#And though it's almost invisible because my shaky ass hands only let me do it thin AF it looks kinda good
white-nolse · 1 year
I usually really don't mind having long eyelashes, but damn, I wanted to look pretty today and try some eyeliner and my lashes were like "nope"
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Gross Otaku
Character: Leviathan from Obey me
Reader: Male
Word count: 3,797
Tags: degrading, humiliation, topReader, BottomLevi, teasing, slight FootJob, swearing, reader kinda of a ass
It wasn't rare for you to always find your way back into Levi's room. Most of the time you two ended up either playing video games or just watching a new series he was gushing over. You liked spending time with him, even though dealing with any of the demon brothers might be a pain, you had the same interests as the 3rd born Otaku, so it was easy for you two just to get along when he realizes you aren't just some normie trying to pretend to like his same interest. Might be one of the reasons he fell for you so easily from the start. You like the same things he did, and actually, we're into rambling about your shows with him.
But one of the things he didn't expect from you while playing online or any competitive game was to go full-on sailor on anyone who would start shit. Sure he already used to lobbies with people insulting each other and swearing, but it just hit different when it was you. A human full-on destroying other demons who would start insulting other players unprovoked. It was almost terrifying how you drag the filth into some of these guys with a few phrases and just roast them alive. Levi found it arousing, even though you were insulting and being a dig without mercy, sometimes he wanted to degrade him to the point of killing him with humiliation. But oh no, that will be way worse for him. What would his dearest friend think if they found out he was actually turned on by something like that?
A dirty Otaku who gets turned on by being called filth? Oh, he could never live past the day if it were to come. You for sure will never talk to him ever again and go for one of his brothers instead! That would be so unfair, Levi quickly brushes those thoughts away. Now wasn't the time to indulge in his fantasies, you were gonna be coming soon and he was almost done setting the table for your nightly gaming session. This time making sure that extra sodas and sweets were around as he sat up from the coshing on the floor. His computer place opposite to where yours was gonna be.
Levi was a sucker for this setup, both of you got matching PC covers and set and he just loves that you weren't far from his reach if he was to accidentally stretch his hands on the desk or his foot to brush against yours, it would be by the distance and he wouldn't get caught being weird. It was just so perfect in his little head. Already multiple scenarios were starting to reach upon his head to hear you knocking on the door. If you were to tease him or push him around, his mind always wonders about that somehow.
You quirk a brow as you open up the door. Levi standing in front of the table staring down on the light-up screen fail to notice you approach behind up. You notice the light blush on his cheeks as you stood behind him.
"watcha thinking about that got your face all pink like that?" You spoke, Levi screech as he jumps slightly at the sound of your voice. Face going Pinker as he lifted his arm up in a normal fashion to cover his face.
"Oi! W-what are you doing sneaking up to me like that?! Learn how to knock!" He blurted out as he steps back a bit. His leg hitting the table, you scoff back in return as you went around to put your PC down.
"I did, Maybe you would have heard me if you weren't spacing out like a dork" you flop down on the cushion on the floor. A groan passing your lips as you use your arms as support to look up at him.
"Oh..." He mumbled out, the pink on his face slowly calming.
"Yeah, Oh's right, Now come on and sit down I'm hype to start!" You motion a hand towards him.
He just sighs in response as he sat down. Levi's eyes glance up to you putting on your headphones as you got everything ready. You two already had planned before what games you will play and order, so far all of this was like normally scheduled game night. But still, a part of him felt embarrassed that you caught him spacing out while thinking about you. That just so uncool, Levi groans again as he started the match. Maybe he can just play this off and get in the zone when you two start playing. Ignore all about his stupid crush on you and about how close you are and how it will only take a bit for him to move his hand and- darn it Levi concentrate! He can let his fantasies of being with you ruin your relationship now.
Regardless of Leviathans inner monologue to fight back his thought, you on the other hand already notice he was shifting in his spot. You caught on time to time on this, but just brush it off as one of his anxieties tics so you put not much thought into it. Now as you two play a few rounds, everything seemed to go as normal. A few normal lobby encounters here and there. Until the last round of your match, there was this one guy just shit-talking for no reason and everyone was starting to get annoyed at this point. Levi could see your eye twitching from his spot the more this guy kept talking. Just a few more minutes and it would be over and you'll two will move on to the next game.
"You guys suck, what the fuck even is that shot dude? Crappy aim and a shit load of fuc-"
"Man shut up already, I get it, you don't have any friends and no one likes you at home. Your mom gotta deal with her shitty unemployed son living in her basement who doesn't shower. No one wants to hear how fucking pathetic your life is under all those big words buddy so how about you shut your pipe already?" You spat venom in each word as you kept on playing. Levi's eyes darted back up at you, face flushing pink quickly at your words. The guy got caught up in his words at your sudden outburst.
"man you shut the fuck up-"
"see? There you go only using curse words because your vocabulary is so limited. God you're so... pathetic, why don't you do us all a favor and stuff your mouth with one of those overuse sex toys in your room since you clearly never touch anyone before in your life" you said in a mocking tone, it was so clear against Levi's ears, he finds it unfair that you were saying all those things to some random dude and not him, his practically all those things you just said. He bit down on his lip as he shifted on his spot.
The people in the lobby commented their "ooh" and "damn" a few admitted how weirdly sexy your voice was while insulting the guy who was just mumbling cusses at you now.
"awe what's wrong? To shame to admit you're a gross stuck up who hides behind that overly big mouth of yours?" You let out a chuckle as you took the last kill of the game. "Fucking weirdo" you blurted out as you lean back while stretching your arms. Levi stares intensely at his screen. God, it was so so unfair that you talk like that right in front of him. He completely froze in his place as his eyes tried not to look down at the tent in his sweat pants.
"jeez, could you believe that guy Levi? What a pain in the ass...huh your score went down in the last few minutes" you mumble out as you took a sip from your soda. Eyes trying to look over at the Demon whose head was looking down at the screen.
"hmm-hmm" he hummed back a response. His mind was going crazy as he prayed you didn't notice. Maybe if he just didn't move you'll just ignore him or he'll turn invisible by pure luck! Yeah Levi that's a great idea. You squinted your eyes at the top of his head. Shifting in place you stretch your leg under the table to push him slightly.
"Oi, Levi you gonna talk back to me-wow!" you pull your foot back as soon as you felt the hard tent between your sock. Eyes shotting open as Levi let out a surprise screech/moan as he jolted from his spot at your sudden actions.
Both of you froze as his eyes finally met yours, his face flush bright red as you stare in disbelief as you realize what you just felt by accident. You didn't mean it though, you were just gonna push him by the leg not shove your whole foot between his legs.
" w-wait y/n I c-can ex-explain! This so uncool, it's yo-your fault I didn't I mean I was-" Levi became a stuttering mess as he got caught. Your face going blank as you glance down the table to see that he was hard. You press your lips together in a thin line. Your expression on readable made it worse for the Otaku trying to make up any poor excuse on the spot. A hummed left your throat as your foot made contact with his hard-on again, just that this time you put full pressure as his hands flew down to grab your ankle as he let out a choked whine at your sudden action.
"W-what are you doing?!" He exclaims, humiliation washing over him as he made little effort to push your foot away as he didn't dare look back up at your penetrating gaze.
"My fault? You said it was my fault? How are you popping a Boner while in the middle of our game my fault Levi?" You scoff as you place a hand under your cheek as your elbow resting on the table. Levi panted as he tried to make a fail attempt to push his foot away. Face burning with embarrassment at two heavy his breath got against his chest.
The friction was about to be his guilty pleasure as you rubbed your foot up and down. A small pathetic whine leaving Levi's mouth as you press forward into his shaft. The sound of your chuckle made his whole body shake as you took another sip of your drink.
"wow, you really are enjoying this huh? Even though you're a demon and you could easily push me off, you just letting me step on your hard-on just like that?" Your eyes glance down, his feet reaching your side of your thighs as Levi legs feet and stretch. Your hands took a hold of his ankles and pull him closer as your feet press dangerous painful against his pants. Another scoff passing your lips as you watch his back arch at your sudden action. A shaky moan passing his lips as he finally looked up to you.
"so tell me, Levi, what was it that got you like this? You thinking about your anime girls or...." He quickly averted his eyes, a hand flying over to cover his face as he shook slightly, your previous motions stopping as you figure out.
"you got turn-on by me insulting that loser?" You let out a laugh as he tried squirming away. A quiet "n-no" reaching your ears as you retreat your foot and stood up. Making your way over to tower, Levi, as you looked down at him with your hands on your pockets.
"well?" You asked quietly, your voice dropping as you could see the corner of his eyes tear up as he refuses to look at you.
"i-I'm sorry I know I'm gross, I'm just a gross Otaku-" oh there he was, his normal phrase. You crouch down his height as looked at him. He quickly shut up, he was embarrassed to a godly extent but he would be lying that this wasn't making him hornier. I mean this practically one of the many ways he imagines you would take him. Humiliating him just like this, but the fact that you just touch him was already enough to make his mind start to go hazy.
"Yeah you're right, you are a gross Otaku, one that got turn-on by me insulting some guy, or were you just imagining that would be you? Hhm Levi?" You took a hold of his chin to make him look at you, his face felt warm against your fingertip as he bites down on his lip. It was hard for you not to strip him down and take him with that look on his face. But self-control is key in this current situation, and you were determined to see how far you could get.
"y-...yes.." he whispers out. A smile grew on your face as you pulled him closer.
"you know... you're really fun to tease, I wonder how far you letting me get away with this, look how pathetic your acting for a demon..." you breathe out, your lips barely grazing his as one of your hands rubs his thigh, legs close instantly as your palm press against his boner and your fingers dig down into his covered hole. A loud whimper passing his lips as you brought him for an eager kiss.
The hand holding his chin now on the back of his head as you pulled him closer. Teeth clashing between the heated kiss as Levi's hands hold onto your shoulders. Moans passing freely from his throat as his eyes shoot open wide. Body becoming warm as your hand-kept teasing and rubbing his covered cock. He felt already weak with what was going on, everything felt like was going on so fast and rough but was crabbing more and more by the second. The taste of the sweet you were eating prior still lingers in your mouth as you lick again his lips. His jaw going slack as he opens his mouth for you. Another breathy moan left his lips as he felt your hot tongue enter his mouth. This was what Levi was dreaming about and even more.
He gripped on your shoulder as you pulled away. Now both hands stopping your assault as you force him to lay down on the cushions scatter around the floor. Moving both his legs to straddle yours as you started taking off your shirt. If it was even possible Levi's face went redder as he stares at your torso in awe, a smirk rose to your lips as you grip the edge of his shirt and jacket.
"what? Enjoying the show you gross Otaku?" This time it was your turn to let out a groan as you grinded against his groin. You were already hard with all this foreplay, your breathing was starting to hitch against your throat. Levi whined at your words, his slender fingers fumbling around to get desperately rid of his clothes. Your teasing and words already had him in state at this point and you enjoyed how easily he was crumbling to them.
A low sigh passes your lips, your hips rocking against him slowly as your eyes trail up his chest, he was slim but still fit. Both your hands trailing up his bare skin until reaching his already hardening nipples. You lean down and kiss between his chest as you grinded harder against him. Quiet moans passing his lips as he covers his face as he still peeks over to look at your actions. Embarrassment written all over his cute flustered face had you smiling slightly before trailing higher as you left a trail of kisses. A shaky moan passes his throat as you licked up, your lips meeting their way up to his earlobe and nibbling it.
"you like it when I tease you, Levi?" You asked quietly, a moan In a response made you stop grinding. You wanted to hear him say it, god you needed him to be a good boy and admit that he's gross for being turn on like this. Levi shooked his head as he gripped your shoulders, he feels the outline of your cock against his sweat pants and he felt like he was melting on the spot with how close it.
"y-yes.." he whispers out, he tried grinding his hips pathetically to make you continue.
"you like it when I call gross? Hmm? You wanted this whole time to point out how nasty you are for being an Otaku who's choices to gets stuck at home?" Your tongue swirls the back of his ear before biting it.
He arches his back as his grinding became desperate. A loud cry left him as hold into you. He couldn't control how hot his body was feeling, he felt like he was gonna burst if you didn't keep touching him.
"y-yes! I like it, I love it when you call me gross, and I r-really need you to fuck me and put me in my place now! Please d-don't stop Y/n!" He kicks his legs as he shouted. Your eyes winded as you pulled back to look at him, tears falling down his face as his breathing became a mess. Your thumb brushing it off as you lean down to kiss all over his cheek gently as your free hand pulls his waist up to get rid of his sweats and underwear in one go. A sigh of relief passing Levi's lips as his length press against his lower stomach.
"Jeez, your so needy for my cock is makes you look pathetic Baby" you chuckled, truth be told that your heart was beating against your chest widely. You pulled down your pants, the cold air hitting your dick made you shiver slightly as you kick the clothes out of the way. Levi's hands flying over to cover his mouth as you spread his legs apart even wider.
You swallow hard, the view almost made you dizzy as his hole clench around nothing as it glistens with his wetness. A brow crock up as you press a finger inside of him slowly, it sucked you in eagerly as Levi moan loudly.
"How are you this dripping wet down here? You look like a bitch in heat or is that something Demons go through?" You bite your lip as you push another finger in with ease, pumping them fast with how eager he was taking your hand.
"h-hm, oh f-fuck, um uh ye-yes?" Levi squeaks out the answer as he holds into the cushion under him. Your fingers felt so good, he for sure felt like he was on cloud 9, he was craving so much more than your fingers but even with them, he was falling apart.
"hmm, that should be interesting when it comes heh" you press your fingers upwards, hitting his prostate with so much ease it almost amazes you how loud he screams just by that, as he threw his head back. You let out a whistle as you pulled your fingers away from his aching hole. Another whine left him at the absence of your digits, he almost came just by that.
"quit whining, If you wanted me to fuck you" you hiss out, your cock press against his dripping hole was making it twitch. Levi looked back down, eyes glossy as he lifted his legs to his chest as he holds them for you. One of your hands made it to his waist as the other hold your cock, slapping it against him before thrusting yourself halfway in without warning.
Both of you groan loudly as you stood still, he was tight no matter how much he was leaking. He was clenching down on you hard, Levi could feel his mouth water as you push the rest of your cock in his tight hole. He could feel every vein pulsating inside of him, that pre-cum was leaking out his tip. He curses loudly as you pulled back and thrust back into him. Starting with a fast speed as your hips snap against him every time.
"f-fuck your tight, you practically sucking me in" you groan loudly as you grip on his waist, the smacking sound of both your flesh hitting against each other vibrating against the whole room as Levi said your name like a mantra. It felt so good, he felt like he was going to pass out with how good you were fucking him. He didn't want anything but your cock to stuff him full.
"w-what's wrong? You little anime waifu can't fuck you as good as my cock?" You hiss out. "M-mh a-ah fuck n-no! I only want your cock, fuck I only want you to stuff me like this all the time" Levi screamed as he panted between each thrust, you were not slowing down at all. Each time thrusting into the bundle of nerves that was about to make him snap and tip over. His mouth hanging open as drool fell down and his eyes cross, God you thought it was the hottest shit ever.
"Good, good little Otaku, Be good and cum all over yourself like the gross nerd you are- fuck" you moan as you fell on top of him, you never been this riled up. Your hips never stopping once as you kept thrusting harder into his aching hole. Levi's hand made their way up to your face and kiss you roughly. Drowning each other moans as you kept abusing his poor prostate until he came over you and his stomach. A loud cry left his lips as you kept thrusting into him trying to reach climax. Your lips silencing his cries as you gave one final thrust, pressing deep into him as you cover his inside white.
Both of you panted loudly as you regain your breaths. You pulled away slowly, both of you hissing at the feeling as you rolled over next to him. Now staring into the ceiling as your brains process your previous actions as your panting quiet down. You sat up, whipping your forehead as you looked back at him. His face still flushed as you brought your hand to push his bangs off his face.
"you look gross and sweaty, let's take a shower" you blurt out leaning down to kiss his cheek before standing up. Levi covers his face once again as he rolled over.
"This...is so unfair" he breathed out.
"yeah yeah I love you too, but like seriously, we need to shower you made a mess".
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honeyhan-123 · 4 years
The (Mission) Plan ~Part iii
Summary: Two and a half months after that fateful night when Steve and Bucky took you from your home, the golden opportunity to escape reveals itself.
Warnings: Dubcon, anal fingering and sex, very brief mlm (like squint and you miss it), basically pwp. 
Word Count: 3.7k
AN: So this is legit 95% porn and 5% plot. Enjoy!
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You awoke to the door slamming shut and groggily opened your eyes. You watched still half asleep as Steve stripped, throwing his clothes haphazardly around the room. You had been in this situation enough times to know he was angry. At what, you weren’t quite sure but you hoped it wasn’t because of you. 
For a moment you tried to think back, to figure out what you could have done to make him so irate. Your botched escape attempt had been nearly two weeks ago and you had been on your best behaviour since. Admittedly your best behaviour did occasionally include sassing back at the Captain or even screaming and throwing things but Steve hadn’t reacted like this. No, it must be something unrelated to you.
You had known what he was here for as soon as he had slammed the door behind him but you were still startled as he yanked the bed sheets away and hastily crawled on top of you. A grunt of approval came from him as he saw you naked and ready. He flipped you over so you were lying on your stomach and you didn’t dare protest as his fingers wedged themselves between your thighs. 
He pushed your knees up beneath you and you lifted yourself up onto shaky arms, following his silent cues. He grinded his member against your ass as he slipped a finger into your entrance. You were dry and it hurt slightly at first but over the past few months Steve and Bucky had conditioned your body to respond to their touch. 
In no time at all, Steve deemed you wet enough for him and his fingers disappeared only for a prodding sensation to follow. You gritted your teeth as he roughly sheathed himself in you. The initial stretch was always more than you thought. 
Steve wasted no time at all in starting his punishing pace. Each thrust sent a jolt of pain up your spine but you kept your mouth clamped shut. He wouldn’t care for your whimpers. If anything, you suspected they would egg him on. 
His hand buried itself in your hair, tugging at your roots while the other left bruises along your thigh from where he gripped you painfully hard. His balls slapped against your ass and his low groans echoed in your head as he used your body. 
Your arms shook beneath you and you were almost thankful when Steve pushed you down onto your chest. The bed sheets rubbed against your nipples and his chest rubbed against your back as he fell on top of you, his arms caging you in. The new position allowed him to fuck you even more vigorously and you moaned as he brushed against your g-spot. 
‘God Honey, that’s it. C’mon Honey.’ His husky words filled with his desperation only added to your own. Your depravity reached new heights as he hand dipped down your stomach to your clit. His nimble fingers rubbed a flurry of circles around your bundle of nerves and left you begging. 
‘Please… Please, I need-’ Words failed you as desire overtook your mind. Your only saviour was his purr of approval. 
‘Yeah Honey. Cum with me. That’s it. You can do it.’ Your body convulsed as it obeyed his command, pleasure filling your veins as his own filled you. His grunts echoed through your mind as he lent his head against your back, his hot breath whispering along your neck. 
You were prepared for him to pull away, for him to leave you just like he always did but the movement never came. Instead, he flipped onto his side, pulling you with him as he remained sheathed inside of you. You couldn’t allow yourself to relax in this new territory but he seemed perfectly content. His earlier anger gone for the moment as his fingers drew patterns along your swollen stomach. 
The silence felt suffocating and you only started to relax as you felt him harden again. This, you could deal with. You knew what he expected of you. 
Without a word, you pushed yourself back into him and raised your left knee, allowing your walls to pull him in deeper. You felt his lips pull into a smile against the back of your neck. 
‘Such a good girl for me.’ You keened at the praise but tried not to show just how much it affected you. But he knew. Steve always knew. Although he may not show it as openly as Bucky, Steve knows you inside and out as well. He knows what makes you tick, what to do to get you begging, and what you truly want, even if you might not know it yourself. 
His pace was slow, almost lazy as he moved his body against yours. His lips constantly brushing against your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Despite how soft the moment felt, it didn’t deter the fire kindling in your belly. 
It was almost too much as Steve let his hand dance back down to your sensitive nub and you let him know with a strangled ‘Steve…’ But he just shushed you. 
‘I know you can take it Sweetie. You’re such a good girl and good girls take what they’re given. I know you want it, just give in to me.’ His fingers were unrelenting as they swirled in smooth circles, eliciting moan and moan from your lips. ‘See Sweetie? I know best. I know you best.’ You couldn’t help but agree in your daze. 
The hand that wasn’t dancing along your clit reached up to grab your tit and Steve moaned in awe as you filled his palm perfectly. Although it was still early days of your pregnancy, you knew your body had begun to change and both Steve and Bucky had made it clear just how much they both adored those changes. Steve toyed with your sensitive nipples, pulling them taught one moment and gently kneading the flesh the next. 
The constant stimulation was beginning to be too much and it was only a matter of minutes before you felt your toes curl. Your walls clamped down around him as he pushed you over the edge once more. You smothered your face into the pillow as your body thrummed with pleasure. Steve’s own grunts sounded like a symphony as he followed you, filling you to the brim once more. You felt so full of him that it was a wonder you could take any more. 
Once more you were left dazed as his arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly closer in his warm embrace. You didn’t question it as his palm once more spread across your stomach, his fingers tracing invisible patterns. You could feel the steady thump of his heart against your back and you wondered what was going on in his mind. 
The silence stretched on for what could have been minutes or even hours as his breathing and your own returned to normal. It was only as your heart rate started to calm down when he spoke his voice so soft that you might not have heard it. 
‘I hope it’s a girl.’ 
Your body stilled as he spoke and being too afraid to say anything contradictory you merely responded, ‘A girl?’ 
‘Yeah. I’ve always wanted one. Even back before the ice. I wanted a way to remember my mother, and now,’ His hand spread itself over your belly. ‘I might just have one. But what do you want?’ 
Your body tensed once again. You knew that if you said what you truly wanted, this kind, soft Steve would be gone in a heartbeat. Instead, you reflected back on that moment in the greenhouse, where that unwelcome picture of a blue-eyed boy running around the isles had implanted itself into your mind. 
‘I’m not really sure. I guess I haven’t really thought that far ahead. But I guess whenever I picture the future, it’s always a boy. He… he always has your and Bucky’s eyes.’ Steve hummed in approval of your answer. 
‘Yeah. Bucky told me about that. But tell me this, does he normally have brown or blonde hair?’
‘I… I don’t know.’
‘You do know.’ His tone wasn’t accusatory or even angry. It just seemed sad and he was right. You did know. 
You wanted to scream as the guilt the wrecked it’s way through you, twisting up your insides. He shouldn’t be able to do this, to make you feel this way. Not after everything he’s done but here you were. Feeling guilty over some unborn child. 
‘I’m sorry.’ The words were a whisper just like his lips brushing against your shoulder. 
‘It’s okay.’ 
Somehow your body had calmed down long enough in Steve’s embrace for sleep to creep over you once more. Just like earlier you were awoken by anger, though this time none of it was directed at you. 
Harsh tones filled your ears as your eyes were met with darkness. The only light in the room came from the hallway where you could see the door hadn’t fully closed. 
 You slithered out from under the covers and began creeping to the door. You couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but they were definitely having an argument. A big one. 
Your feet brushed against the soft material of Steve’s shirt from where he had let it fall to the ground earlier. Without pausing to think, you bent down and scooped it up, pulling it over your naked body. 
You crept towards the door, barely daring to breathe as you pressed your ear to the crack. 
‘It’s not my choice Steve! I’ve been given orders.’ 
‘Oh, you’re seriously going to pull that card? I was given orders too but I chose to ignore them. I chose my family over some stupid mission.’ Steve bit back at Bucky and you cowered against the door. You had been on the receiving end of his anger far too often and the urge to go out and comfort Bucky was almost overpowering, but you stayed put as Bucky fired back. 
‘It’s different for you and you know it. They don’t need you like they need me. I know these Hydra lairs and I’ll be able to keep our team safe.’ 
‘You’re just doing this because you’re so desperate to prove yourself, Bucky. I trust you and so does the team. You don’t need to keep on trying to earn their forgiveness for things that you had no choice about. You weren’t you back then and we all know it.’ 
‘That’s not what this is about.’ 
‘That’s bullshit.’ A gasp escaped you as you heard Steve swear. While it was quite common in the throes of passion, you had never heard it outside the bedroom so to speak. He often chastised you for your potty mouth and the idea of spanking him like he did to you brought a smile to your lips. You could barely imagine pulling his hulking frame over your lap. 
The smile quickly faded as you heard Bucky’s next words though. ‘Steve, I already said yes to the mission and you know there’s no going back now. So as I see it we can either spend our last night together for a while fighting and arguing or we could have a nice time.’ Bucky pleaded. 
‘It’s hard to have a nice time when my boyfriend’s being an idiot.’ Steve grumbled but you knew the fight was over and that Bucky had prevailed. 
There was silence for some time and while the open door was tempting, your ass was still slightly too tender for you to even dare try and creep out. So instead, you padded back to your bed grabbing a book on your way. You didn’t doubt that your soldiers would be in your room soon enough to give Bucky a real farewell. 
You had barely read a chapter of your novel before the door was pushed open as your soldiers came in. They both looked tired, and slightly on edge but they were putting on a good front for each other. You weren’t sure if you should address the tension in the room, or even let them know that you knew but Steve solved that issue for you. ‘How much did you hear Honey?’
You paused slightly, deliberating your answer before settling for honesty. ‘Not much. Just that Bucky’s going on a mission.’ 
‘That’s right.’ Bucky chimed in, coming over to sit on the edge of your bed. ‘I shouldn’t be gone for too long, a week or two at most. So I’m going to need you to be an extra good girl for Steve while I’m gone, especially because he’s so pissed at me right now.’ 
It hardly seemed fair that you should be suffering because of Bucky’s choices but that was your life, and life wasn’t fair. So instead you nodded your head a meek little ‘I understand,’ spilling from your lips. 
‘That’s a good girl Honey.’ Bucky scooted up your bed so that he was sitting against the headboard too. Turning to Steve he reached an arm out. ‘Come on Stevie.’ You could see the ghost of a smile as Steve crossed the room and came to sit on your other side, his arm sliding around your back. 
Before you had time to say anything, Steve had your book in his hand and placed the slim metal tab between the open pages before discarding it on your bedside table. Meanwhile Bucky had twisted you towards him, his hand coming up to cup your face as he pulled you in for a kiss. His tongue slipped in easily and mixed with yours. He tasted musky with a light sweetness and your eyes closed in bliss. 
You could feel Steve’s hands wandering, pulling his shirt up over your hips and breasts. His hands came up to cup the mounds, playing with your perky nipples as his lips brushed against your shoulder. ‘You look spectacular wearing my clothes Sweetheart. Maybe I should take away your wardrobe and only give you my own clothes from now on.’ 
Bucky chuckled against your lips at Steve’s murmuring. ‘I think you mean our clothes punk.’ 
You smiled despite yourself and briefly parted from Bucky as Steve tugged the shirt over your head. A part of you suspected that Steve might be serious in his suggestion but you pushed it from your mind, leaving it to be a problem for future you. Right now you could barely form a coherent thought, let alone one concerning your wardrobe. 
There was a nudge at your back and you shifted as Steve pushed your over, onto Bucky’s lap. He climbed up behind you and briefly pulled your lips away from Bucky’s so he could kiss him too. You watched as the two men kissed, your thighs clenching in response to the way they devoured one another. 
You double checked, making sure that neither of them were paying you any attention before you let your hand drift down to in between your thighs. A surge of shame washed over you as you discovered just how wet you were but it was quickly dismissed. There was nothing you could do about it now and so you began coating your fingers in your slick, sliding them up and down along your lips. 
Your middle finger found its way inside you, slowly pumping in and out and before long your index finger joined it. A groan of dissatisfaction tumbled from your lips even as you added a third finger. Your fingers just weren’t as thick or as long as your soldiers and you longed for more. Yet you pushed it aside and began to rub your palm along your clit with every thrust of your hand. 
You were still a little sensitive from earlier with Steve yet it just added to your pleasure. In what felt like no time at all you could feel your walls begin to pulsate around your fingers as your impending orgasm to build. Moans fell freely from your lips as you got yourself off. The slow burning fire erupting over your body and flowing through your veins as you panted. ‘Oh god.’ Any sense of keeping quiet and secret had completely disappeared from your mind as pleasure washed over you. 
‘Isn’t that the prettiest sight you’ve ever seen Stevie? Our girl, getting herself off for us.’ 
‘Oh yeah it is Buck. I would’ve preferred if she asked first though.’ Steve’s tone was admirable, yet also teasing and you squealed as he gently smacked your ass. 
‘I’m sorry Captain.’ You tried your best to sound demure yet the wanton goddess within was anything but. 
‘It’s okay Honey. Bucky and I both know how cock-hungry you are. How desperately you need us.’ You nodded your head eagerly as Bucky discarded his shirt and shifted his hips to pull down his jeans. ‘Why don’t you show me how much you need the Sergeant and I?’ 
You needed no further prompting as you crawled further up Bucky’s legs and situated yourself right over his pulsing member. You gripped it tightly and gave a few gentle tugs as you raised yourself up on your knees before lowering down onto it. An involuntary moan fell from your lips as he filled you so much better than your own fingers had. 
‘God, she’s so wet, so freaking tight.’ Bucky’s hands gripped your hips and began rocking them against his. You could feel Steve move around behind you but paid him little attention as Bucky brushed against your g-spot. Your fingers dug into the scarred flesh of Bucky’s shoulder just as his did on your hips. 
Bucky alone was already more than enough for you but when Steve slipped a lube covered finger into your tight hole you lost it. You walls clamped down on Bucky and he continued to fuck you through your second orgasm of the night. 
‘Goddammit Steve, hurry up. She’s already trying to milk me dry.’ Bucky grunted out below you and Steve slipped in a second finger. Sweat started to gather on your forehead as Steve moved his fingers in time with Bucky, scissoring and curling them every now and then. A third long and thick finger was added just for long enough for you to grow accustomed before all three were removed, causing a whimper to fall from your lips. 
Steve’s chuckle brushed against your lips as you felt his warm chest press against your back. ‘You’re just so desperate to get fucked in the ass aren’t you?’ Words failed you as his degrading tone washed over you and all you could do was desperately nod your head as another whimper left you. ‘Fuck, your begging for it. But don’t worry Honey. I’m gonna give it to you. I’m gonna give it all to you.’ 
‘Please.’ It was desperate and needy and should have made you want to crawl under the bed but when Steve pulled your ass cheeks apart before sliding home all thoughts of leaving disappeared. ‘So much. Too much.’ The stretch was borderline painful but you wanted it.
‘You were the one begging for it just before Honey. Just give it time, you’ll get used to me.’ You nodded your head, words seeming to be too much. Bucky thoughtfully also slowed his pace as you got used to your soldiers cocks filling both your holes. 
There was a cold digit pressing against your clit and looking down you saw the flash of silver of Bucky’s arm. The cold was welcome at first but soon the ministrations of his nimble fingers just added to the heat that was consuming you. 
Steve’s hand pushed you down, onto Bucky’s chest as he began dragging his cock in and out of your tight hole. You were astonished everytime they did this at how in sync your soldiers were. They managed to play your body like a fiddle, as though they had been learning the instrument their whole lives. 
You were helpless to desire as their pace picked up. Both of your soldiers thrusted their hips with rough, pure strength and you weren’t sure how much more you could handle. Already the familiar tightening of your belly was warning you of your impending orgasm. Neither Bucky nor Steve seemed to care what you could or couldn’t handle though as they used your body, forcing pleasure onto you. 
‘I know you’re close Honey. Be a good girl for the Sergeant and I and cum for us.’ Steve’s words were like a blessing to you and you gladly followed his commend. Your walls pulsated around their members and you felt them each fill you soon after. 
Steve eased out of you first, and you shuddered as his cum dripped down your thighs. You felt the bed dip beside you as Steve lay back, his hands behind his head, a lazy and rare smile on his lips. The sight caught you so off guard that you couldn’t help but stare. Your attention was soon brought back to Bucky as he also slipped out of your warm heat, a hiss falling from your lips involuntarily. 
‘I’m sorry Honey.’ He manoeuvred your body so you lay next to Steve, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. ‘I know it hurts, I’ll go grab you a cloth so you can wash up.’ You nodded in a daze, all the fucking of the day seeming to catch up with you at once. 
By the time Bucky had returned your eyes were already closed and while you weren’t quite asleep you were very close to it. You could feel the bed lift as you assumed Steve excused himself before Bucky came back. You could feel hands, one soft and warm and the other cool and metallic dance along your thighs for a moment before the bed dipped and Bucky crawled in beside you, his arms wrapping around your body and moulded you to him. 
The last thing you noticed before sleep pulled you under was the final dip of bed and another warm body pressing itself against you. 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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s n a k e     |     e y e s     [chapter 5]
pairing; snakehybrid!woozi x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; possessive!jihoon, dom!jihoon, marking, choking, restraints, dirty talk, impregnation kink, cream pie w/ minor cumplay ! whew! 🤪🥴🤤 also this snake-hybrid au isn’t following any of the blurbs/drabble game posts that precede it!! I know I did some drabble posts with snake hoonie but this doesn’t follow the same timeline as those otherwise it wouldnt make sense 🤣 kfhkdh also i do be laughin that this gets posted after the svt anniversary video and gose where jihoon was chan and teasing him bc 🥴 anyway! this is a long ass chapter and almost 6k words so strap in for the ride yall! 💕💕💕💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - x - x - x - x - x
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“Are you mad?”
“What? No, just… I mean, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
You watch Jihoon from across the table at brunch as he picks at his food quietly. Minghao had texted again asking if lunch was still on for next week and you had asked Jihoon as soon as the two of you sat down to eat.
“If you’re uncomfortable with Minghao and Chan coming, it’s okay. You can tell me, Jihoon.” He sits across from you with a pout on his lips. 
“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable I’m just… shy. But it’s okay. Because I… If they’re your friends then they must be nice, right? I’m just shy around new people.”
“Okay, but like, if things feel off… Just let me know?” Jihoon nods, taking a bite of his food. It falls into a comfortable silence while the two of you eat; enjoying each other’s company after last night. The memories flood your headspace in an instant. Right, you needed to talk to Jihoon about that.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
“About last night…”
“Oh. Right. Did you hate it? I can stop if you don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense if we don’t benefit from it.” A flush covers your skin almost immediately as you place your fork down on your plate.
“I didn’t hate it… But I’m just curious… If--I mean, I don’t want you to think this is just a physical thing, I guess?” This time it’s Jihoon’s turn to blush as he meets your shy stare.
“I… I mean we’re still getting to know each other, right? And I like you. You’re nice and you care about me. We can just… think of it as the physical part of getting to know each other.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, thinking about his words. You clearly like liked Jihoon too and you didn’t want to take things too far too fast. But you also knew that he was aware of the sexual tension floating around the air now and the two of you couldn’t really go back to ‘normal’ after last night.
“Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I just don’t want to… go too fast, y’know? You’ve only been here a few weeks...”
“That’s true. But also in fairness, this is the longest I’ve been away from the adoption center so it seems to be going well if you ask me.”
Damn. He was right and you hadn’t even realized it. Jihoon had already been with you for over a month and you hadn’t even noticed the time passing. You feel your heart swelling at the thought.
“Huh. You’re right. I guess we really do work well together, huh?”
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“Ah, ngh, Ji--Jihoon w--wait, my phone’s ringing!” 
Jihoon’s grip on your thighs tighten, his blonde hair peeking from between your legs. Your hands brace yourself on the table where you calmly had brunch just 3 hours ago. Jihoon had clearly still been hungry.
“You can answer it?” He immediately laps at your clit after his comment, fingertips curling inside your pussy as your eyes roll to the back of your head. “I--I ca--can’t!” He smiles against you before applying pressure to the nub with his tongue. “Uh-kay them, dom’t?” Jihoon’s voice is muffled against your skin, a whimper escaping your lips at Jihoon’s unhelpfulness.
“Ji--Jihoon you’re so m-mean!” You whine.
You watch Minghao’s name disappear from your phone screen next to you on the table, a moan on your lips when Jihoon’s fingers curve up into your g-spot. “Oh, f-fuck, right t-there!” You tangle one of your hands in his hair, tugging him closer as you grind yourself against his tongue and fingers.
Minghao [3:14PM]: I tried calling but you’re probably busy?
Minghao [3:14PM]: Chan and I are free on Wednesday, lmk if it works for you.
You can barely catch the words on your phone screen before Jihoon sucks your clit into his mouth.
“Ugh, fuck, Jihoon I’m--” Your eyes snap shut almost immediately; thighs clamping shut around Jihoon’s head as you cum hard. He scissors his fingers inside of you, tongue still lapping at your clit until you start to come down from your high.
Your limbs feel boneless once your orgasm fades off, shaky legs unclamping as Jihoon slides his fingers from your pussy straight to his mouth. Letting your legs down as you sit up to catch your breath, you watch him still on his knees in front of you as he cleans your wetness from his fingertips.
“God, Ji. That was Minghao!” Jihoon pops his fingers from his mouth, getting up from his kneeling position.
“What did he want?”
“They’ll be over Wednesday so we have some work to do!”
“Okay but can we cuddle first? We can figure out the rest later.”
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Over the next couple of days leading up, you and Jihoon take the time to clean up the apartment and buy some ingredients for lunch. And since Chan was a bunny hybrid, he was strictly vegetarian which meant you and Jihoon had tried to cook a few recipes to decide what was best.
“Are they gonna come soon?” Jihoon munches on a stray piece of carrot, watching as you finish up in the kitchen. “Mmhmm, but knowing Minghao they might be a little late.”
You and Minghao had agreed on 12:00PM and it was currently 12:04PM; If you were lucky he’d be here by 12:45PM at the earliest. Jihoon helps you tidy up the kitchen once you’re finished, flopping onto the sofa once he’s done. And he won’t admit it but he’s nervous; eyes fixated on the ceiling as he twiddles his thumbs and sighs.
“You okay, Ji?”
“Mm? Yeah… Haven’t really met another hybrid since Mingyu and Seokmin so s’kinda weird. I’m okay though.” You start to make your way to the sofa but the doorbell rings just as you reach Jihoon. You shoot him an encouraging smile, running your fingers through his hair really quick before turning and making your way to the door.
When you swing it open, you're met with Minghao’s cheery face and Chan inquisitive one. In actuality, you’d only ever seen Chan in photos and you can’t help but immediately gush at how cute he is; completely ignoring Minghao’s presence once you take note of Chan’s cute bunny ears atop his head.
“Oh my god, you are just… So cute!”
