#And to anyone working at that particular Denny's at 4:30 in the morning.
existential-squid · 3 months
My mom's making me put my money where my mouth is, and now I have to draw Garfield as a butch catgirl. This happens every time.
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Fuck yeah let's do it
Time to get personal
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1) What song makes you feel better?
Honestly a number of songs make me feel either happy or pumped but Goldfish Crackers by Gold Revere and Sunday Best by Surfaces are the sure-fire way to kickstart the serotonin production
2) What's your favorite feel-good movie?
Honestly probably any Disney movie. They just remind me of simpler times
3) What's your favorite candle scent?
Anything that smells like flowers or nature! I especially love scents that remind me of water for some reason. My favorite perfume smells exactly like a lake and I ritually soak myself in it
4) What flower would you like to be given?
It's guaranteed that I will cry if anyone gives me any flower, but my favorites would have to be orchids or lilies
5) Who do you feel most you around?
Honestly my dad, we're pretty much carbon copies of each other and share the same humor so I feel 100% comfortable with him. I even recently came out to him that I was Bi and he was so supportive about it that I cried about it later that night. We're even planning on getting matching back pieces eventually
6) Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
Oh geez, my self worth is non existent so this took me a while
- my eyes
- my hair (when it's not overgrown like it is now)
- my calves weirdly enough
- my work ethic
- my humor
- my attention to detail
7) What color brings you peace?
Honestly blues and purples make me relax for some odd reason, bonus points if they're iridescent
8) Tag someone or multiple people who make you feel good
Oof obviously @thebo0knerd, @honestcactus, @prussianengel, @americanbeautea, and all of y'all
9) What calms you down?
Just being alone listening to music tends to calm me down, but the binging of Tik Tok and ironically creepypasta/scary story asmr helps too
10) What is something you're excited about?
My laptop! I'm almost able to buy it! It'll probably take a couple more paychecks but here's to an upgrade!
11) What is your ideal date?
Honestly just a trip to the mall followed by binging an anime, I'm a simple girl
12) How are you?
Honestly I've been in the dumps for the past month and a half. I've been working a lot with the public so that's always a fluctuating factor. I think I just need to move somewhere out of this godforsaken town and start somewhere fresh. Without the past constantly bringing me down
13) What's your comfort food?
Mozzarella sticks! In particular Denny's mozzarella sticks. My father would take me to Denny's as a treat whenever he got me for the weekends. He knew how bad it was when I was living with my mother and there's just a lot of comfort in those little artery cloggers
14) Favorite feel-good show?
Honestly a few animes! Right now its Haikyuu, Fire Force, and now Avatar. They're all just so inspiring and funny; they're all a great mood lifter
15) For every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word
🥺 @1a-imagines Direct Ray of Sunshine
🥺 @honestcactus Mood of 2020
💕 @americanbeautea Deity Goals
💕 @awkward-tension Angst Lord
💕 @desperatelittledemon CEO of "Shut Up Val"
16) Compliment the person who sent you this number
All of y'all mean the world to me and I'm always here to listen if y'all want to talk 🥺💖
17) Fairy lights or LEDs?
Why not both? I feel like LEDs are nice but nothing can beat fairy lights above your bed on a stormy day
18) Do you still love stuffed animals?
Of course! I still have most of my childhood stuffed animals and I still mourn my favorite one my mom threw away when I was 9
19) Most important thing in your life?
Oh jeez, I'm not trying to sound edgy or anything but I don't think I have anything important in my life. Obviously I value my sister friends but depression makes shit hard
20) What do you want to do most in the world right now?
Launch all the boomers and Karens into orbit
But honestly I want to start living for myself.
Like I feel like I've only been doing what people tell me to do and going wherever they go and I'm tired of it.
It's time I forge my own path
21) If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
"Blood doesn't bind you, friendship does"
22) What would you say to your future self?
"Ayo bitch good luck"
Just kidding
"It's okay to give yourself permission, no one is holding you down anymore, it's okay"
23) Favorite piece of clothing?
