molly’s legs open and getting into a good position. Slowly, inch by inch, he sank into her wet, tight entrance and marveled in the feeling. “Aw, yes…shit, babe,”
Molly bit down on her lip, her head tilting back as she anchored her hands on his shoulders. “Mmm…” she managed after a moment. “You’re bigger than I thought you were gonna be…”
“Oh, really?” he gave a breathy chuckle, beginning to thrust eagerly but keeping his pace slow. “Was there ever any doubt? Aah,” he started to move a little faster, moving in to kiss on Molly’s neck. “Damn, baby, you’re so damn good!”
Within a few minutes, Scout was pounding into her, his hips slapping into her with a ‘smack’ sound. She began to cry out each time he snapped into her, and she tried to move in time with his powerful thrusts.
“Scout, Scout, Scout…” she whimpered, going cross-eyed for a moment as slapped into her rhythmically. “Aw, shit! Don’t stop,”
Scout grunted, his hips plowing and grinding faster and harder, determined to make her come. He wanted her to come before him, but it wasn’t gonna be easy: he was so turned on, he wasn’t going to last much longer.
Molly’s mouth fell open as she panted, her nails digging into Scout’s shoulder. She cried out, her head falling against the floor as her hips lifted higher. “Fuck me! Fuck me—oh, god, I’m gonna come!”
It was true, Molly could feel herself on the brink of orgasm already. It rose up in her, ready to release, and although she wished it could have been a least a little slower, she knew she needed to come, badly.
Scout huffed in her ear, his hips jerking. “Me too,” came his voice, warm and needy in her ear. “Come for me, baby. Do it,”
The orgasm seemed to burst from within, and Molly let out a wail of pleasure as her eyes rolled back. Her legs jerked and shook in ecstasy, her chest heaving as she slid her hand up to fondle her own erect nipple.
Scout finally let himself go, his hips ceasing their pounding as his nails dug into the carpet. “God, fuck!” was all he managed, gritting his teeth as he came hard, feeling himself fill up the condom. He caught his breath, his hips stuttering as he rode out the last drops of pleasure before finally stopping.
There was a long pause. The two breathed in the darkness, their sweaty and naked bodies lit up by the TV’s glow, and after a moment Scout rolled off Molly.
“God damn,” Scout sighed, trembling as he peeled the sticky condom off his used cock. “Shit…” he threw the condom away, and then he turned to look at Molly. “Did ya…did ya like that?”
Molly nodded, a smile coming to her face as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Yeah…oh, my God, that was amazing,”
“Yeah?” Scout grinned, shifting closer to Molly. “Amazin’, huh? So…I proved you wrong,”
Molly blinked at him. “Huh?”
“What you said earlier,” Scout clarified. “About me not makin’ a girl cum—I just made you cum, unless you were fakin’—”
“I didn’t fake anything,” Molly crawled to Scout, laying herself across his chest and burying her nose in his sweaty skin. “You won, okay? I came,”
“Yeah, you bet you did,” Scout grinned, stroking her blonde hair and twirling it between his fingers, giddy. “You came so freakin’ hard for me,”
Molly playfully smacked his arm. “Shut up, dummy,” she yawned. “You make a gal sleepy after a good fuck…”
“Mm-hm,” was all Scout replied with, stifling his own yawn and settling down with Molly in his arms.
They both fell asleep soon after, with the TV still playing in the background. The room smelled like both of them, and the rest of the team would find out, but neither cared. Not at this moment, anyway.
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kevcob · 4 years
37, 29, 8, 9 🥺🥺 sorry if these have already been asked,,
omg it’s ok bb!!!!
8. i rly like the edits i’ve been putting out recently!!! i also like my netflix edits and i wanna try making more in the future
9. my least fave gfx are definitely the ones i made in the beginning skjfdhsd ofc i was just starting out and i didn’t know how to do things i know how to do now but also whenever i see them i feel the strong urge to re-do them with the knowledge i have now (ex: the kevin x your lie in april one ffff)
29. ahhh i gave advice for gfx makers but i’ll just list some more things!
- if you think an idea/concept is too far fetched, don’t. chances are there are people thinking the same thing, not to mention it’s fun working on things you want to make happen
- to make searching for textures easier try listing the aesthetics you want in your edit. for example the list i made for the hunger games edit consisted of this: wine, blood, fire, ruins, soot, dark vs light, etc
- when making ui/netflix edits i like working on one long canvas. that way i can see the bigger picture and connect the panels better so later i can decide how i want to crop each panel and upload to tumblr (ex: i worked on the otome edit on one long canvas and the dimensions were 1200px x 8966px)
37. what do i think is a must in every gfx...mmm.. flow??? if that makes sense?? i like when gfx have some kind of connection, esp if you’re doing multiple pictures in one set. for example, in the thg edit i went with light / dark / light / dark with some kind of yellowish/orange accent so they all look related to each other
ask a graphic maker!!