You refrain from touching the cute caramel coloured bunny ears, noticing they match the colour of his hair.
“Come in! Jihoon’s in the living room!” Chan flashes you a sweet smile as Minghao raises an eyebrow at you. “You didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me. Rude!” You laugh at Minghao’s comment, giving them enough space to enter your apartment.
“Sorry, I’ve just never met Chan before. He’s cuter in person so I was distracted!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just tell me you’re tired of me, you don’t have to lie!”
“‘Hao! You know you’re my best friend but Chan’s… cuter. I’m sorry.” Minghao feigns hurt, wiping invisible tears as they stand in your hallway.
Now that you think of it, you weren’t sure how Chan and Jihoon were going to get along, if at all. It’d slipped your mind but technically Jihoon was a predator animal hybrid and Chan was a prey animal hybrid. Your mind blanks at the sudden epiphany as you gulp.
“Um, shall we move to the living room?” The two nod, waiting for you to lead the way. Taking a deep breath, you lead them to the living room; eyes meeting Jihoon’s as he sits up on the sofa.
“Jihoon, I want you to meet my friend Minghao and his hybrid, Chan!” You try to put on a cheery smile but you can already sense that Jihoon’s kind of on edge.
When you’d spoken to Seungcheol about him back at the adoption home, he had said that Jihoon typically got along well with every hybrid at the home so far and that the snake hybrid hadn’t gotten into any fights or threatened any of the other hybrids there. You really had no reason to be that concerned, and plus, Jihoon had already told you he was just shy more often than not.
“Hi, I’m Jihoon. Um… I’m a snake hybrid.” You can see the flush on his face, watching as he licks his lips. It was a nervous habit that you noticed he had. And for a second you worry about if Chan’s also going to be nervous about the snake hybrid but he shoots the shorter male a beaming smile.
“Hi! I’m Chan! I’m a bunny hybrid and I like to sing! And I like to dance, too!” Chan moves forward to shake Jihoon’s hand, backing off slightly when he sees the snake hybrid flinch. “Oh, sorry. Do you not like handshakes?”
“Huh? Oh, no I--I was just surprised that’s all.” Jihoon reaches a hand out instead, a tiny smile on his lips when Chan shakes it. “Oh, whoa, your hands are cold!” Minghao scolds him slightly, giving him a warning look as Chan sheepishly scratches his head. “Sorry, hyung always gets mad at me because sometimes I talk first and don’t think.” Jihoon laughs at this and you feel your heart soaring out of your chest. Thank god!
“It’s okay, I know someone else who’s just like that and he’s a big puppy hybrid named Mingyu.”
You and Minghao fondly watch the two interact, glad that they’d gotten along well despite their differences.
“Okay guys, shall we have lunch?”
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Over the course of lunch, Jihoon and Chan talk animatedly about music as you and Minghao delve into your own conversations about work, letting the two hybrids bond. Jihoon calls your name after a while, grabbing your attention.
“Chan and I are done with lunch and I was wondering if it was okay to bring my keyboard out? We were gonna do some music stuff.” Chan looks at you with pleading eyes, lips jutting out in hopes of swaying you.
“Yeah, of course! You didn’t need to ask permission for that.” They smile at you in return, Jihoon getting up to retrieve his keyboard from his work room. “I’ll be right back.”
The three of you watch Jihoon leave the dining area, watching as he disappears into the hallway.
“Jihoon is really nice, Minghao-hyung!” The smile on Chan’s face is sincere, eyes curving into crescents.
“You’re more than welcome to come over anytime you want, Chan! Ji could use the company other than myself sometimes, I think.” You laugh at your own comment, leaning over to pat his head. He leans into your touch, sighing dreamily when you start to itch behind his ears.
“That feels really nice…” You internally scream, face red as a tomato when Chan starts scenting your hand. He rubs his face against your palm, resting his cheek against it. Uh oh, Jihoon’s not gonna like that.
Sure enough, Jihoon round the corner, eyes fixated on the way Chan’s head is on your palm.
“Um…” Minghao’s eyes travel from Chan to Jihoon as he bites his nail; knowing exactly what the snake hybrid is thinking without even saying anything. “Hey, Chan?”
“Mmh?” Minghao clears his voice in a warning manner, Chan’s eyes fluttering open.
“I think Jihoon would like to go do music stuff in the living room now.”
“Oh… okay!”
In an instant, Chan gets up like nothing happened and walks up to Jihoon. “Okay! Let’s get it!” Jihoon on the other hand quietly nods, gesturing to the bunny hybrid to follow him to where he likes to set up by the window. You shoot Minghao a look as you share a sigh. “Shall we clean up?” He nods at you, getting up from his seat as he starts to collect the utensils. And once the two are properly distracted, the two of you move into the kitchen where you start on the dishes.
“I’m really sorry about Chan. He’s normally really up on skinship, I just, I didn’t think--”
“Shh, it’s okay! I don’t think… Jihoon’s mad. Just might be weird to see me around other hybrids since he’s used to it just being me and him.”
The two of you talk in whispers, not wanting the two to hear your conversation about them.
“Trust me, Jihoon is really about skinship too. I know he doesn’t seem like it, but he’s just as bad. Don’t be sorry about Chan.”
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Once the two of you finish up cleaning, you make your way to the living room as well. The two hybrids sit in the sun by the window; Jihoon’s music notes out while Chan tries to sing along to one of his melodies.
You decide to sit closer, wanting to be a part of their music session as Minghao grabs a film camera from his bag. “Might as well, Chan likes keeping the photos in his scrapbook.”
“Oh yeah! I put pictures of me and all my friends in it. All the pictures are from hyung, obviously. Now I can add you and Jihoon-hyung to it!”
The four of you sit on the floor in somewhat of a circle, Minghao and Chan next to you as Jihoon sits in front of you. Chan glances at you once before he shifts closer to you.
“Can you pet me again?”
You blush for a moment, but he inches closer again and you feel sort of bad. “He never pets me when he’s “working”...” Chan draws air quotes around the word, a pout on his lips as he looks at Minghao.
“How can I pet you if I’m taking photos? Do I look like I have more than two hands?”
Sighing, you raise your palm, placing it on one of Chan’s fluffy ears as he leans into your touch. You’d have to deal with the repercussions with Jihoon later; you’d just hope he understood.
Chan decides to lay down on the floor, using your thigh as a pillow as he listens to Jihoon play the piano. The snake hybrid plays a familiar song as Chan sings along, voice stable even when he’s laying down. You check Jihoon’s face for any signs he’s mad but he seems to be okay for the most part, albeit a little quieter than usual. He still makes an effort to speak to Chan and engage in conversation, praising his singing voice as Chan blushes.
You play with the soft fur of Chan’s bunny ears, admiring them as you coo.
“Your ears are just so soft! And so cute!” He nuzzles into your leg, scenting you again as Jihoon seems to flinch. “Thanks~ It feels nice when people pet them!”
He stays like that for a while longer, only getting up when he starts to feel sleepy. “Hyung, m’sleepy now…” Minghao sets his camera down, running a hand through his own hair. “Did you want to head back then? We can just come over another day.” Chan nods, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “I’d like that. Jihoon-hyung is cool and I wanna come see him again!”
Jihoon blushes at the comment, accidentally pressing down the wrong key as he sputters. “Y-yeah, I had f-fun too…”
The four of you get up from the floor, stretching and gathering your belongings. “I’ll show you guys to the door?” Minghao and Chan nod, and to your surprise, Jihoon follows behind as you begin to walk to the doorway. “It was really nice having you guys over! And Chan, you’re always welcome here too. Maybe we can call up ‘Cheol and have him bring Mingyu along as well!” Chan talks animatedly about how much he’d like that, already asking when they could set up a date.
“Alright, slow down, bud. We gotta figure out when ‘Cheol’s got time and we still got work, y’know?”
“Yes, hyung…”
You side hug Minghao, only for Chan to launch himself at you right after. He nuzzles into your neck as he squeezes you tight. “Thank you for having us over today!”
When he lets go of you, he immediately looks to Jihoon, shooting him a smile and waving before running out the door.
“I’m really really sorry about him.”
“It’s okay, get going before he bounces off somewhere. I’ll talk to you later, ‘Hao.”
You shut the door once they leave, breathing a sigh of relief when you turn around.
Jihoon doesn’t visibly look upset, but you can see a glint in his eyes that tells you he’s thinking about it.
“Hey, Ji--”
“Mm, I’m gonna work on some music back in my work room. I got some ideas and I wanna hash them out before I lose the inspiration.” You nod, watching him as he grabs his keyboard from the living room and starts down the hallway.
“I dunno when I’ll be done but if you start on dinner, just call me.”
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You leave Jihoon to his work, tidying up around the house before you plop down onto the sofa to watch some TV. You’d figured that Jihoon probably just needed some time to himself to cool off, just in case he really was mad. But at the same time, you were really proud of the snake hybrid for being so civil and kind to Chan despite Chan’s need for skinship.
Not even realizing you fell asleep at some point, you sit up on the sofa groggily. The sky is already dark outside of the windows so you’d fallen asleep for quite a white, shutting off the TV as you stretch. Turning towards the hallway, you wonder what Jihoon is even up to; if he’s even still working on his music.
Getting up from the sofa, you stretch, already walking down the hallway to Jihoon’s workroom. You don’t hear any music and you don’t hear his voice at all but you knock, calling Jihoon’s name softly.
He opens the door gently after a minute or so, sleepy eyes meeting yours. “Oh, did you end up taking a nap too?” You can hear the sleep laced in his voice, reaching up to thread your hand into his blonde locks.
“Yeah, I fell asleep on the sofa. Guess we were more tired than expected, huh? I’m gonna start on dinner, if you wanna come keep me company or something.” He nods, letting you know he’ll be out in a few minutes.
You walk to the kitchen, already grabbing the necessary items to start on dinner. Jihoon joins you a few minutes later, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You smell like him, y’kno?” Jihoon’s voice is soft but gravelly next to your ear. There’s a certain edge to his voice that has you shuddering against his form. “Do you want to know something?”
“They say that some snakes can smell the fear in their prey. Do you believe it?”
“I--I don’t know?” There’s a soft but warning chuckle by your ear, Jihoon’s arms tightening around your body as he presses harder into you. “I don’t know if I believe it either. But wouldn’t it be an advantage? To know your prey is… submissive.” You can’t even tell what your hands are doing anymore when Jihoon takes the moment to lick the shell of your ear. His lips travel down, nipping the skin of your neck as you let out a shaky breath. You can feel the wetness pooling between your thighs as he continues his path, digging his teeth into the junction of your neck before he sucks the skin into his mouth to soothe it. His hands begin traveling up your torso, cupping your breasts in his palms before harshly squeezing.
“Ji--Jihoon the--the dinner…”
“I think I want to eat something else right now. What do you say?”
You moan in response, grinding back against his hardening cock. “O--okay…”
“Meet me in the bedroom in 5 minutes.”
You release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding when Jihoon steps back and starts walking towards the bedroom. Okay, maybe he was a tiny bit mad, if not territorial. You wash your hands, forgetting about dinner as you stand in the kitchen thinking about how potentially dominating Jihoon could be. The thoughts alone are enough to have you moaning out loud as you rub your thighs together. You don’t really know why Jihoon has you waiting but you obey his word, giving him a few minutes before heading down the hallway to your bedroom.
Not really knowing what to expect, you open the door to find Jihoon by the foot of the bed, 3 of your panties already torn and on top of the bedsheets. “Sorry, I didn’t really know what to use for restraints so I had to make some. Hope you don’t mind.” You feel a tingly sensation running all over your body; all the way down to the tips of your fingers.
“Um--Uh, no..”
“Good. I figured we could do a little learning exercise. What do you think?”
“I--Sure?” There’s no denying how wet you are just from the energy Jihoon was exuding. “I--I don’t know what to do…”
“I want you to strip and get on the bed for me. And lay back against the pillows.”
You nod, stripping your clothes off slow and quietly before getting on the bed. Jihoon follows suit, stripping himself bare before he joins you, spreading your legs and slotting himself in between. He scoffs slightly when he notices your wet folds. “You know, snakes aren’t typically known for being territorial. But when they feel threatened, they’re more likely to attack.”
Jihoon leans in, his chest meeting yours as he ghosts his lips above your own. “Chan’s a sweet kid. Such a shame he’s so blind with his actions.” You can’t help but gulp and hold your breath, shaky eyes watching Jihoon as he leans towards your neck instead. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page as he is, I guess I should let him know who really belongs to who, hmm?” He chuckles against your skin, leaving love bites blooming in his path. “Ngh, Jihoon…”
Placing your hands on his forearms, he stops and pulls away. “Oh, right. Let’s try these.” He pulls away to grab the torn material on the bed next to you. “I’m sure Seungcheol-hyung’s already told you specifically I’m a ball python hybrid right? And you must know that constrictor types like to, well, constrict their prey.” There’s a glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips when he drags the torn fabric up your naked torso. It tickles your skin, a whimper escaping your lips when the soft material ghosts across your nipples.
“But before we get started, I need to know a safe word from you.”
“Um, uh… l--lightning?”
“Interesting choice, but okay. Arms up and towards the headboard.”
He takes his time tying your wrists above you, admiring his work once he deems it’s tight enough and you’re comfortable. “In theory, I’d love for you to touch me but this is a learning experience on predators and prey. You understand, don’t you?”
Jihoon smiles at you, hands gripping your thighs hard. “You smell so good. You’re so fuckin’ wet I can smell just how bad you want me to slide my cock right into that pussy. But you know what else? I can still smell that bunny hybrid on your skin.” You moan at his rough touch, squirming when he presses the shaft of his cock against your wet folds. “I can stand it when you come home smelling like other people because of work, but not this.”
He leans into you again, lips ghosting against your sternum. “I’m just gonna have to get rid of it myself then, huh?” Licking his lips, his tongue peeks from between them, already lapping at your skin. His tongue drags across your torso, flicking at a nipple before he wraps his mouth around it. You arch your back, leaning into his touch. He repeats this on the other side, laughing softly against your skin when he feels you rolling your hips against his. “Already so desperate for my cock? C’mon now, baby.”
The way Jihoon calls you ‘baby’ has your entire body flaring up, the breath getting knocked out of you almost immediately. “I have to mark you up all nice and pretty for your friends to see.”
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What you learn in the next 15 minutes is that Jihoon can be mean.
He takes the time to nip at your skin, biting and sucking at it to leave blooming red marks all over your torso and neck. Jihoon takes it even further by skimming across your lower abdomen, sucking love bites onto your hips and even on your thighs. You sob, tugging at the restraints above you as you beg him to do something more.
“I am doing something. I’m marking you.”
“B--But I want… mo--more…”
“Oh? Do predators usually pamper their prey before consuming or attacking them?”
The goosebumps rise on your skin at his comment as you quickly shut your mouth. “That’s what I thought.”
He slots himself back between your legs, wrapping them around his waist.
Jihoon runs his fingers through your folds, watching you squirm as he collects the wetness on his fingertips before inserting two fingers into your pussy. “Fuck, you’re so wet, my fingers slid right in.” You sob, eyes wet with unshed tears. The urge to cum is already so strong and Jihoon had barely started. He thrusts his fingers hard and fast, curving them inside of you to hit your g-spot. You can’t help but tighten around his digits, crying out when he adds a third.
You feel impossibly full when he fingers you and you can barely wait until it’s his cock instead. He was definitely much bigger than his fingers and you were slightly worried he was almost too big for you to handle. But he works you open, thumb on your clit while he thrusts his fingers in knuckle deep.
There’s no word of warning before you’re cumming all over his fingers, wrecked sobs the only thing you can manage while he continues to rub at your clit.
“Ji--Jihoon, fuck, I--”
“Mmh, your body is so fucking warm. Your pussy is so wet and hot around my fingers. I need to fuck you now.”
Whimpering, you watch through teary eyes as he brings his fingers to his cock, spreading the precum and your wetness all over the head and shaft of it before positioning himself at your entrance. Your body is still sensitive and your orgasm is still ebbing away when Jihoon starts to push in. 
There’s a slight sting when he does; he was definitely much bigger and wider than his fingers. And without even saying anything, Jihoon caresses your skin, quietly praising you for being so good for him.
“Jihoon, ngh, fu--fuck, your cock feels so good and so big…”
He smiles at the praise, watching as his cock disappears into your pussy. There’s an incoherent babble on your lips when he finally bottoms out; the head of his cock snug against your cervix. “Fuc--Fuck! Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me!”
Jihoon can also be nice.
He starts a slow pace, letting you get used to his size. “Your pussy is so tight and warm around my cock. Fuck, I could stay here forever.” His grip on your thighs tighten, grinding himself into you between thrusts. You can feel yourself start to drool a little at the feeling. If you felt full with his fingers inside of you, this was a completely different high all together. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck! Your cock is so good, I--I can’t…!”
“Yeah? Gonna let me fuck this pussy whenever I want?”
“Yes, god…!”
The sound of your moans and skin slapping are all that can be heard in the bedroom. Jihoon starts a quicker pace, leaning down until he’s nosing at your neck again. He licks at your skin, sucking on the love bites he’d already left and leaving new ones right next to them. You can feel his nails digging into the skin of your thighs, a shaky moan leaving you when you feel him raking them down your skin.
In all honesty, Jihoon never really struck you as someone that’d be into marking. But by now, you realize that it just takes a certain situation for him to really want to.
“Fuck, baby, I hope you’re c-close. I wanna cum in this tight ‘lil pussy.”
“Ngh, pl--please cum in--inside of me… I want your cum…”
He laughs against your skin, pulling away immediately after. “Oh? You want me to cum in your hot ‘lil cunt? Get you nice and full with it? Fuck… fuck! You want me to breed you, don’t you? I’ll fuck my cum into your hot ‘lil pussy and get you nice and pregnant with my babies. Bet you’d love, wouldn’t you? I’ll fill you up with my cum everytime we fuck. Everyone will know you belong to me when they smell you, when they can smell my cum trickling down your thighs. And then I’ll fuck my cum back into you and keep it inside of you ‘til you can’t take anymore of it.”
You could almost die at Jihoon’s words, clenching around his cock impossibly hard. “Yes, g-god, yes please! I want it! I want y-your cum inside of me, please!” You tug on the restraints again, just wanting to touch Jihoon as well. One of his delicate hands travels up your torso, wrapping itself around the column of your neck before pressing down on the sides slightly.
“You’re so filthy. You want me to breed you so bad, don’t you? I can feel you getting so tight around my cock.”
The lightheadedness makes you feel fuzzy, soft moans spilling from you as your eyes flutter shut.
“I want you to cum on my cock, get it nice and wet for me before I cum inside your pussy, baby.”
Jihoon grinds against you, letting the head of his cock push up against your cervix. The feeling is almost too much combined with his hand around your throat and he can see the look on your face that you’re about to cum, thrusting into you hard and fast as you sob; his hand around your throat loosening when he feels your body go rigid.
Your breath stutters and you momentarily black out when you cum, body seizing up at the intensity of your orgasm. Jihoon thumbs your clit as you cry. He continues to thrust into you, groaning at the feeling of your walls throbbing around his cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
He grinds against you, muttering incoherent curses under his breath the entire time.
Your head feels fuzzy but you can feel his warm cum inside of you and you can’t tell if it's a hybrid thing or just a Jihoon thing but there is a lot of it. He stays still while the two of you catch your breaths, his cum already trickling down the slides of his cock that’s still sheathed inside of you.
“J-Jihoon my… my arms p-please…” He nods tiredly after a moment, undoing the restraints and checking your wrists for any marks. The skin is red and irritated where you were tugging against them but you seem fine otherwise.
“The redness should go down in a bit.”
He kisses your wrists gently, massaging your tired arms as he brings them to your sides. And as much as he doesn’t want to, he pulls out, watching as globs of cum pour out of your hole.
“Damn, what a waste.” You tiredly laugh at him, bringing a hand up to wipe at your tear-streaked face. “Push my cum out, baby.” There’s a slight blush on your cheeks at his request, but you oblige, the warm substance dripping down onto the sheets underneath you. Jihoon watches it as it drips down, bringing a hand towards it as he scoops it up on his fingertips and presses it back into your pussy.
“Ugh, Jiho--oon~ I c-can’t anymore…”
“Sorry, must be a… hybrid thing maybe.”
“Is the amount of cum also a hybrid thing or?”
Jihoon laughs, sliding off the bed to get a clean cloth. “Dunno. Think that’s just me. I haven’t… been with anyone for a long time so… I mean, I dunno to be honest.” 
“Yeah, I dunno! Anyway, should we get cleaned up? I think the bedsheets need to… um, go.”
This time you’re so tired you can’t even begin to sit up in bed. “Ji… do you think you can carry me? I don’t think I can feel my legs.” He nods. “Oh, let me run the bath first so it can warm up.” 
You let him, watching as he disappears into the bathroom. To the best of your ability, you sit up, another gush of cum spilling out of you when you do. 
“Ugh, Ji, if you’re gonna cum this much all the time what are we gonna do about the sheets?”
He licks his lips when he walks back into the bed to come get you, scooping you up into his arms as he brings you to the bathroom with a smirk on his face. 
“I mean, we can fuck, get the sheets dirty and then fuck in the laundry room? Or fuck in the bath like I fully intend to do right now.” 
“Oh my god.” 
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petite-ely · 4 years
Pairing: JJ Maybanks x female reader
Warnings: mentions of social anxiety and other mental health issues, slight swearing and slight mention of underage drinking.
A/N: this story is mainly based upon my own experiences and struggles with anxiety and social anxiety. I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing mental illnesses. If you need help you can always talk to me or contact crisis hotlines. It gets better, I know it. (Also this is the first time I post on tumblr and I am a very anxious bby please send feedback, it would make me very happy, okay thank you.)
Summary: Reader has been suffering from social anxiety for a long time. One night, everything falls apart and she hopes nobody notices.
Word count: 1,700 ish
This represents y/n’s thought and this jj’s.
Picture found on Pinterest, all credits to rightful owner.
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It was a typical Friday night in the outer banks, the pogues had organized yet another kegger and the party was roaring. Y/n was sitting on a hard lump of wood, enjoying the music and the dancing flames of the bonfire. You could even see a soft smile drawn onto her lips. She felt good.
That changed quickly. One minute she was fine and the next she couldn’t feel anything anymore. Emptiness. It was all she could feel. Like she was nothing but a large void. It felt as if all of the air had been sucked out of her lungs, leaving her breathless and frightened.
It happened more and more lately. Small moments of disorientation where she couldn’t feel anything at all. These episodes usually happened when she was alone and didn’t last very long, but this time it was different. It felt much worse.
You’re so disgusting, and pathetic.
Not wanting anyone to see her in this state, she left silently, ashamed of herself. It’s not as though anyone would miss her anyway. She wasn’t very popular. She had friends, of course, but not that many.
There was John B, a friendly guy who everybody knew because, well he was John B.
There was also Pope, who was kind and smart, but that everyone knew because of his father Heyward’s business.
Then there was Kie, a cute hippie girl with a passion for environmental issues. Born a kook, but a pogue at heart.
And finally there was JJ, one of the best surfer in the Outer Banks. He was well known for his charm, being a pothead and his tendencies of getting into fights with kooks.
The five of them hung out almost every day and yet if you showed a photo of the group to an islander, they probably wouldn’t be able to identify y/n.
She was invisible, unseen. She was that one girl who was always with the four pogues. The one who nobody chose for projects. The one teachers never picked on. The one who no one noticed. She was nothing.
As she was sitting on the damp sand, small waves crashing onto her bare feet, tears began to roll down her cheeks. She wanted to scream, tell the whole world how she felt, but no sound came out. She couldn’t speak. Only her breathing was heard. She couldn’t move either, and yet she couldn’t stop her hands from shaking.
“You better reuse that plastic cup Maybank, or I’ll make you eat it,” threatened Kie, after JJ placed his empty cup on the ground.
The boy rolled his eyes and threw the red cup at his friend. “Keep it safe for me, I’m going to find y/n.”
“She was sitting by the bonfire, like five minutes ago,” said John B.
“Well not anymore,” muttered the blond when his eyes landed on the empty seat.
JJ wandered around the boneyard, looking for his friend. A bad feeling started to grow in the pit of his stomach. So after looking around the boneyard for more than half an hour, the boy became more and more worried.
Biting off the nails of his hand, he scanned the crowd once more. Y/n and him had been friends since they were little and they knew each other better than anyone else. He knew that she would never leave a party without saying goodbye.
Where could she be, he wondered, taking his hat off to run his hand through it.
A sigh of relief left his lips as he saw the small silhouette of his friend, sitting on the beach, away from the party. As he got closer, he noticed the shiny streams on her cheeks he remembered how distant she had been recently.
How she smiled less frequently and how she didn’t talk as much. How she didn’t eat as much and how her leg was always bouncing under the table. How her fists we’re always closed tightly and how tired she looked. The dark circles under her eyes and the nothingness in her gaze. It was like she wasn’t there anymore.
JJ’s face twisted into a sad expression. He felt bad for not noticing it earlier, like it was his fault. It pained him to see her this way, in such a distressed state.
He sat next to her, making her flinch in surprise. “Hey,” he spoke softly, “are you okay?” She wiped her tears away and nodded her head.
“Y/n, please don’t lie.” His voice was small and full of empathy, like he felt the same way she did.
So pathetic, even when doing nothing you’re hurting your friends. How could anyone love you, she said to herself.
“I- uh I-“ she tried to speak but failed, choking on her words.
Panic filled the girl’s mind as she was suddenly aware of what was happening. Her heart tightened in her chest and pain shot up in her rib cage. Her hands were shaking even more and her legs felt numb.
JJ noticed how her eyes were filled with fear and how loud and uneven her breathing had become. She was having a panic attack. It had happened a few times before so he knew how to help her.
“Hey, hey hey,” he placed his arms around her and held her tightly. “You’re okay. I’m here with you, okay? Everything is going to be okay. Now I want you to listen to my voice and do exactly what I say, can you do that?” She nodded, JJ gave her a reassuring smile.
“Okay, good. Now every time you feel a wave crashing on your feet, I want you to take a deep breath and when you feel another one coming, you let it all out, “ she nodded once more.
They both looked down at the ocean and waited for a wave to come. “In,” the wave left the shore slowly and came back a few seconds later. “and out.”
“good, you’re doing good. In and out. That’s it.” JJ’s hand was now tracing small patterns on the back of the girl’s back, so softly she could barely feel it. “Now I want you to talk to me, can you do that for me?”
Her breathing had now slowed down to a regular rhythm and so had her tremors, but she had terror spread across her face.
“I want you-,” he paused wiping away with his free hand the tears off of her warm cheeks, “-to tell me three things that you can see right now.”
“I-“ she shook her head in denial, “no.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay you can do it y/nn.” His voice was warm and so reassuring. Just hearing it helped her calm down.
“I- uh I can, I can se see the ocean,” her voice was shaky and weak.
“Huh uh, keep breathing.”
“and um the uh the-the stars,” she stopped for a second to take a deep breath, her hand reaching out to his. The blond boy flinched at the contact, her skin was freezing cold.
“I-I can also see your eyes,” she finished, her voice sounding smoother and more confident.
JJ offered a warm smile, “good, now tell me two things you can hear.”
Y/n broke the eye contact and started a tte ocean, concentrating on what she could hear. “I hear music playing from the party and uh the waves crashing.”
She was no longer crying or shaking but JJ kept going. “ Name one thing you can feel.”
“Only one?” He shook his head in agreement.
“Your heart,” she stared into his eyes, “I can feel beating in my hand.”
JJ looked away silently. He wanted to ask her what had happened, but he didn’t. Instead he remained quiet and admired the star shining above his head.
“I’m sorry,” she croaked out. “It’s just that lately, it’s like I can’t feel anything at all-“ she wrapped her arms around her knees, “-it’s like the only thing I care about is what others will think about me.”
“Don’t wear that skirt, people will think you’re a slut. Don’t say anything or they’ll think you’re annoying. Did you see them, they’re laughing at you, shouldn’t have said anything. Did you really say that? Ugh you should have let somebody else talk, what a waste of time. He didn’t answer you? Well that’s because he hates you. There’s a party? Don’t go. Nobody likes you anyway, they’re just gonna judge you, they hate you.”
“Y/n, you know none of that is true, we do love you.”
“I know, but I can’t help it! I can’t stop it. And I’m so tired of feeling that way. I just want it to stop.” A single tear rolled down on the side of her face.
“Oh god, y/n.”
“I’m so dumb. I’m here talking to you about my little problems, but you’ve got problems much worse than mine. Jesus I’m so stupid.”
JJ looked at the girl next to him. She looked so small and vulnerable. He could see the pain in her expression and it hurt him so much. He wanted to hold and kiss her, but he was afraid of breaking her. She looked so fragile.
If only she knew how loved she is.
“No y/n, you’re not stupid or dumb. It’s not because I have a shitty life and a jack ass for a dad that your problems are not valid. You’re living something really intense and scary right now but I can assure you that I understand. We’ll get trough this together okay?”
They were both crying messes at this point, but neither of them cared anymore. The small girl opened her arms to boy beside her. Through her gesture a message was hidden, and JJ understood it perfectly. He held her tightly against his chest. Her tears were wetting his shoulder and his were falling onto the messe that was her hair. Her hands were grasping firmly that soft cotton of his sweatshirt, afraid he would let go.
“Don’t let go of me, please,” she implored. “I don’t want you to leave me, ever. I can’t do this without you J.”
“I won’t y/n, I won’t leave you, I promise.”
“We’ll get through it, we’ll get you help and we’ll survive this together, okay?” A sob left the blond’s mouth. “I promise, okay, I promise.”
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swaps55 · 4 years
Practice kissing?!
I'd love to read this for Sam and Kaidan, if the mood strikes.
...have a little mini-AU from Sonata. I picked up from where they practice hand holding and just...extended the scene a little. ;) 
“For the record,” Shepard informs him, “there’s no way you’ve saved my ass forty-eight times.”
“You’re right,” Kaidan agrees. “It’s definitely higher than that. Come on, let’s go.”
He heads for the entrance to his parents’ building. But a couple of meters from the lobby door it’s Shepard’s turn to hesitate. Kaidan looks back over his shoulder, eyebrow raised. “Are you having second thoughts?”
They're about to go walk into his parents' condo as a fake couple. One of them should probably have a few.
Shepard crosses his arms, brow furrowing, and rocks back on his heels. “Not a second thought. But. A thought.”
Kaidan’s eyebrow arches higher. Whatever the thought is, it’s under his skin now, and knowing Shepard, it’ll be hell getting it out. “That sounds serious.”
The furrows deepen.
Stop thinking it’s cute.
“What if they expect us to kiss?”
Kaidan nearly chokes. “Why would they expect that kind of PDA?”
Shepard shrugs, consternation growing while Kaidan stares at him, a little dumbfounded.
Kiss Shepard? Hell. Kaidan had been trying to talk himself out of a tree over a little hand holding. But kissing him? 
“No one’s going to expect you to kiss me,” Kaidan says, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Yeah, that’s what the current mission parameters say,” Shepard argues. “How many times have we gotten through a combat drop without changed mission parameters?”
“Changed mission parameters? We’re talking about dinner with my parents, not infiltrating a merc stronghold.” 
Shepard scowls. Yup. That thought is under his skin all right. 
Bringing the rachni back from the dead? No sweat. Finding a mind-controlling plant monster? All part of a day’s work. Oh, genocidal AI trying to end life as they know it? That had just pissed Shepard off. Kissing his best friend? Total panic.
It actually…stings a little.
“Shepard, you do not have to kiss me,” Kaidan says with a sigh. “That’s not part of the deal.” Thank god. It might actually be the end of him if it was.
“Kissing you isn’t what I’m worried about,” Shepard mutters.  
“Okay I don’t get it. What’s going on?”
Shepard starts to pace, getting more agitated by the second.
“Look,” Kaidan says, baffled now. “We can call this whole thing off if you—”
“It’s been a long time since I kissed someone,” Shepard says, coming to an abrupt halt and planting his feet, as though he’s finally identified his foe and decided CQC was his best option.
Kaidan blinks. “Okay. Um.”
Shepard crosses his arms again, defiantly now. “I don’t enjoy it. I find it boring and weird, so I don’t kiss people.”
“Then don’t…kiss me,” Kaidan says, shrugging off a sense of disappointment. So Shepard doesn’t enjoy kissing people. It’s not like Kaidan is eager to see him kiss other people. 
The gravity well shifts as Shepard toys with it, worrying dark energy into invisible knots like it’s a loose thread.
“Hey,” Kaidan says, softer this time. “What happened to ‘we’re pretty good at you and me?’”
Shepard huffs and jabs at the sidewalk with his toe. “We are. That’s the problem, I guess. You and I are good, but. I’m not…good. At that.”
“Kissing people.”
Kaidan swallows. “So you’re saying that now that we’ve mastered hand holding, you want to give kissing a go. To make sure we don’t fuck it up.”
He shrugs one shoulder. “Maybe.”
Along with his suddenly dry throat, Kaidan’s heart starts to pound. “Um.”
“Forget it.” Shepard sets his jaw and strides past Kaidan, through the door of the condo building and into the lobby. Kaidan almost has to jog to keep up.
“Wait a damn minute,” Kaidan says, still trying to wrap his head around how spectacularly this has gone wrong in the space of about a minute. “You’re pissed at me.”
Shepard looks left and right for an elevator. Kaidan heads left and goes straight to it, nearly running into a gentleman who’d just gotten off one. The door slides closed before they can get on it.  
“Are we really going to go up there and pretend to date in front of my parents with you pissed at me?” Kaidan asks. 
“I’m not pissed at you,” Shepard says, smacking the elevator call button with his fist and continuing to pace while they wait for it. “I’m inventing a problem and getting bent out of shape about it.”
In spite of himself, a small smile curves Kaidan’s lips. “You’re afraid you’re going to be a bad kisser. Even though there is no conceivable scenario in which you’ll be expected to prove you’re my boyfriend by making out with me in front of my parents.”
“See?” Shepard says as the elevator doors open. “You get me.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“An idiot who saved the goddamned galaxy.”
“With a few other idiots as backup.”
The elevator door slides closed when they step inside. Kaidan jabs the button to the 18th floor, shaking his head in bemusement.
Shepard scowls at him as the elevator begins its ascent. “You’d be taking me a lot more seriously if I was worried about my aim.”
“Correct,” Kaidan agrees. “I would be.”
“Well damn, the truth hurts, I guess. I just opened up and shared this massive insecurity I have and here you are—”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
Kaidan doesn’t give either of them a chance to think. He just acts, reaching across the elevator cabin and grabbing Shepard by the front of his uniform. Shepard’s eyes widen as Kaidan closes the gap between them with one swift yank.
This isn’t like that moment on the Normandy’s crew deck during the lockdown. There is no ‘almost,’ this time, no hovering mere centimeters apart, staring at Shepard’s lips and wondering what they would feel like against his.
He doesn’t have to wonder anymore because they are against his.
It’s clumsy. Awkward. How could it not be, with Shepard flailing just to stay on his feet. Warning bells go off in Kaidan’s head, but they’re both in it now, and he’s going to see it through if for no other reason than pure spite.
Bad at kissing, my ass.
Okay, there’s some truth to it. At first. Shepard’s lips move over Kaidan’s like he’s trying to stick the wrong side of an OSD into the slot, tentative and unsure. But then something happens, like an electric shock through Kaidan’s system.
They’ve shocked each other hundreds, maybe thousands of times over the years. Two biotics sharing the same space make it practically routine. But this time that static shock gets under his skin and stays there, low and humming, their biotic fields intersecting with an intensity they haven’t quite shared before. Kaidan inhales sharply as Shepard’s mouth settles against his like it belongs there, like it fits, kissing him back with an urgency that’s nothing short of alarming. And exhilarating.
They’re about five floors from their destination when Kaidan’s better judgement finally kicks in and he releases his grip on Shepard’s uniform, shoving him gently, reluctantly, away. Silence hangs between them as they catch their breath.
No. Not silence. Kaidan’s heart is pounding so loud he’s positive his parents can hear it from here.
“See?” Kaidan manages when he can get enough air back in his lungs. “You’re fine.”
Shepard draws in a shaky breath. “Yeah. Ok. Good. We’re good.”
“Boring anyway, right?”
“Yeah,” Shepard says, wetting his lips. “Never saw the point of kissing someone.”
The elevator chimes as it comes to a halt, and the door slides open. They stare at each other. It’s only when the elevator starts to close that Kaidan shoots a hand out to block it.
“They’re waiting for us,” Kaidan says. Fuck, they’re still so close to each other.
“Right. Yup.” Shepard’s eyes drift back to Kaidan’s mouth before he straightens and walks out of the elevator, tugging at the front of his uniform to smooth out the wrinkles left by Kaidan’s hand. Kaidan exhales slowly before following him. His parents’ door looms just down the hall and to the left.
Kaidan’s lips still tingle, Shepard’s invisible current lingering long enough that it takes every ounce of restraint he has not to spin Shepard around and do it again.
Fuck, he’d give anything to do it again.
What were you thinking?
That wasn’t blurring lines. That was plowing right through them with a shotgun. That’s Shepard’s MO, not Kaidan’s.
Four days. They’re going to put on this ruse for four days?
Shepard glances at him when they come to a stop in front of #1822, uncertain smile on his face. “Ready for this?”
No. No way in hell.
“Yeah,” Kaidan says, swallowing and pressing the door chime. “I’m ready.”
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philicheesecake · 4 years
(U. L.) Reclaiming the Earth
Synopsis: The monsters who held a grudge against humanity rise up to take revenge.
Warnings: ?/F soft unwilling vore, death of pred, intense violence, implied death of characters, general chaos and peril
Warren slammed the book shut and hobbled over to take out another one. He collapsed against the wall as he started to skim through the pages. Two weeks felt like a year in this dull basement. The only company was an exhausted alchemist and a murderous giant who tried to kill him. He was afraid to tell Rebeka and Liss the extent of what happened. As far as they knew, he got into a car accident out of town and was staying at the hospital there with a friend. They knew nothing about his missing leg. He didn’t want to say anything about it, as if that would solidify the loss. Magic exists… Magic can fix anything, right? Why tell them if his leg wouldn’t be gone forever? He’d surely find a way to get it back if he tried.
Phantom limb syndrome was hell. The stump of his left leg was swelling up as it healed, and Olivia had to keep cleaning and treating it to avoid infection. The nerve endings were on fire, and even though the limb was gone, it felt like it was still there. Most of the stuff he could feel from it right now was just pain. 
“You know no magic can reverse that, right?”