Honestly nothing yet, all of my clothes are either hand me downs or plain clothes. I'm planning on doing a complete wardrobe change so I can dress how I want
24) What's something you do to de-stress?
I'm an avid gamer so I'm always playing some game, anywhere from PS4 to switch, to phone games. They just help get my mind off of things
25) What's the best personal gift a person could give you? (Playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Honestly anything! I've never really gotten anything that was handmade, Book made me a couple paintings and I treasure them
26) What movie would you like to live in?
Avatar tbh (AND YES IT UNFORTUNATELY COUNTS) just the idea of a simple life with a bit of elemental powers is just appealing to me, I feel like I'd be a water bender
27) Which character would you like to be?
Oof all of the dead ones
I mean
Ms. Kobayashi
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A normalish life with dragon waifus? Sign me up!
28) Hugs or hand holding?
Hugs, honestly I'm so touch starved I'd probably cry if I got a genuine hug
29) Mornings, Afternoons, or Nights?
Late nights and early mornings, basically times where everyone else is asleep are just especially peaceful to me
30) What reminds you of home? (Things that remind you of the feeling of home)
I've got a very fucked up idea of home. I was raised in a military household so home was never a location, neither was having long-term friends. Not to mention after I lived with my ex for a year I've got an even more corrupt understanding of home.
But if I had to summarize it just anywhere I feel the safest, which generally means my bed
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
・゜゜・. Hey Hey Another Survey .・゜゜・. by junkie_dreams 1. Who was the last person you forgave? How long did it take you to forgive them? Hmm. It’s been awhile. 2. Is going mushroom hunting in the woods something that would interest you?  No. 3. What is your favorite junk food? How about your favorite health food? Boneless wings, ramen, and some sweets. As for health food... uhhh I like spinach with my eggs and sandwiches does that count? ha. 4. Are you listening to anything right now? Do you normally listen to music while you take surveys? I’m always listening to ASMR while taking surveys. 5. What were you doing the last time you hung out with a friend? I haven’t hung out with anyone outside of my immediate family for a few years now. 
6. Is there anything about you that might cause others to dislike you? I probably seem aloof to new people.  7. Is there anything you're really particular or specific about, anything that has to be done a certain way every time? My days are very routine and some of the things I do are very scheduled. Like, my medicine schedule down to when I eat and drink. I even take surveys at a certain time of day everyday (late night/early morning). I’m also very particular and specific about what I eat and how it’s prepared.  8. Are there any chores you need to get done today?  No. 9. Where was the last place you went shopping and what did you buy? I haven’t been physically out shopping since March, but I do a lot of shopping online. The last thing I bought was from BoxLunch. 10. What was the last big change you made to your physical appearance?  Not since I got my hair colored again back in February. 11. Are you more likely to shut people out of your life or try to fix things no matter what? I’m not usually one to cut people out of my life so easily.  12. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Is going out something you enjoy or would you rather cook at home? Denny’s back in February. I like going out to eat sometimes, but I really enjoy just getting takeout and eating at home. We do a lot of takeout.  13. If you have any pets, do they seem to notice when you're sick or sad? Yes. 14. Describe an interesting place you've been before? San Francisco.  15. Is anything you've done lately going to matter in a year?  Not in a good way, I’m sure. Like, things I’ve done or haven’t done regarding my health will definitely matter in a year. Things could get worse. 16. What was the subject of your last phone call? My mom called me on her lunch break and we just chatted about stuff. 17. Are your hobbies something you'd rather do alone or with others? Depends on the hobby. Like, if I’m reading or doing surveys, I want to do that alone. If I’m watching TV I could do that by myself or with others. I like watching TV with my mom or brother, we have our shows we’re into and it’s fun to talk about it and share our theories and opinions. 18. Is there anything about yourself that you're trying to improve?  