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sakura-soldier · 7 years
Tumblr media
Barry Madison - Avengers OC Uniform
Ok, it's been 1 year since I've drawn and uploaded an Avengers uniform design for Tracey. Fast-forward to January 2016, I found myself having an urge to draw her twin brother, Barry in HIS new Avengers uniform. He was originally a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, but he and his fraternal twin sister ended up joining the Avengers sometime after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (he's also part of the Winter Is Ending series, written by @winter-is-ending/Singer of Water). Back in S.H.I.E.L.D, he was simply known as "Agent Madison", but then a couple years later (read "The Fireman" by Just A Little Birdy on fanfiction.net to understand this pic: www.fanfiction.net/s/11575901/…), he discovered a flamethrower gun during a mission, which originally belonged to one of those cliched mad scientists, and had to use it to fight a monster. Because of this, the internet and the Avengers (much to Barry's suffering) originally called him Fireman, but then Tracey hacked into social media and she christened him with the superhero name Firebrand instead.
Weird thing was, I tried starting this drawing back in January 2016, but that time, I was struggling with how his uniform was supposed to look like AND I got swamped over by homework and stuff, resulting in a huge-ass case of artist's blocks for months and months, so I only finished part of the lineart until just now (late April 2017-Thursday. May. 11, 2017), when I finally got the inspiration and guts to finish the whole thing (even though sadly, it took me about a few months/1 year-ish to even finish). Also, the WEIRDER thing was that, way back before Just a Little Birdy's story was written, I came up with a DIFFERENT superhero name and power/weapons for Barry; I originally wanted to call him Endgame and I planned to give him special gloves/fingerless gloves (?) that would give him the ability to move objects around in thin air with the help of physical motion/gestures and telekinesis just after leaving a signature imprint on it (inspired by video game logic and abilities). Sadly, I had to start my concept over from scratch, as well as the colour palette a few times as soon as Barry became Firebrand (unless like, I don't know, you wanna see Barry as Endgame, maybe?).
So for this outfit, I wanted to give off some kind of connection to Barry's original job as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, but since he's an Avenger now (with a new alias, too), I wanted him to prove that he is more independent, less restrained by militaristic or spy rules, and have a sense of freedom and individuality, but still connected to the organization he previously (currently?) worked in. The difficult part though, was to not make it super flashy, let alone make it super obvious that his flamethrower-like gun/fire was his weapon (think Johnny Storm's powers/Fantastic 4 uniform, flame-patterned fabrics and clothing, warm colours like red, orange, yellow, etc..); otherwise, it would make him a bigger target for the enemy to attack or notice him. For Barry's uniform, his jacket (don't worry, he's wearing a short-sleeved top underneath) and leggings could be connected together with tiny metal hooks hooking inside the jacket and legging's waistline, as if it looks like a bodyglove/jumpsuit, but it can appear as separate clothing items as well. They are charcoal black (although slightly lighter) and slightly distressed with a bit of a metallic sheen underneath (you know how some leather clothing would have have shiny, iridescent, metallic layers underneath the original black, brown, or gray colour; it's kinda like that), but it's not too obvious. Believe it or not, the jacket was actually based on a black trench coat I owned, which has a high collar like the one Barry's sporting. The collar flaps, as you can see, can be laid flat like the ones from a leather jacket, rolled up to his neck like a turtleneck or scarf for warmth, or even pulled up to cover the lower half of his face like a mask or scarf for warmth, concealing his identity, or (if Stark Industries or other technology allows it) even acting like a gas mask of some kind. The jacket buttons are bright blue, but they could also be navy blue, silver, or black either in plain or the Avengers logo. There's even a darker black pocket on his left side for extra storage, which I got the idea from after randomly discovering a jean pocket from a denim bag I saw on tumblr. :P Since Barry and Tracey are fraternal twin brother and sister, I wanted to create a few similarities and indications that can imply that Barry's related to Tracey (the two uniforms have slightly loose yet form-fitting jacket, tight leggings, the asymmetrical zipper on Barry's right and Tracey's left, the buckles on Barry's left shoulder/his left and Tracey's right shoulder/her right that are inspired by asymmetrical leather jackets and Bucky's Howling Commando's jacket, belt shape, usage of fingerless gloves, and ankle boots), but it's also easy to tell that they're mostly different (by colour schemes, abilities/strengths/skills/themes, button and belt colours, zipper and buckle positions, silhouettes, belt structure, separate vs. attachment pieces, and shades of black in the leather).