Warren glanced up from the book to shoot Rhyka a glare. “Well that’s exactly what a careless murderer like you would say to make me give up. And I heard you the first hundred times.”
Rhyka sighed, leaning back in her chair. She was still tied down to it to avoid causing any trouble. She hadn’t tried to escape since they first captured her. It was almost unsettling how complacent she was here, not seeming worried at all about her predicament.
“I don’t expect you to listen to me, though your stubbornness can be amusing to watch. It says a lot about humans.”
Warren’s eyes narrowed at her, then he ignored her and stared back down at the book, continuing to flip through the pages. He stopped when he heard something from the floor above make its way downstairs. Olivia was there, looking tired as usual. Her carafe of coffee might as well be glued to her hand because of how seldom she was seen parted with it. Close behind her followed a familiar tall figure with unruly black hair and golden eyes. 
Warren perked up in confusion. “Eli?” The camouflaged giant’s eyes barely met the ex-hunter as Rhyka seemed to catch his eye. He took in a gasp and let out a hysterical chuckle. “What the-- fuck? You gotta be shitting me!” He grinned, hopping off the last stair and went over to Rhyka, laughing. Olivia followed behind, seeming too tired for this as she lazily sipped her coffee. 
“Oh stars, ya did it! The fuck are ya doin’ here!” Eli shot a glance over to Warren, still grinning. “Hey tiny. The fuck happened to your leg?”
“It’s fine- I’ll fix it.” Warren spoke hesitantly. 
“Still stuck in denial,” Rhyka’s expression was unphased and deadpanned at the other giant. “Hello, Arawn. Did the other giants scare you off again?”
Warren was curious as well, wondering why on earth Eli would come here of all places. He hated humans. Maybe he just came here to gloat over the Elder giant. Eli’s eyes narrowed at Rhyka’s words and he let out a snort. “Scare me? Nah. They’re just bein’ fuckin’ annoying. Too many giants out of rotation. I came here to hang out ‘till they scatter. I have no idea what the hell is goin’ on ‘cuz there was just a Banding, and there’s like, hundreds around. It’s impossible to get anywhere without their stench fuckin’ everything up.” He rolled his eyes. 
Warren’s eyes widened. “Wha-- hundreds?” His voice raised up a pitch in fear. “What-- what are they all doing here? It’s halloween! Everyone is going to be out late! It’ll be a bloodbath!”
Eli snorted. “Not like I fuckin’ care, tiny. I just don’t want ‘em off my ass.”
Rhyka tilted her head slightly and looked at Eli almost mockingly. “There are so many… Couldn’t you help but feel as if they are leaving you out of something bigger?”
Eli bared his teeth in a snarl. “Like I’d ever wanna be part of anything involving them after what they fuckin’ did. They’re all assholes. Every one of ‘em.”
Rhyka sighed, her lips still curled back into a slight smile. “Something bigger is coming, Arawn. Bigger than you and your petty grudges. Do you not want to be part of the redemption of our kind? You are so caught up in the past about what happened and have become blind to what the future holds for us. I remember you as a child. You were one of the most determined and loyal of the giants in your clan. You held so much more promise than your soft sister.”
Eli’s eyes flared in fury. Bones cracked and lengthened and he grew to his giant form, crouching beneath the low ceiling and propped up on all fours to stoop over Rhyka with an infuriated growl. “Olivia, I think I’m gonna to take this irritating prick off of your hands.”
The alchemist lifted the carafe from her lips briefly to mutter a tired. “Sure.”
Warren took in a nervous gasp and tried to stand, supporting himself against the back of a chair. Part of him wondered what Rhyka had meant with this ‘bigger thing’ that was coming, but that had quickly swept out of his mind at Eli’s actions. As much as he hated Rhyka, he didn’t want to see anyone sent to that sort of fate. “Wait— Eli—“
Eli ignored him, striking his claws through the ropes binding her to the chair and pinned her arms to her sides as he brought her closer. Warren took in shaky breaths and looked away. 
“You are so predictable, Arawn.”
The giant’s ears flattened backward at the sudden sound from upstairs. He glanced up briefly. “The fuck…?”
The basement door suddenly flew open and a figure appeared. They were short and lean in stature and wore a long dark blue hooded coat, a mask covering the lower half of their face, and the fanged lower jaw of some sort of animal attached to their mask. Their eyes were a blank white. 
They lifted their right hand and a white glow beamed from it. Eli was suddenly slammed backward against the opposite wall by an invisible force. Plaster and dust showered down from the ceiling from the impact. Rhyka flew from his hands and landed onto the floor. Warren gasped and crawled backwards, trying to hide beneath the staircase. 
Olivia set down her carafe, seeming more irritated than afraid of the sudden intrusion. She went over to her alchemist equipment and drew out a piece of green ice which melted into her hand upon contact. 
“Leave my shop.” She drawled. 
“Not until I’m done shopping for a special artifact.” The stranger replied in a high, amused voice. Their hand glowed again and Olivia was hurled against the wall next to Eli. Eli coughed, crouching beneath the ceiling and bared his fangs. “The fuck are you, prissy?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be readying the front lines?” The stranger raised a brow. “Ah, I see. This is one of the soft ones. Come along, Rhyka! We can’t miss tonight’s festivities!” 
“Fuck off. She’s mine to kill.” Eli growled and lunged to grab for Rhyka again, though something seemed to twist beneath his skin, forcing his hand backwards in an unnatural position. He let out a shriek of pain and was held back and immobilized, unable to reach further. 
“Respect your Elders, now. Did no one ever tell you that?” The stranger chuckled. Rhyka grinned, hurrying to her feet to follow the stranger. Olivia grunted in annoyance and held out her hand. Her hand seemed to turn into wood and long twisted vines erupted from her palm. They grappled for Rhyka’s leg and yanked her backwards. 
“You ruined… my evening. Did no one ever teach you to knock?” The alchemist frowned slightly. 
The white-eyed stranger withdrew something from their coat and crushed it between their fingers. Blood poured from their hand. Olivia suddenly choked and coughed. Blood splattered across her lips and soaked through her midsection from an invisible wound. She stumbled to the floor, coughing her lungs out before she went still in a growing pool of her own blood. The vines from her hand retreated to nothing. 
Rhyka got to her feet again and ran up to join the stranger by the stairs. “Ah, too bad you finished the job for me. I would have liked to kill her myself. And it’s a shame you chose not to join us Arawn. Maybe one day you will side with your own kind when we reclaim our world.”
An angered roar ripped from Eli’s throat, still fighting against the invisible force with no luck. The stranger cackled in amusement and turned to disappear up the stairs with Rhyka at their side. 
The invisible force seemed to vanish as soon as they left and Eli fell flat on his face. He growled, getting into his knees again and crawled toward the staircase. 
Warren was shaking, but managed to scoot across the floor towards Olivia. “Eli s-stop! You— you saw what they did to— to Olivia— You won’t stand a chance!” 
He bit back nausea building up in his throat and tried to lift Olivia off of the floor, holding pressure to the bleeding wound. He put his other hand to her neck to feel her pulse. For a moment he thought he had lost her, but the pulse could faintly be felt. She had lost so much blood it had become almost too subtle to detect. 
Eli stopped to glance back at Warren and scowled with a groan. Warren was right. He took a good look at Olivia that didn’t seem promising.
“Leave it, kid. She’s gone.”
Warren glared at Eli. “She— she’s alive. We just need… alchemy or— or something.” 
“It’s probably too late for—“
Eli’s voice was cut off as there was a sudden tremor that shook the whole basement. Cracks split through the ceiling and debris showered down. There was a sound like rumbling thunder. The quaking came in bursts. It would shake, then go silent, then it would shake again. 
Warren held Olivia closer, tensing up. His hand was now soaked in blood from trying to hold her wound closed. “What— what was that?” 
A louder boom made the room shake and Eli raised up his hands to shield himself from the debris coming from the ceiling. His nose scrunched up as if he had caught a bad smell. “The fuck— did the giants follow me here? They’re so close. But that scent...” His eyes widened. “Mountain giants.” 
As Eli was speaking, Warren struggled to hold in the blood. Olivia was growing cold and clammy. Her skin seemed even more pale now. He didn’t know how much time she had left. Warren glanced up at Eli nervously. “Mountain gi—? okay we can worry about that later— what— what alchemy thing smells the most like it’ll do some miraculous healing? She’s— she’s getting a lot worse.” 
“Worry about them later? Are ya out of your fuckin’ mind? And I told ya. She’s,” he paused and his eyes narrowed briefly. He glanced towards the alchemy equipment, seeming to smell something. He moved toward it and clawed off one of the drawers with his oversized hand and drew out a long white feather. He sniffed it, then held it out for Warren. “Ugh. We gotta press this to the wound, but we both should probably do it.”
He looked begrudging of the idea of helping Olivia, but Warren took it. Warren took hold of the feather and held it up against the wound with Eli’s hand touching the feather as well. A sudden pain shot through him and he felt like the blood had been drained from his body and a wound had pierced his middle. The color left his face, and he shuddered, watching the color begin to return to Olivia’s. 
Eli groaned, withdrawing his hand and put it to his middle. He seemed to be experiencing a similar pain. Blood stained his hand. The feather was now coated in blood, but Olivia’s wound had thankfully stopped bleeding. 
“What— the heck was that?” Warren gasped. 
“Caladrius feather. Learned how to hunt ‘em back when I was a kid.” The giant glanced up and held his arms up to brace himself as the room shook again with a rumble. “Okay, somethin’s up and I don’t want to be trapped in a goddamned basement when somethin’ sniffs out all that blood.”
He shifted back to his camo form and got to his feet. Warren looked up at him with wide eyes, still splattered in Olivia’s own blood. “Wait--” He bit his lip. “That crazy magic person… and Rhyka… They said... s-something big is coming. Something… Something’s happening out there. And my sisters are out in the open trick-or-treating.”
Eli glanced back at him, raising a brow. “Trick-or-treatin’s a hot spot for giants to snatch from anyways. Why the fuck would ya let ‘em go out doin’ that after knowing all this shit exists? You’re dumber than I thought.” 
“I didn’t think this would happen! I thought the rotation already passed! Just— if you see them out there, please—“
“I’m not your personal guard dog, ‘kay? I’d rather save my own skin from these giants than stick my neck out for some random humans.” Eli looked disgusted. His eyes studied Warren’s for a moment, almost seeming to second-guess his words before the look was gone in an instant. An almost defensive expression crossed his face before he let out a snort and headed up the stairs again. 
“Wait— wait!” Warren was ignored and left alone in the company of the unconscious alchemist. 
Eli stopped at the front of the alchemist’s shop and took a good sniff of the air as he glanced out the now shattered window. Past the billowing clouds of dust, smoke, and splintered concrete. His jaw dropped. 
“Don’t take off your hat, or no one will recognize what you are!”
“But it’s itchy!” A whiny voice returned. 
Rebeka shook her head, smiling. “Well then, I guess I’ll be the pirate for Halloween!”
The older sister reached over to take Liss’s pirate hat and set it on her head. The two sisters were making their way down the sidewalk for trick-or-treating as he sky darkened and the pale full moon crept out from the lacy clouds. Kids of every age with their parents were dressed up in fun and scary Halloween costumes. Skeletons, witches, demons, cats. 
Ten-year-old Liss has been proud of what she picked for Halloween. She was a pirate. And not just any pirate, but a captain with a fluffy red feather on top of her hat. She even brought along her plush dragon that would serve as a parrot for now. At the moment, instead of resting on her shoulder, it was propped up against the rim of her jack-o-lantern candy bucket to peer outside. 
Ever since Warren’s car accident, Rebeka had felt a bigger sense of protectiveness over their little sister. It made her anxious, though she hid it well. She worked at a hospital. She was used to dealing with keeping a calm facade over stress. She didn’t want to scare Liss. 
“But you can’t be a pirate! You’re a robber!” Liss said.
“A robber and a pirate can be the same thing. A pirate is just someone who steals things,” Rebeka responded, straightening the hat on her head. It did clash with the black-and-white striped prison garb that she wore, which made Liss feel even more upset. That was her captain hat. 
“No— give it back! I want to be the captain!”
Rebeka chuckled, pretending for a moment longer that she intended on keeping the hat, even taking out her phone to look at the reflection of how it looked on her before finally shrugging. 
“Hmm… Well I don’t want the hat to go to waste if you keep taking it off… But I can always take it back when you take it off again.”
The hat was withdrawn and offered to the little pirate again who quickly snatched it back. “I won’t take it off!”
Rebeka chuckled in a teasing tone. “If you say so,”
The last words were muted by a sudden deafening rumbling. The very ground quaked. Hairline cracks split across the ground, spreading across the pavement. Rebeka’s eyes widened and she quickly dropped her pillowcase candy bag, reaching out to bring Liss closer. The little girl screamed, hugging her sister. She even dropped her candy bucket, completely forgetting about her plush dragon. 
“What was that?” Liss shouted over the sounds. 
“I don’t know.” Rebeka said, keeping her voice level. Her heart pounded, but she had to stay calm around her sister. She lifted up Liss and hurried down the quaking street. The trembling ground made it hard to keep footing. It was hard to think. 
In a rush of adrenaline, she ran while carrying her little sister toward the center of the town. While she ran, she heard a deafening crashing sound behind her. The cracks in the ground widened and rubble tumbled down the mountainside. The road was split in half and there was no way of crossing back over. 
Thundering tremors seemed to pulse through the ground, spaced out with brief periods of silence and rumbles. Almost like the rhythm of a beating drum. Dust clouded up the streets from the rubble, clouding her vision. A police siren blared and people were shouting to get inside. A neighbor stood by their doorway, beckoning them inside. Liss could see something over Rebeka’s shoulder and screamed. Rebeka didn’t dare look back, but bolted into the house. The neighbor shut the door hastily and locked it. 
“What— what was that?” The neighbor gasped. 
“I didn’t see—“
“He was ginormous!” Liss was set onto the floor, staring back at the door with wide eyes. “And there was a wolf as tall as our house!”
Rebeka blinked. “A wolf? Here? Wolves don’t even get that big.”
She looked to the neighbor who only nodded fearfully. “I got a glimpse. At least ten feet tall or something. And that monster-thing! It must have been five stories—!”
There was suddenly a grinding screech that deafened their words. The ceiling shook, then stopped. Following a pause, there was a deafening crash. The ceiling caved inward nearby, impacted by a boulder— no, it wasn’t a boulder. 
A hand.
The massive appendage was nearly as tall as they were standing from wrist to fingertips and it was a dark stony grey color. It grabbed the neighbor, dragging them back screaming through the hole in the roof. “Oh my god!” Rebeka screamed, picking up Liss again to run toward the back door of the house. The woods laid beyond. Whatever these— these things were, they seemed to be targeting the people of the city. She knew some caves that would hopefully be too narrow for them to reach into. 
She ran into the trees and deeper into the forest. The ground still shook and frightening sounds came from the city. She could smell smoke. Moonlight shifted between the leaves in a chilly breeze as they fled. Up ahead, the hill sloped downward into a steep dip in the forest. In the center, boulders surrounded a narrow opening in the earth. Rebeka set Liss down and gasped to catch her breath. 
“C-come on— inside,” Rebeka took Lisa’s hand and started taking her toward the cave. The opening was narrow and eight feet high. Whatever that massive monster was couldn’t get them here. A part of her mind worried about bears, but she knew there were worse things to worry about. Liss whimpered and complained about going into the dark cave, but Rebeka got out her phone’s flashlight and shined it into the cave. 
The sisters hurried cautiously into the space and Rebeka immediately sat down, covering her face as she tried to catch her breath and get her bearings about what happened. She felt something move beside her as Liss hugged her. “I’m scared.”
“Me too,” Rebeka didn’t know what to make of the situation, what those things were, why they attacked, what they were doing to people… The old book, ‘War of the Worlds’ came to mind with the countless aliens coming to harvest humans and take over the planet for themselves. Would it be like that?
“I’ll check that the rest of the cave is safe. Stay here,” Rebeka said numbly. She got to her feet again and shined her flashlight into the dark depths of the cave. The stone walls grew narrower and winded deeper like a maze as she went. She didn’t venture too far. This place was giving her the creeps, and she didn’t want to leave Liss alone for long. 
Liss hugged herself as her sister left. She glanced outside the mouth of the cave again. She thought she could hear something moving in the distance. A shimmer of reflective eyes… Maybe it was a cat in a tree? Either way, it made her nervous. She liked cats, but this one didn’t move like a cat. She shivered against the cave wall nervously, hoping that Rebeka would come back soon. 
Something moved to Rebeka’s side within the deep passage. She gasped and in her panicked state, her phone slipped out of her grip. The cave was swallowed into a complete darkness. Something shimmered in the depths of the cave. Two white dots almost seemed to glow. Eyes. She got to the floor, hastily feeling around for her phone. She glanced back at where the eyes where and felt a pant of fear. They were gone. She could hear it moving again. A distant clicking sound like some sort of insect. A cracking, snapping sound like dry bones. Her heart beat faster. Her hand finally located her device and she lifted it up, shining it to her side—
A massive creature stood inches from her side. Easily twice her side. Its skin was bone-white and covered with glowing white, blue, red, and purple markings. It’s eyes were blank and bulbous like a deep sea fish. Jagged long fangs jutted out of its jaws. It almost seemed reptilian by its scaley skin, though a crest of plumage covered its face, back, and tail. Its fingers were long and spidery and topped with long sharp claws. It was bent into an unnatural position. Its joints seemed to defy all logic as they cracked and compressed to travel within the narrow passage.
Rebeka gasped, dropping backwards and tried to crawl away from it. It cocked its head at her and made clicking sounds through its fangs. One of its hands easily grabbed her by the legs and dragged her toward it. She struggled and kicked frantically, trying to pry the grip off of her legs. It let out a hissing screech and jerked her closer, clamping its jaws over her legs. Its long snake-like tongue wrapped around her legs to bind them in place, dripping saliva over her pants. 
Her phone dropped to the floor again as she lowered both hands to fight with the creature’s jaws to try to get it to let go, but instead of reacting, it gulped and her legs were drawn within the tight passage. Its long fangs pricked threateningly around her legs as more of her was drawn in. She could see the sides of its jaws dislocate like a snake’s. A horror dawned on her. It was going to swallow her whole?! She squirmed to try to claw at the cave floor to find something to grip onto, but the smooth floor offered no purchase. She was going to die. Liss— Would it come for her too?
“Liss!” She shouted. “Get— get out of here—!” She let out a pained scream as it’s jaws jerked back for another swallow, dragging her in up to her chest. She could feel herself mostly trapped within the throat now, and the creature was unyielding. Gross drool soaked the narrow throat as it pulsed in another gulp. She couldn’t hear if her sister had run, but only hoped she would get to safety. God, she didn’t want to die like this. 
One last gulp sealed her fate as she was drawn entirely into the creature and set downwards. She was squeezed into a tight fleshy chamber and gasped for air. She kicked against the stomach walls frantically, barely believing what had just happened. She wouldn’t accept this. She didn’t want to die like this!
Liss had heard the warning shout and took in fearful breaths, beginning to turn to run outside the cave before her blood froze. Those glistening eyes were staring through the cave entrance, and now she was beginning to make out the figure they belonged to. It looked a person, but it was far too huge to be a person. He was easily over three times as tall as her. His eyes weren’t normal, looking almost like a cat’s. Long fangs and claws were displayed as natural weapons to the large creature. He was entering the cave. She gasped and stumbled away. His face contorted into a scowl and he crawled into the cave, sniffing the air. 
“Don’t fuckin’ move, tiny, or you won’t be the only one who’s gonna get killed tonight,” his voice rumbled threateningly before he crawled right past her and deeper into the cave. She shakily curled up, nodding at the giant. He was scary, and he said bad words. He was probably a villain who was going to try to kill her anyways. She didn’t trust him, but she was too afraid to do anything but obey. 
The giant listened carefully through the cave. His eyes adjusted to the darkness easily. He could see something up ahead. A clicking.
 “Fuck,” He muttered under his breath. He could hear it already making its escape deeper into the cave passage. It was too narrow for the giant to get far, even on his hands and knees. He had to hurry. He could see the iconic glowing markings of the cave creature in the distance and hurried faster with his lips curled back into a threatening snarl. Its tail was beginning to round a corner and he roughly grabbed for it. An inhuman screech followed and it writhed in his grip like a fish, but he was unyielding. He dug his claws into the tail for grip and dragged it backwards. The creature was dragged into sight. 
A cave giant. Its body was contorted to fit through the cave passage, though it was significantly larger than the wood giant. This one must’ve been fifteen feet tall, though it was difficult to tell with it’s awkward position. The giant could see its middle was slightly bulging with its living meal writhing within. 
The cave giant let out a screech as it whirled around, slashing its longer claws toward the wood giant. They dug into his shoulder and dragged across his torso, cutting deep into the flesh. He hissed in pain, feeling his shirt already soaked down with his own blood. He lunged at the cave giant, driving his own claws into the creature’s chest and bit down near the neck, just missing the vitals by centimeters. Blood dripped from his fangs and he felt dizzy from his own blood loss at this point. He shoved the creature to the cave floor and pinned it at the throat. It squirmed weakly as it was losing consciousness from the wound in its neck. He jabbed his claws into its torso and dragged them downwards, making a long, wide cut through its stomach. The creature let out one last weak screech before choking on its own blood and went still. 
The giant felt lightheaded, barely conscious from his own blood loss. His wounds weren’t closing up quickly enough to make up for the lost blood. He ignored the pounding pain and finished the cut along the creature’s middle and a bedraggled, slimy person fell out onto the cave floor, covered in the cave giant’s own blood and stomach fluids. She reeked. A grimace formed on the giant’s face and he roughly grabbed her arm, dragging her back toward the mouth of the cave. She coughed up slime that had gotten into her mouth and gasped for air. She blearily tried to adjust to what had happened and the change of temperature outside of the creature’s stomach. Something else had caught her now. She couldn’t see well in the darkness, though she could make out his reflective golden eyes and his hulking silhouette that dwarfed her. She let out a frightened sound and kicked, struggling to get his grip off of her arm. “W-wait— p-please— let me go—“
She yelled as the grip was suddenly released and she dropped to the floor. She coughed, trying to get to her feet. She could see Liss curled up near the mouth of the cave and shakily got to her feet, stumbling forward. She tripped over her own feet and fell onto her face before she managed to gain her bearings back and rushed over to her sister to make sure she was alright.
“Yeah, don’t thank the giant that just saved your ass. Sure.” The giant grumbled, sitting against the cave wall as he pressed a hand to the injury across his torso. He grit his teeth slightly, cursing under his breath. “I’m so fuckin’ stupid. Ugh. Stars. Shit. Damnit.”
Liss hugged her sister in relief and instantly grimaced at the slime and repulsive smell. “Ew! What happened? You smell yucky.” The little girl withdrew and covered her ears as the giant cursed again. “He says a lot of bad words…”
Rebeka shuddered, shaking her head. “It’s f-fine,” she looked at the giant nervously. “Who— what are you? Why did you— why—“ she winced and sat on the floor of the cave, putting a hand to her head, trying to keep her breaths level. So much was going through her head right now. Too many scares. She didn’t know how to take this all in. 
“Name’s Eli. I’m a giant. Dumbass.” He groaned and laid down on his side. His wounds were bleeding so badly, he just needed time to heal. “Ugh, gonna get some… shuteye… heal… Don’t leave… don’t do anything fuckin’... stupid.” 
In moments, he was already asleep, leaving the two alone in the cave. Rebeka bit her lip, glancing down and tried to level her breaths after all that had happened. She couldn’t breathe. Her chest felt so tight. She felt a cold shiver run over her and her limbs slowly lost awareness. She slumped to the floor, unconscious. 
Rebeka barely stirred. She rolled to her side and let out a tired snort in her sleep. 
Her eyes shot open and she batted away the contact groggily. Liss was in her face leaning over her with a fearful whisper. “Beka-- Beka-- he’s-- he’s awake--”
Rebeka rubbed her face tiredly, grimacing as she became reacquainted to the gross smell that still clung to her since the incident with the cave giant. She grimaced and glanced down at her hands briefly. The slime had dried to her hands, making her feel all sticky and gross. She was still shocked at all that had happened, not sure if it was all real, and wasn’t sure how to take all of it. Her gaze shifted forward to where her little sister directed her attention. The sun had already risen high in the sky, casting its peaceful glow into the cave. The giant was sitting at the mouth of the cave, seeming to mess with an oversized leather satchel. His clothes were still stained with blood, though his injuries seemed to have closed up already, judging by the fact that he wore no bandages and they weren’t actively bleeding. 
He glanced over his shoulder towards the two humans with a raised brow. “Ya know I can fuckin’ hear ya, right?”
Liss let out a startled yelp and hid behind Rebeka. Rebeka sat up, biting her lip shakily. “W-who…” She took in a deep breath as she got to her feet, feeling dizzy from the motion, but leaned against the cave wall for support. She frowned slightly as she found her words. “Who are you? Why did you help us? Wh-what the heck is happening to my home?”
Eli snorted with a shrug, leaning against the wall of the mouth of the cave as he set down his bag. “Already toldja who I was, unless ya have a shitty memory. No clue what happened to the town though. Guess the monsters all decided to come out of hidin’ like a buncha fuckin’ idiots. Looks like we missed the burnin’ though. Nothin’ really seems to be left now.”
He got to his feet outside the cave, towering above the entrance as Rebeka digested these words. She felt empty. Autumn Ridge was gone? 
“Warren.” Her eyes widened. Warren was the next town over in a hospital (or at least she was told). How could she know if he was safe? “Oh god..” She reached for her phone, only to recall having dropped it earlier. 
Eli noticed her expression. “He’s alive. Probably. He’s just in the middle of that hellhole though. It’ll be impossible to go out there with the monsters guarding the down though. No tellin’ how far they took over though or how much they planned.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead and ignored her stunned expression. He had been told about this moment of history ever since he was a child. He just had never believed it would ever happen. The apocalypse that would reclaim the land for the monsters and drive humanity to extinction. This scared even him. He didn’t know what to expect. Rhyka’s words about something big coming were true. It was already here.
“How do you… You know Warren?”
“Yeh. Used to be a monster hunter. A fuckin’ pathetic one too.” He smirked slightly. “C’mon. He should be ‘round the edge of the town. We might have a small shot in gettin’ him outta there while the daylight lasts, and I ain’t babysitting you here for ya to get gobbled up by some other cave giant.” 
He rolled his eyes and began walking through the forest. Liss began to exit the cave after the giant and glanced nervously at him, then back at her older sister. “Warren hunted monsters?”
Rebeka held out her hand to hold Liss back as the little sister began to follow before debating her odds here. She bit her lip briefly before letting go to follow close beside Liss. Everything was dangerous now. Having a bigger ally was their only chance of survival. 
“Ya deaf? Yeah that’s what I just said, tiny. He tried to hunt me and did a fuckin’ awful job at it. Then ended up screwin’ up at it. Ya really don’t remember me?” He glanced down at the sisters with a smirk. He had seen both of them before when he was trapped in camo form, though he looked very different then. Rebeka’s brow furrowed briefly in thought. Eli let out a chuckle. “‘Bout a month or two ago. The random dude who gave him a ride home from a car race in a fucked-up pickup truck.”
Rebeka’s eyes widened in realization. “What--! You were-- you were normal-sized!”
“Ya mean tiny. I’m normal-sized. Y’all are just… eensy.” He gestured “tiny” with his fingers pinched together with an amused snort. “It’s called camo. It’s how giants managed to avoid humans’ radar for hundreds of years.”
The giant paused towards the edge of the forest, looking down the hillside. The town was in ruins. Fire and rubble were everywhere. Plumes of smoke arose from the burning houses. Cars were smashed in the streets. In the middle of the town, slumped against the town hall, three massive fifty foot tall giants with stony-grey skin lay fast asleep. Eli shook his head with a whistle of awe. “Well look at that. Seems they were redecorating. Fuckin’ fantastic.”
Rebeka stopped behind him and covered her mouth to withhold a gasp of terror. Liss began to cry, hugging her leg. “God…” She choked.
“Ain’t gonna get to your brother from here. Gotta make our way around first. C’mon. Quick.” Eli’s nose wrinkled from the scent of the smoke and blood coming from the town. He assumed any threats from the town were sleeping off any meals they had gathered during the raid, so they only had a small window of time before dusk to try to retrieve Warren and Olivia from the shop ruins. 
It was late afternoon by the time they reached the opposite edge of town. They only had mere hours before dusk when the monsters would likely awaken again. The town was a ghost town. Though Eli could still smell humans hiding within the city, they were all likely too afraid to come out of hiding. It was safe enough to walk within the crumbling streets. Houses were cracked and tilted sideways from the earthquakes. Large boulders from the landslide had fallen over even the most durable buildings, burying them in rubble. The giant eventually found the alchemist shop and bones cracked and shifted as he shrank down to his camo size. 
He could smell another scent in here and he didn’t like it. Rebeka watched in shock as the giant became deceivingly human right before her eyes and hesitantly followed into the shop and followed him towards the back, keeping Liss close. Eli stopped at the top of the staircase to the basement, cursing in his throat. “Ugh, crap.”
The entire basement had caved in. The stench of old blood was overwhelming. Rebeka stopped behind him, looking up at the camo’d giant. “W-what? What happened? Where is he?”
“We got here too late.” He muttered. He turned and froze, sniffing the air again. They weren’t alone here. His eyes narrowed and he drew out his claws. “Quit hidin’ there. I can fuckin’ smell ya, ya know.”
There was a shuffle behind the aisles and shelves of herbs and jars. A figure stepped into sight. He was tall and well-toned with an athletic build. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses over his eyes and held out an orb of golden ice. 
Eli withdrew his claws, rolling his eyes. “Ah great. The U.L. is here. We’re saved. The hell happened here, and don’t fuckin’ play dumb with me.”
“I was about to ask the same.”
He threw the ice at the giant. His hands instinctively went out to brace himself from the throw, causing the alchemic ice to contact his hands, melting into his hands instantly. Eli shivered, ducking to the floor at the weird sensation of it coming into effect.
Rebeka gasped, standing in front of him. “What did you do? Stop!”
“Putting down a pest,” The man came closer, rolling up his sleeve. Eli hissed through his teeth. “The fuck? I wasn’t even tryina fight ya!” Eli tried to stand, but the man quickly pushed Rebeka aside and grabbed him by the collar. With a swift motion, he clocked him in the face, knocking him out instantly. The giant slumped to the floor unconscious. 
“What are you-- Stop! He was trying to help us!” Rebeka felt Liss move behind her leg. The man ignored her, beginning to hoist the unconscious giant off of the floor into a fireman’s carry. “Please, you’re just confused. You don’t know this monster. If you were looking for the people who were in this shop, they’re already gone. I’ll take you to them. You just have to trust me, okay?”
Rebeka scanned his face nervously, but she didn’t have much of a choice. She bit her lip and nodded. She squeezed her sister’s hand in her fist and followed closely after the stranger into the street. Outside, a Jeep wrangler awaited. The man tied Eli’s hands together and put him in the back seat of the car. Rebeka followed into the car, seating her sister in her lap, just not trusting herself enough to let go of her sister for now. Everything was confusing and she was afraid. She hoped to god Warren was okay.
“My name is East. I’m sorry for everything the monsters might’ve put you through. We have people tracking monsters constantly, though we never anticipated anything like this.” He drove down the crumpling streets, keeping a shotgun in his lap at the ready.
“H-how bad is it?”
East sighed, drumming his fingers along the steering wheel. “It’s tough to tell. They planned this ahead and cut out the cell towers so it’s hard to reach other towns to gage the scale of this.”
Rebeka let out a nervous sigh, noticing Liss scoot toward the window to watch the crumpled remains of their hometown to pass by. They were using the roads towards the outskirts of the city, so they had avoided most of the damage in their path, though it could still be seen in the distance. She back at the rearview mirror to search East’s face. “You won’t hurt Eli-- the giant, will you? He saved our lives.”
“It depends on how much he’ll resist on giving us intel on this attack.” The hunter responded grimly. The car turned toward a country road and left the city in its rearview mirrors as the sun began to descend. Its golden flames were choked out by the smoke along the horizon that spread high into the darkening sky. 
The rest of the series can be found here.
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Sweet Pea//it’s easy to say, but it’s never the same
Request: Hi do you imagines based off songs? If you do please can I have reader x sweet pea with the song somebody you loved by Lewis Capaldi where the reader and SP break up and SP is seeing someone else and the reader is missing him. Ty in advance xo
hey! i loooove this song! and i hope you love this!
Do you know when there’s so many things happening that you feel like you’re drowning? It’s just one thing after another and you feel like you’re sinking further and further. It becomes harder to break through the surface and breathe. 
For the past three months you’ve felt yourself slipping, this time however, there’s no one to save you. 
It started with you and Sweet Pea arguing, that evolved to him breaking up with you and you moving out. Things seemed to snowball after that, it was just one bad thing after the other until they all piled up into one really shitty, bad news snowman. 
You learnt two weeks ago from a very reluctant Fangs that Sweet Pea was seeing somebody else. He’d practically whispered it, but as soon as you heard ‘Sweet Pea’ and ‘seeing somebody else’ in the same sentence, you knew exactly what he’d said. 
He then proceeded to tell you that he’d met her and that she ‘seemed nice but not nearly as nice as you’. He made you swear not to tell Sweet Pea and you’d promised, not that it was that difficult. You were planning on avoiding him for as long as possible, which you were hoping would be for eternity. 
But now you’re all together at a wedding. Its a couple you all know from school, Juliet and Rebecca, and despite sitting through a very lovely ceremony, where both brides looked amazing, the only thing you could look at was him...well the back of his head. And the icing on the wedding cake? He brought her with him, and you’re here alone. 
Sweet Pea would usually be the one to help you with this stuff. Whenever you felt yourself falling, he was always there to pick you up. To hold your hand and tell you that you can get through this. But he’s not holding you’re hand. He’s holding hers, and they both look so happy. 
You don’t know what you did to the universe to piss it off so much, but apparently whatever you did warranted a pretty big punishment. Because not only did he bring her with him, you’re also sat opposite the two of them. 
There’s four people in total between you and Sweet Pea, and it feels too close and too far at the same time. Fangs and his boyfriend Jake are sat on one side, and Toni and Cheryl sit on the other. The four of them exchange awkward glances to their other halves every so often when they think you’re not looking, and every time it makes you sink further into the satin covered chair. 
Despite all the beauty and love that surrounds you, the only thing you feel is loneliness. The hall the reception is being held in looks amazing, flowers and fairly lights decorate the walls. There’s an abundance of cute little things for guests to do, from advice cards, to letters of love being posted in a tiny letterbox. Scattered around the tables are disposable cameras for guests to use and a photo booth sits in the corner beside the dance floor. You look at each of them longingly and let out a deep breath. The tables have a different flower sat on top of them, each of them meaning something to the brides. The table you’re sat at is sunflowers, and usually you love them, but now their brightness makes you angry. They are thriving in this environment, and your withering. Plus, it might just be you, but they all seem to facing Sweet Pea and that just makes you even angrier.  
If you’d come here with him, you know for a fact you would have dragged him to look at everything, pointing at everything you liked and wanted at your own wedding. You would have stolen a flower from the centre piece to keep, treasured the photos from the photo booth and you would have danced more than you would have sat down. 
Now though, you just want to go home, lie in bed and cry. You definitely look far too sad to be at a wedding, far too sad to be anywhere but in your bed to be honest. No matter how hard you try to plaster a smile on your face, it always wobbles when you catch sight of him. 
He looks good. 
His suit fits perfectly, and he’s got a little bowtie on which is a nice surprise. He’s changed his look slightly from the last time you saw him, his hair is no longer carefully styled, its fluffy and slightly curly and it takes everything in your power to stop thinking about running your fingers through it. 
And her, she’s just as pretty. Her hair curled, her dress flowing and her lipstick? To die for. They look good together, really good and it makes you shrink further into yourself. The conversation flows around you and you feel yourself blend into the background. 
“Excuse me!” Glass clinking from the top table stops all conversation and drags you back to reality. “Speeches!” Juliet cheers. “To my amazing wife. Can you believe you’re my wife? I have a wife! Guys...I’m married!” 
“Get on with it.” Rebecca rolls her eyes at her, a soft smile playing on her lips as they look at each other. The two of them share a tender moment before Juliet turns to face the guests. 
“Sorry dear.” She laughs. “To my amazing wife. When I met you at 15, I had no idea how much you would truly change my life. I only asked if there was anybody sitting beside you, I was scared and anxious about a new class where I didn’t know anybody and thought I would spend the rest of the year alone. But you said no, and some of my anxieties melted away. If only I’d known that that would set the precedent for the rest of our friendship, and then relationship. I am filled with anxieties, you know that better than anyone, but you’re always there to make me feel better. Right now, standing in front of our friends and families making this speech, I am terrified, but knowing you’re beside me, holding my hand and smiling, I know I can do it. In our vows, I said I’d take you as somebody to have, somebody to hold. And you can bet your sweet ass I’m going to take those seriously. I love you so much. To my wife!”
“To Rebecca!” Everyone cheers, raising their glasses. You force a smile, watching them kiss before Rebecca starts speaking, her brown hair falls in front of her face as she reads and Juliet moves it for her gingerly. 
You don’t think you’ve ever longed for anything more. The softness and tenderness they have for each other has been there since they met. Its something that just comes natural to them. They love each other and everyone can see it, out of your school year, they’re the couple thats been together the longest. 
You and Sweet Pea used to be like that. Nauseously cute to be around but actually the secret envy of all your other friends, single or not.  Before this you used to be a romantic, the world was pink and red and full of hearts and joy. Now though, its just grey and sad.
Maybe you’ve always been cynical? Maybe Sweet Pea just helped you see the good in the world and now that he’s gone the effects have worn off. Like he numbed all the pain. 
When you look at her, she’s so happy. A smile lights up her whole face and you wonder if thats how you used to look at him. A shaky breath escapes your lips as you down the rest of your drink. 
“You okay?” Toni asks and you force a smile. 
“Yeah.” You lie. “Just fine.” 
The day has worn on and eventually fallen into night. You would have wanted to be home by now, but even if you had managed to escape, you wouldn’t have been able to sleep. 
Sleep is rare now. It seems that if you sleep next to the same person every night for 3+ years, when they’re not there, its almost impossible. You wonder if he’s struggling to sleep too, if he’s finding an empty bed as tragic of you are. 
Moonlight streams in through the delicate curtains and basks the room in a soft glow when it catches off the glittering decorations. 