There’s a lot I should be working on, but... 19. What are you doing today? It’s 6AM, I should be asleep or going to bed, but I’ll likely do another survey or two and/or continue watching YouTube videos for like an hour. Then I’ll attempt sleep and probably get up around 230/3PM. When I get up I’ll take my medicine and then eventually drag myself outta bed to make coffee and enjoy that with my Hostess coffee cake (I’ve been obsessed with those, I have one everyday with my coffee they’re so good). Then I’ll check my social medias and spend time on those for a bit and then play some Animal Crossing. Throughout the day I’ll also spend time with my mom, watch TV, go on my social medias, and eat at some points as well. That’ll be about it until I switch to my nighttime routine which begins around 1AM and consists of eating ramen, watching YouTube videos/listening to ASMR, and scrolling through Tumblr/doing surveys. Exciting stuff, guys. 20. What did you dream about last night? I don’t recall. 21. When was the last time you visited with relatives? Do you see extended family often?  I haven’t seen any extended family since February. 22. What was the last relaxing thing you did?  Listen to ASMR. 23. Will this weekend be better than last weekend?  My weekends aren’t much different from my weekdays; same stuff different day, really. Everyday is much of the same. 24. When was the last time you were there for a friend? A few years ago when I still had friends. 25. Do you have any jewelry you almost never take off?  No. 26. What are some of your favorite words?  Hmm. 27. Do you have any journals from when you were younger? If so, do you ever go back and read them? I have my diaries from middle school and high school. SUPER cringe. 28. Are there any holidays you used to celebrate, but no longer do?  No.  29. What was the last occasion for which you dressed up?  For a wedding back in 2016. 30. Is there anything you wish you could say to anyone? Meh.
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dawnasiler · 5 years
How to Do Laura Harrier's Skincare Routine
Adopting an all-natural skincare routine is easy when your skin is well-behaved. 
But if it's flaring up with breakouts? Maybe not so much.
That's what happened to Laura Harrier, the 28-year-old star of Spider-Man: Homecoming and BlacKkKlansman.
"I've recently been struggling with acne, which is new for me," she told Into The Gloss. "Maybe it's happening because of all of the travelling, or maybe it's hormones or whatever."
While she used to be devoted to "only clean, chemical-free products," her new skin condition (and rising fame!) required more drastic measures. In 2018, she ditched her natural favourites and switched to an acne-clearing routine devised by celebrity facialist Shani Darden.
Thanks for watching!
Now, "I use a lot of chemicals on my face," says Laura, "and that kind of freaks me out because I wasn't doing any of that stuff for a long time. But when my skin went crazy, I had to do more."
And it sure is paying off....
Close-up of Laura Harrier's skin.
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Here's what Laura uses to keep her skin radiant and blemish-free.
Laura's Morning Skincare Routine
1. Cleanser:
iS Clinical Cleansing Complex
iS Clinical Cleansing Complex: "In the shower, I use a face wash from my aesthetician, Shani Darden."
2. Exfoliators:
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Universal Daily Peel: "And [Shani] has this lactic peel that I do when I get out of the shower."
Biologique Recherche Lotion P50
Biologique Recherche Lotion P50: "I was using P50 for a while... [it] smells like garbage. It's amazing, and I know people love it, but it's too intense! I don't know how you get in bed with somebody afterwards—it's not cute! P50 must kill relationships. I would have kept doing the P50, though, if I didn't find the [iS Clinical] Active Serum. I feel like the Active Serum, for me, is a little better and it doesn't smell bad. It's a good replacement."
3. Serums:
iS Clinical Active Serum
iS Clinical Active Serum: "If I'm breaking out, I'll go for the Active Serum."
iS Clinical Pro-Heal Serum Advance+
iS Clinical Pro-Heal Serum Advance+: "If my skin is dry, I do the Pro-Heal."
4. Sunscreen:
Control Corrective Oil Free Sunscreen SPF 30
Control Corrective Oil Free Sunscreen SPF 30: "Before I head out, I do an SPF 30—the one by Control Corrective. It's really lightweight and just feels like a moisturizer. I use sunscreen every day."
5. Concealers:
NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer in Caramel
NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer in Caramel: "I love to watch the makeup artists at work. Now I can do my makeup for an event if I have to. Day to day, though, I keep it minimal. I do the NARS concealer—my colour is Caramel."