The leggings should provide mobility and freedom to move around (and to give Darcy some secret eye-candy, mmm~), while his simple black ankle boots have flat soles, rather than ones with heels, laces, or buckles, so that they're easy to put on. There's a holster with a pouch on his right left while his belt design is actually inspired by chain belts and this ribbon-like version Dan Kuso from Bakugan: New Vestroia wore as his New Vestroia/Vestal outfit (you're gonna have to look him up though, to get the idea); the "chain" is more of a decoration than anything, but it can be attached or detached from the actual belt depending on what Barry's comfortable with. The fingerless gloves are two separate versions; the "outer" layer is technically part of the jacket is based on atheltic stretch tops, running shirts, oversized sleeves, and Quicksilver's/Pietro's (Age of Ultron version)'s blue Under Armor top, while the inner layer is a dark, inky black and they're actual fingerless gloves underneath, which can be worn together or separately for protection and to keep his palms warm.
Now, the most unique part about Barry's uniform are the flame designs that run down from his shoulders to barely touching his hands, from his outer thighs to his ankles. They don't seem too significant at first, UNTIL you actually look at them more closely. At first glance, people might perceive them as normal swirls, but really, they're stylistic designs of flames (ok, I struggled with drawing actual flames for his drawing that doesn't too obvious, is small enough for the size, AND easier to tell that it's fire, so I experimented with swirls and curves like I did with Tracey's hair and ended up creating my own flame designs, which looks really cool). As for the colours, you'd be surprised at how colourful they looked; depending on how Barry moves around, the lighting, angles, or even his emotions, either the entire designs or the individual flames can change colour, which can vary from blues, whites, traditional fire colours of red, orange, and yellow, or even unusual colours like purple, pink, gold, or green. But why those colours? Well, basically, they represent the physical states of fire, which can change into different colours depending on the chemical compositions of burning material, immediate reaction products, chemicals, and temperature. I recommend looking this up to have a better understanding of flame colours and temperatures: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flame. They also reflect the temperment and unpredictability of Barry's personality inside and outside of his missions. Also, the colours COULD also act like a mood ring, in which the flame colours can change and reflect depending on his emotions and mental state. BUT if Tony Stark, S.H.I.E.L.D, or other kinds of technology could make this possible, then the flame designs would also emit and/or reflect heat to keep himself and other people warm, could light up a dark room like reflective tape/glow-in-the-dark clothes and paint/reflective elements like in Pietro's shirt, AND/OR if Barry got manhandled/grabbed/physically in contact with the enemy (human, monster, robots, or otherwise), he can either unleash his anger as a trigger (like how Bruce turns into the Hulk) or use hidden buttons inside his uniform to make himself burst into actual flames that come out via the flame designs to burn or melt the enemy/enemies, but can be cooled off by self-control/calmness/non-angry feelings or the hidden buttons so that they won't burn his actual clothing. Either of the following options depend on @winter-is-ending/Singer of Water and her choices for future stories.
I also managed to provide colour palettes for the overall outfit and the flames (sorry if some parts are cropped up though; I think my parents cut off part of it with Photoshop without telling me -__-), and I tried to practice the jacket collar in two variations (though it's actually three) and Barry's hair with several headshots. The front view made him look like Finnick Odair (or maybe that's just me?) while everything else is either sticky-uppy or loosy and shaggy. (BARRY MADISON, YOUR HAIR IS AN ABOMINATION!!!! NAH, JK, I LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU HAVE HARD-TO-DRAW HAIR, BRO.) The materials I used were pencil crayons, two different types of pens, a thin fineliner, and a hint of eraser. It took longer to draw Barry compared to Tracey and I had to improve and reinvent a lot of stuff compared to what I originally planned, but I liked the results so far and I hope Mel would like it. *^^*
deviantArt version: http://artist-cupid.deviantart.com/art/Barry-Madison-Avengers-OC-Uniform-Design-680500893?ga_submit_new=10%3A1494763216&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1
Drawing and uniform concept design belongs to me, @sakura-soldier.
Barry Madison/Firebrand belongs to @winter-is-ending/@the-melapedes-main-blog (also known as Singer of Water.
Please don't use my drawing or uniform design without my permission first, thank you.
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