The speeches have been made, the cakes been cut and the couple have had their first dance, and through each of them you never saw their smiles falter. Not even just a little. 
It seems you’ve become invisible. Fangs, Toni, Cheryl and Jake have long left you. Choosing to spend their time dancing and taking photos rather than sitting by you. You don’t blame them, you wouldn’t want to sit with your miserable friend at a wedding. You’d want to have fun and to celebrate. 
They come over every so often to see if you’re okay, and you always say yes, no matter what. But as soon as they turn, your facade falls and you go back to longingly watching him. 
You know for a fact you’re going to look miserable in the background of all the candid shots you’re in. Sweet Pea used to say that you looked beautiful no matter what, whether you were happy or sad or angry and annoyed. It was usually the latter when you would catch him taking photos of you, but a smile would always break through the frown making him grin and take even more. 
You watch as he twirls her around, she spins and laughs before falling back into his arms and you feel yourself falling even further. There’s no words to describe how you feel, it just hurts. You’ve never felt like this before and you never ever want to again. You look around, desperate for someone to talk to, anyone to take your mind off the depressing situation you’re in, but there’s no one there. It feels like there hasn’t been for a while. 
She laughs loudly, doubling over while she watches him do a ridiculously stupid dance. He’s grinning, his eyes bright as he continues, the dance becoming more dramatic as he watches her giggle. Your friends surround them, all four of them laughing and you pull your eyes away. No longer wanting to watch a memory that could have been yours. 
Its only when you look down, your finger tracing the delicate pattern on the table cover do you realize that you’re crying. A single tear splashes on the white cloth, followed by another, and then another until you’re silently sobbing. 
You wipe your tears, grab your bag and make a bee-line for the door into the hallway. You can’t escape quick enough from him, and her and everything. 
Three months ago you could only escape with him. 
“I thought I’d find you in here.” You pull your gaze away from the window and the stars, instead settling on the tall serpent leaning against the doorframe. Its the first proper interaction you’ve had with each other in months and you don’t know how to act. 
Talking to him used to be the easiest thing in the world. You could talk for hours about practically everything and you’d still have more to talk about when you’re finished. 
But now when you look at him, you just want to cry. You freeze, your throat closing as you watch him stand. He’s looking around the large room, a slight look of awe on his face, and to be honest, your expression mirrored his when you first walked in. 
The decor is much different to the one that the reception is being held in. This is more grand. Its gold accents make it feel a lot fancier. In another world you can imagine great parties being held here, with people in masks and fancy gowns dancing the night away. A large chandelier hangs in the middle of the dance floor and when you stand underneath it, it makes you feel inferior. Its a feeling you’ve grown accustomed to though, its settled in your chest, something you carry around with you. That and a whole party bag full others, its not the main one, but its definitely there. 
Sweet Pea makes his way across the room, pausing briefly under the chandelier and he looks far from inferior. If anything, its the other way round. To you, the chandelier doesn’t look worthy enough to shine above him. He looks at it the same way he looks at all things beautiful, like its a gift to the world and he’s the luckiest person to be able to see it. People used to say he looked at you like that, now you just see him look at everything that isn’t you. 
You wonder if he feels the same about you, if he wants to cry every time he even thinks about you and him together, but the way he’s stood, the way he’s now looking at you, it seems like you’re the last thing on his mind.
What you would say when you saw him again has been the first thing you think of when you wake up, and the last thing you think of before you eventually fall asleep. Its played on your mind in great detail, even down to what you would be wearing. Where you would be? What you would say? What would happen afterwards? But just forcing yourself to look at him, something you never had a problem with before, is now one of the most difficult things in the world. 
His top button is undone and his bowtie has been loosened, you assume by his girlfriend, the thought of which makes your heart clench. His jacket hangs lazily from his hand while the other one runs through his hair. 
“I needed to get some air.” You reply simply, deciding to look out the window again. Its easier than looking at him, even if the shadows of the trees and the hills that seem to roll on forever makes you a little uneasy. 
“People usually go outside for air.” He tries to joke, but it falls flat and he sighs, and crosses the rest of the room. He sits beside you, leaving a noticeable gap between the two of you. “Who would have thought we would be here?” 
“Juliet and Rebecca have been destined to marry since the moment they met.” You reply, not bothering to look at him. Your heart wants you to, it wants you look at him because ignoring him feels like a crime. But your head is keeping you from it, it doesn’t want to break your heart even more, and it definitely doesn’t want you to cry in front of him. The only thing worse than heartbreak is his pity. 
“No, I mean like, here, but not together.” He corrects and you take a quick glance at him. 
“Oh...I dunno.” You shrug, trying to study his face. Closer up he still looks as attractive, but there’s something else to him as well. His eyes aren’t as bright, his lips aren’t as full, he looks a little paler. He looks kind of sad, like he’s painted a facade over it and as the night has worn on, its started to crack. 
The two of you stay silent. You watch him through the large mirror on the opposite wall as he counts the golden swirls painted above your heads. You remember a time when you were together, people wouldn’t be able to get a word in when the two of you were talking.
“A few years ago if me and Fangs had come in here, we’d be leaving with half the decorations and then be going halves on like, a million new bikes.” He tries to joke again, feeling hopeful that it might go better now that some time has passed. But what feels like twenty minutes has in reality only been two and it makes him huff. 
The front he’s put on finally falling as he slumps in his seat. His back leans against the window and he shivers a little from the cold air. 
“What happened to us Y/n?” 
“I suppose I let my guard down.” You shrug, letting yourself look at him properly. Yep, he’s just as broken as you are. You thought it would make you feel better, to see him just as upset as you are. But it doesn’t. It makes you feel worse. But the worst thing about it is that you still take it all away from him if you could. “I guess, I thought things were alright between us when clearly they weren’t. And then you pulled the rug and now...this.” You gesture between the two of you and he looks at the shiny floor. 
You turn to stare out of the window again. Your eyes close tightly as you take a deep breath. The sight of him feels like a stab in your chest, like someone has stuck a knife in and then twisted it.
You imagine yourself falling into his arms, his holding you gently, tracing patterns on your skin while pressing soft kisses to your forehead. A sad smile flickers on your face, it feels so close, so real. Safe in his arms...Until. 
“Yeah?” You reply, your eyes opening, but you don’t look at him.
“I’m sorry.” 
“Its okay.” You lie. “I understand.” you don’t
“And I’m sorry I brought Riley with me.” 
“Its fine.” You eventually force a smile, not wanting to seem any more bitter than you probably already do. “You guys look cute together.” 
“Yeah.” He laughs awkwardly. “Thanks.” 
Its silent again, something settling over the room. Its a feeling that makes it difficult for you both to breathe. You look in opposite directions, both waiting for the other to make the first move so you can leave. Whatever heartbreak you were feeling before, is 1000 times worse now. If you were drowning before, now you’re long dead and washed up on the beach somewhere. 
“How did you find me?” You ask and he looks at you surprised. He knew that whatever conversation he would have with you would be one sided, and so he wasn’t expecting you to ask him any questions. Not ones that weren’t hate fueled that is.
He also doesn’t know how to answer. Because the answer is weighted, and he’s not entirely sure he’s figured out the meaning of it yet. 
He sighs and scoots a little closer to you, he looks at you before looking back at the floor while his hand reaches into his trouser pockets. After a few seconds he pulls out a polaroid and hands it to you. 
Your eyebrows furrow when you recognize the person in it as you. Its a little fuzzy due to the lights, but its definitely you. You’re sat alone at the table, your chin resting on your hand as you look to the side of you. You look sad and you frown when you realize that is how you’ve looked for the majority of the wedding. But you’re frown deepens when you wonder what the hell he’s doing with this. He seems to pick up on this and quickly starts explaining himself. 
“I borrowed Toni’s camera when she wasn’t looking, Riley had gone to the bar and so I was by the dance floor alone. I was looking around and saw you and well, you looked like that. I’ve always thought you looked pretty no matter what, but I dunno, there was just something about how sad you looked at such a happy event that made me want to capture it. I was just going to slip it into Toni’s bag when she wasn’t looking and hope she would just think she took it, but well I haven’t had the chance yet.” 
Your speechless for a few seconds, your fingers glide over the photo and a few tears slip down your face, dropping onto the picture but you quickly wipe them away and hand it back to him. 
“That doesn’t explain how you found me. This place is pretty big.” 
“Afterwards I kept checking to see if you were still there. I kind of got a bit distracted by dancing but when I looked again you weren’t there so I came looking for you.” He admits shyly. 
“I didn’t think anyone would notice if I left.” 
“I always notice when you’re not around. Now more than ever I think.” It turns out that breaking up with you was the worst thing Sweet Pea has ever done, closely followed by asking you to move out. And it seems that bad decisions have been following him around for the whole 3 months. 
Your speechless again as you look at him. His eyes catch yours and you feel yourself become breathless. The room feels so much smaller all of a sudden, you and Sweet Pea seem to be closer than ever. His eyes flicker to your lips for just a split second but you notice it and it makes your heart-rate increase. 
Your whole body is screaming at you not to do this, its only going to hurt more, but when his hand cups your cheek and you lean into him you couldn’t care less. Your eyes flutter closed at the feeling of his lips against yours. It still feels like you’re drowning, but in a good way this time. You never want this to stop. 
Thats the thing about moments and feelings. They never know how to coordinate themselves. The things you don’t want, seem to last forever, and the ones you do are over in mere seconds. 
He pulls away first, his eyes wide as he curses to himself. 
“I’m sorry Y/n.” He shakes his head. The soft smile that had taken over your features, vanishes when you notice the way he’s looking at you. “I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have done any of that.” He’s talking to himself now, repeating the words over and over again and its only now that you become angry. 
“Actually.” You stand up. “Maybe you should have. Because apparently breaking my heart once wasn’t enough, you had to do it again. You broke up with me because of a few arguments. I can’t even remember what we were arguing about but you thought it was bad enough to finish a 6 year relationship. I loved you Sweet Pea, and stupidly, I still do. I have been waiting for you to come back and say you’re sorry. I’ve been waiting to take you back. But you got with somebody else.” You sob. “You found somebody else in three months after 6 years and you brought her with you. You’ve ruined every single memory of us, and now you’re ruining every thing else. You got the happy memories, the house, the friends and now the new woman. And what do I have?...what do I have?” 
“Y/n.” He stands, reaching out to you but you shrug him off. Its the hardest thing you have ever done, but you walk away from him. You leave him standing underneath the chandelier, and it no longer seems as bright. 
You glance back at him, just for one last look before you leave properly. 
“I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved...and now I have nothing.” 
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Summary: Could you do one where Freddy Freeman (Shazam) is Eddie's son and is about to meet Richie?
A/N: sorry it took me so long to post! 
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Eddie is nervous. He rarely lets himself admit to it, and the instances where he does have been few and far between after Freddy was born and he became a dad, but today Eddie can say it without thinking of how to hide it. Freddy can discern it, just like he always can when it comes to his father, but he either can’t conjure up the words to reassure him, or he knows tonight is not going to go well and wants to prepare his father for it.
Eddie adores Freddy to bits, unsurprisingly. His son looks like a mirror image of himself when he was a kid, and it’s sometimes eerie for Eddie to come downstairs and see his son. It’s like feeling he’s been send back into the past to watch himself from the third person view. Though their physical appearances are similar, their personalities have a few major discrepancies.
For one, Freddy is a lot more brave then Eddie was at age, a lot more brave than Eddie is today. He’s obsessed with superheroes and convinced that they’re real, and he’s been know to dive headfirst into danger out of idolatry of these heroes.
He has a leg problem that he never lets other or himself acknowledges, but that’s no setback for the power of his mind. Once Freddy is convinced of something, it’s very difficult – impossible even- to throw him of his game. That Eddie likes a whole lot, that he can stand up for himself and is able to secure boundaries no matter who they’re aimed at, he likes the impulsivity a lot less.  
It’s because their way of handling things is so fundamentally different, that Eddie is afraid how he’s going to react to Richie. He’s not sure if Freddy will appreciate any of the jabs Richie makes, if he will accept a new man moving in with them, or what he will do if he deems Richie unworthy.
Freddy on the other hand is a lot more collected, to no one’s surprise. He’s been playing videogames for most of the day, and an abandoned comic book is carelessly thrown over the entry way table. He hasn’t said anything about the impending meeting, and acts indifferent, but Eddie thinks it’s just an act.
He watches from the corner of the room as Freddy concentrates on his game, fingers pressing the console so hard Eddie fears he’ll need to buy him a new x-box if he keeps it up. Under his breath, he mutters along with his actions, some words a lot more explicit then Eddie would normally allow.
His presence looming behind Freddy is unnoticed, because if Freddy knew Eddie was standing there, he would have stopped his stream of curse words and smiled cheekily his direction, the way he always does when he’s trying to get his dad to break the house rules and escape repercussions.
Eddie coughs once, but willingly waits for his son’s video game to end so he won’t have to start over. He’s not always blessed with the patience to wait, his road rage is a clear example of that, but Eddie fight hard against the instincts that his child has to drop everything for him. Myra accuses him of trying to be the favorite parent over it, but Eddie has no such intentions. After growing up with a mother like his, he’s all too aware of how fast the lines between requesting respect and demanding it get crossed. He doesn’t over want to be an overbearing presence in his son’s life that Freddy dreads coming home too.
His tactic pays off in the end, to Myra’s irritation. Where Freddy will roll his eyes whenever Myra asks him to do something, he now gets his game - Eddie doesn’t know which game he’s playing, he’s pretty much clueless about videogames in general- to a safe point, pauses it and looks acceptingly in Eddie’s direction.
‘What’s up dad?’
‘Is that your favorite game you’re playing?’ Eddie fumbles, having no idea what video game he was actually playing or what his son’s best-beloved even is. ‘The one with – spiderman?’ He guesses, judging by the eye roll that Freddy gives him he’s gravely mistaken.
‘Spiderman? Dad my favorite video game is batman arkham underworld. About batman, not Spiderman’, Freddy voice trails off and he draws out the last few words, clearly pulling Eddie’s leg about not differentiating the two superheroes. ‘I should be offended that you don’t know that. Don’t you ever listen to what I have to say?’
Eddie laughs, but it’s strained and shaky from the nerves jumping over on his vocal cords. He came up to Freddy’s room because Richie should be arriving in less than five minutes, and he get a word on how open to the conversation Freddy really was. Now that he’s up here though, Eddie can’t conjure up a worse thing but to ask.
‘Dad, I’m sure you didn’t come here to talk about a videogame you’re not interested in. Spit out what you want to say.’
‘I- I need you to give Richie a chance. He’s brazen and sometimes a whole lot of weird, and he’s fucking stupid too sometimes’, Freddy doesn’t comment on the way Eddie smiles with full dimples out at the mere thought of Richie, ‘but I love him and if you could keep an open mind that would be great.’
Eddie walks deeper into Freddy’s room, on the verge of pacing around, feeling stupid for begging to his son about Richie. He can’t help it, he loves Richie almost as much as he loves Freddy, and it would kill him in the two most important people in his life didn’t get along.
‘If you don’t like him then we can talk later. I love you and if you don’t like Richie that’s not going to change anything, but I’m aware Richie might not give the best first impression – the first time I ever met him he poured sand over me and I intended on killing him - so if you could stick it out for the entire evening then you can decide for yourself if you like him or not.’
‘Dad, it’s fine. I’m not going to judge the guy from doing different.’ Freddy chuckles, but it lacks all the normal energy and joy it normally contains.
At once, Eddie feels stupid. All he had considered was how nervous Richie was to meet Freddy, but he hadn’t contemplated how on edge Freddy was to be introduced to Richie. ‘Bud.’
‘No, it’s fine. I mean my own mom didn’t even accept me with my disability but some random stranger sure will.’
‘Freddy..’, Eddie trails off, he inches himself closer to sit beside Freddy on the floor, despite his kneecaps creaking. He’s all to aware that this is a delicate situations. Despite his resentment towards Myra for dragging him back into he’s old mindset that he was sick, she’s Freddy’s mom, and he would never do anything to harm their relationship.
‘Your mom loves you. Every part of you.’
‘No she didn’t, she liked that she could take care of me and get sympathy for it, but as soon as I tried to create some independence she hated it.’
It’s quiet in the room for a long time. It lays heavy on Eddie’s stomach, but he’s at a loss for words. The only thing he can do is to comfort his son, by hugging him close and trying with all his might to take over his sadness. Freddy asks him often what super power he would like to have if he had the change, and Eddie always responds with time travel, to have a redo of his childhood, but now he knows the actual answer is that he would like to absorb other people’s sadness and take it upon himself. Anything to get his son to stop suffering.
He can’t condone Myra’s actions, her cold behavior when Freddy managed to jump over small hurdles and she refused to see it and instead tried her best to sink his confidence by convincing him he did it wrong, no matter how much he had hoped his son would have a better relationship with his mom.
‘Richie’s not like that’, Eddie eventually settles on saying, because he knows that with all his heart. ‘And if he was I would kick his ass. If he would make fun of you’, he ruffles Freddy’s hair and is delighted to hear him laugh. ‘Then I’ll never allow him to set one foot back in this door.’
‘Okay dad, you don’t have to oversell it.’
‘Do you not think I would do it? I spend more than 300 dollars on comic books for you.’
‘Yeah cause buying comic books and beating him up are comparable.’
Freddy is back to his old chipper self, for now at least, and he reaches for his cane to help him walk.
‘Well, if what you’re saying is true, I better go check him out and see if he’s good enough for my old man. Race you down the stairs?’
Freddy doesn’t wait for Eddie’s answer before he’s off, fully ready to throw himself off the stairs if it means being the first one down. Eddie slows down tremendously, praying that he’s son won’t actually do that, but enjoying their little game anyway.
‘Flight or Invisibility?’ Freddy asks later at the dinner table, looking at Richie specifically as he asks.
Richie’s looking a little bit pale, and he glances at Eddie not understanding. Alas, he gets no help from him, Richie’s on his own on this one.
‘Euh, invisibility?’ The answer is said with uncertainty, but Freddy dismisses it as he jumps on the opportunity to talk about more superhero stuff.
‘Really? You picked invisibility? Okay wow, that’s surprising cause they once did this test where it showed that-‘ Freddy continues to ramble, but all Eddie can do is stare dreamily at his own little family. 
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spaceskam · 4 years
From A Whisper To A Scream (4/10)
warnings: torture basically, sprinkle in a little trauma
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“Alright, you got five seconds to come out of there.”
Michael froze, laying on the backseat of the broken-down ‘97 Audi. He was hoping if he stayed still enough, Sanders would forget he ever saw any kind of movement. Did he move? He couldn’t remember. He must’ve dozed off.
“Now, I ain’t about to tell you again. Get out of there.”
Michael closed his eyes and cursed under his breath. He’d been trying at the junkyard for a couple of weeks now with no problem. He knew it was too good to be true. Slowly, he sat up and made eye contact with Old Manes Sanders. He gestured for Michael to get out and Michael listened. 
“You gonna tell me why you’re in there at 7 in the morning or am I supposed to read your mind?” Sanders asked. Michael just stared straight ahead.
“I’ll leave, don’t worry about it,” Michael said. Sanders snorted a laugh.
“You ain’t goin’ nowhere until you tell me what’s goin’ on,” Sanders told him. Michael glared. At fifteen, he wasn’t as tall as Sanders, but he was nothing if not willing to overcompensate with anger. 
“I’m not telling you shit.”
“Don’t get snappy with me, boy,” Sanders said, “When’s the last time you ate?”
“Why the fuck do you care?” Michael snapped. Sanders took a deep breath, giving him a very unimpressed look. But it wasn’t pity either. That was the only thing keeping him from storming off.
“Look, you ain’t gotta tell me specifics, but, that home you’re supposed to be at, it’s so bad that you’re sleepin’ in the junkyard? Or is it you just feeling rebellious?” Sanders asked. Anger boiled beneath Michael’s skin at the insinuation that he was overreacting. Max did that stuff even when he was well-meaning. Just because he didn’t spill every tiny detail didn’t mean he was a liar.
Despite his better judgment, Michael pulled up his sleeve and showed the healing burn mark on his arm that had directly covered an older burn scar they put there before. Forever engraved with a cross, reminding him that he was a freak of nature when it came to these humans. But he wasn’t about to let Sanders drag him back.
“Come inside, eat somethin’ ‘cause you look like a sack of bones, and then we’re headin’ over to that house.”
“No!” Michael yelled, a little more desperation in his voice than he intended.
“We’re gonna head over there,” Sanders repeated, louder and firmer, “So you can get your shit. Then we’re gonna find your social worker and figure out what we need to do to make sure you stay out of places like that.”
“What?” Michael scoffed, “You don’t think they’re gonna just throw me somewhere else for running? Juvie, this time, probably.”
“Well, if things go like they should’ve gone damn near a decade ago now, you’ll stay with me and I ain’t gonna put up with the running away shit,” Sanders said. It shut Michael right up.
He didn’t understand what he was being told. It almost sounded like someone wanted to keep him around. 
“Why?” Michael asked cautiously.
Sanders sighed and looked everywhere but at him.
“Long time ago, I met a nice lady who took care of me like I was her own and she showed me where her own actually was. Made a promise I’d keep an eye out for him and I ain’t about to break it now,” he said, leaving out far too many details. Michael felt like he got punched in the gut and his head spun. He didn’t understand.
“Wait, does that mean you know‒” my mom, what I am, where I’m from, what I’m capable of, if I’m dangerous, “That I‒”
“You want breakfast or not?” Sanders asked gruffly, already walking away.
Michael ran after him.
Michael gasped back into consciousness and Eff stood over him with confused eyes and an acupuncture needle in his hand.
“What’d you see?” Eff asked.
“When my dad decided he was gonna adopt me,” Michael said. Eff made a face like that was disappointing, but he nodded and took a few steps back to record it in his notebook. Michael lifted a shaky hand to rub the nearly invisible hole on his left temple.
Apparently, aliens had very similarly placed pressure points to humans, but they did very different things. Provoking them could trigger powers or memories or any number of things that the brain could do in someone’s subconscious. It took them a few tries to find the exact point on Michael’s head to stab a needle into, but, when he found it, he was thrown back to being just a kid.
“Let’s test your telekinetic limit again, see if that affected it in any way,” Eff said, taking the gloves off and dropping the needle into a glass of some ambiguously clear substance to sterilize it. 
Michael stood to his feet, feeling a little dizzy from the memory. Eff gave him the space to do so and waited for him to get steady before they walked outside.
Eff’s workplace of choice was a small shed in the middle of nowhere. No one lived for miles in any direction and the only way someone could find it is if they knew where it was and they were willing to drive 45 minutes into the desert. It had a couch, a cot, a bathroom, and a kitchen area. Most of the shed, though, was covered in equipment to test on Michael.
It turns out, though, that everything got a lot less scary the more he was there. Yeah, Eff was still mean and he never let Michael truly forget that he didn’t see him as an equal, but, for the most part, it wasn’t that bad. Or at least he’d focused on the bright side. This was the first person who was allowing and actively encouraging Michael to explore things about himself that he’d never gotten the chance to. If this was his fate, it wasn’t the worst.
So what if it was slightly off his game and tired and hadn’t had nearly enough alone time with Alex. It was better than having none of those at all.
“Alright, lift the truck again,” Eff said, pulling out his stopwatch, “And I swear to God, if you drop it again, I’m going to kick your ass.”
Rolling his eyes, Michael held out his hand and focused. The 5,000lb truck was definitely a strain on his abilities, but it felt so nice. It was like an itch that he’d been waiting to scratch, a muscle being stretched, a lung filling with air. This was what he needed. Yesterday, he’d been able to hold it up for 45 seconds before he got a nosebleed and dropped it. Before the needle, he’d again only got to 45 seconds before he had to put it down to prevent dropping it again. No nosebleed.
Now, a little stretched out and a little more excited about what he could do, he fought through the shakiness and ignored the itchy feeling of an oncoming bloody nose. He breathed steadily and just focused. Eventually, though, he gave out and put the car down, dropping to his knees and catching his breath. He wiped his nose and caught his breath.
“One minute, seven seconds. Not bad,” Eff said. Michael smiled. “Now throw the ball.”
Michael took a few extra seconds to breathe before slowly getting back to his feet. He turned his attention to the steel ball that was somewhere around 100lbs, give or take. Michael breathed in deep before picking it up and hurling it as hard as his body would allow at a mat that was propped up 20 yards away that was only there to stop it from going too far.
“Only 35mph,” Eff said.
“You didn’t give me enough time to recover,” Michael argued.
“Doesn’t excuse your shitty number,” he said. Michael clenched his jaw. And he was almost doing good. “Get inside, we’re doing a few more pressure points.”
“Do you know when you’ll let me go home? I have homework,” Michael said, still staring out into the distance.
“Why are you doing homework still?” Eff scoffed.
Michael was about to ask why he wouldn’t, but then he remembered who he was talking to. Eff didn’t see a need because he didn’t think Michael would have a future.
He’d be the one personally making sure he didn’t.
Alex walked into the Crashdown with his eyes tied to his phone.
Ever since last Saturday had ended in him holding Michael all night, things had been a little weird. He couldn’t put his finger on it exactly, just that Michael’s mind wasn’t always with him. He wasn’t begging Alex to come over every night like he usually did, simply satisfied with making out in the back of the truck before Alex had to go home. Tuesday Alex had gone to his house to surprise him only to be told Michael wasn’t home. It’d caused so much embarrassment Alex refused to even drive in that direction unless Michael specifically asked ever again.
Alex didn’t want to push or assume or be that guy. Being with Michael was fun and nice, but there was clearly something going on with him and if he was having second thoughts about them, Alex wasn’t about to try and beg him to stay. Besides, it might not even be that. He might be embarrassed for breaking down or there might be a football thing Alex didn’t know about or any number of things. He didn’t know, he hadn’t really gotten the chance to ask. He wasn’t going to act like Michael was pulling away until he knew for sure. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t stare at his phone.
Good timing, too, because it rang.
“Hello, littlest brother,” Flint said loudly into the phone, clearly on speaker with the sound of a car running in the background. Alex smiled just as Arturo, the owner of the Crashdown, came up to take his order.
“Hey, give me one second,” he said, moving the phone to tell Arturo his order. He nodded and told him to tell Flint that he said hi. “Mr. Ortecho said hi.”
“Hello, Mr. Ortecho!” Flint said loud enough that Arturo heard it. He chuckled and walked back into the kitchen. “So, I got some good news.”
“What is it? You finally got that stick surgically removed from your ass?”
“I’m personally offended by that. I thought we were on the same team when it came to the stick being in Clay’s ass,” Flint said. Alex huffed a laugh. “No, but I’m coming into town soon.”
“Wait, for real?” Alex asked, excitement coursing through his system. As much as his brothers annoyed him and he thought Flint was just as lame for listening to their father, he loved them. He also loved not having to be alone with his dad all the time. “When?”
“I’m thinking Monday or Tuesday? Soon, I’ll keep you updated so we can make plans,” Flint said, “Gotta give some shit to Dad.”
“Okay, yeah, can’t wait,” Alex said.
“Tell me something fun, though, what’s going on with you? Anything new?” Flint asked.
Alex bit down on his lip and wondered if he should mention Michael. He wanted to. He never really came out to Flint, but he was pretty sure Flint knew and didn’t care. Either way, he wanted to share like he shared with Maria and Liz even if it was just because he wanted to say “hey look at this thing I got even though Dad said no”. Even though he was kind of unsure about where exactly they stood, this was still an achievement. This was still his. That counted.
“I’ve, uh,” he said, glancing around quickly. There was a table of cheerleaders from his school in the corner, but they were too far to hear. “I’ve kinda been talking to someone.”
“Oh, what? My baby brother is suddenly not such a baby?” Flint teased. Alex smiled and rolled his eyes.
“My not being a baby has nothing to do with having a relationship. I haven’t been a baby for a long time.”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll believe that one day, maybe,” Flint said, “So, tell me about them.”
“It’s not, like, super serious or anything,” Alex said, hesitating just a little as he considered if he was ready to officially come out via pronouns, “But… he’s really nice and smart and I like him a lot. I think you’d like him, he’s got the same rebellious-but-not-really vibe you do.”
“Oh, so you chose someone with the same vibe as me? Glad I showed you what good taste was,” Flint said. Alex laughed. When Arturo brought his tray over, he mouthed his thanks. “Well, is he making you happy? Does he know you have a brother who will kick his ass if he isn’t?”
“He does make me happy, yeah,” Alex promised, “But I’m not telling him your threats.”
“Fair enough,” he said, “Maybe I can tell him myself when I come to see you.”
Alex chewed on his lip for a second. “I don’t know, I’d have to ask him.”
“Well, do that. We’ll even go somewhere outside of Roswell if it makes you two feel a little better.”
“I’ll ask,” Alex repeated, “And, uh, thanks. For being cool.”
“You say that like I’m not the coolest person you know,” Flint said, “Alright, weirdo, I’ll let you eat. Call you later. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Alex put his phone down, feeling more confident that he had in a few days. He probably wasn’t actually going to ask Michael. Things were already a little weird and he didn’t want to press, so he’d probably just lie and say Michael wasn’t ready for all that. But, still, it was nice to know that Flint asked. He was interested.
It gave him enough confidence to text Michael first, deciding that it wasn’t too needy to reach out instead of waiting for Michael to do it. He sent a simple hey and then got to his food.
“Hey, Alex,” a sing-songy voice said. Alex looked towards it to see one of the cheerleaders. He furrowed his eyebrows, chewing slower as she sat on the stool beside him. She had never said a word to him before. He didn’t even know her name.
“Uh, hi?”
“Sorry if I’m bothering you, but I wanted to come talk to you. I mean, we’re friends, right?” she said. Alex felt like he was falling into a trap.
“I guess.”
“I just wanted to let you know that when you come to the games, you can sit up front with the rest of the guys’ girlfriends,” she said. Alex kept staring at her with a confused expression. “If you come, I mean. I haven’t seen you at any of the games before.”
“Why would I go to a football game?” Alex asked slowly. She smiled even wider.
“To watch Michael play, silly,” she said, “It’s a part of dating a football player.”
“I’m not dating a football player,” Alex said. And he wasn’t. Or, at least, not that she needed to know. He didn’t owe any of them that knowledge.
“Come on, you can tell me,” she pressed. He just stared. “I’m just letting you know that you’re welcome to sit by us. We can all gossip. We’d love to hear what it’s like to actually date Michael. He’s always been super interested in just really quiet hookups. I guess I can see why.”
“Yeah, well,” Alex said. He still couldn’t quite tell if she was making fun of him or not. The rest of the girls at the table weren’t laughing, but…
“You don’t have to,” she said, flashing the biggest smile it felt like he’d ever seen, “I just wanted you to know that we think it’s super cool we finally have a gay football player. We think you guys are just so cute.”
Alex wondered how many more times he could listen to people call Michael gay when they knew literally nothing about him before he lost it.
“How are we cute when we’re not together?” Alex asked. She rolled her eyes playfully.
“You know what I mean. The whole two separate looks, it’s perfect,” she said. Alex’s phone saved him by going off and Alex immediately gave it his attention.
Michael: i was just thinking about you where are you
Alex: Crashdown
Michael: room for 1 more?
Alex: For you? Always
Michael: 😍
“Is that Michael?” the girl asked, bringing him back to the conversation. He looked at her.
“Yeah,” he said honestly. He didn’t want to be rude. She wasn’t technically being rude. But, still, he wasn’t sure if she was or not. “Thanks for the offer, by the way, but I’m fine. You don’t have to sit with me.”
“Okay, okay,” she said, holding up her hands in surrender, “It was nice talking to you.”
“Mhm,” Alex hummed. He spared her a glance as she walked back to her friends and saw them giggling which wasn’t a good sign. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on his food.
Within the next couple minutes, the bell above the door dinged and a warm presence sat close beside Alex. He looked up to see Michael standing beside him. He had on a big smile despite the fact that his eyes had dark circles beneath them. It again had him questioning if something was actually going on and not just him questioning their relationship.
“Hey,” Alex said.
“Hey,” Michael said back, reaching over him to grab a fry from his tray.
“Get your own,” Alex said, unsuccessfully trying to stop him from shoving the fry into his mouth. Michael just smiled as he chewed and Alex was too charmed to be irritated. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Me too, this week has been a lot,” Michael said softly, sitting down on the stool beside him and pulling it close, “But I wanna see you more. What are your plans tonight?”
“I gotta have the car back by 8, but I can sneak out if you wanna come get me,” Alex suggested. Michael nodded.
“Yeah, we can do that,” he said, reaching over to steal more of Alex’s fries. 
“Dude, do you want to order food?” Alex laughed. He shook his head.
“I’ll just eat yours.”
Alex rolled his eyes, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he stared at him as they ate. Not only did he have dark circles under his eyes, but he was also chewing slow and seeming to zone out just by sitting there. And Alex was beginning to really think that it had nothing to do with their relationship.
“Hey,” Alex said, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Michael said.
Alex considered just leaving it. But he left it last time and things had clearly not gotten any better. His eyes drifted over to the girls at the table, noticing that they were not-so-subtly watching them as if they were an exhibit in a zoo. He tried not to let it bother him as he leaned a little closer.
“Seriously, what’s going on? You’re worrying me,” Alex told him quietly. Michael made eye contact with him and gave him that little tiny smile that felt like it was only for him. Maybe it was. “Stop it, tell me. Are you sick or something? Is something going on?” 
“You are my favorite person in the whole world, Alex Manes,” he said. Alex tilted his head in that no-nonsense way that just made Michael smile wider. “I’ve been helping Max fix his car, sorry I didn’t really let you know. It’s been taking up my time. And it’s just been one of those weeks. I’m okay.”
“So you’re not just trying to get rid of me either?” Alex clarified. It was honestly relieving to see that it wasn’t anything too bad. Michael’s eyes widened a little bit.
“No, absolutely not. I want to see you more, this week has sucked without you,” he said, batting those eyelashes, “It’s really hard to sleep well without you anymore.”
“Mm, well, maybe I’ll help you get to some good sleep tonight,” Alex said, a suggestive tone in his voice. Michael grinned, his tongue pressing to the back of his teeth.
“Can I touch you in public or is that a no go?” Michael asked. Alex again found himself looking over to the cheerleaders. “No?”
“They were asking me about us earlier,” Alex said, “Told me I could sit with the other guys’ girlfriends and we could all gossip. And that we’re so cute.”
“I think we’re pretty cute,” Michael told him, still smiling. When Alex didn’t respond right away, it faded. “Were they bothering you?”
“No, I just…” Alex said, trying to find the right words. He didn’t have them. Instead, he thought about his conversation with Flint and how good that felt to just be. To talk and act like there was nothing to even think about. He wanted that. “Yeah, you can touch me.”
“You sure?” Michael said. Alex nodded.
“Nothing too extreme.”
“Obviously, that’s for later,” he said. Alex snorted, but let Michael just move closer and rest his head on his shoulder. He could feel the way his body immediately released some tension. 
He couldn’t wait to get him alone so he could remove the rest.
“Nope, not talking about this with you.”
“Michael! This isn’t just about you! This affects us! Stop fucking avoiding us so you can do what you want!”
Michael sighed, bowing his head. He took a few deep breaths and opened his eyes slowly, looking at the engine he was working on. It helped to work with his hands. All the shit he was doing with Eff was too much with his mind and it was nice to just turn it off and use his hands. And, besides, this was the one day it seemed Eff had no interest in doing tests. He planned to just work on this car until Alex could come back over. 
But apparently, he had to still use his brain today.
“What do you want me to say?” Michael asked as he turned to face Max and Isobel. They both looked angry at him. Which was fair. He’d been avoiding them as much as possible. He didn’t want Eff to get any interest in them. They were going to have a future. They weren’t going to end up like him. 
And, besides, he should’ve known this was coming. People were talking about him and Alex. He had no drive to stop them. He had way bigger problems than people gossiping about his love life even if that meant having his siblings find out through someone else.
“Well, first off, why aren’t you talking to us? Did you think we wouldn’t notice?” Isobel asked.
“And are you actually dating Alex? Because what happens when something goes wrong? What happens when he gets hurt?” Max added.
“Or what happens when you get hurt?” Isobel said, “If he breaks up with you or realizes you’re lying to him? Because you are lying to him.”
“And don’t even think about telling him. This isn’t some small little thing, Michael, this is our lives.”
“You don’t think I know that?” Michael asked. He intended for it to have more bite than it actually did. He wanted to be angry with them, but it was hard when they weren’t wrong. Michael was stupid. It was how he ended up being the one caught by Eff. “Look, I’m being safe.”
“Michael,” Isobel said, stepping up to him. She had that concerned look in her eye that made it hard not to listen. “We don’t lie to each other, okay? That’s not something we can do when it’s just the three of us. We were there when you decided to join the football team and I helped you fake all your physicals, you remember? We’re not trying to hold you back. This is something extremely serious.”
“I know it is,” Michael said, “I just… I like him, Isobel. He makes me feel good. I don’t want to give that up just because I’m not human.”
“But we said‒”
“I know what we said,” Michael sighed, looking to Max and then back to Isobel before he closed his eyes, “But, I can promise you, it’s okay. We’re not toxic to them. Nothing has happened to Alex or the girls I’ve slept with. They’re all fine. We don’t have to be alone like this.”
They stared at him, unreadable expressions. He was anticipating them to yell at him and he was prepared to bury himself in a hole until he felt better. But they didn’t yell. They just stared.
“How long have you known?” Max asked. Michael took a deep breath.
“About two years,” he answered honestly. Max scoffed.
“So, what, I kept away from Liz for no reason?” he asked. Michael didn’t have the heart to tell him that he didn’t think he would’ve gone after Liz anyway. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Isobel wondered.
“I didn’t want you to be mad at me for breaking the deal,” Michael admitted, rubbing his eye, “I, I should’ve told you. A while ago. That wasn’t fair of me and I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for ignoring you, I’ve been stressed lately and I don’t want to affect you guys.”
“But you still didn’t have an answer for what happens when he realizes you’re lying to him. You can’t tell him what we are,” Max insisted. Michael immediately shook his head.
“I swear, I won’t. You two come first always.”
“Do we? Because It doesn’t sound like it.”
He swallowed harshly, closing his eyes. He thought about the other day when Eff had pricked him with that needle on his wrist and it had triggered waves of power that he couldn’t control that had sent him into a seizure-like state or when he pricked the one on his neck and that same power paralyzed him until he cried, both times immediately followed by Eff bringing him outside to test again. At the moment, it hadn’t seemed like it was that bad. He was still free and still had Alex. He still wouldn’t wish it onto Max and Isobel.
“Trust me,” Michael said, “You come first.”