RMS Beauty "Un" Cover-Up in 77
RMS Beauty "Un" Cover-Up: "I like [my look] to be messy and natural."
6. Highlighter/Contour:
Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate
Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate: "I have the Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate palette that comes with the two colours. I throw on the highlighter for everyday and do the contour colour if I'm going out."
Glossier Haloscope in Topaz
Glossier Haloscope: "Just like myself but better is the goal."
7. Lip Colour:
RMS Beauty Lip2Cheek in Beloved
RMS Beauty Lip2Cheek: "I really like the RMS Lip2Cheek colours. You can layer them so you can choose if you want to go lighter or darker."
Laura's Nighttime Skincare Routine
1. Makeup Remover:
Bioderma Sensibio H2O
Bioderma Sensibio H2O: "At night I use the Bioderma micellar water to remove makeup." 
2. Cleanser:
iS Clinical Cleansing Complex
iS Clinical Cleansing Complex: "I wash again with Shani's cleanser."
3. Serum:
iS Clinical Active Serum
iS Clinical Active Serum: "At night... I alternate between the Active Serum and retinol every other day."
4. Retinol:
Resurface by Shani Darden Retinol Reform
Resurface by Shani Darden Retinol Reform: "And then I use her retinol. I'm not using the retinol for wrinkles, but it helps a lot with my acne scarring. And my skin feels smoother."
4. Moisturizers:
Tata Harper Repairative Moisturizer
Tata Harper Repairative Moisturizer: "Then I'll either use a Tata Harper moisturizer...."
Epicuren Brazilian Propolis Lotion
Epicuren Brazilian Propolis Lotion: "Or this new one I just got by Epicuren, which is... something made out of bees."
iS Clinical Reparative Moisture Emulsion
iS Clinical Reparative Moisture Emulsion: "I was doing the iS Clinical moisturizer, but since I was breaking out so much, [Shani] said the moisturizer was a bit too heavy for me."
Laura's Skincare Treatments
Laura Harrier having an oxygen facial. (Photo: @lauraharrier)
Shani Darden: "I see Shani Darden in LA for my skin. When I moved to LA from New York, almost exactly a year ago, I didn't know anyone. The girl who does my eyebrows, Kim Nguyen, told me about Shani, and she kind of saved my face. I like that she's straight up and tells you exactly what you need to do. For me, it's dealing with breakouts. I didn't struggle with it until late in my 20s. That has been really annoying. It's all the travel, stress and whatever else. For a long time, I was very into super clean, natural skin care... but with all the breakout issues, I've had to amp it up. When my skin was perfect, the natural stuff was cool. But if I'm having issues, they don't do enough. I text Shani pictures of my zits all the time, like 'Help meee!'"
Face Masks:
Aesop Chamomile Concentrate Anti-Blemish Masque
Aesop Chamomile Concentrate Anti-Blemish Masque: "I always have my Aesop blemish mask."
Wedderspoon Raw Multifloral Manuka Honey KFactor 12
Manuka honey: "I'll still do a manuka honey mask in the bath."
Laura's Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle
"For me, diet is about moderation. I work out, but I love cheese, pasta and wine."
Laura Harrier at Dogpound. (Photo: @lauraharrier)
Dogpound and SoulCycle: "In New York, I would go to the Dogpound. In LA, I go to SoulCycle and barre class and hot yoga, but I bounce around. Also, I've been traveling so much that it's hard to keep anything together. I downloaded the Nike app to work out while I travel, and I think I did it once."
Infrared Sauna:
"I do the infrared sauna. I feel it helps."
"I get massages, but I don't have one particular person I go to."
Thanks to The New York Times, Into The Gloss, Violet Grey and Vogue.
Shop Laura's Skincare Routine
What do you think of Laura's routine? Have you tried anything she uses? 
How to Do Laura Harrier's Skincare Routine syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Ramblings: Injury Updates for Stastny and Patrick; Jan Kovar; Game Recaps; Forum Questions – October 11
  We had a wild game in Canada’s capital Wednesday night that featured a lot of goals and an equal amount of nastiness.