“This is bullshit, Michael. You’re being stupid,” Max scolded.
“Max,” Isobel said, “Come on, this is good news, isn’t it? We can be normal.”
“Normal,” Max echoed, huffing a laugh, “I can never be normal."
"But, normal enough, right? College, wife, kids, white picket fence?" Michael pointed out, "You can have that. It's safe."
"Since when have you wanted that?" Max scoffed. And Michael didn't want that. It had always sounded boring. But with his current circumstances, that was an unachievable paradise. He wanted Max and Isobel to take it and run with it.
"I don't, but you guys do," he offered lamely.
"You really like Alex that much?" Isobel asked, "That you're finally telling us this?"
"Yeah, I do," Michael said. It wasn't a lie. He did like Alex that much. Just… it wasn't the entire reason. 
"And you're happy?"
Somehow, that felt like a trick question.
"Yes," he said.
"Then we're happy," Isobel said, "Shut up, Max."
Michael wished that was a sign everything would be that easy. That maybe when it came out that he lied to them again about something a million times worse that they wouldn't be angry. He just had to tell himself that.
But, later, when Alex came over again, he still found himself feeling wrong and off. He was wondering if he was always going to feel wrong and off for the rest of his life.
Alex, however, was a nice distraction from the bullshit. He was reading a book for class and Michael had wedged himself between his legs, his knees hooked over his shoulders and his head resting comfortably between his thighs. If he stayed right there, nothing could hurt him.
He breathed slow and closed his eyes, trying to convince himself that this was worth every single mistake. Alex's warm skin against his cheeks, the grounding presence of his feet on his stomach, his hand in his hair, the door and the window locked, and nothing but the sound of the AC and Alex turning pages filling his mind. This was the safest space in the world. He refused to believe differently.
Michael dozed in and out of consciousness, his mind drained and wanting sleep more than he was able to give. He was almost actually asleep until the sky decided to be a bitch and thunder loud enough to wake him up. He slowly dragged his eyes open, his fingers gliding over the unrealistically soft hair on his thigh. He pressed his nose into his skin, breathing him in. Then he pressed his lips there and reveled in the way Alex shifted a little in response. It wasn't until he parted his lips and carefully bit into the sweet skin of his inner thigh that Alex actually reacted. He tightened his legs around him, giving him a little squeeze that was way hotter than it was meant to be.
"Excuse you," Alex scolded, voice soft and a little deeper than usual as if he'd fallen asleep too. It made Michael smile. This really was safe. 
"It's right here in my face, what do you want from me? I only have so much self-control," Michael said. Alex chuckled, his hand taking through his curls before tugging a little.
He spread his legs wider and urged Michael up to move up. Michael complied, laying beside him and accepting the kiss he gave. He didn't want tomorrow to come. Tomorrow meant more Eff, more work, more stress. Today meant this.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Alex asked, "You can say no and I won't be mad even a little."
"What's up?" Michael asked. He couldn't imagine telling Alex no.
"You remember that brother I told you about? He's coming into town," Alex said, not really making eye contact. Michael hummed. "Would you wanna meet him?"
"You want me to meet your brother?" Michael asked. Alex shrugged and nodded.
"It could be fun. He said we could go somewhere outside of Roswell so it won't be too bad," Alex urged, "You can say no."
Michael stared at him and weighed his options. He didn't mind saying yes. If it was before he ran into Eff, he would've said yes in a heartbeat. But now things were a little different and he didn't want to make such important plans when he had no idea when he would steal him for the evening.
"Um, can I say yes but pull out if I need to?" Michael asked. Alex eyed him but nodded slowly. 
"You really can just say no."
"I want to go, though. Things have just been weird lately and something might come up. I'll let you know if it does, though," Michael said.
"Like what?" Alex asked.
"Like if Sanders needs me to help him or Isobel needs me to come get her. I'm surrounded by needy people lately and it's making it really hard for me to be needy towards you," Michael teased. Alex smiled and reached out, touching his cheek softly.
"Okay, whatever works," he said, "He just wants to meet you."
"And I want to meet him," Michael promised, "But, uh, does this mean you're my boyfriend? 'Cause this feels awfully official."
Alex grinned and rolled his eyes, pushing himself into Michael for a long kiss. Michael pulled him even closer.
It was the nicest yes he'd ever gotten.
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gwentoryfics · 4 years
Hot for Teacher, Part 8.
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Genre | College Student x College Professor Smut AU (honestly tho is this even the right category anymore idk)
Pairing | Reader x Hongseok x Hyunggu (Kino) x Wooseok
Words | 14.2k (oops)
Summary | You never realized how much one drunken night could color the rest of your college experience until you discover that the handsome stranger from your cousin’s wedding is also the new professor at your university.
Warnings | Thigh riding. Fingering. Swearing. Underage drinking. Oral/face fucking (both giving and receiving). MMF threesome. Touches of exhibitionism and voyeurism. Choking. Spanking. Orgasm denial. 
Parts | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 5.5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • More Coming Soon
Note | So apparently I really enjoy writing threesomes and I should maybe do that more often? Anyway, thank you as always for your never-ending patience while I take forever to update 🤗
You’re startled awake by a hand pinching your nose shut, your airflow temporarily halted by the interruption. It only takes a second for you to knock Wooseok’s hand away, and you frown. “What are you doing?”
“Your snoring woke me up,” he pinches your cheek endearingly.
“Shut up, I don’t snore.”
“Hate to break it to you, short stuff, but you do. Like a little pig.” Wooseok lifts the tip of his nose with his finger and starts snorting loudly, putting on his best pig impression.
You playfully smack his bare chest, laughing. “Stop! I don’t sound like that!” 
He props himself up on an elbow as he teases you. “Is it too late for me to get you some of those nose strips for your birthday? I’m sure your roommate would appreciate it.”
In an exaggerated gesture, you roll your eyes. “I’ll hate you forever if you show up at the party tonight with a box of those things.”
“Hate me? Unlikely.” Wooseok curls his finger under the edge of the sheet that lays across your chest, and he slowly pulls it down until the fabric slips over your nipples. “I think I make you feel too good for you to ever hate me.”
You arch your back a little as his broad hand roams over your breasts. Neither of you had bothered getting dressed after your little romp in the sheets last night, and you were too tired to go home. You hadn’t really thought much about the implications of spending the night, but you don’t think either one of you minds waking up like this.
It was pretty unintentional that you even ended up over here last night, anyway. You were fully planning on just having a good night with the girls. It’s your birthday weekend, after all, and of course Nailah insisted on celebrating - never mind the fact that she’s throwing you an actual party tonight. 
What you hadn’t expected was crossing paths with a certain dickhead professor. Sure, you had run into him the last time you went to Andy’s, but for some reason it didn’t occur to you that he might be there again. Maybe he’s a regular. You don’t know.
All you know is that by the time you strolled in, he was out there in the middle of the dance floor sucking face with some woman. It shouldn’t have bothered you because you’re basically over him, but it was enough to make yourself invisible for the rest of the night, even after you watched him leave by himself.
You’re basically doing the exact same thing as him, anyway, what with the way you showed up at Wooseok’s apartment last night looking for a good time. And now here you are, still naked in his bed, completely ready to get busy with him again.
You and Professor Yang have both moved on. That’s a good thing. You’re just not sure why you feel such a knot in your stomach.
Pushing all of those thoughts aside, you throw on a smile and return your focus to Wooseok. “You do make me feel good. And I want to feel good again.”
With a grin, he leans in, pinching your nipple roughly just to make you gasp. “Well then, allow me.”
Wooseok envelops you in his body heat as he pulls you in close, sliding one of his legs between yours to give you something to grind on. You don’t hesitate to kiss him hard, thrilled by the feeling of his already hardening cock resting on your stomach. 
Your hips rock smoothly against his thigh as you get yourself all worked up. You’re already incredibly turned on, and you know his thigh is going to be drenched in your wetness in a matter of minutes. He seems to love how messy you get, though, so you don’t let yourself worry about it.
“I just wanna feel good,” you coo. 
“Oh you’ll feel good, alright.” Wooseok’s hand travels up from your breast to your throat, pressing with his thumb and forefinger. 
Your brows knit together blissfully as you keep grinding against him, almost immediately feeling lightheaded from his hand. You love that he's getting more adventurous with you, and you're more than willing to let him dominate you. 
He releases his grip on your neck, careful not to constrict you for too long. He presses his thumb along your throat, and you dig your nails into his back as you keep rocking your hips. 
His hand slips down your back, his full palm sliding over your round ass, his fingers gliding easily over your wet slit. He groans when he touches you, and you know he's amazed by just how wet you are.
"Touch me," you whisper, already desperate for his touch. "Please, touch me."
"Fuck," he moans, easily plunging two fingers into your starved pussy. "Is that what you want?"
"Mm," you hum, nodding your head. You tilt your hips to give him better access, but you keep grinding. You feel the familiar tight coil in your belly, each thrust of your hips inching you closer to the edge.
"Squeeze my fingers, baby," he murmurs. "Squeeze 'em tight, I know you can."
You bear down on his fingers with all of your might, a pleasured groan leaving you at the effort. And then you do it a second time.
"Perfect, baby, that's it." He pushes his fingers deeper into you in rhythm with your grinding.
You keep pulsing your pussy around his fingers, your hip movements becoming more and more sloppy as you continue. It's insane how quickly he gets you to the edge, but you're desperate for it.
You lean forward, biting his shoulder gently. Your moans get higher, and he knows exactly what that means.
"Come on my fingers, _____. Keep going until you come. Let me see it."
"Ah!" You moan sharply, a bolt of pleasure striking your core. You're so, so close…
Wooseok's voice gets gruffer, lower. "Fucking come for me, _____."
You squeeze his fingers again and again until your body takes over, your walls convulsing on their own as you're swept into an orgasm at full force. You're completely filled with sparkling electricity as you unravel in his arms, messily thrusting against Wooseok's thigh.
You can’t say anything for a minute, just panting as he holds you, his fingers still tucked inside of you. It's so peaceful and warm, and you just indulge in your pleasure for a moment until he presses a kiss to your hair.
"How was that?" Wooseok asks, chuckling. 
"GREAT, it was great," you throw your head back, smiling widely. "I loved it."
"Me too. You're so hot."
You finally gain a little clarity, and you reach between your bodies and run your hand over the length of his cock. “You, too,” you whisper.
He lets out a groan as you make contact, and you wrap your fingers tightly around him, indulging in the way he fills up your hand. You need to return the favor.
“Let me suck your cock,” you sigh, suddenly desperate to feel him in your mouth. 
He pulls back slightly to get a better look at you. “Fuck, like hell I would say no to that.”
You shoot him a sly smile. "Do you want to fuck my face?"
"I want to fuck every part of you, what kind of a question is that? Of course." He sits up a little. "Do you want me to?"
You just nod, grinning. 
"Okay. Yeah, okay." He nods to himself. "Alright, yeah, let's do it."
"Are you nervous?" You ask, picking up on the subtle signs.
"Just excited." He grins.
"Good." You lay on your back, propping your head up with the pillow. "Let's do it, then."
"You are so fucking perfect, like some little sex goddess or some shit, oh my God." He sings your praises as he kneels over your chest, stroking his cock as he gets into position. "I'll go easy, but tap my leg if it's too much."
"Okay," you agree, thankful that he wants to be careful with you. You pick your head up a little. "Give me your cock."
"Fuck," he chuckles before tipping his cock down so the head meets your tongue. He groans as you lick him, swirling your tongue over the tip.
You cover his cock with kisses, sucking gently on the outside before opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue, waiting for him to enter.
Wooseok eagerly takes advantage of his commanding position, pressing his cock along your tongue as he enters your mouth. You can taste his sweet precum, and you don't know why it's taken you so long to blow him.
You close your lips around him and suck, absolutely loving Wooseok’s shaky breath. He pulls out and then slides back in, getting a feel for your mouth.
“Oh my God,” he murmurs as he thrusts shallowly.
You keep sucking, eyes flicking upward to meet his. He seems to have no trouble looking down at you, admiring the pure sin that you are beneath him. The direct eye contact is intimidating, but you keep it up as long as you can because you know how much he likes it.
You hold onto his thighs and he grabs a fistful of your hair, keeping your head still as his hips move. Wooseok’s cock completely fills your mouth, and honestly you just feel so happy to be able to take care of him this way.
“Fuck,” he groans. You can tell he’s trying his hardest to keep his movements controlled, and you’re thankful for it. You’re not sure you can handle deep-throating. It’s already hard enough to breathe with his cock nearing the back of your throat with each thrust.
It’s fun to see how he reacts to your limited actions - you experiment with moving your tongue around, or sucking incredibly hard for just a second, and then completely relaxing your mouth. The slew of curses he lets loose tells you that he’s enjoying every second of it. 
As he keeps thrusting into your mouth, you feel him get incredibly hard, and he hisses. “I’m so close, shit.” Then he suddenly pulls himself out, breathing heavily.
“What’s wrong?” You catch your breath and blink up at him owlishly.
“Iwannacomeinyourmouth,” Wooseok blurts out comically fast. “Can I? Please?”
You laugh. “Yeah, I want you to.”
“You’re fucking perfect.” He caresses your cheek for just a second before you open your mouth wide again, inviting him back in.
He fills your mouth again, and you cup his balls, massaging them gently. You know he’s close to the edge, and you want to help him as much as you can. 
It’s not long before he’s rock solid and spilling into you, spurts of his cum coating your mouth and dripping down your throat. You swallow every last drop, sucking gently as he finishes.
Eventually he climbs off of you and collapses onto the bed next to you. “Was that okay? Did you like it?”
“I did!” You reassure him. “Seems like you did, too.”
He holds up a fist. “Fuckin’ solid, dude.”
With a laugh, you fist bump. “Fucking solid.”
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You climb out of the taxi at Nailah’s friend’s apartment building and somehow manage to wrangle the heavy box of who-knows-what that Nailah asked you to bring. It’s something for your birthday party, but you’re not sure what would be so goddamn heavy. It just got delivered an hour ago and Nailah insisted that the party could not go on if she didn’t have the contents of box, so here you are hand delivering the package.
You approach the front door and place the box on the ground as you try to figure out how to use the call box. You manage to pull up the directory, but you realize quite quickly that you don’t know the name of the person whose apartment you’re trying to get to. Unfortunately, the directory just cycles through names in alphabetical order and you’re unable to search by room number.
Right as you’re about to pull out your cell phone to call Nailah, someone walks up next to you with a key in hand. You look over at him, thankful that now you can just slip inside, and realize that it’s the bassist from jazz band.
Shinwon recognizes you in that moment, too. “Oh hey, _____. What are you doing here?” He laughs quietly. 
“Hey,” you chuckle. “Just making a special delivery. Do you live here?”
“I do. Come on in.” Shinwon holds the door open for you, and you pick up the box to head inside. You thank him, and you both head in towards the stairs. “Are you okay to carry that? It looks heavy.”
“Yeah, I’m totally fine.” You try to hide your struggle, not wanting to inconvenience him. “Thanks.”
“Watch your step,” he warns you as you start your climb. “What floor are you headed to? I can get the door for you.”
“Just the second, not too far.”
“Oh, that’s my floor. Who’s the package for?”
“Well it’s for my roommate, but her friend lives here. They’re throwing me a birthday party here tonight and I’m in charge of delivering the decorations.”
“It’s your birthday? Happy birthday!”
“Thank you,” you respond, not bothering to correct him. “Yeah, I told her I just wanted a small thing, but I have a feeling she’s just going to do it her way.”
“Friends are like that sometimes.” He chuckles, pulling open the door to the second floor.
As you emerge onto the second floor, the weight of the package is starting to make your arms incredibly tired. You ask, “Could you actually knock on the door for me? I’m going to two-oh-four.” 
He quirks an eyebrow. “And the plot thickens. That’s my girlfriend’s room, actually.”
“Really? I don’t actually know her. Like I said, she’s my roommate’s friend. We just thought it would be better to throw a party somewhere else since we live on campus.”
“Yeah, definitely a good idea. What a small world.” Shinwon leads you to the room you’re looking for and knocks. 
Nailah answers, stepping out into the hall and swiftly closing the door behind her so as not to spoil the surprise. “_____, you’re a godsend. And you found Shinwon!” She laughs as she recognizes the tall boy next to you.
“You know Shinwon?” 
“Yeah, he’s dating Meka.” 
Shinwon just looks at you and raises his eyebrows as if to say told you so. 
“Cool, can you take this please?” Your arms are nearly shaking and you’re desperate to get the box out of your hands. Nailah grabs it from you, unfazed by its weight since she’s a muscled goddess who actually hits the gym regularly. 
Shinwon takes this opportunity to back up and head down the hall. “Alright, ladies, have fun at the party, but don’t be too loud. Our neighbors get some kind of wicked pleasure from filing noise complaints.”
“Thanks for the heads-up!” Nailah calls after him.
“No problem. See you around. And happy birthday, _____!” He waves and reaches his own door, heading inside.
Nailah props the box on her hip. “Do you know Shinwon?” 
“Yeah, he’s in the jazz band. He’s one of those ‘senior boys’ I went out to the jazz club with.”
“Hold, please.” Nailah cracks the door open and shouts inside, “Yo, Meka! Don’t Shinwon’s roommates play in the jazz band, too?”
A second later, Meka appears in the doorway. You recognize her as being the girl drummer that played with Shinwon, Yanan, and Changgu the night you went out with them. “Yeah, they’re all musicians. I play with them.”
“Yanan and Changgu?” You ask.
“Yeah,” she smiles at you. “And you’re that pianist!”
“I am!” You laugh. “Hi, I’m _____. Nice to officially meet you.”
“Meka. You, too.” She nods. 
Nailah claps her hands together, ready to move on. “Well we have a lot to do. Head home and start getting yourself cute. I know you take forever to get ready so you may as well start now.”
“That’s fair,” you concede, and then you have an idea. “Hey, do we have room for a few more invites?”
“Sure, who are you thinking?”
You look down the hall. “I mean, Shinwon’s cool, and so are his roommates. They could be fun to have around.”
“Look at you inviting the big boys to your party,” Nailah teases you. “Yeah, go right ahead. Lord knows the cake is big enough to feed an army.”
You roll your eyes. “This is so unnecessary.”
“But I love you, so I’m doing it anyway.” She leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead. “See you tonight when this masterpiece is finally ready!”
Meka chimes in with a sing-song “Byeeee!”
Nailah pushes the box inside and they both disappear as you hop down the hall. You knock on the door, expecting Shinwon to answer, but instead Changgu appears.
“_____,” he seems bewildered. “What are you doing here?”
“Ah, so funny story, actually,” you chuckle, awkwardly stuffing your hands in your jacket pockets. “I’m having a birthday party down the hall at Meka’s place tonight, and I just ran into Shinwon, and then I found out you guys live here, and so… basically, if you’re not doing anything tonight, you guys are all welcome to come to my party. There’ll be food and music and booze…”
He cracks a smile. “Does this mean you’re old enough to legally drink now?”
You bite your lip before cracking a sheepish smile. For a moment you’re worried that he might actually be disappointed in you for disobeying the law or whatever, but it seems so arbitrary to you that you don’t care if it’s against the rules for you to drink. It’s just a little alcohol. “Well, no… that’s why we’re not having the party on campus.” 
“We’ve all been there.” Changgu says, and it makes you feel better to know that he’s not weird about you being underage. “Yeah, I don’t think we had any concrete plans for tonight, so I’ll let the guys know. Probably ninety percent chance we’ll be there. I mean, I’ll be there, for sure.”
“Cool,” you giggle a little. “So I’ll see you tonight, then.”
“Yeah. See you tonight.” He smiles and closes the door.
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“Shinhye!” You squeal when you see your best friend in the lobby of your dorm. She’s got a fistful of balloons and a sign that reads BIRTHDAY GIRL, like she’s a cute little chauffeur or something. “What are you doing?”
“I’m picking you up.” She smiles broadly as you approach her. “Well, technically I’m getting us a taxi, but I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to your own party by yourself.”
“Don’t you think the balloons are a little much?”
She shrugs. “I thought it was a nice touch.”
You throw your arms around her, hugging her tightly. “You’re too sweet.”
She giggles and squeezes you back. “Only for you.”
When you pull away, you realize what she’s wearing. Her black top, pleated skirt, and fishnets are surprisingly edgy but super cute… and then she tops it all off with Nailah’s bomber jacket. “That’s Nailah’s jacket, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, she let me borrow it.” Shinhye nudges her round glasses further up her nose. “She said it would look good with my outfit. Don’t you think so?”
“I do.” You try not to frown as you compliment her. You’ve been noticing how overbearing Nailah can be around her, but you’ve held your tongue so you don’t stir up any issues. But now you feel like you need to say something. As the two of you head out to hail a taxi, you say, “I know she can be a little much sometimes. And she seems to… I think she’s pretty fond of you. And I just want you to know that you can say no if she’s making you uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable? What do you mean?” She looks a little bewildered, sticking her arm out to call a taxi over.
“Well… I mean, I know that she’s gay and you’re not, and she’s been really flirty with you lately.”
“Oh.” Shinhye’s face starts to redden, but she brushes you off with a small wave and a laugh. “No, she’s totally fine. It doesn’t bother me.”
The taxi stops in front of you, and you get in first, scooting all the way to the other side of the back seat. Shinhye climbs in with all of her balloons and gives the driver Meka’s address before you continue the conversation.
“Just don’t let her bother you. I know it can be awkward to feel like you’re being pursued by someone you’re not into.” You try to give her some advice. “And at the same time, just try to be honest with her. Don’t lead her-”
“I said it’s fine,” Shinhye cuts you off. She doesn’t raise her voice, but you can tell her demeanor has changed into one that’s more serious. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Okay.” You soften, thinking you might have overstepped your boundaries. “I just don’t want either of you to get hurt.” 
Shinhye quietly looks down for a moment, and then she fishes something out of her jacket pocket, ready to change the subject. “I brought this for you and you can’t say no this time.”
She hands you the Birthday Girl sash she tried to get you to wear on Tuesday, and you laugh. “Yeah, I guess I don’t have an excuse anymore.”
“Nope. Professor Yang can’t save you this time.” She giggles.
With a smile, you throw the sash on and blurt, “Yeah, thank God he won’t be around tonight.”
She squints at you skeptically. “Don’t tell me you’re still pissed about last night…”
Shinhye was out with you at Andy’s last night when you crossed paths with Professor Yang. Even though you didn’t interact with him, she had definitely noticed you watching him seduce that other woman. 
“What’s that look for?” She had asked, noting the way you vigorously chewed your lower lip.
You hadn’t realized how obvious you were being. “It’s nothing.”
Too late. “Is that Professor Yang?” Snicker. “Man, he looks like a good kisser.”
Your blood boiled and your stomach twisted as you watched him kiss her. It’s absolutely insane that you would get so jealous, especially considering the fact that you had been hooking up with Wooseok. You had no grounds for jealousy.
Shinhye couldn’t ignore the way you stared. “You actually have a thing for him, don’t you?”
“What? No, of course not.”
“Then why do you look like you want to strangle him?”
You didn’t answer her and just downed the rest of your drink before excusing yourself. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
“Come on,” she frowned. “Talk to me.”
“I’ll be right back, okay?” You threw on a fake smile before speeding off to the bathroom. And when you returned, he and the woman were both gone, and Shinhye didn’t bring it up again.
So now that you’ve slipped up and brought the conversation back to last night’s events, you know you can’t avoid it. There’s no bathroom for you to run off to this time. Luckily you’re able to think up an excuse somewhat quickly. “I was just a little on edge last night because last time I ran into him at Andy’s he kicked me out.” Not technically the truth, but also not a total lie.
“What? When did that happen?”
“I don’t know, it was a little while ago. He knows I’m underage and he thought it was his duty to send me home.”
“Rude,” she scoffs. “I’m sure he had a fake ID at one time, too.”
“Right? So I just didn’t want him to see us again, because he would have tried to ruin our night.”
She nods. “I get that. You should have just said so.”
“I know.” You sigh, not even attempting to create an excuse for yourself. “But whatever, it’s just going to be us tonight, so we’ll have plenty of fun.”
“You’ve got that right!” 
Eventually you pull up at Meka’s place, and Shinhye buzzes up to the apartment, announcing that “the package has arrived.” And when you get upstairs, you’re completely blown away.
The sound of live jazz music drifts from the living room and Wooseok greets you at the door, scooping you into a giant hug and carrying you into the room. “Birthday girl is here!”
“Put me down!” You gently hit him in the back with your fists, laughing, and then he sets you down.
He pinches your cheeks hard. “Happy Birthday, short stuff.” 
“Thank you,” you chuckle, swatting away his hands. 
Yuto just offers you a smile and a nod, and then Kino is next, greeting you with a much calmer hug. But before he can say anything, Nailah swoops in, draping an arm over your shoulder and gesturing to her handiwork.
“So what do you think?”
That’s when you allow yourself a moment to look around and, as expected, Nailah has truly outdone herself.
You’re amazed by the magical atmosphere she’s created. Pastel pink and yellow streamers hang in loops along the edges of countertops, and twinkle lights hang from the exposed beams running along the ceiling. Shinwon, Meka, Changgu, and Yanan are all set up in the corner with their instruments, playing some soft jazz to set the mood. There’s a tripod set up in one corner of the living room with a gold, sparkly backdrop hanging in front of an exposed-brick wall, and a table with props for funny pictures. Balloons are everywhere - floating in the air, filling up the floor, tied to chairs and tables.
There’s a huge Happy Birthday! banner, a gigantic ‘20’-shaped balloon, an insane amount of booze… 
And then there is an absolutely massive birthday cake sitting on the kitchen counter, painted with pretty yellow icing.
“Nailah!” You nearly tear up. “This is insane! Why’d you do all of this?”
“Because I love you!” She pulls you into a hug. “Happy Birthday, _____.”
When Nailah lets you go, she introduces you to Meka’s roommates, Tess and Avery, who are also in attendance since this is their home. They’re both very warm and welcoming, and you thank them for letting you use their space.
“Don’t even worry about it,” Avery dismisses your thanks. “We don’t mind at all. We’re always happy to host.”
“Especially since you’ve brought some cute friends along,” Tess adds quietly, her cheeks turning pink.
Nailah laughs. “Tess, you fall too easily. Who’s caught your eye this time?”
“The tall one. The one that carried her in.” Tess covers her mouth with her hand. It’s adorable how she seems so eager to talk about him, yet so embarrassed.
“Wooseok?” You offer a name, and she nods. Even though you’ve got a thing going on with him, you know that you don’t have any sort of claim over him. It makes you feel a little uneasy for some reason, but you encourage her. “You should go talk to him. He’s super easy to get along with and he’ll probably just chat your ear off.”
She makes some kind of noise that can only be described as hnnnngggg, and then says. “I don’t think I can do that.”
Avery chimes in, “Drink a little more and then maybe you can.”
“Speaking of drinks…” Kino slips into the conversation with a full glass in each hand. He holds one out to you. “A beverage for the birthday girl.”
“Thank you!” You take it from him. “What is it?”
“Just some Soju and Sprite, nothing fancy.” He explains as you take a sip, and then he turns to Nailah and the others. “Mind if I steal her?”
“Nope, go have fun.” Nailah shoos you away, and Kino loops his arm in yours to pull you into the living room.
“_____, you didn’t tell me that half of the jazz band was going to be here.” He laughs. “How did that happen?”
“So as it turns out, I sort of know them? And also they live down the hall, apparently.”
You nod. “Remember the time I spent the night at your place? How I had been out drinking? I was with them.”
Kino thinks for a moment. “I thought you were with Wooseok?”
Shoot, you must not have given him the full story. Your cheeks heat up a little as you explain. “I was, but that was after I got home from hanging out with the jazz band boys.”
“Got it,” he confirms. “I just can’t keep up with your whirlwind of a life sometimes.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You grin and take a big sip of your drink. Kino just laughs.
You look over at the boys (and Meka) as they perform, and Changgu meets your gaze. He lowers his head as if to tip his hat at you - even though he’s not wearing a hat - with a soft, warm smile on his lips. You return the smile, fully aware of the way the subtle exchange affects your pulse.
This night is for you. You’ve accepted that you’ve entered a bit of a hoe phase, and you really just want to flirt with anything that breathes. You’re embracing your freedom as a single woman. It doesn’t matter what has happened between you and Professor Yang, or what’s currently happening between you and Wooseok. Nothing is tying you down and you just want to enjoy yourself.
Besides, you and Wooseok agreed that there would be no feelings involved. So you just have to trust that he’s not going to be jealous. And even if he is jealous, that’s not really your problem. The two of you aren’t exclusive in any sense of the word. 
Though things have gotten pretty flirty between you and Kino recently, ever since the dance showcase you attended. And yeah, you have to actively suppress the desire to hold his hand right now. He’s the one person that you think should be off-limits to your hoeing. It’s just more complicated with him because he’s one of your best friends, and you’re positive that things would get weird between the two of you if you allow any kind of sexual tension to build.
Especially because you, like, really want to hold his hand right now and you have no idea where that feeling is coming from.
The band wraps up their song, and you clap for them. “Kino, do you want to say hi?”
“Stop, you’re making it sound like they’re celebrities or something,” he chuckles. “But yes, I do.”
The two of you walk over to the seniors, and you pop on your flirtatious smile. “You know you guys are supposed to be guests, right? I didn’t invite you just to be the entertainment for the night.”
“Oh, we know,” Changgu responds. “We just thought we’d surprise you with a little music, but we won’t spend the whole night behind our instruments.”
“Good,” you giggle. “By the way - Changgu, Yanan, Shinwon, Meka - this is my friend, Kino. He’s in the R&B Ensemble with me and he also has a deep appreciation for the jazz band.”
“Hey,” Kino greets them with a wave. “You all sound really good.”
“Thanks,” Changgu smiles. “We were actually thinking about going to the R&B Ensemble showcase. The week after Thanksgiving, right?”
You glance over to see that Yanan’s been looking at you, and he raises an eyebrow, smirking darkly. You grin.
Kino nods. “Yeah, you should come! You’ll see Wooseok and Yuto there, too.” He points to the two boys sitting on the couch, chatting with Shinhye. “They’re in the rhythm section with _____.”
Shinwon rests his upright bass on the floor. “Well if you’ve got half the group here, why don’t you play a little something for us?”
That pulls your attention from Yanan. “That could be fun, actually.” You murmur. “What do you think, Kino?”
“Yeah, I’d be down.”
“Do you mind us using your instruments?” You ask the boys, and they say they don’t care. So you call over Wooseok and Yuto. You introduce everyone to each other, and then you discuss what to play. “Do you guys all have ‘Treasure’ memorized, since that’s Kino’s solo? Otherwise we could improvise something.”
“‘Treasure’ works for me,” Wooseok confirms. “Might be kind of weird with this thing, though,” he says, gesturing to the cajon. Meka doesn’t have a full drum set in her apartment, just a single box drum that’s much more suited for acoustic music.
“Yeah, and the acoustic bass would give it a different sound, too.” Yuto agrees.
Kino offers a suggestion. “What about ‘If I Ain’t Got You?’ I know it’s not my solo, but I know it well and it would suit the instruments we have better.”
The other boys nod, and you agree that that’s a good idea. “Is the original key okay for you?”
He shrugs. “I’ll make it work.”
“Perfect.” With that, you take your seat, and the others get situated at their instruments. You peek back at Wooseok, and he counts you off just like he does in rehearsal.
You begin with your soft descending arpeggios, trying to balance the volume of the electric keyboard with Wooseok’s gentle drumming and Yuto’s quiet plucking. 
And then Kino comes in with his warm, mellow voice.
“Some people live for the fortune, Some people live just for the fame. Some people live for the power, yeah… Some people live just to play the game.”
You hadn’t realized how beautifully the low notes would resonate in his chest. Usually he sings in a higher register for the ensemble, but now you’re thinking he was truly robbed of the opportunity to show off his gorgeous range.
“Some people think that the physical things define what’s within.  And I’ve been there before, but that life’s a bore, So full of the superficial.”
His vocals climb, but he keeps it smooth and gentle. You can tell he’s also aware of the different atmosphere this set of instruments creates, and he’s tailoring his performance to this specific sound. 
“Some people want it all, But I don’t want nothin’ at all If it ain’t you baby,  If I ain’t got you baby.”
Kino’s sweet falsetto comes out as he goes for the highest part of the chorus, and it stirs something in you. Christ, you’ve somehow forgotten how beautiful his voice is.
He looks over at you as he continues the chorus.
“Some people want diamond rings, Some just want everything. But everything means nothing If I ain’t got you, yeah.”
...did he mean to direct that at you? Or is he just performing?
You turn your gaze to your hands and try to focus on the chords you’re playing. Maybe you’re not ready to know the answer to that.
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As the night goes on and everyone continues to drink, you eventually break away from the real instruments and hook up the karaoke machine Nailah had bought just for tonight (which, coincidentally, was in the heavy-ass box she made you drop off earlier). 
You get the first round of karaoke since you’re the birthday girl, and you apologize to everyone for your poor vocals before gracing them with the sound of your out-of-tune voice. But you’ve had just enough to drink that you’re now sitting blissfully in that zone where all you want to do is sing, no matter how bad you sound. 
After your song, you plop down onto the couch next to Wooseok and let Nailah take the mic. He easily throws his arm over your shoulders. 
“Heyyyy, cutie,” he drawls. 
You giggle, but squirm out from under his arm. You don’t mind being a little flirty in front of everyone, but he seems pretty drunk and you’re worried he’ll take it too far. “Hey, Woo.”
“Good job up there.”
“Did I do okay?”
“Nah, it was pretty terrible, but you stuck it out like a champ.” Wooseok just looks at you solemnly, and you burst out laughing.
“Sounds about right.”
“Have I ever told you that I like making music with you?” He leans in. “It’s fun to play together.”
“I like it, too.” You pat his leg but otherwise keep your hands to yourself. “I always have fun with you.”
“Yeah you do,” Wooseok smirks.
“Shush,” you quietly scold him.
Just then, Yanan takes the empty cushion next to you. “Mind if I join?”
“Go ahead,” you murmur, noticing his intense eye contact again. 
“I made you a drink.” He hands you a glass. “Old Fashioned, just as you like.”
“You remembered.” You raise your eyebrows in surprise. The last time you saw him was at Andy’s, where you ordered an Old Fashioned. “I’m impressed.”
“It’s easy to remember when a lady leaves a good impression,” he murmurs. You hold his eye contact for a beat longer than you should, trying to decipher what it is he’s trying to achieve. Yanan winks at you before focusing on Nailah’s performance, and you feel wholly flustered. 
Your friends all take turns performing, and you’re absolutely positive that you’re the worst singer in the room. You don’t mind it, though.
After a while you make a rule that all of the songs need to be danceable - no ballads allowed because you just need to get on your feet and dance. You feel too good to be sitting and listening to music. 
You dance to your heart’s content, bouncing around to various partners with each song. Shinhye, Nailah, and Wooseok each get a turn, and you’re not sure if you’re extra clingy with Wooseok because of your relationship with him, or because you’re getting more tipsy as the night goes on.
It doesn’t take long for you to overheat with all of the dancing you’re doing, so you step out onto the balcony to get a breath of fresh air. It’s mid-November so it’s definitely pretty chilly outside, but it’s exactly what you need to dry up some of the sweat that’s gathered on your back from dancing.
You can still hear the music from the karaoke machine, and you can’t help but bop your head to the music as you lean on the balcony’s railing, looking down at the alley that separates the apartment building from the small backyards of the houses across the way. It’s really too bad there’s not a nice view out here, but since it’s a second floor apartment on the far west side of town, you don’t really have much chance of being able to see any skyscrapers from here.
The balcony door opens, and Kino steps out to join you. “Partied out already?” He asks, a cute smile on his face.
“Not even close,” you smile back. “Just need to cool off for a sec.”
He stands next to you, also leaning on the railing as he sips his drink. “Sounds like you’re having fun, then?”
“Yeah.” You prop your chin on your hand. “I’m having a ton of fun. I’m really lucky to have such great friends.”
It nearly starts to make you emotional when you think about how much you really appreciate your friends. Even if you haven’t been completely honest about everything going on in your life, you’ve always felt loved and supported by your friends. What did you do to deserve so many amazing people in your life?
Before you get too choked up, you’re distracted by a change in song as someone else takes up the microphone. You immediately recognize the new song, ‘P.Y.T.’ by Michael Jackson, and you start humming along.
“This is a good one,” you muse, bopping your head to the beat.
“It is,” Kino agrees. He quietly starts to sing along, and eventually neither one of you can resist the urge to dance. The beat is too infectious. He holds out a hand, which you take, and he sings softly as he spins you and dips you.
It’s been a while since you’ve partner-danced with someone, but he takes the lead, pulling you close and rocking to the beat. You just let him guide your movements, and you giggle as you sing the song together. 
He looks at you sweetly as he sings, “I want to love you…”
“Pretty young thing…”
Kino laughs with you every time you insert your little P.Y.T., and it’s so much fun just goofing off with him.
And then too soon the song is over and a new one begins, but you stand there frozen hand-in-hand. He squeezes your hand as his eyes scour your face, and your heart pounds deep in your chest. You absolutely adore this boy, and you’re overwhelmed by the urge to tell him.
“You’re so wonderful,” you start. “You’re one of my best friends and you’ve kept me sane this whole semester, and I love hanging out with you, and I just feel like I need you to know that I’m always gonna love you no matter what, and you’re just one of my favorite people. I’m just so happy that I got to know you and I hope that nothing ever happens to us because that would make me so sad.” You ramble, and before you know it, your vision is blurry with tears. He’s just been such a great friend and you know you don’t tell him that enough.
Kino cups your face, eyes wide as he wipes away a stray tear that falls down your cheek. “No, don’t cry! Nothing’s going to happen to us. Don’t worry about that. Don’t be sad.”
“I’m not sad,” you sniff. “I’m happy that you’re in my life.”
“I am, too.” With a warm smile, he pulls you into a hug. You listen to his heartbeat, the heat from his chest radiating onto your cheek. You almost don’t notice the cold air beginning to sink into your bones from standing outside without a jacket for so long. As he holds you, he quietly asks, “Do you really love me?”
“Of course I do.” You love all of your friends. What kind of a question is that?
You feel him press a kiss into your hair, and he takes a deep breath.
He lets you go, and you notice the way he tilts your face upwards. You close your eyes and give him a sweet smile to show him how happy you are. And when you open your eyes again, you see the pink in his cheeks and the warmth in his eyes.
Maybe he’s drunk. You know you’re well on your way. Or maybe it’s because of something else that you can’t quite fathom at the moment.
Whatever the reason, Kino kisses you.
You’re wholly unprepared for the softness of his lips as they press against yours, for the gentleness of his hand as it supports the back of your neck. You’re startled by the butterflies in your stomach, the racing of your heart.
This is not what you expected… but it is pretty nice.
Without thinking about the implications - you’re too inebriated to process all of that right now - you kiss him back. You let your hands tug on his sweater, let your tongue slide across his lips. You’re acting purely on instinct, just letting your body do whatever it wants. And damn, you love a good makeout. 
You kiss him until you hear the door to the balcony open, the sound startling you both enough to make you jump away from each other. Nailah pokes her head out, clearly looking for you.
“Oh,” she says, immediately realizing what was just happening. “Sorry, my bad. Um, we’re going to cut the cake soon, so just come back in whenever you’re ready and we’ll get started.” With a sheepish grin, she slips back into the apartment. 
Kino’s cheeks are bright red, but he looks over to you anyway, no matter how embarrassed he might be. He offers up another sweet smile. 
And then it hits you - you were just kissing Kino.
But he’s your best friend, you don’t like him that way… do you? 
Now you’re not so sure.
“I… think we should get back inside,” you mumble, and you don’t look up at him or wait for a response before heading in.
Dear God, you just can’t get anything right. You probably shouldn’t have done that, and all you can think is that you just need another drink. If you can pretend that didn’t just happen, then maybe you can still have fun tonight. You don’t want to worry about consequences.
Nailah sees you enter and decides it’s time to make a speech. She pauses the karaoke machine and takes the microphone from Yuto. “_____, my sweetheart of a roommate, tonight is a celebration of you. You’re talented, kind, hot as hell-”
Wooseok hollers in agreement from across the room, and you force out a laugh, still generally confused about what happened on the balcony.
Nailah continues, “And we’re all lucky to be your friends. Love you, boo.”
“I love youuu!” You run up and hug her tightly, suddenly feeling teary again. Then, in a tipsy attempt at damage control, you take the microphone to share your own piece. “I’m so grateful to have you all in my life, and I love each and every one of you. I love my friends, all of you. I’m just overflowing with love, specifically for my friends. I love you all the same.”
You try not to look at Kino as Nailah takes the microphone back, saying, “Oooh, someone gets a bit emotional after she’s gotten a few drinks in her. We all love you too, sweetie. Now let’s have cake!”
Shinhye brings you the first slice, a single candle standing on top. You’re serenaded with ‘Happy Birthday,’ you blow out your candle, and you take the first bite before everyone else gets their own slice. And damn it’s some good cake.
But all of that still isn’t enough to distract you from Kino’s kiss.
You just keep thinking about his lips, his hands, his soothing voice. The weirdest thing about it is that it didn’t feel wrong. You’ve always expected that if you got close with someone the way you’re close with  Kino, that they’d feel like a sibling to you and any kind of intimacy would feel weird.
But it wasn’t like kissing a sibling. It was just Kino.
The party picks back up after people finish their cake, and you’re looking for the next distraction when Kino comes up to you.
“It’s getting pretty late, so I think I’m gonna head out,” he says simply. “Don’t want to be stuck on the train with all the crazies, you know.”
It’s a valid excuse. It’s just after midnight, and the train can get a little dangerous at night if you’re not careful. But it just doesn’t sit right with you. “Are you sure?”
Kino nods. “How are you getting home tonight?”
“I’ll probably get a taxi with Nailah.”
“That’s a good idea. Just be careful, okay? I’ll see you Monday.”
You just nod, and then he’s gone.
God, why does everything feel so terrible?
You look elsewhere in the room and see Wooseok on the couch again with Tessa sitting very closely beside him. She must have finally worked up the courage to talk to him, and just as you expected he seems really open to chatting with her. 
It’s not a big deal. You even told her that she should do it. So why does it make your stomach turn?
You’re sobering up, and you don’t like it. You want to go back to having fun like you were half an hour ago! This is your party, after all. It’s your night.
Time for another drink.
You hurry into the kitchen, where you find Shinwon, Meka, Changgu, and Yanan all converging. 
“There she is,” Yanan coos when he sees you step in.
“Heyy,” you throw on a smile. “Anyone wanna do shots with me?”
“If that’s what the birthday girl wants,” Yanan nods.
“I’m down,” Changgu agrees.
Meka brushes off the invitation. “Shinwon and I aren’t drinking tonight. Someone has to keep this party under control.”
Shinwon doesn’t let his sobriety stop him from encouraging bad behavior, though. He starts quietly chanting, “Body shots! Body shots!”
Changgu laughs at him and then looks at you. “You want to?”
You look between him and Yanan. You’ve never done a body shot before, but you’re fully aware of how sexual in nature they are. 
This is your night. You’re allowed to have fun. After everything with Kino, you feel better about being a little risque with these boys than you do with one of your closest friends. You have less to lose in this situation.
Okay, yep - you really need a drink. You’re thinking about this far too rationally.
“Yeah,” you smile slyly. “Let’s do body shots!”
Changgu rifles through the booze on the counter to get the necessary supplies - salt, tequila, and a lime. As he searches for a knife to cut the lime, you turn to Yanan.
“I’ve never done this before,” you confess, hoping you don’t seem too nervous.
“It’s simple, sweetheart. I’ll go first.” He grabs the salt from Changgu. “I’m going to put the salt on your neck, so tilt your head to the side.”
You do as you’re told, and Yanan cradles your head as you tip. He leans in and licks a stripe along the side of your neck, making your blood boil in the best way. He tells you to stay there and he sprinkles the salt along the wet spot.
“Then this goes in your mouth.” He grabs a freshly-cut lime wedge and places it between your teeth. Changgu hands him a plastic shot glass filled with tequila. “And this goes… right here.” Yanan tucks the shot between your breasts. “It goes salt, shot, lime. Ready?”
You nod carefully, not wanting to lose the shot down the front of your shirt. 
“Okay.” Yanan raises an eyebrow seductively as he holds his hands behind his back. He leans in, licking up the salt in a luxurious way, then he lowers his face to your chest to grab the shot from between your tits. He drops the plastic cup to the ground, a serious look on his face as he goes in for the lime. His lips brush yours as he takes it from you, biting down and sucking on the wedge to cut the burn of the tequila. 
Shinwon and Meka cheer, clearly enjoying the show.
Changgu laughs at them, and then focuses on you. “My turn. Unless you want to go next.”
“No, you go ahead.” You encourage him.
He puts his salt on the other side of your neck, nestles another shot between your breasts, another lime wedge between your lips. Your pulse picks up as he goes through the motions to take his shot.
Changgu doesn’t just lick up his salt - he sucks lightly on your neck. He tosses back the shot with ease, and his gaze locks firmly on your mouth as he leans in for the lime. You feel his tongue glide over your lower lip before he grabs the lime and pulls away, a surprisingly confident smirk forming on his face.
When Changgu is finished, Yanan continues directing. “Why don’t you do your shot with Changgu? I think he’d enjoy that an awful lot.”
You see Changgu roll his eyes as Yanan teases him. “Like you wouldn’t,” he bites back.
You turn to Changgu. You figure that his neck is probably a safe bet since that’s what he did for you, but you’d be lying if you said your eyes weren’t immediately drawn to his collar bone. You pull open the collar of his button-down, running your finger along the dip above his collar bone. “How about I put the salt here?”
“That’s perfect.” Changgu unbuttons another button to pull his shirt open wider, and he holds it open for you. “Go ahead, then.”
You shake some salt into your palm and then lean in to lick his collar bone. It feels incredibly intimate, but you love the thrill of it. Then you pinch the salt in your palm and sprinkle it onto the wet spot, just like he did. “And the shot? You don’t have boobs,” you laugh.
“In the waistband of my pants.” His ears are noticeably red, and you think it’s cute that he’s seemed so confident this whole time even though he’s a little flustered.
“Makes sense.” You pour the shot and tuck it into his pants, and then you pull Yanan over, too, placing the lime in his mouth. “No reason why you can’t both be involved. Ready?” 
They both nod just as you did, and you start the ritual. You hold onto Changgu’s arm as you lick up the salt sensually, and your hands clasp his hips as you try for the shot, tossing it back sloppily. Then you pull Yanan’s face down to yours so you can reach the lime, your cheeks burning when your lips touch.
When you pull away, Yanan’s eyes firmly lock onto yours for the millionth time tonight. Something about his gaze makes it seem like he just wants to devour you, and you honestly think you might let him if he makes the right moves.
Meka breaks the tension, commenting, “You’re not supposed to use your hands, but that was still hot.”
“Oh shit, you’re right,” you laugh, realizing that you meant to hold your hands behind your back. You look away from Yanan and glance at Changgu, whose gaze is much more encouraging.
“That was fun, right?” Changgu smiles warmly. You nod, cheeks growing warm from the alcohol - and possibly also because of the attractive boys standing in front of you.
Yanan turns back to the couple. “Shinwon, are you staying over here with Meka tonight?”
Shinwon nods curtly. “Yeah, I probably will.”
Meka chimes in, “You better. Let’s go make sure everyone else is doing alright.” She pulls him out of the kitchen to return to the party, and you’re left alone with Yanan and Changgu.
“So, _____,” Yanan gets your attention. “Changgu’s been wondering if you’re seeing someone and if that’s why you haven’t called him.”
Changgu immediately smacks him in the chest. “Come on, it’s not like that. You’re the one who won’t shut up about her.”
Yanan confidently smiles at you. “Guilty. So what’s the deal, sweetheart?”
For a moment, Wooseok pops into your head, but you remind yourself for the zillionth time that you’re not in a relationship. Your tongue is loose from the liquor and you openly respond, “I’m not really interested in dating anyone right now but I apparently have some pretty loose morals when it comes to other things.”
“Is that so…” Yanan murmurs as he eyes you, not a shy bone in his body. “I have to admit, though, I’m disappointed that you never called.” He turns back to Changgu. “You gave her my number, right?”
“Of course I did.”
You do remember getting his number from Changgu, but you’re not actually sure that it ever made it to your phone. “Sorry, I think I might have misplaced it.”
“Well that’s an easy fix.” Yanan holds his hand out. “Phone.”
You hand it over without question, unlocking it so he can enter his phone number. Once he’s saved the contact, he calls himself so that he has your number, too. Then he hands it back.
“There. All better.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. He’s so confident and forward in his flirting, and it has been a long time since someone so comfortably spoke to you that way. It makes you feel nervous, but in an exciting way.
Then Yanan whispers something to Changgu, and Changgu looks at you before responding under his breath.
You might be a little drunk, but you’re not stupid. You can tell that they’re up to something, and it’s very possible that you’re willing to play along. “Clearly you have something in mind, so just say it.”
Yanan accepts your challenge and takes a step closer to you, asserting his dominance. “We want to bring you back to our place and get you out of those clothes.”
“We?” You quietly ask, pulse buzzing at the thought. “Both of you?”
“We like to share from time to time. Isn’t that right, Changgu?” He looks back at the dark-haired boy who nods.
Changgu adds, “It’s all just for fun. We wouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do.”
A grin spreads across your lips. A threesome with Yanan and Changgu? Are you really allowed to have such a delicacy? Your insides bubble with anticipation as you nod your head. “One more round of shots and then let’s fucking do it.”
“That’s the spirit,” Changgu chuckles, and the three of you down one more shot of tequila. 
After you toss your plastic cup in the trash, Yanan grabs your hand to lead you out. You stop him, though, suddenly remembering why you’re all here. “Wait, it’s my birthday party. Can I just leave like this?”
“It’s your party. You can do whatever you want,” Yanan reassures you.
“You’re right,” you giggle. You have enough presence of mind to give someone a heads-up before you disappear, though. “Just a sec.”
You take your hand back and strut over to Nailah and Shinhye, who are closely chatting with each other. “LADIES,” you announce yourself. “I’m gonna go get laid down the hall.”
Nailah immediately raises her eyebrows. “One of Shinwon’s roommates?”
“Both of ‘em,” you grin wildly.
“What?!” Shinhye blurts disbelievingly. “Who? Where are they?”
“The tall blonde and brunette over there,” you point towards the hallway that leads to the front door, where your two boys stand. Shinhye’s jaw drops.
“Oh my God, you’re crazy,” Nailah laughs. “Go have fun. Take your phone with you just in case you need anything.”
“Yes, mom.” You kiss her on the cheek, and then give Shinhye a peck, too. “Love you guys.”
With that, you depart, grabbing both Yanan and Changgu by the hand on your way out.
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Their apartment is exactly what you expected it to be - clean and well-decorated with masculine features. It’s totally a wealthy-bachelor style room, and you’re not sure if they’re actually made of money or if they just like to give that appearance.
Changgu stops in the kitchen to get you a glass of water and Yanan brings you to the couch, sitting you down. When Changgu joins you, it all feels like a bit of an interrogation.
“What are your boundaries?” Changgu asks. “What do you want to do and what’s off limits?”
You’ve never been asked so bluntly before and it catches you a little off guard. “Oh. Um…” Your eyes bounce between the two boys, and you realize that this is your chance to speak out loud everything you imagine doing with them - although, admittedly, this is definitely your first time fantasizing about either one of them. “I want to blow both of you, and I want you to go down on me. And then I want each of you to fuck me senseless.”
They both smile at your boldness. Yanan encourages you to continue. “What else, sweetheart?”
Your pulse shoots up. “I like that pet name. A lot. I like making out, too. And gentle biting is good. Don’t make me bleed. Um, and I don’t deep throat and anal is a no-go.”
Changgu nods. “What are your thoughts on being choked? Spanked?”
“Both are good,” you respond, smiling, even though you don’t have too much experience with either. “If that’s what you’re into.”
“It depends on the mood.” He quirks an eyebrow. “But you said you wanted to be fucked senseless, so it seems like getting rough might be fun for you.”
You giggle quietly. “Just don’t beat me up or call me names.”
“Never.” Changgu coos gently, and he moves to join you on the couch, picking up your water glass and lifting it to your lips. “Here, drink some.”
You let him feed you the water, the simple gesture warming you to your core. You get the distinct feeling that these boys really are going to look after you tonight, and that’s incredibly comforting. It makes you feel even more relaxed and ready.
“And a safe word, sweetheart?” Yanan speaks up. “Just so you know you can freely change your mind at any point and we’ll respect your decision.”
You think for a moment. You’ve never had to choose a safe word before, so you don’t already have one in mind. 
“If you don’t have a go-to, we frequently use ‘red.’ Like a stoplight.” Changgu offers.
Nodding, you agree to that word choice. “That works for me.”
Yanan sits back in his arm chair. “Changgu, why don’t you get her warmed up, if we’re all ready?”
“Are you ready?” Changgu asks you.
“Yes, I’m so ready.” 
“Remember, you’re our priority tonight.” Changgu murmurs lowly, returning the glass of water to the coffee table. “We’re going to take care of you.”
His fingertips, chilled from the glass, brush over your neck and he cups your face, sweetly pulling you toward him until your lips meet. He doesn’t hide his passion, eagerly kissing you over and over.
You grip his thigh, kind of in awe at the fact that you’re even here about to have a threesome with Changgu and Yanan. It just seems so unreal.
You’re more than ready to get down to business, so your hands work quickly at the buttons of his shirt. He lets you pull the fabric down over his arms before he goes for your shirt, lifting the flimsy fabric up over your head to expose your bra.
“Let’s show Yanan,” he murmurs as he takes your hand, guiding you to stand up. He pulls you in front of him so your back faces him and you’re looking directly at Yanan, who’s still seated in the arm chair with a pleased expression.
Changgu unhooks your bra and pulls it off of you so your chest is on full display. Yanan’s eyes immediately drop to your tits, and it feels delicious to be looked at this way. Changgu’s hands trace over your arms and breasts, and you feel his lips at your ear as he caresses you. He bites down on your earlobe and tugs, sending a deep shiver down your spine. “Do you like that?”
“Mhm,” you hum, and you reach a hand behind you in search of the hardening length that’s pressing against you through layers of jeans. When you find his bulge, you press your palm against it. “Do you like that?”
His breaths flutter across your neck. “Yes, sweetheart, that’s good.”
“Yanan,” you address the blonde. “Do you like what you see?”
He smiles. “You look good, sweetheart.”
“That’s right,” Changgu murmurs in your ear, one of his hands coming up to your throat. He squeezes gently, just barely giving you a lightheaded rush as his other hand reaches for the button of your jeans. He unfastens it and then says to you, “Take them off.”
You grin and shimmy out of your pants, intentionally leaving your thong on so that Changgu might give you another order. Once you kick your jeans off to the side, your hand returns to his bulge, which has grown even harder.
“You are gorgeous,” Yanan shakes his head in disbelief, and you can see that he’s getting hard, too. 
“Why don’t you touch yourself?” You ask, encouraging him to find some pleasure. Meanwhile, Changgu’s hands cup your breasts, his thumb and forefinger pinching your nipples softly. Your breath catches in your throat as you’re filled with pleasure. “I love that, pinch harder.”
Changgu does as you ask, rolling your nipples roughly between his fingers, and Yanan takes your suggestion, too, palming himself over his jeans as he watches. Changgu’s mouth explores your neck, sucking and biting the sensitive skin and drawing soft moans from you.
You squeeze Changgu’s length, fully hard and straining against his jeans, and he growls. One of his hands abandons your breast to cup your sex as he rolls his hips against you, and you moan a little louder at the pressure of his palm against your clit. You rock small circles into his hand, desperate for pleasure.
“Changgu, give her more. She’s working too hard for it.” Yanan encourages Changgu.
The hand that cups you now comes up to your mouth. “Wet my fingers,” Changgu orders.
You eagerly comply, taking two of his fingers into your mouth and running your tongue over them, sucking to earn yourself some shaky breathing from Changgu. He indulges for a moment before pulling his fingers out and diving his hand down into your thong.
His wet fingers graze gently over your folds, careful not to target your clit too soon. And when they finally land on your most sensitive spot, you let out a pleasured gasp.
“Yes, that’s perfect! Oh my God…” 
Your eyes flutter shut as you take in everything he’s doing to you with his mouth and hands, and you open your eyes just in time to see Yanan unfastening his belt. You’re filled with anticipation as he starts to undress, pulling his pants and boxer briefs off to reveal his dick. It springs upwards, completely hard and beautiful in his hand as he strokes it.
You absolutely love that he’s getting off on watching you get off. You hadn’t realized until now, but it’s possible that you’ve got a bit of an exhibitionist streak in you.
As Changgu rubs sweet circles into your clit, you reach behind you with both hands to set him free from his pants, too. He pauses his ministrations to help pull off his skinny jeans, and then next thing you know you’ve got his naked cock in your hands.
At this point, Yanan finally leaves his seat to come join you. He tilts your head up to kiss you as you wrap one hand around his cock, jacking off both boys simultaneously. His hands cup your breasts, pinching your nipples just as Changgu had done.
It’s absolutely, positively blissful to have so many hands on your body. You’re incredibly stimulated by all of the touch and it’s all so perfect.
Then Yanan drops to his knees in front of you, peppering your stomach and thighs with kisses. He wets just one finger in his mouth, and then pulls your thong off to the side to discover your slit. Changgu’s still working on your clit as Yanan gently presses a finger inside of you.
It’s only one finger, but you feel damn near ready to explode. 
“Feel good?” Yanan asks you as Changgu returns a hand to your throat.
“Yes I feel amazing,” you confirm. “Please don’t stop.”
Yanan bites your thigh and then looks up at you. “Do you want me to eat you out now?”
“Yes, yes, yes.” That sounds like an amazing change of plans. “Yes, please.”
Almost immediately, Changgu retracts his hand to reclaim your nipple, and Yanan tugs your thong off once and for all. And then, in a matter of seconds, Yanan’s warm tongue presses against your clit.
You moan loudly at the sensation, especially once he starts circling and flicking. His finger still gently buries itself inside of you, and you’re once again shocked by the powerful sensations that can be caused by four hands and two mouths.
The rush of blood and adrenaline from Yanan’s mouth causes your knees to grow weak, and you start to find that you have a difficult time holding yourself up while he works on you. 
Changgu notices your struggle. “Let’s move to a bedroom to get more comfortable.”
With a kiss to your clit, Yanan releases you and stands, pulling off his shirt in the process. “How’s that sound, sweetheart?”
“Great,” you chime, feeling a little drowsy from the alcohol but definitely still horny as hell. 
Changgu leads you by the hand into what you presume must be his bedroom, due to the stack of piano books piled on the floor where his keyboard usually sits - you can see indents in the carpet from the weight of the keyboard on its stand. Other than that, his room looks like any other boy’s room.
Changgu closes the blinds and turns on a bedside lamp, letting the gentle light fill the room instead of turning on the bright overhead light. Yanan follows you in with your glass of water, placing it on Changgu’s dresser. 
“Lie down on your back,” Yanan instructs you. “I’m not finished with you yet.”
You do as he asks, letting your head hang off the edge of the bed as he settles between your legs. You reach out to Changgu as Yanan starts licking and fingering you, and you breathily tell him, “I wanna suck your cock.”
Changgu seems more than willing to give you his cock, and you’re soon pulling it into your mouth, sucking hard and encouraging him to fuck your face. You have to admit that it’s probably one of the sloppier blow jobs you’ve given, but only because you’re so fucking distracted by all of the amazing things Yanan is doing to your pussy. It’s so hard not to focus on the way he’s gently sucking your clit and fucking you with two fingers.
But you give it your best shot, swirling your tongue and sucking Changgu’s cock like you mean it, moaning with nearly every move Yanan makes. One of your hands cards through Yanan’s hair and the other interlocks fingers with Changgu.
You feel yourself getting close, and you grip Yanan’s hair to let him know. Small pulses of ecstasy pump through you as you near an orgasm, and right when you think you’re about to break, he stops.
At first you think maybe he just didn’t pick up on your signals, but as you pull Changgu’s cock out of your mouth, Yanan bites your thigh and says, “Not yet, sweetheart.”
He knew. He fucking knew you were close. He’s just playing with you, teasing you with the hope of an orgasm and then tearing it away.
“Yanan! I was so close!” You lecture him, furrowing your brow as you prop yourself up on your elbows. 
“I know. And I said, not yet. You’ll get your orgasm. Don’t worry.” He climbs off of the bed and walks to the nightstand, pulling out a condom and a bottle of lube, and tossing them both to Changgu. “Do you want Changgu’s cock?”
You nod eagerly, basically over the whole orgasm denial the second you realize you’re about to be fucked. You tilt your head back to look up at Changgu and throw on your most innocent smile. “Will you fuck me, Changgu? Please?”
“Fuck, yes.” Changgu tears open the condom packet and rolls the rubber over his length before coating it in lube. “Get on your hands and knees for me.” 
You do as he says, sticking your ass up in the air for him. 
“You look so good,” he coos, his hands running over your round ass. And then he spanks you - it’s gentle, but still stings slightly, and you feel the way your ass jiggles from the impact. 
“Do it again,” you murmur without thinking.
So he does. He spanks you twice more, each one a little firmer than the last. And you absolutely love it.
It makes sense that you’d be into spanking, given how much you love having your nipples pinched. Just a little bit of pain seems to really work for you.
You feel the tip of his length drag along your slit, your pulse racing as he finally presses into you, his full length disappearing into your pussy. Your eyes squeeze shut as he starts to roll his hips, sliding luxuriously in and out of you. Christ, he feels amazing. 
When you look up again, you see Yanan handling himself as he watches. And as hot as it is, you would prefer to have him involved at the moment.
“Get over here,” you motion for him to get onto the bed. “Let me blow you.”
“You’re not gonna bite me after that stunt I pulled?” He grins mischievously.
“Of course not.”
He seems to trust you, lying down on the bed perpendicular to you so he can still have a good view. Plus, as you soon find out, he’s able to easily reach your most sensitive spots from this angle.
Yanan’s cock is a little bit thicker than Changgu’s, but you’re able to adjust your mouth to his size quickly. Yanan lovingly drags his nails across your back as you suck on him, his silent way of appreciating your work.
Changgu, on the other hand, groans as he thrusts, his grip on your hips tightening as he snaps into you. You didn’t expect him to be the more vocal of the two, but it’s hot as hell.
Yanan’s hand eventually ventures towards your clit, and you moan deeply around his cock when he makes contact. The pleasure of his fingers paired with the pleasure from Changgu’s thrusting drives you absolutely wild.
You have to give up on the blowjob because you’re panting so hard. You stroke him with one hand while you slowly fall apart, and you manage to get out one plea: “Please let me come this time. I want to come.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” With just a few words, Yanan eases your concerns.
Changgu moans as your pussy squeezes him, gearing up for an orgasm. “God, you feel so good.”
"Keep going, please keep going…" You nearly squeak as you beg both of them to continue exactly what they're doing. You press back into Changgu, and then your whole body tenses up before you suddenly break.
The most stunningly intense orgasm washes over you, and you cry out at the sheer power of it. Your toes curl and your eyebrows pinch together and your mouth hangs open. Both boys slow their movements as you finish, giving you just enough to go all the way without painfully overstimulating you.
Changgu pulls out and you collapse to the bed with a giggle. That felt fucking amazing.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Changgu asks, leaning onto the bed to hover over you as you lie on your back.
"So fucking good," you coo, and you grab his face, pulling him down for a kiss.
His lips are warm and soft, and he enthusiastically returns each kiss. You remind yourself that the night isn't over, and honestly it's not hard to convince yourself to keep going. You want to give yourself the fullest experience with these boys.
You reach down and pull off the condom Changgu wears so that you can stroke him better. Your pussy needs a break, but you've still got two hands and a mouth.
When he breaks the kiss, Yanan gives you some more of your water, and then the three of you rearrange yourselves on the bed so that you're all sitting against the headboard with you in the middle. You help yourself to a cock in each hand, and Changgu and Yanan stroke your thighs, stomach, and breasts while you get ready for more.
It's like something out of a dream, getting to look to your right and see Changgu biting his lip, or to look to your left and see Yanan's deep gaze. Changgu is just dripping sex and Yanan is so passionately engaged. With how much charm and confidence he normally oozes, you're pleasantly surprised by how connected you feel to him.
In a matter of minutes you feel ready to go, and you know exactly what you want. "Yanan, I think it's your turn to put on a condom. And Changgu, why don't you help me with the lube?"
They both do as you suggest. As Yanan opens another condom, Changgu's long fingers spread lube over your folds. Once you're all ready to go, you climb onto Yanan's lap. 
With very little effort, you slide down onto his cock. You lean back to give him the best view of your pussy surrounding his cock. "Just sit back and watch."
As you ride him, you motion for Changgu to come closer. You give Yanan a long look before making out with Changgu, all the while riding his thick cock. 
The two of you exchange sloppy kisses, your fingers pinching your nipples as he reaches down to rub your clit. It's a lot of different sensations and you have to think a little hard to keep up with everything, but it's worth it. You love knowing you can give Yanan such a show. You're confident he'll be dreaming of this for a while.
Changgu's lips start to travel down your neck, to your collarbone, to your breast. He bites the soft skin, pinching you deliciously, and then he takes your nipple into his mouth, biting it and holding it in place as you bounce. The tugging and pinching drives you mad, and suddenly you're completely aware of the way Yanan's cock has been subtly stroking your g-spot this whole time.
You feel the build up of an incredibly wet orgasm, and you slow your movements. "I… I might squirt."
"Don't be shy," Yanan coos. "Let me see it, then."
Changgu just sucks harshly on your nipple, and you take that to be his enthusiastic approval. 
With Yanan's hands gripping your hips, you start moving again, and you focus just on the feeling of his cock. You think of nothing else except squeezing him, feeling every inch of him sliding in and out of you, pressing into you and filling your pussy.
And then you explode.
For the second time tonight you're overcome with ecstasy, but this time is way messier. You pull off of Yanan as you squirt on his cock and thighs. And dear Lord, the look on Yanan's face…
He looks like he wants to devour you. Like he could swallow you whole. 
“Do you like it?” You murmur.
“I do, sweetheart.” Yanan practically growls. “I like it very much.”
You lift yourself up, sliding back down onto his cock after quickly recovering from your orgasm. As you start to ride him again, you lean over him so your tits brush against his chest, your lips hovering just above his as you whisper, “I do, too.”
Yanan grabs your face, crashing his lips into yours as you both rock your hips. Your tongues play with each kiss, your bodies moving perfectly in sync with each other. 
Changgu’s hand massages your ass cheek, and you’re elated at the thought that another spank is coming. You pull away from Yanan just enough to say, “Do it, Changgu.” You need to feel that delicious sting again.
And then he spanks you.
It’s hard this time, nothing held back. You cry out, your walls tightly clenching around Yanan’s cock at the impact. That finally draws a moan from Yanan and sends a rush of adrenaline straight to your core.
That was fucking perfect.
“Again,” you command, and you bite down on your lip when Changgu delivers another smack.
Yanan’s fingers dig hard into your hips, and you can tell he’s getting close. “Let me see you,” he groans, urging you to sit up.
You straighten up and give it all you’ve got. Yeah, your thighs are starting to get tired from lifting and dropping, but you’ve got a cock to ride and you’re not going to stop until he comes. 
His eyes skim over your body, eventually fixing on the way your pussy swallows his cock with every movement. You watch as his abdominal muscles contract, and you know he’s only moments away from coming.
“Fill up my pussy, Yanan.” The lewd words spill from you in the heat of the moment, even though you’re aware that the condom he wears will stop him from actually filling you with his cum. It’s just fun to imagine. 
Yanan doesn’t respond, he just flicks his eyes upward to meet yours. You’re both breathing heavy and he uses his grip on your hips to help you move faster. His mouth opens slightly, his brow furrows, and then he finally breaks eye contact as his eyes squeeze shut and he spills into the condom with a series of quiet moans.
He smiles warmly as he settles, his long fingers dragging up and down your back. “You did well, sweetheart.”
“Thank you,” you giggle, giving yourself a second to rest before climbing off of him. 
Changgu has been sitting patiently near you, stroking himself as he waits for his turn. “Still feeling alright?” He asks as you turn your attention to him.
You nod with a wide smile. “I’m feeling great. And I’ll feel even better once you’re fucking me again.”
He smirks, and Yanan haphazardly tosses him another condom. As he rolls it on and slathers lube on his cock, you lie down on your back next to Yanan. Your legs are so tired and you just need a break from holding yourself up for a little bit. 
You reach out to him with grabby hands, your legs spread wide and your eyelashes fluttering. “Come fuck me.”
“I will,” he laughs at your impatience. Changgu grabs a pillow from the top of the bed and folds it in half before sliding it under your ass, lifting your lower half to give himself a better angle. You feel him start to line up his cock with your entrance, and you look over to Yanan, wanting to feel his gaze on you again. 
Of course, Yanan is already watching you. He holds your gaze as Changgu presses into you, lowering himself over you and burying his face in the crook of your neck as he starts to thrust. Changgu’s teeth dig into your neck as he bites you, and Yanan’s fingers interlace with your own. 
You are so wonderfully fulfilled by the two of them, with the passion of Changgu’s movements and the sweetness of Yanan’s touch. You’re simultaneously grounded and lighter than air, overflowing with all kinds of endorphins to keep you feeling good.
You let your eyes flutter shut as you focus on everything your body feels. Changgu’s cock brushes all of the right places, his chest rubs against your nipples, and his mouth is relentless on your neck and earlobes. The strands of his hair are soft between your fingers. You squeeze Yanan’s hand with your own, his thumb gently rubbing the back of your hand.
Instead of trying to push yourself into another orgasm, which you might be able to do if you put in the effort, you decide to just enjoy the feeling of being attended to, of sharing this experience with Changgu and Yanan and letting yourself fully indulge in your freedom.
Changgu breathes heavily as he picks up his pace, pounding into you with everything he’s got. You tug on his hair and he groans, nipping at the skin of your shoulder. 
“I’m going to come soon,” he pants, and you press a kiss to his cheek.
“I want it,” you coo. “I want you to come.”
And then he looks at you - really looks at you - and he smiles. And he’s kind of beautiful, actually.
Then without any warning, he aggressively starts snapping into you with a speed that nearly makes your eyes roll back into your head. Changgu fucks you senseless, just like you had asked him to.
You struggle to keep it together, but it’s not long until Changgu breaks, sweet moans coming from him as he orgasms with a few long thrusts.
He takes a moment to come down, pressing sweet kisses along your jaw and throat, and you ruffle his dark hair. Eventually he pulls away from you, pulling off the full condom with a satisfied smile.
“Still good?” He asks.
“I feel perfect.” You smile.
Changgu then glances over at Yanan, peeking at his crotch before laughing. “Why am I not surprised?”
You look at Yanan too and find that he’s completely hard again. Yanan comfortably responds, “It’s hot watching you two.”
The boys’ attention returns to you. Changgu’s hand comes to rest on your thigh as he says, “If you’re up for any more, we certainly don’t need to stop now.”
“How late is it?” You ask, having totally lost track of time since coming over. “Do we need to get back to the party?”
“Not necessarily,” Yanan responds. “Like we said, tonight is your night. You can do whatever you want, sweetheart.”
Changgu adds, “And if you want to stay with us a bit longer, you’re also welcome to spend the night. We have room for you, and frankly it might be better for you to sleep here. I’m positive we’ll make it so that you’re too worn out to leave.” He ends with a devilish smile.
“It wouldn’t be weird for me to stay the night?”
“Not at all. Our guests crash here all the time.” Changgu caresses your thighs. “This isn’t a typical one-night-stand. Like I said, we’re going to take care of you while you’re here.”
You weigh your options - you could stay here and possibly crank out another orgasm or two while having sex with not one but two gorgeous seniors, or you could go back to your party and pretend like you wouldn’t rather be over here.
The answer is simple.
“Let me text my friend not to wait up.” You grin. “And then I’m yours for the rest of the night.”
NOTICE: Part 9 coming Saturday, July 11th
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Take It - AJ Styles
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AJ Styles x Reader
Warnings: a few cuss words
Summary: AJ gives the Reader the kick in the ass she needs to take control of her own career.
The women’s division was exploding and here you were being handed a new child to babysit. Your mic skills were damn near godlike which had turned a blessing into a curse when your career shifted from wrestler to manager. At first you were excited for the change of pace, but you never forgot the promise that you would still wrestle. You sat in the back and watched the women’s evolution forget you as it raged forward. The pop never lessened when your music hit, but every single time you walked out there you felt more and more invisible. You went toe to toe with the likes of Paul Heyman…The Miz…Samoa Joe…Stephanie McMahon. Every single superstar that was in your charge soared to success, but when history looked back on these people, when it looked back on the women’s evolution…would you be there with the recognition you deserved? Most certainly not. These thoughts were consuming your life. They were all you could see when you got your next assignment. The Superstar Draft had given Raw a brand new locker room and you knew it was a matter of time. You were approached with Humberto Carrillo. Familiar with his work on 205Live, you felt it would be easy to get him over with the crowd – even if you half-assed it. Humberto had a great couple of matches and you put him over like the ingrained habit it was. Everything went as expected, until it didn’t. Tonight you watched ringside as Humberto pinned Sin Cara. Muscle memory took over as you celebrated with him. The two of you ducked backstage. “You did a great job out there tonight. A few more matches like that and we’ll be looking at a title.” His face lit up at your words, but you pointed a finger at him, “Now’s not the time to get comfortable. You gotta keep pushing, ok?” He took you by surprise and wrapped you in a big bear hug. You hadn’t been hugged with that kind of sincerity in a long time. He looked you in the eyes and said, “Thank you. I will not let you down.” A little guilt settled at the bottom of your soul knowing you weren’t putting as much heart into this as he was. He disappeared down the hallway. “Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this at all”, you thought, “Maybe it’s time to bow out.” You stood there a few seconds before you felt a presence beside you. “Your boy did good tonight.” That southern drawl wasn’t hard to place. You turned to face AJ, a little surprised to see he was alone. “Good enough for a title shot?” You tapped the top of the title around his waist and gave him a smirk knowing the answer. He let out a laugh, “We’ll let him get a few more matches under his belt before he steps to the Phenomenal One.” You rolled your eyes, but had to agree with him, “Don’t worry, he’ll get there.” AJ had been your favorite person to work against when you were both on Smackdown. All that time you’d been numb, he’d been able to spark a few smiles and warm feelings in your chest. The fans had loved the chemistry between the two of you and clamored for more. They weren’t the only ones who felt the chemistry between you, but management decided they wanted you on Raw, so there you went. Seeing him in that moment made you realize how much you had missed those times. “I’m not concerned about Humberto right now.” You weren’t so surprised at his arrogance, “Who are you worried about?” You decided to play along, but his answer threw you off. “I want you in the OC.” You gave him a confused look, “Not to feed your ego, but the OC doesn’t need a manager and I have Humberto who is…” “I never said I wanted manager…” He interrupted moving closer, “I said I wanted you.” He had just offered you everything you wanted and you didn’t know how respond. It was so enticing, not just wrestling again, but working side by side with him.  You quickly reminded yourself it was a hope that would be squashed as soon as management caught wind of it. So, you shook it off and backed away, “Management will never let me.” He wasn’t letting you off that easy. He snaked an arm around your waist and brought you back to him. “Fuck management.” He growled straight into your ear. He loosened his grip slightly so he could look at you, “ If management knew what they were doing, they would have put us together on Smackdown, but instead they put you on Raw? That made no sense. They don’t let you wrestle?” Of course, the last question struck a nerve and you had to look away. “It’s bullshit, y/n.” He let the words sink in a minute before he pulled you close again, “Look at me..I know you’re angry. Show them how angry you are. You don’t need anyone’s permission...” He smirked, “and if you’re with the OC, we’ll make sure no one gets in the way.” You let out a shaky breath and dropped your head. You hands toyed with the top of his U.S. championship, “You’ve changed.” You told him. He took you chin and lifted it up, “I decided to take what I want.  And if you keep playing with my title I’ll want to take you against this wall.” Your entire body lit up at the thought. “Maybe I should start taking what I want too.” You whispered to him and tugged on the title as you moved toward the wall. AJ closed the distance, but just as his lips touched yours someone called from down the hall. All Humberto had seen was AJ push you against a wall and he came ready for a fight. You were able to keep things from escalating to that with AJ’s surprising cooperation. “We’ve actually known each other a long time, kid. We’re just catching up. You can calm down.” AJ told him, “If I want to pick a fight with you, I’ll come to you.” He didn’t believe him until he got a nod from you. You and AJ shared a glance before parting ways. The following week you were torn, but as Raw got closer you knew what you were going to do. The thought was in your head, but even as you walked into the building you didn’t know if you’d follow through. The show had started and you were watching on a monitor. Humberto came jogging down the hall to let you know that he had been put in a 6 man tag match with Randy and Ricochet against the OC. It was your sign. You had warned Humberto that you’d be taking the kendo stick out with you. He never batted an eye when you told him it was to make a point with Randy and Ricochet, that you had no intention to use it. His naïve faith in you almost made you second guess yourself until you felt the electricity walking into the arena. It was the same pop you’d heard thousands of times, but this time you felt it. Humberto made his grand entrance into the ring and you made your usual subtle one. AJ’s eyes caught yours as you lingered on the apron and you wondered if he knew what you were planning. Humberto’s music was still blaring as you ducked under the ropes and went to grab a mic. Of course, The OC was in the way. Luke and Karl didn’t like the idea of you approaching them with the kendo stick in hand, so they backed up. AJ stayed put. You stopped just shy of being on top of him and, based on the roar from the audience, it was a confrontation they’d been waiting for. “I hope you not planning on using that.” Luke warned from the apron. “She is.” AJ answered, never taking his eyes off of you. You leaned over and grabbed the mic from the production assistant. “You gonna take what you want?” AJ asked. You kept the mic down at your side, “You know, I tried to last week, but some asshole got in the way, so I’ve got to take care of that. I am a little worried about his friends though.”  “Trust me, they won’t be an issue.” He gave you a quick wink before you flipped around and brought the mic to your lips. Humberto was still in the middle of the ring while Randy and Ricochet had gone to the apron. “All right you two...” You pulled the kendo stick up onto your shoulder, “I know you’re not the best of friends, you’ve been at each other’s throats for weeks now, but take my advise... you need to put all that crap aside because, well, you’re outnumbered.” It was a complete shock when you unloaded on Humberto. Just as he promised, the moment Randy and Ricochet came into the ring, Luke and Karl pushed them back out. It felt like you were debuting again. A whole new confidence bloomed inside you. You knelt beside a wincing Humberto. “Oh sweetheart, you really were just in the wrong place at the absolute wrong time. You see, I’ve been on the edge of doing this for so long and now that we’re here I just can’t believe it took me this long. It’s about time I remind people just who the hell I am.” You let the mic fall onto his face and stood up to a chorus of boos. It was incredible. AJ was helping Luke finish off Randy when he saw you were done with Humberto. He slid into the ring and in two strides had one hand in your hair, one shamelessly on your ass, and his lips locked onto yours. You wrapped your hands around his waist pulling him closer. He pulled away just as Karl and Luke got back into the ring, “Welcome to The OC, baby.” Karl and Luke threw up the Too Sweet with AJ and the final image as Raw went off air was you joining them.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 11
Warning: swearing, breaking in, panic attack, abusive ex, mention of killing.