The first note was that not only did Brady Tkachuk score his first career NHL goal, he managed a pair of them. Truth be told, his power play unit looked much better than the first one and they even started earning some extra ice time. It was a nice game all around for the rookie.
It was the Philly top line that really showed up in this one, though. One night after getting embarrassed at home, Jakub Voracek had a pair of goals and five points, Claude Giroux had one and one, Sean Couturier added another tally en route to a 7-4 win.
The Flyers blue line did a lot of work on the scoresheet as Shayne Gostisbehere had two assists, Radko Gudas had three, while Robert Hagg scored his second goal of the season. Hagg only had three all of last year.
Maxime Lajoie continued his torrid start for Ottawa adding another two goals and assist to his stellar performance so far this season. He also earned over 20 minutes for the second time in four games, playing at least 18:30 in all four contests to date. Of all the early-season goings on, the rookie blue liner having five points in four games has to be near the top of the list.
Nolan Patrick seemed to be injured after a hit in the first period and only played a few minutes in Wednesday night’s game. He left the game, did not return, and the team is calling it an upper-body injury. We may know more on Thursday.
Ryan Kesler made a surprise return for the Ducks as he had not been cleared medically as of Wednesday afternoon but was in the lineup Wednesday night. If you drafted him, now is the time to activate him. With Getzlaf still injured, he should see a lot of ice time.
Patrick Eaves’s progress continues. He’s not ready for game action yet but he’s not having any setbacks, which is a good sign. Anaheim needs all the help they can get, and as soon as possible.
Staying with Anaheim, Ryan Getzlaf won’t be returning just yet for the Ducks. GM Bob Murray said he could be back next week. Fantasy owners will need to exercise some patience here.
Updates on the Arizona-Anaheim game in the morning.
We had a rematch of the Stanley Cup Final with Vegas going into Washington. The Caps would prevail 5-2 largely thanks to their power play.
This was the Evgeny Kuznetsov show all game long. He made a couple of very nice plays to set up Alex Ovechkin for a pair of goals. His best was probably this one, using his edges and exercising patience, waiting for the lane to open:
  Alex Ovechkin one-times home Evgeny Kuznetsov's pass to score his 610th career goal and tie Bobby Hull for 17th place on the NHL's all-time scoring list! #ALLCAPS pic.twitter.com/jKx947K5tZ
— NHL Daily 365 (@NHLDaily365) October 11, 2018
  Kuznetsov figured in all four goals, having one tally and three assists. Two of the team’s four goals came with the man advantage.
One important note from this game on the Vegas side of things: about mid-way through the third period, needing a goal, the Golden Knights stacked their top PP unit with the top line, Max Pacioretty, and Shea Theodore. They have always used to separate PP units with nearly equal ice time. It could have just been for this game needing a goal, but it’s something to monitor in the coming games.
Paul Stastny will miss a few games with a lower-body injury. It doesn’t seem too serious for now but fantasy owners will have to make do in the short-term with a bench option.
For what it’s worth (probably a lot), Bob McKenzie said last night it could me more of a week-to-week thing. We shall see.
Niklas Kronwall should be back Thursday while Dennis Cholowski, Trevor Daley, and Jonathan Ericsson will be out. This is quite the start to the season for the Detroit blue line, injury-wise.
Well, that didn’t take long:
  #Isles place Jan Kovar on unconditional waivers.
— Andrew Gross (@AGrossNewsday) October 10, 2018
  Too bad it didn’t work out. The Islanders need all the help they can get.
We’re a week into the season. We have a couple dozen weeks left. What is true today will not necessarily be true tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month from now.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t some early surprises. Sometimes these surprises lead to good things – Jake DeBrusk looking great early in 2017-18 bode well for his season – and sometimes they’re meaningless.
Here are a few things early in the season that are surprising, at least to me. This is as of Wednesday afternoon, so we’re not counting Wednesday night’s games.
  Patrick Kane leads the league in shot attempts
Not only does the dynamic Chicago winger lead the league in shot attempts (34), he’s done so playing just three games whereas names like Evander Kane (32), Mitch Marner (25), and John Tavares (25) have all played four games.