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Beetlejuice was sitting on the edge of the roof, legs dangling in the air. Only a couple of hours passed by since the boarding-session, but the demon sank back into deep depression already. He pushed his dark purple hair back and sighed. Why does everyone keep leaving me? We could've been such a great team. That little minx and me, wrecking havoc together. He sniffled, wiped his nose into the sleeve of his greyish-blueish coat patterned with pieces of moss, and hummed a song he first used when he lost all hope because of a ghostcouple, right before he tried to talk an edgy teen into summoning him.
- 🎶You're invisible when you’re me, there's no one to see my truth... If they could look up they’d see: "Hey, somebody's on the...🎶 ...pavement? - he stopped as he spotted a man on the sidewalk, drunkenly lurching towards the house. In his left hand there was a bottle of booze, half empty, the stench nettling Beetlejuice's acute demon nose. Cheap whiskey. His mother drank this when he was a child.
He stood up and watched the man for a minute. Yepp, he was definitely heading towards the house, it wasn't just a coincidence that a drunk person somehow winded up on the farthest outskirt of the Connecticut town. Even though he was still very angry at Ari and her party pooper sisters, he floated through his favorite breather's bedroom window, and headed straight to the sleeping girl. Ari's laptop was down on the floor, the fourth Nightmare on Elm Street movie was playing. Beetlejuice smiled lightly at the sweet gesture. Ari was laying on her belly in her bed, quietly breathing with a bit of saliva dripping from her lower lip, snuggling up to Sirius.
- Ari... - BJ called softly but no answer came. So he tried one more time, now a bit louder. - Ari... - he sighed as Sirius opened up his eyes and blinked sleepily at the demon. - I can't believe that you're in such a deep sleep, babes. - Sirius turned his scruffy head sideways. - ARIADNÉ! - the girl suddenly lifted her head up, startled because of the abrupt noise.
- YES WHAT I'M AWAKE. - she stated in a sleepy voice, hastily opening her gummed eyes. She wiped her peepers, yawned and reached for her phone. - Shit, Beetlejuice, it's 2 in the morning, do you really wanna talk about tonight AT THIS UNGODLY HOUR? I told you, I'll talk to my sisters about...
- There's someone in the garden. - he caught Ari up in her speech. The girl's eyes widened.
- What? - she said in a sleepy tone as she sat up in bed.
- I don't know why I'm warning you, every single one of you would deserve to die since you've been so mean to me, but babes I think somebody wants to break into the house. Demon sixth sense. - Ari hurled the covers away from herself, blinking away every last drop of sleepiness, got off the bed and reached under it. She came back with a baseball bat, embedded with nails. Sirius jumped off the bed too and ran to Rei's room.
- Good boy, he knows what to do. - stated Ari as she got out into the hallway. - Thanks for telling me we're in danger. - she said quietly to Beetlejuice as she headed down the stairs. - I thought you're still mad at me, it's good to know that you're not furious anymore. - she got into the downstairs hallway, and made double sure that she locked the door of the winter garden. - Back in Europe there were a lot of times that someone wanted to break into our house, you know, we lived in a kinda messy neighborhood, so we know how to deal with these situations. - while she talked, she checked every door and window if they were closed properly. - I check shit and get ready to beat the living shit out of someone and thus getting freed from my built up anger, Sirius wakes up Rei, Rei calls the police, Sof sleeps through the whole thing. She's like a dormouse. - she explained. Beetlejuice floated next to her, examining her plaything and her buttocks which were only covered by an oversized ACDC t-shirt and a pair of boxers.
- Well I couldn't be angry at someone who has such a nice ass for a long time... - he said but was interrupted by a couple of uncoordinated knocks. They came from the front door. Ari ran over, holding her baseball bat tightly. As soon as she got to the door, she swang it above her head.
- Be warned, I am armed and we already called the police. - she stated in a serious matter which legitimately surprised Beetlejuice. She looked mean. - Go away buddy and let's continue our night peacefully.
- Honey it's me, let me in and let's talk! - stuttered a drunken male voice from the other side of the door. Ari's eyes widened and her lips opened in surprise. The mean look she had just a moment ago, disappeared.
- No way... - she whispered to herself. She suddenly shook her head, closed her eyes for a moment and clutched the bat even harder. Her fingers turned white. Something's wrong, realized BJ. He never saw that look, that frightened, anxious look before. Something's fucky.
- I don't know how can you be here and not in jail, but go away! - she almost screamed the last words. She tried to put back her mean face but her eyes and her lips hardly pressed together reflected fear. Legitimate, pure fear.
- Please don't tell me that it's... - asked Beetlejuice but Ari cut in with nodding. Matthias. Evil ex. Gotta kill.
- Good behavior, baby. - the man on the other side of the door said with a small laugh. - Please Ari let's just talk...
- NO! - the girl screamed. Beetlejuice noticed that her breathing got shaky and heavy. - LEAVE ME ALONE!!! - the man pounded his fist on the door.
- YOU OPEN THIS DOOR NOW ARIADNÉ! - he shouted. Ari flinched and lowered her arms abruptly. She breathed even shakier now. The man on the other side of the door cleared his throat. - Please sweetcheeks, I changed!
- You will never change! You're always going to be a mentally abusive pinche puto! - said Ari, whose eyes started to get teary. - Go hug a landmine!
Beetlejuice couldn't handle himself for any longer. His dark purple hair was already in a kind of red shade, and his eyes glitched with anger.
- If you keep your promise, I'll keep mine. Summon me and I'll rip him into pieces. - his disembodied voice sounded even more croaky then before. It sounded like it came from every direction possible. It made Ari's hair stand on end. She gulped and answered in an undertone.
- Murder is never the answer... I'm sure the police will do their job... - Beetlejuice rolled his eyes, and let out a guttural, gravelly annoyed sigh.
- No, you're right, murder is a question. - he stopped for a moment, stepped closer to the shaking girl whose eyes were fixated on the door. - And the answer is yes. You know he deserves it. Some people can't be stopped any other way. And I feel this jerk is one of them. Demon sixth sense.
As he said the last sentence, the banging on the door and that drunk idiot screaming the girl's name constantly started again. Ari jumped and dropped her baseball bat. She pushed her back against the wall. With a shaky hand, she grabbed her chest while breathing heavily. She closed her eyes, breathed in deeply a couple of times then couldn't take it anymore.
- VETE A LA MIERDA!!! - she screamed just before Rei ran into the hall, phone pressed to her ear.
- Yes, he's still here, right before the door. - she quicky looked at Ari and as soon as she realized how she trembled, she launched herself at her sister, lowering her phone. - Holy shit, Ari, what happened? You're shaking, baby...
- Rei?! - asked the voice from the other side of the door. His voice got honeyed in a second. - Dear Rei, please, sweetheart, let me in, let me talk to your lovely sister about coming back to me! - Rei's jaw dropped.
- What the everliving fuck. - she said. She hugged Ari tightly and put on a mean face. - Go home Matt, leave us alone! Ari doesn't want to see you ever again! I already called the police! - the man growled and pounded his fist on the door.
- Hit that fuckin door one more time... - grumbled Beetlejuice while staying close to his breather friendo. They got so close so quickly, and to be perfectly honest he really wanted to end this guy to keep her safe.
- See, Ari, she's talking against me! - his voice was so honeyed it made Ari nauseous. - These assholes, your sisters, are keeping you away from me! I know you love, you've always been a good girl, if they wouldn't have messed up your mind with their stupid nonsenses, you'd have never left me! They made you blind, you know that I truly love you and that we belong together!
- I feel like I can't breathe... - said the trembling girl with bated breath, clutching her chest while holding Rei's hand close. - My heart hurts so much...
- Ari, baby, we were meant to be one! - no answer came so he lowered his voice a bit and stuttered. - You know, am I right?! - again, no answer, so the man slapped the door with his palm. - ARIADNÉ ANSWER ME! YOU KNOW THAT YOU WERE MEANT TO BE MINE! - Ari lifted her head up. Her eyes were full of tears and she spoke in a very low voice.
- Please Matthias... Leave me alone... We were kids, it's been a long time ago... I don't love you anymore, please understand... Just leave me be...
- Yes we were, but see?! You talk so nicely! I made you kind! You are the way you are because of me!
- Entitled shithead... - commented Beetlejuice. Ari smirked and got herself together for a moment. Anger found its way into her eyes.
-...no. I am kind because I choose to be, because I cannot allow anyone to see what I've been through. You made me scared, angry, and vulnerable. I made myself like this. Now go... AWAY!!!
Ari was shaking, both from the panic attack and the anger. The guy lowered his voice and BJ definitely heard a familiar tone in his speech. An evil tone.
- You know what? I wanted to talk through this but okay. Fine. Have it your way. - he pounded his fist on the door one last time and then lurched away, as they heard.
It took Ari at least half an hour to get through the panic attack. She was sitting on the living room floor now, staring before herself, sipping water with a straw from her favorite glass with Minerva snuggling in her lap. When the man left, Ari told Rei to keep talking with the police, she'll be alright. She took deep breaths like her middle sister taught her, but what mostly helped was that Beetlejuice just talked to her. He was trying, very awkwardly, but was trying to talk to his friend about calming down and everything being okay. He heard how to do it a week ago. A couple of minutes after Ari finally got kind of better, a very grumpy and sleepy Sof joined them, who got woken up since "Sirius jumped on me several times and now I think I'm bleeding internally." Ari told her what happened and just finished the story when Rei showed up.
- Well the police is not sending any help.
- WHAT?! - asked both Ari and Sofía.
- The dispatcher said that they sent out a car, they looked around the area, but didn't see anything suspicious so they left... - she took her glasses off and rubbed the bridge of her nose. - He told me that if the intruder comes back, and breaks in, then they can intervene in the situation. - she collapsed onto the ground, next to her sisters. - I'm still saying that drug lords are better at keeping people safe than the police, guys...
Since none of them was talking, Beetlejuice floated above Ari and left a sly remark, his croaky voice echoing in the girl's ear.
- You know he's gonna come back, don't you?
- Oh he surely will. - answered Ari right before she let out an annoyed chuckle. - He's a persistent motherfucker... - she looked at her sisters who were waiting for her to explain. - Our houseguest just remarked that in his opinion Matthias is gonna come back. And to be honest, same.
All of a sudden, Beetlejuice started to perk his ears up like a watchdog. He sniffed around, angry red locks lighting up as he identified the familiar stench.
- And speaking of the devil... - he spit the words out between his teeth right before the sound of glass breaking came from the winter garden. All three of the sisters stared at the winter garden's door, frozen in fear. A couple of seconds later the familiar banging started on the back door, with Matthias talking in a honeyed voice and drunken giggling from another men from the back. Sirius showed his teeth, growled and barked at the door. Sofía was the first to act, she grabbed Ari's hand and pulled her to the front door. She grabbed her keys from the hallway table.
- We're getting out of here, we get into the car and onto the police station. - she stated and put her keys in the lock. Out of curiosity, she looked out the peeping hole. She jumped back and removed her keys. - Someone's out there. A man with a gun is standing before the door. - she started to breath heavily. - We're trapped.
Ari started to went astern as she grabbed Rei's hand.
- ARIADNÉ! - the girls all looked the door and gulped. So this is why people just stand around in horror movies. Fear. - Open the...open the door, please... Ari, just open the door... We don't need to fight anymore! Just... Open up... - Matthias slapped the backdoor again. - I SAID OPEN UP!
- Okay I'll call the police again. He's practically in the house. - said Rei and she grabbed her phone.
Ariadné collapsed on the living room floor and pushed her back to the back of the sofa, eyes wide with fear and anger, thoughts running around in her head. She had to act quick. She realized it was a fight or die situation.
- And what will they do, ha? - she said in a brittle voice. - Put him in jail for another 3 years because he's on "good behavior"? It would all start again guys, he'd find me again... - she looked deep into Rei's eyes who lowered her phone. - I want to live freely! And deep down both of you know that there's only one who can stop him...
- ARI, NO! - screamed Sofía.
- ARI, YES! - shouted Beetlejuice as he stood next to Ari. A toothy grin appeared on his face, his eyes glowing. His hair was a weird mixture of yellow, green and burgundy. - You scratch my back, I scratch yours! You remember, three times in a row it must be spoken, unbroken! - the husky voice filled Ari's ears. She made a decision.
- You don't know what will happen! - said Sofía, intermittently looking at the door, which was now hammered by at least 3 man who tried to break the hinges. - You can't do this! We'll find another way out, just...
- I CAN'T KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS! - chimed in Ari with a raucous tone. - IN CONSTANT FEAR, FRIGHTENED FOR MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS, MY LIFE! I wanna be free! I'm so sorry guys but I have to do this... for myself... - she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them up, they were sparkling with dedication. - Beetlejuice!
Green smoke started to fill the air, seeping from the ground next to Ari. Beetlejuice felt his body filling up with power. Sofía and Rei stepped back.
- Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I'm so glad you realized you have a solid plan B option! You are never going to regret this! - Ari looked around in surprise, a shy smile found its way to her face
- Beetlejuice! - she said confidentially, and the ground moved. They heard that all of a sudden it started to rain, the sky rumbled and lightnings appeared. The flashing lights filled the living room.
- This is gonna be so good! - his voice was almost horny. He felt his powers returning, and his smile got wider and wider. Not humanly wide. - Give me just... one... more...
- YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HE'LL REACT! - screamed Sofi who tried to launch herself at Ari but Rei pulled her back. Rei nodded at Ari who took a deep breath.
- BEETLEJUICE! - she shouted and the world rumbled. Beetlejuice crouched next to Ari, leaned close to her and whispered into her ear. The girls' hair stood on end as the gravely voice filled her head.
- It's showtime!
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Clouded- Part 3
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In which Jules might or might not have feelings for her best friend, Harry, who is getting engaged to another girl and everything just becomes… more complicated.
friends to lovers to enemies to lovers- it’s complicated
 Somehow, someway, something is going to happen and the universe will fall back into place.
Jeff's words continued to ring through my head, pulling me back to the place I had tried so hard to get away from.
He didn't know how utterly wrong he was.
I pushed the glossy engagement party invitation as far away as my kitchen table would allow. I couldn't look at it anymore. It was everything I wanted for Harry and then everything I didn't want to happen and it crushed and burned my heart into a million pieces.
Running my fingers through my hair, I took a small sip of the peppermint tea I had brewed, remembering my mum swearing how it could sooth any aching stomach and nausea. I didn’t know if it was my heavy anxiety or if I was coming down with the flu, because I felt as if I was falling apart at the seems.
When did my life take this turn?
Because now I was alone, crying over a fucking party invitation for my used to be best friend's engagement party, while I was dabbing my damp forehead from sweat in the middle of December.
The ringing of my phone caused me to startle. I assumed it was Jessica, calling to chew my ass out for abandoning them last night at the bar. Preparing for an argument, I pushed the tears off my face and reached to grab it.
“Hello?” my voice sounded wounded and battered, everything I was trying not to be at the moment.
“How are you?” the familiar satin voice eased its way through my ears, still sending butterflies into my abdomen and still making me feel as if all I had was this middle school crush.
I swallowed. Deciding to push away all memories of the past three and a half weeks along with the bundle of feelings and words that had been said and focus on his single question.
How are you?
For two minutes— just for two minutes— that was 120 seconds and not even a quarter out of my empty schedule. I wanted to pretend nothing happened and just talk to Harry. Talk to my best friend who had held me when my family dog had passed away. The same one who ditched his date to dance with me at prom just so he could be my very first dance. The same man who when we were sixteen laid down with me on a yellow blanket underneath the stars and promised me that if he made it through on X Factor the next day he would remember a freckled face girl with unruly dark, brown hair named Julia and that he would always love her.
“I'm okay,” I whispered, tears silently making their way from the corners of my eyes, down the bridge of my nose to land on the wooden table that I was leaning on for support.
He took a sharp breath on the other line. A familiar sound that I knew came right before a sob. He had always been such a heavy crier, the beautiful, sensitive Harry Styles who cared too much about the world. He never let anyone see that side of him though. It was one of my favorite things about him.
“Can— can we just be friends?” he whispered, as if his voice was too loud the vulnerability between us would shatter. “Just for a moment,” he pleaded.
I heard him swallow. “I— I want you to be with me. I can't do this— I can't do this whole 'we aren't talking' thing. I know it's going to be hard, but... Can we try to be friends again?”
It was going to be hard. Because unlike Harry, I had no one to distract me from my thoughts, feelings or memories. No one to make new emotions with that might cover up the old ones. I was done being selfish, though. He needed me.
“Yes,” I sobbed, sniffing and clenching my eyes shut. “I would really like that.”
A sigh of relief sounded through my thin phone as if the weight of the world had just been lifted. “We—we'd have to do things differently though,” he murmured. “Maybe... maybe not hanging out alone too much?”
I swallowed. “Yeah. Yeah I agree.”
“Okay,” he breathed. “okay, yeah.” Obviously, he hadn't planned to get this far into the conversation with me—I didn't either.
“I'll be there,” I told him. “at the engagement party tomorrow night.”
“Thank you,” he whispered. “it really means a lot.”
I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me. But words were too much right now and all I wanted to do was sit in the comfortable silence of knowing he was on the other end of this phone line somewhere.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked. “Do you need anything?”
“I'm okay. I'm fine.” I didn’t want his worrying. I’m afraid if I admitted to him that I wasn’t fine and I didn’t think I would ever be again, his sympathy for me would be too much to bear. It would push my thoughts places they didn’t mean to be and confuse things even more for me.
When I heard Elaine's voice in the background, calling him to another room, I knew then that we had talked for too long. We needed baby steps. And it was going to take a lot of effort.
“I'll let you go,” I told him.
“Jules-” he broke off, rethinking what he was going to say and then releasing a sigh. “Okay, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow then.”
And he hung up.
Later I was in my small bathtub, the clock slowly ticking past two in the morning. My body was so worn down and tired while my mind was awake and alert, not stopping to let me have a moment of peace.
I hugged my knees to my chest not sure where to go next.
I think I was going to skip classes tomorrow. With the engagement party that night I knew I needed to save up my energy in preparation. There was no way I could go a full day of lectures and then drag myself there, I would crumble.
First, I needed to take some medicine for my stomach. In an effort to clean my life up a bit, I couldn’t have random bursts of vomiting.
Maybe it was my time of the month?
I grabbed my phone from the floor beside the tub, scrolling through my calendar. It was supposed to be last weekend. That had been a week and a half after Harry and I...
“No,” I laughed sarcastically. There's no way, there is no fucking way.
That might not even be the problem. I could just generally be late. All I needed to do was go to sleep and worry about it in the morning. It was too late for this.
Pushing my hands through the water, I pushed a finger to my stomach. Was I getting fatter?
After I had climbed out of the tub and pulled myself into my bed, I knew sleep was not going to come with this on my mind. My nerves were on edge at just the thought.
I pulled my body out from under the comforter, yanking sweatpants up my legs and sliding my shoes on. There was a gas station down the road, it would take twenty minutes at the most to purchase a pregnancy test and get back to my place with my sanity intact.
Grabbing a hooded sweatshirt, I walked outside, the eerie London night fog swimming around me. I kept my head down and my hands in my pockets as I walked down the sidewalk.
The corner store was lit up, the clerk behind the counter with her feet on the desk and looking anything but happy to see me. I felt the same way.
Obviously I had never done this before, I reminded myself as I walked down the family and life planning aisle. I remember going with my friend in high school to buy her one but neither of us had any idea what we had been doing. Which one worked the best? Which one was more accurate?
I wasn't sure so I grabbed four boxes of an assortment of each one. They had to have a general answer between them, right?
Maybe later when my rib cage wasn't about to explode from heart palpitations I could easily look back on this moment and laugh at how hysterical I looked purchasing four different pregnancy tests with half-wet hair and stained sweat pants at 3 a.m.
On my way out the clerk gave me a sympathetic look and a “have a goodnight”. I didn’t want her sympathetic eyes on me, so I ignored her and walked home.
When I arrived at my apartment, it took me three tries to open just the first package from my shaky hands. This was not where I would have pictured myself tonight when I had decided to go to the club with Lauren and Jessica. But how had I not thought of it? We hadn’t used physical protection besides the trusty pull-out method. Which in the moment had been hot but now-
My blood was pumping in my ears when I looked down to the first test in my hands. Positive, it read. It was positive.
Releasing a shaky breath, I pulled out the next one. Maybe the first one was defected.
The second read positive as well. The two lines taunting me from the counter.
I hung my head as I checked the third and the fourth. Of course, they were tainted with the two thick blue lines.
I felt tears brimming my eyes. There was no way this could be happening. Hundreds of thoughts raced through my head, all of them eating at me from the inside as I suddenly felt fatigue catching up with me.
I will just deal with this in the morning. This can all wait until I've had at least four hours of sleep.
Pushing myself up from the bathroom floor, I dragged my feet to my bed and tried to calm my racing heart.
 There was a brief moment when I woke up where everything felt fine. My eyes had just opened to the sunlight leaking through the blinds and I felt good. It only lasted a moment until the sick feeling eased its way up my throat—an invisible hand choking me as I remembered the events of last night.
The dread set in and I knew before even having to look on the bathroom counter that I was pregnant and from here on out everything in my life was going to be different.
Not that it already wasn't. Harry was getting married and we had formed this “almost friendship” after everything that had happened. And Harry-
Harry. This was his baby. He had a right to know but...
The engagement party was tonight and here he was trying to make things work with Elaine.
None of it made sense. Not the timing, not the situation... There had to be something that I was missing. Some kind of sign along the way that had lit up and said, “Hey! Turn back now.”
I knew I couldn't avoid Harry. If I did then he would know something was up. But I could, however, avoid telling him for as long as needed. At least until the timing was right. Which did not happen to be at his engagement party...
I sighed and shoved my hands through my hair, wanting to crawl back into bed and sleep for another two hours.
Surprisingly I had made it the rest of the day without any breakdowns. It didn't feel real at the moment and maybe it was just denial that allowed me to peacefully do my hair and makeup without crumbling. Tonight, I had chosen a solid black long sleeved shirt, tucked into a sequined skirt that exposed my right thigh through a slit. With my lips stained red, I pinned my hair back into a low chignon and strapped my feet into heels. I wondered if Harry would think I looked good.
I took a deep breath and pushed those thoughts away.
I knew he was going to want to talk to me when I got there, but I felt anywhere but prepared for the fake smiled conversation that was going to come— or for the speech full of lies I had written down earlier that morning. I must really want to pull this off if I'm willing to get up in front of everyone and say how much I hope Harry and Elaine have a very nice life together. The thought alone put a pit full of guilt into my stomach.
When the taxi finally arrived, I forced myself through the front door and down the stairs trying to push thoughts of pregnancy and lying to the back of my mind.
The ball room they had rented out was packed tight with cars when I handed the taxi driver cash. The flash of cameras sounding from behind the bushes on the next block. I ducked my head as I hurriedly walked toward the front doors. No matter how secret he tried to keep it, paparazzi always seemed to get the word when Harry was going to be somewhere.
I wondered if they were really trying to keep a low profile as I took in the extravagant venue. The entry was decorated with red velvet carpet and crystal chandeliers, high heels of all kinds tapping across the floor as shimmering dresses flowed above them. It was so over the top and extravagant— just like something Elaine would want. I couldn't help thinking as I walked into the main room and took in the ice sculpture that if it had been up to him, Harry would never ask for this.
He would want something classy and intimate. Family and close friends only and maybe some red wine. Not a fucking letter S sculpted out of ice...
It took everything in me not to roll my eyes as I took in my surroundings.
Glancing around the room, I realized immediately that I didn't know anyone here. There were a few people I recognized but no one I knew well enough to walk up to and start a conversation with just to minimize my embarrassment. I swallowed and cursed myself for even showing up here in the first place.
I found my way toward the drink table, grabbing a glass of water and pushing myself by the wall. Maybe if I stayed back here no one would notice how awkward and out of place I felt.
From across the room I could see Harry already, my eyes trained to naturally find him naturally him in a crowd. He looked so nice in a fitted tux and fixed hair. His pink lips stretched into a smile as he laughed at a man I recognized from the management team. He looks so effortlessly flawless here tonight and I hated myself for bringing such turmoil into his beautiful life.
“Hey!” said a voice from my right. “Julia?”
I turned to the bright eyes of Charles, the man from the coffee shop. He had a goofy grin on his mouth, his blonde hair messily pushed out of his eyes
I laughed, what are the odds? “Yeah,” I told him. “and you're Charles from the coffee shop, yeah?”
He nodded. “What are you doing here?”
I nodded toward the area Harry had once been in. “Friend of the groom.” I grimaced. “You?”
“Elaine's very distant cousin who just couldn't pass up a party invite,” he said with a smirk on his face. “But we actually haven't talked since we were maybe thirteen.”
I laughed. Seriously, how intertwined could she get her bony fingers into my life?
“You know,” he told me. “I really would have called you the next day, but an hour after you left I dropped my phone into a puddle on my way to my flat.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. It's alright, spare my heart the details,” I said lightly, clutching a hand to my chest.
He chuckled and turned to face me all the way. “No, seriously. I had to get a new phone so you should really put your number into this one.” Verifying his statement, he slid his black iPhone out of his blazer pocket. “Here, I swear I won't screw this one up.”
I shook my head with a smile on my face. What was the harm?
After he put his phone away, I glanced up to meet eyes with the one person I was hoping to avoid this evening. My heart clenched on contact and I tried to secretly push negative thoughts toward him in hopes he would turn around and not be making his way over here. I know we had agreed to attempt this “friend” thing but I wasn't exactly prepped and primed to go through with it.
“Can you do me a favor?” I whispered suddenly to Charles who had been taking a long sip of his champagne chute.
He cocked an eyebrow to me.
“I know this is strange, but can you please pretend to be my date for five minutes?” I asked, seeing Elaine's curly hair bobbing toward us in the crowd with Harry's arm in her grip.
A large smile grew onto Charles' face suddenly and he tilted his head toward me. “I'd be delighted,” he replied. “I was Peter Pan in my school play.”
As soon as I stepped closer to him in attempts to look like we knew each other more, Harry and Elaine approached looking like the star couple they were.
“Julia!” she greeted too enthusiastically. “I am so glad you showed up.”
“How could I not?” I asked over the rim of my glass.
As I took a sip of my drink, I could see the green eyes of Harry focused on me through the distortion of the glass. I knew it was wrong to make him jealous, but I had too many emotions blowing around me to actually think straight.
“Wait,” she said, putting a manicured hand to her lips and I couldn't help but notice the glistening diamond on the top of her ring finger. “You two know each other?”
Before I could reply, I felt an arm slink around my waist, pulling me to his side. “Yeah weird isn't it?” Charles said. “We've been hanging out for the past couple of weeks and then we both got the same invitation to this engagement party and realized it was such a small world. We thought we might as well go together, isn’t that right?” He glanced at me.
My lips were slightly parted, still in shock that he had just saved my hide. I could seriously cry tears of joy for him right now.
“That's good,” Elaine said, nodding her head slowly. “Harry and I have always been hoping Julia would one day find someone, isn't that right?” She turned toward him and I took the moment to actually look at his frigid posture.
Harry's jaw was clenched as his eyes focused on me, his bottom lip so minutely sucked into his mouth it was barely noticeable. “Yeah,” he replied, halfheartedly. His voice sounded strained and pulled taut like stretched rubber bands. “Always hoping.”
I removed my eyes from him, ignoring the sting that immediately lodged itself in my heart. What did he think he was doing? We were supposed to be trying out this “friend” phase and now he has the decency to be rude?
“Sorry,” I said, my eyes trained on him and my voice icy to my own ears. “I guess I was just holding out for that one person, you know?”
His eyes locked with mine and I felt the chills all the way down to my toes. This was a side of him I've never experienced before. Never had I been on the receiving end of such a loathing look from the sweetest man I had once known.
Before I could swallow my emotions and look away, I heard Elaine clap her hands suddenly together.
“Well,” she said, her voice high pitched. “I guess we should get this toasting started. Julia would you like to start us off?”
I broke our gaze to snap my eyes to her, finally thankful- for the first time- to hear her voice.
I cleared my throat. “Yeah, sure.” And followed her over to the stage where she handed me a microphone.
Honestly, with my new-found anger at Harry, I didn't want to voice the lines I had once planned to say. I knew sooner or later that it was going to happen, I couldn't stop the inevitable. Harry didn't know this, but I had begun a slow dig of my own grave with him. If anything I might as well start to redeem myself before I hit the bottom rocks.
I took the microphone from her perfectly manicured hand and stepped up on the platform to look out at the dazzling audience, theirs eyes eating away at my jittery skin.
“Hello, everyone,” I said, my voice bouncing off the walls around me, enveloping me into a choking hold where I could feel the suffocation as I plastered a fake smile on my face. “I hope you are having a lovely evening.” I cleared my throat, running through the lines in my head.
“Elaine asked me to give a toast tonight, since Harry has always been one of my closest friends. I felt that it would be fit to stand up here and tell you all about how he is one of the most kindest, loveliest and most forgiving human beings I have ever met.” I made point to find him in the crowd, locking our eyes and willing him to not hate me for all that I was about to do to his life. I never wanted to take away his happiness. “I do hope you find all the joy in the world, Harry,” I told him, even though he had been giving me a hateful glare only minutes ago.
I could see his deep eyes soften at my words, his eyebrows drawing together as he took in my rigid posture. We were both so hot and cold lately and the going back and forth was beginning to make me dizzy.
I cleared my throat, looking out to the crowd. “I know life is going to throw things at you, but I also know from experience that you are more than fit to handle them.” Somehow I made out the features of Jeff sitting at a table with his arm slung around the back of his wife’s chair. His lips pursed as he gazed at me, probably recalling our conversation the night before. If he only knew what had happened after he had dropped me off at my place.
“I thank God every day for people like Harry,” I continued. “And to Elaine: I hope you cherish him, because only a lucky few are able to hold such gold in this world and claim them as theirs.” I released a long breath, raising my glass in the air. “So, let's have a toast for Harry and Elaine-” I inwardly cringed “-and for their many years to come. To Harry and Elaine.” I took a sip of my water, hoping to wash down the bile in my throat and the lies that were slowly consuming me.
The crowd repeated me as I set down the microphone, hoping to find a bathroom before I had a mental breakdown. This was all wrong. What kind of low have I sunk to? I had always hoped when I had to speak at my best friend's wedding, I would be able to stand up and not feel like I was about to vomit up the truth. I wasn't supposed to be standing there speaking lies as I was secretly pregnant with his baby and no one knew but me.
Everything was wrong. So, so wrong...
I walked through the thread of guests, finding the long hallway that led to the bathroom. I couldn't be within such a choking crowd right now because it would only suffocate me.
As soon as I started down the deserted corridor that led to the bathroom a voice sounded from behind me.
Turning I saw Jeff jogging toward me, his eyes wide and bright and his coat waving softly at his sides. I was too stunned that he had come after me to move toward him at all, taken away by his rushed appearance. He grabbed my wrist, looking around before pulling me behind him as he walked further down the hall where we wouldn't be seen.
“What happened?” he asked, slightly breathless as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
I knew exactly what he was talking about. “He called me last night and we had agreed to be friends, but then he was being such a jerk when I showed up-”
He sighed, obviously aggravated with me. “Maybe because you showed up with another man.”
I shook my head. I knew what I had done was wrong, but he was getting married, so I was clearly justified. “It wasn't like that,” I told him. “I have only talked to Charles once and he was the only one here I knew so we just stood by each other.”
He threw his hands up. “Well, did you tell Harry that?”
I crossed my arms. “No.”
He mocked my posture. “So you did it to— what? Make him jealous?”
I rolled my eyes, he was making me feel like such a child. I couldn't handle this right now. “He's getting married, I don't see what the big deal is.”
Jeff groaned, running his hands down his face. “You two just keep going backwards when you finally make some progress,” he mumbled into his palms.
My fingers fumbled with the hem of my dress as I looked down, my lips being pulled into my mouth. He was so completely right that it hurt. Everything with Harry was beginning to look so hazy and I felt my eyes starting to mentally cross from trying to focus constantly.
“It doesn't matter anyways,” I whispered, my eyes trained on the floor. My voice was so low that I wasn’t sure he would hear me. “I've already messed everything up as it is and it's only going to get worse from here.”
His eyes narrowed at me, yet he didn't miss a beat.
“What do you mean...?” he said slowly as if he was treading on the thin ice that was hiding everything I didn’t want to admit.
I swallowed and tried to avoid his minimizing gaze. “Nothing,” I mumbled, shaking my head. “I'm going to go. I shouldn't have come in the first place.” I turned to walk away but his hand landed on my arm, my body stopping in its tracks.
“Julia,” he whispered from behind me, his voice barely audible. “don't think I haven't noticed what is going on.”
I pivoted slowly to look at him, my gaze finally locking onto his hazel eyes. My heart was beating erratically in my chest.
“You know what I mean,” he said.
I nodded slowly. He was catching on.
“Are you pregnant?” he murmured, his eyes softening and these worry lines taking root in his forehead.
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, my vision became watery as I let out a small nod followed by a gasping sob. The tears streamed down my face as I finally let myself feel the truth like a punch to the gut.
He didn't say anything else, but pulled me forward into his embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around my shaking shoulders. My body trembled as I pressed my face into his chest, wishing that the one person who couldn't be presented with this news was the one comforting me.
“When did you find out?” he whispered into my hair, his lips grazing the tips of my ear.
I inhaled a shaky breath. “Very late last night.” My voice was so foreign to my ears it hurt.
“I don't want to ruin his life,” I sobbed, burying my ashamed face further into him. Never in my life would I have though that I would be in this situation with Jeff. That he would oddly be the one to hold me as I collapsed in on myself.
He shook his head against me. “You won't,” he murmured, his hand running soothingly up and down my back. “But the longer you wait, the more it's going to hurt him, you understand that, right?”
I let our another chest rattling sob, sniffing and nodding against him. “I know,” I cried. “I know.”
The next day was harder.
After I had finished crying on Jeff's shoulder, I told him I needed to be alone and declined his persistent offers to drive me home. It had been a long day and I needed time to sit and reflect on everything. Which isn’t what happened when I closed the door of my apartment that night. I crawled up on my couch, turned the TV on as loud as it would go and drowned out any thoughts I might have had on Harry or pregnancies.
The next morning, I pushed the positive test strips away, deep into a bathroom drawer, because having them out on the counter to remind me was not helping with the emotional distress I was experiencing. I cleaned my living room and swept my kitchen, putting every piece of dirty laundry into the hamper that I could find and busied my shaking hands until I eventually found myself breathless against the kitchen counter.
I had tried my best not to think of everything today but as the time hit four o'clock, I felt all of it began to slither to the front of my mind. I had never looked for Harry's reaction yesterday after my speech. Was he relieved? Mad that I would say those things? Embarrassed? Had he thought that Charles and I were together? Which shocked me ever more if he could think that, because as it looked now, I don't think I could ever move onto anyone else after that single night with him.
But all of it came to a halt when I began to allow all the things that I needed to get straight run through my head. I was pregnant. The fact never hit me until now that I would need to set up doctor's appointments, how would I support a child while I was still in college? I had worked and saved for two years out of high school just so I could focus on my studies without a job. And shit…I had to tell my parents...
What would I tell my parents? I haven't even talked to my mother since the day before Harry came to visit me for the week. We were usually in touch but I had been putting off her phone calls due to the stressful situation I had put myself into recently.
I felt my heart clenching in my chest like the time I had put myself in a panic attack when Harry was here. My vision cloudy as every piece of drama dropped itself in front of my eyes and forced my attention to it. My throat was dry and I felt the rush of hot tears on my cheeks as I struggled to grasp anything I could cling onto.
It was impossible to hear anything as a rush soared into my head, shaking my ear drums and rattling my brain. I felt the constricting push on my chest as my kitchen seemed to be smaller and smaller in my vision, the walls pressing against my sides. My life was such a mess.