It’s not necessarily a surprise that Kane is among the league leaders in this regard; he did finish top-10 last year. But that top-10 finish had him 260 attempts behind first place (Brent Burns). That margin of 260 was roughly half of Kane’s final total (515). So, yeah, he normally shoots a lot, but he doesn’t shoot this much.
The thing is, Kane is averaging a lot of ice so far as well, clocking in just shy of 22:30 a game. He won’t keep up over six shots per game, but if he maintains anywhere near that level of ice time, don’t be surprised to see a career-best shot total come from his campaign.
  Los Angeles looks awful.
It has been kind of a tough schedule to open, with games against Winnipeg and San Jose bookending a game with Detroit. But the Kings have been outshot a total of 110-63 in those three games. If they fancy themselves as contenders, this is not the impression to make out of the gate.
Their showing so far is a bit surprising, at least to me. Adding Ilya Kovalchuk and having a healthy Jeff Carter was supposed to make a difference. They’re older players, sure, but still very good. Team depth is an issue but the top half of the roster up front and on the blue line still looks solid. And they were throttled by Detroit, only being bailed out by their goaltending. Not a recipe for long-term success.
  Alex Edler is second among defencemen in PP points
Given that we knew Morgan Rielly would be running the new-look Leafs PP, his leading the league’s defencemen in PP points isn’t a surprise. Edler having three PPs himself, however, is.
Vancouver has looked probably as expected to most: the top line is snakebit early but looks fine, Elias Pettersson looks fantastic, and the rest of the team looks pretty bad. But that top line, with Elias Pettersson, is all Edler needs to have fantasy value.
Power play points are going to be crucial for Edler moving forward and despite the early success, the team is struggling for shot generation. This is something to keep an eye on over the next couple weeks. If Edler can manage a few more PPs in the next five or six games, and shot generation for the Canucks doesn’t improve, that would be the time for fantasy owners to trade him. That injury history is always lurking in the shadows anyway.
  Speaking of Vancouver, don’t be fooled by Loui Eriksson’s start
Three points in three games for the veteran winger is a nice way to begin the campaign. He also has one (1!) shot on goal in those three games and has been given fewer than 12 minutes per game in that span. I’m sure a lot of people will point to the HE PLAYS WITH PETTERSSON sign, but those minutes cannot sustain fantasy value for anyone playing anywhere.
If you have Eriksson on your roster, chances are he was a throwaway pick very late in a deep draft. Maybe you can trade him for something useful now because if his role doesn’t improve, he’ll have no value in a month.
It’s still early so there isn’t really a lot to discuss, especially on slow three-game nights like Wednesday night. I thought I would dig through the Dobber forums and answer some questions posed there.
  Question 1: Buchnevich or Labanc, points-only?
Question taken from here.
To me, this isn’t close. In my preseason projections, I had Buchnevich at 55.0 points even and Labanc at 45.6 points. There has been nothing so far this season that makes me think Labanc can increase his scoring by 25 percent to become the better option.
Yes, Labanc is off to a great start with five points in four game. He’s also still playing roughly as many minutes as he did last year and unless San Jose sustains four or five more key injuries, he won’t come anywhere close to the top PP unit.
Buchnevich, on the other hand, is earning about a minute more per game so far this season compared to 2017-18 and will be on the top PP unit. There is a disparity in the quality of the teams but that top line for the Rangers is still very good and as long as Buchnevich remains in his current role, he’s the superior points-only option.
  Question 2: Brendan Gallagher or Elias Lindholm? Scoring: Goals (4), Assists (3), Hits (0.25), SHG (2), SOG (0.5), PPP (1)
Question taken from here.
My preseason projections had Gallagher ahead of Lindholm in goals (27.6 to 17.1) but the disparity in assists brought their point totals fairly close with Gallagher still having a small edge (53.6 to 51.3). The projection for Lindholm was done with the assumption that he’d play 50 percent of the season on the top line and 50 percent of the season in the middle-6 while bouncing between the two PP units.
This is clearly all about Lindholm’s role. He’s skating with Johnny Gaudreau and Sean Monahan both at five-on-five and on the PP. If that sustains itself for the vast majority of the season, rather than just half the season, that will more than make up for the disparity in shots on goal in this scoring format. If he’s off the top line and top PP unit by American Thanksgiving, though, Gallagher has the clear edge.
As noted by FHG in that particular forum thread, Lindholm likely has the coach’s trust given his early usage and their prior relationship. This gives the edge to Lindholm for however long he maintains his role.
  Question 3: A lot of people are bailing on Kevin Shattenkirk
There were multiple questions about him.
I understand the desire to get ahead of this before it snowballs out of control, seeing as he played under 10 minutes in the team’s last game and looks to be a healthy scratch on Thursday.
Here’s the thing: this is a new coach sending a message to a young team. Expectations aren’t high for the Rangers but an NHL coach doesn’t think in terms of losing. They have to mix winning with developing younger players. This is a message to the younger players that says ‘Even if you’re a 10-year veteran all star, if you don’t pull your weight, we’ll find someone else that will.’ Shattenkirk cracked 20 minutes in each of the first two games before that insane 8-5 game in Carolina.
Don’t bail on Shattenkirk. He’ll be back after the Thursday scratch and back in his usual role. If other people in your league are looking to bail on him, now is the time to buy him for cheap.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-injury-updates-for-stastny-and-patrick-jan-kovar-game-recaps-forum-questions-october-11/
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emtown · 7 years
1. What have you eaten today? Two bites of matcha green tea ice cream, kettle popcorn, pizza. 2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant? ... 3. What color shoes did you last wear? White and silver. 4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week? Andrew, my older brother. 5. What is your favorite scent? Paddywax apothecary candle in amber & smoke. Like Washington in a candle. 6. What is your favorite season? Why? Fall, for its colors, and colder (but not in Texass) mornings. 7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel? Ha no. 8. What color are your nails? Normal nail color? 9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? I guess a lyric from George Ezra. 10. What is something you find romantic? Talking to someone and realizing what they want is also what you want. Like I was talking to someone who said they liked to cuddle and I was like !!! 11. Are you happy? No. 12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad? Happy to be leaving this fucking state in two weeks. Sad knowing there's a future where I won't see my friends anymore. 13. Dogs or Cats? Dogs. 15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library? Forest for pictures, museum for inspiration, library to write, a night club to feel uncomfy. 15. What is your style? Jeans and a shirt. Once I'm skinny I'll have a more defined style. 16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be? In Seattle. Always. 17. Are you in a relationship or single? Single. 18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now? Smile. 19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with? George Ezra, what a beautiful man. 20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Yeah. I wrote an essay about it thinking I'd get over it but lol nope. 21. How did you celebrate last Halloween? I worked. 22. Have you recently made any big decisions? Accepting that I'm going to grad school in Texass. 23. Were you ever in a school play? A bunch of them. We did High School Musical in sixth grade. I was a walkabye. I wanted to be Gabriella soooo bad. 24. What movie would you use to describe your life? Perks of Being a Wallflower is a close identifier. 25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it? Move to Seattle. Not enough money or a job lined up. No security. 26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…” a sunset with. 27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex? Some girls try way too hard to be cool. Shrill. 28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex? THEY CAN'T READ MY DAMN MIND. 29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week? Talking to four people at once while driving back home. It makes me feel popular. 30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it? That I'm not in Seattle when other people are living the life I want. 31. How long was your longest relationship? Let's replace this with friendship: 12 years. 32. Have you ever been in love? A false love, yes. 33. Are you currently in love? No. 34. Why did your last relationship end? Replaced with friendship: I manipulated her. 35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it? None. 36. When was the last time you cried and why? Maybe a few days ago and I was dissociating. 37. Name someone pretty. Anna! 38. What did you receive last Valentines Day? Nothing haha. 39. Do you get jealous easily? Yeah. But I know when to not be jealous. 40. Favorite song currently? Faded Fluorescence by Lights and Motion. 