Harry's P.O.V
My hands clenched the steering wheel of my car as I sped down the busy college street. I had rehearsed everything I was going to say in my head throughout recording this morning. My mind solely on Julia and how incredibly frustrated she made me. She showed up to my own engagement party with her new lame-ass boyfriend and then had the decency to get on stage and tell me how she thinks I deserve all the happiness in the world?
She was so fucking infuriating it made me see red.
As soon as I saw her walk into the ball room last night, my vision was immediately taken over by how strikingly beautiful she looked in a classy black dress with blood red lips. Her presence filling the entire room—and I swore every eye had been on her and the way she held her head so cocky and completely innocently at the same time. When I saw the men in their fitted tuxes eye her up hungrily, I had immediately wanted to run over to her, grab her and pull her away from the sticking gazes of people I had only met once. I wanted to wrap her away from the rest of the world and let her fold herself into my arms the way only she could.
But I couldn't. Never in my life could I claim her as my own. Even if circumstances were different and I didn't feel myself being torn completely in half, I knew that I could never fully say that she was mine. I've known this from the day I recognized the way her blue eyes sparkled in the sun or how she would find herself spinning with her arms outstretched for no reason in particular. Julia had too much soul for this world. Her spirit couldn't be held to someone like me.
I think what frustrated me the most was that in some odd way I thought her feelings for me had been deeper than that. Deeper than pushing me to the side and finding someone new without a second thought. I knew I had no right to hope she would spend days crying after we decided to be just friends, when I was the one getting married... But I didn't know I would just be shoved to the side like that.
I was being irrational; I know that. But this whole situation was irrational and the only way to fend for yourself in an irrational world was to be irrational right back to it.
I parked my car in front of her apartment, not giving a second thought before I stomped up the steps to land in front of her door. It had been too long since I'd been here.
When I knocked there had been no reply and I suddenly felt stupid for thinking that she would be home this evening. She might be at classes or the grocery store or maybe even with that Charles guy…
I huffed and knocked louder this time, my fist rattling the thin door. There was no way I was going to leave today without talking to her. All these unsaid thoughts and emotions were floating between us and it was time for open-ended sentences to finally have a close.
Five minutes later she still hadn't answered. Desperately, I pulled my phone out, the familiar sound of her voice telling me she couldn't answer and to call back shortly. Which was unlike Julia, she always had her phone on her and if she couldn't get to it she was sure to call you back.
I rang her a couple more times after that, worry starting to set itself in the pit of my stomach when she didn't pick up any of the times. Jules always told me I was a worrier and I needed to not be so paranoid all the time but something didn't feel right...
With the phone pressed to my ear on my fifth call to her, I banged my fist loudly against the door frame again, taking note that her bike was indeed out on the porch so she had to be here...
“Julia!” I shouted, hoping if she was in there she could give me some indication that she was okay.
Wiggling the door knob—with that annoying creak— the door opened.
“Seriously,” I muttered and walked past the threshold where my ears immediately picked up on the choking sounds coming front the kitchen.
I heard a crash as I dropped my phone on the ground, my feet unconsciously running through the doorway where I saw her.
It was like the time I had walked in on her having a panic attack almost a month ago. It had been one of the scariest moments of my life to see someone I cared about so much be so vulnerable to her own mind. It felt close to impossible to pull her out of herself and draw her back to reality. I've never experienced anyone going through that before, but I knew Jules enough to at least attempt to help her through it.
Right now, her body had collapsed in on herself. Her knees on the tiled floor as one hand clutched her chest and the other grasped desperately onto the counter above her as if to hold on to it for life. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed between the heavy breathing coming from her mouth.
“Jules,” I breathed, not even hesitating before I threw myself down on the floor beside her, wrapping one of my arms around her, the other pulling her head into my chest. “It's me,” I told her when I noticed her flinch from my touch. “Harry, your best friend. I'm here, listen to me breathe.”
She took in a shuddering breath as I inhaled with her, my hand pressing gently down on her back to pull her more to me. “Breathe out,” I exhaled, her breathe blowing across my chest where her cheek was pressed.
Her breathing became more even and the tears eventually stopped, her shaking body becoming limp in my arms as she leaned onto me as if I was her lifeline. And for the moment, with everything in me, I wished I was.
Julia’s POV
 My thoughts had drowned me.
Filling my ears, my nose, every pore of my skin as I was pulled under by their violent waves. By their endless stream of words and taunting sentences and confusing riddles, so many question marks and so many abrupt ends.
It was like I had been in my own world, alone and scared and soaking wet from the tide. When out of the darkness were arms and they were wrapping around me and I felt a familiar pillow under my head. My ear tuned into their heartbeat and the steady melody that pulled me from the daze. I was being resuscitated.
“Just breathe.” The words rode out on an exhale. Filling my lungs for me as if he could literally restore the oxygen I desperately wanted back into my blood.
I followed his command, feeling my heart slow down its violent thrashing and resume a less harmful beat. The ringing in my ears dying as I focused on his deep voice and the way his tongue would dig beneath each syllable to draw it up again. Such a drunken way, I felt, hanging onto his every word.
“Harry?” I whimpered, knowing the way I was being held and the smell of him. But not fully believing he could really be here. He shouldn't be, at least. Not when I've pushed him away so much.
“Shh.” His breath fanned across my face as his hand gripped the fabric of my shirt as if to pull me closer. “Just rest for a moment.”
Here we were sitting on the kitchen tiles. Harry on his knees as he held my dead weight, tears leaving stains on my cheeks as I fell completely against him. I was too tired to hold myself now, too many things were weighing me down.
“You don't need to talk right now,” he said, his voice groggy like pebbles and slightly shaking. “so just hear me out, okay?”
I nodded, burrowing deeper within his arms so he couldn't see all the thoughts painted on my forehead that I was too exhausted to hide.
“I was really mad at you. That's why I came over,” he whispered. “I was mad that you brought a date to my engagement party and then got up on that stage and said all of those things that made me feel like the worst person in the world.”
My eyebrows came together.
“Don't make that face,” he scolded with a small smile in his voice. “you knew exactly what you were doing.”
A weak grin pulled at the corners of my mouth.
“You, Jules Lovewick, are the most taunting human being on the planet,” he mumbled, his chin resting on the top of my head. “you can put any man on his knees.”
My arms around him tightened, my chest doing a strange flip at his words. “That's not true,” I murmured because while he was on his knees physically for me, he wasn’t emotionally.
I felt him swallow and I knew that we were treading on minefields at the moment.
“I wanted to come over here and just yell at you. I wanted you to feel all the bitterness that I was feeling,” he said.
I felt a lump in my throat. He was right, I made him feel horrible. I deserved everything that he was about to throw at me. It was my fault we were in this situation.
“Harry, I'm so sorr-” I started.
“Don't,” he cut me off, his head lightly shaking back and forth. “You don't need to tell me you're sorry because I'm sorry. We need to get pass this because I obviously can't live without you somehow in my life.” His voice dropped, “I need you, Jules.”  
My lungs released a gust of a breath that had been patiently waiting in my chest to be let go.
“And you make me so angry sometimes,” Harry continued. “so-so infuriated. A man that I never knew I could be. But that's okay because that means I feel alive.”
I closed my eyes, heartbeats dropping like rocks at his confession. It was everything I wanted to hear.
“So, that's what I'm doing now, I guess. Laying everything out on the table,” he murmured. “I'm ready to start new and be honest with each other. I just want to be friends again.”
Honest. He wanted to be honest.
“Harry...” I tried to find words, my mind mentally grasping for anything to say. I had to tell him, I had to, but I didn't know how.
“I want to be friends too.” My mouth spoke for me and I cursed it for the lies it told. That wasn't what I wanted to say at all.
He let out a sigh, pulling me closer for two seconds before releasing me. His hands holding my shoulders back so he could examine my face. “Thank you,” he said. “I know it's going to be hard. But I need you. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that.”
I put my head back onto his chest, closing my eyes. I wanted to inhale this moment, breathe it in, write it down, tattoo it onto the alleys of brain. Moments like these, I knew, wouldn't last long. Sooner or later, guilt would swallow me and I would have to return to a sharp reality where it would cut me open for everyone to see. Choking back my words, I leaned into him. Just for a few more seconds, I told myself, just for a few more.
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thank you to everyone who has sent me nice comments! They really make it so worth it to go through my fifteen year old self’s brain and edit this piece of work. Let me know what you think!!! Part 4, coming soon :)
read part 4
@harryspirate @hope-its-worth-it @ednaofearth​ @whipthemcurls​ @1d-tommo5
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sleepypeaky · 5 years
{getaway} final, pt.4
Reader is the Blinder’s chauffeur….naturally that entails getaway driving too
Part 4/4 ———-part 1, part 2 , part 3
also this was unintentional but the reader is gender neutral
WC: 1458
Warnings: Shooting, blood, dramaaa
A/n: set just after season 5, like the day after the last episode.
and no this isnt historically accurate obvs but i had to do it to write the fucking thing
tnis is so fun to write so try and stop me. this is kind of a Finn x reader?? idk?? finn is my wife?? but he also smol gay boi?? im confused.
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“Where’s Finn!?!” Ada yelled as she kicked open the door to Tommy’s study.
Tommy was at his desk with his head down. Arthur ventured to answer,
“We haven’t seen him since the speech. Johnny Dogs said (y/n) went to look for him.”
“Arthur that was 12 hours ago! They could be hurt!”
Tommy raised his head and grabbed the phone.
He eyes widened.
He slammed the phone back down on the receiver, and scrambled to his feet.
“Mosley’s been shot.”
They stared at each other.
Ada gasped.
“Oh my god.”
They all ran out the door.
“NO NO NO NO FUCK! FUCK!” You screamed into the steering wheel.
To say that you were speeding was an understatement, you were going so fast that you weren’t sure the car could handle it.
And at the same time, to make things even more dangerous, you were flicking your gaze to Finn’s marbled complection. 
“Finn Finn come on come onnnn!” You slapped his face lightly, trying to wake him up.
He made a breathy groan, you weren’t sure if it was voluntary, but at least he was alive.
You cursed yourself,
“FUCK (y/n)!! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!” You yanked the wheel to the right and were thrown along with it as the car screeched into the direction you gave it.
You were almost at the hospital. It wasn’t smart considering what had just happened, but by the amount of blood you figured it was either this or him dying, and you were not taking that chance.
And this was far enough away that maybe it would just be passed off as a casualty of one of the many daily gang shootings.
You tore into the hospital driveway and slammed on the brakes, the tires were so shot from the drive that you skidded about 3 feet.
Throwing open the door and screaming for help, you sprinted around the car and flung open the passenger side door, grabbing finn’s face in you hands and trying to call him out of the depths of his mind.
“Finn finn wake up please please.” You cried.
His head lolled in your hands, but his eyelids fluttered, you whimpered with relief.
Two men with a stretcher came up behind you.
You let them to him and watched as they ran him inside.
Your legs, as heavy as led, followed suit.
Ada sat frozen in the passenger seat of the car. A million thoughts going through her head.
She had her eyes pressed shut, hoping to anyone that would listen that her suspicions weren’t true.
Tommy’s hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard they resembled a skeleton’s. His face was in its usual stone mask, but his eyes were wind and active, no doubt thinking the same thoughts as Ava.
Arthur was silent in the backseat.
They pulled up to the scene and halted the car. Police were everywhere. The rain obscured the scene and oddly made it seem less intense than it was.
Two black tarps lay out on the ground.
Tommy sped over to them and in one swift motion, looked under each. The officers on the scene had recognized him and were awaiting his arrival, so they let this trespassing happen.
Though he let none of this show on his face, Tommy stood up and was relieved, both in seeing Mosley with half a skull, and seeing that the other body wasn’t Finn.
Maybe he wasn’t involved after all.
Nevertheless, before he went to speak to the press and police, he nodded to Ada: the signal to check the hospitals just in case.
“I’m sorry you can’t come in here.”
A nurse grabbed your arm.
You looked at her in a daze,
She looked apologetic and led you to a chair.
You looked down at yourself: your left shirt sleeve was drenched up to the elbow in blood from holding onto him during the car ride. As well as many other spaces on your clothes. And no doubt the car seat was completely ruined.
But all that was moot. 
Because you gave into Finn he was fucking bleeding out in the other room. Why didn’t you just fucking say no? No Finn, we are not going to assassinate a parliament member. No Finn, i won’t drive you. Maybe you thought that you being there would somehow protect him? Doesn’t matter.
You leaned your head back against the wall and closed your eyes.
You sat like that for who-knows-how long when you heard your name called.
You stumbled to you feet, looking around for the nurse who called your name. Instead, you locked eyes with Ada.
A sob escaped your mouth as she ran towards you.
“Jesus fuck (y/n)! What happened?!” She held you.
You lowered you voice, 
“I don’t know why i didn’t stop him. I could have but didn’t.”
She inhaled and nodded softly,
“It was you then.” She whispered.
You nodded,
“So fucking stupid–”
“At least you were fuckin’ there! If you weren’t there he would be under that black tarp with the faschist.” She harsh-whispered.
I made you feel a tad better, but still.
Polly walked to the ringing phone with a usual speed.
“Pol, it’s Ada.”
She tilted her head,
“What happened.”
Ada sighed over the phone,
“Finn is in the hospital, i’ll explain when you get here.”
“Jesus– not again. I’ll be right there.”
She shook her head and went to the door.
“Shhhh! Pol!”
Polly looked around to see if she was the only sane person in the room. Surely it wasn’t out of line to react like this.
She looked over at where you were sitting, still covered in blood and leaning on your hand.
“This family needs to calm the fuck down.”
“Not likely, pol.”
The appearance of feet in your sightline brought you back to reality.
You looked up.
“He’s resting now, he’ll be ok.”
You stood up, shaky.
You gestured to Polly and Ada.
“Can we see him?”
The nurse nodded and led you to his room.
6 hours later
The first thing that moved were his fingers, they looked as if he were playing an invisible piano on the white sheets.
Finn opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. White walls, his feet, you passed out in a chair.
He smirked,
“Oi.” He croaked.
He watched your eyelids snap open confusingly, then they made contact with his.
“Tired?” he jested.
You glared,
“You’re a bastard Finn Shelby. A right bastard.”
You stood up and looked down over his bed, you flicked his nose.
“Ow wha’ the fuck!?”
“That,” you slipped, “Was for draggin me into this mess and then making me save your ass.”
“yeah thats fair.”
You sat down again, but pushed the chair closer. You took one of his hands.
“I don’t want to be covered in your blood again.”
He grunted, 
“Can’t guarantee anything.”
You smiled at his humor, but you felt sad inside.
“I can’t lose any more of you.”
He understood what you meant. John and you had been close, you were like an extra sibling. 
Finn turned his hand so that your’s fell in place. He squeezed.
“I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
You smiled again and lay you head down on the bed beside his shoulder.
It was here that Finn felt good, where he could embrace the quiet sensuality of plain love. Not forced, or made to behave differently, he could be himself.
He leaned his head atop yours.
1 Day later
“and in conclusion, you are never, to ever, do anything like that ever again. Not, that there will be an occasion to do so.” 
Tommy finished his drastically long scolding of Finn.
“And (y/n), i want to be mad, but essentially the same goes to you as well. But you were doing your job, and i’m glad Finn wasn’t alone. At least there was one working brain in the plan.”
You blinked,
“I still have a job?”
Tommy chuckled,
“What, you thought this would change that? I did tell you there would be excitement didn’t i?”
“Yeah, my body feels real excited.” Finn groaned from the bed, rubbing the bandages that were wrapped around his midsection.
“Yeah but thats what you get.” You said.
He frowned.
The car rumbled beneath you, and with the windows down, your hair cooled in the breeze.
You looked into your mirrors, he was gaining on you.
“Fool.” You muttered.
Your foot lowered further on the gas.
The finish line was in sight,
Again, not a surprising victory. 
You eased off the gas and began the process of stopping the car.
The screech of brakes continued until you exited the car.
You threw up your hands,
“Really?! I thought i taught you better than that Shelby!”
Finn flipped you off and hopped out of his car.
“Well i’m not insane, like someone know.”
you punched his arm.
You looked up at him and grinned.
He did the same.
He leaned down and kissed you, you returning it naturally.
You smiled into the kiss, before reaching up and grabbing his hat.
You broke off and frisbeed his hat into the grass.
“Race you!” You squealed as you ran to your car.
Finn stood in confusion at how quick that progressed.
You got back in the car, and started the engine.
The End
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ethereals-angel · 5 years
/ — extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. /
《 Ethereal (I) 》 《 Ethereal (II) 》 《 Ethereal (III) 》
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You confidently walked down the halls, your chin up as a smirk played on your scarlet tinted plump lips, highlighting your outstanding features. Your long raven black hair easily flowed behind your back. Your ego boosted with every whispers about how beautiful you looked today, or about how you aced the exam when most of the school's population misserably, failed.
The thought reminding you that everyone are dying to be you, dying to be with you made you smile.
How cute.
You opened the door of room 88, a room only you and your friends are allowed to enter, the dim lighting welcomed you as the sound of their chatter stopped once they noticed your thrilling presence, "hey, missed me?"
The sound of their 'nope's','nah's', and 'not really's' flowed, making you roll your eyes, liars.
You plopped down on the comfortable sofa, resting your feet on the table as you leaned against Minseok. You reached out for a grape, popping it inside your mouth, "any news?"
"Sehun and his minions are causing trouble, again. Isn't he like... in love with you? Can you talk to that dumbass? He's getting into my nerves." Junmyeon, the 2nd in rank as you were the 1st, though, he's responsible in handling this kind of stressful, pointless situations because you have zero patience in dealing with it.
"No way I'm talking to that loser."
"Your dad said so himself, he wants no trouble." Ria said as she took a shot of liquor.
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Strolling with a frown on your face, you managed to scare people blocking your way. You glared your way through, the annoyance and impatience evident on your face.
You stood in front of the football field, your arms folded against your chest with Ria and Joy behind your back, either playing with their hair or checking the look of their nails.
You rolled your eyes as people cheared for him. That dumbass has been playing quite hard since you step foot the field, sending you glances accompanied by smirks and winks which made you want to go sparring with his face as the target.
After the awfully long game, he approached you with a smirk as you faked a smile for him. Once he reaches you, he immediately planted a hand on your waist. You wanted to kick him so badly, but you decided not to, Dad wants no trouble.
You lifted your hand and played with the collar of his shirt in a quite sultry way, hiding the fact that you find his closeness pretty irritating, "so, when will you stop being a pain in the ass?" You said as you offered him a genuine-looking smile.
"I don't know, when will you be mine?" He countered as he was about to close the distance.
You placed your hand to his chest, stopping him from moving any closer, "do something I don't want you to, I'm going to break your neck." You smiled one last time before pushing him off you and stepping back.
You felt his eyes burning holes on your back as you walked away with a scowl plastered on your face.
You got out of that place with an exasperating sigh. "Where are we going?" Joy asked as she pulled out a small hand mirror out of her hand back.
"The library."
Ria pulled out a book and read, meanwhile Joy started answering her homework as your eyes wandered around for you have finished everything you had to do earlier today.
Your head titled as a boy wearing a pair of glasses and unstyled soft hair, lying delicately against his forehead caught your attention, he bit his thumb as his confused eyes stared at the book placed on the table in front of him. He's alone as he sat there with confusing invisible math equations floated around him.
"Do you know who that guy is?" You asked as a small smile formed on your lips as you continued on staring.
They followed your line of vision, Ria hummed, "Ooh, I know him. He's from my class, I think his name is Baekhyun or something like that, why?"
"He's cute."
"What? Are you into nerds now?" Joy snickered as she raised her eyebrow at you. You giggled as you continued on oggling.
Baekhyun, huh.
After some time, you abruptly stood up, shocking both Joy and Ria. You walked straight to the guy's table and sat down in front of him. A smirk appeared on your face when he raised his head to look at you, bewilderment written all over his cute features.
"H.. hi.." he stammered, pushing up his glasses that was drooping lowly on his nose, his smooth voice invading your senses, "is there anything wrong?"
"Oh," you smiled, "no. I just wanted to be acquainted with you." You reached your hand out as you introduced yourself.
"I... I know who you are." He said as he reached for your hand, his hands are a little shaky as it held yours, making you smile. "I'm Baekhyun."
"You know who I am?"
He nodded his head, his face filled with innocence, making you lick your lips. You have the sudden urge to touch him but you've just met and you didn't want to scare the poor boy.
Not yet, though.
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There's a lot going on with your family's business, the illegal one, just to be clear. You're one of the higher ranks overall, as you were blessed with wits and talent in physical combat and not just because you're the daughter of the founder. Your friends are daughters and sons of your father's friends and partners which are one of the most powerful and important people in the world like your father. The younger ones are expected to take over the business soon enough.
Each and one of the gang have different specialties, for you, you're quite familiar with knives and the sharpest things you could ever think of. Joy specializes guns and other lethal weapons and devices, as for Ria, she likes using her hands, let's say, she wants it raw and bare.
Sehun is the son of your father's rival gang. Which makes him more unbearable for you. Though, it isn't anything serious as long as no one starts anything. The funny things is, they wanted you and Sehun to marry to merge the two most powerful gangs, fortunately, your father declined. You couldn't be more thankful.
Sehun isn't so bad, it's just you couldn't stand him, he thinks he owns everything and it annoys you because you own everything. And no, you don't like sharing.
All that, and you can't get the cute boy in the library off your mind. Days have passed by quickly and his little cute innocent face still lingered. You didn't know what it was but oh, don't you just want to taint him?
As if on cue, you saw him walk towards where his locker is located, you smiled, there he is. You carefully walked to him, leaning against the wall.
He was surprised when he saw you there right after he closed the door of his locker, you caught him gripping the books he's holding in his hands as he gulped, "h... hi.."
"Hey, Baekhyun. How have you been doing?" You said as you smiled sweetly at him, earning glances from the students around you, the thing is, you didn't care. He's finally in front of you after those painful days you thought of him despite only having one interaction with him.
"I'm... I've been well."
You licked your lips, "would you like some coffee after class?"
His eyes widened a bit, you wanted coo at him but you kept it in, "really?" His eyes blinked rapidly, his mouth slightly agape. His smooth voice turning up the fire inside your chest, you smiled at him as you nodded your head. "O.. okay.."
"Then, I'll wait for you here."
He nodded, he tore his eyes off you and looked down the floor, quickly darting out of your way. Your amused gaze followed him as he entered his classroom, smirking to yourself. Not ignoring the fact that he smells like fucking flowers. You sighed, what a cutiepie.
"You're really going for it, huh."
You laughed as you turned around to face Junmyeon, he has an accusing look on his face, silently asking you to tell him everything. "Well, can't get him off my mind, why? Are you jealous?"
Your friendship with Junmyeon has been filled with teasing, in any way anyone could tease. He's the closest male friend you have since you two have always been partnered up in missions. He's willing to catch bullets for you and you are to him. Well, literally since it happened once or twice. You've tried getting into a relationship once but it didn't work out, deciding it's better to stick to being friends for the better but that doesn't mean you didn't love each other until now. You love him and he loves you.
"Oh, come on, I thought we're already past that, missy."
You rolled your eyes, pointing a scolding finger at him, "don't call me that, I don't like nicknames."
He laughed as he puts his arm around your shoulder, leading you to room 88.
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You leaned against the wall, your hand playing with the tips of your hair as you waited patiently. The door finally opened, catching your attention. Bunch of students got out, shocked by the fact that you're standing there, obviously waiting for someone. You raised your brow at them, making them almost run off your sight, you smirked.
Your eyes drifted from them to the nervous boy in front of you, his eyes shook as he looked at yours. You offered him a half smile, you nodded your head, signalling that he should follow you so he did.
You walked, bothered by the fact that he was behind you as he fidgeted, having so much space between you. You halted, making Baekhyun stop before he hit your back, his eyes widened by the action, "why are you so far away? Shouldn't we be walking together?"
He breathed, "I'm sorry..."
Your face softened, he looks so pure. You silently scolded yourself for scaring him, "don't worry about it. But walk with me, okay?"
He looked at you with soft eyes as he nodded. You continued walking and as he was asked to, he tried keeping up with you. You spotted the café few blocks from the school, going straight inside. You looked at him, he looked back at you with wide eyes, "what would you like to order?"
"No... I'll pay for mine," he countered as he shook his hands.
You raised you brow, smirking at him, "oh, no, I'll pay for this one."
He was about to say something but you gave him a stern look, immediately shutting him up. He nodded, "okay, then, you... you can decide for me." His voice soft and gentle, warming your heart.
What you felt made you nervous, you've never felt something like this for a long time. And you're feeling it for someone you just met? You groaned, "go, find a seat for us."
He quickly disappeared from your sight as he did so, you silently laughed to yourself, finding his behavior amusing and... interesting.
You placed the tray on the table, giving him his drink as you pulled out a chair in front of him for you to sit on.
As you settled down, you stared at this cute boy you couldn't get off your mind. You honestly didn't know what to say, this is the first time this ever happened. Oh well, I guess there's a first time for everything.
You sat and drank there quietly, choosing not to say anything until he cleared his throat. You gave him your undivided attention as you waited for him to say something. "Why... why are you doing this?"
"What do you mean?"
"Bringing me here... talking to me.." you squinted your eyes, trying to process what he meant, "I... I know who you are... I've heard about you.."
Your heart pounded, you knew you had a bad reputation, about your attitude, personality, name, that's why all of them are afraid of you, you and your friends. And you're completely fine with that, but somehow, you were nervous about Baekhyun finding you bad, even if you really are, you don't want him to think of you like that.
"What did you hear about me?" You tried talking straight, to come off as confident in his eyes. But inside, you're wishing that it isn't that bad. You wanted him to like you.
He looked down on his drink, avoiding your eyes, "that... that you were trouble. That I shouldn't be talking to you..."
That's when you felt bad. You didn't know why but you did. Is he going to stop talking to me, now?
Baekhyun looked up, panicking at the sight of you with a frown, he continued, "but... but, don't worry, I don't really believe them. You've been really nice since you helped me with my homework that day at the library... and now, you're doing this..." he blinked, soft eyes boring into yours, "I'm... I'm sorry for upsetting you..." he gulped, pushing up his glasses as he waited for your response.
"I really want to get to know you, Baekhyun. You're... something."
A smirk formed on your lips as he looked down, his cheeks blushing. You swore, he's the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life.
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"I guess, we're done." You said as you removed the tight leather gloves clad on your hands, eyeing the different firearms and explosive in front of you.
You had to inspect these to make sure nothing's wrong before delivering it to your clients, with the help of your father's men. Though, they're not really needed because you have Junmyeon and Joy with you. The rest are enjoying their pingpong and arcade games.
"Why are you such in a hurry again?" Joy knitted her brows at you, smirking.
Junmyeon snorted, "oh, you know. Her cute nerd's waiting for her."
You shook your head, a smile playing on your lips, "I should go."
You drove as fast as you can, you cannot be bothered by the sound of horns, the shout of people around you, clearly complaining about you giving no fucks about rules, because you practically own this place. You didn't want him to wait for you any longer too, your cute boy doesn't deserve that.
You halted in front of the gate of your school, you saw him there. He stood with his hands holding the strap of his backpack, his eyes set on his foot playing on the floor. You honked the horn of your car, opening the window of the passengers seat to catch his attention.
He lifted his head, locking his eyes with yours. A smile slowly grew on his face, excitedly opening the door and sat beside you. You watched him fasten his seatbelt. Once he's done, he turned his head to you, chirping "hi, Raven!"
"Raven?" You asked as you raised a brow at him, finding the name he called you amusing.
"It's because of your hair..." he looked down on his fidgeting fingers, "I thought of the name because your hair is really... really pretty..." he raised his head, his soft eyes worried as it looked at yours, "don't you like it? I'm sorry-"
"No. No, don't worry. I like it."
You felt warmness fill your system as his face brightened up, finding his eye smile enchanting. He's like... the sun. He reminds you so much of flowers and the sun. How cheesy is that?
"So, what do you have in mind for today?"
He tilted his head, "I saw this movie trailer earlier! I think we should watch it!"
"So, movies." You hummed, "okay."
You drove off with your usual speed, you didn't really pay attention to anything until you heard him calling out your name. You turned your head to look at him for a moment, you hummed and waited for him to say what he wanted to say, "c.. can you slow down a little..." his scared tone made you smirk, "please..."
You decided to tease, speeding up a little more, you heard him yelp. You chuckled, "okay, okay. Calm down, pup."
Once you arrived at the cinemas, you were suprised by the fact that he held your hands and dragged you the ticketing booth. No one has ever dared to hold your hands. Damn, not even Junmyeon. Because you never let them, but here you are, willingly letting him intertwine his hand with yours.
What was happening to you?
You squinted your eyes at the sight of the movie poster he bought two tickets for. It's a colorful one, with the male and female lead stars, you assumed. So this is going to be romantic? You inwardly groaned. This will be painful, you thought.
You sat there with Baekhyun as you waited for your turn to watch. It is supposed to be over because people started coming out of the door, you heard him clap his hands, making you turn to him, "I'm so excited." He told you, his eyes shining as he held his hands together. You smiled, maybe you can get through this.
You can't.
This movie is so fucking cringey. You wanted to leave and slam the door as you do so. You bit your lower lip as the stars did some lovey-dovey shit you couldn't even look at. You decided to turn to Baekhyun instead since he's got such a lovely face, you wouldn't mind staring for the whole day.
Your half-lidded dark eyes glistened as it stared at the sight of him focused on that stupid movie, it felt like butterflies and sparkles are flying around him as he grinned beautifully. You got lost at the sight, how can a man be this beautiful? You tilted your head to see more of him, his facial features are so soft, you thought. His eyes, his lips, his cheeks, oh don't you just want to kiss him and ruin him all over?
You smirked, "soon."
"Did you enjoy the movie?"
You hummed, offering Baekhyun a smile, "nope, the movie, not at all. I quite enjoyed some other things."
He giggled, "I knew you wouldn't..." he cleared his throat, "thank you for sticking with me, Raven." He said as he looked down the floor.
You hummed and patted his head, messing up his hair a little bit as you do so, "but we're going to watch another, though."
You were smirking at the sight of the serial killer doing what serial killers often do, you chuckled at the sound of people around you giving off sudden gasps and little surprised yells as they watched.
You turned your head to look at what Baekhyun's been doing, your eyes softened at the sight of him looking so frightened, slightly covering his face with the box of. popcorn he's holding. When he felt your eyes on him, he swiftly turned and looked at you, his puppy-like eyes glistening with light tears, his soft lips in a pout-like frown. You cooed, lifting up the barrier between the both of you and opened your arms widely, inviting him in. He immediately shifted, placing the popcorn aside and hurriedly leaned against you, his beautiful hands clutching the shirt you're wearing. You wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back to comfort him as he burried his head onto your neck, slightly tilting his head so he could still watch the movie.
You sighed deeply, taking in his scent you've grown to crave, when did you become this soft?
You've been spending more time with him, lately. You didn't know why but there's something about him that pulls you. He's different from what you're used to. He makes you feel peace, calmness whenever he's around. There's nothing special, really, when others look at it. But for you, everything about him is special. Every simple action he does just gets you, whenever his glasses fall lowly on his cute button nose, maybe the way he runs his hand through his hair, not caring about how it would look but lies perfectly on his forehead anyway, or maybe you liked the way he focuses on something, his love for stars and flowers, his love for reading books, his love for the Avengers.
You just met him for a couple of weeks, but everything about him makes you want more. You knew you yearned for him even if you shouldn't be. He's too pure and innocent for you. Do you care? You would say yes because surprisingly, you care so much for him. But, apparently you knew you were nothing like him, you're out of his league. You knew you're too dangerous to be associated with an angel but the want you're feeling for him gets the best of you.
"What's your favorite flower?"
You rolled your eyes, "of course, you like sunflowers," as if you're not the sun and a flower, you thought as you lit up a cigarette.
You lightly squint your eyes because of the smoke as you took in a puff, you noticed him eyeing you with his pretty eyes. You tilted your head, heart hammering inside your chest, what if he doesn't like someone who smokes?
"What is it?"
He shook his head, as if he was getting off a trance, "nothing..." his head dropped down to his fidgeting fingers, "you just looked... good... when you did that."
You raised your eyebrow, head dancing in amusement by the sight of his soft cheeks covered with light red, making him look even beautiful in your eyes, "are you calling me hot?"
He abruptedly raised his head, cheeks noticeably got even redder, his eyes widened, "I... it's not.." he eventually gave up, pouting as he nodded his head.
You smirked, dark eyes boring into his soft innocent ones, "oh, am I now, my sweet little flower?" You took a step closer, his face inches away from yours. You stared at him and took all his features in, your eyes dropping from his eyes to his soft plump pink lips. You lifted your hand, placing it onto the back of his head and played the ends of his hair, fingers sliding into his nape. You felt lightheaded by his reaction alone, his lips quivering, giving off light pants, you smiled.
You were about to close the distance when you heard your phone ringing. Annoyed, you pulled away from him, puffing on your cigar one time before throwing it away, you answered the call, "what?" You snapped, impatience clear in your tone.
"Boss, we have a problem."
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"What do you mean you don't know?" You yelled, hands slamming against the table, "we checked! Are you doubting my work?"
Your fucking clients are claiming that the weapons and explosives you sent are defective, asking for their money back. You snorted, as if you're going to do that. The worst part is they have beaten up three of your men and are trying to taint your name in the black market. Few of your other important clients called asking about the issue, Junmyeon have talked to them already and reassured them whilst you are nothing but pissed. If this reached your father and your godparents, you're going to lose it.
"Calm down." Junmyeon massaged your shoulders as he was behind you, kissing your temple.
You rolled your eyes, deciding to listen to him.
"So, what are we going to do?" Chanyeol asked as he folded his arms against his chest.
You picked up your favorite knife, it was the sharpest yet the smallest you have ever owned, flipping and circling it in your hand, "shall we pay them a visit?"
"Mr. Jung." You said, eyeing him as he was sitting by a table with your four former clients, not surprisingly the ones who complained with him. A smile appeared on your red tinted lips. You walked forward, your hand ran through your hair, glimpsing your friends behind your back. You watched Junmyeon walking towards you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "can we have a word with you?"
"Y... you..."
They looked pathetically scared, though, their men started appearing behind them as they stood up. You smirked, "we were here to talk." You tilted your head in amusement, "But I guess you want it the hard way."
"Bring that five motherfuckers in our base, dad's there." You said, clutching the wound you gained, the other hand wiping off the blood on your face.
Of course, you won. They had more people with them but with you and your gang together, they wouldn't stand a chance. All of you trained your whole life for situations like this, it isn't so shocking that you took down 60 more men with only you and 12 of your friends: Junmyeon, Ria, Joy, Minseok, Chanyeol, Yerin, Yixing, Jongin, Yeri, Ash, Hope, and Luck. Though, it didn't go that well because those men started using weapons against you, your own weapons, for fuck's sake, those were the one that got you bleeding right now, "defective, huh?" You chuckled, earning Junmyeon's slap against your back.
"You're all bloody and shit and you're still laughing."
You eyed him, he looked wrecked as well, blood running down his head, lips busted. You laughed even harder, making him laugh with you, "dumbass."
You puffed on your cigar, watching your father talk to the five men you've captured. Five gunshots were heard, it ended with the five of them lying flush against the floor, bathing in their own bloods.
The blood flowed up until your shoes, you smirked darkly, walking up to your father, "Dad."
He turned to you, a smile appearing on his face, "my favorite daughter."
You chuckled, "I'm your only daughter."
He lifted his hands, bringing them up your head, "don't you want to get treated?" Pointing towards your family's personal doctors, treating your injured friends.
You shook your head, "I'm fine. I'll just visit someone."
You knocked on his door, patiently waiting. You looked around, fortunately, there was no one here. It'll be very inconvinient to walk around with dried blood all over you. The door opened, catching your attention, revealing your adorable Baekhyun. His eyes widened in shock, he eyed you with concern, mouth silently opened as he pulled you inside his room.
"Ooh, easy there, angel."
He made you sit down, quickly pacing around the room, looking for something. Your dark gaze following him as he did so. You stared at his ass looking so plump and cute inside his sweatpants, you smirked, eye glinting in interest.
He sat down in front of you, holding a box you assumed a first-aid kit. You looked at him in amusement as he did his best in cleaning your wounds. His soft eyes glistened with light tears as he inspected your form, his lips in a frown.
"Baek..." you whispered, trying to gain his attention. He lifted his head, his brows furrowed as his eyes met yours.
"Does it hurt?" He asked, his voice sounding so sensitive and fragile as he caressed your broken skin.
"I'm fine, baby boy. Don't get so worried." You lowly laughed, lifting your hand to wipe off the tear that escaped his eye. He was shaking as his lips formed into a pout, holding your hand that held his face.
You leaned in, you nose brushing his, "Raven..." he breathed, you closed your eyes as his scent filled your system, feeling dizzy. You opened your eyes once more, catching his eyes glimpsing your lips in a daze. You chuckled, placing your lips on his.
You felt like you were going crazy when you heard him moan, catching his lower lip between yours, lightly biting on it. Your other hand grazed his jaw, you felt him clutch your shirt, pulling you closer you thought it was impossible.
You pulled him, using your strength to make him sit on your lap. Your tongue licked his lips until he opened them for you to ravage. Your hand slid into his shirt, caressing his sides. You felt him pull your hair, moaning against your mouth as he eagerly, desperately grinded on you.
You pulled away for air, chuckling at the sight of his face all red, he bit his lip as he leaned against you, wrapping his arms around your neck. He burried his head into your hair, licking and sucking your neck, continuously grinding his noticeable hard-on onto your clothed heat. You heard him mewl against your neck, biting your exposed shoulder to shut himself up. You tilted your head to kiss his temple, reaching out to his body, "come on, baby. Make yourself cum like this." You whispered against his ear, sucking and biting his earlobe.
He listened and grinded down even harder, cirling his hips, moaning wantonly against your hair, mewling your name desperately, "please, please..." he slid his hand inside your shirt, touching you in need, he groped your breasts. He burried his head into your mounds, licking and sucking your nipples making you groan.
His moans got even louder, his movement got even rougher, almost like a wild animal. He threw his head back, screaming your name as he came inside his sweats. You felt the wetness against your skin, making you laugh. He slumped his body against yours, panting.
You rubbed his back, calming him. After a while, you lightly pushed him off you, making him face you. You smiled at his flushed appearance, his face glowing as he smiled shyly at you. You pushed his hair back, away from his forehead, wiping off his sweat, "didn't know you were a wild one."
He whined, pout appearing on his lips. You chuckled, placing a tender kiss on his forehead.
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A/N: i wanted this to be a oneshot but here we are: new series yay
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