41. Do you trust your partner/best friend? Yeah. 42. Ever had detention? Once I got sent to AC for being out of dress code but I didn't go because I didn't know where it was. 43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city? City. 44. What do people call you? Emily. Or Em Jem, as Aaron says. 45. What was the last book you read? Started Infinite Jest. 46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? Not much. 47. What kind of music do you listen to? Inspirational sappy shit. 48. How tall are you? 5'2. 49. Do you like kids? Not really. 50. Favorite fruits? Strawberries, pineapples, bananas. 51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? I would love to just wear sweats all the time and look like an aesthetic, but I'm a blob right now. 52. What’s your earliest memory? I go back to this one a lot: swinging on the playground in my hometown, my brother one over, and the summer breeze hits my face and I watched other kids run around the place. 53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you? I wrote a poem and someone composed music to the lyrics, if that counts. But no one has written a thing specifically to me, and I'd like that. 54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind it. I have a vision that no one can recreate when they shoot me. 55. Do you have a collection of anything? David Gray cds, nonfiction books. 56. Do you save money or spend it? I like to save but I'm not afraid to spend it. 57. What would your dream house be like? Balcony, no basement. Alcove in the middle flight of stairs. Open kitchen. Sun room. Evergreens in the backyard. Porch. Big windows. 58. What top 5 things make you the angriest? Idiot customers, show offs, people who emphasize "crap" and "fuck," people who misperceive me when I didn't hear them correctly, lazy readers/writers in workshops. 59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? Seeing Chyrell at work, crow's feet by the eyes, funny Tumblr posts, the sunset, receiving the news that a piece got accepted to a journal. 60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? It's a doggo. I'd save it. 61. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Move to Seattle. Tell everyone. Take a ferry every day. Visit my favorite places. I'd be scared but at peace knowing when it'd happen. 62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Broken but in the process of being repaired. 63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Seattle; Iceland; London; Australia. 64. Do you like the beach? Yeah, but only for sunrise/set. 65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special? No, but wouldn't it be nice!! 66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it! Sarah. Such a white name. 67. Do you talk to yourself? When I drive and someone pisses me off. 68. Describe your hair. Long and brown and in need of a cut or re color. 69. What is the meaning of life. BOI. Don't ask me this. 70. What is your ideal partner like? Charming. Laughs a lot. Makes me feel comfortable. Makes me feel validated. 71. Do you want to get ice cream right now? Ooh yeah. 72. When was the last time you redecorated your room? At home it's been a while. Since tenth grade maybe. 73. Like or dislike your family? I only like maybe five people in my family, and the rest can go elsewhere. 74. Are you Chunky or Slim? Chunky of course. 75. Would you consider yourself smart? In some areas yeah. But otherwise I'm pretty dumb. 76. What would you change about your life? I wouldn't live in Texass. 77. Religious or Not? Not really. 78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? What is this question asking 79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? It could be if we replace that with a person I dreamed about. 80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? No. 81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? At Denny's and playing this question game. 82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Again, it'd be weird. 83. Do you like when people play with your hair? Yeah. 84. Do you like bubble baths? No. 85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop? Yeah. Speeding ticket. 86. Have you ever danced in the rain? No, but please do that with me. 87. Do you trust anyone with your life? Used to. And actually, yeah, one of my professors know way more about me than even my parents do. He knows how my mind works. 88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? Chapstick. 89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) Maybe like three places in Canada, Iceland, London, Amsterdam, New Zealand, a tropical place like St. Bart's, Seattle, New York City. 90. How was your day today? Eh. Lazy. Submitted to a bunch of places. 91. Play an instrument? No. 92. Describe what you think of the ocean. Terrifying. 93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Ghosts. 94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? Not at all. 95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side? Yeah. It rarely reveals itself. 96. When are you vulnerable? In my essays. Some Facebook posts. 97. How much free time do you have? A lot now. 98. Do you like to go hiking? Yeah, maybe. 99. Odd or Even Numbers? My favorite number is 5. 100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities? I tried to snorkel and I had a panic attack in the water. But I would try it again! More sunscreen next time.
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